Gutenberg Story
Gutenberg Story
Gutenberg Story
While Gutenberg was growing up a new way of making books came into use, which was a great deal better
than copying by hand. It was what is called block-printing. The printer first cut a block of hard wood the
size of the page that he was going to print. Then he cut out every word of the written page upon the smooth
face of his block. This had to be very carefully done. When it was finished the printer had to cut away the
wood from the sides of every letter. This left the letters raised, as the letters are in books now printed for
the blind. The block was now ready to be used. The letters were inked, paper was laid upon them and
pressed down. With blocks the printer could make copies of a book a great deal faster than a man could
write them by hand. But the making of the blocks took a long time, and each block would print only one
Gutenberg enjoyed reading the manuscripts and block books that his parents and their wealthy friends
had; and he often said it was a pity that only rich people could own books. Finally he determined to
contrive some easy and quick way of printing. Gutenberg did a great deal of his work in secret, for he
thought it was much better that his neighbors should know nothing of what he was doing. He looked for a
workshop where no one would be likely to find him. Gutenberg was now living in Strasburg, and there was
in that city a ruined old building where, long before his time, a number of monks had lived. There was one
room of the building which needed only a little repairing to make it fit to be used. So Gutenberg got the
right to repair that room and use it as his workshop.
All his neighbors wondered what became of him when he left home in the early morning, and where he
had been when they saw him coming back late in the twilight. Gutenberg did not care much what people
had to say, and in his quiet room he patiently tried one experiment after another, often feeling very sad
and discouraged day after day because his experiments did not succeed. At last the time came when he had
no money left.
First of all it is thought that he made types of hard wood. Each type was a little block with a single letter at
one end. Such types were a great deal better than block letters. The block letters were fixed. They could not
be taken out of the words of which they were parts. The new types were movable so they could be set up to
print one page, then taken apart and set up again and again to print any number of pages. But type made
of wood did not always print the letters clearly and distinctly, so Gutenberg gave up wood types and tried
metal types. This worked much better, and Gutenberg was progressing well toward the completion of the
first book ever printed by movable type: the Bible in Latin.
Gutenberg Loses His Business
Fust, however, was losing patience. He quarreled with Gutenberg and said that he was doing nothing but spending
money. At last he brought suit against him in the court, and the judge decided in favor of Fust. So everything in
the world that Gutenberg had, even the tools with which he worked, came into Fust's possession.
Soon a Latin Bible was printed. It was in two volumes, each of which had three hundred pages, while each of the
pages had forty-two lines. The letters were sharp and clear. They had been printed from movable types of metal.
The news that books were being printed in Mainz went all over Europe. Before Gutenberg died, printing-presses
like his were at work making books in all the great cities of the continent.
If an entire Gutenberg Bible should become available on the world market, it would likely fetch an estimated 100
million dollars! Even an individual leaf (a single two-sided page) from the original Gutenberg Bible can fetch
around $100,000. Gutenberg’s work is the most rare and valuable printed material in the world.