Growth and Prospects of Odisha Tourism: An Empirical Study: Dr. Suratha Kumar Das
Growth and Prospects of Odisha Tourism: An Empirical Study: Dr. Suratha Kumar Das
Growth and Prospects of Odisha Tourism: An Empirical Study: Dr. Suratha Kumar Das
Odisha, a maritime State, on the east coast of entertainment and other areas. It is the hospitality
India, is bounded by West Bengal and Jharkhand sector, which binds together a lot of other
on the North, Andhra Pradesh on the South, the employment generating sectors through backward
Bay of Bengal on the East and Chattisgarh on the and forward linkages. Tourism is a highly labour-
West. Its location is between 17°49‘N to intensive business. It not only creates direct
22°34‘N latitudes and 81°27’E to 87°29’E employment but also creates opportunities for
longitudes. The State ranks eleventh in terms of indirect employment. About 92,206 persons are
total population and ninth in terms of total area. It directly engaged and 276,618 persons are
has a total coastal length and perpetually washed indirectly engaged in this sector in Odisha. The
by the blue waters of the Bay of Bengal. The state ratio of indirect jobs to direct jobs is
is endowed with a vast reserve of mineral and approximately 3:1 in Odisha. The State has
other natural resources like : river, fountain, several sources and triggers for attracting tourists.
mountain, hills, forest, abhayaranya, pilgrims, There are sites that are abound in natural beauty.
historical places etc. The state has worldwide There are also places like Puri that attract a large
unique recognition for its works of Appliqué, number of devotees to the abode of Lord
Metal Crafts, Silver Filigree, Patta Chitra, Pipili Jagannath. There is considerable scope for
Chandua, Sambalpuri Bastralaya as well as high religious and recreational tourism. However,
attraction both in domestic and international Odisha’s full potential for tourism is yet to be
markets for its exquisite Art and Crafts. The state realized. The following identified tourists places
like Odisha offers immense tourism delight and are shown on the table No.1.
pleasure to the visitors owing to its rich and varied
topography, vibrant culture and captivating Table No: 01 Showing Identified tourist
festivities. There are 321 Identified Tourists places in Odisha
Centre in Odisha as on May 2012. Out of it 20 Districts No. of tourist places
tourists centre in four districts are selected as study
areas for the present study. Anugul 13
Balangir 08
The tourism sector has a potential to
generate high employment growth through a mix Balesore 21
of activities of hotels, transport, shopping, food, Bargarh 09
Odisha Review September - 2013
September - 2013 Odisha Review
Odisha Review September - 2013
development of the rural farmers as well as villages. — To analyze the performance of the tourism
Odisha is enriched with enormous potentialities of industry
tourism like: eco-tourism, rural tourism and agri- — To review the origin and growth of tourism
tourism. Day by day more and more tourists are industry in Odisha since pre-independence
attracted to come Odisha to witness and inculcate period.
especially tribal culture, car festivals/ratha yatra,
Konark sculpture, historical importance of Dhauli, — To review the problems and hindrances of
Odishi dance, Chilika and other local festivals that the tourism industry in Odisha and
strengthen our state economy as well as national — To suggest concrete measures for the
economy by inflow of foreign currency. Hence growth of tourism industry in odisha
Government and private players are ought to play
all out possible efforts and initiatives to tourism
sector in Odisha. On this backdrops it is interesting The secondary data are used in analysing
to make a empirical study on tourism sector in the the present study. The data were collected from
state of Odisha. various reports and records of office the Tourism
Department, Government of India, Odisha
Tourism Development Corporation (OTDC),
The present study attempts to analyse the department of Tourism, Govt. of Odisha, internet
growth and prospects of tourism industry in etc. The various journals and books are also
Odisha. The specific objectives of the study are: referred in the present study. The collective data
are analysed with help of suitable statistical
techniques like percentage, ratios and chart.
Table No: 02 showing Tourists visits in odisha
Year Domestic %Change Foreign %Change Total %Change
2002-03 34,29,027 8.4 23,488 6.9 34,52,515 8.4
2003-04 38,05,968 11.0 25,556 8.8 38,31,524 11.0
2004-05 43,26,002 13.7 30,300 18.6 43,56,302 13.7
2005-06 46,95,647 8.5 35,731 17.9 47,31,378 8.6
2006-07 53,77,123 14.5 39,407 10.3 54,16,530 14.4
2007-08 62,10,586 15.5 43,311 9.9 62,53,897 15.4
2008-09 64,82,213 4.37 42,303 -2.32 65,24,516 4.32
2009-10 71,04,079 9.59 47,105 11.35 71,51,184 9.6
2010-11 77,70,741 9.38 53,212 12.96 78,23,953 9.4
2011-12 84,72,208 9.03 62,816 18.05 85,35,024 9.09
Source: statistical bulletin-2012 (Odisha tourism)
September - 2013 Odisha Review
Odisha Review September - 2013
2007-08 3,088.21 106.93 3,195.14 Chart No : 03 reflect that tourism sector has
significant contribution to strengthen the state
2008-09 3,254.65 135.46 3,390.11
economy. This chart shows that revenue from
2009-10 3,566.89 150.83 3,717.72 domestic and foreign tourists have increased
constantly during the period 2007-12.
2010-11 3,901.61 170.39 4,072.00
September - 2013 Odisha Review
Table No: 05 showing Year Wise Plan Outlay and Expenditure For 11 th Plan Period
(Rs. in lakh)
Year Name of the Scheme
Odisha Review September - 2013
The chart No: 04 shows that state and Similarly, there are district-level festivals like the
central government has made very good provision Parab in Koraput and Mahotsava in Sambalpur.
outlay for the promotion and development of While these are official festivals, interest groups
101-Tourist Centres, 102-Tourist such as industry subgroups and civil society
Accommodation, 104-Promotion & Publicity, organizations also organize festivals such as beach
103-Tourist Transport etc. The outlay provision festivals at Puri, Gopalpur and Chandipur.
for the said purposes is constantly rising except
Development of Shamuka Beach
The Shamuka Beach Project at Puri is in
GOVERNMENT INTERVENTION progress. Targeted towards high-end tourists, it
is spread over 2,000 acres of land of which, 972
The Government of Odisha has been
acres of land have already been acquired in the
given high priority to the development and
first phase. Development work is already in
promotion of tourism as well as the hotel industry
progress. The State Government released Rs.3.30
sector in Odisha. During the 10th Five Year Plan,
crore during 2010-11 to CESU and OPTCL for
the State spent public funds of Rs.38.45 crore
electrification of the Samuka Project.
on this sector. In the first four years of the 11th
September - 2013 Odisha Review
Odisha Review September - 2013
4. Dev of Nandankanan – Khandagiri- 9.83 — Peace Park & Amphi theatre at Dhauli
Deras-Chandaka — Development of Gopalpur - on - Sea.
5. Dev of Khurda – Barunei- Atri- 72.51 — Development of Chilika Lake as a tourist destination
Kaipadar- Odagaon- Buguda of Odisha.
6. Dev of Barhampura-Nuagarh-Kuadol- 122 .07 — Development of Similipal in the district of
Nandini-Jhanjibandha Mayurbhanj.
7. Dev of Sambalpur-Hirakud-Dhama- 179.26 — Integrated Buddhist Circuit-Ratnagiri-Lalitagiri-
Pradhanpat-Khandadhar Langudi-Udayagiri.
— Development of Sakhigopal.
8. Vedavyas-Pitamahal-Khinda- 73.92
— Development of Taptapani.
— Integrated Development Dhauli-Puri-Konark-
9. Dev of Jagatsinghpur under 79.36
Circuit Development.
— Odisha Tourism Portal
10. Dev of Barbati- Paramhansa- 39.99 — Guide Training Programme
Nemala-Naraj-Charchika-Choudwar — Hospitality related Training programme
11. Study of Demand & Supply Employ- 103.80 — Recognition to Excursion Agencies, Approval of
ment generation in Tourism Sector Hotels & Hotel Projects
12. Dev of Jajpur-Chandikhol-Olasuni- — Completion of Ongoing Projects, Safety & Security
Gangi-Mahavinayak-Chhatiaunder of Tourists
13. Dev of Rambha-Taratarini-Hinjilikatu- 55.50
Bhanjanagar-Potagarh- Rusikulya CONCLUSIONS
River Tourism forms a significant aspect of the
14. Dev of Bargarh-Sambalpur-Ghan- 25.00 service sector which contributes largely to the
Jharsuguda Indian economic development. Odisha tourism
15. Dev of Sanghagara-Ghatagaon- 25.00 industry is growing rapidly more than the
Keonjhar-Sitabinj-Gundicha preceding years. The scope of tourism has varied
ghaiunder branches very often depending upon the purpose
16. Dev of Subvash Bose Memorial & 0.01 and circumstances under which the activity is being
Swarajya Ashram at Cuttack
taken up. Now the unique tourism arteries that
17. Development of Destination 0.01
Tourism Pipili. have gained momentum are health tourism
18. Development of Sonepur-Boudh 0.01 (medical tourism), religious tourism, sports
under Destination Scheme. New tourism, educational tourism, agri tourism etc.
Projects to be sanctioned by GoI. With proper government incubation, tourism
Total 1000.00 sectors are gaining more and more importance
Grand total 4000.00 due its employment, rural development and
Highlights the Government Activities : for profitability etc. The present growth rate of
Promotion of Tourism tourism sectors can be sustained and it is also
— Publications and publicity material have a value addition and can accelerate further
— Media Management Agency & Event Managers growth. Hence it is concluded that the growth and
— Advertisements (Print Media, Electronic Media): prospect of Odisha tourism is bright.
— Website, Toll -free Number: Audio Visual: Fairs,
Festivals & Events
— Festivals Organized at Tourism Places Dr. Suratha Kumar Das, Lecturer in Commerce,
— Rural Tourism, Raghurajpur Department of Commerce, Sri Jayadev College of
— Destination Development, Puri Education & Technology, Naharakanta, Bhubaneswar.