G&H Physiology Chapter 2 Summary
G&H Physiology Chapter 2 Summary
G&H Physiology Chapter 2 Summary
- different substances that make up the cell
- composed mainly of five basic substances: water, electrolytes, proteins, lipids, carbohydrates
- 70% to 85% of the cells
- include potassium, magnesium, phosphate, sulfate, bicarbonate, and smaller quantities of sodium,
chloride, and calcium
- provide inorganic chemicals for cellular reactions and are necessary for the operation of some cellular
control mechanisms
- most abundant substances in most cells
- 20% of the cell mass
- provide the cytoskeletons of cellular organelles such as cilia, nerve axons, the mitotic spindles of cells
undergoing mitosis, and a tangled mass of thin filamentous tubules that hold the parts of the cytoplasm
and nucleoplasm together in their respective compartments
Fibrillar Proteins
- are found outside the cell, especially in the collagen and elastin fibers of connective tissue, and
elsewhere, such as in blood vessel walls, tendons, and ligaments
- several types of substances that are grouped together because of their common property of being
soluble in fat solvents
Important Lipids (2% of the cell mass)
A. Phospholipids
B. Cholesterol
** both are insoluble in water and used to form the cell membrane and intracellular membrane barriers that
separate the different cell compartments
- neutral fats
- (in fat cells/adipocytes) often account for as much as 95% of the cell mass.
- the fat stored in these cells represents the body’s main storehouse of energy-giving nutrients that can
later be used to provide energy wherever it is needed in the body
- 1% of their total mass but increases to as much as 3% in muscle cells and, occasionally, to 6% in liver
- in the form of dissolved glucose is always present in the surrounding extracellular fluid so that it is
readily available to the cell
- insoluble polymer of glucose that can be depolymerized and used rapidly to supply the cell’s energy
Intracellular Organelles
- cell contains highly organized physical structures
Lipids in Membranes
- provide a barrier that impedes movement of water and water-soluble substances from one cell comp
- catalyze a multitude of different chemical reactions
Cell Membrane
- or plasma membrane
- envelops the cell and is a thin, pliable, elastic structure only 7.5 to 10 nanometers thick
- entirely of proteins and lipids
- 55% proteins, 25% phospholipids, 13% cholesterol, 4% other lipids, and 3% carbohydrates
Lipid Bilayer
- a thin, double-layered film of lipids (each layer only one molecule thick) that is continuous over the
entire cell surface.
- Interspersed in this lipid film are large globular proteins composed of:
A. Phospholipids (most abundant cell membrane lipids)
a. Hydrophilic (soluble in water; phosphate)
b. Hydrophobic (soluble in fats; fatty acid)
i. because the hydrophobic portions of the phospholipid molecules are repelled by water
but are mutually attracted to one another, they have a natural tendency to attach to one
another in the middle of the membrane
ii. the lipid layer in the middle of the membrane is impermeable to the usual water-soluble
substances, such as ions, glucose, and urea.
B. Sphingolipids
- sphingosine (amino alcohol) also have hydrophobic and hydrophilic groups and are present in
small amounts in the cell membranes, especially nerve cells.
a. Complex Sphingolipids
i. to serve several functions, including protection from harmful environmental factors,
signal transmission, and adhesion sites for extracellular proteins
C. Cholesterol
- are also lipids because their steroid nuclei are highly fat-soluble
- are dissolved in the bilayer of the membrane
- help determine the degree of permeability (or impermeability) of the bilayer to water-soluble
constituents of body fluids
- controls much of the fluidity of the membrane
- membrane proteins
2. Peripheral Proteins
- attached only to one surface of the membrane and do not penetrate all the way through
- are often attached to integral proteins
- function almost entirely as enzymes or as controllers of transport of substances through cell
membrane pores
Active Transport
- carrier proteins transport substances in the direction opposite to their electrochemical gradients for
Membrane Carbohydrates
- occur almost invariably in combination with proteins or lipids in the form of glycoproteins or glycolipids
- mainly carbohydrates bound to small protein cores—are loosely attached to the outer surface of the cell
- loose carbohydrate coat
- filled with small and large dispersed particles and organelles
- dispersed in the cytoplasm are neutral fat globules, glycogen granules, ribosomes, secretory vesicles,
and five essential organelles—the endoplasmic reticulum, the Golgi apparatus, mitochondria,
lysosomes, and peroxisomes.
- jelly-like fluid portion of the cytoplasm in which the particles are dispersed
- contains mainly dissolved proteins, electrolytes, and glucose
Endoplasmic Reticulum
- helps process molecules made by the cell and transports them to their specific destinations inside or
outside the cell
- walls are constructed of lipid bilayer membranes that contain large amounts of proteins, similar to the
cell membrane
- a network of tubular structures
Endoplasmic Matrix
- watery medium that is different from fluid in the cytosol outside the endoplasmic reticulum
- large numbers of minute granular particles
Rough Endoplasmic Reticulum
- particles are present
Golgi Apparatus
- has membranes similar to those of the smooth endoplasmic reticulum
- usually composed of four or more stacked layers of thin, flat, enclosed vesicles lying near one side of
the nucleus
- prominent in secretory cells, where it is located on the side of the cell from which secretory substances
are extruded
- functions in association with the endoplasmic reticulum
** substances entrapped in ER vesicles are transported from the endoplasmic reticulum to the Golgi apparatus
** transported substances are then processed in the Golgi apparatus to form lysosomes, secretory vesicles,
and other cytoplasmic components
- are vesicular organelles that form by breaking off from the Golgi apparatus; they then disperse
throughout the cytoplasm
- provide an intracellular digestive system that allows the cell to digest the following:
- damaged cellular structures
- food particles that have been ingested by the cell
- unwanted matter such as bacteria
- 250-750 nanometers in diameter
- surrounded by typical lipid bilayer membranes and are filled with large numbers of small granules, 5 to
8 nanometers in diameter, which are protein aggregates of as many as 40 different hydrolase
(digestive) enzymes
Hydrolytic Enzyme
- capable of splitting an organic compound into two or more parts by combining hydrogen from a water
molecule with one part of the compound and combining the hydroxyl portion of the water molecule with
the other part of the compound
- highly concentrated in lysosomes
- similar to lysosomes
- formed by self-replication
- contain oxidases rather than hydrolases
- capable of combining oxygen with hydrogen ions derived from different intracellular chemicals to form
hydrogen peroxide
Hydrogen Peroxide
- highly oxidizing substance and is used in association with catalase (oxidase enzyme present in large
quantities in peroxisomes) to oxidize many substances that might otherwise be poisonous to the cell
Secretory Vesicles
- formed by the ER–Golgi Apparatus system and are then released from the Golgi apparatus system into
the cytoplasm in the form of storage vesicles
- powerhouse of the cell
- present in all areas of each cell’s cytoplasm
- concentrated in those portions of the cell responsible for the major share of its energy metabolism
- varies in size and shape
- self-replicative
- composed mainly of two lipid bilayer– protein membranes:
- inner membrane
- outer membrane
- infoldings of the inner membrane form shelves and tubules which oxidative enzymes are attached
- provide a large surface area for chemical reactions to occur
- network of fibrillar proteins organized into filaments or tubules
- originate as precursor proteins synthesized by ribosomes in the cytoplasm
- precursor molecules then polymerize to form filaments
- provide rigid physical structures for certain parts of cells
- participates in cell divisions, allow cells to move, and provides a tracklike system that directs the
movement of organelles in the cells
- serve as conveyer belts for the intracellular transport of vesicles, granules, and organelles such as
- outer zone of the cytoplasm to form an elastic support for the cell membrane
Muscle Cells
- actin and myosine filaments are organized into a special contractile machine that is the basis for
muscle contraction
Intermediate Filaments
- generally strong ropelike filaments that often work together with microtubules, providing strength and
support for the fragile tubulin structures
- intermediate because of their average diameter; between that of narrower actin microfilaments and
wider myosin filaments found in muscle cells
- strong tubular structures
- a special type of stiff filament composed of polymerized tubulin molecules
- control center of the cell and sends messages to the cell to grow and mature, replicate, or die
- contains large quantities of DNA which comprises the genes
- determine the characteristics of the cell’s proteins, including the structural proteins, as well as the
intracellular enzymes that control cytoplasmic and nuclear activities
- control and promote cell reproduction
- genes reproduce to create two identical sets of genes; then the cell splits to form two daughter cells,
each of which receives one of the two sets of DNA genes
- chromatin material organizes in the form of highly structured chromosomes
Nuclear Membrane
- nuclear envelope
- two separate bilayer membranes
A. Outer Membrane
- continuous with the endoplasmic reticulum of the cell cytoplasm
B. Inner Membrane
- space between the two nuclear membranes is also continuous
- penetrated by several thousand nuclear pores
- nuclei of most cells contain one or more highly staining structures
- does not have a limiting membrane
- accumulation of RNA and proteins of the types found in ribosomes
- enlarges considerably when the cell is actively synthesizing proteins
a. smallest known virus
b. large virus
c. Rickettsia
d. Bacterium
e. nucleated cell
** The cell has a diameter about 1000 times that of the smallest virus and therefore a volume about 1 billion
times that of the smallest virus.
Nucleic Acid
- embedded in a coat of protein
- composed of the same basic nucleic acid constituents (DNA/RNA) found in mamallian cells and is
capable of reproducing itself under appropriate conditions
- control center for all cellular activities for reproduction of new cells generation after generation, with
each new cell having almost exactly the same structure as its progenitor
- simple movement through the membrane caused by the random motion of the molecules of the
- large particles enter the cell
A. Pinocytosis
- ingestion of minute particles that form vesicles of extracellular fluid and particulate constituents
inside the cell cytoplasm
- occurs continually in the cell membranes of most cells, but is especially rapid in some cells
- cell drinking
- most large macromolecules can enter cells
Coated Pits
- the outer surface of the cell where the receptors generally are concentrated in small pits
- a latticework of fibrillar protein on the inside of the cell membrane beneath the pits
A. Phagocytosis
- ingestion of large particles
- cell eating
- involves large particles rather than molecules
- initiated when a particle binds with receptors in the surface of the phagocyte
- intermediation of antibodies
- digest pinocytotic and phagocytotic foreign substances inside the cell
- can contain bactericidal agents that can kill phagocytized bacteria before they cause cellular damage
- agents:
a. lysozyme (dissolves the bacterial cell wall)
b. lysoferrin (binds iron and other substances before they can promote bacterial growth)
c. acid at a pH about 5.0 (activates the hydrolases and inactivates bacterial metabolic systems)
Digestive Vesicle
- formed inside the cell cytoplasm in which the vesicular hydrolases begin hydrolyzing proteins,
carbohydrates, lipids, and other substances in the vesicle
Residual Body
- what is left of the digestive vesicle
- represents indigestible substances
- residual body is finally excreted
- secretory vesicles first diffuse to the cell membrane and then fuse with it and empty their substances to
the exterior
- stimulated by entry of calcium ions into the cell
- if the damage is severe and the entire cell is digested
- the cell is completely removed, and a new cell of the same type is formed, ordinarily by mitotic
reproduction of an adjacent cell to take the place of the old one
- to eat oneself
- a housekeeping process whereby obsolete organelles and large protein aggregates are degraded and
- contributes to the routine turnover of cytoplasmic components
- key mechanism for tissue development, cell survival when nutrients are scarce, and maintenance of
- double-membraned structures where worn-out cell organelles are transferred to lysosomes which are
formed in the cytosol
Endoplasmic Reticulum
- products formed are then passed on to the Golgi apparatus where they are further processed before
being released into the cytoplasm
Rough ER
- characterized by large numbers of ribosomes attached to the outer surfaces of the endoplasmic
reticulum membrane
Protein Molecules
- synthesized within the structures of the ribosomes
A. Protein Synthesis
- extrude some of the synthesized protein molecules directly into the cytosol
- also extrude many more through the wall of the endoplasmic vesicles and tubules into the
endoplasmic matrix
B. Lipid Synthesis
- synthesizes phospholipids and cholesterol
- lipids are rapidly incorporated into the lipid bilayer of the endoplasmic reticulum, thus causing
the endoplasmic reticulum to grow more extensive
ER (or Transport) Vesicles
- small vesicles that break away from the smooth reticulum
- most of these vesicles then migrate rapidly to the Golgi apparatus
Other Functions:
- It provides the enzymes that control glycogen breakdown when glycogen is to be used for
- It provides a vast number of enzymes that are capable of detoxifying substances, such as
drugs, that might damage the cell. It achieves detoxification by processes such as coagulation,
oxidation, hydrolysis, and conjugation with glucuronic acid.
Transport Vesicles
- composed of small envelopes of smooth endoplasmic reticulum that continually break away and diffuse
to the deepest layer of the Golgi apparatus
- fuse with the Golgi apparatus and empty their contained substances into the vesicular spaces of the
Golgi apparatus
Secretory Vesicles
- vesicles formed by the Golgi Apparatus
- containing proteins that are secreted through the surface of the cell membrane
Calcium Ions
- interact with the vesicular membrane and cause its fusion with the cell membrane, followed by
exocytosis—opening of the membrane’s outer surface and extrusion of its contents outside the cell
Intracellular Vesicles
- formed by the Golgi Apparatus fuse with the cell membrane or with the membranes of intracellular
- fusion increases the expanse of these membranes and replenishes the membranes as they are used
** In summary, the membranous system of the endoplasmic reticulum and Golgi apparatus are highly
metabolic and capable of forming new intracellular structures and secretory substances to be extruded from
the cell.
** carbohydrates are converted into glucose by the digestive tract and liver before they reach the other cells of
the body
** proteins are converted into amino acids, and fats are converted into fatty acids
** they react chemically with oxygen under the influence of enzymes that control the reactions and channel the
energy released in the proper direction
** last two phosphate radicals are connected with the remainder of the molecule by high-energy phosphate
** high-energy bonds contains about 12,000 calories of energy per mole of ATP, which is many times greater
than the energy stored in the average chemical bond, thus giving rise to the term high-energy bond
** ATP releases its energy, a phosphoric acid radical is split away, and adenosine diphosphate (ADP) is formed
** released energy is used to energize many of the cell’s other functions, such as syntheses of substances and
muscular contraction
Energy Currency
- can be spent and reformed continually, having a turnover time of only a few minutes
- glucose is converted by enzymes in the cytoplasm into pyruvic acid
- about 95% of the cell’s ATP formation occurs in the mitochondria
Pyruvic Acid
- derived from carbohydrates, fatty acids from lipids, and amino acids from proteins is eventually
converted into the compound acetyl-coenzyme A (CoA) in the matrix of mitochondria ( Krebs Cycle)
- component parts: hydrogen atoms and carbon dioxide
- Carbon Dioxide: diffuses out of the mitochondria and eventually out of the cell; finally, it is excreted from
the body through the lungs
- Hydrogen Atoms: are highly reactive; they combine with oxygen that has also diffused into the
- releases a tremendous amount of energy, which is used by mitochondria to convert large amounts of
- complex, requiring the participation of many protein enzymes that are integral parts of mitochondrial
membranous shelves that protrude into the mitochondrial matrix
ATP Synthetase
- terminal event is the combination of hydrogen ions with oxygen to form water and the release of large
amounts of energy to globular proteins that protrude like knobs from the membranes of the
mitochondrial shelves
- the enzyme ATP synthetase uses the energy from the hydrogen ions to convert ADP to ATP
- newly formed ATP is transported out of the mitochondria into all parts of the cell cytoplasm and
nucleoplasm, where it energizes multiple cell functions
** In summary, ATP is readily available to release its energy rapidly wherever it is needed in the cell. To replace
ATP used by the cell, much slower chemical reactions break down carbohydrates, fats, and proteins and use
the energy derived from these processes to form new ATP. More than 95% of this ATP is formed in the
mitochondria, which is why the mitochondria are called the powerhouses of the cell.
1. Ameboid Locomotion
- a crawling-like movement of an entire cell in relation to its surroundings, such as the movement
of white blood cells through tissues
- begins with the protrusion of a pseudopodium from one end of the cell
- projects away from the cell body and partially secures itself in a new tissue area; then the
remainder of the cell is pulled toward the pseudopodium
- partially accounts for their relatively rapid spreading from one part of the body to another
- important initiator of ameboid locomotion
Chemotactic Substance
- any chemical substance that causes chemotaxis to occur
Positive Chemotaxis
- locomotion move toward the source of a chemotactic substance—that is, from an area of lower
concentration toward an area of higher concentration
Negative Chemotaxis
- cells move away from the source
2. Ciliary Movement
- a whiplike movement of cilia on the surfaces of cells
- occurs mainly in two places in the human body: on the surfaces of the respiratory airways and
on the inside surfaces of the uterine tubes (fallopian tubes) of the reproductive tract
1. Motile
- undergo a whiplike movement on the surfaces of cells
- occurs mainly in two places in the human body, on the surfaces of the respiratory
airways and on the inside surfaces of the uterine tubes (fallopian tubes) of the
reproductive tract
2. Nonmotile/Primary
Primary Cilia
- primary cilia generally occurs only as a single cilium on each cell