SocGen End of The Super Cycle 7-20-2011
SocGen End of The Super Cycle 7-20-2011
SocGen End of The Super Cycle 7-20-2011
FX Strategy
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The economic recovery that followed the credit crisis has an alluring quality - the hope that with the help of ludicrously low rates and a hefty dose of money-printing, we might actually have found the economic equivalent to the secret of eternal youth. Where we feared that the mad credit binge we had embarked upon in the years running up to 2008 might be followed by the mother and father of financial hangovers, lasting for many years, what we got was a reasonably robust rebound. Any potion promising eternal youth should come with a warning about side-effects. And in this instance, I dont just mean that sterling is so weak we are faced with spending the summer in the rain, and Switzerland a country I can no longer afford. You can see side-effects in the nearly $10trn in foreign exchange reserves that have been accumulated by banks desperate to prevent their currencies from appreciating against the dollar. You can see it in real estate bubbles in Hong Kong and Singapore and in an equity bubble in Brazil. Over the last few days another side-effect has been bothering me the accelerated lurch by financial markets between greed and fear. Weve got a new term for those two moods risk on and risk off. We put a chart in a recent Weekly of the volatility of the SG risk sentiment indicator, which has never been this high before. This has been bugging me because it brings to mind an image of a plate-spinner, spinning his plates faster and faster in an attempt to avoid an inevitable crash. The instability that gyrations in risk sentiment reflect is a function of the absurdly easy monetary policy that helped the US and G7 economies avoid a far deeper recession. And because the cure that promised to extend the economic cycle ad infintum is itself the cause of mounting instability, it seems increasingly clear it contains the seeds of the next catastrophe. The hope that we can go on enjoying painless de-leveraging and an extended upswing, is looking increasingly far-fetched. Risk appetite is becoming increasingly unstable
0.8 0.7 0.6 0.5 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.1 Aug-04 5% 6% 7% 8% 9% 10% 11% 12% 13% Aug-06 Aug-08 SG risk sentiment indicator, 3m avg (lhs) 3 month stdev of daily changes (rhs, reversed) Aug-10
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A magic trick
When the whole credit edifice came crashing down, taking Bear Stearns and Lehman to the scrapheap, RBS and Lloyds to the Treasury, it seemed inevitable that the super-cycle, and the great moderation, were over for good. We all prepared for the Great Recession and the even greater de-leveraging. A future with lower leverage, and more regulation was inevitable.
19 July 2011
Then, as if by magic, along came a wizard who would not have looked out of place at Hogwarts. Fed Chairman Ben Bernanke gave us even more negative real rates, supplemented by explosive growth in central bank balance sheets, and debt was simply transferred from the private to the public sector. The recession was severe, but much less awful than our worst fears. The super-cycle was back in business.
postdeThe post-crisis de-leveraging hasnt even started....
And now
My stock response to questions about the long-term cycle nowadays is that I dont know if this is the last cycle in the super-cycle, or the second-last, or the third-last and so on. I have started to believe in the economic equivalent of eternal youth. The market consequences were that as long as the US ran lower rates and more QE than anyone else, and as long as the developed economies saw growth hampered by de-leveraging while those in EM saw growth boosted by importing low US rates, we should expect asset bubbles to grow in emerging economies, the dollar to fall against any currency which was allowed to appreciate against it, and global FX reserves climb to unimaginable levels. We should also expect equity markets in general to do much better than might seem sensible from a simple look at underlying G7 economic growth. The price of all this is increased instability in financial markets. There are almost USD 10trn in global currency reserves now. Reserve mangers have become the biggest players in FX markets and sovereign wealth funds own everything from banks to football teams. Credit is too cheap but heavily rationed. Germany can borrow at rates which are out of line with a strong economy. Greece cant borrow at all. The cost of a mortgage has gone up, while the cost of funding to a single-A corporate has collapsed. Investment grade companies are hoarding unprecedented amounts of cash, because they can, while we argue whether countries in Europe are facing a liquidity crisis or a solvency crisis (both). And we have even invented a new term for the way markets lurch from despair to delight as they focus either on cheap money or the scale of the debt burden we still havent managed to get to grips with Risk on, risk off.
19 July 2011
19 July 2011
Head of Emerging Markets Strategy Anne Benot Anne (44) 20 7676 7622
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19 July 2011