Doctors Residence Design Brief
Doctors Residence Design Brief
Doctors Residence Design Brief
[AAR 207]
Architectural Design - I
3rd Semester
Ar. L V V R Santhosh
AAR-107_Architectural Design-I 1
Major Design Problem:- Doctor’s Residence
Minor Design/Time Problem:- Doctor’s Clinic
Viva voce
Final external Viva-Voce on all the design
assignments done in the semester
Note: At least one major design exercise and one
minor design/time problems should be given. The
Course Objectives:
submission shall necessarily include a model for at
To understand the importance of functional least one of the problems.
relationships of spaces for different user groups.
To understand on the formulation of design
concept. Course Outcomes:
To understand the basic climatic data and its Understanding on the Concept evolution and design
application in Design. approach.
To formulate the design by considering the
The design issues to be addressed: proximity and activity analysis.
Formulations of concept.
Analysis of space proximity studies with the help
of Proximity charts Reference:
Design methodology through bubble diagram. 1. Time savers standards, Neufert’s Architects
data, National Building Code
Application of anthropometrics in space planning.
2. All books and journals on architecture
Interior volumes and space articulation through
different sources.
Integration of form and function.
AAR-107_Architectural Design-I 2
AAR-107_Architectural Design-I 3
Aesthetics, Volume, Connectivity, Choice of Classification of spaces in residences:
materials, technology Main areas of a home:
Adopted, Privacy so far and understand the 1. Living – playing, entertaining, reading,
importance of functional relationships of spaces writing
and Activity with basic climatic data consideration 2. Sleeping – bedrooms (adults, kids, bathrooms)
and its application in Design.
3. Working – Kitchen, laundry, storage and
One must be able to pass from one area to the other
without going through the third. Hallways, stairs
To study, analyses and design a user friendly
and doors connect these spaces. The areas should
/aesthetically appealing Residence for a
proceed from public to more private upon entering
the main entrance.
Providing with all facilities for the
residential building , it includes portico,
Desktop study:
dining and drawing rooms, kitchen, store rooms
, bed rooms , guest room, staircase with The more we study the more we learn. And thus
passage, path and toilets etc., starting any building design it is necessary to
identify the requirements, feasibility, problems
and even the solutions. Case studies help to
To learn about the design of residential
building. clarify the project and provide the guideline for
To understand the importance of social and the design as well as the counterpart for design
climatic aspects application on architectural problems.
design. Desktop study -XXXXXXXXXXXX
To have an exposure to design procedures.
To use this as a platform for learning the
mutual method of calculation used in
computations, analysis and design.
AAR-107_Architectural Design-I 4
Requirements: S.No Requirement (functional No. Area (m2)
The below listing is the spatial requirement of spaces)
the project. Beside these requirements there are 1. Entrance porch
data if required
AAR-107_Architectural Design-I 5
1 Minor design 30
2 Major design 70
3 External Jury 80
4 Attendance 20
AAR-107_Architectural Design-I 6