FTW Address 220607
FTW Address 220607
FTW Address 220607
This purpose of this task is to make sure that the address and location shown for a business on
Bing will allow users to successfully reach the business.
Business Details and Search Tool
You will see the business details that are being evaluated on the left side of the screen when
you load a hit.
Your task is to first check whether the provided entity with the original address represents a
valid, open entity.
You can use this search tool in the hitapp to find web resources to aid your judgment. This tool
allows you to select the Name and Address attributes and perform a search on Google or Bing
to find an official website or social site from the business. In this example, a website is provided
in the current business details, and you can use the “site” checkbox to perform a search
exclusively on this domain. This can be helpful for complex websites with multiple sections, but
you can also just click the URL to explore the page and find the information yourself. You will
usually be able to find the address on the footer of the home page, or in the following sections:
contact us, about us, or the store locator. If a functional website is not provided, you will have
to find a web resource to use, but there are restrictions:
Bad Resources (DO NOT USE) Good Resources
• Business listings on Google or Bing • Official website (“business name”.com)
• Unofficial aggregator pages (manta.com, • Official free hosting site with activity
localbest.com, etc.) from the business in the past 365 days
• Unofficial or outdated Facebook pages (“business name”.weebly.com)
(posts are only user comments, or over • Official Facebook page with recent
365 days old from the business) posts from the business (365 days)
The website must show a name and address that match the provided business details. The
general principle is that so long as the addresses refer to the same location, they are a match,
though you may encounter some peculiar situations in the many different countries you can
encounter here.
If you’ve found no evidence that the provided entity details match an entity that is currently
open, you should mark all address components and the location as Unable To Verify. But if you
do have a good resource for the entity, you will select all the values that match the provided
entity and submit the hit. Though please make sure to check for any possible improvements
that are possible for the existing address.
Address Improvements
Existing Option Improved Form
1836 Westlake Ave N, 1836 Westlake Ave N Ste If a business address has a suite number,
Seattle, WA 98109 302, Seattle, WA 98109 it should be included.
1836 Westlake Ave 1836 Westlake Ave N Ste If a business address features a cardinal
Ste 302, Seattle, WA 302, Seattle, WA 98109 direction, this is also something we want
98109 to see included in the address.
1836 Westlake Ave 1836 Westlake Ave N Ste If an existing business address had the
Ste 302, Seattle, WA 302, Seattle, WA 98109 wrong postal code, we want to ensure
98108 that it gets corrected.
If any of these improvements are possible, you should select Values above are missing or
wrong and make the improvements to the address. If you are not able to find evidence that the
original business is open, you should investigate whether any of the alternate values that are
available represent an open business.
You will also provide separate judgments for the city, state/province, and postal code. If you
can find no evidence to support any of the suggested values as the new address, you can
attempt to see if the correct location is available from the good web resources.
Additional Tips
• Chain entities: Businesses like Starbucks have thousands of locations spread across a
single country. If you have a chain entity such as this, and the current business details
show an address that does not match an existing location, then there could be dozens of
valid choices that you could make for the new address. Our interest is in cleaning up the
existing business details, and so we would not update to a different chain location, as
that is an entirely different entity. The problem with this business is not the address, it's
that it even exists in the first place. This problem will be handled in a different hitapp. If
the suggestion doesn't make any improvement to the existing business details because
they refer to a business that does not appear to exist, please mark this as Unable to
• Service area businesses: There are some businesses that provide a service and their
websites only indicate a city or region where the service is provided. These businesses
will sometimes be listed with the home address of the person running the business, but
they typically do not want customers to show up at their home. Please select I verified
value should be empty for these businesses when they do not provide an address. But if
they do provide an address on the website or official social profile, you should use it.
• Departments: Make sure to pay attention to any department indicated in the name,
particularly for universities and hospitals, since these departments typically have their
own unique suite number.
Map Location
After you have judged the correct address, you will have to make sure it is correctly placed on
the map. If you could not find good web evidence for the business and selected Unable to
Verify for the address components, select Unable To Verify for the location as well.
Otherwise, the following section will let you know what you need to do to identify and select
the correct location.
Using the Tools
Click on ‘Markers’ (1, 2, or Judge Marker) to center the map over that marker. Press the + (or
ctrl + scroll up) to zoom in. Press button ‘Zoom to fit’ at the lower left to show all markers.
Manually input a lat/long in the ‘Location’ field to reposition the Judge Marker, or use the
mouse to move the Judge Marker which then updates the ‘Location’ field. Click the radio
buttons under ‘Selection’ to choose one of those options. Change views from Aerial to Road,
Bird’s eye, or Streetside, or drop into Streetside directly by clicking the light blue track (seen on
W Grand Ave below). Expand or collapse the map beneath Streetside using the up/down
button. Exit Streetside by pressing the x at upper right. Use the Bing.com or Google.com links,
or press the Bing Maps logo in the lower left to open the map at the current location.
Pin Placement
To choose a valid pin or set a good pin, you need to know 1) what makes a good pin and 2) how
to verify it.
Putnam Village Shopping Center,
Hurricane, WV, 25526
(304) 757-4365
Street Images
You can find street images using 1) Embedded Streetside Tool From Bing Maps, 2) External Bing
Maps Streetside ↗, 3) External Google Maps Street View ↗, and 4) Panorama/全景 at Baidu
Maps/百度地图 https://map.baidu.com/ ↗.
Other Good Resources to Verify Pin. Zillow (USA). Also if street blocks are numbered by a
regular pattern, you can consider proof that the given building number would fall on a certain
The business storefront or address extent will determine the valid pin area. If the business can
be linked to the location, consider the name and the address to set the pin. If you could not
find good web evidence for the business and selected Unable to Verify for the address
components, select Unable To Verify for the location as well.