Sum of Premium Calculation
Sum of Premium Calculation
Sum of Premium Calculation
It is a commonly acknowledged phenomenon that there are countless risks in every sphere of life. For property, there are fire risks; for shipment of goods, there are perils of sea; for human life, there are risks of death or disability; and so on. The chances of occurrences of the events causing losses are quite uncertain because these may or may not take place. In other words, our life and property are not safe and there is always a risk of losing it. A simple way to cover this risk of loss money-wise is to get life and property insured. In this business, people facing common risks come together and make their small contributions to the common fund. While it may not be possible to tell in advance, which person will suffer the losses, it is possible to work out how many persons on an average out of the group may suffer the losses. When risk occurs, the loss is made good out of the common fund. In this way, each and every one shares the risk. In fact, insurance companies bear risk in return for a payment of premium, which is calculated on the likelihood of loss. In this lesson, you will learn Insurance, its various kinds, premium calculation, calculation of paid up/surrender value etc in details.
After studying this lesson, you will be able to :
l l l l
l l l l
define insurance and its significance; define various kinds of insurance-General Insurance, Life Insurance; explain the scope of insurance; define various schemes (Group Insurance scheme, Retirement scheme etc.) and policies of insurances; calculate premiums of various types of insurance; calculate the age of life to be assured; calculate actual premium; and calculate paid up/surrender value keeping policy inforce.
Insurance OPTIONAL - II
Mathematics for Commerce, Economics and Business
Insurance OPTIONAL - II Example 39.1 In a village, there are 1000 houses. Each house is valued at Rs.30,000 on an Mathematics for average. If 10 houses get burnt every year, calculate the total loss per year. Calculate how Commerce, Economics much money each house owner should contribute per year to compensate total loss caused by and Business fire. Solution : Total loss per year = Rs.30000 10 = Rs.300000 Required contribution from each house owner = Rs.
300000 = Rs. 300 1000
All the 1000 house owners should agree to contribute a sum of Rs. 300 each at the beginning of the year and create a fund. This will be enough to pay a compensation of Rs. 30,000 to each of the 10 house owners whose house are burnt by fire. This way the risk of loss of 10 house owners is spread over a group of 1000 house owners.
Example 39.2
In a town, there are 10,000 persons who are all aged 50 years and are
enjoying normal health. It is expected that 20 persons may die during the year. If the economic value of the loss suffered by the family of each dying person were taken to be Rs. 50,000, calculate the total loss. How much money each person should contribute to compensate the total loss? Solution: Total loss workout to be = Rs. 50000 20 = Rs. 1000000
1000000 = Rs . 100 10000 This amount is enough to pay Rs. 50,000 to the family of each of the 20 dying persons. Thus, the risk of 20 persons are shared by 10,000 persons.
Insurance OPTIONAL - II
Mathematics for Commerce, Economics and Business
Insurance occupies an important place in the modern world because the risk, which can be insured, have increased in number and extent owing to the growing complexity of the present day economic system. It plays a vital role in the life of every citizen and has developed on an enormous scale leading to the evolution of many different types of insurance. In fact, now a day almost any risk can be made the subject matter of contract of insurance. The different types of Notes insurance have come about by practice within insurance companies, and by the influence of legislation controlling the transacting of insurance business. Broadly, insurance may be classified into the following categories: (1) Classification on the basis of nature of insurance (a) Life Insurance (b) Fire Insurance (c) Marine Insurance (d) Social Insurance (e) Miscellaneous Insurance (2) Classification from business point of view: (a) Life Insurance (b) General Insurance (3) Classification from risk point of view: (a) Personal Insurance (b) Property Insurance (c) Liability Insurance (d) Fidelity Guarantee Insurance However, in the present lesson we will discuss insurance in business point of view, personnel insurance and property insurance.
Insurance OPTIONAL - II
Mathematics for The risk of death is covered under insurance scheme but not under ordinary savings plans. In Commerce, Economics case of death, insurance pays full sum assured, which would be several times larger than the and Business total of the premiums paid. Under ordinary savings plans, only accumulated amount is payable.
It Encourages Compulsory Saving After taking insurance, if the premium is not paid, the policy lapses. Therefore, the insured is forced to go on paying premium. In other words it is compulsory. A savings deposit can be withdrawn very easily. Easy Settlement and Protection against Creditors Once nomination or assignment is made, a claim under life insurance can be settled in a simple way. Under M.W.P. Act, the policy moneys become a kind of trust, which cannot be taken away, even by the creditors. It helps to Achieve the Purpose of the Life Assured If a lump sum amount is received in the hands of anybody, it is quite likely that the amount might be spent unwisely or in a speculative way. To overcome this risk, the life assured can provide that the claim amount be given in instalments. Peace of Mind The knowledge that insurance exists to meet the financial consequences of certain risks provides a form of peace of mind. This is important for private individuals when they insure their car, house, possessions and so on, but it is also vital importance in industry and commerce. Loss Control Insurance is primarily concerned with the financial consequences of losses, but it would be fair to say that insurers have more than a passing interest in loss control. It could be argued that insurers have no real interest in the complete control of loss, because this would inevitably lead to an end to their business. Social Benefits The fact that the owner of a business has the funds available to receiver from a loss provides the
Insurance OPTIONAL - II
Mathematics for Commerce, Economics and Business
stimulus to business activity we noted earlier. It also means that jobs may not be lost and goods or services can still be sold. The social benefit of this is that people keep their jobs, their sources of income are maintained and they can continue to contribute to the national economy. Investment of Funds Insurance companies have at their disposal large amounts of money. This arises from the fact that there is a gap between the receipt of a premium and the payment of a claim. A premium could be paid in January and a claim may not occur until December, if it occurs at all. The Notes insurer has this money and can invest it. Invisible Earnings We have already said that insurance allows people and organizations to spread risk among them. In the same way, we can also say that countries spread risk. A great deal of insurance is transacted in the UK in respect of property and liabilities incurred overseas. London is still very much the centre of world insurance and large volumes of premium flow into London every year; these are described as invisible earnings. Insurance Facilitates Liquidity If a policyholder is not in a position to pay the premium, he can surrender the policy for a cash sum. Loan Facility and Tax Relief The person can also take a loan for a temporary period to tide over the difficulty. Sometimes, a life insurance policy is acceptable as security for a commercial loan. By paying the insurance premium, the insured obtains significant reliefs in Income Tax and Wealth Tax.
Insurance the nominee. This type of policy is called the whole life policy. OPTIONAL - II Mathematics for 2. Endowment Policy Commerce, Economics In some policies premium is paid for a fixed time period and the amount of the policy is paid and Business to the insured after this time period. The date on which the amount of a policy becomes due is called the date of maturity and the time period for which the insurance is taken is called Endowment Term. In case, the insured dies before the date of maturity, the payment of premium is stopped Notes immediately and the nominee gets the amount of the policy. Such a policy is called the Endowment Insurance Policy. There are many policies under both these categories. Some of the most popular ones are Jeevan Dhara, Jeevan Mitra, Jeevan Sarita, Money Back Policy, Jeevan Kishore etc. Some of the policies are said to be with profits and some without profits. The policy-holders (i.e. insured) who have a policy with profits share the profits of the LIC. The LIC pays a part of its profits called bonus (as a percentage of the amount of the policy) to such policy holders. The policy holders who have policies without profits are not paid this bonus. The premium in case of policies with profits, is generally higher than the premium of policies without profits. 3. Group Savings Linked Insurance Scheme (GIS) This insurance scheme is offered to a group of salaried employees of State/Central Government Undertakings. The scheme is also available to reputed limited companies subject to certain conditions being satisfied. Rate of premium is much lower in group insurance as compared to LIC. The employees are grouped into categories based on their designations.Maximum risk cover available under the scheme is given in the follow: Group Size Category Maximum Cover 50-99 A Rs. 80,000 B Rs. 60,000 C Rs. 40,000 D Rs. 20,000 100 and above A Rs. 1,20,000 B Rs. 90,000 C Rs. 60,000 D Rs. 30,000 The monthly premium paid towards GIS is Rs. 10 for an insurance cover of Rs. 10,000 where in Rs. 10 covers insurance premium and savings both. The savings is 65% and insurance premium is 35% of the amount paid towards the GIS i.e. out of Rs. 10, Rs. 6.50 is the savings and Rs. 3.50 is the insurance premium of the individual. Compound interest at a fixed rate of 8% is paid on the savings in GIS. In case of death of the individual during service, the nominee gets both the full Insurance money and the savings with interest.
Insurance OPTIONAL - II
Mathematics for Commerce, Economics and Business
In this lesson, we will now learn how to calculate the premium using the Tables (See Annexure-A) in the life insurance policies. The tables give the premium for an insurance of Rs. 1000 at a particular age.
If a person was born 22 years 8 months earlier. Then (1) (2) (3) Age nearer to the birthday is 23 Age on next birthday is 23 Age as on last birthday is 22
If a person is 22 years 5 months 29 days then the age nearer birthday will be 22 years and if the age is 22 years 5 months 30 days the age nearer birthday will be 23 years. We will explain this with the help of the following examples: (1) If a person is born on 1/1/1980, then on 1/8/2000 he is 20 years 7 months and 1 day old therefore: (a) his age nearer to his birthday (b) his age as per last birthday (c) his age as per next birthday 21 years. 20 years. 21 years.
(2) If a person is born on 1/1/1980, then on 11/4/2000 he is 20 years 3 months and 11 days old therefore: (a) his age nearer to his birthday (b) his age as per last birthday (c) his age as per next birthday 20 years. 20 years. 21 years.
Insurance A grace period of 30 is allowed sometimes to make payment of premium in case of OPTIONAL - II Mathematics for yearly, half yearly or quarterly payment and upto 15 days grace period is allowed in Commerce, Economics case of monthly payment of premium. and Business After calculating the age, the premium will be calculated as follows: (1) Tabular premium for the age concerned (2) Loading proposal for reason of health and/or physical impairments. Extras on adverse health features or adverse Medical report e.g. Blood pressure, sugar, diabetic, smokers, Notes etc. (3) Extra for occupation : There are extra premium on hazardous or extra-hazardous occupations e.g. Aviation and defence, mining and other occupational risks. (4) Extra for accident benefits (if asked and if allowed): To get additional benefit on account of accidental death, the extra premium is to be paid for Double Accident Benefit (DAB) and Extended Permanent Disability Benefit (EPDB). (5) Extra for premium waiver benefit: If a person becomes disabled then he will not be able to pay the premium because he may not be able to earn because of his disability. Therefore, the company waives off the premium on payment of additionalpremium. (6) Mode of Payment: Adjustment are made for different mode of payment as per details given below: Mode 1. 2. 3. 4. Yearly Half-Yearly For Quarterly mode and Monthly mode under Salary Saving Scheme (SSS) Rebates 3% of Tabular premium 1.5% of Tabular premium No Rebate : No loading
For Ordinary Monthly mode except Salary Loading of 5% on Tabular Premium Saving Scheme for monthly payment
(7) Rebate for large sum assured : Adjustments are also made for higher sum assured. For every new policy there are certain: l fixed costs which are uniform for all policies irrespective of sum assured, for example, cost of policy preparation or postal expenses for mailing the policy document. l variable costs depending on the sum assured; for example stamp duty on the policy document or medical examiners fee. When the sum assured is large, fixed costs get reduced per thousand sum assured resulting into savings to the insurer. Insurer shares these savings with the policy holders by offering rebate in tabular premium for large sum assured. The reduction in premium for large sum assured ranges from Rs. 1 to Rs. 8 per thousand varying from company to company and the type of product.
Insurance OPTIONAL - II
Mathematics for Commerce, Economics and Business
a policy, while calculating the premium, an extra amount of Re 1 per thousand per annum is added to the tabular premium. Rounding off If the paise portion of the premium is 0.50 or less, it is rounded off to the lower rupee and if it is more than 0.50, it is rounded off to the next higher rupee. The different insurers follow different rates but the oldest Insurance Company in India, i.e. LIC follows the following discounts structure: Notes Rebates assumed for large Sum Assured: Sum Assured Rebates Sum Assured Rebates 1. Upto Rs. 24,999 No Rebate 2. From Rs. 25,000 to Rs. 49,999 @ Re 1 per thousand sum assured 3. From Rs. 50,000 and above @ Rs. 2 per thousand sum assured Extra Premium to be charged for grant of @ Rs. 1 per thousand of sum assured Double Accident Benefit (DAB) and Extended Permanent Disability Benefit (EPDB) Where the premiums are payable on half yearly basis, there is saving in administrative expenses compared to quarterly mode. In half yearly or yearly mode the insurer issues less number of notices and fewer collection receipts and consequential accounting entries would also be less. This would result in saving in administrative cost. Moreover the insurer can earn more interest. While for monthly payment the extra premium is to be charged to cover up additional administrative expenses. In short we can say: Lesser number of installment of premium : Higher amount but more discount More number of installment of premium : Lower Amount but less discount Premium Amount=Sum Assured Premium Rate/1000 Let us now take some examples on calculation of premium, using the tables, and the rates of rebate etc. given above. Example 39.3 (i) A person at the age of 25 years takes a insurance policy of sum assured Rs. 50,000 for 30 years term. Calculate premium for yearly payment assuming the following details: Tabular Premium/1000 Rs. 40 Rebate for large Sum assured Rs. 2 per 1000 Rebate for yearly payment 3% Solution : Premium Calculation Rs. Tabular Premium/1000 40.00 Less Rebate for large Sum Assured 2.00 Less Rebate for yearly payment (3% of Rs. 40) 1.20 Total = 36.80
Insurance OPTIONAL - II Yearly Premium = Rs. 36.80 50000/1000 = Rs. 1840 Mathematics for (ii) A person at the age of 25 years takes a insurance policy of sum assured Rs. 50,000 for 30 Commerce, Economics years term. Calculate premium for half-yearly payment assuming the following details: and Business Tabular Premium/1000 Rs. 40 Rebate for large Sum assured Rs. 2 per 1000 Rebate for half-yearly payment 1.5% Solution : Notes Premium Calculation Rs. Tabular Premium/1000 40.00 Less Rebate for large Sum Assured 2.00 Less Rebate for half-yearly payment (1.5% of Rs. 40) 0.60 Total = 37.40 Premium = Rs. 37.40 50000/1000 = Rs. 1870 Half-yearly Installment Rs. 1870/2 = Rs. 935 (iii) A person at the age of 25 years takes a insurance policy of sum assured Rs. 50,000 for 30 years term. Calculate premium for quarterly payment assuming the following details: Tabular Premium/1000 Rs. 40 Rebate for large Sum assured Rs. 2 per 1000 Rebate for quarterly payment NIL Solution: Premium Calculation Rs. Tabular Premium /1000 40.00 Less Rebate for large Sum Assured 2.00 Total = 38.00 Premium = Rs. 38.00 50000/1000 = Rs. 1900 Quarterly Installment Rs. 1900/4 = Rs. 475 (iv) A person at the age of 25 years takes a insurance policy of sum assured Rs. 50,000 for 30 years term. Calculate premium for monthly payment assuming the following details: Tabular Premium/1000 Rs. 40 Rebate for large Sum assured Rs. 2 per 1000 Extra premium for monthly payment 5% of tabular premium Solution: Premium Calculation Rs. Tabular Premium /1000 40.00 Less Rebate for large Sum Assured 2.00 Add for Monthly Mode 5% on Rs. 40 +2.00 Total = 40.00 Premium = Rs. 40.00 50000/1000 = Rs. 2000
Insurance OPTIONAL - II
Mathematics for Commerce, Economics and Business
Monthly premium = Rs. 2000/12 = Rs. 167 (rounded off ) From the above examples you must have observed that if the number of installments are more then the yearly premium will be more and if the number of installments are less then the yearly premium will be less. No. of Installments Each Installment Y early Premium (Rs.) (Rs.) Yearly 1 1840 1840 Notes Half Yearly 2 935 1870 Quarterly 4 475 1900 Monthly 12 167 2000 Note : The rebates and loading are always calculated on the basic tabular premium. Example 39.4 A man at the age of 24 years takes a whole life policy (without profits) for Rs.14000. He gets a rebate of 3% if he pays the premium annually. Find the amount of premium he has to pay if he chooses to pay the premium annually. Solution : The tabular rate of premium = Rs.12.60 (See table 1of Annexure- A, in the row of 24 years) Rebate for mode of payment = 3% of Rs. 12.60 = Rs. 0.38 = Rs. (12.60 0.38) Premium to be paid/1000 = Rs. 12.22 This is because there is no other adjustment or rebate. Rs. 12.22 is to be paid for a policy of Rs. 1000
Premium for a policy of Rs. 14000 =
= =
Example 39.5 Sohan takes a whole life policy (without profits) at the age of 28 years for Rs. 40000. If the tabular premium for half yearly premium is Rs. 20.30 ,find the amount for half yearly premium which Sohan has to pay. Solution : Tabular premium = Rs. 20.30 Mode of payment = Half yearly = 1.5% of Rs. 20.30 Rebate for mode of payment = Rs. 0.30 = Rs. (20.30 0.30) Balance = Rs. 20 Rebate for large sum assured = Rs. 1.00
Insurance (because the sum assured is between Rs. 25000 and Rs. 49999) = Rs. (20 1) = Rs. 19 per thousand Annual Premium to be paid
Annual premium to be paid
Mathematics for Commerce, Economics and Business
= =
Rs. 760
760 Rs. = Rs. 380 2
Thus, Sohan has to pay Rs. 380 every half-yearly towards his premium. Example 39.6 Calculate the annual premium for a whole life policy (with profits) for Rs. 85,000 taken at the age of 40 years, assuming that the mode of payment is half yearly, and the policy covers the risk of accident. Solution : Tabular Annual premium(See table -2) = Rs. 37.00 Rebate for mode of payment = 1.5% of Rs 37 = Rs 0.55 = Rs. 36.45 Balance is Rs. (37 0.55) Adjustment for sum assured = Rs. 2.00 = Rs. (36.45 2.00) Annual premium per Rs. 1000 = Rs. 34.45 Money to be paid towards accident benefit per Rs. 1000 = Re 1 = Rs. 35.45 Annual premium per Rs. 1000
Annual premium to be paid
= =
Rs. 3013.25
3013.25 Rs. = Rs. 1506.62 2
= Rs. 1507 (after rounded off) Thus, premium to be paid half yearly is Rs. 1507 Example 39.7 Calculate the premium for an Endowment Insurance Policy (with profits) for Rs 50,000 taken at the age of 30 years for a term of 35 years. Assume that the mode of payment is monthly under the salary saving scheme (SSS) and the policy also covers the risk of accident. Solution: You have to see table 4 of Annexure-A to find the annual tabular premium. Annual tabular premium per thousand = Rs. 30.40 Rebate for sum assured = Rs. 2 Rebate for monthly payment = Nil
Insurance OPTIONAL - II
Mathematics for Payment for accident benefit Commerce, Economics and Business Annual premium payable per thousand
= = = = = =
1470 Rs. = Rs. 122.5 12 = Rs. 122 (rounded off) Thus, the monthly premium payable is Rs. 122.
Monthly premium
Example 39.8 Calculate the annual premium for an Endowment insurance policy (with profits) of Rs. 40000 taken at the age of 25 years for a term of 20 years, premium paid annually and the policy is without accident benefits. Solution : Tabular Premium = Rs. 50.80 Rebate for mode of payment = 3% of Rs. 50.80 = Rs. 1.52 Balance = Rs. 49.28 Rebate for sum assured = Re. 1 Annual premium per thousand = Rs. 48.28 Total premium to be paid Thus, the annual premium payable is Rs. 1931. Example 39.9 Jitender is 30 years old and wants to purchase an Endowment insurance policy (with profits) for Rs. 90000 for a term of 25 years. Find the premium he has to pay if he pays premium half yearly and the policy is with accident benefits. Solution : Tabular annual premium = Rs. 41.05 Rebate for the mode of payment = 1.5% of Rs. 41.05 = Rs. 0.62 = Rs. 40.43 Balance Rebate for sum assured = Rs. 2 per thousand = Rs. 38.43 Balance to be paid per thousand Amounts towards accident benefit = Re 1 per thousand = Rs. 39.43 Annual premium to be paid per thousand Annual premium to be paid by Jitender Half-yearly premium
= =
Insurance Thus, Jitender has to pay Rs. 1774 as premium half yearly. OPTIONAL - II
Mathematics for Commerce, Economics and Business
2. 3.
A man at the age of 30 years takes a whole life Policy (without profits) for Rs. 24,000. The rates of annual tabular premium being Rs. 14.95 per thousand. The corporation allows a rebate of 3% of the tabular premium if the premium is paid annually. Find the premium if it Notes is paid annually. Madhu at the age of 35 years takes a whole life policy (without profits) for Rs. 48,000 Find the amount of premium Madhu has to pay, if she chooses to pay premium half yearly. A man at the age of 26 years purchases a whole life policy (with profits) for Rs.95,000. Calculate premium, assuming that the policy covers the risk of accident and is paid half yearly. Calculate premium for a policy of Rs. 1,00,000 endowment insurance (with profits), if a man aged 29 years wants it for a term of 25 years. Assume that the man pays through salary saving scheme and the policy also covers the risk of accident. Renuka takes an Endowment policy (with profits) for Rs. 2,00,000 for 25 years at the age of 35 years. Calculate the premium she has to pay annually if she wants to cover the risk of accident also.
Insurance OPTIONAL - II
Mathematics for Commerce, Economics and Business
facilitate settlement of claims that may arise before the next valuation is completed and avoid reopening of all these cases at a later date. 3.Terminal Bonus This benefit is payable on policies which are in force for the full sum assured for a minimum period of 15 years before resulting into claim by death or maturity. This bonus is in addition to the reversionary or interim bonus, if any. Terminal Bonus is not payable for paid up policies, surrendered, or discounted policies. The bonus is always paid on Sum Assured.
Surrender Value (SV) = Paid-up Value Surrender Value Factor /100 The Surrender Value factor depends upon the following : Rate of interest earned by the Insurer. l The payment made in advance for number of years. The table showing the Surrender Value Factor is given in Annexure-'B'. To illustrate the paid up and surrender value the examples are given below:
Example 39.10 A person at the age of 35 years takes an insurance policy for a term of 20 years on 01-04-1990 for Rs. 1,00,000. The last premium paid is on 01-04-2001 Calculate the paid-up value and surrender value given that the Surrender Value Factor is 60% and mode of payment is (a) yearly (b) half yearly (c) quarterly (d) monthly. Solution: (a) If mode of payment is yearly: Number of instalments paid = (1/4/2001 1/4/90) + 1 =12 (Because the instalment on 1/4/90 is also paid) Total instalments payable = 20 Paid up value
= Rs.
Insurance Surrender value (b) Number of instalments paid = Rs. 60,000 60% = Rs. 36,000 = (1/4/2001 1/4/90) 2 + 1 =23 OPTIONAL - II
Mathematics for Commerce, Economics and Business
If mode of payment is half-yearly: (Multiplied by 2 because of half-yearly mode and added 1 because the instalment on 1/4/90 is also paid) Total instalments payable Paid up value Surrender value = 20 2 = 40
23 1,00,000 = Rs. 57,500 = Rs. 40
(Multiplied by 4 because of quarterly mode and added 1 because the instalment on 1/4/90 is also paid) Total instalments payable Paid up value Surrender value (d) If mode of payment is monthly: Number of instalments paid = (1/4/2001 1/4/90) 12 + 1 = 133 (Multiplied by 12 because of monthly mode and added 1 because the instalment on 1/4/90 is also paid) Total instalments payable Paid up value Surrender value = 20 12= 240 = Rs.
133 1,00,000 = Rs. 55,416 240
= 20 4 = 80 = Rs.
45 1,00,000 = Rs. 56,250 80
Insurance OPTIONAL - II
Mathematics for Commerce, Economics and Business
Example 39.11 A person at the age of 30 years takes a endowment policy on 14-06-1989 for Rs. 25,000 for 25 years term. Calculate the paid-up value if the last premium paid is on 14.06.1997 and the mode of payment is quarterly. Solution: Policy in force up to : = 14/06/1997 Total number of premiums paid = (14/6/1997 14/6/89) 4 + 1 = 33 Total number of premiums payable
(Term number of premiums in a year depending on mode) = 25 4 = 100 Paid-up value = Rs. (33 25000)/100 = Rs. 8250 Example 39.12 In Example 39.11, what will be the paid-up value if the consolidated Reversionary Bonus declared by the insurer from March, 1990 to March, 1996 is Rs. 410 per thousand S.A. bonus declared for the year ending March 1997 is @ Rs. 70 per thousand. Solution: Paid-up value (as derived from Example 39.11) = Rs.8,250 Total paid-up value = PV + Bonuses Bonus for valuations 3/1990 to 3/1996 = Rs. (410 25) = Rs. 10250 (@ Rs. 410 per thousand sum assured) Bonus for valuation of 3/1997 @ Rs. 70 per thousand = Rs. (70 25) = Rs. 1750 Total PV (including bonus) = = Rs. ( 8250 + 10250 + 1750 ) Rs. 20250
Insurance (c) Surgical Operation means manual and/or operative procedures for correction of OPTIONAL - II Mathematics for deformities and defects, repair of injuries, diagnosis and cure of diseases, relief of suffering Commerce, Economics and prolongation of life. and Business Expenses on Hospitalization for minimum period of 24 hours are admissible. However, this time limit is not applied to specific treatment i.e. Dialysis, Chemotherapy, Radiotherapy, Eye-Surgery, Lithotripsy (Kidney stone removal), Tonsillectomy, Dog bite, D&C taken in the Hospital/Nursing Home and the insured is discharged on the same day, the treatment will be considered to be taken under Hospitalization Benefit. Notes
39.14.1 Pre-Hospitalization
Relevant medical expenses incurred during period upto 30 days prior to hospitalization on disease/injury sustained will be considered as part of claim.
39.14.2 Post-Hospitalization
Relevant medical expenses incurred during period upto 60 days after hospitalization on disease/ illness/injury sustained will be considered as part of claim.
Insurance OPTIONAL - II
Mathematics for Commerce, Economics and Business
Spouse Dependent Children (i.e. legitimate or legally adopted children) Dependent parents
Solution : From the given table, the annual premium = Rs. 4458
12 ] = Rs.534.96 Rs.535 100 Total amount to be paid = Rs.(4458 + 535) = Rs. 4993
Example 39.14 John wants to take a Mediclaim Insurance Policy for self, his wife and daughter for Rs.2 lakhs for self, 2.05 lakhs for his wife and 1.95 lakhs for his daughter. Their ages are 63
Insurance years, 55 years and 25 years respectively. 10% discount on the premium is allowed for family OPTIONAL - II Mathematics for insurance. If 10% service charge is levied on the net premium, calculate the total amount to paid Commerce, Economics for the Mediclaim Insurance of the family consulting the following and Business premium table:
Sum Insured Amount of liability (Overall Liabilities for Domiciliary in Rs.) Hospitalization 195000 200000 205000 34250 35000 35500 Upto 35 years 2414 2469 2518 36-45 years 2624 2683 2736 46-55 years 3811 3900 3982 56-65 years 4354 4458 4555 66-70 years 4892 5010 5120 71-75 years 5340 5471 5595 76-80 years 6918 7097 7269
Solution :
Premium for self = Rs.4458 Premium for wife = Rs. 3982 Premium for daughter = Rs.2414 Total Premium = Rs.10854 Discount (10%) = Rs.1085.40 Rs. 1085 Net Premium Service Charge Total Amount to be paid = Rs.(10854 1085) = Rs. 9769 = Rs. 976.9 Rs. 977 = Rs. [9769 + 977] = Rs. 10746.
Insurance OPTIONAL - II
Mathematics for Commerce, Economics and Business
(i) Act Insurance or the Third party Insurance : This is compulsory for all vehicles under the Motor Vehicle Act. If a vehicle is insured under Act Insurance only, then the damage caused to another person or his property (Including Vehicle) is payable by the company in case of an accident i.e. the person who suffers the loss is compensated and not the insured. The insured doesnt get any compensation. The rates of annual premium at present are: (a) Rs. 160 for cars;(b) Rs. 40 for two-wheeler scooters; (c) Rs. 30 for Mopeds Notes (ii) Comprehensive Insurance : Under this scheme, the person whose vehicle is assured also gets compensation, in addition to the money paid to the third party. Thus, the insured also gets a cover for the damage or loss suffered by him (or her) or his/her vehicle. No Claim Bonus: If no claim is made during the year of comprehensive insurance, the company allows a rebate to the insured (i.e. owner of the vehicle) in the premium to be paid in the successive year. The rate of rebate continues to increase year after year if no claim is made on the policy. This is called No Claim Bonus. Note: No Claim Bonus is not given on Act Insurance. The present rates of No Claim Bonus are as under Y ear Car Scooter First Year 15% 15% Second Year 30% 25% Third Year 45% 30% Fourth Year 60% 40% Fifth Year and after 60% 60% Thus, the maximum No Claim Bonus for cars is 60% after 4 consecutive years of not claiming the policy and for two wheelers it is 60% after 5 consecutive years of not claiming the policy. No Claim Bonus is a sort of reward for not claiming any damages by the insured and not for the vehicle. Thus, an insured who manages his (or her) car without any claim for 5 years, pay only 40% of the basic premium. (3) Goods in transit insurance : When goods are sent from one place to another, there is a possibility of loss/damage occurring in transit due to accident, strike, riots etc. The mode of transit could be road, rail, sea or air. To cover such risk, there are many policies with different rates of premium. Difference between Life Insurance and General Insurance Life Insurance General Insurance 1.Amount assured becomes payable on Actual financial loss suffered death or maturity. becomes payable subject to the limit of sum assured. 2.It is for whole life or for a specified period Usually for a period of one year 3.It promotes savings alongwith financial protection. It provides financial protection only. We will now take some examples.
Insurance OPTIONAL - II Example 39.15 A man insured his house for Rs. 4,20,000 against fire and other calamities at Mathematics for the rate of 1% premium. What annual premium he has to pay? Commerce, Economics and Business Solution : Value of the house = Rs. 420000 Rate of premium = Rs. 10 per thousand Annual premium = = =
420000 10 Rs. 1000
Example 39.16 If a car costs Rs. 2,20,000, then what will be the comprehensive insurance of the car if the tabular premium charged is Rs. 4113 for Rs. 1,30,000 and 2.95% of the excess amount and the act insurance is Rs. 160. Solution : Tabular premium = Rs. 4113 Excess amount = Rs. (2,20,000 1,30,000) = Rs. 90,000 The premium on excess amount Premium = Rs. (4113 + 2655) Act Insurance Premium to be paid = = = = =
2.95 Rs. 90000 = Rs. 2655 100
Thus, premium to be paid = Rs. 6928 Note : If the owner of the car is allowed No Claim Bonus, it will be calculated on Rs. 6768 and then Act insurance will be added. Example 39.17 The comprehensive insurance charges for a two-wheeler scooter costing Rs. 42000 are Rs. 432. If a no claim bonus @ 30% is allowed and the Act Insurance is Rs. 40, find the premium to be paid for the renewal of the policy next year. Solution : Tabular Premium = Rs. 432 No Claim Bonus = 30% of Rs. 432 = = = Act Insurance = Premium to be paid = = Thus, the premium to be paid is Rs. 342.
Rs. (432 129.6) Rs. 302.40 Rs. 40 Rs. (302.40 + 40) Rs. 342.40 = Rs. 342
Insurance OPTIONAL - II
Mathematics for Commerce, Economics and Business
Example 39.18 A man is transferred from Delhi to Mumbai and he wants to insure his house hold goods against accident, riots and other perils. The present rate of insurance is 95 paise per hundred rupees. If he insures his household goods for Rs. 90,000 what premium the man will pay for his transit insurance? Solution : Present rate 95 paise per hundred i.e. Rs. 9.5 per thousand Total Premium for transit = Rs. 90 9.5 = Rs . 855
Example 39.19 The owner of the car is entitled for no claim bonus of 60% after 4 years. If the owner purchases a new car after 4 years for Rs. 2,25,000 what premium the owner will pay for his comprehensive insurance? The tabular value for Rs. 1,30,000 is Rs. 4113 + 2.95% of the excess amount if amount (cost) is more than Rs. 130000. Solution : Tabular premium for Rs. 1,30,000 = Rs.4113 For extra 95,000 premium = 2.95% of 95,000 = Rs. 2802.5 Rs. 2802 Premium for Rs. 2,25,000 = Rs.( 4113 + 2802) = Rs. 6915
60 6915 = Rs . 4149 No claim bonus = 60% of Rs. 6915 = Rs . 100
Balance = R s . ( 6 9 1 5 4 1 4 9 ) = R s . 2 7 6 6 Adding Act Insurance (Third party) = Rs. 160 Total annual premium = Rs. (2766 + 160 ) = Rs. 2926 Thus, premium to be paid is Rs. 2926.
2. 3.
Insurance pay in getting the insurance renewed over getting a new Act Insurance Policy? (Tabular value of premium = Rs. 4113 for Rs. 130000 and excess @ 2.95%, Maximum No Claim Bonus = 60% of the premium and Act Insurances is Rs. 160). OPTIONAL - II
Mathematics for Commerce, Economics and Business
Insurance is an agreement or a contract between the insured and the Insurance Company (Insurer). By paying the insurance premium,the insured obtains significant relief in income tax and wealth tax. Adjustments are made for different mode of payments as per details given below: Mode Rebates 1. Yearly 3% of Tabular premium 2. Half-Yearly 1.5% of Tabular premium 3. For quarterly mode and monthly mode No Rebate : No loading under Salary Saving Scheme (SSS) 4. For ordinary monthly mode except Salary Loading of 5% on Tabular Premium Saving Scheme for monthly payment Rebates assumed for large sum assured are as follows: Rebates No Rebate @ Re 1 per thousand sum assured @ Rs. 2 per thousand sum assured @ Re. 1 per thousand sum assured
Sum Assured 1. Upto Rs. 24,999 2. From Rs. 25,000 to Rs. 49,999 3. From Rs. 50,000 and above Extra Premium to be charged for grant of Double Accident Benefit (DAB) and Extended Permanent Disability Benefit (EPDB)
Paid Up Value(PV) =
Number of Instalments Paid Sum Assured + Bonus (if any) Total No. of Instalments Payable
l l
Surrender Value (SV) = Paid-up ValueSurrender Value Factor /100 The rates of "No claim Bonus" are given below: Y ear Car First Year 15% Second Year 30% Third Year 45% Fourth Year 60% Fifth Year and after 60% Scooter 15% 25% 30% 40% 60%
Insurance OPTIONAL - II
Mathematics for Commerce, Economics and Business
l l l l
1. Reena takes a whole life policy (without profits) at the age of 30 years for Rs. 50,000. If a rebate of 3% is allowed for mode of payment and Rs. 2 per thousand for the sum assured, find the annual premium she has to pay. 2. Rashmi takes a whole life policy with risk coverage at the age of 35 years for Rs. 2,00,000. Find the annual premium that she has to pay if a rebate of 3% of tabular premium for the mode of payment and Rs. 2 per thousand for the sum assured are allowed. 3. Ram Prasad takes an Endowment policy (without profits) for Rs. 4,00,000 at the age of 40 years for 10 years, which covers accident risk also. Find the premium he has to pay annually if 3% rebate is given for annual payment of premium. 4. Mr. Mohan Kumar insured his house for Rs. 2,80,000 against fire and other risks. If the rate of premium is 2%, per annum find the annual premium. 5. Nillu renewed her Comprehensive Insurance for her car costing Rs. 2,50,000 after having 2 years of accident free driving. If the rate of premium is Rs. 4773 for Rs. 150000 and 2.95% for the excess amount, find the premium she has to pay. 6. Sheetal takes a whole life policy (with profits) at the age of 40 for Rs. 2,00,000 and pays the premium annually. If a rebate of 3% is allowed for this mode of payment and Rs. 2 per thousand for the sum assured, find the annual premium she has to pay. 7. Rooma takes a whole life policy (without profits) at the age of 50 years for Rs. 3,00,000. Find the annual premium she has to pay if 3% rebate is allowed for this mode of payment and rebate @ Rs 2 per thousand is allowed for the sum assured, and the policy covers the risk of accident also (Re 1 per Rs 1000 to be paid towards premium for this benefit). 8. Garima takes an Endowment insurance policy (without profits) of Rs. 1,00,000 at the age of 22 years for a term of 25 years. Find the annual premium that she has to pay if the policy is with accident benefits. 9. Dr. Saurav wants to take a Mediclaim Insurance Policy for self, his wife and daughter for Rs.2.7 lakhs for self, 3.5 lakhs for his wife and 3 lakhs for his daughter. Their ages are 40 years, 38 years and 6 years respectively. 10% discount on the premium is allowed for family insurance. If 10% service charge is levied on the net premium, calculate the total amount to be paid for the Mediclaim Insurance of the family consulting the following premium table:
Sum Insured Amount of liability (Overall Liabilities for Domiciliary in Rs.) Hospitalization 270000 300000 350000 42000 45000 50000 Upto 35 years 3151 3444 3870 36-45 years 3425 3743 4207 46-55 years 5057 5553 6311 56-65 years 5809 6388 7283 66-70 years 6553 7214 8248 71-75 years 7207 7951 9122 76-80 years 9508 10542 12195
Insurance OPTIONAL - II
Mathematics for Commerce, Economics and Business
1. 4. 7. Rs. 625 Rs. 5600 Rs. 10,350 2. 5. 8. Rs. 5634 Rs. 4248 Rs. 2200 3. 6. 9. Rs. 32,736 Rs. 6778 Rs. 10,965