747390-The Artificers Handbook2.0
747390-The Artificers Handbook2.0
747390-The Artificers Handbook2.0
The latest iteration of the Artificer class includes ingredient may be a part of the creature, such as a
features that reduce cost of crafting certain objects hill giant’s toenail used to make a potion of hill
based on the specialist option you choose at 3rd giant strength, or the creature may merely
level. safeguard an object, such as a beholder guarding a
To optimize crafting, this reference guide has crystal you need to turn into a wand.
organized all magic items relevant to each The Magic Item Ingredients table suggests the
specialist option in the Dungeon Master’s Guide and challenge rating of a creature that the artificer
Xanathar’s Guide to Everything, along with the costs would face to acquire the materials to craft a magic
required to make these items with the efficiency of item.
the artificer. Also included are several optional
Magic Item Ingredients
rules to modify your crafting experience, including
Item Rarity CR Range
rules from the DMG and XGtE. Common 1-3
Optional Rules: Restrictions Uncommon
Below are two optional rules that place restrictions Very rare 13-18
on what sorts of items you can craft. Work with Legendary 19+
your DM to determine if either of these would This rule comes from page 128 of Xanathar’s
enhance the campaign. Guide to Everything as part of the “Crafting a Magic
Item” downtime activity. Though it restricts the
Level Limitations magic items you can make, it also encourages
Using this rule, your artificer level determines how adventuring to seek the ingredients you require,
rare of a magic item you can create. You can create which can lead to fun side quests, or being
any potion for which you meet the level resourceful and thinking about what you can make
requirement, as shown on the Level Limitations based on what you have recently fought.
table below.
Level Limitations Specialist Guides
Item Rarity Minimum Artificer Level Below you will find the relevant guides for both
Common 3rd artificer specialist options and their trades.
Uncommon 3rd
Rare 6th Xanathar’s Guide to Crafting
Very rare 11th The costs for crafting magic items used in this
Legendary 17th supplement can be found on page 129 of Xanathar’s
This rule and the table above come from the Guide to Everything. Other rules for the costs of
“Crafting a Magic Item” downtime activity, found in creating magic items can be found on page 129 of the
the DMG (p. 128). It creates a firm barrier between Dungeon Master’s Guide. Should you prefer those
each rarity to reflect your growth in the techniques rules, you may make your own quick reference guide
of crafting magic items. following the guidelines of those found in this
To make this rule less restrictive, you can choose supplement.
to make the minimum level be based on player
level, instead of artificer level. Alchemist
The alchemist excels at crafting potions, salves, and
The Search for Ingredients toxins. Their Tools of the Trade feature halves the
This rule involves a more story-based limitation. amount of gold required to craft magic potions, and
Using this rule, you must first acquire a special reduces the time needed to craft them down to a
component essential to the magic item you wish to quarter of the original time.
create, typically by facing a creature. The
Alchemist Crafting Guide Very Rare
The table below includes details relevant to Oil of sharpness (p. 184)
crafting potions. It is worth noting that while Tools Potion of cloud giant strength (p. 187)
of the Trade reduces the cost and time to make Potion of flying (p. 187)
these items, the rules for crafting magic items in Potion of invisibility (p. 188)
Xanathar’s Guide to Everything already halve these Potion of longevity (p. 188)
values for consumable items. This halving happens Potion of speed (p. 188)
before Tools of the Trade is applied. Potion of vitality (p. 188)
This supplement was written and formatted by
Griffin Porche.
The artificer class was designed by Jeremy
Crawford with Keith Baker, Mike Mearls, Ben
Petrisor, and James Wyatt, and published by
Wizards of the Coast in the article “The Artificer
Rules for crafting magic items were taken from
Xanathar’s Guide to Everything and the Dungeon
Master’s Guide modified by rules offered in “The
Artificer Revisited”.