English 9 LP Q2 WK4
English 9 LP Q2 WK4
English 9 LP Q2 WK4
Get information from various print media like brochures, pamphlets, periodicals,
and audio-video recordings. (EN9RC-IIb-19)
Shift from one listening strategy to another based on topic, purpose, and level of
difficulty of the argumentative or persuasive text. (EN9LC-IIa-11)
Motivation (4 minutes)
The teacher shows to the students a picture of Victorian Era and solicits some
idea about the life during that time.
Teacher Activity
The teacher…
o asks the students to proceed to the library and get information using
various print media like brochures, pamphlets, periodicals and etc. about
Victorian life.
o gives the students the guide question:
o What is life during Victorian Era?
o What did you discover about Ireland in the Victorian Era?
o asks the students to share individually their discoveries about Victorian life
like a feature reporter.
Student Activity
The students…
o proceed to the library and get information using various print media like
brochures, pamphlets, periodicals and etc. about Victorian life.
o answer the guide question:
o What is life during Victorian Era?
o What did you discover about Ireland in the Victorian Era?
o share individually their discoveries about Victorian life like a feature
o Criteria:
Victorian Information – 10 pts
Delivery/Clarity of Voice – 5 pts
Creativity of the Presentation – 5pts
Discussion (4 minutes)
o The teacher emphasizes that knowing the history or culture of an era,
particularly Victorian Era, will help us understand better the literary piece
that are produced during that period and also the people who lived in that
Integration (5 minutes)
o The students are led to the realization that in life, knowing one’s
background and personality, especially friends and family, will help us
understand them and love them despite their experiences in life.
Summary/Synthesis (4 minutes)
o The teacher asks students (volunteers) to give the summary of what they
have learned during the day’s lesson.
Purposive Assignment
Day 2
I. Introduction (Preliminary/Explore)
Opening Routines (4 minutes )
C - Cleanliness
O - Orderliness
P - Prayer
A - Attendance
Review (4 minutes)
The teacher reviews the students on the topic about Great Expectations.
Listening Strategies
Learning Targets
I can use different listening strategy based on topic, purpose or level of difficulty
of the listening text.
Motivation (4 minutes)
The teacher asks the students to listen to the short listening text and solicit idea
from the students on what they have listened to.
Teacher Activity
The teacher…
o asks the students to proceed to the library the speech laboratory and
prepares for a listening activity.
o asks the students to listen and identify also the strategy they have used
during the listening activity.
Student Activity
The students…
o proceed to the library the speech laboratory and prepare for a listening
o listen and identify also the strategy they have used during the listening
III. Integration (Broadening of Concept/Transfer)
Discussion (4 minutes)
o The teacher emphasizes that knowing the different listening strategies will
help a person comprehend well the message of the listening text. More so,
it can be an effective tool to have a successful communication.
Integration (5 minutes)
o The students are led to the realization that in life for example, when a
friend needs someone to talk to, listening and understanding is important.
It could be our way to help lessen the burden of the person we are
listening to.
Summary/Synthesis (4 minutes)
o The teacher asks students (volunteers) to give the summary of what they
have learned during the day’s lesson.
Purposive Assignment
Day 3
I. Introduction (Preliminary/Explore)
Opening Routines (4 minutes )
C - Cleanliness
O - Orderliness
P - Prayer
A - Attendance
Review (4 minutes)
The teacher reviews the students on the topic about Communicative Styles,
Great Expectations and Listening Strategies.
Closing Prayer
Day 4
I. Introduction (Preliminary/Explore)
Opening Routines (4 minutes )
C - Cleanliness
O - Orderliness
P - Prayer
A - Attendance
References/Instructional Materials
Illuminate: English for the Mind and Heart 9, 90 and 102
Power Point Presentation
Smart TV
Chat box
Online class: Zoom Meeting
Status of Implementation
_______________ Implemented
_______________ Partially Implemented
_______________ Not Implemented