Important Questions For CBSE Class 11 Biology Chapter 8
Important Questions For CBSE Class 11 Biology Chapter 8
Important Questions For CBSE Class 11 Biology Chapter 8
1 Mark
1. Define totipotency?
Ans.Each vegetative plant cell has the potential to grow into a whole plant. The ter
m totipotency refers to a plant's ability to reproduce itself.
Ans. In a cell, two organelles that contain their own DNA are mitochondria and the
Ans. Endoplasmic Reticulum (ER) is the one cell organelle present in the cytoplasm
that functions as the segregation apparatus.
And.The nucleolus is a structure within the cell nucleus that is responsible for ribo
some production and assembly.
Ans. Catalase and B- hydroxy oxidase are the enzymes present in the peroxisomes.
Ans. Rudolf Virchow gave the statement ‘Omnis cellula cellula’ which means new
cells are generated from the pre-existing ones.
Ans. Ribosomes aid in protein synthesis, which is why they are referred to as the
cell's engine.
9. What is mycoplasma?
Ans. Because the strands of each double chromosome joined together at the
centromere of metaphase chromosomes with two chromatids are clearly visible.
Ans. A filament, a hook, and a basal body make up the bacterial flagellum.
Ans. Oils and fats are stored in the elaioplasts, while proteins are stored in the
Ans. Anton Van Leeuwenhoek was the first to notice a live cell.
16. Who first explained that cell arose from pre-existing cells?
Ans. Rudolf Virchow was the first person who explained the pre-existence of the
Ans. 52% proteins and 40% lipids are found in the plasma membrane.
18. Eukaryotic ribosome are 80S. What does 'S' stand for.
Ans. In the 80S eukaryotic ribosome, the S stands for sedimentation coefficient.
Ans. The cytoskeleton provides mechanical support, motility, and cell shape
2 Marks
Ans. Clostridium tetani and Mycobacterium are the two gram-positive bacteria.
(iii) It creates a molecular barrier between the cell and its surroundings.
i) Gram stain marks the gram-positive i) These are not marked by the gram
bacteria. stain.
ii) They have a single-layered cell ii) Their cell wall is made up of two
wall that is 100-200 A0 thick. layers and measures 70-120 A0 thick.
Ans. Lysosomes are sac-like structures that contain numerous digesting enzymes
and are confined by a single membrane. When these enzymes are released from
lysosomes, they cause various cytoplasmic structures to break down. Suicidal sacks
of cells aid in the digestion of food particles, other foreign materials, and old worn-
out organelles of the cell, often resulting in cell death.
(b) They arrange the spindle and produce asters during cell division.
(d) The axial filament or axoneme of the sperm tail is formed by the distal centrioles
of sperms.
Ans. Active transport occurs when molecules move from an area of lower
concentration to a region of greater concentration, i.e., against a concentration
gradient. The energy is necessary for molecules or ions to travel in the opposite
direction. The pump is an enzyme that is thought to be a component of the membrane
and is responsible for pumping chemicals into or out of the cell.
Ans. Although both lysosomes and vacuoles are endomembranous structures, their
roles are distinct: -
i) Hydrolytic enzymes, such as lipase and protease, are found in lysosomes and may
digest lipids, proteins, nucleic acids, and carbohydrates.
(ii)Vacuoles are membrane-bound gaps that allow numerous ions and other materials
to travel against a concentration gradient.
Ans. The prominent cell concept was postulated by M. J. Schleiden and Theodore
Schwann, which states:
(ii) All living creatures have a structural and functional unit called the cell.
(iii) In living organisms, all metabolic processes occur within the cell.
Rudolf Virchow later amended the cell hypothesis, stating that "all new cells emerge
from pre-existing cells."
Ans. Aerobic respiration and the release of energy for cellular activity are closely
linked in double-membrane mitochondria. The biological oxidation of lipids and
carbohydrates releases a large quantity of energy, which mitochondria use to
synthesize ATP. When ATP molecules release the energy necessary for numerous
cell activities, they are referred to as the "Power House of the Cell."
(iv) It enables the movement of different substances into and out of the cell.
Ans. The major differences between SER and RER are as follows;
i) SER is made up of vesicles and i) RER has ribosomes on its outer
tubules and lacks ribosomes. surface and is made up of cisternal
ii) It produces hormones and lipids, ii) Due to the presence of ribosomes,
such as fat cells and liver lipid its primary function is protein
secretory cells. synthesis.
12. What are nuclear pores? State their functions? both directions between
nucleus & cytoplasm.
Ans. The difference between cell wall and cell membrane are as follows;
iii) The cell wall is tough and thick. iii) Extremely light and flexible.
14. Which organelle is responsible for increasing the surface area of absorption
in a cell? How?
Ans. The endoplasmic reticulum is in charge of expanding the surface area available
for absorption. It persists in the cytoplasm in the form of a network of convoluted
tubules. This increases the surface area of absorption while also providing more
space for chemical reactions.
Ans. Singer and Nicolson explain the plasma membrane as a fluid mosaic model.
The proteins and lipids are organized in a mosaic pattern. The matrix is a viscous
fluid composed of two layers of phospholipid molecules that contain two types of
globular proteins: peripheral or extrinsic proteins and integral or intrinsic proteins.
Enzymatic proteins that are located on the surface or close to the membrane can
migrate across the matrix and aid in the active and passive transport of ions across
the membrane.
Ans. The nuclear membrane has minute holes that are known as nuclear pores. They
allow RNA and proteins to flow between the nucleus and the cytoplasm.
Ans. The difference between an electron microscopic structure of cell flagella and a
centriole are;
ii) Each tubule has two tubules. ii) Each tubule is made up of three
Ans. (a) The clumped ribosomes in the cytoplasm are called polyribosomes or
(c) The stacks of thylakoids that are closely packed to each other are known as grana.
(d) The stalked particles of mitochondria on the inner membrane are Fe F particles.
3 Marks
Ans. The structures of cilia and flagella are basically the same. Eleven microtubules
make up each cilium or flagellum. There are two radii in which these microtubules
are organized. Nine of them are doublets. The remaining two are solitary
microtubules in the center and are located on the perimeter. To create an axial
filament, microtubules are encased in a cytoplasmic matrix. Two subunits make up
the outer tubules, which are 360 A0 in diameter. The smaller of these is the A- tubule,
which has two arms, and the smaller is the B- tubule.
vi) Organelles that are attached to the vi) The presence of a membrane-
membrane are missing. bound organelle.
vii) Ribosomes present are the 70s. vii) Ribosomes present are in 80s.
viii) Mucoptides make up the cell viii) In plant cells, the cell wall is
wall. composed of cellulose and
hemicellulose, as well as lignin which
is lacking in animal cells.
ix) The flagella in prokaryotes are ix) The flagella in eukaryotes are
basic. advanced.
Ans. G. Nicholson and S. Singer suggested the fluid mosaic model. Each
phospholipid layer is bimolecular, with the hydrophilic ends pointing to the top and
bottom, respectively. Proteins are divided into two categories: peripheral (extrinsic)
and integral (intrinsic). Strong hydrophilic or hydrophobic interactions, or both, hold
the integral proteins in place, making them difficult to remove from membranes.
This concept explains that the cell membrane is quasi fluid and made up of "protein
icebergs in a sea of lipids," as two peripheral proteins are superficially organized on
either side membrane selectively permeable.
(b) the membrane system, which is made up of closed flattened sacs known as
These thylakoids are clumped together and resemble heaps of coins. Grana is the
name given to these buildings. The arrangement can take the shape of simple parallel
sacs running longitudinally, or it can take the form of a complicated interconnected
network of sacs. In algae, starch granules in the chloroplasts usually congregate
around a specific area known as the pyrenoid.
i) Mitochondria is found in all i) Chloroplast is only found in plant
eukaryotic cells. cells.
ii) Pigments are not found in ii) Pigments are always found in
mitochondria but are always found in chloroplasts.
Ans. In multicellular organisms, all body cells do not execute all of life's essential
functions; instead, these cells specialize in certain areas, such as locomotion,
digesting, breathing, and waste disposal. Except for the purpose for which they are
specialized, these cells would do nothing else. Tissues are collections of comparable
cells that perform similar functions.
iii) No true nucleus is present. Instead, a iii) A true nucleus is present with
nucleoid is present. nucleoli and nuclear membrane.
iv) The size is smaller than a eukaryotic iv) The size is larger than the
cell. prokaryotic cell.