Contoh Draft Skripsi
Contoh Draft Skripsi
Contoh Draft Skripsi
1.1 Background
Vocabulary is ultimately expression having an extensive vocabulary will help to
express yourself clearly and communicate well with clarity, a linguistic vocabulary is
also identical to a thinking vocabulary meaning that you will be able to think concise
thoughts with precision. Although much of your vocabulary is built up throughout
childhood, it will certainly plateau once you leave education. In order to keep the
vocabulary in order and expand after this time it is advisable to read, play word games
or even set yourself goals to learn a new word each day.
Vocabulary plays an important role in composing a good sentence. Basically the
success of students in writing skills is wrong only one is influenced by the mastery of
vocabulary. For that mastery of vocabulary is an important capital that students must
have. By mastering vocabulary, students will be able to choose the right words and with
the grammar mastery of language that is owned by students will be very assist in
composing sentences in accordance with applicable rules, so that the reader will
understand the meaning of the reading and will also reduce it misunderstanding.
Books are our source of information that can open up our insights about various
things such as science both economic, social, cultural, political and other aspects of life.
The book also provides inspiration, mental stimulation, reduce stress, increase
vocabulary to improve memory quality. Seeing the importance of reading culture, it is
also understood to instill this culture from an early age. By teaching children early about
reading culture, it is expected that this habit will be carried out until the child is mature
and becomes a person of character and extensive knowledge. Frequent reading will
helps us add to our vocabulary. More and more new vocabulary that we know both from
Indonesian and other languages. A lot of vocabulary will also increase our ability and
confidence in expressing opinions, especially in public.
Based on the explanation above, the researcher conducted a study entitled:
“Influence Of Reading Interest On Increasing Vocabulary Mastery.”
Based on the description, there are several things that can influence the
high interest in reading among them is the percentage of attention to that
interest deepened, there is a strong urge to complete the task given by the
teacher in a timely manner, the amount of effort indicated for achieve
success that can be seen from the high initiative and curiosity like using
time to study in the library, a lot read books that support these interests, and
complete learning facilities to support interest in reading.
3. Measurement of Reading Interest
To measure interest in reading in this study, the assessment technique
using nontes techniques in the form of a questionnaire (questionnaire).
Arikunto (1997:24) explain the definition of the questionnaire is a list
consisting of several questions that must be filled in by the person to be
measured (respondent). With the questionnaire can be known about the
situation or personal data, experience, knowledge, attitudes or opinions of
respondents regarding everything related about interest in reading, and so
on. The questionnaire is the most appropriate and efficient measurement
medium. Efficiency more visible time when using this measuring medium
than using Interview.
The data of this research are collected through questionnaire and test.
The technique of data analysis, will be used here are content analysis and
statistical analysis.
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2 Wonosari. Skripsi S1. Yogyakarta: Program Pendidikan Bahasa Jerman FBS
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Mitra Cendikia Press.