years and is beyond question. However, the exact nature of the chemical effect on the degradation of the solid (cellu- lose or sucrose) or on the reactions in the flame can remain the source of profitable speculation for some time to come. A. BROIDO Pacific Southwest Forest and Range -0 Experiment Station, U.S. Department 0 of Agriculture, Forest Service, 60 Berkeley, California References and Notes 1. C. Thomae, Chem. Z. 43, 747 (1919). 2. References to the earliest recorded work on fireproofing may be found in J. E. Rams- bottom, The Fireproofing of Fabrics (H.M.S.O., London, 1947), and Rolf Schlegel, Untersuchungen ueber die Grundlagen des Feuerschutzes von Holz (Verlag Chemie, - 50 - 40 -30 -20 -10 0 '.10 l -'20 Berlin, 1934). 3. J. L. Gay-Lussac, Ann. chim. phys. 18, 211 (1821). 8 d8 (%/) 4. See, for example, C. A. Thomas and C. A. Fig. 1. Deuterium and oxygen-18 variations in rivers, lakes, rain, and snow, expressed Hochwalt, Ind. Eng. Chem. 20, 575 (1928); as per millage enrichments relative to "standard mean ocean water" (SMOW). Points H. D. Tyner, ibid. 33, 60 (1941). which fit the dashed line at upper end of the curve are rivers and lakes from East Africa. 5. G. M. Hunt, T. R. Truax, C. A. Harrison, Proc. Am. Wood-Preservers' Assoc. 28, 71 (1932). The isotopic data for all samples tope enrichment ratio SD/80'8 consist- 6. R. W. Little, Ed., Flameproofing Textile Fabrics (Reinhold, New York, 1948). analyzed for both isotopes (excluding ently follows a slope of about 5 as 7. A. B. Guise, Nati. Fire Protect. Assoc. Quart. detailed sets of data from Chicago and observed in East African waters. Many 53, 330 (1960). Steamboat Springs, Nev.) are shown in 8. R. L. Tuve, ibid. 54, 158 (1960). of the points falling to the right of the 9. J. Taylor and F. Pollok, Fuel 28, 77 (1949). Fig. 1. About 40 percent of the samples line plotted in Fig. 1 have a similar 10. J. E. Dolan, Chem. and Ind. (London) 1952, 368 (1952). are from North America, the rest being slope of 5 when connected to points on 11. See, for example, K. Tamaru, Bull. Chem. distributed all over the world. The data the line which represent direct precipi- Soc. Japan 24, 164 (1951); R. C. Laible, shown are per mil enrichments of the tation in the same area. Am. Dyestuff Reptr. 47, 173 (1958). 24 January 1961 isotopic ratios D/H and 018/016 rela- It can be shown (4) that for small tive to a mean ocean water standard, enrichments the slopes in Fig. 1 are that is, the ratios of the single-stage enrich- ments when the isotopic concentrations a = [(R/Rt) -1] 1000 are governed by vaporization or precip- Isotopic Variations in where R is either isotopic ratio and Rt itation under Rayleigh conditions at Meteoric Waters constant temperature. The isotopic va- is the ratio in "standard mean ocean Abstract. The relationship between deu- water" (SMOW) defined relative to the por pressure data show that slopes of terium and oxygen-18 concentrations in National Bureau of Standards isotopic 8 and 5 correspond to Rayleigh proc- natural meteoric waters from many parts water standard as described in a follow- esses at liquid-vapor equilibrium at of the world has been determined with a ing report (3). The precision of the temperatures of about -10°C and mass spectrometer. The isotopic enrich- +100°C respectively. It seems, there- ments, relative to ocean water, display a data is ±0.5 per mil, or + 1 percent of linear correlation over the entire range 8, for D, and ± 0.1 per mil, or + 0.5 fore, that atmospheric precipitation for waters which have not undergone ex- percent of 8, for 018, the larger error follows a Rayleigh process at liquid- cessive evaporation. applying in each case and representing vapor equilibrium, as first proposed by ±2 standard deviations. Kirshenbaum (5), but that the process Epstein and Mayeda (1) and Fried- The straight line in Fig. 1 represents of free evaporation at room tempera- man (2) reported precise data for the relationship ture is governed by kinetic factors. The 018/O01 and D/H ratios in nine non- present studies have shown that this is marine meteoric waters and found a SD = 8 5011 + 10 so up to the boiling point, and that the rough linear correlation between the disequilibrium occurs principally in the isotopic enrichments. In the course of (both 8 values in per millage) and is QIS/OQi separation (4). Some of the research on isotopic variations in vol- seen to be an adequate fit to the data, variability along the line in Fig. 1 is canic waters, I have analyzed mass except for waters from closed basins in certainly due to evaporation effects as spectrometrically some 400 samples of which evaporation is a dominant factor well as to variations in temperature of water from rivers, lakes, and precipita- governing the isotopic relationship. The precipitation. tion in order to establish the exact samples which fit the dashed line at the All points in Fig. 1 for SD and 8018 nature of the isotopic relationship in high enrichment end of the curve rep- lighter than -160 and -22 per mil, meteoric waters. Gas samples were pre- resent rivers and lakes in East Africa. respectively, represent snow and ice pared by the standard C02-H20 equili- They fit a line with a slope of about 5, from the Arctic and Antarctic, while bration technique (1) and by reduction in contrast to the slope of 8 found for tropical samples show very small deple- of H20 to H2 with uranium metal and most of the data. Studies of evapora- tions relative to ocean water. This dis- analyzed on the McKinney-Nier type tion in the laboratory, and in areas tribution is expected for an atmospheric spectrometers used by the authors men- where seasonal data have been ob- Rayleigh process as vapor is removed tioned above as well as in my present tained, show that in free evaporation at from poleward moving tropospheric laboratory. ordinary temperatures the heavy iso- air. However, it is actually log (1 + 8) 1702 SCIENCE, VOL. 133 which should be plotted for such a proc- mixed with the solution of dipicolinic Table 1. Germination of Bacillus megaterium and ess, and, in such a plot, the points in acid and NaOH immediately before putrefactive anaerobe S2 spores in 40 mmole of Fig. 1 fall on a curve with a continu- addition to the spore suspension. In CaCI2, 40 mmole of dipicolinic acid, and 10 mmole of tris buffer at pH 7.0. ally increasing slope for lighter 8 values, such mixtures of calcium and dipico- as would be expected (from the vapor linic acid, we have been able to germi- Germination (%) based on pressure data) for precipitation at low- nate spores of the following organisms: Incubation (min) Phase Pasteurized er temperatures in high latitudes. The Putrefactive anaerobe 3679 (NCA and microscopy counts linear relation observed in Fig. 1 sim- h strains), putrefactive anaerobe S2, Clostridium perfringens, Bacillus cereus, B. megaterium* ply reflects a coincidence of the effect 0 0 0 of the increasing difference in 8 and B. megaterium, B. mycoides, B. sub- 5 0 log (1 + 8) at high enrichments with tilis, and B. coagulans. The germina- 10 81 100 the effect on the slope of the average tion was sometimes incomplete, but in 20 99 100 temperature decrease for precipitation most cases rapid and complete germi- Putrefactive anaerobes S2t nation took place. 0 0 0 along a meridian from equator to poles 5 93 98 (6). The effect of calcium and dipicolinic 10 99 100 HARMON CRAIG acid on germination seemed to be * Incubation temperature, 25'C. t Incubation tem- Department of Earth Sciences, rather specific. None of the following perature, 35'C. University of California, La Jolla metal ions could be substituted for calcium: Na', K', Mg2", Mn2+, Ba2", References and Notes Co2+, Zn2+, Cu2+, Ni2+, Fe3+. Neither given solution of the acid does not 1. S. Epstein and T. Mayeda, Geochim. et Cos- could other chelating agents or any of change the concentration of the 1:1 mochim. Acta 4, 213 (1953). 2. I. Friedman, ibid. 4, 89 (1953). the other pyridine dicarboxylic acids be chelate, and such additions have been 3. H. Craig, Science, in press. substituted for dipicolinic acid. shown to have little or no influence on 4. H. Craig, G. Boato, D. E. White, "Nuclear Processes in Geologic Settings: Proceedings Table 1 shows that germination with the germination rate. of the Second Conference," Nati. Acad. Sci.- calcium and dipicolinic acid, as meas- Germination with the 1:1 chelate of Natl. Research Council Publ. No. 400 (1956), ured either by counting residual (heat- calcium and dipicolinic acid took place pp. 29-38. readily over a pH range of 5 to 9, but 5. I. Kirshenbaum, Physical Properties and Anal- resistant) spores or by counting the ysis of Heavy Water (McGraw-Hill, New dark and the refractile spores with a was generally most rapid at values close York, 1951), p. 398. to pH 7. The concentration of calcium 6. Detailed papers on isotopic variations in phase-contrast microscope, is quite meteoric and volcanic waters of specific areas rapid. and dipicolinic acid required for rapid will be published elsewhere. It is a pleas- The effect of different ratios of cal- germination was between 20 and 40 ure to acknowledge my gratitude to Harold C. Urey in whose laboratories at the Institute cium and dipicolinic acid was tested by mmole, which is somewhat higher for for Nuclear Studies, University of Chicago, most of this work was done, to Mrs. T. adding various concentrations of the the aerobes we have tested than for the Mayeda for her excellent services in the acid to a germination solution contain- anaerobes. The optimum temperature Chicago laboratory, and to G. Boato for ing 40 mmole of CaCl2. Figure 1 shows for germination with the 1:1 chelate many interesting discussions. This research of calcium and dipicolinic acid was has been supported by the National Science the results obtained with Bacillus mega- Foundation, the University of California terium and putrefactive anaerobe S2. about 45°C for clostridial spores, but Water Resources Commission, the Office of Chelation takes place when dipico- most aerobic spores were found to Naval Research, and the Atomic Energy Commission. linic acid is added to a solution con- germinate very slowly or not at all at 18 January 1961 taining calcium ions. The calculated temperatures above 35°C. This was concentrations of the 1:1 chelate of apparently because of the formation of calcium and dipicolinic acid are also a precipitate of calcium and dipicolinic plotted on the graph. The relationship acid when the concentration of calcium Germination of Bacterial between the two curves provides a and the acid was higher than about 20 Endospores with Calcium strong suggestion that this chelate is mmole. The rate of precipitation was the active inducer of germination. The increased at higher temperatures and and Dipicoliniic Acid calculation of the concentration of the Abstract. Aerobic and anaerobic bac- 1:1 chelate of calcium and dipicolinic terial endospores can be germinated if acid was based on data obtained by 1052 calcium chloride and dipicolinic acid are titrations of the acid with NaOH in the 00 W added to well-washed suspensions. Maxi- presence and absence of calcium ions. MILLIMOLE 80A GERMINATION mum germination is obtained when the These titrations showed that two types 2 calcium and acid are present in a molar of chelates with different stability con- ratio of one or more. This suggests that i160 - 3ol the 1:1 chelate of calcium and dipicolinic stants were formed. If the molar con- w 35°C for 60 minutes. 4i Closed circlesw acid is the agent that induces germination. centration of calcium equals or exceeds z 4- =0 that of dipicolinic acid, a chelate is w~~~~~~~~~ During experiments concerned with formed between 1 mole of calcium ion w le ~~1:1 CHELATE ;~~~~ the effect of chelating agents on spore and 1 mole of the acid. If the concen- 20ol Jo germination, we observed that germina- tration of dipicolinic acid is increased tion was induced when calcium chloride over that of calcium, the formation of colnc acd(DA.Opncrce:sprs and dipicolinic acid (2,6-pyridine dicar- a higher chelate containing 2 moles of 0 20 40 60 80 MILLIMOLE DPA PER LITER 100 boxylic acid) were added to suspen- the acid per mole of calcium ion takes at0 Fig. 1. 20Cfr32mnts sions of clean, well-washed bacterial rinls h place. That this 1:2 chelate apparently Germination of spores suspended spores provided that the molar ratio of has little or no germination-stimulating in 1 0 mmole of tris buffer, 40 mmole of calcium to dipicolinic acid was 1:1 or effect is also indicated in Fig. 1. This CaC1l, and varying concentrations of dipi- higher. has been further substantiated by simi- colinic acid (DPA). Open circles: spores The procedure was to dissolve the lar experiments with other organisms of putrefactive anaerobe 82 incubated at dipicolinic acid in enough NaOH solu- 350C for 60 minutes. Closed circles:L, showing that germination in the pres- spores of Bacillus megaterium incubated' tion to give a neutral solution of known ence of optimum calcium (40 mmole) at 250C for 30 minutes. Triangles: the strength. A standard CaCL solution, is decreased by excess dipicolinic acid. calculated concentration of the 1:1 chelate either with or without tris buffer, was The addition of excess calcium to a of calcium and dipicolinic acid. 26 MAY 1961 1703
Experimental Determination and Thermodynamic Modeling of Methane and Nitrogen Hydrates in The Presence of THF, Propylene Oxide, 1,4-Dioxane and Acetone