Farmer's Questioneers CORRECTED
Farmer's Questioneers CORRECTED
Farmer's Questioneers CORRECTED
My name is Denzil Wellington Farai Chinembiri, registration number L0180396H a fourth year student at Lupane State University
Undertaking Bachelor of Agriculture Sciences Honors Degree in Agricultural Economics. I am conducting a research entitled:
Impacts of Pfumvudza / Intwasa on rural farmers: A case study of Heaney Junction Ward 2 Umguza District. You have been
selected to help, in improving the necessary information. The Answers you provide will be used for academic purposes only. Please
feel free to answer all questions. Use correct tittle above!!
1. Gender
Male [ ] Female [ ]
18-27 [ ]
28-37 [ ]
38-47 [ ]
48-57 [ ]
58-67 [ ]
68-77 [ ]
78+ [ ]
1-5 years [ ] 6-10 years [ ] 11- 15 years [ ] 16-20 years [ ] Over 20years [ ]
Other …………………………………….
4. Marital status
None [ ]
NB: livetock is also farming, maybe first one should be “Crop production”
If other, please state
Yes [ ] No [ ]
8. If yes, has an AGITEX Officer issued you inputs for the Pfumvudza scheme?
Yes [ ] No [ ]
Yes [ ] No [ ]
10. If yes, have these trainings brought positive results in your daily farming practices?
Yes [ ] No [ ]
11. If no, did you seek assistance from an AGRITEX Officer in terms of practicing Pfumvudza?
Yes [ ] No [ ]
12. If yes, how often did you consult the AGRITEX Officer?
During the last farming season till How much did you produce? When was your last Harvest? (Month)
to date, what type of crops did you (Yield)
Yes [ ] No [ ]
18. How many meals do you eat in a day at home?
Yes [ ] No [ ]
Yes [ ] No [ ]
Shortage of inputs [ ]
Poor/Exhausted soils [ ]
Poor Rainfall [ ]