Phenomenological Sample Research Chapter 1
Phenomenological Sample Research Chapter 1
Phenomenological Sample Research Chapter 1
Chapter 1
The typical days for language teachers around the world were stressful enough,
given their typically heavy workloads, time pressures, and difficulties juggling roles
(Macintyre et al.,2019). The sources of teacher stress have multiplied with the advent of
Covid-19. Workloads that were once perceived as substantial have been complicated by a
rapid conversion to online delivery for which many language teachers had not been
prepared but whose effects seem likely to last for years to come. Balancing personal and
professional roles is a challenge for many teachers, but online delivery of courses with
physical, temporal and/or psychological boundaries between school and home. In many
cases, teachers have significant others sharing the same space and/or have their own
children who also need their attention. In particular, the nature of the global pandemic
brings a particular set of Covid-19 difficulties to the mix: health concerns for oneself and
loved ones, social and physical distancing, travel restrictions, closed borders, shortages of
daily necessities, restricted services, and uncertainty as to when life will return to
life. This also brought a major effect in the educational system. Here in Aklan, Flexible
Learning Modalities (Modular Distance Learning and Online Distance Learning) are
Northwestern Visayan Colleges
Graduate School MAEd Program
Kalibo, Aklan
implemented in the beginning of the S.Y. 2020-2021. There are a lot of foreign related
studies conducted to determine the stress and coping mechanisms of English teachers in
related to administering blended learning. But, here in the Aklan only few studies were
conducted about this matter, including this study. In this matter, this study was conducted
to determine the challenges and coping mechanisms among English teachers in a Private
School in administering blended learning during the pandemic. Likewise, for the
This study was conducted to determine the challenges and coping mechanisms
blended learning?
Northwestern Visayan Colleges
Graduate School MAEd Program
Kalibo, Aklan
Theoretical Framework
(1989). This theory is one of the earliest interactional theories of work- related
psychological distress, suggesting that work-related stress arises due to a lack of fit
between the individual’s skills, resources and abilities, and the demands of the work
Likewise, this theory describes fit as an adjustment and elaborated on two distinct forms
of complementary fit. The first is needs-supplies fit, which exists when a person’s needs
are met by the resources in the environment. The second is demands-abilities fit, which
Conceptual Framework
The research paradigm shows that lived experiences, challenges and coping
Lived experiences of English teachers would include both positive and negative
that affects their teaching profession in this new normal. Every experiences that allow
them to continue their passion for teaching and will affects their students.
Challenges for teachers are increasing from the start of new normal where face to
face are prohibited and blended learning are applied. Because blended learning is now
being forced, the tendency is for English Teachers to migrate their face-to face techniques
Northwestern Visayan Colleges
Graduate School MAEd Program
Kalibo, Aklan
to the blended learning environment. But this new system will require a transformation
mindset. What normally works in the classroom would not necessarily be so in blended
learning. The challenge is to build rich activities that keep students engaged.
Given this new modes of learning delivery, it is not surprising that many teachers are
finding it difficult to navigate this new normal. The ability to instruct effectively will be
based on the coping mechanisms of teachers. Coping mechanisms that depends of several
factors, such as having the appropriate skills and capacity to adapt to the context, while
program that would help overcome challenges brought by the pandemic to English
Coping Challenges
Mechanism Encountered
involved in the teaching-learning process. Likewise, the completion of this research study
Students. The result of this study may enlighten the students and develop
their appreciation to all the sacrifices and difficulties experienced by their teachers in
Teachers. The result of this study would provide insights for the teachers to
develop other strategies in delivering their lessons appropriate to the needs of their
student to lessen the difficulties of the students in adopting the blended learning.
School Administrators. With the findings of this study, the school officials
maybe guided in providing effective management geared towards quality instruction and
officials may adopt the proposed intervention program in preventing teacher burnout
Education will have an idea of what are the challenges of teachers in administering
blended learning in today’s new normal and the proposed intervention program may be
Future Researchers. The result of this study would serve as a springboard for
Phenomenological research design was adopted for the study. This study
was conducted to describe the lived experiences and the challenges encountered by the
English teachers in administering blended learning during pandemic and their coping
mechanisms. The participants of this study were the 5 English Teachers of Aklan
Polytechnic College who were purposively chosen by the researcher based on its
inclusion criteria. This study sought to identify the challenges and coping mechanisms
during pandemic and to develop an intervention program that will help teachers. The
researcher conducted an in-depth interview to elicit the qualitative data from the
Definition of Terms
Blended Learning. This refers to the mode of teaching which was adopted in the New
Normal due to COVID19 pandemic. It involves the use of digital and non-digital
technology and covers both face-to-face and in-person learning, out of-classroom
Challenges Encountered. This refers to the different struggles that the English teachers
Coping Mechanisms. Thisrefers to the strategies used by the teachers in the face of
stress and/or trauma to help manage painful or difficult emotions while administering
blended learning.
English Teachers. This refers to the participants who teaches English who were
and how those factors influence the English teacher’s perception in today’s new normal