Grammar Unit 3: Since in Each Sentence
Grammar Unit 3: Since in Each Sentence
Grammar Unit 3: Since in Each Sentence
Vocabulary Unit 3
1 Complete the email with words about money 3 Read the sentence and tick (ü) the correct
and shopping. meaning.
1 He turned up at eleven o’clock.
It’s my favourite time of year – the week after A o He arrived at eleven o’clock.
Christmas when all the (1) s_________ are on! B o He left at eleven o’clock.
Shopping is my number one hobby but usually I 2 The hall is filling up quickly.
can’t (2) a_________ the things I want. This year A o A lot of people are arriving for the concert.
there was a special pair of Pugg boots that I B o A lot of people are leaving the concert.
wanted. Puggs are my favourite (3) b_________ 3 She’s setting up the computers before the
but they’re quite expensive. Normally, they presentation.
(4) c_________ around €200, but I was hoping to A o She’s repairing the computers.
find some cheaper ones. My grandparents gave me B o She’s preparing the computers.
some money for Christmas and I asked my sister to 4 We’re queuing up for tickets.
(5) l_________ me some more, but she didn't have A o We’re waiting in a line.
any money left after Christmas, so I had to B o We’re buying tickets now.
(6) b_________ some from my mum. When I told 5 We’re going to wash up after dinner.
her why I wanted it, she wasn’t happy. She said that A o We’re going to wash our hands.
I shouldn’t (7) w________ my money on Pugg boots B o We’re going to wash the plates.
because they’re too expensive. However, in the end
4 Complete the dialogue with the words. There are
everything turned out really well. The department two words that you don’t need.
(8) s________ where I went had some amazing
(9) d________s and the boots I wanted were 50% agree bit everyone happy how let’s meeting
plan sounds suggest why works
off. What a (10) b________ !
A: So, how are we going to get our presentation
2 Choose the correct option. ready to give to the rest of the class?
B: Well, I (1) _________ that we divide it into
Last summer I went to a fantastic English and
four parts and then each of us works on one
sports camp in Wales. In the afternoon we had
sports and different activities. I tried (1) out / up
C: That (2) _________ like a good
some new activities. I don’t usually like water sports,
(3) _________ . And then we could all meet at
so I was surprised when my favourite was
my house, talk through our parts and then
(2) archery / wakeboarding. I (3) picked / washed
everyone can say what they think.
it up really quickly. I wasn’t very good at
D: OK, but (4) _________ meet at my house.
(4) kayaking / trail biking … I fell into the water
Isn’t it nearer for everybody?
twice! Some of my friends went out one day to do
A: That (5) ___________ for me.
some (5) athletics / rock climbing, but I’m afraid of
B: Is (6) ___________ happy to go with that
heights, so I didn’t want to (6) join in / catch up.
One afternoon there was a shopping trip to Cardiff. C: Yes, fine.
We went into a small (7) sporting / sports gear D: OK. So now we need to decide when.
shop where the (8) customer / shop owner was C: (7) ___________ don’t we meet up next
selling things at (9) half price / fraction. Saturday?
B: Next Saturday! That could be a
Perhaps the best thing was the last night, when we (8) ___________ difficult. That only gives us
went out for a fantastic Indian meal. My friend David four days to prepare our part!
wasn’t feeling well, so he (10) set up / missed out A: Yes. I’ll never be ready by then. How about
on all the amazing food and it really was absolutely (9) ___________ the following Saturday?
(11) sour / delicious. I like curry, but sometimes it’s B: I’m (10) ___________ to do that.
too (12) spicy / sweet for me. However, the menu C: And me. Will your parents be OK about it,
had pictures of one, two or three chillies – a great Ben?
idea! I chose a mild one, which I really enjoyed. D: Yes, sure. So, Saturday the 27th at my house!
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