Ocon John Rollin C.

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A Research Paper Presented to the

College Engineering Faculty

At Cebu Technological University – Main Campus

Cebu City, Philippines


In Partial Fulfillment of the

Requirements for the Degree



Ocon, John Rollin


JULY 2022






Conceptual Framework 5
Statement of the Problem 8
Significance of the Study 9
Scope and Limitations 10
Definition of Terms 10


Research Design 24
Participants 25
Instruments 25
Data Gathering Procedure 30
Ethical Consideration 31
Data Analysis 32


A Transmittal Letter 36
B Transmittal Letter to the Respondents 38




Nowadays, life has become easier due to the presence of various technologies.

Almost every family owns a technology that connects with Internet. The Internet can let a

person communicate with people virtually in any parts of the world and it is indeed useful

to the immense contribution of the internet technology to communication and information

sharing. There is no doubt that Internet has made the life of individual become easier and

more convenient.

According to Beckham (2014), the Internet not only allows communication through

email but also ensures easy availability of information, images, and products amongst

other things. Every day, the internet continues to provide a new facility, something new

that is immensely convenient and something that makes life easier for users. With this

storehouse of information, people can not only increase their knowledge but can do so

without wasting time through traditional means such as visiting libraries and conducting

exhaustive research. With internet, students can save their times to search for information

and using their time to do other works.

This is relevant for students who can use this information for school projects and

also learn new things about the subjects they are interested in. It is a big reality that

students take a lot of help from internet. If students have many problem regarding their

homework and projects, they could get answers and finds lots of solutions of that problem

from internet.

The Internet contains a wealth of knowledge that is available instantly upon any

search. Because of this, the Internet has superseded libraries as a source for information

gathering and research. Many teachers will now ask students to visit specific websites to

study from home, and online encyclopedias provide masses of knowledge on almost

every topic imaginable. The variety of sources allows students to pursue subjects in much

greater detail rather than being limited to whatever the teacher sends home.

It used to be that students that forgot work, missed a lecture or couldn't remember

an assignment were out of luck until talking face to face with a teacher or a classmate.

However, the Internet allows instantaneous connection to your classmates and teachers.

Improving communication between students and teachers allows teachers to assist

students without having to stay after class. It also allows for students to have greater

efficiency when working on projects with their peers when everyone cannot attend or

asking for clarification when something is unclear.

Furthermore, the Internet can be a tool in improving the academic performance of

students in school. It is a big help due to its ability to give several of information and data.

By this, there will be development in academic performance for students.


The theoretical framework was developed by analyzing previous research internet usage

and its impacts on academic performance. All of the variables was identified either of the

theories, models, and framework, and was selected as a theoretical framework as well as

on Figure 1. Four articles comprising the model, framework, and theoretical theories have

been selected and used in this theoretical framework. Researches that have theories,

models and framework very clearly and fulfil the requirements of research topic were the

only choice for this research. From previous research, there are four factors found based

on the researchers’ understanding of influence of internet usage. The four factors are as



Online Media Usage for PERFOMANCE

Online Media Usage for

Non - Education

Facebook Usage: Based on the research by (Rouis, Limayem & Sangari, 2011) the study

was aimed to investigate the effect of the use of Facebook by students for their academic

achievement, through personality, self-control and confidence. The findings of this

research have shown that widespread use of Facebook by a student will make their

academic achievement weak. Researchers argue that the purpose, the discovery and the

model developed by the authors are related to the current study and can be used in this

study in a different context.

Internet Usage: For the second factor of the influence of the internet usage, it is related

to the use of the Internet impact on academic performance. The study was identifying the

effects of the use of the internet and video games in student’s academic achievement.

The results showed that the route between IT use and academic performance is complex.

A features socio-demographic characteristic such as age, gender, race and household

income associated with both the use of IT and academic performance and affects the

relationship between IT use and academic performance

(Jackson et al., 2011).

Online Media Usage for Education: There are two theories has been used by (Asemah,

Okpanachi & Edegoh, 2013) which is, social information processing theory and the theory

of equations media in order to find out if social media exposure to students has

an impact on their academic performance. The social information processing theory

developed by Joseph Waither in (1992) which highlighted the information on-line. This

theory suggests that the development of online interpersonal relationships take the time

to develop compared with face-to-face relationships, but if it is developed it will be the

same as face-to-face communication. While for the second theory, namely, the theory of

equations media that have been submitted by Byron Reeves and Clifford Nass. This

theory suggests that the media is similar to real life and the electronic media in particular

are given human nature. This is based on the equation Reeves and Nass stated that we

respond to the communications media as though they alive. The study indicates that

exposure to social media has an impact on students and the effect is negative. Social

networking media that are frequently used and preferred by students is Facebook, and it

gives an adverse effect on students' performance. This is because students spend more

time with social media and do not focus on their academics.

Online Media Usage for Non Education: There are two theories related with the online

media usage for non-education. The first theory is social learning theory and the second

is cultivation theory (Shakir Ullah et al., 2013). According to Bandura (1977) social

cognitive principles have been widely used to describe the effects of television on various

social issues. Meanwhile, a statement from DeFleur and Sandra (1989) on social learning

theory is relevant to examine the effects of communication media for information and

description of social life is a thing that often in media content.

Statement of the Problem

This study aims to know the effects of the availability of internet access at home to

the academic performance of College of Engineering in CTU – Main Campus.

Furthermore, the researcher hopes to know if students use their Internet access at home

wisely as an instrument for improving academic performance or by letting the Internet

jeopardize their intellectual ability. By this, there could have impact to the learning

capacity of students.

Specifically, the study goals to answer the following questions:

1. What is the profile of the respondents in terms of

1.1 Age?

1.2 Sex?

1.3 Internet access?

2. Is there a significant difference between students access and performance?

3. Is there significant relationship between academic performance and demographic


4. How accurate the answers that the students get from Internet?

5. What are the vices you can get from Internet?

5.1 Why it can be a tool for disturbance for education?

5.2 How Internet affects the student’s attitude?

Significance of the Study

The study will provide information about the Influence of the availability of internet

access at home to to College of Engineering student in Cebu Technological University –

Main Campus. The following are the entities that will benefit the study.

The study will let the students know the advantages and disadvantages of the

Influence of internet access that will give them awareness. By this, it will raise awareness

of the negative effects of excessive use of internet and the value of the books over the

internet. It can change the way they think and the process of their learning. They will be

able to learn the basics of using internet in their related projects in school or at home.

This study will influence the mind of the teachers. Through this, it will be a basis

for the teachers whether they will give a task or activity that needs the availability of

Internet to do so. The data that the researchers will be collecting will serve as a means of

helping the teachers to adopt or adjust on the way they teach.

Furthermore, the researchers will be able to gain more knowledge about

conducting this research and also the importance of using internet in their daily lives. It

will help the researchers to make their research study easy and fast.

Scope and limitation

This study was conducted in Cebu Technological University – Main Campus The

target respondents were the College of Engineering in Cebu Technological University –

Main Campus. This study was conducted on May 2022. Also, this study only finds the

influence of the availability of internet access at home to College of Engineering in CTU

– Main Campus and no further exploratory done by the researcher.

Definition of Terms

Akin- shows similar character

Compromise - an agreement or a settlement of a dispute that is reached by each side

making concessions

Correlated - establish a mutual relationship

Database - a structured set of data held in a computer, especially one that is accessible

in various ways

Distinction - a difference or contrast between similar things or people

Disseminate - spread or disperse of something

Extracurricular - an activity at a school pursued in addition to the normal course of study

Gullible - easily persuaded to believe something

Inflation - the action of inflating something or the condition of being inflated

Instantaneous - occurring or done in an instant

Internet - a global computer network providing a variety of information and

communication facilities, consisting of interconnected networks using standardized

communication protocols

Millennial - denoting people reaching young adulthood in the early 21st century

Omnivorous - animal or person feeding on food of both plant and animal origin

Pathological - involving the nature of a physical or mental disease

Revolutionary - involving or causing a complete or dramatic change

Scarcity - the state of being scarce or in short supply

Supplant - supersede and replace

Unambiguous - not open to more than one interpretation



According to Vijay Sharma (February 16, 2016), the development of internet

technologies has raised the education level in all countries and it change the way students

are being taught at school. Students are being taught the way their school teachers

believes will help and improve their students learning capabilities. Some teaching

materials they used were traditional and not modern which it is actually hard nowadays,

for the fact that we lived in a hi-tech world. However, this is not enough for the students

to improve and adopt in this modern era. That's why it is very important for the present

generation that will provide internet education for their young generation (Sharma, 2016).

Indeed, internet is very useful especially in their studies. It will serves as a source material

with wide range of inflation which you are freely to use it but also there is limitation


Students’ demographic variables are believed to have an influence on internet use

and hence academic performance. Demographic analysis revealed that males had higher

frequency of internet use in general than females (Akende and Bamise, 2017).

Subsequent comparative analysis revealed that male college students spend more time

on the internet compared to female college students (Ellore et al., 2014). Rabiu et al.

(2016) identified the mobile phone as one of the gadgets used in accessing the internet

which impacts on academic performance. They found that phone usage significantly

influences academic performance among male and female senior high school students.

A case study on Labone Secondary Schools in Ghana shows that approximately girls use

the internet once a week whilst boys use the internet once a day on average or several

times daily (Akin-Adaramola, 2014). In contrast, Mami and Hatami-Zad (2014) found no

significant difference between boys and girls with regards to internet addiction. On the

part of Aitokhuehi et al. (2014), female computer literates tend to perform better than 8

male computer literate students. Kim (2011) examines the effect of internet use on

academic achievement and behavioral adjustment among South Korean adolescents and

found girls more likely to use the internet to watch online educational classes and blog

more frequently and longer than boys. The study reported that boys mostly use the

internet for playing games.

As what (Tulipano, 2017) has been said on her article that there are ways Internet

had impacted Millennials' lives. One of its ways is that millennial use internet connection

to communicate. With the use of internet, which it is very convenient for the millennials,

it's easier for the new generation to interact with other people without face to face

interactions. There are lots of technologies with the help of internet was already made for

everyone's satisfaction. Furthermore, many different apps online that readily to use for

the millennial. For instance, Facebook, twitter, and Instagram are one of the famous apps

with lots of users. This apps will help you communicate even though it is not socially but

the enjoyment for you is everlasting. Because this apps were creatively made and done

by its inventors. Millennial are known for carrying a conversation through chats and

photos. Thus, they obtain their satisfaction of communicating to others.

Technology has been argued as having a positive impact on our way of thinking.

Steve Johnson (2005), in his nationally bestselling book Everything Bad is Good for You,

posited that technology is making us more intelligent due our means of obtaining,

interpreting, and processing information. Many studies have discussed how technology

affects our brains and impact how much its use affects the way that we think and perform.

Somewhat limited, occasionally contradictory findings illustrate how science has

struggled to pin down this slippery, fast-moving phenomenon. Laboratory studies hint that

technology, and its constant interruptions, may change our thinking strategies. Like our

husbands and wives, our devices have become “memory partners,” allowing us to dump

information there and forget about it — an off-loading that comes with benefits and

drawbacks. Navigational strategies may be shifting in the GPS era, a change that might

be reflected in how the brain maps its place in the world. Constant interactions with

technology may even raise anxiety in certain settings.

Larry Rosen (2011), a psychologist at California State University and author of the

book Memory used an app to monitor how often college students unlocked their phones.

The students checked their phones an average of 60 times a day, each session lasting

about three to four minutes for a total of 220 minutes a day.

“People who had gotten used to using the internet continued to do so, even though

they knew the answer,” Rosen says. This kind of over reliance may signal a change in

how people use their memory. “No longer do we just rely on what we know,” he says.

Although some research has shown a negative relation between Internet use and

academic performance, more recent research suggests that this relation is likely mitigated

by multitasking. Based from the periodical published in IEEE/ASME Transactions on

Mechatronics ( Volume: 7, Issue: 2, Jun 2012 ), seniors spent significantly less time on

Internet and spent significantly less time multitasking with Internet than students at other

class ranks. Time spent on Internet was significantly negatively predictive of GPA for

freshmen but not for other students. Multitasking with Internet was significantly negatively

predictive of GPA for freshmen, sophomores, and juniors but not for seniors. The results

are discussed in relation to freshmen transition tasks and ideas for future research are


According to J.J Zarillo (2010), no one should assume that all the information on

the Internet is accurate, timely, clear, and important. Some believed that everything in the

internet is reliable and factual. Some are more gullible and are unlikely to know that any

person with minimum computer skills can set up a Website. There are no restrictions on

what a person can place on a site, and there are no requirements that the material be

edited or reviewed. On the other, this freedom has allowed irresponsible people to

disseminate misinformation for harmful purposes.

A research conducted by Niels (2016) found that students do not bypass the

physical libraries and it is also evident that the use of physical libraries and digital

resources complement each other. The place of google in the students’ information is

prominent and positively correlated to use of traditional library resources. In a multi-

disciplinary study conducted by (George et al, 2016) which explored the information

seeking behavior of graduate students found that students rely heavily on the Internet as

well as the university libraries' online resources for information, though still using the

physical library for hard copy materials such as books, journals and papers. Few graduate

students in the study mentioned influences such as difficulty in locating information or the

need for convenience and speed when using the Internet.

Many researchers have examined the influence of internet on student. It helps

students to broaden their academic knowledge by access-ing to the information world

and also by easy communicating to their academic community. It is a valuable source to

retrieve information for their research and assignments (Bair 2015).

Internet also acts as a media for social interaction and entertainment. By using the

social network sites, e-mails, chats, blogs etc. one can interact with others. Online games,

songs, videos, and films are the different ways of entertainment through the internet.

Reports showed that 91% of adult internet users uses e-mail, 38% uses instant

messaging and 35% uses social network site for communication with each other (Jones


In term of education, researchers have evaluated the impact of internet usage on

university students’ academic performance. A vast majority of people agreed internet

improves their grades of academic performance. Using appropriate search word, one can

easily download the information from over 50 million websites.

According to Tella (2015), the author of Journal of Management in University of

Botswana also stated that the internet has enhances the GPA of students. The students

use the internet to obtain course-related-end information, communications and finishing

assignments. The faculty itself also invested a lot of resources for learning purposes.

However, there are negative effects of internet use on the academic life of a student if

they are unable to control their internet use for these social interaction or entertainment.

Though there are many benefits linked with internet use, there has been a growing

concern regarding the risk associated with internet over-use.

There are many ongoing researches that showed that students become addicted

to the internet (Young and Rodgers 1998; Nalwa and Anand 2003; Thomas and Martin

2010) and caused academic failure (Young 1998; Subrahmanyam, Greenfield and Tynes

2001; Kheirkhah, Juibary and Gouran 2010). Internet has a significant decrement onto

students’ performance (Robert 2001). Study shows that excessive internet use has

negative implication towards academic performance. This is due to excessive use of

internet may impair functioning and results in compromise grades or responsibilities

(Scherer 1997). It was reported that 50% of university students were dismissed for

academic failure due to excessive internet use (Kubey et al. 2001). In another survey on

283 undergraduates, excessive internet users were considered as 'pathological users';

these students spend an average of 8.5 hours per week in using internet (Morahan-Martin

and Schumacher 1997). Goldberg defined internet addiction when the individual

experiences "decreased occupational, academic, social, and work-related.

Internet is a large computer network created out of some thousands of

interconnected networks that support a whole range of services such as electronic, file

transfer protocol, database access and many others (Ogedebe et al. 2004). In this

modern world, internet is the most required information and communication technology

that brought a revolutionary change in the information scenario. Today there are more

than 2 billion internet users around the world (Internet world stats 2012). Use of internet

in school campus and society has been increased and it becomes an important part of

student life (Chou et al. 2005). Internet is also used by the teachers to lay down their

learning materials (Jones and Madden 2002).

Many researchers has been discussed the different factors that affects the student

academic performance in their research. There are two types of factors that affect the

students’ academic performance. These are internal and external classroom factors and

these factors strongly affect the students’ performance. Internal classroom factors

includes students competence in English, class schedules, class size, English text books,

class test results, learning facilities, homework, environment of the class, complexity of

the course material, teachers role in the class, technology used in the class and exams

systems. External classroom factors include extracurricular activities, family problems,

work and financial, social and other problems. Research studies shows that students’

performance depends on many factors such as learning facilities, gender and age

differences, etc. that can affect student performance (Hansen, Joe B., 2010). Harb and

El-Shaarawi (2006) found that the most important factor with positive effect on students'

performance is student's competence in English. If the students have strong

communication skills and have strong grip on English, it increases the performance of the

students. The performance of the student is affected by communication skills; it is

possible to see communication as a variable which may be positively related to

performance of the student in open learning. A major distinction of this study from

previous studies is that it focuses on open learning (Abdullah AL-Mutairi, 2011).

Karemera (2013) found that students' performance is significantly correlated with

satisfaction with academic environment and the facilities of library, computer lab and etc.

in the institution. With regard to background variables, he found a positive effect of high

school performance and school achievement he found no statistical evidence of

significant association between family income level and academic performance of the


Robert & Sampson (2011), found that the member of educational board will be

educated and their impact on school is positive, for professional development it is

essential for student learning. The students who are actively engage in the learning

process are observed to have a positive correlation with the CGP. A Study effort from

student and the proper use of the facilities provided by the institution to the student, a

good match between students’ learning style and are positively affect the student's

performance (Norhidayah Ali, et. al., 2009) Young (1999), held the view that student

performances are linked with use of library and level of their parental education. The use

of the library positively affected the student performance. The academic environment is

the effective variable for students and has positive relationship with fathers’ education

and grade level. (Kirmani&Siddiquah, 2014)

Noble (2016), students’ academic accomplishments and activities, perceptions of

their coping strategies and positive attributions, and background characteristics (i.e.,

family income, parents’ level of education, guidance from parents and number of negative

situations in the home) were indirectly related to their composite scores, through

academic achievement in high school. The students face a lot of problems in developing

positive study attitudes and study habits. Guidance is of the factor through which a student

can improve his study attitudes and study habits and is directly proportional to academic

achievement. The students who are properly guided by their parents have performed well

in the exams. The guidance from the teacher also affects the student performance. The

guidance from the parents and the teachers indirectly affect the performance of the

students (Hussain, 2016).

According to Robinson (2006) simplistically, libraries and archives came into being

to provide a central location for hard-to-find, scarce, expensive or unique material.

Scarcity of information is the basis for the modern library. In countries where information

continues to be scarce, a library's role is still unambiguous. In some countries where

access to information is now akin to access to electricity or water, the reason to have

freestanding storehouses of a subset of all information is harder to articulate. Libraries in

such countries can provide access to more information than any user could want or need.

Rangathan's rule "for every reader, his or her book," might be now redefinedas "for every

reader, huge amounts of free-floating content, anywhere, anytime.

Friedlander (2002) indicated that library directors, college and university

administrators face an increasingly complex institutional and informational environment.

Faculty and graduate students, in particular, seem to be omnivorous in their appetite for

information, creative in their strategies for seeking and acquiring information in all forms,

and very independent. Most faculty, graduate and undergraduate students seem to prefer

a hybrid information environment in which information in electronic form does not supplant

information in print but adds to the range of equipment, resources, and services available

to teachers and students.

Liew et al. (2000) study of graduate student end-users’ current use and perception

of e-journals compared with their print counterparts indicated a growing interest in e-

journals. There was a strong acceptance of and high expectation and enthusiasm for

future e-journals, although with some reservations

Meanwhile, in a study conducted by Markwei (2001) with the aim of finding out the

extent of awareness and use of the Internet and its services by academics staff and post

graduate students of the University of Ghana, it was found that both staff and students

are fully aware of the Internet and most of its services. Academic staffs in general use the

Internet and its services more than students. However, both staff and students from the

Science faculties use the Internet and its services more than those from the Arts and

Social Science faculties. A similar study conducted by Atiso (2002) revealed the level of

Internet awareness was quite high with respondents. This, he said, was obvious because

the Internet being a new technology must be popular especially with people in the

academic world. Also, respondents used the Internet quite often, especially final year

students who use them mostly for academic searches.

For the local context, in the Philippines, several studies showed some contrasting

sentiments with regards to internet connectivity and the use of gadgets or devices for

online learning. In a study by Fabito et al., (2020) the group revealed that one of the three

barriers and challenges that students encountered in online learning was a good internet


Another related concept from Casillano (2019) indicated that only a minimum of

the students has internet access thus impeding them to access the e-learning platform.

In another study, poor students do not own laptops and desktop computers and

have limited internet connections (Cleofas & Rocha, 2021). However, in the findings of

Jin and Sabio (2018), the use of mobile devices has the potential to be used and adapted

for learning. Another study showed that the greater number of device types owned by a

student, the greater the level of learning readiness (Estira, 2020). In addition, from

another state university in the country, a study revealed the students' readiness for online

classes however, the burden from computer and internet rentals in cafes exists (Yra et

al., 2020). In this regard, the objective of this study is to assess the internet connection

capability and learning devices availability of students for the possibility of an online or a

flexible type of learning. The result of the study will provide the school administration a

glimpse of how students and faculty will adjust their teaching-learning processes. At the

same time, the result will also become a basis for institutionalizing a flexible learning

approach for the time to come.



Research Design

A Descriptive Research is a type of Qualitative research that was used in this

study. The researcher made a questionnaire in conducting a Survey, in which the purpose

in conducting a survey question is to gather and obtain necessary results and data for the

study. The questionnaires were given out to the College of Engineering in Cebu

Technological University – Main Campus as the respondents. After all necessary review,

the survey question was completed and returned. The obtained information was reserve

for further improvement of the research study and the accumulated data were then

analyzed, recorded and tabulated for data analysis.

Research Methodology

The method used in this study was descriptive research where it involves collecting

of data to answer the questions regarding the influence of accessibility of Internet to the

academic performance of Engineering students in CTU – Main Campus. The researchers

made a questionnaire and were distributed to the selected students of College of

Engineering. The researchers chose to conduct a survey in order to obtain results

necessary for the study. Respondents were chosen via Simple Random Sampling. The

answers and feedback from the respondents from the survey were then recorded. The

methodology used in this study includes Planning, Analysis, Design and Evaluation.

Based on the results of this descriptive study, the researched developed the inclination

of conducting further studies on such topic.


The participants of this study were The participants of this study were the College

of Engineering students. The respondents were surveyed to gather the data needed in

the development of the study. The following responses and opinions of the respondents

were used to assess and evaluate the influence of Internet to academic performance of

these students.

Research Instrument

This research is assembled to gather data, opinions, and information coming from

the respondents. The tool used in the research is the questionnaire. The Engineering

students were given to know their own perspective about the influence of internet access

at home to the academic performance. Furthermore, researcher provided enough choices

to each questions to gather the data easily and some were answerable by yes or no. Most

questions can have an answer of more than one, and if respondents were not satisfied

with the choices, the respondents were free enough to fill their desired answer by writing

it in the “others” choices. Some were practical questions such as what learning do the

internet gave to you? In what way do the internet help you to improve your studies and

many more.

The purpose of dissemination of questionnaires towards the Engineering students

is to grasp some opinions from the respondents about the topic. These data gathered

serves as a guide to the researcher to enhance and seek for more data and information’s.

This chapter analyzes and interprets the data gathered to answer the specific

problems in the study. The data were arranged accordingly to the sequence of the

problems. Furthermore, this evaluates the answers from the respondents with different



Email: _______________________

Name: _______________________

Age: _________________________

Sex: _________________________

Gr. &Sec.: ___________________

1. Do you have Internet access at home?

 Yes
 No
2. Does the website of your searched answer from the Internet matters in terms of

 Yes
 No
3. Does the Internet bother your study?

 Yes
 No
4. Are you aware of the effects of surfing too long in the Internet to your studies?

 Yes
 No

5. How does the Internet benefits you?

 I'm more knowledgeable on many things

 I'm always updated about recent issues
 I meet more friends in using it
 I'm open minded on many things
6. In what way does the Internet helps you to improve your studies?
For research purposes

 To be updated about my school's announcement

 As a reference for information
 To make my projects less hassle
7. How do these learnings apply to your studies?

 Enhances my thinking skills

 I'm more concerned in being productive
 Finishes my task so fast
 Organizes my work
8. How often does your homework requires Internet?

 Always
 Sometimes
 Never
9. When you have assignment, do you usually do it first rather than surfing Internet?

 I make my assignment first before surfing Internet

 I am surfing Internet first and do my assignment later
 I never do my assignment
10. Do you think your life as a student had been improved by the internet?

 Yes
 No
11. Do you often spend your time using Internet?

 Always
 Sometimes

 Never

12. Do you use Internet for cyber bullying?

 Always
 Sometimes
 Never
13. What would you do if you notice that you're addicted in internet?

 Seek for serious adult advice

 Control yourself
 Do something that makes my day productive
 Do nothing at all
14. In general, do you think, the internet affected your academic performance?

 Made me more productive

 Made me less productive
 Has not affected my productivity
15. How does the internet change the students the way they learn?

 Internet makes studying more convenient

 It is easier for the students to seek some information related to their
 Students will broaden their minds
 Students become too dependent to the internet

Data Gathering Procedure

The researcher used questionnaires to gather data. After all necessary

modifications and validation of the research instrument, with the guide of the Teacher-in

Charge of Research II, Mrs. Mark Abadiano and questionnaires were administered

directly to the chosen sample for the study. Fifty (50) of the questionnaire that was given

out to the 50 chosen Engineering student in Cebu Technological University Main-

Campus as the respondents were successfully completed and returned. The possibility

of retrieving back all the questionnaires was as a result the researcher’s colleagues who

offered a helping hand.

Treatment of Data. The data collected were analyzed, tallied and collated to the

following treatment of data:

The data gathered which is from the researcher questionnaires which is self-

administered questions, to be answered by the chosen respondents were evaluated,

summarized and tallied as to which the results was based on what the respondent’s


Another set of questionnaires is the dichotomous questions that ask for the yes or

no response were also tallied and ranked. The data gathered was evaluated and all

common answers were unified.

Ethical Consideration

Ethical approval is needed for any research that involves human participants to

ensure that the dignity, rights, safety and well-being of all participants are the primary

consideration of the research project. In order to adhere to the sampled institution's

policies on research involving human subjects, an application for ethics approval was

submitted to the research ethics committee termed as the “research and promotion unit”

through the Dean (s) of student affairs. The application consists of informing concerning

to the aims of the study, length of the surveys, the information that would be gauged

through the questionnaire survey, and how the data would be collected, stored, and

accessed. Furthermore, the committee (s) were informed that the participants are assured

of their confidentiality and that personal information such as names would not be used in

the final analysis of the research. As soon as the committee reviewed the application

which took about 2 weeks, the senior research ethics administrator (s) granted permission

for the study to be undertaken.

Data Analysis

The researcher will use ANOVA to determine whether there are any statistically significant

differences between the means of three or more independent (unrelated) groups. This

guide will present a short introduction to the one-way ANOVA, as well as the assumptions

of the test and when you should use this test. The ANOVA test is performed by comparing

two types of variation, the variation between the sample means, as well as the variation

within each of the samples


1. Books

Steve, J and Mann, E. Everything Bad is Good For You. Berlin, Germany: Ars

Edition. 2009

Niels, O.P.The public library and students information needs. New York City:

Golden Publishing. 2006

2. Internet Sources

Friedlander, A. (2002) “Dimension and Use of the Scholarly Information

Environment.” The Council on Library and Information Resources, 2002.

George C., Bright A., Hurlbert T., Links E.C, St.Clair G., and Stein J.

(2006)”Scholarly use of information: graduate students' information seeking

behavior,” Information research vol II No 4 July 2006.

(Johnson) M .Everything Bad is Good for you: How today's Popular culture is

Actually Making Us Smarter. Retrieved February 2017 from



Niels, O.P, (2006) “The public library and students' information needs”, New

Library World, vol. 107 No.7/8.


Noble, Julie P. Roberts, William L. and Sawyer Richard L. (October 2006).

`Student Achievement, Behavior, Perceptions, and other Factors Affecting ACT

Scores.’ ACT Research Report Series 2006-1.

Robinson, C.W (2006)” Developing and Managing Collection: Concept and

Definitions” School of Information Sciences; 2006.

File://E:\project.HTML.04/04/2007.p2 and 5

Sharma, Vijay 2016.”Importance of internet in education at school.” Retrieved

February 16, 2017 from (http://www.klientsolutech.com/importance-of-internet-in-


Zarillo, J.J. (2010) “Accuracy of information on Website.” Retrieved July 20, 2010

from (https://www.education.com/reference/article/accuracy-information-

3. Articles in Newspaper

Rosen, Larry. ”Smartphone may be changing the way we think.” 17 March 2017.

Science News. https://www.sciencenews.org/article/smartphones-may-be-




July 8, 2022


Dean of College of Engineering
Cebu Technological University – Main Campus

Dear Dean Galindo:

This is to request concern from your good office to allow the undersigned to distribute
online survey questionnaires for the BSCPE students under your department to pursue
my research study entitled “The Influence of the Availability of Internet Access at Home
to The College of Engineering Students in Cebu Technological University – Main
Campus”. I would be grateful if you would consider my humble request, as it is in
connection with our partial fulfillment of the Bachelor of Science in Computer Engineering
degree requirement.

Thank you for your positive response of the subject.

Respectfully yours,



Noted by:


Research Adviser Chairman, BSCPE

Accepted and approved by:


Dean, College of Engineering
Cebu Technological University – Main Campus



May 27, 2022

Dear Respondents,

I am a 3rd year Bachelor of Science in Computer Engineering (BSCPE) student of Cebu

Technological University – Main Campus, currently conducting a study entitled “The
Influence of the Availability of Internet Access at Home to The College of Engineering
Students in Cebu Technological University – Main Campus”. I would be very grateful and
much appreciate if you could agree to be part of my research study. Rest assured that
there will be no abuse and harmful effects as a result of this research. All your responses
were used only for academic purposes of the particular research only and will be treated
confidential which means it will stay just between you and the researcher. When handling
your data, we are committed in following the Republic Act 10173 – Data Privacy Act of

Your participation is highly appreciated and will be very much helpful to the

Respectfully yours,




Name: John Rollin C. Ocon

Address: Deca Homes Tunghaan Minglanilla, Cebu Block - 15 Lot. 21 Phase 1

Gmail: johnrollinocon@gmail.com

Personal Information:

Sex : Male
Age : 21 years’ old
Birth Date : October 14, 2000
Birth Place : Cebu City
Height : 165cm
Weight : 78kg
Civil Status : Single
Religion : Roman Catholic
Nationality : Filipino
Language Spoken : English, Tagalog, Bisaya
Citizenship : Filipino
Name of Father : Rolando C. Ocon
Occupation : Salesman
Name of Mother : Wellin C. Ocon
Occupation : Housewife

Education Background

College Present : Cebu Technological University – Main Campus

M.J. Cuenco Ave, Cor R. Palma Street, 6000 Cebu
Course : Bachelor of Science in Computer Engineering

Secondary : Cebu Institute Technology – University)
S.Y. 2017 – 2019


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