The document appears to be a price list for homeopathic books, modules, and repertories. It includes over 100 items categorized as Repertories, Modules, and EBooks. The prices range from $21250 for a Repertory to $5000 for various EBooks. The list provides references codes and titles for each item as well as the final price in US dollars.
The document appears to be a price list for homeopathic books, modules, and repertories. It includes over 100 items categorized as Repertories, Modules, and EBooks. The prices range from $21250 for a Repertory to $5000 for various EBooks. The list provides references codes and titles for each item as well as the final price in US dollars.
The document appears to be a price list for homeopathic books, modules, and repertories. It includes over 100 items categorized as Repertories, Modules, and EBooks. The prices range from $21250 for a Repertory to $5000 for various EBooks. The list provides references codes and titles for each item as well as the final price in US dollars.
The document appears to be a price list for homeopathic books, modules, and repertories. It includes over 100 items categorized as Repertories, Modules, and EBooks. The prices range from $21250 for a Repertory to $5000 for various EBooks. The list provides references codes and titles for each item as well as the final price in US dollars.
Repertory R4 BCI3 Bianchi's Repertory of Homeopathy and 27,000.00
Homotoxicology Repertory R_mgm12.en MANGIALAVORI M. - Suggesta 21,000.00 Repertory R_pcx1.en PITCAIRN R. , WENDY J. - New World Veterinary 16,000.00 Repertory Repertory R sys3 - EN Schroyens F. Core Synthesis 2016 - EN 12,950.00 Repertory R_htp5a.en HATHERLY P. - The Lacs - Repertory 5,500.00 Repertory YAKIR M. - Botanical Repertory 21250
Module O34 Herscu Module 43,000.00
Module O82 Miasms PS Ortega 26,000.00 Module O_110266 Vervarcke Family Finder 19,000.00 Module EH.vml8 Vermeulen Passport 12,950.00
EBooks Dimitriadis bundle (3 items) 35,000.00
EH-DMT3b|DIMITRIADIS George- The Bonninghausen Repertory R-DMT3|Dimitriades Bonninghausen Repertory R-DMT3a|Dimitriades Bonninghausen Repertory concordances EBooks BONNINGHAUSEN, von C. - Polarity 32,000.00 Analysis by Heiner Frei Polarity analysis trademark H. Frei Therapeutic Pocketbook for Polarity Analysis (authorized by Heiner Frei)
EBooks Bundle Polar symptom analysis 22,000.00
O30|Polar Symptom analysis R4 B2 EN|Boenninghausen C. TPB English Opus EBooks eh.ng1-2019.enNEESGAARD P. - Hypothesis Collection - Primary 21,000.00 Psora and Miasmatic Dynamic EBooks eh.vml11 VERMEULEN F. - Source and Substance 19,000.00 EBooks eh.stj2 SCHOLTEN Jan - Homeopathy and the Elements 18,000.00 EBooks eh.vml12.en Bundle Polar symptom analysis 18,000.00 O30|Polar Symptom analysis R4 B2 EN|Boenninghausen C. TPB English Opus EBooks eh.mp4 Murphy R.-Homeo. Remedy Guide (Lotus Materia 16,000.00 Medica EBooks eh.umd1-2014 ULLMAN D. - Evidence Based Homeopathic Family 14,000.00 Medicine - The eBook - 2014 EBooks eh.vml9 VERMEULEN Frans- Concordant Reference - 12,950.00 Complete C EBooks eh.vva4-2016 VERVARCKE Anne- Rare Remedies for Difficult 12,950.00 Cases EBooks Geukens bundle 6 12,000.00 GEUKENS A. - Homeopathic Practice - Part 1 GEUKENS A. - Homeopathic Practice - Part 2 GEUKENS A. - Homeopathic Practice - Part 3 GEUKENS A. - Homeopathic Practice - Part 4 GEUKENS A. - Homeopathic Practice - Part 5 GEUKENS A. - Homeopathic Practice - Part 6
EBooks eh.stj11 SCHOLTEN Jan -Secret Lanthanides 11,000.00
EBooks eh.vml10 VERMEULEN Frans- Synoptic Reference I 11,000.00 EBooks O117 Bar - Veterinary concepts 11,000.00 EBooks 9,999.00 EBooks eh.vml5 VERMEULEN Frans - Prisma - The Arcana of 9,999.00 Materia Medica Illuminated - Similars and Parallels between substance EBooks eh.isr1 IJSSELDIJK R. ,IJSSELDIJK P. - Homeopathy for 9,000.00 Pregnancy, Delivery and Baby [2nd Ed.] EBooks eh.am_hom JOURNAL - American Homeopath 9,000.00 EBooks eh.sej11 SHORE Jonathan - Birds - Homeopathic Remedies 9,000.00 from the Avian Realm EBooks eh.jib3 JOSHI B. - Nosodes & Imponderables Come Alive 8,000.00 EBooks eh.jib2 JOSHI B. - Homeopathy and Patterns in the 8,000.00 Periodic Table EBooks eh.ygj1 YASGUR Jay - Homeopathic Dictionary and Holistic 8,000.00 Health Reference EBooks eh.vml7 VERMEULEN Frans- Fungi - Kingdom Fungi - 8,000.00 Spectrum EBooks eh.vml6 VERMEULEN Frans- Monera - Kingdom of Bacteria 8,000.00 EBooks eh.dgt1-2014 DEGROOTE Filip- Physical Examination and 6,500.00 Observation in Homeopathy - 2014 EBooks eh.hrn2 Herrick Nancy-Animal Mind, Human Voices 6,500.00 EBooks EH.hu3 HERSCU Paul - Stramonium - with an introduction 6,000.00 to Analysis using Cycles and Segments EBooks eh.h3a HAHNEMANN S., Organon of the Medical Art by S. 6,000.00 Hah EBooks eh.ng2 NEESGAARD P. The Man, the Miasm, and the 5,500.00 Modality EBooks eh.htp5 HATHERLY P. -The Lacs - A Materia Medica 5,500.00 EBooks eh.htp2 HATHERLY Patricia - The Homoeopathic 5,500.00 Physician's Guide to Lactation EBooks eh.hu2 HERSCU Paul - The Homeopathic Treatment of 5,500.00 Children EBooks eh.vva5 VERVARCKE A. - Beyond Mind and Body 5,500.00 EBooks CCRH Bundle 5,500.00 eh.ccrh1| A Proving of Cassia Sophera eh.ccrh10| A Proving of Alfalfa eh.ccrh2|Central Council for Research in Homeopathy - A Proving of Carica papaya eh.ccrh3|Central Council for Research in Homeopathy - A Proving of Acalypha indica eh.ccrh4|Central Council for Research in Homeopathy - A Proving of Holarrhena antidysenterica eh.ccrh5|Central Council for Research in Homeopathy - A Proving of Ocimum canum eh.ccrh6|Central Council for Research in Homeopathy - A Proving of Thea chinensis eh.ccrh7|Central Council for Research in Homeopathy - A Proving of Cassia fistula eh.ccrh8|Central Council for Research in Homoeopathy A Proving of Cynodon dactylon eh.ccrh9|Central Council for Research in Homeopathy - Study of Homoeopathic Medicines through Clinical Verification EBooks eh.vzh2 VAN DER ZEE H. - Miasms in labour 5,000.00 EBooks eh.stj1 Scholten J.-Homeopathy and minerals 5,500.00 EBooks eh.gsd1 Gibson D. M.-Studies of Homeopathic Remedies 4,500.00 EBooks eh.ggd1 GRANDGEORGE Didier; Berkeley, USA: North 4,500.00 Atlantic Books - The Spirit of Homeopathic Medicines: Essential Insights to 300 Remedies EBooks eh.mtf33 MASTER Farokh - Clinical Observations of 4,500.00 Children's Remedies EBooks eh.vva8 VERVARCKE A. - Homeopathy - Strange, Rare and 4,500.00 Peculiar EBooks eh.cth2 COULTER H. L., Conflict between homeo. and the 4,000.00 Ame EBooks eh.cth1 COULTER H.L., Homeopathic Science and Modern 4,000.00 Medic EBooks tkp2 Tarkas Kulkarni A Select Homoeopathic MM Part 4,000.00 1,2 EBooks eh.tme1 THOMAS Emlyn - Homeopathy for Sports, Exercise 4,000.00 and Dance EBooks eh.vk6 Vakil P.-A Text book of Homeopathic Therapeutics 4,000.00 V EBooks eh.dgt5 DEGROOTE Filip- Dreams - A Homoeopathic 4,000.00 Perspective EBooks eh.lgr1 LOGAN R. - The homeopathic treatment of 4,000.00 Eczema EBooks eh.cd1 Candegabe E. F.-Comparative Materia Medica 3,500.00 EBooks eh.rwt15 ROWE T. - Homeopathic Methodology 3,500.00 EBooks eh.blp1 Bailey, P. M., Homeopathic Psychology 3,000.00 EBooks eh.dgt8 DEGROOTE Filip- The Physical and Energetic 3,000.00 Examination of the Homeopathic Patient EBooks eh._Milk_Mat_Newsl.e JOURNAL - Hatherly's Milk Matters Newsletters 3,000.00 EBooks eh.srj5 Sherr J.-Dynamic Provings Volume 1 3,000.00 EBooks eh.bnu2 Banerjee Subrata Kumar Mat. Med. made Easy 3,000.00 EBooks eh.stj9 SCHOLTEN Jan - Wad Stories 2,500.00 EBooks eh.stj12 SCHOLTEN Jan - Wad Stories 2 - Homeopathic 2,500.00 Lectures from a Sailing Trip on the Wad in the Netherlands EBooks eh.BTG3 BENTLEY GRANT - Soul and Survival - The 2,500.00 Common Human Experience Repertory ro11 suggesta 21,000.00 EBooks eh.bl7 Borland D. M.-Homeopathy in Practice 2,500.00 EBooks eh.dyc2 DAY Christopher - The Homoeopathic Treatment 2,500.00 of Beef and Dairy Cattle EBooks eh.dgt7 DEGROOTE Filip- Remedy Interactions and 2,500.00 Kingdoms EBooks eh.JST1 JANSEN Ton - The Healing Nature of Plants 2,500.00 EBooks eh.JST2 JANSEN Ton - The Healing Nature of Trees 2,500.00 EBooks we4 Van Woensel 149 KeyNotes Characteristics and 2,500.00 Pecul EBooks eh.bnu4 BANERJEA S.K., Fifty homeopathic Indian drugs 2,500.00 EBooks eh.vwe2 VAN WOENSEL Erik - Radar Keynotes Version 4 - 2,000.00 Characteristics and Peculiarities. EBooks Gemstone Proving Bundle 2,000.00 eh.es2|EISING Nuala - Provings of Ignis alcoholis and Succinum eh.evm3|EVANS Madeline - Meditative Proving of Amber eh.evm4|EVANS Madeline - Meditative Proving of Turquoise eh.gya9|GRAY A. - A Homeopathic Proving of Perla Broome (Broome Pearl) eh.hnj5|HUENECKE J-A. - Homeopathic Proving of Lepidolite - A Mica Gemstone eh.mgj2|MORGAN John - The Proving of Pearl Taken from the Common Mussel eh.rsm1|ROSS Moya, CAMPBELL Sarah - The Homeopathic and Meditative Proving of Emerald eh.rsp1|ROSENBAUM P. - Lapis Lazuli, a Proving. A Pathogenesy Developed by the Team of Escola Paulista de Homeopatia - eh.rwt7|ROWE Todd - A Proving of Turquoise eh.sde9|SCHADDE Anne - Listening to Stone, Wood and Shell eh.sdn1|SEIDENECK Barbara, GREGORICH J., LOCKWOOD A. - Clarity and Intoxication, the Proving of Amethyst eh.tmo4|TUMMINELLO Peter - Gemstone Provings EBooks eh.gk6 GEUKENS A., Carcinosinum 2,000.00 vista eh.gk7 GEUKENS Alfons;- Homeopathic Practice - Part 6 2,000.00 EBooks eh.gk1 Geukens A.-Homeopathic practice Vol 1/5 2,000.00 EBooks eh.gk2 Geukens A.-Homeopathic practice Vol 2/5 2,000.00 EBooks eh.gk3 Geukens A.-Homeopathic practice Vol 3/5 2,000.00 EBooks eh.gk4 Geukens A.-Homeopathic practice Vol 4/5 2,000.00 EBooks eh.gk5 Geukens A.-Homeopathic practice Vol 5/5 2,000.00 EBooks eh.bnu3 Banerjea S. K.-Materia Medica of a few Rare 2,000.00 Remedi EBooks eh.mtf35 MASTER F. - Lacs in Homeopathy 2,000.00 EBooks eh.srj4 SHERR Jeremy - The Dynamics and Methodology 2,000.00 of Homoeopathic Provings EBooks eh.dgt2-2014 DEGROOTE Filip- Notes on Miasms, Heredity and 2,000.00 Nosodes EBooks eh.srj5a.en SHERR J. - The Homeopathic Proving of Adamas 1,500.00 EBooks eh.srj1 SHERR J. - The Homeopathic Proving of 1,500.00 Androctonus amoreuxii hebraeus (Scorpion) [2nd Ed.] EBooks eh.srj21.en SHERR J. - The Homeopathic Proving of Helium 1,500.00 EBooks eh.srj6b.en SHERR J. - The Homeopathic Proving of Olea 1,500.00 opaea EBooks eh.srj6d.en SHERR J. - The Homeopathic Proving of 1,500.00 Oncorhynchus tshawytscha EBooks eh.srj22.en SHERR J. - The Homeopathic Proving of Scandium 1,500.00 metallicum EBooks eh.srj6c.en SHERR J. - The Homeopathic Proving of Taxus 1,500.00 baccata EBooks eh.srj7 SHERR Jeremy - The homoeopathic proving of 1,500.00 Plutonium nitricum, including the toxicology EBooks eh.srj9 SHERR Jeremy- A Homoeopathic Proving of 1,500.00 Gallium me EBooks eh.srj10 SHERR Jeremy- Proving of Phytolacca 1,500.00 EBooks eh.srj5b.en SHERR Jeremy- The Homeopathic Proving of 1,500.00 Halaeethus leucocephalus EBooks eh.srj14.en SHERR Jeremy- The Homeopathic Proving of 1,500.00 Argon EBooks eh.srj6a.en SHERR Jeremy- The Homeopathic Proving of 1,500.00 Brassica napus EBooks eh.srj3-2014.en SHERR Jeremy- The Homeopathic Proving of 1,500.00 Chocolate EBooks eh.srj18.en SHERR Jeremy- The Homeopathic Proving of 1,500.00 Cygnus Cygnus EBooks eh.nl18 NORLAND Misha- Get Well Soon - A Guide To 1,500.00 Homeopathic First Aid EBooks eh.srj2 SHERR Jeremy - The Homeopathic Proving of 1,500.00 Hydrogen YASGUR J. - Homeopathic Dictionary and Holistic Dictionary Health Reference 8000 EBooks Bach Flowers Remedies Bundle 12800 RICHARDSON-BOEDLER C. - The Bach Flower eh.rcb1 Remedies RICHARDSON-BOEDLER C. - Psychic Causes of Illness: Applying Homeopathy and Bach Flower eh.rcb3 Therapy to Psychosomatic illness RICHARDSON-BOEDLER C. - The Psychological / Constitutional Essences of the Bach Flower eh.rcb4 Remedies Total 813000
Analysis and Evaluation of Rubrics Symptoms of DR Kent S Repertory of Homeopathic Materia Medica 6th Corrected Edition Ramanlal P Patel.03258 1preface 2
The Elements Of Homeopathic Theory, Practice, Materia Medica, Dosage And Pharmacy - Compiled And Arranged From Homeopathic Text Books For The Information Of All Enquirers Into Homeopathy