Heinrich 2018
Heinrich 2018
Heinrich 2018
Martin Heinrich BSc PT, Simon Steiner BSc PT & Christoph Michael Bauer
To cite this article: Martin Heinrich BSc PT, Simon Steiner BSc PT & Christoph Michael Bauer
PhD (2019): The effect of visual feedback on people suffering from chronic back and neck pain – a
systematic review, Physiotherapy Theory and Practice, DOI: 10.1080/09593985.2019.1571140
The effect of visual feedback on people suffering from chronic back and neck
pain – a systematic review
Martin Heinrich BSc PT, Simon Steiner BSc PT, and Christoph Michael Bauer PhD
Institute of Physiotherapy, School of Health Sciences, Zurich University of Applied Sciences, Winterthur, Switzerland
CONTACT Christoph Michael Bauer PhD christoph.bauer@zhaw.ch Institute of Physiotherapy, School of Health Sciences, Zurich University of
Applied Sciences, Technikumstrasse 71, Winterthur 8400, Switzerland
© 2019 Taylor & Francis Group, LLC
Bombardier, and van Tulder, 2009; Furlan et al. 2015a; feedback compared to control feedback or control
Furlan et al, 2015b) for randomized controlled trials interventions were quantified with Cohens d, or, in
(RCT)s. Discrepancies were resolved by consensus. Pain the case of a repeated measures design, with Cohens
intensity was defined as the outcome of interest to judge d for repeated measures. According to Cohen,
the clinical relevance of the findings. Twenty units out of d was classified as a small (0.2–0.5), middle
100 for pain were considered the minimal clinically (0.5–0.8), or large (> 0.8) effect (Cohen, 1988).
important difference (MCID) for determining clinical
relevance (Ostelo et al, 2008; Salaffi et al, 2004).
Different outcome measures to rate pain were rescaled Results
from 0 to 100 units for each outcome measure (Hayden, The literature search identified 356 papers. Three addi-
van Tulder, Malmivaara, and Koes, 2005). tional papers were retrieved from the grey literature search.
Following screening of the titles and abstracts, application
of the inclusion and exclusion criteria and reading of the
Data analysis complete publication, five studies were deemed eligible and
Two reviewers independently extracted relevant included in the qualitative analysis. A summary of the
information from each study, including the study search results is presented in Figure 1. Appendix
setting, characteristics of patients, inclusion and B summarizes the applied methods, participants’ charac-
exclusion criteria, the use of visual feedback instru- teristics, interventions, and outcome measures used in the
mentation, intervention and control intervention, included studies. The studies were classified as: before-after
study protocol, and outcome of pain intensity. The studies (Diers, Löffler, Zieglgänsberger, and Trojan, 2016;
primary analyses, defined a priori, were: (1) visual Löffler, Trojan, Zieglgänsberger, and Diers, 2017); case-
feedback compared to no feedback/therapy or to control study (Diers et al, 2013); or randomized controlled
sham feedback/therapy; (2) visual feedback com- trials (Trapp et al, 2015; Wand et al, 2012). Data on the
pared to an alternative feedback/therapy; and (3) reporting quality, methodological quality, and assessment
visual feedback including a feedback/therapy com- for risk of bias are shown in Tables 2 and 3. The quality of
pared to the feedback/therapy without visual feed- reporting (STROBE) varied considerably in the before-
back. Due to the expected methodological diversity after and cross-sectional studies. Some studies did not
of the studies, it was decided a priori to analyze the present information on risk of bias or their attempts to
findings using a qualitative narrative synthesis reduce bias (Table 2) (Diers, Löffler, Zieglgänsberger, and
approach instead of a quantitative synthesis Trojan, 2016; Diers et al, 2013; Löffler, Trojan,
approach, according to the recommendations of Zieglgänsberger, and Diers, 2017). The randomized con-
the Cochrane group (Centre for Reviews and trolled studies were considered to have a high risk of bias
Dissemination, 2009; Higgins and Green, 2011). (Table 3) (Furlan et al, 2015b; Furlan, Pennick,
The qualitative narrative synthesis of this systematic Bombardier, and van Tulder, 2009; Trapp et al, 2015;
review was structured according to the Centre for Wand et al, 2012).
Reviews and Dissemination’s guidance for under-
taking reviews in health care (Centre for Reviews
and Dissemination, 2009) and the Cochrane
Handbook for Systematic Reviews of Interventions A total of 111 patients with back pain participated in
(Higgins and Green, 2011). The effect sizes of visual the five included studies. The back pain patients were
lumbar spine movements while visualizing their table, were asked to watch an image of their own
own back in a mirror was less than when they back recorded in real-time via webcam during
moved without visualization (Wand et al, 2012). a brief 2-point discrimination training (Trapp
Patients that received visual feedback in addition et al, 2015).
to an evidence-based CLBP rehabilitation program
reported lower pain intensity after 2 weeks, com-
Clinical relevance
pared to a control group that only received the
rehabilitation program (Trapp et al, 2015). During Although four studies reported a statistically significant
the visual feedback sessions, the patients, whilst effect of visual feedback on pain intensity (Diers,
lying in the prone position on a massage therapy Löffler, Zieglgänsberger, and Trojan, 2016; Diers et al,
2013; Trapp et al, 2015; Wand et al, 2012), the effect enable clinicians or other researchers to verify the find-
was below 20/100 units and, thus, below the MCID ings in their own clinics or laboratories (Wand et al,
(Ostelo et al, 2008; Salaffi et al, 2004). One study 2012). Two studies also lacked an adequate explanation
reported a clinically relevant reduction in pain intensity of their sample size (Diers et al, 2013; Wand et al,
from visual feedback of the own back while receiving 2012). Three studies did not describe the author’s
massage therapy (Löffler, Trojan, Zieglgänsberger, and efforts to address potential sources of bias (Diers,
Diers, 2017). The estimated effect sizes ranged from Löffler, Zieglgänsberger, and Trojan, 2016; Diers et al,
a small to large positive effect of visual feedback on 2013; Wand et al, 2012). The randomized studies are
CBP intensity (Diers, Löffler, Zieglgänsberger, and considered to have a high risk of bias (Trapp et al, 2015;
Trojan, 2016; Diers et al, 2013; Löffler, Trojan, Wand et al, 2012) (Table 3), since the blinding of
Zieglgänsberger, and Diers, 2017; Trapp et al, 2015; patients, care providers, or outcome assessors was
Wand et al, 2012). The large effect sizes were reported either not possible or not reported, and the information
from watching a video of their own back during mas- provided about the allocation process was insufficient.
sage therapy and viewing a downscaled image of their
own back while undergoing electrical stimulation
(Diers et al, 2013; Löffler, Trojan, Zieglgänsberger,
and Diers, 2017) (Table 4). The aim of this study was to determine the influence of
visual feedback on chronic back or chronic neck pain.
Only studies investigating CBP could be included. The
Quality of reporting and risk of bias
collected data show a mitigating influence of visual
The overall quality of reporting was good, with some feedback on CBP (Diers, Löffler, Zieglgänsberger, and
exceptions (Table 2). Two out of three case-control, Trojan, 2016; Diers et al, 2013; Löffler, Trojan,
respectively before-after studies, did not describe the Zieglgänsberger, and Diers, 2017; Trapp et al, 2015;
setting (including locations and periods of recruitment) Wand et al, 2012). We found that visual feedback
(Diers et al, 2013; Wand et al, 2012). One study did not does appear to alter pain intensity in people with CBP
describe their patient population in sufficient detail to (Diers, Löffler, Zieglgänsberger, and Trojan, 2016;
Diers et al, 2013) and that there is limited evidence to and Diers, 2017; Trapp et al, 2015; Wand et al, 2012).
use visual feedback as an enhancement to evidence- Thus, the effect of visual feedback might depend on the
based back pain therapy, movement, and massage ther- underlying painful condition.
apy (Löffler, Trojan, Zieglgänsberger, and Diers, 2017; One study investigated whether the size of the visua-
Trapp et al, 2015; Wand et al, 2012). lized body part (i.e. enlarged, normal, and minified) has
While the documented effects of visual feedback on an effect on CBP. In CBP patients, a reduction in pain
chronic back intensity are typically statistically significant, intensity regardless of the size of the visualized back
most of the estimated effect sizes are small and generally was reported (Diers et al, 2013). Minifying an affected
below the MICD. However, these effects indicate the hand significantly decreased movement-induced
potential of visual feedback to be developed into an effec- chronic hand pain while magnifying the affected hand
tive enhancement of another intervention (Moseley, significantly increased movement-induced pain
2017). This was evidenced by Löffler, Trojan, (Moseley, Parsons, and Spence, 2008). There is insuffi-
Zieglgänsberger, and Diers (2017) when they integrated cient evidence to determine whether the size of the
visual feedback into a massage therapy intervention. Two visualized body part has an effect on pain intensity in
of the included studies were designed as intervention other pain conditions (De Kooning et al, 2017;
studies (Trapp et al, 2015; Wand et al, 2012), while three Moseley, Parsons, and Spence, 2008; Preston and
studies were classified as before-after (Diers, Löffler, Newport, 2011; Wittkopf, Lloyd, and Johnson, 2018).
Zieglgänsberger, and Trojan, 2016; Löffler, Trojan, Diers, Löffler, Zieglgänsberger, and Trojan (2016)
Zieglgänsberger, and Diers, 2017), respectively case- reported a larger effect for normal-sized visual feedback
control studies (Diers et al, 2013). Such study types are of a patient’s own back in CBP patients compared to
useful in assessing the effect of innovative techniques but other types of visual feedback. This is in contrast to
prone to potential sources of bias, including the subject other studies that report that visual feedback of the
expectation bias (i.e. subjects themselves expect to get stimulated body part is not superior to other types of
better because of the study intervention), lack of blinding visual feedback (e.g. view of another body part) for
of participants and assessors, and give no differentiation reducing experimentally induced pain in pain free par-
between an immediate effect and trends over time. ticipants (De Kooning et al, 2017; Johnson and Gohil,
Furthermore, the statistical analyses in the before-after 2016; Longo, Betti, Aglioti, and Haggard, 2009; Longo
and case-control studies did not take possible confound- et al, 2012; Martini, Perez-Marcos, and Sanchez-Vives,
ing factors, expectations or anxiety, into account. The 2014; Nierula et al, 2017; Osumi et al, 2014; Torta,
small sample sizes might have precluded multivariate Legrain, and Mouraux, 2015; Wittkopf, Lloyd, and
analyses of the data. Longitudinal study designs, with Johnson, 2018). The mechanisms associated with
blinded participants and larger sample sizes might be hyperalgesia in experimental studies might differ from
indicated. The intervention studies did not follow an patients with CBP, as most likely pain-free participants
intention-to-treat approach, which should be followed do not have a disrupted mental representation of their
in future larger-scaled trials to obtain a better estimation back (Wittkopf, Lloyd, and Johnson, 2018). However,
of the actual effect of visual feedback. Therefore, the effect there is a lack of imaging studies investigating cortical
sizes give only a very early indication of what could be reorganization when using visual feedback techniques
expected from visual feedback in future practice. (Diers et al, 2010; Flor, Denke, Schaefer, and Grüsser,
A recent systematic review centered on the effect of 2001; Foell, Bekrater-Bodmann, Diers, and Flor, 2014).
visual feedback of body parts on pain perception, covering Translating the findings of the included studies into
a wide range of pain conditions (Wittkopf, Lloyd, and a clinical setting might be relatively simple compared to
Johnson, 2018). They reported that mirror-based visual other innovative interventions that rely on more sophis-
feedback of a normal-sized painful body part resulted in ticated and expensive technology (Matheve, Brumagne,
a significant reduction of pain intensity in CRPS patients, and Timmermans, 2017; Moseley, 2017). The equipment
but not in phantom limb pain patients (Brodie, Whyte, used in these studies was relatively low-tech and low-cost,
and Niven, 2007; Cacchio et al, 2009; Chan et al, 2007; e.g. mirrors and webcams (Diers, Löffler, Zieglgänsberger,
McCabe et al, 2003; Tilak et al, 2016; Vural et al, 2016; and Trojan, 2016; Diers et al, 2013; Löffler, Trojan,
Wittkopf, Lloyd, and Johnson, 2018). The five studies Zieglgänsberger, and Diers, 2017; Trapp et al, 2015;
included in this review show either a momentary decrease Wand et al, 2012). Although such equipment, especially
of CBP intensity during the application of normal-sized mirrors, are frequently used in daily physiotherapy prac-
visual feedback or a habitual decrease after treatment for tice, these could limit the type of exercises or other treat-
2 weeks (Diers, Löffler, Zieglgänsberger, and Trojan, ments a physiotherapist can utilize because, for example,
2016; Diers et al, 2013; Löffler, Trojan, Zieglgänsberger, vision might be impaired in specific exercise positions.
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Tilak M, Isaac SA, Fletcher J, Vasanthan LT, Subbaiah RS,
Babu A, Bhide R, Tharion G 2016 Mirror therapy and Pubmed search strategy
transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation for manage-
ment of phantom limb pain in amputees - A single blinded (1) low back pain (30,544)
randomized controlled trial. Physiotherapy Research (2) back pain (57,878)
International 21: 109–115. (3) chronic (1,128,004)
Torta DM, Legrain V, Mouraux A 2015 Looking at the hand (4) unspecific (9848)
modulates the brain responses to nociceptive and non-noci- (5) visual feedback (13,866)
ceptive somatosensory stimuli but does not necessarily mod- (6) visual feedback training (2229)
ulate their perception. Psychophysiology 52: 1010–1018. (7) visual feedback therapy (3309)
Trapp W, Weinberger M, Erk S, Fuchs B, Mueller M, (8) physiotherapy (146,653)
Gallhofer B, Hajak G, Kübler A, Lautenbacher S 2015 (9) rehabilitation (498,906)
A brief intervention utilising visual feedback reduces (10) virtual reality (6814)
pain and enhances tactile acuity in CLBP patients. (11) mirror feedback (706)
Journal of Back and Musculoskeletal Rehabilitation 28: (12) mirror therapy (8321)
651–660. (13) neck pain (23,505)
Vural SP, Yuzer GFN, Ozcan DS, Ozbudak SD, Ozgirgin N (14) whiplash (3627)
2016 Effects of mirror therapy in stroke patients with (15) WAD (1067)
complex regional pain syndrome type 1: A randomized (16) whiplash-associated disorder (455)
controlled study. Archives of Physical Medicine and (17) (1 OR 2) AND (5 OR 6 OR 7) (85)
Rehabilitation 97: 575–581. (18) (1 OR 2 OR 13) AND (5 OR 6 OR 7 OR 10 OR 11 OR
Wand BM, Tulloch VM, George PJ, Smith AJ, Goucke R, 12) (195)
O’Connell NE, Moseley GL 2012 Seeing it helps: (19) (3 OR 4) AND 2 AND 5 AND (8 OR 9) (23)
Movement-related back pain is reduced by visualization (20) (13 OR 14 OR 15 OR 16) AND (5 OR 6 OR 7) (53)
Appendix B. Study characteristics
Pain intensity
Study Design Participants Intervention instrument
Wand et al. (2012) Randomized crossover Twenty-five patients suffering from CLBP were recruited using the Participants were randomized into two groups: “Movement with VAS (0–100)
cross-sectional study following criteria visual feedback” condition or “movement without visual feedback”
Inclusion criteria: condition.
● 18–60 years old The position of each spinous process of the lumbar spine, the iliac
● Reported back pain as their main symptom (intensity of at least crest and the 12th ribs were marked to augment visual feedback.
moderate) While standing in a marked square on the floor, the subjects were
● Suffering from non-specific low back pain for at least 6 months asked to “move as far as they comfortably could whilst performing
● No cognitive impairment lumbar flexion, extension, lateral flexion to each side, as well as glide
Exclusion criteria: to each side.” The distance reached by the fingertips on the leg was
● Nerve root pain or evidence of specific spinal pathology, e.g. marked for each movement. Two large mirrors were placed at the
malignancy, infection, fracture, inflammatory disease. front and at the back of the subjects so that they received a clear
All participants were screened for eligibility by their referring clin-
view of the reflection of their back in the front mirror.
ician and blinded to the study hypothesis. The mirror was first covered with a sheet and the patients were
asked to assess the intensity of pain in their lower back using the
For the visual feedback group, the sheet was then removed. The
other group was instructed to look at the sheet throughout the
experiment. All participants performed 10 repetitions of flexion,
extension, lateral flexion to each side, as well as glide to each side,
the VF group whilst watching the reflection of their back in the
mirror. The subjects were asked to assess their momentary pain
intensity immediately after the experiment.
Diers et al. (2013) Case-control study Eighteen subjects with bilateral CBP were recruited through a joint- The subjects were exposed to two different kinds of stimuli of the NRS (0–10)
case management unit established by several pain research centers myofascial trigger points in the trapezius muscle: pressure and
in the southern part of Germany. electrical stimulation. The pressure was applied using an algometer
Inclusion criteria with an intensity of 7 or 8 on a NRS from 0 to 10 (the intensity was
● Pain experienced for a minimum of 12 months determined individually before the experiments). The electrical
Exclusion criteria stimulus was applied using a constant current stimulator and
● Neurological complications disposable needle electrodes. The stimulation intensity was
● Pregnancy determined at 70% above the pain threshold (also determined
● Psychosis before the experiments). During each of these two stimuli, the
● Cardiovascular diseases or use of a pacemaker subjects received four different kinds of visual feedback using
● Drug abuse a monitor in front of them:
● Allergy to plaster ● an unmodified image of the dorsum of the hand
● Current opioid intake ● an unmodified image of the back
Eighteen healthy control subjects (no further information about the ● an enlarged image of the back (a vertical contraction of 0.75)
recruitment) ● a downscaled feedback of the back (a horizontal contraction of 0.75)
Exclusion criteria were the same as listed above The stimuli and the different kinds of feedback were each applied in
a randomized order.
(Continued )
Pain intensity
Study Design Participants Intervention instrument
Diers, Löffler, Cross-sectional study Nineteen subjects with chronic back pain were recruited through The participants were instructed to lie in the prone position on NRS (0–10)
Zieglgänsberger, advertisements in medical and physical therapy practices. a massage table with a display mounted below the headrest. They
and Trojan, (2016) Inclusion criteria: were questioned about their pain intensity and unpleasantness
● Back pain of at least 6 months before and after they were shown different kinds of visual feedback
Exclusion criteria: on the monitor:
Löffler, Trojan, Cross-sectional study Nineteen CLBP patients who had experienced back pain for All patients were treated with a conventional massage therapy. NRS (0–10)
Zieglgänsberger, a minimum of 6 months During this treatment, patients received a real-time video feedback
and Diers, (2017) Exclusion criteria for all patients were opioid medication, psychosis, of their own back. The following were used as controls: watching
major depression or bipolar disorder and contraindication of a neutral object, video of another person of the same sex being
massage (e.g. thrombosis, arterial circulatory/obstructive disease, massaged, picture of the own back, and keeping their eyes closed.
cardiac insufficiency, acute injury of the back, inflammatory muscular These conditions were presented in randomized order on five
disease, high fever, tumors, chemotherapy/radiation therapy, acute separate days.
nerve compression syndrome and pregnancy).
Trapp et al. (2015) Randomized controlled Thirty patients from an orthopedic rehabilitation clinic suffering from All the subjects received treatment for about 6 h per day according NRS (0–10)
trial CLBP were recruited for this case-control study. All subjects had to the evidence-based modules for chronic back pain: this consisted
a history of at least 6 months of low back pain, were 18 years or of relaxation training, movement therapy, massage and pain
older and did not suffer from cognitive impairment (IQ> 85). They education. If necessary, psychological and social consultation was
had no history of psychiatric disorders or clinical signs of acute provided. The treatment took course during their stay at the clinic.
depression. No form of visual feedback was used during these therapeutic
The feedback group received an additional six sessions of 20 min,
distributed over 2 weeks. The researchers assessed the patient’s
TPDT at the height of L3 before each session. The patients were
asked to watch an image of their back recorded in real-time via
webcam while lying in the prone position on a massage therapy
table. The training sessions consisted of 10 stimulations in
a randomized order applied to the subjects slightly above and below
the individual threshold distance (±5 mm). Following each
stimulation visual feedback was turned on for the participants to
check whether their judgment was correct. After this, the subjects
had to alternately tilt their pelvis up and down on the left and the
right side for 10 min, using only their lumbar multifidi muscles.
Subjects had been previously instructed on how to perform this
movement by a physiotherapist. Visual feedback was affected by the
patients watching themselves on a computer screen via an installed
webcam. The control subjects received six additional 30-min
sessions, consisting of two units of physiotherapy, relaxation training
and movement training (walking) each.
Abbreviations: CBP – chronic back pain; CLBP chronic low back pain; IQ – intelligence quotient; NRS – numeric pain rating scale; TPDT – two-point discrimination therapy; VAS – visual analogue scale.