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FP7-INFRASTRUCTURES-2007-1 Design Study (CP) proposal



Design Study


Proposal title (max 200 characters) Design of a pan-European

Infrastructure for Large Apparatus
studying Grand Unification and
Neutrino Astrophysics
Proposal acronym LAGUNA
Type of funding scheme RI Design study implemented as
Collaborative Project
Work programme topics addressed Deep underground science, particle
physics, astroparticle physics

Coordinating person: Prof. André Rubbia

Phone: +41 44 633 3873

May 2007

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List of participants:
Participant no. Participant organisation name Country
Swiss Federal Institute of
1. ETH Zurich Switzerland
Technology Zurich
2. U-Bern University of Bern Switzerland
3. U-Jyväskylä University of Jyväskylä Finland
4. U-Oulu University of Oulu Finland
5. Rockplan Kalliosuunnittelu Oy Rockplan Ltd Finland
Commissariat à l’Energie Atomique
6. CEA/ DSM/ DAPNIA /Direction des Sciences de la France
Institut National de Physique
7. IN2P3 Nucléaire et de Physique des France
Particules (CNRS/IN2P3)
Max-Planck-Gesellschaft zur
8. MPG Germany
Förderung der Wissenschaften e.V.
9. TUM Technische Universität München Germany
10. U-Hamburg Universität Hamburg Germany
H.Niewodniczanski Institute of
11. IFJ PAN Nuclear Physics of the Polish Poland
Academy of Sciences, Krakow
A.Sołtan Institute for Nuclear
12. IPJ Poland
13. US University of Silesia Poland
14. UWr Wroclaw University Poland
15. KGHM CUPRUM Ltd Research and Development Poland
Mineral and Energy Economy
16. IGSMiE PAN Research Institute of the Polish Poland
Academy of Sciences
Laboratorio Subterraneo de
17. LSC Spain
18. UGR University of Granada Spain
19. UDUR University of Durham United Kingdom
20. U-Sheffield The University of Sheffield United Kingdom
21. Technodyne Technodyne International Ltd United Kingdom
22. ETL Electron Tubes United Kingdom
23. U-Aarhus University of Aarhus Denmark
24. AGT AGT Ingegneria Srl, Perugia Italy

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Proposal abstract (Form A1)

Key questions in particle and astroparticle physics can be answered only by construction of new giant
underground observatories to search for rare events and to study sources of terrestrial and extra-terrestrial
neutrinos. In this context, the European Astroparticle Roadmap of 03/07, via ApPEC and ASPERA, states:
“We recommend a new large European infrastructure, an international multi-purpose facility of 105-106 ton
scale for improved studies of proton decay and low-energy neutrinos. Water-Cherenkov, Liq. Scintillator &
Liq. Argon should be evaluated as a common design study together with the underground infrastructure
and eventual detection of accelerator neutrino beams. This study should take into account worldwide
efforts and converge by 2010...”
Furthermore, the latest particle physics roadmap from CERN of 11/06 states:
“A range of very important non-accelerator experiments takes place at the overlap of particle and
astroparticle physics exploring otherwise inaccessible phenomena; Council will seek with ApPEC a
coordinated strategy in these areas of mutual interest.”
Reacting to this, uniting scientists across Europe, we propose here a design study, LAGUNA, to produce by
2010 a full conceptual design sufficient to provide policy makers and funding agencies with enough
information for a construction decision.
Has Europe the technical and human capability to lead future underground science by hosting the next
generation underground neutrino and rare event observatory? We aim to answer this question. Certainly
construction will exceed the capacity of any single European nation - to compete with the US and Asia
unification of our scattered efforts is essential. Failure to plan now risks not only that our picture of
Nature's laws remain fundamentally incomplete but also that leadership in the field enjoyed by Europe for
20 years falls away. EU FP7 input now is timely and will have major strategic impact, guaranteeing
coherence and stimulating national funding.

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Table of contents:

1. Scientific and/or technical quality, relevant to the topics addressed by the call..................... 5
1.1. Concept and objectives ..................................................................................................... 5
1.2. Progress beyond the state-of-the-art .................................................................................. 6
1.2.1. Prepare to answer fundamental questions........................................................................... 6
1.2.2. The need to plan even larger and better instruments ................................................... 6
1.2.3. Towards a proposal around 2010.............................................................................. 10
1.3. S/T methodology and associated work plan..................................................................... 10
1.3.1. WP1 – Management, coordination and assessment ................................................... 11
1.3.2. WP2 – Underground infrastructures and engineering................................................ 11
1.3.3. WP3 – Tank infrastructure and liquid handling ........................................................ 15
1.3.4. WP4 – Instrumentation of the tank and data handling............................................... 18
1.3.5. WP5 – Safety and environmental issues ................................................................... 21
1.3.6. WP6 – Science Impact and Outreach........................................................................ 23
2. Implementation.................................................................................................................. 38
2.1. Management structure and procedures ............................................................................ 38
2.2. Individual participants .................................................................................................... 40
2.3. Consortium as a whole.................................................................................................... 63
2.4. Resources to be committed ............................................................................................. 66
3. Impact ............................................................................................................................... 69
3.1. Expected impacts listed in the work programme ............................................................. 69
3.1.1. Direct impact of this DS on scientific performance of Europe .................................. 69
3.1.2. Direct impact of the planned experiments on particle and astroparticle physics ........ 69
3.1.3. Impact to technological development capacity in Europe ......................................... 70
3.1.4. Impact on society ..................................................................................................... 71
3.2. Dissemination and/or exploitation of project results, and management of intellectual
property 71
4. Ethical Issues..................................................................................................................... 73
5. Consideration of gender aspects......................................................................................... 74
6. Glossary on Initiatives and Committees in the field of astroparticle physics and related fields

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1. Scientific and/or technical quality, relevant to the topics addressed by the call
1.1. Concept and objectives
There are fundamental questions in particle and astroparticle physics that can only be answered with next-
generation very large volume underground observatories searching for rare events and studying terrestrial
and extra-terrestrial sources of neutrinos. The great physics potentials of the new research infrastructure
envisioned in this DS have been internationally recognized. In particular, ApPEC has recently stated that:
“We recommend that a new large European infrastructure is put forward, as a future international multi-purpose
facility on the 100’000-1’000’000 tons scale for improved studies of proton decay and of low-energy neutrinos from
astrophysical origin. The three detection techniques being studied for such large detectors in Europe, Water-
Cherenkov, Liquid Scintillator and Liquid Argon, should be evaluated in the context of a common design study, which
should also address the underground infrastructure, and the possibility of an eventual detection of future accelerator
neutrino beams. This design study should take into account worldwide efforts and converge, on a time scale of 2010, to
a common proposal.”
The need for such experiments is also recognized by CERN, the largest laboratory for particle physics in the
world: high-energy accelerators like the CERN Large Hadron Collider (LHC) or the planned International
Linear Collider (ILC) will not be able to answer all fundamental questions about Nature. In 2005 the CERN
Council initiated a Strategy Group to produce a Draft Strategy Document (DSD) addressing the main lines
of Particle Physics in Europe, including R&D for novel accelerator and detector technologies. The DSD 1 was
unanimously approved by CERN Council in July 2006. In this document, Council recognised that “A range
of very important non-accelerator experiments take place at the overlap between particle and astroparticle physics
exploring otherwise inaccessible phenomena; Council will seek to work with ApPEC to develop a coordinated strategy
in these areas of mutual interest.” Hence, this line of investigation represents a unique way to address these
otherwise undiscovered fundamental questions of particle physics.
These fields of research are at the forefront of astroparticle and particle physics and are the subject of
intense investigation worldwide. What will be the European contributions in these rapidly expanding
fields? Europe is currently leading deep underground science with its four long running and two emerging
deep underground laboratories. This leadership is endangered by the lack of plan for a new and bigger
research infrastructure, capable of hosting next generation large volume experiments. The DUSEL (Deep
Underground Science and Engineering Laboratory) initiative in the USA and the Japanese plans for a large
upgrade at the Kamioka site represents real competition. In order to be credible in front of the American
and Asian projects, Europe must act coherently and in a unified way in deep underground science.
Can Europe aim at becoming a world leader in deep underground science by hosting the next generation
very large underground neutrino and rare event detection observatory? The present DS will represent a
unique opportunity to answer this question and take a leading role in research fields of fundamental
importance for particle and astroparticle physics. The DS will provide the scientific and objective
information to make an optimized choice of the site(s) for a European Underground Infrastructure capable
of hosting large mass, underground observatories.
Designing and constructing the next major underground laboratory and building the required large-scale
instruments by far exceed the capacity of a single European nation and technically non-trivial. A common
approach and a coordinated international effort are required to even conceive them. This DS is the most
effective tool towards achieving this goal. A substantial EU contribution will inevitably raise national
funding and redirect the otherwise scattered local efforts coherently towards this common European goal.
A coherent and coordinated study group aimed towards common physics goals was formed at the ApPEC
“Munich meeting” in November 2005 with the aim of developing conceptual designs for European large
underground detectors, investigating physics complementarities and common R&D needs, fostering work
in synergy and problem-solving activities, as well as taking into account the unique technological expertise
in Europe and other existing or planned programmes in the world. It was hoped that mature designs and
credible proposals could emerge around 2010. This DS will formalize, organize and very effectively provide
the means for a cohesive and integrated action towards these goals.
The LAGUNA consortium includes the highest-level expertise in Europe for the required tasks. All major
European underground laboratories are partners or will be consulted, and emerging candidate sites are also
represented. The countries proposing the site for the facility have assigned the best companies in
underground engineering as partners. All universities and institutes participating in the collaborations of
the suggested experiments are taking part in the project. Our human resources include more than 60 top-

The CERN Council, in a special meeting held the 14th of July 2006 in Lisbon, agreed on the European strategy for
particle physics. The strategy is defined by the 17 statements approved by Council, and contained in the Strategy
Statement (available at

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level scientists, representing also the scientific community taking advantage of the results of the
experiments to be performed in the laboratories. The main deliverable will be a conceptual design report
(CDR), which should provide the policy makers and the funding agencies all the information for a
construction decision. The deliverables include “decision factors” such as technical feasibility (underground
halls and their access, safety issues, procurement of large quantity of liquid material for the detectors,
related infrastructure, ...), cost optimization (digging, safety, detector design...), physics performance (e.g.
hall depth, baseline from accelerator facilities, ...), in addition to spin-off and outreach issues.
The infrastructure, if built in Europe, will certainly attract scientists from many parts of the globe and will
ensure that Europe can continue to play a leading role in the field. Europe must act coherently and in a
unified way in deep underground science. The very successful history of CERN, the largest particle physics
laboratory in the world, shows that this is in principle possible.
The failure to comply with the deadline set by ApPEC creates the danger that Europe falls behind other
continents in underground science. Observation of Nature using very large underground experiments will
be the most cost-effective way to look for physics beyond our current understanding and without them our
picture of the fundamental laws of Nature will remain incomplete.
Has Europe the technical capabilities and the human and financial resources to become an international
leader for future deep underground science, by hosting the next generation very large underground
neutrino and rare event detection observatory? The aim of this DS is to answer to this question.
1.2. Progress beyond the state-of-the-art
1.2.1. Prepare to answer fundamental questions
The next-generation very large volume underground observatories searching for rare events and studying
various terrestrial and extra-terrestrial sources of neutrinos will answer fundamental questions of particle
and astroparticle physics.
Firstly, the proton, one of the main building blocks of matter, is known to be an extremely stable particle,
yet many models predict that it might not live forever. A positive detection of proton decay would
represent the most generic and directly verifiable consequence of the unification of the fundamental
interaction (strong, electromagnetic and weak forces) of Nature. Thought by many to be as important as the
search for the Higgs boson or the existence of supersymmetric particles (SUSY), the discovery of proton
decay would have a tremendous impact on our understanding of Nature at the highest energies (in an
energy domain in the range of 1016 GeV, to be compared with the energy domain up to 103 GeV explored by
the highest energy Large Hadron Collider LHC at CERN), yielding otherwise inaccessible information on
the structure of matter at extremely small scales. The new instruments envisioned in this DS will allow
exploration of otherwise unreachable domains at the extreme high energies.
Secondly, the neutrino is unique among the fundamental particles in that it has no conserved quantum
numbers except, perhaps, a global lepton number. The recent discovery that the neutrino changes type, or
flavour, as it travels through space, a phenomenon referred to as neutrino oscillations, implies that
neutrinos have a tiny, but non-zero mass, that lepton flavour is not conserved, and that the Standard Model
of particle physics is incomplete. Neutrinos can travel very large distances in space and traverse dense
zones of the Universe, since they only very weakly interact with matter, and provide therefore unique
information on their sources. The new instruments envisioned in this DS will allow for unprecedented
measurements of fundamental neutrino properties, providing us with new and deep insights into their
sources, notably the Sun, the core-collapse supernovae and the Earth itself.
A very active international scientific community is discussing these scientific topics in the NNN workshop,
where NNN stands for “Next generation Nucleon decay and Neutrino detectors”. This series of workshops
has been devoted to discussion of experiments that go beyond the reach of current projects, as well as the
related theoretical work. The first NNN Workshop was held in 1999 at Stony Brook, USA. Recently, NNN05
took place in Aussois, France, and NNN06 in Seattle, USA. The next meetings will be held in Hamamatsu,
Japan in 2007 and in Paris in 2008.
1.2.2. The need to plan even larger and better instruments
The first successful detection of neutrinos from the supernova SN-1987A by the Kamiokande experiment
(Japan), recognized with the Nobel Prize in 2002, has opened the field of neutrino astronomy, a by now 20-
year long tradition of incredibly rich physics with large underground detectors, the largest one being the
22.5 kton Super-Kamiokande detector. These instruments, thanks to technical breakthroughs, have
achieved fundamental results like the solution of the solar neutrino puzzle and the understanding of the
physics of the Sun, the discovery of non-vanishing neutrino masses. Limits on the flux of supernovae relic
neutrinos have been set. The lifetime of protons has been pushed towards limits in the range of a few 1033
years. KamLAND has announced first evidence of so-called geo-neutrinos, emitted by radioactive elements
within the Earth, opening the way to new methods of investigation of the Earth’s interior. Soon the neutrino
flavour oscillation mixing matrix is going to be further studied with an intense accelerator neutrino beam

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from the newly built J-PARC accelerator complex in Japan (T2K experiment), complementing the efforts at
Fermilab in USA and at the CERN-Gran Sasso in Europe.
Further advances in low energy neutrino astronomy and neutrino astroparticle physics, as well direct
investigation of Grand Unification (GU) of fundamental interactions require the construction of next-
generation very large volume underground observatories. With complementary techniques, facilities on the
mass scale of 50 kton to 500 kton could dramatically increase the potential of past and present underground
detectors, however as expected, represent rather large extrapolations compared to current worldwide state-
of-the-art, requiring advances in several fields, like underground civil engineering, mechanical engineering,
large scale detector instrumentation and integration, and last-but-not-least safety and environmental issues.

Figure 1 The existing or emerging six national underground science laboratories.

There is currently no infrastructure in the world able to host instruments of this size, although many
European national underground laboratories with high-level technical expertise are currently operated
with forefront smaller-scale underground experiments (see Figure 1). Very large underground laboratories
are being considered in Japan in the context of the Hyper-Kamiokande 2 project and in the USA as part of
the DUSEL process3. A pan-European research infrastructure able to host new generation underground
instruments with total volumes in the range of 100’000 m3 up to 1’000’000 m3 would provide new and
unique scientific opportunities and very likely lead to fundamental discoveries in the field of particle and
astroparticle physics, attracting interest from scientists worldwide.
The present Design Study (DS) focuses on the study of feasibility and design of such a new infrastructure in
Europe and on the scrutiny of the technical requirements necessary for the next generation large-scale
underground observatories. This DS intends to explore different detector technologies currently being
investigated by various European research institutes, and different potential underground sites in order to
identify the scientifically and technical most appropriate and cost-effective strategy for future large-scale
underground detectors in Europe. The main deliverable will be a CDR report which should contain all the
relevant information for a construction decision around 2010.
We have already mentioned that the above physics topics have historically produced very important results
It is reasonable to assume that the physics programme addressed by this DS will span over 30 years and
more, with the involvement of several generations of worldwide researchers. Investigating the proton
lifetime up to 1035 years will provide a very stringent, perhaps ultimate test of the Grand Unification
hypothesis. After the optical observation of supernovae (SN) by mankind during the last centuries and the
SN1987A neutrino detection, the next observable event with neutrinos will occur with high probability in
the next decade and with near certainty in the next 30 years. Meanwhile the background flux of neutrinos
from relic supernovae can be observed. The study of neutrino properties has shown the first indication of
physics beyond the Standard Model of Elementary Particles. New discoveries, like CP-violation in the
leptonic sector, are expected in this field.

K. Nakamura, “HYPER-KAMIOKANDE: A next generation water Cherenkov detector for a nucleon decay
experiment,” Front. Phys. 35, 359 (2000).

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Several conceptual ideas for next-generation very-massive, multi-purpose underground detectors have
emerged worldwide and in Europe over the
last years. All the designs consist of large
volumes of liquid observed by detectors,
which are arranged on the inner surfaces of
the vessels. The liquid simultaneously acts as
the target and as the detecting medium. The
first one relies on the concept of Super-
Kamiokande and uses water (MEMPHYS
R&D project), the second builds on the initial
experience with ICARUS and uses Liquid
Argon (GLACIER R&D project), the third
extrapolates experience gained in reactor
experiments and BOREXINO and uses liquid
scintillator (LENA R&D project). See Figure 2.
Figure 2 R&D projects being discussed in
Europe as possible next generation very
large volume underground detectors:
In this DS, we therefore evaluate these three technologies:
Water Cerenkov imaging: As the cheapest available (active) target material, water is the only liquid that is
realistic for extremely large detectors, up to several hundreds or thousands of ktons. Water Cerenkov
detectors have sufficiently good resolution in energy, position and angle. The technology is well proven, as
previously used for the IMB, Kamiokande and Super-Kamiokande experiments (See Figure 3).
Liquid scintillator: Experiments using liquid scintillator as the active target provide high-energy resolution
and offer low-energy threshold. They are particularly attractive for very low energy particle detection, as
for example solar neutrinos and geo-neutrinos. Also liquid scintillator detectors feature a well-established
technology, already successfully applied at relatively large scale in the Borexino and KamLAND
Liquid Argon Time Projection Chambers (LAr TPC): This detection technology has among the three the
best performance in the identification of the topology of interactions and decays of particles, thanks to the
bubble-chamber like imaging performance. Liquid Argon TPCs are very versatile and work well with a
wide particle energy range. Experience with such detectors has been gained within the ICARUS project.
The three technologies have in common
similar requirements for their design,
installation and operation in the future
underground facilities. They have similar
(high) discovery potential and exhibit some
interesting elements of complementarity. In
addition, the three proposed solutions are
backed by rather large and active European
communities. This DS will create the
opportunity for a concerted effort towards a
global optimization of the projects,
increasing the probability of success with the
elaboration of shared strategies.
Figure 3 Inside view of the
Superkamiokande detector in Japan. The
large volume of water is seen by 11000
photo-detectors for a total sensitive mass of
22.5 ktons.
From a practical point of view, the most straightforward liquid is water, where the detection is based on the
Cherenkov light emission by the final state particles. This faint light is detected by a very large number of
photomultipliers positioned on the surface of the container. The technology has been pioneered by the IMB
and Kamiokande projects (USA and Japan, respectively) and successfully extended to Super-Kamiokande
during many years of operation. Super-Kamiokande has a fiducial mass of 22.5 kton observed by about
11,000 large-size photomultipliers. The possibility of building a water Cherenkov detector with a fiducial
mass of about 500 kton observed by about 200,000 photomultipliers is currently being investigated by
different groups around the world, and for different underground sites. While water is a cheap medium,

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the size of such detectors is limited by the cost of excavation and of the photomultipliers. The MEMPHYS
project is being discussed for deployment in an extended Frejus laboratory (France/Italy). In the US, the
UNO detector is being proposed for a future underground facility in North America. In Japan Hyper-
Kamiokande will provide an extension of Super-Kamiokande, using a new cavern to be excavated near
Super-Kamiokande. Hyper-Kamiokande could serve as the far detector for the T2K experiment. Water-
Cerenkov detectors are ideally matched for neutrino energies below 1 GeV. They have also a high
sensitivity for proton decays with two isolated Cherenkov rings like for example the channel p → e+ πo.
A second possibility is a very large liquid scintillator volume observed by photomultipliers. The scintillator
technology is based on the developments within the BOREXINO and DoubleCHOOZ projects. The total
light yield of a scintillator is much larger than that of water, resulting in a much better energy resolution
and lower detection threshold. A high efficiency can be achieved in the search for the proton decay via p →
! K+, as the Kaon and its decay products can be observed directly. In addition to the detection of
Supernova neutrinos and the diffuse Supernova neutrino background, the very low threshold allows
measuring different contributions to the solar neutrino spectrum at high statistics. Moreover, due to the
delayed coincidence signal of electron antineutrinos liquid scintillator is the only proposed technology able
to detect geo-neutrinos. LENA is a European proposal for such a detector. Already with a mass of 50 kt, the
detector would provide interesting physics. This mass could be enlarged as the main costs are due to the
price of the scintillator and the photomultipliers. There is a growing interest in the technique in North
America, with the SNO+ experiment and the proposed deep ocean geo-neutrino observatory HanoHano.
A third possibility is the liquid Argon Time Projection Chamber developed under European leadership
over many years of ICARUS R&D programme. This technology is able to image rare events with the quality
of bubble-chambers, which are famous for having led to important discoveries in particle physics. The
liquid Argon TPC is fully electronic and can be extrapolated to very large masses, possibly beyond many
tens of kilotons. The Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG) technology developed by the petrochemical industry has
proven that the storage of very large volumes of cryogen is safe. The ionization charge produced by
charged particles when they traverse the medium and the associated scintillation light can be
independently readout to provide a tracking-calorimetry detector. Thanks to their imaging capability, these
detectors provide improved sensitivity to the proton decay channels where backgrounds are the limiting
factor in Water Cherenkov detectors, such as the channel p → ! K+. GLACIER is a European design for a
new generation liquid Argon TPC, eventually scalable up to at least 100 kton, and dedicated R&D for the
extrapolation of the liquid Argon TPC to very large scales is been pursued. Interest in the technology has
recently also grown in the USA in the context of a second generation long-baseline experiment at Fermilab.
The three mentioned detector types represent a variety of complementary aspects (see Table 1): MEMPHYS
would collect the largest statistics, GLACIER would have the best pattern recognition, LENA would have
the lowest energy threshold. MEMPHYS and LENA are superior in anti-neutrino detection while GLACIER
is best in neutrino detection. Neutrinos and anti-neutrinos together provide the full information to study
supernovae. MEMPHYS has complementary sensitivity to LENA and GLACIER on proton decay flavour
Table 1 Overview of the physics potential of the three types of instruments considered
Topics GLACIER (100 kt) LENA (50 kt) MEMPHYS (400 kt)
proton decay, sensitivity (years)
decay mode e + π0 0.5 ⋅ 1035 TBD 1.0 ⋅ 1035
decay mode anti-ν K+ 1.1 ⋅ 1035 0.4 ⋅ 1035 0.2 ⋅ 1035
SN at 10 kpc, # events 9.0 ⋅ 103 (anti-νe)
CC 2.5 ⋅ 104 (νe ) 3.0 ⋅ 103 2.0 ⋅ 105 (anti-νe)
NC 3.0 ⋅ 104
5.0 ⋅ 103 (p)
ES 1.0 ⋅ 103 (e)
1.0 ⋅ 103 (e) 6.0 ⋅ 102 (p)
Diffuse SN
# Signal/Background events 60/30 (10-115)/4 (40-110)/50
(after 5 years) (with Gadolinium)
Solar neutrinos B ES : 4.5 ⋅ 104
8 7
Be: 2.0 ⋅ 106 8
B ES: 1.1 ⋅ 105
# events, 1 year Abs: 1.6 ⋅ 105 pep: 7.7 ⋅ 104
CNO: 7.6 ⋅ 104
B(CC): 3.6 ⋅ 102
B(NC): 5 ⋅ 103
Atmospheric ν
# events, 1 year 1.1 ⋅ 104 TBD 4.0 ⋅ 104

Geo-neutrinos # events, 1 year Below threshold 1.5 ⋅ 103 Below threshold

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1.2.3. Towards a proposal around 2010

Without any doubt, a very large underground detector facility has an extremely rich physics programme.
The construction and operation clearly represents a difficult technological challenge and a significant
investment on the scale of several hundred millions of Euros. It is intimately connected to the question of
large underground infrastructures. The choice of the most appropriate technology, of the site and of the
designs of such super-massive detectors should be carefully optimized taking into account the technical
feasibility and predicted costs, the multiple physics goals, and also the possible existence of accelerator
neutrino beams. To set the scale, the Hall B at the LNGS underground laboratory (See Figure 4) is one of the
largest volumes available today for underground experiments. It has an instrumentable volume of about
15’000 m3. In comparison, this DS foresees total instrumentable volumes ranging from 100’000 to 1’000’000
m3. The technical and economical feasibility of an underground observatory of this magnitude, perhaps
ultimate in size, requires a strong coordinate and coherent European strategy and will be heavily reliant on
the possibility to contain costs compared to today’s state-of-the-art by a careful optimization of all elements
involved in the project: (1) the excavation and preparation of the underground space, (2) the design and
construction of the tank, (3) the instrumentation and (4) the safety aspects. This implies that cost is
optimized at all level of the project, and must heavily rely on careful design and engineering.
At the ApPEC “Munich meeting” held in November 2005, a coordinated effort among the 3 “liquid”
technologies was proposed and accepted. Large detectors like Water Cherenkov, Liquid Scintillator and
Liquid Argon TPC present, in addition to the above mentioned physics complementarities, a lot of common
needs for R&D studies that will be fostered by synergies and task sharing.
The purpose of this proposal is to develop a
conceptual design report for a pan-European
infrastructure capable of hosting large-scale liquid
detector(s). This study will allow a coherent and well-
coordinated EU-wide design effort towards a large
infrastructure, solving common problems together,
taking into account the unique technological expertise
in rare event detection technologies, underground
excavation and construction, such that mature designs
and credible scenarios can be proposed around 2010.

Figure 4 The Hall B at the LNGS underground

laboratory. This hall is one of the largest volumes
available today for underground experiments.
An important point is the possibility to eventually couple the research instruments that will be studied in
this DS with existing or future neutrinos produced with accelerators. In Europe, the CERN Council at its
December 1999 meeting has approved the CNGS project. Construction started in September 2000, and the
first beam was obtained in the Fall 2006. This beam will serve the OPERA experiment at LNGS for the next
five years. The further improvement of knowledge of neutrinos oscillation parameters requires precise
measurements of parameters governing neutrino oscillations, which will require new high intensity
neutrino oscillation facilities in which neutrino beams are generated using new and highly challenging
concepts. Whatever the kind of beam that will be technically realisable, it will require a massive
underground detector as a far detector. Therefore, our present DS addresses a fundamental point in the
feasibility of future long baseline neutrinos programme, since it will assess where in Europe, very large
underground detectors could be conceivable and at what cost.
1.3. S/T methodology and associated work plan
The main goal of the DS is to bring together on one
hand the scientific community interested in this kind
of research infrastructure and on the other the
industrial and technical experts able to help assess its
feasibility. The DS is subdivided into 6 workpackages
(WP), interconnected with each other. The list of WP
is the following:
WP1 = Management, coordination and assessment
WP2 = Underground infrastructures and engineering
WP3 = Tank infrastructure and liquid handling
WP4 = Tank instrumentation and data handling
WP5 = Safety and environmental issues
WP6 = Science impact and outreach

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1.3.1. WP1 – Management, coordination and assessment

The management WP will coordinate the contractual, financial and administrative aspects of the Design
Study and will oversee the technical and scientific work of the other WPs. It will be responsible for ensuring
the project milestones are achieved and the deliverables produced on time. Furthermore, this WP will be
responsible for knowledge management for the Design Study, coordinating the protection, use and
dissemination of the knowledge generated during
the project.
Task 1.1 Development of a management
The first task is to outline a management structure
to allow efficient coordination of all contractual,
financial and administrative aspects of the Design
Study. This will be completed within the first 4
months of the project, although the management
network created will continue, through the various
WP leaders, to monitor milestones, ensuring that deliverables are produced on time.
Task 1.2 First year report
To be completed in the 12th month, this document will summarize the work done in all WP, and will
compare progress against milestones and deliverables.
Task 1.3 Interim report
At the end of the 24th month an interim report will be submitted detailing the progress made in each WP,
comparing these with the respective milestones, and outlining any conclusions which can be drawn.
Task 1.4 Final year report
To be completed in the 36th month of the project, this report will describe the achievements of the Design
Study and will include a detailed comparison of all sites and experiments considered. Based on the
findings, a recommendation will be made for the feasibility of the project with respect to scientific
performance, underground construction, engineering infrastructure, and cost. This will include a CDR for
the facilities and storage vessels selected.
1.3.2. WP2 – Underground infrastructures and engineering
The WP focuses on the technical issues of underground large-scale civil engineering needed to host large
volume instruments considered in the DS. The purpose of this WP is
• to assess the feasibility of large underground cavern in six potential European sites to host large
volume detectors of each target liquid,
• to select a subset of candidate sites (so called “promising” sites) and
• to perform more detailed feasibility studies of the excavation of large-scale cavities in those
“promising” sites.
The main deliverable will be a feasibility document containing the scientific and technical information
related to excavation of large caverns in those sites. Its PERT diagram is shown in Figure 5.

Task 2.1 Definition of common basis

Task 2.2 Task 2.3 Task 2.7

Prefeasibility study Prefeasibility study Prefeasibility study
for CUPP for Boulby for LSC

Selection of
promising sites

Task 2.8 Improved feasibility studies for “promising sites”

Figure 5 PERT diagram for WP2.

A report, subject to commercial confidentiality where appropriate, with conceptual designs of the under-
ground cavities will be delivered, recommending the sites that are technically suitable for large excavations
and if relevant which target liquids can be envisaged in a particle location. Estimates for costs of cavern and
access excavations will be included. A critical comparison of these costs, pointing out potential relative and
absolute cost differences, will be included in the report.

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In each country involved there will be two participants: a scientific institute and a technical (engineering)
partner. The role of the technical partner is to
prepare the technical part of the design and to
study the feasibility of the rock construction. The
role of the scientific partner is to provide
scientific expertise for the design, particularly
outlining the requirements and preferences of the
experiments and acting as a link between the
technical partner and the scientific community.
All countries need their own local participants for
the site studies, because the local conditions are
very specific and different in each participating
country (See for example Figure 6 to illustrate
difference in bedrock), considering both geology
and default host and access.
Figure 6 Bedrock conditions in Europe.
Conditions vary substantially from one location
to another.
All partners of DS will commit to work together and share data whenever possible, experience and
expertise. The work is started with the underground sites shown in Table 2. The first goal of the DS is to
guarantee that each of the six European sites has been investigated with the same level of detail. This is
important in order to allow a coherent and fair comparison of the pros and cons of the potential sites.
Hence, in a pre-feasibility study phase all sites will be investigated in order to reach the same level of
understanding of their potential for very large excavations. This DS will include special requirements of the
experiments, as well as plans for normal insulation, ventilation, power and other building technical tasks.
The interface to the local host infrastructure (mine, tunnel) and the access from the surface will also be
studied. The scientific preferences and requirements will be studied in parallel with the technical studies by
scientists in the community in the other WPs. Detailed executive designs are out of scope of this DS, since it
is a normal practice to include them in the construction budget.
Table 2 Sites to be explored during the DS.
Name Country Region Host institute Site type
1) Boulby mine United Boulby Sheffield Univ. Mine/salt (potash) or rock
2) Fréjus France Fréjus CEA / IN2P3 Road tunnel / hard rock
3) CERN CNGS off- Italy Along CERN Not yet defined Soft rock/shallow depth
axis location CNGS neutrino
4) LSC Spain Pyrenees MEC/Regional Aragon Soft rock
Governm./ Zaragoza
5) Pyhäsalmi Finland Pyhäjärvi Oulu Univ. Mine / hard rock
6) SUNLAB Poland Polkowice - Not yet defined Mine / salt & rock

Engineering companies will perform the main part of this WP. There will be a separate local company for
each laboratory, as specific knowledge of the local conditions is mandatory.
The pre-feasibility studies will include geological studies of the sites, analysis of available rock samples and
simulations of rock mechanics. The main topics to be addressed in the prefeasibility studies of each six sites
• Determination of the best shape for very large cavities and of their maximum possible dimensions.
Assessment of environment suitability for specific scientific applications with respect to the geo-
mechanical structure and the limitations it imposes on cavern size and shape.
• Assessment of the implications of the rock characteristics on costs, operations, and site lifetime relevant
to the science being undertaken.

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• Definition and optimization of the strategy for the containment of each type of liquid (in connection with
• Determination of the technical requirements internal to the laboratory infrastructure including access
arrangements, underground and surface facilities such as cryogenic, gas extraction, clean room facilities,
LAr and/or LN2 provision, dedicated ventilation, air filtering and conditioning, electrical power supply,
water, access roadways, specific safety requirements, liquid transportation and local production factory
for their continuous purification (in connection with WP3 & WP5); and to study the special services and
requirements specific to each experiment; optimisation of the strategy for the near access to each cavity.
• Assessment of requirements for, or impact on the infrastructure of transportation and assembly of
experimental equipment – roadway type and size, shaft access, craneage, and lifting equipment.
• Incorporation of the relevant safety conditions and equipments (for fire, liquid leaks and evaporation,
etc.) in connection with WP5.
• Assessment of the needs for computing facilities, networking, and communications.
• Study of the prospect for flexible designs and provision for expansion and eventual decommissioning.
• Study of the operation of the laboratories from a legal, financial, and managerial perspective.
• Estimation of costs and time for execution of excavation. Identification of the factors that affect costs.
• Estimation of the maintenance costs of the underground infrastructures (ventilation, water pumping,
controls and reparations etc) with different options.
Task 2.1 Start-up phase
The first task is to agree on a common framework to the different site studies. In order to compare the
results at an equal basis, we define the standards to be used in all studies and set up the template for the
interim reports. We also ensure that all partners have similar starting points, agree on intercommunication
and introduce all technical partners to each other to share data and knowledge. This task is to be completed
during the first six months of the project.
Task 2.2 Prefeasibility study for CUPP/Pyhäsalmi
For CUPP a pre-feasibility study for a deep laboratory was done in 2002, with two drill holes . The rock was
found to be very good, though the rock pressure was high. Although
the study did not consider as large cavities as in LAGUNA, it did
not show any evident obstacle for such cavities (See Figure 7). The
feasibility of large underground constructions in a new underground
laboratory located by the Pyhäsalmi mine will be further studied in
this DS. The integration into the infrastructures and operation of an
active mine will be specifically studied.

Figure 7 Pre-feasibility study at CUPP/Pyhäsalmi.

Task 2.3 Prefeasibility study for Fréjus
In Fréjus a pre-feasibility study for excavation of very large cavities in the context of the MEMPHYS project
was done 20054. It included rock mechanical analysis using the existing data of the rock in the road tunnel.
No technical obstacles for caverns of the kind needed by the MEMPHYS project were discovered so far.
Using the general rock properties the optimal shape of the cavity for MEMPHYS was found to be
individual cylinders (3 to 5) of ca 250 000 m3 each. The cavity for GLACIER in its preferred form was found
to be infeasible, but another form was suggested (e.g. 2 modules of 50 ktons each). The programme of this
DS will consist of a more advanced and precise study including the basic equipments of the laboratory, as
needed by each target liquid. The main task could be subcontracted to the SETEC5 and LOMBARDI6
companies. Fine-tuning of the shape of the cavities will be an important point of the study. In addition, a
study of compatibility between the excavation operations for a megaton-scale laboratory at the Fréjus site
and the running conditions of the future safety tunnel at the Fréjus (with a diameter = 8 m) will be assessed:
need of ventilation, of excavated rock evacuation, etc.
Task 2.4 Prefeasibility study for Boulby mine
The Boulby mine, a working salt and potash mine in north east England, at 1100m deep, is the deepest mine
in Britain with over 1000km of tunnels excavated over the last 40 years. The potential for expansion is a
priori excellent and there is already interest from the mine operators Cleveland Potash Ltd (CPL) in

“Cavernes de 1 Million de metres cubes : Étude préliminaire de faisabilité” STONE (Juin 2005) and “Étude préliminaire de faisabilité de puits de
grande dimension (au Fréjus) : Méthodes de réalisation Coûts et Délais SETEC-TPI (12 octobre 2005)”
SETEC-TPI, Tour Gamma D 58, Quai de la Rapée, 75583 Paris (France)
LOMBARDI SA, Ingegneri Consulenti, Via R. Simen 19, CH-6648 Minusio Locarno, Switzerland.

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excavating deeper to exploit polyhalite ore. Whereas excavations in the salt seam are limited to 8m wide by
5m high, polyhalite is thought to be a far more competent rock, which is expected to be self-supporting over
large areas. Based on a core sample taken from the polyhalite seam 200m below the salt and potash layers,
CPL predicts that labs as large as those seen in existing hard rock locations are possible, and that cavities
30m wide and high are potentially feasible. In its current form LENA appears to be viable, and based on the
cavity geometry permitted by the surrounding rock, GLACIER and potentially MEMPHYS could also be
adapted to fit. The concept of a new underground science facility in this seam is strongly supported by
CPL. The study in this DS would involve strategic exploration to identify the economic viability of mining
the deeper polyhalite resources, and a full appraisal of the feasibility of establishing a full laboratory with
all associated services required for underground science including specific reports for each proposed
experiment and their requirements both above and below ground. CPL would act as a professional
engineering consultant and would liaise with Sheffield University, the scientific institute. The main aim for
CPL would be to undertake a detailed scientific environmental study of the polyhalite deposit to assess
suitability for a deep laboratory for the science intended, and hence to inform critical areas of the facility
design. Boulby mine is a fully functioning salt and potash mine, and as such it is only correct that the mine
operators CPL have the final decision on the making public of any and all facts concerning Boulby mine
and CPL deemed to be of a private, proprietary, or sensitive nature for whatever reason by way of a
confidentiality agreement. This will provide written assurance from the Principle Investigators, before any
feasibility study is carried out, and is seen as an essential first step of the design study.
Task 2.5 Prefeasibility study of a shallow site along the CERN NGS neutrino beam
The CERN CNGS project, approved by the CERN Council in 1999, has been commissioned in the Fall 2006.
This high-energy beam, using the CERN accelerator complex, is directed towards the Gran Sasso
Underground Laboratory and will serve the underground OPERA experiment located in Hall C of LNGS
for a period of about five years. The current
optimization of the CNGS beam is tuned to the
particular physics programme of the OPERA project
and exhibits limited interest for the physics addressed
in the present DS. The physics potential of an intensity
upgraded and energy re-optimized CNGS neutrino
beam coupled to an “off-axis detector” of very large
mass could offer interesting physics opportunities (See
Figure 8). Within this DS, possible shallow depths sites
will be investigated taking into account the expected
profile of the CNGS beam and possible upgrades its
intensity, in agreement with CERN long term plans.
Figure 8 The profile of the CERN CNGS beam. Several
locations symbolized by the red ellipses are a priori
candidate sites for an off-axis configuration.
Task 2.6 Prefeasibility study for SUNLAB
The Sieroszowice Underground LABoratory (SUNLAB) is planned to be located in the Sieroszowice mine,
which belongs to the KGHM holding of the copper mines in the west-southern Poland. The site is placed 70
km from the airport in Wroclaw and 40 km from the motorway A4 crossing the southern Poland in the
west-east direction. At a depth of 900-1000 meters below the surface there is a layer of salt about 70 meters
thick. Over and under the salt deposit, layers of high stiffness and strength parameters (anhydrite,
limestone and dolomite) are observed, often water saturated. So far, the cavities executed at such depths in
the Polish rock salt formations were of a smaller scale. One of existing caverns, 100 m long, 15 m wide and
15 m high, is located in Sieroszowice at 950 m below the surface. It serves now for measurement purposes.
The movements of the salt walls have been monitored since 1997 in order to better understand a viscous
creep of salt at big depths. A very large underground infrastructure for the LAGUNA project would be an
innovating enterprise. In Sieroszowice an initial study was done in 2004/2005, showing prospects to host a
large detector for GLACIER Liquid Argon detector. The preliminary conclusion of finite elements analyses
showed that very large caverns in the salt layers could be potentially considered. The full pre-feasibility
study for SUNLAB will be performed by KGHM Cuprum in close collaboration with IGSMiE PAN and the
Sieroszowice mine’s personnel. It will embrace all mining and geological aspects of large salt cavern design,
from its location selection to water and energy supply. 3d stability analysis performed using the finite
differences numerical tool (Flac3d) will permit determining the optimum cavern’s shape constituting the
main objective of the overall study. This feasibility study will focus particularly on salt-rock creep
behaviour as well as the appropriate strength hypothesis assessment based on mechanical tests performed
in KGHM Cuprum laboratory site, validated later on by field measurements in the existing underground
salt chambers. During the computation procedure, salt-rock and surrounding hard rock mass will be
scanned out whether the values of stability measures expressed by so called safety margins are maintained

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within a given safe bounds. This kind of numerical modelling will include the multi-phase and time-
dependent excavation process and salt-rock creep behaviour in long-term horizon as well.
Task 2.7 Prefeasibility study for LSC
The Canfranc laboratory is located at 1080 m over the sea level and has a natural rock shielding amounting
up to 2450 meters water equivalent. The lab originally consisted of two small halls (known as Lab1 and
Lab3) located 780m and 2500m away from the Spanish entrance of the tunnel, respectively. A new lab was
recently constructed. It consists of a main hall with an area of 45x15m2 and has a height of 10 meters. In
addition, there are storage corridors, workshops, clean rooms, etc. for a total surface exceeding 1000 m2.
So far no plans for possible extensions of this laboratory have been considered. Within this DS, possible
extension of the laboratory either near the current site, which offers a dedicated entrance via the abandoned
train tunnel, or in the neighbouring sites, will be investigated.
Task 2.8 Improved feasibility studies for “promising sites”
The selection process of the promising sites forms the major milestone of the work. On the subset of
promising sites, more detailed studies will be performed. We expect to reduce the number of sites to three
“promising” ones and to consider for each of them two or three liquids, hence, the number of cases should
range between 6 and 9. In addition to a more detailed study of the works mentioned above, these studies
include the extraction and preparation of rock samples across the site volume, and thorough analysis of
their geological properties. The radio-purity of the rock and factors such as temperature, humidity, and
rock stability will be assessed. The sizes and shapes of the cavities will be fine-tuned to fit the requirements
of experiments. WP3 (tank), WP5 (safety) and WP6 (physics optimisation, background issues) will deliver
the necessary input. The costs for the construction of the cavities will be estimated with 20% accuracy.
Detailed designs are not included in this DS, as they belong to the construction phase, after approval.
1.3.3. WP3 – Tank infrastructure and liquid handling
This WP will establish the feasibility of underground tanks to handle and store large amounts of pure target
liquids, while assessing their cost. The WP includes several tasks (a) to determine the optimum strategy for
design and manufacture of underground tanks specific to each target liquid, (b) to assess methods of
procurement of large quantities of liquid in the “promising” sites defined in WP2 and (c) to define liquid
filling and large-scale purification strategies. In order to contain costs and avoid custom designs, whenever
possible, readily available commercial solutions or extrapolations from these are to be considered.
Fortunately, the technology for large storage tank is rather well developed and well documented in
EUROCODES. The nature of the tasks in this WP necessitates significant liaison with specialised industries
such as Technodyne Ltd and/or e.g. Kalliosuunnittelu Oy Rockplan Ltd in either a partnership or
subcontracting capacity. In addition partnership with specialised civil and cryogenic engineering
departments would prove beneficial as would discussion with companies exploiting mine or road tunnels
for transportation of construction equipment and materials. Throughout the study constant communication
will be maintained between senior physicists, industrial partners and specialised engineers to ensure
engineering solutions do not compromise scientific performance. Milestones will identify key design stages
and interim reports will outline progress. Regular meetings among senior physicists, industrials partners
and contractors will identify problem areas and help ensure the engineering aspects of the design do not
supersede the scientific requirements of the instruments.
Task 3.1 Definition and assessment of prior conditions
Two different shapes of liquid tanks will be considered for the liquid containment: vertical cylindrical and
horizontal cylindrical tanks. One of the tasks of the WP is to assess the optimal shape of the tank in synergy
with the feasibility and costs optimization of the cavern excavation (WP2), the detector instrumentation
(WP4), the safety aspects (WP5) and the related physics performance issues (WP6).
As was already demonstrated in the context of the MEMPHYS R&D programme, a very large volume of
1’000’000 m3 is not readily realizable as a single unitary cavern. A staged approach, contemplating five
tanks of 250’000 m3, has therefore been preferred in the MEMPHYS pre-feasibility study at the Fréjus site.
Similarly, a staged approach, with say, two or three “modules” of increasing volume, e.g. 10’000, 20’000 and
40’000 m3 to reach the required total volume, will be studied in this WP. Clearly, from the tank point of
view, the largest single unit approach is the most cost-effective solution, however, this will be considered in
relation to the requirements of excavation (WP1), instrumentation (WP4) and of safety (WP5). A “scalable”
design should a priori be considered as the most optimal approach.
Regardless of the shape or the size of the container, each liquid target imposes specific requirements on the
design of the tanks. In particular, large water tanks housed within underground areas are conventionally
either single stainless steel walled, surrounded by large sumps to catch escaping fluid, or double skinned
with an internal lattice construction within the wall cavity to isolate leaks flowing from areas of the inner
surface. Chemical incompatibility of liquid scintillators with materials used in the construction of tanks
imposes design restrictions. The implications of chemical spills necessitate the use either of double skinned
walled tanks, or of multiple units of a modular design housed within a sealed sump of reduced size. Tanks

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used to contain large quantities of cryogens (a.k.a. liquid Argon), although more complex in design, have
been demonstrated worldwide to be both reliable and safe in their application to LNG storage. For LNG
storage, the largest above ground tank that has been built to date is the 180,000 m3 tank at Senboku Japan.
The industry also perceives the requirement to increase the capacity to above 200,000 m3 in the near future.
It is feasible to increase the tank capacities of Concrete / 9% Ni Steel storage tank designs to capacities
above 200,000 m3.

Task 3.1 Definition and assessment of prior conditions

Task 3.2 Detailed Task 3.3 Investigation of Task 3.4 Evaluate liquid
conceptual design of underground assembly of procurement and define
large underground tanks large tanks and costing filling techniques

Task 3.6 Design of Task 3.7 Design of a

Task 3.5 Design a large-scale
of a large-scale large-scale liquid
scintillator Argon handling and
water handling handling and
and purification purification system
purification system

Task 3.8 Final report on optimization of tank design, construction,

filling techniques and liquid purification systems
Figure 9 PERT diagram for WP3.
For above ground tanks, the rules defined in Part 4-2 of EUROCODE 3 provide principles and application
rules for the structural design of vertical cylindrical above ground steel tanks for the storage of liquid
products with the following characteristics: (a) internal pressures above the liquid level not less than -
100mbar and not more than 500 mbar; (b) design metal temperature in the range of -50oC to +300oC. For
tanks constructed using austenitic stainless steel, the design metal temperature may be in the range of -
165oC to +300oC and (c) maximum design liquid level not higher than the top of the cylindrical shell. EN
1993-4-2 is concerned only with the requirements for resistance and stability of steel tanks. Other design
requirements are covered by p rEN 14015 for ambient temperature tanks, p rEN 14620 for cryogenic tanks
and prEN 1090 for fabrication and erection considerations. These other requirements include foundations
and settlement, fabrication, erection and testing, functional performance, and details like man-holes,
flanges, and filling devices. Provisions concerning the special requirements of seismic design are provided
in EUROCODE 8, Part 4, which
complements the provisions of
EUROCODE 3 specifically for this
purpose. The design of a supporting
structure for a tank is dealt with in EN
1993-1-1. The design of an aluminium roof
structure on a steel tank is dealt with in
EN 1999-1-5.

Figure 10 Conceptual design of a large

underground Argon storage tank by
Technodyne Ltd.
In comparison, the underground tanks contemplated in this DS are relatively small compared to those used
by the petro-chemical industry for above ground storage of materials. Extra considerations will obviously
have to be taken into account when underground, however, other design considerations such as wind
loading and solar heating effects are eliminated from the above ground case. The main issues to be
understood are therefore related to the underground operation and construction of these tanks. Significant
industrial consultation will be required with companies possessing extensive experience in the design and
construction of such large storage tanks. For this we will rely on the Technodyne Ltd SME acting as a
participant in this DS.

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In 2004 a pre-study on the feasibility of a large underground liquid Argon storage tank7 of 77’000 m3 was
mandated to Technodyne Ltd and resulted in a conceptual design presented in
Figure 10. Studies carried out within this WP will include more detailed designs of the tanks, the support
structure, the storage vessels and required ancillary safety structures required. Once “promising” sites have
been identified in WP2, the suitability of the tanks will be studied in more details with regards to
underground access and construction, cavern size and local infrastructure. Based on a successful appraisal,
more detailed designs of suitable tanks and their interface to the cavern and host infrastructure will begin.
Task 3.2 Detailed conceptual design of large underground tanks
Most of the work in this subtask will be performed in tight collaboration between physicists and the
engineering expertise from the Technodyne partner. In addition, consultation with other experts in the field
like for example GEOSTOCK 8 and UGS 9, is foreseen. We have noted that Europe has significant expertise in
the development of tools for the relevant engineering of this package. We mention for example LUSAS
engineering software.10 A report will be produced containing detailed tank designs suitable for each target
liquid, including construction time and predicted costs with assistance from companies specialising in the
construction of storage tanks for the petrochemical and cryogenic industries. Mechanical considerations
will in general compete with scientific requirements. For example the overall shape must be chosen to
maximise the active instrumented volume to total liquid volume ratio to increase active target mass, whilst
in the case of cryogens minimising the external surface to volume ratio to limit thermal losses. For
cryogenic tanks, the report will assess the best thermal insulation methods, for example using expanded
Perlite cavity wall insulation. It will include a thermal load calculation in order to assess both the cooling
requirements and the boil off rate, a parameter to be optimized taking into account the convective motions
and the temperature uniformity of the liquid. Throughout the study, the implications to the science will be
constantly addressed and benefits to engineering aspects of the design balanced against the impact they
may have on the physics performance of the apparatus. Optimisation of tank shape, modularity, and
geometry will be discussed in the contexts of detector operation, target sensitivity, construction
optimisation, cost, and safety implications (in relation with WP5). The design specification for each target
will also be influenced by the local infrastructure, the methods of access and any other limitations imposed
by the site. In addition to the main target tanks, the report will include the design of the support structure,
and the materials used in all aspects of the construction. Typically large room-temperature liquid tanks are
supported by an array of H beams connecting a series of horizontal rings surrounding the tanks at various
vertical positions on the outer surface. Double walled tanks are usually sufficiently strengthened by the
honeycomb structures between the tank walls. For cryogenic tanks, the interface between the tank, its
supportive structure and the cavern walls will be studied in details, considering for example a thermal
buffer obtained with a circulation of hot air in the gap between the tank and the cavern. A final report will
detail the viability of constructing underground tanks containing large liquid volumes for the proposed
experiments. The report will include: (a) an underground site specific detailed design of detector and
storage tanks including ancillary safety vessels and support structures, (b) materials used and thermal load
calculations, and (c) site specific construction strategy and costs. This will allow the scientific community to
select the most suitable tank and storage design for each target liquid for given sites.
Task 3.3 Investigation of underground assembly of large tanks and costing
For each design an assessment will be made of the feasibility of underground construction and assembly,
and the strategies required based on the underground access route and local infrastructure. In an above-
ground scenario the large storage tanks are usually constructed using common civil construction
techniques. As there is no restriction on headroom the use of large cranes is normal. In the underground
scenario it is less likely that there will be enough headroom to allow the use of large cranes. The domed
roof is normally constructed on the bottom of the tank and then raised and welded in place using air
pumped into the vessel. This technique is commonly used when manufacturing these types of tank and
does not present a problem underground. The only requirement being a supply of electricity to power the
air fans needed to raise the roof. An alternative technique could then to be employed where the roof is built
first together with the top ring of the shell. The assembly would then be jacked up about 3m and the next
lower ring installed. Successive ring welding / jacking operations would be performed until the shell is
completed without the use of a large crane. This is a common technique for large diameter oil storage tanks.

“Large underground liquid Argon storage tank”, Technodyne Ltd, 2004.
GEOSTOCK underground storage facilities for liquid, liquefied and gaseous hydrocarbons : it is an international
engineering group specialized in the design, construction and operation of underground storage facilities for liquid,
liquefied and gaseous hydrocarbons. GEOSTOCK SAS, 7, rue E. et A. Peugeot
92563 RUEIL-MALMAISON Cedex, FRANCE Tel.: 33 (0) 1 47 08 73 00 Fax: 33 (0) 1 47 08 73 73
UGS (Untergrundspeicher und Geotechnologie - Systeme GmbH), Berliner Chaussee 2
15749 Mittenwalde, GERMANY, Tel.: 49 (0) 337 64820.
LUSAS engineering software, LUSAS F orge House, 66 High Street, Kingston upon Thames, Surrey KT1 1HN, United

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The order of construction of the tank would be as follows: (a) base (b) roof and deck (c) outer shell (d) base
insulation (e) inner shell base (f) inner shell (g) insulation.
Task 3.4 Evaluate liquid procurement and define filling techniques
In parallel to the design of the tanks, this task will evaluate the methods of procurement in large quantities
of each target liquid in the “promising” sites selected in WP2. To set the scale, a single truck can typically
transport ≈30 m3 of liquid. In comparison, the total volumes are typically 3 to 4 orders of magnitude larger,
requiring the use of many thousands of trucks. This is not without causing significant technical and safety
issues and potentially creates interference with local activities of the site. Strategies to bring very large
quantities of liquids into the underground tanks will be discussed and an optimization of the liquid
procurement methods will be attempted. Availability nearby the “promising” sites will be investigated and
costs for transport will be estimated taking into account purity at delivery. Methods of local production will
be assessed. For cryogens, local liquefaction of air will be considered. The liquids will not be produced ab
initio with the required purity, so a trade-off between initial purity versus in-situ purification systems will
be studied taking into account costs. The filling techniques of deep underground tanks avoiding
recontamination will be defined. In addition, methods to further purify and maintain high purity levels of
the liquids will be designed by extrapolation to large scale of existing methods employed in currently
operating projects. The definition of the purification methods will be based on input from the senior
physicists and industrial partners involved in the business. All methods of storage and liquid transfer will
be considered in terms of the impact on laboratory space, cost, safety, speed of transfer, and implications on
the science. In the case of liquid Argon this will include both the cryogenic cooling requirements within the
detector tank, and the boil off rate induced by auto-refrigeration. Although unlikely to occur more than
once in the lifetime of the experiment, the emptying of the tanks will be addressed.
Task 3.5 Design of a large scale water handling and purification system
Large water Cerenkov detectors require pure water. A water purification system for a megaton system,
including chemical and radioactive purity of the water, will be defined. The stability and control of an
admixture of Gd is part of the project.
Task 3.6 Design of a large scale scintillator handling and purification system
Large scintillator detectors require very pure liquid. The present task encompasses the piping and
instrumentation design (PID) of the liquid as well as the gaseous system for filling the detector in the
underground laboratory. Further purification methods for removing radioactive trace elements and
improving the optical properties of the liquid will be explored. This work will be based on the experience
gained in the solar neutrino experiment BOREXINO. In parallel, measurements of the optical properties of
liquid scintillator (attenuation length, light collection) using spectrophotometer and PMT readout
techniques used for SIREN and OMNIS collaborations are required. A high purity liquid scintillator pump
will also be developed and measurements of the compatibility of potential detector components with the
preferred scintillator base will be performed. Finally radiopurity testing is envisaged, and based on the
ageing, design of the purification columns required for high liquid flow rates will be performed.
Task 3.7 Design of a large scale liquid Argon handling and purification system
Very large liquid Argon detectors require extremely high levels of liquid purities, which can be achieved
with continuous purification techniques. Although mastered in the laboratory, the purification and
recirculation technology and purity monitoring will be extrapolated to the scale required for the GLACIER
project. The requirements for compression, purification and reintroduction of boil off Argon gas from an
auto-refrigerated tank will be considered based on detailed heat load calculations, advice from the technical
partner, and experimental evidence. A fluid thermal and dynamical calculation for liquid Argon storage
will be performed. The design of the recirculation system will be done in collaboration with the ILK 11 and
Technodyne Ltd. The system will require low power consumption pumps. All the pumps will have to be
compatible with the purity standard required and should work continuously at cryogenic temperature and
without maintenance for the whole running time of the experiments. This development has potential
industrial applications, for example in the automotive industry (hydrogen).
Task 3.8 Final report on optimization of tank design, construction, filling and liquid purification
In a final report, the findings from the other tasks will be merged into a single report summarizing the
result of the optimization of the tank shape, design and construction, the results of the assessment of the
liquid filling and purification techniques. A list of compatibilities and eventual incompatibilities between
the various targets will be investigated. In particular, the possibility or eventual impossibility to host
several instruments based on different liquid targets in the same site will be investigated.
1.3.4. WP4 – Instrumentation of the tank and data handling
This work package will rely heavily on existing particle and astroparticle projects sponsored by national
funding agencies, namely: BOREXINO, DOUBLE-CHOOZ, ICARUS T600, ZEPLIN, and MEMPHYS,

Institut für Luft- und Kältetechnik GmbH (Dresden, Germany).

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GLACIER, LENA R&D. The existing projects can be considered as prototypes for the new observatories
contemplated in this DS. The main focus of this work package is hence geared towards understanding the
extrapolation of these technologies to very large volume detectors which require distributed systems with
large number of channels, while reducing the cost per channel in order to contain the cost. In particular, one
important objective is driven by the wish to establish the cost effectiveness of large area photo-detection
and modern electronic full custom integration to reduce the total cost of the facilities. Although WP4
contains several tasks specific to each target liquid, their execution within a common WP framework will
foster communication and cross-fertilization of ideas among physicists involved in the development of
different instruments. The results of each task will be presented at the LAGUNA general and WP4 meetings
to the entire community. WP4 will improve the overall knowledge of each physicist involved in the DS,
since he/she will be exposed to detailed reports and presentations on activities of all three target liquids.
This common effort will further increase European cohesion and collaborative spirit among the participants
and will be a relevant social factor for a realization of a common very large European infrastructure.
Task 4.1 Start-up and assessment of prior state-of-the-art of all techniques
Several conceptual ideas for next-generation very-massive, multi-purpose underground detectors have
emerged worldwide and in Europe over the last years. All the designs consist of large volumes of liquid
observed by detectors, which are arranged on the inner surfaces of the vessels. The first task is to agree on a
common framework to the technology-dependent and independent studies. Common specifications will be
defined. We will ensure that all partners have similar starting points, agree on intercommunication and
constructive work. This task is to be completed during the first six months of the project.

Task 4.1 Start-up and assessment of prior state-of-the-art of all three techniques

Task 4.2 Innovative

highly integrated Task 4.3 Prototyping Task 4.4 Design of Task 4.5
electronics for very activities for light concentrators Prototyping
large instruments MEMPHYS for LENA activities for

Task 4.6 Final report on progress, state-of-the-art and comparison of the three techniques

Figure 11 PERT diagram for WP4.

Task 4.2 Innovative highly integrated electronics for very large instruments
All three kinds of detection techniques considered in this DS will rely on sophisticated, large scale and
distributed electronic readout systems. Extrapolation of existing prototypes to large systems can be made
cost-effective by using advanced electronic technologies made available by the progress of microelectronics.
These developments allow integration of all the components for amplification and signal processing for
dozens of channels in a single chip (ASIC). Two main streams of developments will be considered in this
DS: (a) ASIC for charge readout (b) ASIC for light (PMT) readout.
It is foreseen to establish the design for a low cost and large-scale readout solution for a LAr TPC
characterized by low noise analog front-end and treatment of large data volumes (each readout channel is
continuously sampled at 2.5 MHz and with at least 10 bit resolution). Design of the analog readout based
on a low noise ASIC chip allowing for the low cost integration of a large number of channels and
compatible with application at cryogenic temperatures, optimization and integration with the charge
readout scheme. Design of the digital data acquisition system based on a distributed system of
asynchronous smart sensors, reading large groups of channels, with local processors dealing with zero
suppression and transmitting data through a Gigabit Ethernet network up to a cluster of PC used for the
event building, reconstruction and storage. Design of a precise clock distribution system used for the time-
stamp of the collected charges, integrated in the data network by exploiting the IEEE1588 standard. Many
of these techniques for the data acquisition system and clock distribution are also applicable to the other
detector options considered in the design study. Optimization and design of a large scale, low cost readout
solution for the LAr detector will be performed, including: analog front-end, digital building blocks for data
acquisition, transmission, zero suppression and events reconstruction and storage, clock distribution
system. Some parts of these developments may be shared by the three techniques envisaged.
The development of the macro pixel sensors and the microelectronics is important also for the LENA
project. The results of tests with this prototype can be transformed directly into the design of the electronic
and photo-sensor system of the large liquid scintillator detector LENA while the optical properties of the
scintillator will be studied separately.

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Task 4.3 Prototyping acivities for MEMPHYS

The goal of this task is to design, assemble and operate a 10t water Cherenkov test facility instrumented
with a 16 photomultipliers units with integrated electronics. This task will segment very large surfaces in
macro pixels connected to the innovative electronics autonomous then allowing to reduce considerably the
surface cost of these detectors and facilitating their industrialization. The chain from the signals, the front-
end electronics, the DAQ and triggering system will be tested. With this prototype we will also test the
water purification system and the stability of an admixture of Gd salt. The prototype will be located at
surface level in the APC laboratory to allow easy access for debugging the electronics and the DAQ system.
Later it could be transferred to the Fréjus Underground laboratory (LSM).
Task 4.4 Design of light concentrators for LENA
The optimization of the light collection in LENA is one of the most important issues of its design study in
order to lower the energy threshold in the sub-MeV region. Additionally energy resolution as well as the
precision of position reconstruction depends on this parameter significantly. Within this task the optimal
shape of the concentrators in front of the photomultipliers has to be calculated with Monte Carlo codes. The
compatibility of reflecting materials with the organic scintillator has to be determined. This can be
performed in laboratory works via accelerated aging tests. The radio-purity of the materials used has to be
tested via neutron activation analysis by high-resolution gamma spectroscopy in the shallow underground
laboratory at TUM in Garching, Germany.
Task 4.5 Prototyping activities for GLACIER
The R&D and prototyping for the GLACIER experiment described in this task correspond to ongoing
activities financed with national agencies. Many technological solutions, to be extrapolated to the very large
detectors, will be developed within these subtasks, subdivided as described below:
The ArDM subtask: The goal is to design, assemble and operate a ≈1 ton Argon detector with independent
ionization and scintillation readout. The actual layout of the inner detector is shown in Figure 12. The
detector is contained in a cylindrical vessel where the liquid and vapor of the Argon are in equilibrium (at ≈
1 bar). The ionization electrons are drifted to the liquid-vapor interface and are extracted into the gas phase.
In the vapour a Large Electron Multiplier (LEM) is installed to provide the electron amplification by means
of a high field generated in small (cylindrically shaped) holes. Finally, photo-detectors are installed outside
of the drift region below the cathode. The robustness and longevity of PMTs using test equipment, assisted
by a long-standing relationship with ETL, will be tested. Through this association the potential for
developing novel large area PMTs capable of operating at low temperature will be assessed. This research
will include light collection simulations.
The ArgonTube subtask: One of the fundamental parameter in order to scale the size of a liquid Argon TPC
is the maximal possible drift path. The realization of a 5 m long detector column will allow experimental
proof of the feasibility of long drift paths. The basic technologies developed in the ArDM subtask will be
extrapolated to operate this prototype with very long drift. Different methods of readout based on LEMs,
GEMs, Micromegas, and bulk Micromegas will be tested. The latter has been shown to produce excellent
gain and resolution, can be prepared by standard photolithographic industrial processes to cover large
areas. New ways of measuring Argon purity will be developed. New purity monitors using charge
quenching in order to measure the O2 concentration will be addressed. New materials based on
luminescence quenching will be developed. The design and optimization of new slow control systems will
be performed. In particular, level-meters based on superconducting materials will be developed.

Figure 12 (left) Layout of the 1 ton ArDM prototype (right) Micro-EPiLAr: the prototype for the
electron/π0 separation test.
The ePiLAr subtask: The liquid Argon TPC imaging should offer optimal conditions to detect electrons in
the GeV range, while distinguishing them from misidentified π0’s. A test-beam setup dedicated to the

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reconstruction and separation of electrons from neutral pions will be designed (EPiLAr). The EPiLAr setup
will be developed in stages, where the first step will be the prototype Micro-EPiLAr (see Figure 12). The
Time Projection Chamber is immersed in liquid Argon inside a vacuum insulated dewar. A system of field
shaping electrodes provides a uniform drift electric field between the cathode and the charge collection
device on top. As charge collection several different methods will be tested, in order to understand the
differences in performance between both readout methods in identifying, separating and reconstructing
electrons and π0’s. At the bottom a photomultiplier will be mounted to collect the scintillation light. The
dewar consists of three parts: the inner vessel for the pure liquid Argon, a surrounding liquid Argon bath
and a vacuum insulation.
Task 4.6 Final report on progress, state-of-the-art and comparison of the three techniques
At the end of the 36 months, several areas of progress and new results for the different detection techniques
are expected. In this final report, the results of the common developments as well as those specific to each
technique will be summarized. It will include an assessment of the state of advancement and maturity of
each detection technique, asserting, where possible, that each technology has reached a sufficient level of
maturity to go into an implementation phase were the decision of construction granted.
1.3.5. WP5 – Safety and environmental issues
The safety and environmental issues for large underground research infrastructures must be tackled from
the beginning of the project and taken into account in the DS. This work package will identify both general
and specific hazards for the underground sites and will establish associated safety protocols and additional
infrastructure to mitigate the risks. The PERT diagram of this WP is shown in Figure 13.

Task 5.1 Start-up and definition of common language

Task 5.2 Definition of

Task 5.3 Studies Task 5.4 Task 5.5 Safety
dedicated services
on long term Assessment of and monitoring
and general safety
cavern stability hazards events of large-scale
and environmental
and risk analysis tanks

Task 5.7 Final report on safety and environmental issues

Figure 13 PERT diagram for WP5.

Task 5.1 Start-up and definition of common language
This WP will determine the relevant safety considerations for each experimental site and assess the
potential impact on the local environment both due to normal operation of the facility, and as the result of
an accident. Studies carried out within this WP will include a description of the underground safety
systems, protocols, and training, and will identify site specific requirements from a legal and environmental
viewpoint, in accordance with directives from the site hosts. Various safety aspects related to the handling
of very large quantities of liquids, at room or at cryogenic temperature, with a particular focus on assessing
the necessary legal authorization requirements at each promising site will be studied. In this context, it is
important to define the interface and the sharing of responsibilities in terms of safety between the research
infrastructure and the host. The host can be either the company owning or running the nearby road tunnel
or the company exploiting the mine. In this case the access will have to be operated in “shared” mode and
the coordination of the activities of research infrastructure will have to be tightly coordinated. In the case of
a dedicated site (e.g. new site at shallow depth) the interface with the local political authorities and security
community (fire brigades, …) will be addressed. For each site and experiment a distinction will be made
between internal risks i.e. hazards associated with the running of the experiment, and external risks i.e.
hazards connected with the local area such as earthquake, fire, or rock collapse and will identify systems
which must be employed to mitigate damage to the workforce, the equipment, the cavern, and the
environment in accordance with local law. Definition of the interface between the installation safety and the
overall safety strategy of the host including coordination with the host’s safety experts will also be made.
Task 5.2 Definition of dedicated services and general safety and environmental issues
Irrespective of the location of the site, it is vital that the underground environment is suitable for both the
needs of the science and personnel. In addition to the main target area, control rooms and ancillary systems,
the cavern will feature meeting rooms, kitchens, offices, communication studios, electrical and mechanical
workshops, storage facilities, clean rooms and decontamination and wash areas. Surface facilities will
include clean rooms, workshops and lab space required to pre-assemble and test equipment prior to
transfer underground. The geothermal gradient at each site coupled with the requirements of the

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individual experiments will determine the extent of ventilation, air conditioning, air humidity and
purification required. The report will detail all site specific requirements and will include a detailed
analysis of the local power distribution from the national power grid, through the substation and
distribution network, to the local system transformers and switchgear, estimating the power requirements
of the laboratory and the requirements this imposes on the cavern supply, the underground power supply
system, and the national grid. Irrespective of the location of each experiment, compliance with all
applicable environmental regulations is a legal requirement. Included in the proposal for each scientific site
will be a detailed appraisal of the local environmental impact, including waste disposal procedures,
environmental protection and potential risk due to accidental chemical release. Each report will document
specific procedures, administrative controls and review processes required to mitigate each risk and the
techniques employed to render any exhaust products released into the atmosphere benign in compliance
with local law. The report will detail the consequences to the local transport infrastructure and surrounding
communities due to increased commercial road traffic and personnel. It will also identify final
decommissioning and decontamination procedures at the conclusion of research. Construction will use
recycled materials where possible, all electrical equipment will be selected for the best energy efficiency,
and all wood, paper, plastic, and electronic waste will be separated for recycling.
Task 5.3 Studies on long-term cavern stability and assessment of sources of instabilities
The fundamental concern of any underground excavation is the integrity of the cavity. Geologists, rock
engineers, and mining experts over many years have created large caverns that have demonstrated
excellent long-term stability. Geotechnical advances such as rock creep monitoring, and simulation studies
coupled with improvements in machinery and mining techniques, have led to further improvements both
in the size of cavern possible, and its longevity. However frequent evaluation must be made of the
condition of the rock either by the mining corporation or professional rock engineering contractors.
Task 5.4 Assessment of hazards events and risk analysis
The implications of a serious incident in a LAGUNA site are profound and depending on the severity could
result in the closure of all facilities. In many countries it is a legal requirement that all accidents resulting in
injury or having the potential to cause harm be reported. In addition to the publication of a document
detailing the safety policies and protocols required to ensure safety of LAGUNA staff, general underground
personnel, and visitors, health and safety awareness of employees would be improved through continuous
laboratory safety appraisals, equipment inspections, training, and courses. The minimum standards would
be determined by the individual codes and rules set out by the specific site owners, the local law, and the
governmental site inspectorate, and would include appropriate training, safety equipment, emergency
procedures, and protocols. Mine sites have different issues compared to tunnel sites with regard to
emergency egress, ventilation systems, fires, large volume liquid gas emergencies, production of liquid
cryogens and air quality monitoring. Appraisal of each site will reflect this. A risk management consultant
or in some cases mining and safety experts employed on site by the facility owners, will identify potential
failures or unexpected incidents and their effect on the project. In addition to leaks, fire, engineering delays
and scientific underperformance, these should include discovery of unacceptable rock properties during
cavern excavation, major underground rock collapse in either the cavern or the access routes, and closure of
the host site should it become economically unviable. Although catastrophic rupture of a liquid or liquid
noble gas tank in an underground site is by far the worst-case scenario, the technologies involved in large
tank production coupled with many decades of incident free operation belie concern. Throughout the
world cryogenic tanks of similar design are operated without problem and have been designed to
withstand earthquakes and subsidence. Leaks are far more likely to occur due to thermal expansion of
liquid scintillator or during transfer from the storage facility to the main experimental tanks. In this case
total liquid containment is essential and the report will detail ancillary equipment, procedures, control
systems, and environmental monitors required to achieve this. The report will also investigate commercial
solutions for tank monitoring and environmental control such as pumps to circulate noble liquids to avoid
stratification – liquid fractionation producing thermoclines within the volume possibly due to pockets of
impurities – potentially leading to rapid evolution of gas on turnover. In the event of a total power failure,
emergency power would be provided to vital scientific support systems such as liquid scintillator cooling,
purification of both liquid scintillator and liquid noble gas, and noble gas boil off compression via diesel
generators. These generators would also supply power to life support systems such as emergency lighting,
ventilation of toxic gases or smoke and the underground communication network. The report will identify
in detail the total power demands for each system and the requirements imposed by the site hosts due to
integration of an additional power generating system within the overall local grid. Fibre optic cabling will
enable communication and small-scale data transfer, although the report will also include potential
upgrades for an improved transfer network, and will detail proposed environmental monitoring and
control devices. Each LAGUNA experiment represents a significant investment and, in today’s global
climate, must be viewed as a potential terrorist target. The report will identify security measures both to
limit site access to those approved and qualified and to safeguard the underground systems from attack.

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Task 5.5 Safety and monitoring of large-scale tanks

Safety of large systems can benefit greatly if existing and proven solutions are identified and utilized
whenever possible. We mention as an example the case for LNG tanks: for over 40 years, WHESSOE S.A.12
has developed instrumentation and safety shut-off valve systems for LNG / LPG storages, ensuring that all
hazardous aspects are known and controllable. In close cooperation with leading gas companies, new
technologies have been extensively tested for endurance, accuracy and reliability in harsh environments.
WHESSOE’S Total LNG Storage tank Instrumentation Solution® consists of one single, totally integrated
tank instrumentation package and integrated SCADA platforms. All instrumentation such as process level
gauges, LTD gauge, in-tank temperature sensing and transmission devices as well as leak detection and
cool-down monitoring system are designed and built at their manufacturing facilities. All system
components are to be interconnected in a fully redundant communications loop. Information obtained from
all tank instrumentation is displayed, using clear and concise displays, at the control system. WHESSOE is
the only company worldwide, supplying a single source, total LNG storage tank instrumentation complete
with LNG MASTER® Stratification and roll-over predictive software 13.
Task 5.6 Final report on safety and environmental issues
The report, subject to commercial confidentiality where appropriate, will include an assessment of site
specific power requirements such as the installation of additional transformers for air conditioning,
ventilation, atmospheric purification, pumping and chiller systems, underground workshops, surface
buildings, experimental areas, cranes and associated heavy duty equipment required during construction.
It will identify alternative ventilation and cooling schemes for tailored cooling of sensitive components such
as the heat exchange on compressors. It will assess the redundancy amongst vital components such as the
cooling and purification systems of LENA and the boil off compressors for GLACIER. Although it is
envisaged that the ventilation system for the majority of sites will allow air to pass directly from the
experimental areas into the general underground site, the report will also outline options to redirect the air
flow in the event of a toxic release or fire through a secondary ventilation pipe directly to the surface,
thereby limiting contamination of the site and ensuring safe egress of personnel. The report will outline the
requisite skills and qualifications for all personnel and will detail the mandatory safety requirements at
each site including the local building fire protection codes for fire prevention and containment, noise
control, and electrical safety. The report will identify safety considerations specific to each proposed site in
addition to emergency response equipment, air monitoring, and egress procedures, such as hazardous
material handling, dedicated ventilation piping for the removal of boil off noble gas, cryogenic coolants,
and toxic scintillator vapour, and containment systems for scintillator and liquid noble gas spillages. It will
detail an emergency management plan, fire containment procedures and evacuation route. It will identify
training required for the underground rescue and emergency response teams relevant to the specific
experimental target material, and will detail the steps required to contain and dispose of hazardous
laboratory materials, and subsequent decontamination in accordance with local law. It will consider the
possible failure modes for each experiment, making an assessment of the severity of each, the potential
costs involved, and ways in which each can be mitigated.
1.3.6. WP6 – Science Impact and Outreach
This WP will explore different detector technologies and different underground laboratory sites in order to
identify the best strategy for future large-scale detectors. Its PERT diagram is shown in Figure 14.

Task 6.1 Start-up phase and subdivision of work

Task 6.2 Theoretical Task 6.3 Task 6.4 Evaluation Task 6.5
acvitities supporting Optimization of the of sources of Education and
experimental physics potential of backgrounds Outreach
investigations the research

Task 6.6 Final report and dissemination of developed tools and achieved results

Figure 14 PERT diagram for WP6.

Whessoe S.A. - 135, Rue de Bitche - 62100 Calais Tél.: +33 (0)3 21 96 49 93 - Fax : +33 (0)3 21 34 36 12 -
LNG MASTER® is developed and owned by Gaz de France.

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Task 6.1 Start-up phase and subdivision of work

Groups working each on one type of detector have already done preliminary work. Therefore, it is
important to collect all the existing programs and results of simulations. By comparing, analysing and
extending them, a common strategy for the evaluation of the different sites and detectors will be reached. A
common framework and common software will be agreed upon. Theorists and experimentalists will
collaborate in order to find the best physics generators, detector geometry descriptions, analysis tools etc.
Close collaboration between groups from various countries and groups working on different detectors will
be established in order to avoid unnecessary duplication of work as well as leaving important problems
uncovered. This collaboration will lead to the creation of common WEB pages and of an easily accessible
software repository. Frequent contacts will be based on teleconferences.
Task 6.2 Theoretical activities supporting experimental investigations
The main focus of the LAGUNA proposal is to investigate the best strategy for a large underground
detector, aiming at measuring proton decay and a rich neutrino physics program. Proton decay is a process
of fundamental importance for an understanding of the basic laws of particle physics, which has so far
eluded detection. The most promising channel for proton decay depends on expectations from a larger
theoretical picture. These expectations evolve due to new theoretical insights as well as due to experiments,
which will be carried out in future years. Theoretical expertise is therefore included in this task, in order to
study the most promising decay channels, lifetimes and the corresponding search strategies. In the same
way, theoretical expertise is needed in order to optimally connect the R&D being done towards a large
underground detector with theoretical expectations and new insights from other experiments. Examples
how theory may play an important role in this project is given by new results from lepton flavour violation
(LFV) experiments and from LHC. New LFV experiments should see a signal in the years to come and the
type of signal has profound consequences for the flavour structure of physics beyond the Standard Model.
In the same way, LHC-experiments may or may not find supersymmetry, which has immediate
consequences for the expected lifetimes, decay channels and search strategies for proton decay.
Task 6.3 Optimization of the physics potential of the LAGUNA research infrastructure based on
detailed detector simulations
In order to optimise the performance of the experiments their behaviour must be simulated. It would be
preferable to have one common toolbox that could be used to simulate all considered experiments and the
physics to be studied with them. This would allow comparison on equal footing. The toolbox can be made
applicable to other experiments studying similar phenomena. Moreover, these simulations allow for studies
of combinations of different measurements and to develop an approach for the most synergistic use of the
proposed large-scale facilities. The simulation tools will contain the essential physics:
• Modelling of the sources (solar and supernova neutrinos, supernova relic neutrinos, geo-neutrinos,
neutrinos from beams or reactors).
• The propagation of neutrinos to the detector - This includes modelling of matter effects in the
propagation of neutrinos through the Earth.
• Properties of the detector.
Incorporating other relevant experimental information is important for LAGUNA. Data from a wide variety
of other probes will be included, ranging from accelerator data, data from dark matter and neutrinoless
double beta decay experiments to absolute neutrino mass measurements from experiments such as
KATRIN and cosmological probes. A common framework for detector simulations will be set-up. The
detailed simulation of the response of the three types of detectors, including accurate description of
geometry and materials, details on light propagation and detection will be developed. This simulation will
be the basis for evaluating the impact of backgrounds, for optimising the detector design and for evaluating
the reach of the project in the different physics channels. Another activity will concern developing the
analysis tools for the extraction of (or the determination of the limit on) the measured parameters. As a
result, we will decide which approaches are the most efficient for the suppression of backgrounds, thus
enhancing the sensitivity of the three experiments. In these dedicated studies we aim at improving the
discovery potential of all three experiments quoted in our reference document14.
Task 6.4 Evaluation of sources of backgrounds: cosmogenics and natural radioactivity
Knowing and reducing the background is fundamental for experiments studying rare phenomena. The
purpose of this task is to evaluate more exactly the relevant backgrounds for the experiments in the
considered sites, and also to define the minimum tolerable background rates. Methods to reduce the
backgrounds will be studied and recommendations for the depth and site selection will be given. The
cosmogenic background is due to secondary particles produced by cosmic rays deeply penetrating
underground. It depends on the amount and chemical composition of the material above the cavern and on
the location of the laboratory (under a mountain or under flat land). The natural radioactivity depends on
the chemical and isotopic composition of the rocks around the cavern. The data for the existing laboratory

J. Aysto et al., arXiv:0705.0116v1 [hep-ph].

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caverns are available. For each projected LAGUNA cavern both backgrounds must be evaluated. The
results will be used as input for the simulations of the physics performance of the detectors if located in this
cavern. The cosmogenic background will be calculated. In the case of caverns inside mountains, the
mountain shape must be simulated in order to correctly evaluate the directional dependence of the
background. The evaluation of the local background due to natural radioactivity must be based on
measurements. Two types of measurements are foreseen: α- and γ-spectrometric measurements of the rock
probes performed in the specialized laboratories of the institutes involved in the LAGUNA project and in-
situ measurements of the total radioactivity level as well as of the radon content in the cavern’s air. In both
cases the same methodology and software should be applied everywhere in order to make a fair
comparison of all sites. There are some aspects specific to a given type of detector. For example, in the case
of Liquid Argon a flow of warm air could be required to avoid the freezing of the surrounding rocks and
that would mean a higher level of radon around the detector.
Task 6.5 Education and Outreach
In the LAGUNA project, all the European leading experts on underground laboratories are involved. The
interdisciplinary character and non-standard problems of this research create unique opportunities for
teaching and outreach. Students of physics, astrophysics, geology, civil engineering, geo-mechanics and
hydrology can mix, make first class research in their field and learn much about the other fields. An
important aspect is attracting good students to scientific careers. The goals for outreach are:
• A document for the general public explaining all the aspects of underground science and its
achievements and prospects in Europe.
• A public web site popularising the research done in the framework of LAGUNA.
• Hands-on displays related to underground science.
• Advertising the LAGUNA project during the “open doors” days of the participating institutions.
• Popularising LAGUNA via the European newspapers, radio and TV.
• Contacts with local communities and, in the case of mines, with the mine personnel.
In addition, specific actions at particular sites will be considered: for example, at Boulby the idea to build on
this foundation by carrying out a viability and funding study for a dedicated surface building featuring a
visitors centre illustrating underground science and mining, a video conferencing studio, scientific
workshops and conference rooms suitable for public lectures was proposed. One would investigate
potential sources of funding from the local education authority, through local and national government
grants, the tourist board, and CPL. In addition one would evaluate the use of internet education
technologies such as interactive online study courses, and the value of recruiting summer students. Finally,
meeting with senior scientists from earth sciences, engineering, and geological disciplines would be
organized. The developments of links with, and the formulation of letters of intent from potential
collaborators in the fields of bio-science, geo-physics, environmental sciences, geo-chemistry, and
microbiology to study for example microbial evolution, population, and diversity could be considered. In
addition one would foster links with geological and engineering groups to identify potential research topics
such as the interaction of mechanical, thermal, chemical, and hydrological processes on the nature of
underground rock, and would investigate the potential for long-term studies using novel geophysical
imaging technologies to measure pressure and stress changes, and hence the long-term stability of large
cavern excavations.
Task 6.6 Final report and dissemination of developed tools and achieved results
The main result contained in the final report will be the evaluation of the potential for doing physics at all
the proposed European underground sites with the basic detector types. It is important that these results
will be ready around year 2010, when in particular experiments at LHC are likely to have produced much
interesting information, which will serve as input to our estimates. The dissemination of the tools
developed in our work will be of great interest to particle physicists and astrophysicists. Our open access
software will include: an extension of the GLOBES program for the simulation of the oscillations of non-
accelerator neutrinos, an improved theoretical description of the secondary particle interactions in nuclei,
and programs for global physics simulations in underground laboratories. This kind of contributions will
be disseminated by publications and by reports at conferences. For the general public a popular paper will
be prepared, where the many fascinating aspects of underground physics will be described. Owing to our
results we will be able to give a unified, bird eye view on the subject.

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GANTT chart of the LAGUNA DS

Duration 2008 2009 2010
Start Finish
Activity Name (Work
Date Date J F MA M J J A S O N D J F MA M J J A S O N D J F MA M J J A S O N D
1/7/08 12/20/10 770.00
WP1 - Management
Development of a management framework 1/7/08 1/7/08 1.00

First year report 1/5/09 1/5/09 0.00

Interim report 1/4/10 1/4/10 0.00

Final report 12/20/10 12/20/10 0.00

LAGUNA general meetings 1/15/08 12/20/10 764.00

Kickoff meeting 1/15/08 1/15/08 0.00

General meeting 1 4/21/08 4/21/08 0.00

General meeting 2 9/1/08 9/1/08 0.00

General meeting 3 12/1/08 12/1/08 0.00

General meeting 4 4/1/09 4/1/09 0.00

General meeting 5 7/14/09 7/14/09 0.00

General meeting 6 11/9/09 11/9/09 0.00

General meeting 7 2/22/10 2/22/10 0.00

General meeting 8 6/1/10 6/1/10 0.00

General meeting 9 9/1/10 9/1/10 0.00

Final meeting 12/20/10 12/20/10 0.00

2/11/08 11/1/10 711.00

WP2 - Underground
infrastructures and
Startup phase 2/11/08 4/11/08 45.00

Prefeasibility study for CUPP/Pyhäsalmi 4/21/08 6/26/09 310.00

Prefeasibility study for Fréjus 4/21/08 6/26/09 310.00

Prefeasibility study for Boulby 4/21/08 6/26/09 310.00

Prefeasibility study for CNGS off-axis 4/21/08 6/26/09 310.00

Prefeasibility study for SUNLAB 4/21/08 6/26/09 310.00

Prefeasibility study for LSC 4/21/08 6/26/09 310.00

Selection of promising sites 7/14/09 7/14/09 0.00

Improved feasiblity studies for "promising sites" 8/3/09 11/1/10 326.00

2/11/08 11/1/10 711.00

WP3 - Tank infrastructure
Definition and assessment of prior conditions 2/11/08 4/11/08 45.00

Detailed conceptual design of large undeground 4/21/08 7/1/10 574.00

Investigation of underground assembly of large 8/3/09 7/1/10 239.00
tanks and costing
Evaluate liquid procurement and define filling 2/11/08 1/4/10 496.00
Design of large-scale water handling and 2/11/08 1/4/10 496.00
purification system
Design of large-scale scintillator handling and 2/11/08 1/4/10 496.00
purification system
Design of large-scale liquid Argon handling and 2/11/08 1/4/10 496.00
purification system
Final report on optimization of tank design, 1/4/10 11/1/10 216.00
construction, filling techniques and liquid
purification system
2/11/08 11/1/10 711.00
WP4 - Tank instrumentation
and data handling
Startup and assessment of prior state-of-art of 2/11/08 4/11/08 45.00
all three techniques
Innovative highly integrated electronics for very 4/21/08 1/4/10 446.00
large instruments
Prototyping activities for MEMPHYS 4/21/08 7/1/10 574.00

Design of light concentrators for LENA 4/21/08 7/1/10 574.00

Prototyping activities for GLACIER 4/21/08 7/1/10 574.00

Final report on progress, state-of-the-art and 7/1/10 11/1/10 88.00

comparison of the three techniques
2/11/08 11/1/10 711.00
WP5 - Safety and
environmental issues
Startup and definition of common language 2/11/08 4/11/08 45.00

Definition of dedicated services and general 4/21/08 11/1/10 661.00

safety and environmental issues
Studies on long term cavern stability 8/10/09 2/9/10 132.00

Assessment of hazards events and risk 8/3/09 11/1/10 326.00

Safety and monitoring of large-scale tanks 3/23/09 9/22/09 132.00

Final report on safety and environmental issues 7/1/10 11/1/10 88.00

2/11/08 11/1/10 711.00

WP6 - Science impact and
Startup phase and subdivision of work 2/11/08 4/11/08 45.00

Theoretical activities supporting experimental 4/21/08 11/1/10 661.00

Optimization of the physics potential of the 4/17/08 11/1/10 663.00
research infrastructure
Evaluation of sources of backgrounds 4/15/08 7/14/09 326.00

Education and Outreach 4/21/08 11/1/10 661.00

Final report and dissemination of developed 9/1/10 11/1/10 44.00

tools and achieved results

11,375.00 J F M A M J J A S O N D J F M A M J J A S O N D J F M A M J J A S O N D

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Table 1.3 a: Work package list

Work Type Lead

Person- Start End
package Work package title of participant
months month month
no. activity no.
WP1 coordination and MGT ETHZ 52 1 36

WP2 Infrastructures and RTD U-Oulu 221 1 35

WP3 Tank Infrastructure and RTD TUM 249 1 35

Liquid Handling

WP4 Tank Instrumentation and RTD IN2P3 439 1 35

Data Handling

WP5 Safety and environmental RTD U-Sheffield 65 1 35


WP6 Science Impact and RTD IFJ PAN 454 1 35


TOTAL 1480

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Table 1.3 b: Deliverables list

Del. Deliverable Name WP (Report, Dissemination Delivery
No. No Prototype, Level (Public, date
Demonstrator, PP, RE, CO) (month)
1.1 First year report 1 Report Public 12
1.2 Interim report 1 Report Public 24
1.3 Final report 1 Report Public 36
2.1 Interim reports for
2 Report Public 18
each site
2.2 Final report for
2 Report Public 35
“promising” sites
3.1 Optimal tank design
3 Report Public 18
3.2 Liquid report 3 Report Public 24
3.3 Final report on site
3 Report Public 35
specific tank design
4.1 Target common
specification 4 Report Public 6
4.2 Microelectronic
4 Report Public 24
technology report
4.3 Final report on tank
4 Report Public 35
5.1 Site specific safety
5 Report Public 18
overview report
5.2 Final report on
safety for selected 5 Report Public 35
6.1 Optimal site
6 Report Public 6-18
simulation report
6.2 Background report 6 Report Public 18
6.3 Simulation toolpack 6 Report Public 35
6.4 Deep science paper 6 Report Public 35

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Table 1.3 c: Work package description

Description of Work package:

Work package 1 Starting date or starting event: Contract
number start date
Work package title: Management, coordination and assessment
Activity type: MGT
Participants 1 All participants leading a WP will devote 2
number: person x months, while all other participants will
Person months per 22 devote 1 person x month.
Objectives: Coordinate the contractual, financial and administrative aspects
of the Design Study and oversee the technical and scientific work of the other
work packages. Ensure that the project milestones are achieved and the
deliverables produced on time. Take care of the knowledge management for
the Design Study, coordinating the protection, use and dissemination of the
knowledge generated during the project.
Description of work (possibly broken down in tasks), and role of
• Coordination task: coordination of the contractual, financial and
administrative aspects of the Design Study, including delivery of
annual reports and control of the funds.
• Oversight task: oversight of the technical and scientific aspects of the
Design Study, including the monitoring of milestones and ensuring
that deliverables are produced on time.
• Knowledge task: management of the knowledge generated by the
Design Study, including its protection, use and dissemination.
• Promote international contacts with North America and Asia. Develop
outreach activities in Europe.
Deliverables (brief description and month of delivery):
• Report of 1st year activities in month 12, summarizing the work done
by all the WPs and comparing progress against milestones and
• Interim report in month 24.
• Final report, submitted in month 36, describing the achievements of the
Design Study, including CDR for the facility, checking that all
deliverables have been delivered. The report includes: (a) comparison
chart of all sites and experiments considered (b) recommendation of
the feasibility of each experiment on the sites (c) cost predictions (d)
preliminary plans for the cavities and supporting underground
infrastructures (e) drawings.

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Description of Work package:

Work package 2 Starting date or starting event: 1
Work package title: Underground infrastructures and engineering
Activity type: RTD
Participant number: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 11 15 16 17 20 21 23 24
Person months per 15 5 4 10 30 12 5 3 50 28 12 18 5 12 12
• To assess the feasibility of large underground caverns in six potential
European sites to host large volume detectors of each kind.
• To find the optimal shape and size for the caverns.
• To provide the technical information, including cost estimates, needed
for potential construction decision and site selection.
Description of work:
The technical issues of the construction of large-scale underground cavities
are studied. The studies include general geological studies of the sites,
preliminary designs for the cavities, simulations of rock mechanics, analyses
of local rocks, planning of the cavity construction and cost optimisation.
This WP consists of the following tasks:
o Start up by defining the common basis so that all studies are
o Prefeasibility studies made separately but coherently for each
site, sharing data and experiences.
o Selection of promising sites
o More thorough feasibility studies for the promising sites,
including rock sampling.
The selection processes narrowing the scope form the major milestones of the
work. For each site there is a scientific partner and a technical partner. The
technical partner (en engineering company) will do the technical studies and
designs, while the scientific partner sets the goals and acts as a link between
the technical partner and the scientific collaborators. All sites need their own
partners that know well the local conditions.
Deliverables (brief description and month of delivery):
• Interim reports for each site will be delivered within the first 18
months. They are to be used by the consortium to decide on which
alternatives to concentrate further efforts.
• The main deliverable is a final conceptual design report in month 35 on
the feasibility of constructing large-scale underground cavities in the
“promising” locations (CDR). The report includes: (a) comparison chart
of all sites and experiments considered (b) recommendation of the
feasibility of each experiment on the sites (c) cost predictions (at 20-25
% accuracy) for underground construction (d) preliminary plans for
the cavities and supporting underground infrastructures (e) visual
outline drawings.

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Description of Work package:

Work package 3 Starting date or starting event: 1
Work package title: Tank infrastructure and liquid handling
Activity type: RTD
Participant number: 1 2 7 8 9 20 21
Person months per
36 20 24 24 60 24 61
• To establish the feasibility of the underground tanks to store each
target liquid
• To elaborate the detailed conceptual design of the tanks, including
their inner structure, the support structures, the materials, the
insulation, …
• To investigate the underground assembly of the tanks, by assessing
construction strategies as a function of underground access methods of
the “promising” sites of WP2
• To cost the underground construction of the tanks, and estimate the
time of realization
• To evaluate the methods of the procurement of large quantities of each
target liquid in the “promising” sites of WP2 and the cost associated to
the in-situ procurement of a given quantity of each target liquid
• To define filling techniques maintaining the specifications during the
process (purity, radiopurity, optical properties, …)
• To design large scale purification systems for each target liquid to
reach the required level of purity needed for the scientific operation,
and to define methods of large-scale continuous purification
(recirculation) to maintain purity in the liquids
Description of work (possibly broken down in tasks), and role of
• The detailed design of the under-ground tanks will be developed for
each target liquid, using as a starting point the specifications for large
volume above-ground tank EUROCODES 3 (Part 4-2, BS EN 1993-4-2
Silos, tanks and pipelines – Tanks)
• The design engineering will include static and seismic analysis of the
tanks for the “promising” sites in WP2
• Regular meetings among senior physicists, industry and specialized
engineers will be held in order to address the implications of the
design choices to the science, and to balance the benefits to engineering
aspects against the impact they may have on the physics
• The investigation of an underground assembly will be performed via
partnership and/or subcontracting to specialized industries and with
contact and/or partnership with companies exploiting mines or road
• The procurement of the cryogenic liquids will be performed via
contacts with leading European companies in the market. The study
will involve estimation of costs and transport methods.
• The designs of liquid purification systems will be defined by
extrapolation to large volumes of existing methods developed by the

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involved scientific institutes for each target liquid.

Deliverables (brief description and month of delivery):
• Identification of optimal geometry, technical specification, and
construction method for each storage vessel, for each project, in each
site to be delivered by month 18 and to form part of the selection
procedure for most promising sites.
• Evaluation of liquid procurement, purification and handling. This
report will be produced in month 24.
• A final report in month 35, detailing the viability of constructing
underground tanks containing large liquid volumes for each liquid
target, including: (a) an underground site specific detailed design of
detector and storage tanks including ancillary safety vessels and
support structures, (b) materials used and thermal load calculations,
and (c) site specific construction strategy and costs.

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Description of Work package:

Work package 4 Starting date or starting event: 1
Work package title: Tank instrumentation and data handling
Activity type: RTD
Participant number: 1 2 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 18 20 22
Person months per
108 20 24 78 36 60 12 16 23 8 30 14 10
Objectives: To establish design of large scale and low cost solutions for tank
instrumentation, in particular:
• Design of light readout schemes for optimum light collection and cost in
large volume liquid detectors for room and cryogenic temperatures
• Design of charge readout schemes for optimum charge collection and cost
in large volume for liquid Argon detectors
• Large scale high voltage creation and distribution
• Large number of channels readout electronics and interface to data
acquisition and storage
• Methods of calibration (amplitude and time), distribution of time
synchronization for systems with large number of components distributed
over large systems
• Systems for distributed slow control; R&D on new slow control sensors
• Mechanical supporting structures
• Methods of accessing and if necessary replacing (part of) instrumentation
• Find the parts where a common technical solution for all three liquids can
be adopted
Description of work (possibly broken down in tasks), and role of
• Evaluation and optimization of best elements (best photo-detectors,
best charge readout, …)
• Solutions for large area devices
• Assess necessity and if applicable mass production of light
• Reach of industrial solutions for mass production
• Proposals for distributed data acquisition, slow control, calibration and
time distribution
• Assessment of failure rates and aging effects
Deliverables (brief description and month of delivery):
• Based on effective management through communication and cross-
fertilization of ideas, a report will be produced for each project in
month 6, defining the common specifications of each target.
• A report will detail, in month 24, the scope and performance of
microelectronic technologies, specifically their amplification and signal
processing capabilities both for charge and light readout applications
in LAGUNA targets.
• In month 35, as part of the final Design Study, based on the significant
past experience of the collaborators, prototype vessels, and targeted
experimental research, an assessment will be made of the maturity of
each detection technique and its appropriateness for implementation.

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Description of Work package:

Work package 5 Starting date or starting event: 1
Work package title: Safety and environmental issues
Activity type: RTD
Participant number: 1 3 4 5 6 15 17 20 21
Person months per
15 2 4 5 5 14 5 10 5
• Identify potential safety and environmental risks for each target liquid
• Assess legal authorization requirements for each target liquid at each
“promising” site
• Define interface and the sharing of responsibilities in terms of safety
between the research infrastructure and the host (road tunnel or mine)
Description of work (possibly broken down in tasks), and role of
• Investigate commercial solution for monitoring of large scale tanks and
assess their applicability to each target liquid
• Define and design needed services (ventilation system, electrical power
requirements, liquid spill containment infrastructure, radon filter, etc…)
• Subcontract studies of risk analysis with safety experts
Deliverables (brief description and month of delivery):
• In month 18, and as part of the selection procedure for most promising
sites, a report will be produced from each underground site in which the
pertinent safety considerations are addressed. In addition to generic
factors such as an appraisal of the underground safety protocols and the
safety and support infrastructure, the document will detail regional
environmental issues, transportation infrastructure and relevant local
laws. Finally the report will identify key safety considerations specific to
the type of detector which might be located at each site.
• The final Design Study in month 35 will define all safety and
environmental issues of selected sites, and will include the additional
infrastructure required for safe operation, in conjunction with the overall
safety strategy of the host (road tunnel or mine). This will include the
possible failure modes of each experiment, methods by which this risk
can be mitigated, and a risk analysis for each site.

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Description of Work package:

Work package 6 Starting date or starting event: 1
Work package title: Science Impact and Outreach
Activity type: RTD
Participant number 1 2 3 4 6 7 8 9 11 12 13 14 18 19 20 23
Person months per 36 36 12 4 10 36 45 58 47 26 28 30 30 36 8 12
• Physics potential of the infrastructure including a mix of three
• Detector design optimization (modularity, coverage) via detailed
• Cosmogenic and local background studies
• Multi-disciplinary and assessment of “other” sciences (biophysics,
geophysics, geo-engineering)
• External and subjective input for site selection
Description of work (possibly broken down in tasks), and role of
• Prepare the tools in order to have a common approach
• Detailed detector response simulations (e.g. MC simulations of light
propagation and detection)
• Physics reach simulations and parameters fitting
Deliverables (brief description and month of delivery):
• As part of the process for underground site selection, and where possible to
provide guidance in the excavation of new cavities for WP2, a report will
be produced between months 6 and 18 defining the minimal requirements
and most favourable design parameters of each experiment, identifying the
optimal depth, size and shape of caverns required.
• As part of the selection procedure for the most promising sites, to be
completed by month 18, an evaluation report will be produced detailing
the relevant backgrounds in different sites.
• Through effective communication, a common simulation toolpack for non-
accelerator physics will be produced by month 35.
• As part of the outreach programme, “Deep Science” a popular science
paper will be produced in month 35.

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Table 1.3 d: Summary of staff effort

no./shortname Total person
1. ETHZ 22 15 36 108 15 36 232
2. U-Bern 2 5 20 20 36 83
3. U-Jyväskylä 1 4 2 12 19
4. U-Oulu 2 10 4 4 20
5. Rockplan 1 30 5 36
6. CEA 1 12 24 5 10 52
7. IN2P3 2 5 24 78 36 145
8. MPG 1 24 36 45 106
9. TUM 2 0 60 60 0 58 180
10. U-Hamburg 1 12 13
11. IFJ PAN 2 3 0 16 0 47 68
12. IPJ 1 0 0 23 0 26 50
13. US 1 0 0 8 0 28 37
14. UWr 1 0 0 0 0 30 31
15. KGHM CUPRUM 1 50 0 0 14 0 65
16. IGSMiE PAN 1 28 0 0 0 0 29
17. LSC 1 12 5 18
18. UGR 1 0 0 30 0 30 61
19. UDUR 1 36 37
20. U-Sheffield 2 18 24 14 10 8 76
21. Technodyne 1 5 61 5 72
22. ETL 2 10 12
23. U-Aarhus 1 12 12 25
24. AGT 1 12 0 13

Total 52 221 249 439 65 454 1480

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Table 1.3 e: List of milestones

Milestone Milestone Name WPs Due Means of verification
Number involved date
1.1 Establish 1 4 Collaboration meeting
1.2 First year report 1 12 First year report released
1.3 Interim report 1 24 Interim report is released
1.4 Final report 1 36 Final report is submitted
2.1 (a-f) Feasibility study for 2,3,4,5,6 18 An interim report on the
all sites feasibility of all cavities
enabling selection of most
promising sites
2.2 Selection of 2,3,4,5,6 35 Final report on most promising
site/experiment sites and their potential to
combinations house LAGUNA experiments
3.1 Optimal design of 3 18 An interim study on the
containment vessels technical specifications and
for each experiment requirements is released.
3.2 (a-c) Liquid procurement 3 24 A report for each target on the
and handling for procurement and filling of each
each target target liquid
3.3 (a-c) Liquid purification 3,4 24 A report for each target on the
techniques for each purification techniques
target required
3.4 Tank shape, design 3,4,5 35 As part of the final report, the
and construction site and experiment specific
tank and infrastructure is
4.1 Base-line concept 4 6 Collaboration meeting to
document outline key design parameters
in each experiment
4.2 Microelectronic 4 24 A document outlining novel
technology report readout hardware for
LAGUNA detectors
4.3 Detector technology 4 35 As part of final report the
report maturity of each technique is
5.1 (a-f) Site specific safety 2,5 18 An interim report on the
protocols underground safety and
support infrastructure
5.2 (a-f) Site specific 5 18 An interim report on the legal
environmental and and regional considerations
legal factors
5.3 (a-f) Site specific risk 5 18 A document defining possible
assessment failure modes
5.4 (a-c) Detector specific 3,4,5 18 A report detailing hazards
safety and risk associated with each
mitigation experiment and associated
monitoring infrastructure
6.1 Site simulations 2,6 6 Report identifying through
simulations, optimal depth,
size and shape of caverns
6.2 Background 6 18 Report detailing background
measurement contributions at each site
6.3 Toolpack 6 35 Publish details of common
simulations toolpack

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2. Implementation
2.1. Management structure and procedures
The structure of the DS foresees in addition to the coordinator and the deputy coordinator, the existence of
the governing board (GB) and a joint secretariat (JS). Their tasks are defined below:
The coordinator is responsible for the overall legal, contractual, ethical, financial and administrative
management of the consortium, the co-ordination of knowledge management and other innovation-related
activities, overseeing the promotion of gender equality in the project and overseeing science and society
issues related to the research activities conducted within the project. He will ensure general liaison between
the contractors and the Commission. He will submit financial statements, will receive in trust for the
consortium all payments from the Commission and will distribute them among the contractors according to
their decisions. He will represent the Design Study to the public and especially to partner councils inside
and outside the EU not yet participating in the network. He will be accountable for keeping all contract
commitments, for submitting all reports and financial records required from the Commission, for
overlooking the joint secretariat, for supervising the implementation of the decisions of the Governing
Board. The deputy coordinator whose main task is the scientific secretariat of the GB assists him.
The coordinator is Prof. André Rubbia. The deputy will be nominated during the first month of the DS.
The governing board (GB) comprises 1 representative from each LAGUNA participant. It is responsible for
all management decisions of the network and for the approval of all documents results and approaches
related to the LAGUNA activities. It has overall responsibility for monitoring the work performed,
reviewing the objectives and progress achieved towards sustained co-operation and the specific objectives
set and discussing corrective actions where necessary. The GB also has a general responsibility for the
dissemination of information. Decisions are taken when more than 2/3 of the members are present or have
proposed a proxy, by simple majority. It will meet at least once per year.
• The members of the Governing Board are: A. Rubbia (ETHZ), A. Ereditato (U-Bern), J. Maalampi
(U-Jyväskylä), J. Peltoniemi (U-Oulu), J. Salmelainen (Rockplan), L. Mosca (CEA), T. Patzak
(IN2P3), M. Lindner (MPG), F. von Feilitzsch (TUM), C. Hagner (U-Hamburg), A. Zalewska (IFJ
PAN), E. Rondio (IPJ), J. Kisiel (US), J. Sobczyk (UWr), W. Pytel (KHGM CUPRUM), K. Slizowski
(IGSMiE), tbd15 (LSC), A. Bueno (U-Granada), S. Pascoli (U-Durham), N. Spooner (U-Sheffield), J.
Thompson (Technodyne), A. Cormack (ETL), H. Fynbo (U-Aarhus) and M. Temussi (AGT
The executive board (EB) assures the day-to-day follow-up of the program and it is formed by the
coordinators, the 6 workpackage leaders plus the administration responsible members. It will be
responsible for the co-ordination and harmonization of all LAGUNA actions and particularly for the
administrative and co-operative support of all transnational research activities. It will follow up all
important horizontal issues and will prepare the GB meetings of the LAGUNA consortium. It will also be
responsible for public relation issues and for the contents of the LAGUNA website. It will meet every two
months, and decisions will be taken on a unanimity basis. On exceptional cases differences may be resolved
by qualified majority rule (2/3 of the members) or can be directed to an exceptional GB meeting.
• The members of the Executive Board are: A. Rubbia (ETHZ, coordinator), the deputy coordinator,
J.Peltoniemi (U-Oulu), T. Patzak (IN2P3), F. von Feilitzsch (TUM), N. Spooner (U-Sheffield) and A.
Zalewska (IFJ PAN), Rosa Bächli (secretary, ETHZ) plus the recruited administrative person.
The LAGUNA Secretariat assures the day-to-day follow-up of the programme and it is formed by the
coordinator and its deputy, the administration plus invited members of the LAGUNA consortium, like for
example the leaders of the workpackage, depending on the session. The close interaction of the consortium
partners in the joint secretariat belonging to different national institutes will improve coordination and
internal quality control, but will most notably increase the acceptance and transparency within the
LAGUNA consortium. All relevant quality control information within the six work packages will be
collected within the project management. The division of labour between the partners is explained in the
Workpackage description. The joint secretariat will be responsible for the coordination and harmonisation
of all LAGUNA actions (electronic communication tools, …), and particularly for the administrative and
cooperative support of all transnational research activities. The joint secretariat will keep contact with all
participants of the consortium. It will follow all important horizontal issues and will prepare the meetings
of the LAGUNA consortium: the Governing Board, and the LAGUNA general meetings. It will also be
responsible for public relation issues and for the contents of the LAGUNA website. The GB and LAGUNA
meetings of the joint secretariat will be held at the different capitals of the countries participating in the
network. Each major meeting will be accompanied by a joint secretariat meeting, while independent
meetings will also be organized.

The LSC member of the GB will have been defined by the startup of the DS.

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• The members of the LAGUNA Secretariat are: A. Rubbia (ETHZ, coordinator), the deputy
coordinator, Rosa Bächli (secretary, ETHZ) plus the recruited administrative person. When
necessary, WP coordinators will be asked to joint for particular meetings.

Governing Board
A. Rubbia (ETHZ), A. Ereditato (U-Bern), J. Maalampi (U-
Jyväskylä), J. Peltoniemi (U-Oulu), J. Salmelainen (Rockplan), L.
Mosca (CEA), T. Patzak (IN2P3), M. Lindner (MPG), F. von
Feilitzsch (TUM), C. Hagner (U-Hamburg), A. Zalewska (IFJ PAN),
E. Rondio (IPJ), J. Kisiel (US), J. Sobczyk (UWr), W. Pytel (KHGM
CUPRUM), K. Slizowski (IGSMiE), tbd (LSC), A.Bueno (U-
Granada), S. Pascoli (U-Durham), N. Spooner (U-Sheffield), J.
Thompson (Technodyne), A. Cormack (ETL), H.Fynbo (U-Aarhus)
Executive Board and M. Temussi (AGT Ingegneria)
A. Rubbia (ETHZ, coordinator), the
deputy coordinator, J.Peltoniemi (U-
Oulu), T. Patzak (IN2P3), F. von
Feilitzsch (TUM), N. Spooner (U-
Sheffield) and A. Zalewska (IFJ PAN),
Rosa Bächli (secretary, ETHZ) plus the
recruited administrative person.
Coordinator: A. Rubbia (ETHZ)
Deputy Coordinator: tbd

LAGUNA secretariat
WP1: Management A. Rubbia (ETHZ, coordinator), the
deputy coordinator, Rosa Bächli
A. Rubbia (ETHZ)
(secretary, ETHZ) plus the recruited
administrative person.

WP2: Underground WP3: Tank

infrastructures and infrastructure and
engineering liquid handling
J. Peltoniemi F. von Feilitzsch
(U-Oulu) (TUM)

WP4: Tank WP5: Safety and WP6: Science

instrumentation environmental Impact and
and Data Handling issues Outreach
T. Patzak (IN2P3) N. Spooner A. Zalewska
(U-Sheffield) (IFJ PAN)

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2.2. Individual participants

ETH Zürich – Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Zurich, Physics Department

The ETH Zurich, often called Swiss Federal Institute of Technology, is a science and technology university
in the city of Zurich, Switzerland. Its full name is Eidgenössische Technische Hochschule Zürich, with ETHZ
also being a common unofficial abbreviation. The ETH is an internationally oriented university. It is a
member of the IDEA League and the International Alliance of Research Universities IARU.

The Institute for Particle Physics (IPP) belongs to the Physics Department. The Institute's main research
projects address fundamental questions in the following three research fields:
(1) experiments at the frontier of high-energy interactions between fundamental particles, (2) experiments in
neutrino physics and 3) experiments in Astroparticle Physics.
The group has played or is playing significant roles in the following experiments: NOMAD experiment at

ETH-Transfer and Euresearch will help with the administrative tasks.

Profile of staff members who will be undertaking the work:

• Prof. Dr. A. Rubbia, head of the institute of particle physics, group leader, leading the ArDM and
GLACIER R&D efforts. Chairman of CHIPP (Swiss Institute for Particle Physics. Elected member of
the T2K executive board. Attended CERN course of management. Experimental high-energy
particle and astro-particle physics, Search for neutrino flavor oscillations, Search for proton/neutron
decay, Physics with positron/positronium, Detector R&D, Direct search for dark matter in the
Universe, Phenomenology, Physics computing. Present and past international research projects:
• Tit. Prof. Dr. W. Fetscher, faculty member, neutrino physics, precision measurements
• Tit. Prof. Dr. J. Ulbricht, faculty member, detector development, large systems, cryogenic and
mechanical projects, liaison with industry and subcontractors
• Dr. A. Badertscher, senior researcher, detector construction, liquid Argon TPC detectors
• Dr. M. Laffranchi, PostDoc researcher, detector design and assembly, liquid Argon TPC detectors
• Dr. A. Marchionni, PostDoc researcher, neutrino beams and neutrino physics, expertise in detectors
and accelerators, detector development, liquid Argon TPC detectors, electronic and readout systems
• Dr. A. Meregaglia, PostDoc researcher, computing, detector and phyics simulation
• L. Kaufmann, PhD student, computing, numerical calculations, detector data analysis
• P. Otiougova, PhD student, detector development, liquid Argon TPC detectors
• T. Strauss, PhD student, neutrino physics, liquid Argon TPC detectors, high Tc superconductors,
• L. Knecht, mechanical technician, elaboration of mechanical parts, contact with industry and local
• G. Natterer, electrical engineer, analog design and assembly, simulation
• W. Bachmann, mechanical engineer, design, finite element analysis, elaboration of drawings, contact
with mechanical technicians and workshop
• T. Viant, software engineer, computing, data acquisition systems, databases, cluster management
• R. Bächli, group secretary, elaboration of contracts, meeting organization, mail

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[U-Bern] University of Bern, Laboratory for High Energy Physics (LHEP)

The University of Bern is one of the most important Swiss Universities. Already in 1528 it was structures as
a " Hohe Schule". Today therre are about 20000 students subdivided in 8 faculties: Theology, Law,
Economics and Social Sciences, Medicine, Veterinary Medicine, Human Sciences and Science. The faculty of
Science provides teaching and researches in the fields of Mathematics, Physics astronomy and phylosophy,
Chemistry and Biochemistry, Biology, Geology and Geography. Physics is subdivided into three institutes
(Physics, Applied Physics and Theoretical Physics). The laboratory for High Energy Physics (LHEP) is one
of the three departments of the
Physics Institute. More information can be found in:
LHEP has also a long tradition in research and teaching. Elementary particle physics is one of the key
specializations of the Institute of Physics at the University of Bern. It was introduced by H. Greinacher
(lecturer 1924-1950) and F. Houtermans (lecturer 1952-1966), who was appointed to succeed H. Greinacher
in 1952. F. Houtermans founded a working group in Bern which pursued experimental, fundamental
research in the area of particle physics with a view to researching the fundamental building blocks of matter
and their interactions. After the death of F. Houtermans (1966), J. Geiss was appointed as Head of the
Institute of Physics. At the request of J. Geiss, the faculty and the government decided to set up an
independent department of elementary particle physics at the Institute of Physics and to create a full
professorship in this specialization. B. Hahn was appointed to this chair in 1968. K. Pretzl succeeded B.
Hahn in 1988. He started a series of new projects in the field of particle physics. In particular he contributed
to the search of strange-quark matter with the NA52 experiment in the heavy ion beam at the CERN Super
Proton Synchrotron (SPS). Under his leadership the LHEP participated in the conceptual design of the
ATLAS experiment for LHC. He also started a line of research on neutrino physics, joining the OPERA
experiment for the search for neutrino oscillations. After retirement of K. Pretzl in 2006, A. Ereditato was
appointed as his successor and is presently leading LHEP. The current activities of LHEP include the
ATLAS, OPERA and T2K experiments in addition to an R&D study on novel particle detectors (as in
particular LAr TPCs). As far as the latter subject is concerned we are realizing at LHEP,in collaboration with
ETHZ and the University of Granada, a 5 m long LAr TPC detector (ARGONTUBE), in the framework of the
GLACIER R&D program.

Profile of the staff members who will be undertaking the work:

• Prof. Dr. A. Ereditato, group leader, LAr detectors, management, physics. Experience in neutrino
and astroparticle physics. Experience with large neutrino physics experiments at CERN and LNGS
(CHARM II, CHORUS, OPERA, ICARUS) Experience with particle detectors: calorimeters, LAr
TPC, emulsion detectors, imaging.
• Tit. Prof. Dr. U. Moser, Particle detectors, infrastructure, underground sites Experience with particle
detectors and HEP experiments, also in neutrino physics (OPERA).Experience with organization of
scientific activities.
• Dr. M. Messina, PostDoc senior researcher, Physics, LAr detectors, underground sites, outreach.
Experience in particle physics and neutrino physics. Experience in LAr TPC detectors.
• Dr. I Kreslo, PostDoc researcher, Particle detectors, DAQ, experience with liquiid scintillators,
imaging. Experience in high space-resolution detectors (emulsions, capillaries, scintillator trackers,
liquid scintillators, imaging).
• Dr. N. Savvinov, PostDoc researcher, Computing, data bases, Experience in particle physics,
computing and advance software tools.
• Dr. C. Pistillo, PostDoc researcher, Computing, imaging, Experience in emulsion detectors, imaging,
• J. Knuesel, PhD student, experience in data analysis and in emulsion detector.
• B.Rossi, PhD student, experience in computing and LAr detector constructions.
• M. Hess, electronic engineer
• Hans-Ulrich Schuetz, mechanical engineer

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[Jyväskylä] University of Jyväskylä

The University of Jyväskylä is one of the best and most popular Universities in Finland. It mainly attracts
the students from the central part of the country. Natural sciences and mathematics, human-centred
sciences, sport and health sciences as well as teacher education form the core fields of the research and
education. The University has the third highest number of Centres of Excellence in Finland and has been
named a University of Excellence in Adult Education by the Finnish Ministry of Education.

The Department of Physics performs research and offers education at highest international level on nuclear
and accelerator-based physics, materials physics and high energy physics. In addition, it hosts a teacher
education program. The accelerator laboratory is a Centre of Excellence under the national centre of
excellence program. Part of the research is done at CERN. There is also a very strong theory group.

The main task of Jyväskylä is to work in close cooperation with CUPP on the design of the underground
infrastructure for the new underground laboratory (WP2), address safety and environmental issues (WP5)
and contribute to science impact and outreach (WP6). In addition, Jyväskylä team has started a research
program to develop new techniques on the detection of geoneutrinos and is willing to contribute to
theoretical studies relevant to LAGUNA.

Profile of the staff members who will be undertaking the work:

• Dr. Wladyslaw H. Trzaska. Scientific background in experimental nuclear and high energy physics,
Project Leader of ALICE T0 detector, coordinator of the Nuclear Reaction Research at Jyväskylä,
spokesman of the underground experiment EMMA. WP2, WP5.
• Prof. Jukka Maalampi, Head of the Department. Scientific background in theoretical physics, strong
interest in sterile neutrinos. WP6.
• Prof. Jouni Suhonen. Scientific background in theoretical physics, strong interest in beta decay and
matrix element calculations; author of a textbook for advanced students on nuclear concepts and
microscopic theory. WP6.

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[Oulu] University of Oulu

The University of Oulu is an active scientific learning and research community of 17 000 students and 3000
staff members. Its task is to promote well-being and education in Northern Finland by implementing high-
quality international research. The University’s six faculties and their departments form a multidisciplinary
academic institution that enables diversified studies and multifaceted research.
The University aims to develop itself further as an internationally high-level scientific community by paying
particular attention to the needs of science and society. The University’s goal is to clarify and strengthen its
competitiveness and know-how. Ability for renewal and multifaceted know-how form the recipe for
success, and active participation in the international scientific community is the basis for such renewal and
development. Strategic goals include the promotion of the University of Oulu as an attractive work place for
international top-scientists, which means that teaching and research has to be of high quality. The
University creates high-level research environments for international research groups.
The University of Oulu runs an underground laboratory in Pyhäsalmi mine, referred to as Centre for
Underground Physics in Pyhäsalmi (CUPP). Oulu Southern Institute administers it, which is a regional
organisation of the University of Oulu.
CUPP has been planning or running an underground laboratory since 1997. CUPP has hosted or realised
some small-scale experiments in the lab, including neutron measurements. The current experimental activity
focuses on a cosmic ray experiment EMMA (Experiment with MultiMuon Array) shallow underground, and
the future plans concentrate on LAGUNA.
A prefeasibility study and preliminary plan for a new underground laboratory was made in 2002 with
Rockplan. The University of Oulu has experience on participation on planning and developing of several
major construction projects for its recent new premises.
The main task of Oulu in this Design Study is to work on WP2, the design of the underground infrastructure
for the new underground laboratory that is the subject of this project. In more detail, Oulu is responsible for
the scientific aspects for the Finnish candidate site and links with the participant #5 Rockplan, which is the
respective technical partner. Oulu also contributes to WP5 (safety and environmental issues), particularly
studying the site specific aspects and WP6 (Science impact and outreach), including physics optimisation
and local background conditions.
Profile of the staff members who will be undertaking the work:
• Dr. Juha Peltoniemi, project director of CUPP, adjoint professor: leads the local group in this Design
Study. Scientific background in neutrino physics, with recent contributions to cosmic ray experiments.
Managing EU-funded (ERDF) projects since 2001. Coordinates WP2, participates in WP6.
• Dr. Timo Enqvist, senior researcher, manager of the Pyhäsalmi laboratory. Scientific background:
experimental nuclear physics and astroparticle physics. WP2, WP5 (safety of site), WP6 (background)
• Dr. Pasi Kuusiniemi, PostDoc: experimental nuclear physics and astroparticle physics. WP2, WP5, WP6
• Prof. Kari Rummukainen, Department of Physical Sciences, University of Oulu: professor of theoretical
particle physics, with the responsibility for the research program and teaching of particle physics at the
University of Oulu. Scientific background in Cosmology and Finite temperature field theory. WP6

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Dapnia (CEA) and IN2P3 (CNRS) are the two national French institutes concerned with particle, nuclear
physics. They also fund major programs in astroparticle physics in collaboration with the Institute of the
Sciences of the Universe INSU/CNRS, other departments of CNRS and other national organisms (CNES for
space, IFREMER for the sea, etc.) .

At CEA, the particle physics groups have merged, since 1991, with nuclear physics and astrophysics groups
in the department called DAPNIA, Laboratory of research into the fundamental laws of the Universe.
Dapnia works in coordination with IN2P3, in particle astroparticle and nuclear physics.

In 2005 DAPNIA employed a total of 820 persons (420 engineers (including 200 researchers), 246 technicians
and administrative staff, 19 CNRS or University staff and 135 non permanent staff (PHD, postdocs).
DAPNIA is composed of 7 services.

The CEA & IN2P3 run the Fréjus-Modane Underground Laboratory (LSM) since 25 years and are involved
in a wide spectrum of neutrino and astroparticle experiments. French laboratories have strong activities at
CERN and all the other major particle physics facilities around the world (Fermilab, Stanford, Desy,
Tsukuba, Jefferson laboratory, RHIC etc.). IN2P3 and DAPNIA have developed high competences in all
technical fields related to particle physics: detectors, electronics, computing, accelerators conception and
realization, superconducting magnets.

The CEA will work closely with the IN2P3 groups on WP2. The work in the WP2 would consist in making
specification documents with the companies involved in the realisation of the new Fréjus safety tunnel to
study the environment infrastructures needed for the building and the running of the large detectors
proposed. This work would be concluded by a Technical Design Report.

Profile of staff members who will be undertaking the work:

• Dr. Luigi Mosca, former Director of LSM and at present Scientific Adviser for future projects at Fréjus
• Dr. Marco Zito, PostDoc researcher at CEA/DAPNIA. Leader of the T2K team in Saclay.
• Dr. Christian Cavata, PostDoc researcher at CEA/DAPNIA. Scientific Deputy of the DAPNIA Chief of
Department Scientific interest in neutrino physics and nucleon decay.

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IN2P3 has been created in 1971 as an institute of CNRS devoted to particle and nuclear physics, and more
recently to astroparticle physics. It is tied by decree ties with the University research and has also strong
connections with DAPNIA (CEA)(Dapnia) and CNES (Spatial program). IN2P3 is composed of 23
Laboratories most of which are contracting with universities and CNRS (so called UMR). One of these
laboratories, the CCIN2P3, is a Computing Center supported and used by both DAPNIA (20%) and IN2P3
(80%).). In 2005 the total IN2P3 permanent staff was 2488 persons (491 CNRS researchers, 304 University
professors, 1460 CNRS staff, 233 University staff). For both DAPNIA and IN2P3 there are about 180
graduate students. The IN2P3 & CEA run the Fréjus-Modane Underground Laboratory (LSM) since 25 years
and are involved in a wide spectrum of neutrino and astroparticle experiments.

The work in the WP2 would consist in making specification documents with the companies involved in the
realisation of the new Fréjus safety tunnel to study the environment infrastructures needed for the building
and the running of the large detectors proposed. For WP3, IN2P3 will work in the MEMPHYS tank technical
design. It will consist of mechanical drawing documents those specifications are driven by the already
existing state of the art Superkamiokande detector in Japan, and the new requirements given by the
enlargement by a factor 4 the size of each tank module. IN2P3 will study for WP3 the whole water cycle
from procurement to recycling passing through the purification, cooling and radio-decontamination phases.
Also the case of adding and removing of gadolinium salt in pure water and the consequences on the
material compatibility with the resulting acid solution will be studied. IN2P3 will lead the WP4, and will
actively participate in the realisation of the two instrumentation prototypes (prototyping for MEMPHYS
and GLACIER), it will specifically setup a small prototype (“MEMPHYNO”) in the LSM. For WP6, IN2P3
will setup a physicists task force to be able to optimize the detector performances with respect to the physics
subjects wished to be covered, the external infrastructure and the total cost limitation constraints.

Profile of staff members who will be undertaking the work:

• Pr. Thomas Patzak, project director at APC/IN2P3: leads the IN2P3 group of this project. Scientific
activity in neutrino physics and particle physics detector development.
• Dr Alain de Bellefon, senior researcher at APC/IN2P3, Scientific in charge with outreach at CNRS,
scientific interest in dark matter and neutrino physics, and Borexino member.
• Dr Jean-Eric Campagne, PostDoc researcher at LAL/IN2P3. Scientific interest in neutrino physics and
nucleon decay search, co-coordinator of the MEMPHYS project, chairman of the Modane Underground
Laboratory Scientific Committee.
• Dr. Alessandra Tonazzo, researcher and lecturer at APC/IN2P3, has contributed to different high-
energy collider experiments, both with detector development and with data analysis
• Dr. Jacques Bouchez, senior researcher at APC/IN2P3. Scientific Adviser at CEA/DSM/DAPNIA.
Scientific interest in neutrino physics and nucleon decay.
• Dr. Jacques Dumarchez, senior researcher at LPNHE/IN2P3. Scientific interest in neutrino physics and
nucleon decay.
• Dr. José Busto, PostDoc researcher at CPPM/IN2P3. Scientific interest in neutrino physics.
• S Davidson, phenomenologist at IPNL/IN2P3, work in neutrino and charged lepton physics
• Dr. Nikolaos Vassilopoulos, foreign visitor at LAL/IN2P3. Scientific interest in detector design by
simulation software
• Dr . Dario Autiero (IPNL/IN2P3), responsible of the neutrino group at IPN Lyon. Scientific background
in neutrino physics with the NOMAD and OPERA experiments. Leads the local group of the LAGUNA
• Dr. Lionel Chaussard (UCBL/IPNL/IN2P3) responsible of the software working group in OPERA
• Dr. Yves Declais (IPNL/IN2P3), spokesman of the OPERA experiment and of the past CHOOZ
experiment. Long standing scientific background in neutrino oscillation searches
• Dr. Jacques Marteau (UCBL/IPNL/IN2P3), project leader of the data acquisition system in OPERA
• Dr. Claude Girerd (IPNL/IN2P3), research engineer, main designer of the OPERA data acquisition
system based on a Ethernet network of 1200 smart sensors with on-board linux processors.
• Dr. Hervez Mathez (IPNL/IN2P3), research engineer, head of the electronics service at IPN Lyon, with a
long experience in low noise analog front-end
• Dr. Edouard Bechetoille (IPNL/IN2P3), research engineer, newly hired designer expert for the
development of analog front-end ASICs.

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[MPG] Max-Planck-Gesellschaft zur Förderung der Wissenschaften e.V.

The Max-Planck-Institut für Kernphysik (MPIK) in Heidelberg and the May-Planck-Institut für Physik
(MPP) in Munich are two well known institutions in particle and astroparticle physics. Both institutes are
included via their head organisation, the Max-Planck-Gesellschaft (MPG). Coordination is done via the Max-
Planck-Institute für Kernphysik in Heidelberg.

The experimental activities at MPIK are based on a strong research record in experimental neutrino physics
and low-background techniques. Experiments which have been initiated at MPIK or to which MPIK
provides major contributions are the GERDA double beta decay experiment, the Double Chooz reactor
neutrino experiment and the Borexino solar neutrino experiment. MPIK played the leading role in the
famous GALLEX/GNO solar neutrino experiment. The MPIK experimental know-how which is of relevance
for the LAGUNA project, include:
- low-level counting techniques (HP-Ge, Rn gas counting, liquid scintillor, alpha counting, etc.)
- purification of liquid nitrogen and liquid noble gases
- noble gas mass spectrometry
- manipulation of radioactive noble gases and counting
- inorganic and organic chemistry (GC-MS, AAS, IR-spectrometry, etc.)
- scintillation counting
- organic liquid scintillator characterization (UV-VIS, flourimetry, gamma-sources)
- metal loaded organic liquid scintillators
- liquid Argon scintillation light detection
- XUV-VIS wavelength shifter development
- modelling of energy transfer in organic scintillators and in Argon/Xenon scintillators
Special infrastructures available at MPIK includes an underground laboratory for low-level measurements,
chemistry and radio chemistry laboratories, spectrometry laboratory for organic scintillator characterization,
class 1000 clean room, multi-purpose laboratories, gas counting laboratory, liquid scintillator production
hall, one ton low-level liquid Argon scintillation prototype detector.

The involved theoretical expertise at MPIK and MPP involves well known experts working on a broad set of
topics which are directly and indirectly relevant for the LAGUNA proposal. The expertise includes on the
formal side theoretical studies of neutrino mass models, extensions of the Standard Model which can
accommodate neutrino properties and proton decay. The theoretical activities include various activities
concerning the modelling of neutrino sources, including supernovae neutrinos, geo-neutrinos, neutrino
beams, and reactor neutrinos. Another topics is the propagation of neutrinos in matter in the Earth and in
supernovae and detection channels. Development and application of the GloBES software, a powerful
simulation tool for long baseline and reactor neutrinos with three flavour oscillations in matter. There exists
also a lot of expertise in the phenomenology of Dark Matter and axions and in theories beyond the Standard
Model providing Dark Matter or axion candidates.

Profile of the staff members who will be undertaking the work:

• Prof. Dr. Manfred Lindner, director at MPI für Kernphysik, expertise in theoretical particle and
astroparticle physics, phenomenological studies in neutrino physics.
• Dr. Stefan Schönert, MPI für Kernphysik, project leader, expertise in neutrino physics at low energies,
underground and low background physics, detector technology.
• Prof. Dr. Georg Raffelt, MPI für Physik, senior research scientist at MPI für Physik, expertise in
theoretical particle and astroparticle physics.
• Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Hampel, senior research scientist at MPIK, expertise in neutrino physics at low
energies, underground and low background physics, detector technology.
• Prof. Evgeny Akhmedov, senior researcher at MPIK, expertise in theoretical particle physics
• Dr. Christian Buck, senior researcher at MPIK, expertise in neutrino physics and scintillator
• Dr. Hardy Simgen, senior researcher at MPIK, expertise in neutrino physics and low background
• Dr. Josefa Oehm, senior research scientists at MPIK, expertise in low background physics.
• Dr. Jochen Schreiner, senior research scientists at MPIK, expertise in low background physics.
• Dr. W. Rodejohann, senior researcher at MPIK, expertise in theoretical neutrino physics

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[TUM] Technische Universität München, Physikdepartment E15

The institute E15 of the faculty of Physics at the Technische Universität München, Germany, is playing a
leading role in Astroparticle Physics. Expertise has been achieved in the fields of solar neutrino
measurements (GALLEX, GNO, and BOREXINO experiments), Dark Matter search (CRESST experiment),
and experiments for investigating intrinsic neutrino properties (GÖSGEN, BUGEY, DOUBLE-CHOOZ).
Technical expertise has been obtained in the development of scintillating detectors with extremely low
levels in radioactivity. In addition large experience has been gained in cryogenic detector developments and
in methods to characterise background levels with neutron activation and high sensitivity gamma
spectroscopy. For this purpose a shallow site underground laboratory in Garching has been built.
Experience in working in deep underground laboratories was obtained in the Italian Gran Sasso facility.
Knowledge on electronics, data acquisition, single photon counting, data analysis, and Monte-Carlo
calculations has been acquired. Connections to the High-Tech companies Fa. Vericold, Ketek, Infineon
(Germany), Aquiris (CH) and ETL (UK) are fostered. The institute enforces public outreach with open doors
days, information days for pupils, public seminars, by supporting the science-Lab of the Technical Museum
in Munich. The group consists of 2 professors, 3 senior researchers and 7 PhD-students. A mechanical
workshop including 2 engineers belongs to the institute. The group under Prof. F. von Feilitzsch is active in
this field since 27 years.

Profile of the staff members who will be undertaking the work:

• Prof. Dr. Franz von Feilitzsch, chairman of the institute. Expertise in dark matter, neutrino and
underground physics, and detector technology.
• Prof. Dr. Lothar Oberauer, Extraordinarius. Expertise in neutrino physics at low energies, rare event
physics, detector technology and underground low background physics.
• Dr. Marianne Göger-Neff, senior researcher. Expertise in neutrino physics and scintillator development.
• Dr. Jean C. Lanfranchi, senior researcher. Expertise in low temperature detector developments, neutrino
physics, and Dark Matter search.
• Dr. Walter Potzel, senior researcher. Expertise in Moessbauer-effect, low temperature detectors, neutrino
physics, and Dark Matter.

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Universität Hamburg, Physikdepartment

The University of Hamburg, with close to 40 000 students, is Germany's fifth largest university. There are
about 850 professors engaged in teaching and research; in addition to that, the university's academic staff
numbers 1800 and its technical and administrative staff, 6650. Students may choose from around 120
different subjects offered by six faculties.

The department of physics as member in the Faculty of Mathematics, Informatics and

Natural Sciences has a long experience in high-energy detector and accelerator physics due to the vicinity of
DESY Hamburg. Another focus has been nuclear, neutrino and astroparticle physics.

Profile of staff members who will be undertaking the work:

• Prof. Dr. C. Hagner, neutrino physics group leader, scientific background in neutrino physics
(NOMAD, BOREXINO, DCHOOZ, OPERA) and in accelerator physics (BELLE)
• Dr. J. Ebert, researcher, experience in detector design and development (OPERA, H1)
• Dr. R. Zimmermann, researcher, project leader of the precision tracker drift tubes of the OPERA
experiment, experience in electronics and detector development (OPERA, HERA-B)

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The H. Niewodniczanski Institute of Nuclear Physics of the Polish Academy of Sciences (IFJ PAN) in
Cracow is one of the leading and of the largest Polish research institutes. The Institute carries out basic and
applied research in physics. At present the Institute is involved, as a contructer, in 18 projects of the Sixth
Framework Programme.
The basic research, both theoretical and experimental, is aimed at explaining the structure of matter
from microscopic to cosmic scales. It concerns particle physics and astrophysics, nuclear and strong
interactions physics and condensed matter physics. Major topics in the field of theoretical particle physics
are: application of QCD, electroweak physics and radiative corrections, meson scattering, quark models,
nuclear matter, theoretical astrophysics and foundations of quantum mechanics. The experimental teams
from IFJ PAN participate in the large international collaborations: ATLAS, LHCb and ALICE at LHC
(CERN), ZEUS and H1 at HERA (DESY), Belle at KEKB (KEK), PHOBOS at RHIC (BNL), Auger in
Argentina, ICARUS at Gran Sasso, T2K at J-PARC and ILC. Physicists in these teams are suplemented by an
excellent technical staff whose mandate comprises the design and construction of detector mechanical
structures, cooling systems, readout electronics, DAQ and trigger systems for experiments. This staff has
also provided a significant contribution to the LHC Computing Grid and to the construction of the LHC
The Institute, originally established as a nuclear physics research laboratory over 50 years
ago, has by now expanded its research over a broad range of interdisciplinary applications of physics. It has
for several years served as a leading regional centre in radiation and environmental biology, environmental
physics, medical physics, dosimetry, nuclear geophysics, radiochemistry and material engineering. The IFJ
PAN hosts three accredited laboratories, the centre of excellence ADREM and the Krakow Research Centre
for Ion Engineering. This interdisciplinary research also stimulates technology transfer to the local industry.

In the LAGUNA project the group from IFJ PAN will coordinate the work package WP6 and will
contribute to the work packages WP6, WP1 and WP4. In the framework of WP6 the following activities are
foreseen: contributions to the general LAGUNA software, evaluation of physics potential of the
Sieroszowice site with special emphesis on the Liquid Argon detector, measurements and simulations of the
background due to the rock natural radioactivity, simulations of the cosmogenic background and
dissemination of the LAGUNA results aimed at the general public as well as the promotion of the SUNLAB
project within the local communities. In the framework of WP4 the group will participate in the R&D
activities for Liquid Argon detectors.

Profile of the staff members who will be undertaking the work:

• Prof. Agnieszka Zalewska – head of the Department of Neutrino and Dark Matter Studies,
experience in hadronic, e+e- and neutrino physics, expertise on detector techniques
• Assoc. Prof. Jerzy W. Mietelski – head of the Department of Nuclear Physical Chemistry, specialist
on low level radioactivity measurement techniques
• Dr Monika Szarska – physicist, specialist in particle physics
• Dr Pawel Gaca – chemist, specialist in low level activity measurement techniques
• Sylwia Blazej, M.Sc. – physicist, PhD student in low level activity measurements
• Dorota Stefan, M.Sc. – physicist, PhD student, work on proton decay
• Tomasz Wachala, M.Sc. – physicist, PhD student, work on neutrino physics
• Dr Krzysztof Kozak – physicist specialized in environmental physics
• Dr Jadwiga Mazur – physicist specialized in environmental physics.

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[IPJ] Soltan Institute for Nuclear Studies

The Soltan Institute for Nuclear Studies (SINS), with branches in Warsaw (Department of High Energy
Physics), Swierk, near Warsaw (Department of Accelerator Physics and Technology) and Lodz
(Department of Cosmic Ray Physics) is involved in a basic research in nuclear and particle physics, cosmic
ray physics and plasma physics as well as in a development and implementation of new technologies in
nuclear science and electronics.
SINS has a long term experience in ionisation radia tion detectors, dosimetry, theory and technology of
accelerators, nuclear electronics and the use of computer techniques in simulation of nuclear processes. The
research performed at the intersection of pure and applied physics enables SINS to efficiently transmit
the theoretica l knowledge to practical applications and to industry. The Institute is also engaged in
education through its specia l PhD studies programme. The Institute is entitled to award the PhD and
h abilita tion degrees.
The SINS physicists and engineers are participating in preparation of modern experiments at (large)
accelerators (CERN, FNAL, KEK, RHIC). The strong group interested in neutrino physics is active in the
institute since 2000, consisting of 5 seniors, 4 PhD students (presently) and technica l support in electronics
and mechanics. The group is gaining experience in the liquid Argon TPC technology (participation in
Icarus and in ArDM project and in planning of intermediate detector for T2K experiment). One of the
members has experience in neutrino physics starting in IMB detector, through Super-Kamiokande from its
beginning. The activity in dark matter searches includes in particular the simulation of backgrounds from
radioactive materia ls and from cosmic muons.
Also significant experience exists in registration of neutrons generated in cosmic ray interactions.
Observations were made on surface and in the underground laboratory 15 meters underneath using mostly
he lium counters. The thermal neutron background from energetic neutron background can be distinguish.
This experience would allow the group in this Design Study to work on the development and
instrumentation of extremely massive Liquid Argon detectors (WP4). The group also has broad experience
in software for detector simulations and data analysis (WP6).

Profile of the staff members who will be undertaking the work:

• Prof. Ewa Rondio – leader of the group, experience in muon accelerator experiments at CERN
(EMC, NMC, SMC, Compass)
• Dr hab. Danuta Kiełczewska, long experience in neutrino physics (IMB, Super-Kamiokande, K2K)
• Dr Tadeusz Kozłowski, experience in nuclear physics and in precise measurements performed at
• Prof. Joanna Stepaniak, experience in hadronic interactions at low energies (Lear, Wasa)
• Prof. Maria Szeptycka , experience in Delph i, detector construction
• Dr Jacek Szabelski, experence in cosmic ray physics and neutron measurements
First five on the list belong to the polish neutrino group, which is involved in Icarus and T2K experiments.

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[US] University of Silesia

The University of Silesia was established in Katowice in 1968 as the ninth university in Poland and is an
autonomous state university. The University has its origins in the Higher School of Education, which was
founded in 1928 - at that time it was the only institution of higher education in the region. Later, the school
became a branch of the Jagiellonian University in Kraków, the oldest Polish University. It now has campuses
in four cities in the region: Katowice, Sosnowiec, Chorzów and Cieszyn. The majority of faculties are located
in Katowice. The University consists of 12 faculties (divided into 23 institutes, 75 departments and 15 inner-
faculty units). The total number of the teachers exceeds 1900 and includes 215 professors, 274 doctors with
habilitation and 991 doctors. The total number of students (full-time, part-time, postgraduate and PhD)
reaches 41000.

The A. Chełkowski Institute of Physics of the University of Silesia has been awarded „Category 1” scientific
institution – the highest category in the Polish Ministry of Science and Higher Education ranking. It is
divided into seven experimental and four theoretical departments and has two workshops (electrical and
fine mechanics). The scientists publish more than 250 articles in the highest ranked international journals
per year. More than 150BScs, 100MScs and 10PhDs graduate every year.

The Laboratory of Low Activities in the Institute of Physics of the University of Silesia carries environmental
studies of radioactivity background from natural and anthropogenic radionuclides. Their activities will be
measured in situ using a portable gamma-ray spectrometry workstation. The activities and radon surface
emissions of rock samples will be determined in laboratory conditions and compared to the in situ
measurements. Water samples for the 226Ra and 228Ra isotopes concentration measurements will be collected
underground and analyzed in the laboratory, using the liquid scintillation method. The measurements of
the radon (222Rn) concentration in air are also planned. Some of the measurements mentioned above have
already been performed in several European Underground Physics Laboratories (Gran Sasso, Modane and
Boulby - within the ILIAS/TARI project in the 6th FP) and in Polkowice-Sieroszowice.

Profile of the staff members who will be undertaking the work:

• Dr hab. Jan Kisiel, prof. US: experience with large neutrino physics experiment (ICARUS),
experience with particle detectors and radioactivity background measurements.
• Dr D.Malczewski: experience with different techniques of radioactivity background measurements,
experience in geology.
• Mgr J.Dorda: experience with different techniques of radioactivity background measurements.

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[UWr] - University of Wroclaw

The University of Wroclaw is the major university in southeastern part of Poland very close to the proposed
site of SUNLAB (the distance is about 80 km).

The Wroclaw University group is to contribute to WP6. It is involved in two neutrino experiments: ICARUS
and T2K. The research activity is focused on the precise evaluation of neutrino interactions on nucleus
targets. The group has been developing its own Monte Carlo generator describing the particle secondary
interactions inside nuclei.

The group is composed from 3 doctors/professors, 1 PhD student and several undergraduate students who
plan to undertake graduate studies.

Profile of the staff members involved in the project:

• Prof. Jan Sobczyk, the head of the group; experience in many aspects of particle physics.
• Dr Cezary Juszczak, experience in both theoretical physics and computer science.
• Dr Krzysztof Graczyk, post-doc, works on nuclear effects in neutrino interactions and on resonance
excitation models used in Monte Carlo generators of events.
• Artur Ankowski, M.Sc., PhD student, work on nuclear effects in neutrino interactions

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[UGR] University of Granada

The University of Granada is one of the largest universities in Spain from the point of view of the number of
students assigned to it and from the amount of scientific production in international peer-reviewed journals.
At European level, it has played a significant role both in innovation for education and research. In 1990, a
theoretical group on Particle Physics was created. It is now a well-established research group that plays a
relevant international role in the study of the phenomenology of the Standard Model and the Physics
beyond it.
Recently, in 2002, this group was complemented by the creation of an experimental group on High Energy
Physics. This is one of the youngest and more emergent groups for this field in Spain. In particular, it is the
only one of these characteristics in the autonomous region of Andalucia (FEDER region type I). The group
activities have been fully funded and supported since their onset by the Spanish Agency for Particle Physics.
Nowadays the group is composed of three doctors, five Ph.D. students, an electronic engineer plus two
technicians. It also operates a laboratory mainly devoted to R&D with cryogenic detectors. This
infrastructure is key to carry out the tasks assigned to our group in this Design Study and having to do with
the development and instrumentation of extremely massive Liquid Argon detectors (WP4). The group also
has broad experience in software development both for detector simulations and data analysis (WP6).

Profile of the staff members who will be undertaking the work:

• Dr Antonio Bueno, Professor of Physics. Leads the local group of this project.
• Dr.Julio Lozano, senior PostDoc researcher.
• Dr Sergio Navas, senior PostDoc researcher.

All three members of the group have an ample scientific background in experimental neutrino physics with
liquid Argon detectors. Since recently, they have made contributions as well to forefront Particle Physics
research topics as cosmic ray (Pierre Auger Observatory) and dark matter (ArDM experiment).

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University of Sheffield and Boulby

The University of Sheffield is a premier research University in the UK, participating here through the
Department of Physics and Astronomy. Members of the department (led by Spooner) play a leading role in
UK and European Astroparticle Physics through development of underground detector technology (for
dark matter and neutrino physics) in Boulby Underground Laboratory at Boulby Mine, North Yorkshire.
Our role at Boulby gives us unique experience to be a major contributor to LAGUNA - Boulby is the largest
and longest running deep mine-based laboratory in Europe. Established in 1988 and expanded in 1999 with
new facilities, is has been host to successful dark matter (NAIAD, ZEPLIN, DRIFT) and other experiments
and has a strong record of R&D in connection with the ILIAS FP6 programme. The group (currently three
academics and 10 students, technicians and PDRAs) has extensive experience gained over 15 years directly
relevant to the workpackages in LAGUNA including: excavation and mine operations; development of large
underground infrastructures and laboratories in mine environments; underground background and
environment research; scintillator, liquid Argon, photon detection, electronics and data acquisition
technology for underground detectors; engineering of unusual pressure vessels for underground use;
interaction with non-physics applications, industrial cooperation and public outreach.

Profile of the staff members who will be undertaking the work:

 Prof. Neil Spooner, Director Boulby Laboratory, group leader. Expertise in dark matter, neutrino
and underground physics, and detector technology
 Dr. Vitaly Kudryavtsev, senior academic researcher. Expertise in dark matter and rare event
physics, detector technology and underground background simulations
 Dr. Sean Paling, senior researcher. Expertise in underground operations and engineering, rare event
physics, analysis and detector development
 Dr. Phil Lightfoot, senior researcher. Expertise in cryogenic liquid, scintillator and gas technology
underground, mine operations and engineering, rare event physics, novel readout techniques.
 Dr Matt Robinson, senior researcher. Expertise in data reduction, data analysis, simulations and
data acquisition systems.

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[UDUR] Durham University

Durham University is a world-class university in the city of Durham and at the Queen's Campus in
Stockton, in the United Kingdom. It is engaged in high-quality teaching and learning and advanced research
and partnership with business. Its academic teaching and research programmes are delivered through
departments contained within three faculties: Arts and Humanities, Science, and Social Sciences and Health.
The Department of Physics is part of the Science Faculty.

The Institute for Particle Physics Phenomenology (IPPP) was founded in 2000 as a joint venture of Durham
University and the UK Particle Physics and Astronomy Research Council (PPARC). The IPPP is part of the
Centre for Particle Theory (CPT) in Durham, based jointly in the Departments of Mathematical Sciences and
Physics, with a number of academic staff having joint appointments in the two Departments. Its aim is to
foster world-class research in particle physics phenomenology, and to provide a forum for interaction
between experimentalists and theorists, coordinating common interests and future research through a series
of discussion meetings, workshops and conferences. Within a short space of time, the IPPP has achieved
international recognition and the recent Second International Review of UK Research in Physics and
Astronomy stated ``The IPPP has had major successes: creating a critical mass of particle theorists in
Durham. There have been very healthy interactions reviving particle phenomenology throughout the UK."
The IPPP currently comprises 14 permanent staff (Professors Glover (Director), Khoze, Pennington, Stirling
and Drs Abel, Ball, Dedes, Krauss, Maxwell, Moortgat-Pick, Pascoli, Richardson, Signer and Weiglein) as
well as 15 fixed term research staff and 22 postgraduate students. An extensive visitor programme brings
world-class researchers to the IPPP for periods ranging from a few days to a year. Training for the next
generation of particle physicists is provided through guidance in research, and dedicated graduate lecture
programmes and summer schools.

Research activities cover all aspects of particle phenomenology and, in particular, topics directly related to
the LAGUNA proposal, namely physics Beyond the Standard Model of Particle Physics, and neutrino
physics. Known experts work on i) neutrino phenomenology, concerning the study of neutrino properties
in present and future experiments, ii) theoretical aspects of neutrino physics with particular focus on the
origin of neutrino masses, iii) the role of neutrinos in the Early Universe and in the evolution of
astrophysical objects as supernovae. Expertise on extensions of the Standard Model, which predict proton
decay, and on dark matter is also present.

The main task of Durham concerns the science impact and outreach (WP6), providing theoretical support to
the experimental investigations and contributing to the detector simulations, in order to fully explore and
optimise the physics potential of the LAGUNA research infrastructures.

Profile of the members who will be undertaking the work:

• Dr. S. Pascoli, faculty member. Research in neutrino physics, extensions of the Standard Model and
• Dr. S. Palomares-Ruiz, postdoctoral researcher. Expertise in neutrino phenomenology, high energy
cosmic rays, cosmology.
• C. Orme, PhD student. Studies on neutrino oscillation experiments.

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[U-Aarhus] University of Aarhus

A high level of quality in both research and education is the aim of the University of Aarhus. Since its early
beginnings in 1928, the university has provided both the Danish and international communities with more
than 42,000 graduates, and has left its own special mark on the city of Aarhus, the Danish society and the
international research community. The University of Aarhus has a reputation for education and training – a
brand that extends well beyond Denmark’s borders. It is a lively, modern university, which collaborates
with the business community, cultural centers and other universities throughout the world.
The main task of U-Aarhus in this Design Study is to work on WP2, the design of the underground
infrastructure for the new underground laboratory in collaboration with the CUPP center at Oulu, and to
WP6 (Science impact and outreach).

Profile of the staff members who will be undertaking the work:

• Dr. Steen Hannestad, scientific background: Theoretical astroparticle and neutrino physics. Current or
past board member of several European networks in these fields. Member of the governing council for
• Dr. Hans Fynbo, scientific background: experimental nuclear physics and nuclear-astrophysics. Spokes-
person and project leader for numerous experiments at CERN-ISOLDE and other radioactive beam
facilities in Europe.

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is a consulting company founded in 1986 and has over 20 years experience in every kind of underground
facilities. For the most part acting as main designer, the company has gained experience through various
projects in the field of rock engineering. The staff is mainly made up of architects, civil and rock engineers
and geologists. The staff of 30 persons is mainly made up of architects, civil and rock engineers and
geologists. The company is SME. The company has specialized in managing the design, general design, rock
engineering design and structural design. Additional plans and designs are produced in co-operation with
experienced subcontractors.
• Kalliosuunnittelu Oy Rockplan Ltd, (Rockplan), is able to act as Design Manager, coordinating and
controlling the work or as a main designer.
• General design by Rockplan embraces both layout design and architectural design. In carrying out
general design the company aims to create a suitable, safe, technically high quality underground facility
meeting the client’s requirements.
• The aim of Rockplan in rock engineering design is to use properties of the rock to the best advantage,
and to prepare high quality plans excavation, reinforcing the rock surface, sealing and waterproofing. A
fundamental consideration of the design is safety during construction.
• Rockplan aims to produce structural designs that take account of the special requirements of
underground construction in cost effective manner. Structural design is required for among other things:
entrance ramps and shafts, internal floors and structures and blast-resistant barriers.
Additional plans and designs are produced in co-operation with experienced subcontractors.
The main task of Rockplan in this Design Study is to make the preliminary design and technical feasibility
study of the underground construction in the Finnish site, within WP2, working in close collaboration with
Oulu. Rockplan is involved also in WP3 (tanks) and WP5 (safety).

Rockplan has been actively taken part in innovate new technology underground projects. One of the first
steps was Hirvihaara deep storage of natural gas in Southern Finland. Rock lined cavers of total volume of
1.6 M m3 were located in 850 meters depth. The detailed design of hoisting and service systems was carried
out in years 1990-92 for Neste Oy Natural Gas. To the same client Rockplan designed also a concept of steel
lined natural gas storage. The client discontinued these projects.
Rockplan has completed design of a 150.000 m3 steel lined petroleum storage in Finland. The storage
consists of 5 tanks with diameter of 35 meters. This storage has been operated for 16 years. Client and details
are confidential information.
Kamppi Centre (Kampin keskus), the largest single construction project that has been carried out in Finland,
was the best construction site of the year 2003. The jury grounded the election on Kamppi’s visionary rock
engineering in difficult circumstances and innovative technical solutions. The blasting work has been
remote sensored in realtime and the effects has been analysed for security purpose before the next coming
Salmisaari, underground coal storage. The overall project involves 3,5 km of tunnel with 40 different cross
sections. Total excavation of 550.000 m3 of granite/gneiss has being undertaken, all of which was crushed
and screened for reuse by the local construction industry. The underground silos are each 65 m-high x 40 m-
diameter with circular plan cross-section. The volumetric capacity of each silo is 81.000 m3. The Salmisaari
coal transport tunnel will be re-equipped to charge the silos and a newly mined conveyor retrieval tunnel
will be used to discharge the coal.

The staff members undertaking the work will include:

• Jarmo Roinisto, Chairman of the Board, Managing Director, M.Sc. (Civ.Eng.): Project management,
design and supervision of rock engineering, tunnelling and underground spaces
• Juha Salmelainen, Development Director, M.Sc. (Eng.Geol.): management of rock engineering projects,
site investigations and rock mechanical modelling
• Raimo Matikainen, emeritus professor of rock engineering, former Director General of the Finnish
Geological Survey, Board member and vice chairman of The Finnish Academy of Technology: wide
experience of engineering in mining industry and geological research
• Matti Hakala, Special Designer: rock modelling in 2D and 3D using the most advanced calculation

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The KGHM CUPRUM Ltd. Research and Development Centre (KGHM CUPRUM), which is a part of the
KGHM Polska Miedź SA capital group, has existed for over 35 years. During the first few years of its
activity the company developed the research and design studies for the Polish copper basin and then for
many other home and foreign mine projects, which gave it a stable position in the non-ferrous metals, salt
mining and mine construction industries. At present it widens its activity range participating in geological
and mining projects of the European Union.
Being aware of the XXI-st century challenges the company widens its activity undertaking problems of
environmental protection and companies restructuring. It is at the same time consultant, expert and
authority in geology, extractive industry, minerals processing and environmental protection.
KGHM CUPRUM has a highly qualified and experienced team of specialists (over 140) who create the most
modern technical solutions and guarantee services on a high quality level. It also has the ISO 9001 and 14001
The company has its own, fully accredited laboratory of rock mechanics with excellent equipment for
investigating rock behaviour under any kind of load. It has a special purpose software and unique test
instruments like chromatographs for gas mixtures and volatile liquids analyses, an X-ray diffractometer, a
spectrometer of infrared radiation, a modern noise level gauge, a portable system for gas emission
measurements, a kit for measuring and analysing vibrations, thermovision equipment, instruments for non-
destructive laboratory and field tests, and a set for water analyses.
The research activity of KGHM CUPRUM Ltd. RDC is presently focused on: geology, hydrogeology and
mining projects feasibility studies, mining, including rock mechanics, mines electrification, automation,
mechanisation and ventilation, minerals processing, environmental protection with its monitoring and
wastes management, companies restructuring, economical studies, technical expertise and engineering
concepts evaluation used mainly for copper mines (among them also the Sieroszowice mine) exploited by
KGHM Polska Miedź S.A.
KGHM CUPRUM participated in geological and hydro geological, mining and environmental projects of the
European Union within 5th and 6th FP including:
- Life Cycle Assessment of Mining Projects for Waste Minimization and Long Term Control of
Rehabilitated Sites (LICYMIN) - G1RD - CT - 2000 – 00162
- Chemically Stabilized Layers (CLOTADAM) – G1RD-CT-2001-00480
- Lifetime Engineering of Buildings and Civil Infrastructures - (LIFETIME) - GTC1-2001-43046
- Network on European Extractive Mining Industries (NESMI) - G1RT-CT-2002-05078
- Search for a sustainable way of exploiting black ores using biotechnologies (BIOSHALE) – NMP2-
For many years CUPRUM has been organising domestic and international scientific conferences and
seminars on roof bolting, minerals processing, metallurgy, environmental protection and mining in difficult
rock-mass conditions. The company has an authorisation granted by the Minister of Environmental
Protection, Natural Resources and Forestry to deal with: atmosphere protection, land surface protection,
environmental impact assessments of investments and building structures.
The KGHM Cuprum contribution to the Laguna project will cover feasibility studies for large caverns,
problems concerning the site accessibility, evaluating the geomechanical limitations excavation technology,
ventilation requirements, costs evaluation (WP2), local geomechanical hazards assessment due to mine
activity and environment protection analyses (WP5).

The staff members undertaking the work will include:

• Dr. hab. Witold Pytel – project leader, M.Sc. (Civ. Eng.), MBA: background in soil and rock
mechanics, numerical modeling and rock mass stability analyses, risk assessment and management,
• Dr. Andrzej Grotowski, : expertise in environmental protection and mineral processing,
• Dr. Andrzej Markiewicz, Geologist: expertise in geological survey and tectonic structure research,
• Miroslaw Raczynski, M.Sc. (Electr. Eng.): expertise in electric power supply and automation in
• Zbigniew Sadecki, M.Sc. (Min. Eng.): expertise in mine planning and equipment selection,
• Dr. Slawomir Gajosinski, M.Sc. (Min. Eng.): expertise in mine ventilation and air-conditioning

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The Mineral and Energy Economy Research Institute is part of the Polish Academy of Sciences (IGSMiE
PAN), which has been leading research work on mining, geology, engineering geology, geotechnics, raw
materials management and environment protection.

One of the main activities of the Institute is research on the physical and chemical properties, especially
geological, geothermal, mineralogical, and hydrogeological of salt massifs. The results created a base for
mathematical and physical models of rock salt formation which have been used for designing natural gas
and liquid hydrocarbons storage caverns in rock salt deposits.

The Institute has been coordinating research work on the site selection and formation for the Polish deep
radioactive waste storage project. The Institute is also participating in two European Union research
framework FP6 projects related to geothermal energy and to carbon dioxide sequestration.

Staff members of the Institute have broad experience in design and in assessment of large-scale excavation
long-term stability, including natural hazards (water, gas outburst) in Polish rock salt deposits. They have
been participating in most of research projects, related with Polish salt mining in the last years.

In the case of the underground infrastructure for the SUNLAB project, the Institute is competent in the
following tasks:
• Determining the optimum localization criteria for the laboratory,
• Study of the physical and chemical (including geological) properties of rock salt from the site of the
potential localization,
• Formulating the constitutive law and effort criteria for rock salt formation,
• Cavern stability evaluation.

The staff members undertaking the work will include:

• Kazimierz Ślizowski – Head of the Underground Storage Department.
• Wiesław Bujakowski – Head of the Renewable Energy Department
• Zenon Pilecki – Head of the Department of Geodynamics and Environmental Engineering
• Kazimierz Urbańczyk – Specialist in the mathematical modelling of physical processes
• Jarosław Ślizowski – Specialist in the geomechanics of rheological media

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Dr. Andy Cormack

Director, Sensor Development
Electron Tubes Limited
Bury Street, Ruislip, Middlesex HA4 7TA, UK
Tel: +44 (0) 1895 630771
Fax: +44 (0) 1895 635953

Electron Tubes designs, develops, and manufactures photomultipliers and other light and radiation sensing
devices and has done so since the 1950s, originally as a division of EMI and then as Thorn EMI. In 1994 we
became Electron Tubes, an independent company, retaining and adding to they highly qualified staff of
engineers and scientists.

They also manufacture products for use with photomultipliers, such as: voltage dividers, high voltage
power supplies, housings, and electronics-hardware. They supply photomultipliers and all these products
to customers in universities and research establishments. They also serve the large volume requirements of
high energy physics and industry.

In the case of WP4, ETL is competent in the areas of longevity and robustness testing of PMTs, and in the
development of large area room temperature and low temperature PMTs.

The staff members undertaking the work will include:

• Dr. Andy Cormack, Director. With a strong background in both physics and electrical engineering
he has extensive experience in the development and testing of a wide range of light readout devices.
As director of sensor development he is primarily responsible for the R&D required to maintain
Electron Tubes at the forefront of technological advancement, and his expertise in pioneering
photomultiplier design is unparalleled. With a strong background in effective and successful liaison
with industry and higher education research institutions, his involvement in the project will be
beneficial both within the context of specific photomultiplier development R&D, and for the global
implications of equipping future full-scale LAGUNA targets.

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Technodyne International Ltd

Technodyne International is a specialist Engineering Design consultancy, based in Eastleigh, on the UK

South coast. Their main focus is on the design and engineering of Cryogenic Storage tanks but their broad
scope of experience and flexible approach enables them to undertake a diverse range of projects, providing
cost-effective and dependable solutions for their worldwide client base. Their in-house team of
approximately 20 highly experienced and qualified engineers has accumulated over 300 man-years of
valuable experience in the engineering industry, including Aviation, Automotive, Energy Supply, Marine,
Nuclear, Oil & Gas, and Petrochemicals. During the last 10 years, they have worked on designs for over 40
large cryogenic storage tanks, including the current world’s largest tanks for LNG storage, and they have
been retained as engineering consultants on many others. No other company can combine this capability
with their ability to harness the knowledge and experience gained from executing many very large and
sophisticated projects for industrial applications, and defence projects: these are invariably “one-offs” (there
are never any prototypes, or “trial runs”, they must work first time). Their projects range from small
consultancy roles, to involvement in those projects with a capital value in the hundreds of millions of Euros.
As an ISO 9001 accredited company, their work is carried out to the highest quality standards, while their
Health & Safety training complies with best industry practices.

The staff members undertaking the work will include:

• M. Haworth, director responsible for engineering, member of the institute of mechanical engineers,
member of royal aeronautical society. Experience: 10 years as founder director, 4 years corporate
management British Gas, 15 years in cryogenic tank and vessel engineering, and construction in the
Petrochemical industry, 6 years experience in Defence and Aerospace special projects, total 35 years
of experience in engieneering design, engineering, project management and construction of multi-
discipline teams in small and large companies. Consultant of Owner’s Team for tanks specs 3 new
LNG tanks for Isle of Grain (UK), Owner Engieneer Team member for new LNG terminal in Europe,
consultant on refurbishment Design of LNG tank for Isle of Grain, fitness for purpose assessment of
LNG tank, India, Review seismic capability of existing LNG tank (UK), assessment of ability to meet
current codes, calculations, establish failure rates, meeting with HSE. LNG piping stress analysis.
Design of 4 LPG tanks for Agip (Italy). Design of LNG tank (China). Design of Propane tank (Spain).
Design of 80’000 m3 LPG tanks (full design package of calc, detail drawings, MTO). Modifications to
LNG tank Dynevor.
• D. Gurney, engineering manager, team leader. Professional and competent computer systems
engineer. Experienced in leading teams of software and hardware engineers and in the use of a
variety of computers, operating systems and programming languages. Has an in-depth knowledge
of software quality control systems, cost/time estimation and the use of structured methods to
ensure successful project completion. Lead Engineer for the design of 7500m3 Liquid Ethylene Tank
for Vijay Tanks, India. Lead Engineer for the concept design of a 75000m3 Liquid Argon Tank for
basic element physics research. Lead Engineer for the design of a 10000m3 LNG Tank for Chemtex,
China. Design and specification of insulation systems for various Cryogenic Tanks including LNG,
Liquid Ethylene, Propane, Butane and Argon.
• J. Thompson, administration, finance, electrical and C&I engineering. Experience: 40 years in
electrical and project engineering; 10 years as Director of Technodyne International Limited, a
company specialising in cryogenic storage facilities for LNG, LPG etc, and in the design and supply
of aerospace and industrial test facilities; Extensive project management experience of major
electrical equipment installations worldwide; Bid preparation, equipment marketing and sales of
high value capital projects worldwide; Corporate Management of USA subsidiary company.
• R. Rogers, mechanical engineer. Engineering manager, over 35 years experience of mechanical
engineering design and management on a wide range of capital plant and equipment. Work has
included direct line management and direction of multi-disciplined engineering and design.
• B. Brockway, senior mechanical design-engineer. Design of Cryogenic Tank components, detail
draughting. Responsible for design and supply contracts for 3x80’000 m3 LPG tanks, 15’000 m3
Ethylene tank (China), 25’000 m3 LPG tanks.
• Pool of three analysts and up to 8 drafters for engineering analysis

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AGT Ingegneria Srl

AGT Ingegneria Srl (ISO 9001 accredited company), together with its partner (sub-contractor) Geoingegneria
Srl, are both companies that work and collaborate in the field of road and geotechnical engineering.

The staff members who would be undertaking the work:

The two Technical Directors, Ing. Marco Temussi (AGT Ingegneria) and Ing. Giuseppe Ristaino
(Geoingegneria) have more that 20 year experience in the above fields; their jobs in design have been
committed by some of the most important italian purchasers, in the public and in the private sectors (both
building firms and engineering companies)
The most significant achievements in the recent years are:
- the preliminary design of all the road and railway connections in the General Contractor tender for the
bridge over the “Stretto di Messina” (coordinator: Ing. M. Temussi), which includes several tunnels
longer than 1 km;
- advise, as consultants, about geotechnical, geo mechanics and computing matters in many executive
designs committed for the renovation of several parts of the Salerno-Reggio Calabria motorway,
including natural tunnels with double pipe, for a total length of 5,744 Km, and all the needed
- advise, as consultants, about geotechnical, geo mechanical and computing matters in the executive
design and the construction of the closest part to Terni of the new highway Civitavecchia-Orte-Terni-
Rieti, which includes three natural tunnels (the “Valnerina” Tunnel – about 4 Km long - the “Svincolo
Valnerina” Tunnel and the intermediate access, called “Discenderia” Tunnel) for about a total length of
5,060 Km, together will all the artificial excavations needed to connect them;
The feasibility study proposed by AGTingegneria, in co-operation with Geoingegneria and other
experienced subcontractors, will include:
- The determination of the optimal location for the underground laboratory, based on the geological, the
geomorphological and the hydro geological characteristics of the site, and taking into account the
scientific requirements as well;
- The geological, geotechnical and geo mechanical characterization of the formations found in the area
under investigation and in the selected site; the prediction of the mechanical behaviour of the rocks and
the preliminary design of the underground pits, including the assessment and the check of the
stabilization work for the excavation, achieved through the use of specific computing programs based
either on custom code, developed within the companies, or on standard technical codes (f.e.m.),
internationally used, such as: PHASES (Plastic Hybrid Analysis of Stresses for Estimation of Support),
developed by E. Hoek, J.L. Corvalho e B.T. Corkum at the Toronto University; FLAC (Fast Lagrangian
Analysis of Continua), developed by M.J. Coetzee, R.D. Hart, P.M. Varona e P.A. Cundall for the Itasca
Consulting Group, Inc. Minneapolis, Minnesota, USA;
- The preliminary design of the infrastructure equipments (ventilation, power supply, etc.);
- The analysis and the study of the safety requirements and infrastructures;
- The preliminary design of the road links within the site, at all phases of the project (building,
assembling and installation of the scientific equipment, normal working of the laboratory);
- The study and the evaluation of the environmental impact of the project;
- The estimation of the costs for civil works (excavation, structures, external roads) and of the time for the
execution of the excavation and of the subsequent works.

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2.3. Consortium as a whole

The consortium includes very different participants from academic and industrial sectors. These combine
the best European expertise in their technical and scientific fields. Due to the many stages involved in the
transferral of concepts into functional technical plans, dissemination of knowledge is guaranteed between
the scientific community and industry throughout the process. This guarantees the best possible potential
for the exploitation of the results of this study and of the subsequent steps.
There is a clear complementarity of expertise among the scientific partners of the consortium. They are
united by common physics goals and form a community speaking the same language. A list of most
relevant scientific publications by members of the consortium can be found below. The study gathers some
of the top specialists in the field, working at some of the leading institutes in European particle and
astroparticle physics, as can be seen in the list of selected references below. This will assure that results will
be delivered within the given time and cost framework. A long and well-structured preparation process has
brought the members closer together and created a strong spirit of togetherness. A common scientific paper
has already been prepared and submitted for publication16.
At the same time, a clear fraction of the consortium is composed of industries, selected uniquely because of
their level of expertise. These companies represent the highest level of expertise that can be found in Europe
to solve a particular problem. We are fortunate to have them as partners rather than subcontractors. In this
way, they will be better integrated in the workflow and the exchange between scientists and engineers will
be more efficient. In addition, the synergy between different companies in different countries working
together, exchanging local expertise, to study multiple sites, with open access to information, will be an
enriching experience. This is also one of the reasons why we proposed them as technical partners and not
Overall, we expect that all members from different communities will be integrated and united within the
goal of the DS.
Additional scientific partners could be tempted to join the DS at later stages. We can mention the U-
Helsinki who has already expressed an interest. Similarly, some other members from European universities
and institutions have expressed desire to join the effort, possibly at a later stage.
References from participants relevant to the DS (this list is not exhaustive):

Theoretical and phenomenological papers

[1] P. Huber, J. Kopp, M. Lindner, M. Rolinec and W. Winter, “New features in the simulation of neutrino
oscillation experiments with GLoBES 3.0,” arXiv:hep-ph/0701187.
[2] Joachim Kopp, Manfred Lindner, Alexander Merle, “Self-Calibration of Neutrino Detectors using
characteristic Backgrounds”, e-Print: hep-ph/0703055
[3] Kathrin A. Hochmuth, Manfred Lindner, Georg G. Raffelt, “Exploiting the directional sensitivity of the
Double Chooz near detector”, e-Print: arXiv:0704.3000
[4] J. Kopp, M. Lindner, A. Merle, M. Rolinec, “Reactor Neutrino Experiments with a Large Liquid
Scintillator Detector”, JHEP 0701:053,2007 , e-Print: hep-ph/0606151

BOREXINO Collaboration
[1] T. Hagner, R. von Hentig, B. Heisinger, E. Nolte, L. Oberauer, S. Schönert, F. von Feilitzsch, ”Muon
induced Production of Radioactive Isotopes in Scintillation Detectors”, Astroparticle Physics 14, (2000), 33
[2] Borexino coll., ”Light Propagation in a Large Volume Liquid Scintillator”, Nuclear Instruments &
Methods A 440 (2000) 360
[3] Borexino coll., ”Science and Technology of Borexino: A Real Time Detector for Low Energy Solar
Neutrinos”, Astroparticle Physics 16 (2002) 205
[4] Borexino coll., ”Measurements of extremely low radioactivity levels in BOREXINO”
Astroparticle Physics 18 (2002) 1
[5] Borexino coll., “New limits on nucleon decays into invisible channels with the Borexino Counting Test
Facility”, Phys. Lett. B 563 (2003) 23
[6] Borexino coll.,”Study of neutrino electromagnetic properties with the prototype of the Borexino
detector”, Phys. Lett. B 563 (2003) 37
[7] Borexino coll.,”New experimental limits on heavy neutrino mixing in 8B decay obtained with the
prototype of the Borexino detector”, JETP Lett. Vol. 78, 5 (2003) 261
[8] L. Oberauer, C. Grieb, F. von Feilitzsch, I. Manno, ”Production of Light Concentrators for BOREXINO
and its Counting Test Facility”, Nucl. Instr. & Meth. A530 (2004) 453

J. Aysto et al., arXiv:0705.0116v1 [hep-ph].

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FP7-INFRASTRUCTURES-2007-1 Design Study (CP) proposal

[9] L. Niedermeier, C. Grieb, L. Oberauer, G. Korschinek, F. von Feilitzsch, „Experimental scintillator

purification tests with silica gel chromatography”, Nucl. Instrum. Meth.A568 (2006) 915
[10] Borexino coll., M. Balata et al., ”Search for electron antineutrino interactions with the Borexino counting
test facility at Gran Sasso”, Eur. Phys. J. C47 (2006) 21
[11] Borexino coll., M. Balata et al., “CNO and pep neutrino spectroscopy in Borexino: Measurement of the
deep-underground production of cosmogenic C11 in an organic liquid scintillator”, Phys. Rev. C74 (2006)

ICARUS Collaboration
[1] F. Arneodo et al. [ICARUS-Milano Collaboration], “Performance of a liquid Argon time projection
chamber exposed to the WANF neutrino beam,” Phys. Rev. D 74, 112001 (2006)
[2] S. Amoruso et al. [ICARUS Collaboration], “Analysis of the liquid Argon purity in the ICARUS T600
TPC”, Nucl. Instrum. Meth. A 516 (2004) 68.
[3] M. Antonello et al. [ICARUS Collaboration], “Detection of Cerenkov light emission in liquid Argon”,
Nucl. Instrum. Meth. A 516 (2004) 348.
[4] S. Amoruso et al. [ICARUS Collaboration], “Measurement of the muon decay spectrum with the ICARUS
liquid Argon TPC”, Eur. Phys. J. C, DOI: 10.1140/epjc/s2004-01597-7 [arXiv: hep-ex/0311040].
[5] S. Amoruso et al. [ICARUS Collaboration], “Study of electron recombination in liquid Argon with the
ICARUS TPC”, Nucl. Instrum. Meth. A 523, 275 (2004).
[6] S. Amerio et al. [ICARUS Collaboration], “Design, construction and tests of the ICARUS T600 detector,”
Nucl. Instrum. Meth. A 527, 329 (2004).
[7] F. Arneodo et al. [ICARUS Collaboration], “Performance of the 10 m3 ICARUS liquid Argon prototype”,
Nucl. Instrum. Meth. A 498 (2003) 292.
[8] F. Arneodo et al. [ICARUS Collaboration], “Observation of long ionizing tracks with the ICARUS T600
first half-module”, Nucl. Instrum. Meth. A 508 (2003) 287.

OPERA Collaboration
[1] R. Acquafredda et al. , OPERA Collaboration, “First events from the CNGS neutrino beam detected in
the OPERA experiment”, New J.Phys. 8 (2006) 303.

ZEPLIN Collaboration
[1] G.J.Alner et al. (The UK Dark Matter Collaboration, 58 authors). “The ZEPLIN II dark matter detector:
data aquisition system and data reduction”, Astroparticle Physics (2007), submitted.
[2] S.Burgos et al. (The DRIFT II Collaboration, 22 authors). “First results from the DRIFT-IIa Dark Matter
Detector”, Astroparticle Physics (2007), submitted.
[3] E.Tziaferi, M.J.Carson, V.A.Kudryavtsev, R.Lerner, P.K.Lightfoot, S.M.Paling, M.Robinson and
N.J.C.Spooner. “First measurement of low-intensity fast neutron background from rock at the Boulby
Underground Laboratory”, Astroparticle Physics (2007), in press.
[4] P.K. Lightfoot, N.J.C. Spooner, T.B. Lawson, S. Aune and I. Giomataris. “First operation of bulk
micromegas in low pressure negative ion drift gas mixtures for dark matter searches”, Astroparticle Physics
(2007), in press.
[5] A. Bondar, A. Buzulutskov, A. Grebenuk, D. Pavlyuchenko, R. Snopkov, Y. Tikhonov, V.A.
Kudryavtsev, P.K. Lightfoot and N.J.C. Spooner. “A two-phase Argon avalanche detector operated in a
single electron counting mode”, Nucl. Instrum. and Meth. in Phys. Res. A (2007), in press.
[6] H.M.Araujo et al. (The UK Dark Matter Collaboration, 57 authors). “The ZEPLIN-III dark matter
detector: Performance study using an end-to-end simulation tool”, Astroparticle Physics, 26 (2006) 140-153.
[7] G.J.Alner et al. (The DRIFT II Collaboration, 46 authors). “The DRIFT-II dark matter detector:
design and commissioning”, Nucl. Instrum. and Meth. in Phys. Res. A, 555 (2005) 173-183.
[8] G.J.Alner et al. (The UK Dark Matter Collaboration, 40 authors). “First limits on nuclear recoil events
from the ZEPLIN I galactic dark matter detector”, Astroparticle Physics, 23 (2005) 444-462.
[9] H.M.Araujo, V.A.Kudryavtsev, N.J.C.Spooner and T.J.Sumner. “Muon-induced neutron production and
detection with GEANT4 and FLUKA”, Nucl. Instrum. and Meth. in Phys. Res. A, 545 (2005) 398-411.
[10] M.J.Carson, J.C.Davies, E.Daw, R.J.Hollingworth, J.A.Kirkpatrick, V.A.Kudryavtsev, T.B.Lawson,
P.K.Lightfoot, J.E.McMillan, B.Morgan, S.M.Paling, M.Robinson, N.J.C.Spooner, D.R.Tovey and E.Tziaferi.
“Simulations of neutron background in a time projection chamber relevant to dark matter searches”, Nucl.
Instrum. and Meth. in Phys. Res. A, 546 (2005) 509-522.
[11] M.J.Carson, H.M.Araujo, J.C.Davies, V.A.Kudryavtsev, M.Robinson, N.J.C.Spooner and T.J.Sumner.
“Veto performance for large-scale Xenon dark matter detectors”, Nucl. Instrum. and Meth. in Phys. Res. A, 548
(2005) 418-426.

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[12] Proceedings 5th Int. Workshop on the Identification of Dark Matter, Edinburgh, UK 6-10 Sept 2004, Ed.
N.JC Spooner and V. Kudryavtsev, World Scientific (2005)
[13] M.J.Carson, J.C.Davies, E.Daw, R.J.Hollingworth, V.A.Kudryavtsev, T.B.Lawson, P.K.Lightfoot,
J.E.McMillan, B.Morgan, S.M.Paling, M.Robinson, N.J.C.Spooner and D.R.Tovey. “Neutron background in
large-scale Xenon detectors for dark matter searches”, Astroparticle Physics, 21 (2004) 667-687.
[14] P.K.Lightfoot, V.A.Kudryavtsev, N.J.C.Spooner, I.Liubarsky, R.Luscher and N.J.T.Smith. “Development
of a gadolinium-loaded liquid scintillator for solar neutrino detection and neutron measurements”, Nucl.
Instrum. and Meth. in Phys. Res. A, 522 (2004) 439-446.
[15] M.Robinson, V.A.Kudryavtsev, R.Luscher, J.E.McMillan, P.K.Lightfoot, N.J.C.Spooner, N.J.T.Smith and
I. Liubarsky. “Measurements of muon flux at 1070 m vertical depth in the Boulby underground laboratory”,
Nucl. Instrum. and Meth. in Phys. Res. A., 511 (2003) 347-353.
[16] V.A.Kudryavtsev, N.J.C.Spooner and J.E.McMillan “Simulation of muon-induced neutron flux at large
depths underground”, Nucl. Instrum. and Meth. in Phys. Res., A505 (2003) 688-698.

[1] F. Ardellier et al. (Double Chooz Collaboration), "Double Chooz: A Search for the neutrino mixing angle
theta(13)", [arXiv: hep-ex/0606025]
[2] L. Oberauer et al. (Double Chooz Collaboration), "Search for Theta(13) with reactor experiments", Prog.
Part. Nucl. Phys.57:127-133, 2006
[3] C. Buck et al. (Double Chooz Collaboration) "Double Chooz", J. Phys. Conf. Ser.39:291-293, 2006
[4] S.A. Dazeley et al. (Double Chooz Collaboration), "Double Chooz: Optimizing CHOOZ for a possible
theta(13) measurement", Nucl. Phys. Proc. Suppl.155:227-228, 2006
[5] F. Ardellier et al. (Double Chooz Collaboration), "Letter of intent for Double-CHOOZ: A Search for the
mixing angle theta(13)", hep-ex/0405032

[1] A. de Bellefon et al. ”MEMPHYS: A large scale water Cherenkov detector at Fréjus” , arXiv: hep-
[2] J.E. Campagne, M. Maltoni, M. Mezzetto, T. Schwetz, “Physics potential of the CERN-MEMPHYS
neutrino oscillation project”, JHEP04(2007)003.
[3] S. Katsanevas, G. Largeron, J. Marteau, G. Moret (Lyon, IPN), “Auto-triggerable HPD sensors fully
readout on Ethernet: applications for high-energy physics and medical imaging.”, Nucl. Instrum.
[4] A.E. Ball, S. Katsanevas, N. Vassilopoulos , “Design studies for a long baseline neutrino beam”, Nucl.
Instrum. Meth.A383:277-290,1996.


[1] M. Wurm, F. von Feilitzsch, M. Goeger-Neff, K.A. Hochmuth, T.Marrodan Undagoitia, L. Oberauer, W.
Potzel, “Detection potential for the diffuse supernova neutrino background in the large liquid-scintillator
detector LENA”, Phys.Rev.D75:023007, 2007. [arXiv: astro-ph/0701305]
[2] L. Oberauer, F. von Feilitzsch, M. Goger-Neff, T. Marrodan Undagoitia, W. Potzel, M. Wurm, “Lena“,
Neutrino oscillations in Venice, 505-513, 2006.
[3] K. A. Hochmuth, F. v. Feilitzsch, T. Marrodan Undagoitia, L. Oberauer, W. Potzel, M. Wurm, B. D.
Fields, “Probing the Earth's interior with the LENA detector”, Earth Moon Planets 99:253-264,2006. [arXiv:
[4] T. Marrodan Undagoitia, F. von Feilitzsch, M. Goger-Neff, K. A. Hochmuth, L. Oberauer, W. Potzel, M.
Wurm, “Low energy neutrino astronomy with the large liquid-scintillation detector LENA”, J. Phys. Conf.
Ser. 39:287-290, 2006.
[5] T. Marrodan Undagoitia, F. von Feilitzsch, M. Goger-Neff, C. Grieb, K.A. Hochmuth, L. Oberauer, W.
Potzel, M. Wurm, “Proton decay in the large liquid scintillator detector LENA: Study of the background”, J.
Phys. Conf. Ser. 39:269-271, 2006.
[6] T. Marrodan Undagoitia, F. von Feilitzsch, M. Goger-Neff, K.A. Hochmuth, L. Oberauer, W. Potzel, M.
Wurm, “Simulation of the proton decay in the LENA detector”, Prog. Part. Nucl. Phys.57:290-292, 2006.
[7] T. Marrodan Undagoitia, F. von Feilitzsch, M. Goder-Neff, K. A. Hochmuth, L. Oberauer, W. Potzel, M.
Wurm, “Low energy neutrino astronomy with the large liquid scintillation detector LENA”, Prog. Part.
Nucl. Phys.57:283-289, 2006. [arXiv: hep-ph/0605229]
[8] T. Marrodan Undagoitia, F. von Feilitzsch, M. Goger-Neff, C. Grieb, K.A. Hochmuth, L. Oberauer, W.
Potzel, M. Wurm, “Search for the proton decay p -> K+ anti-nu in the large liquid scintillator low energy
neutrino astronomy detector LENA”, Phys. Rev. D 72:075014, 2005. [arXiv: hep-ph/0511230]

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[9] K. A. Hochmuth, F. V. Feilitzsch, B. D. Fields, T. Marrodan Undagoitia, L. Oberauer, W. Potzel, G. G.

Raffelt, M. Wurm, “Probing the Earth's interior with a large-volume liquid scintillator detector”, Astropart.
Phys. 27:21-29, 2007. [arXiv: hep-ph/0509136]

[1] A. Bueno et al., “Nucleon decay searches with large liquid Argon TPC detectors at shallow depths:
Atmospheric neutrinos and cosmogenic backgrounds,” arXiv:hep-ph/0701101. Published in JHEP.
[2] A.Meregaglia and A.Rubbia, “Neutrino oscillation physics at an upgraded CNGS with large next
generation liquid Argon TPC detectors,” JHEP 0611, 032 (2006) [arXiv:hep-ph/0609106].
[3] A. Badertscher, M. Laffranchi, A. Meregaglia, A. Muller and A. Rubbia, Nucl. Instrum. Meth. A 555,
294 (2005)
[4] A. Badertscher, M. Laffranchi, A. Meregaglia and A. Rubbia, “First operation of a liquid Argon TPC
embedded in a magnetic field,” New J. of Physics 7 (2005) 63 [arXiv: physics/0412080].
[5] A. Ereditato and A. Rubbia, ``Conceptual design of a scalable multi-kton superconducting magnetized
liquid Argon TPC,'' arXiv:hep-ph/0510131.
[6] A. Ereditato and A. Rubbia, ``The liquid Argon TPC: A powerful detector for future neutrino
experiments and proton decay searches,'' arXiv:hep-ph/0509022.
[7] A. Rubbia, “Experiments for CP-violation: A giant liquid Argon scintillation, Cerenkov and charge
imaging experiment? ,” arXiv: hep-ph/0402110.
[8] A. Rubbia, “Very massive underground detectors for proton decay searches,” arXiv: hep-ph/0407297.
[9] A. Rubbia, “A very large liquid Argon TPC for future neutrino beam facilities”, To appear in
International Workshop on Exploring the Impact of New Neutrino Beams ECT* Trento, Italy, 18 - 22 October
[10] A. Rubbia, “Neutrino detectors for future experiments,” arXiv: hep-ph/0412230.
2.4. Resources to be committed
The “added-value” of the DS revolves around the need for an integrated and coherent European effort
towards next generation large-scale underground science. The site and tank engineering corresponds to
two regions of focus (explicitly WP2, WP3, and WP5), where the FP7 funding is expected to make the
largest impact. In addition, the DS includes coherent activities in detector instrumentation (WP4) and
phenomenological and theoretical activities (WP6). In these latter, the involved institutes will commit their
experienced manpower as shown in Table 1.3d, corresponding to roughly a dedication to LAGUNA of
about 35% FTE per each participating physicist. This experienced staff will obviously bring along and make
available their existing local infrastructure and available equipment to the DS project, in particular for what
concern experimental activities. Below we list in more details resources from each participant:
• The ETH Zurich group will contribute with personnel and staff, available equipment, local and
national funds and large infrastructure to the implementation of the project. In particular, the ETH
Zurich group has 8 offices, 3 laboratories in Zurich, access to the mechanical workshop of the
physics department and to that of the Paul Scherrer Institute (PSI) in Villigen (CH). In addition, it
has 6 offices at CERN and has been assigned an area of 250 m2 of equipped laboratory (crane,
power, cooling, cryogenic facility) at CERN17. Available investments correspond to fully equipped
mechanical and electrical laboratories, cryogenic equipment, UHV vacuum equipment, pumps,
small dewars, detectors, chambers. In addition, central and local computing with large disk storage
space and high-speed networking facilities are available. The overall local available budget is
approximately of the order of 1.4MCHF/yr in personnel and several hundred kCHF/yr in
• The group of LHEP Bern will contribute to the DS with personnel, funds, local infrastructure and
equipment. LHEP has several offices and laboratories at CERN and in Bern. In particular in Bern
we own a fully operational cryogenic laboratory where particle detectors and prototype liquid
Argon TPCs can be built and operated, and a large laboratory that is being equipped to host the
large size LAr TPC ARGONTUBE. For this purpose, we have set up a LAr supply tank with cold
lines, a crane and a series of ancillary systems for vacuum and for the purification of the liquid. We
have large computing infrastrucure linked to the GRID, electronics and mechanical workshops. As
far funding is concerned we account on university and national funds to be devoted to the project.
Our historical connection with CERN and PSI will be beneficial to set up measurement campaigns
also exploiting particle beams.
• The University of Oulu receives and expects to receive substantial additional funding from the
European Regional Development Fund for projects whose goals integrate with this DS, but because

The use of this space is negotiated at regular intervals with the CERN management.

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of EU regulations they cannot be counted as the local funding. The level of this funding is currently
about 300 k€/year, and both the total amount and the share devoted to support LAGUNA may be
significantly increased when LAGUNA is accepted.
• The DAPNIA (CEA) Department will contribute to Working Packages WP1, WP2, WP4 and WP6
with personnel (52 person x months) and with relevant equipment from its infrastructure: namely
the detector and electronic laboratories (access to mechanical workshop, facilities for micro-pattern
and large PMT detectors, for design and test of state-of-the-art front end electronics, etc.), the
computing infrastructures, and the LSM (Laboratoire Souterrain de Modane of CEA/IN2P3) as
host laboratory for the MEMPHYNO prototype.
• The IN2P3/CNRS is funding research on MEMPHYS, through the GIS (Groupement d’Interet
Scientifique) PHOTONIS, an association of the order of 30 researchers (half from the
photodetector company PHOTONIS and half from Photonis) for the development of novel and low
cost photodetection elements. The researchers of LAL and IPNO are also leading a half a million
euro project funded by the ANR (Agence Nationale de la Recherche) called PMM2, to develop
advanced data acquisition systems including many photodetector elements. There are 5
laboratories of IN2P3 participating in LAGUNA (APC, LAL, LPNHE, CPPM and UCBL). They
have on average 150 researchers and engineers each, developed mechanics laboratories (very large
testing rooms in APC, CPPM and LAL), large expertise in electronics development. High level
electronics experts participate in the project (C. Girerd from Lyon, C. De la Taille from LAL and
also indirectly J. Pouthas from IPNO). The infrastructure of the Laboratoire Souterrain de Modane
LSM will be available for the Design Study with a reasonable percentage of use of resources (10%).
The Tier-1 level computing platform of IN2P3 in Lyon (CC-IN2P3) will be available for computing.
Finally the legal, valorisation and financial services of IN2P3 will be used for the development of
the contractual and financial aspects. The overall local available budget will be of the order of half a
million euros in personnel and a quarter of a million in investment.
• The MPG(MPIK) will make available, in addition to its very highly qualified staff in experimental
and theoretical phsics, the following infrastructure for the DS: organic and inorganic chemistry
laboratories including gas-chromatography mass spectrometer (GC-MS), UV/Vis spectrometer,
Flourimeter, IR-spectrometer, Atomicabsorbtion spectrometer, Karl-Fischer (and more); radio-
chemistry laboratory, liquid scintillator production hall, low-level laboratory with 4 HP-Ge
detectors, noble gas mass spectrometer, 2 HP-Ge detectors at LNGS, 1 ton low-background liquid
argon detector at LNGS, Faraday room for PMT and electronic testing, clean room facility,
mechanical workshops, glas technical workshop, construction office, computing (cluster with ~100
• The Technische Universität München will contribute to the DS with the already existing
infrastructure and personnel, local and national funding. The LENA project has received national
funding for the years 2007 – 2010 through the SFB/TR 27 ‘Neutrinos and beyond’, through the
cluster of excellence ‘Origin and Structure of the Universe’ and from the Munich accelerator
laboratory (MLL). The group at TUM has five offices, four fully equipped laboratories for
scintillator handling and measurement of optical properties as well as for photosensor and
electronics testing. The institute has its own mechanical workshop with 3 technicians, and access to
the mechanical workshop and the electronics laboratory of the physics department. In addition, an
underground laboratory at a shallow depth (15 m.w.e.) equipped with 3 Germanium spectrometers
is available for background studies and high precision radiopurity measurements. Through the
university’s computing center (LRZ), the group has access to large computing power and storage
• The Polish groups will contribute with personnel and infrastructure. The infrastructure comprises
several fully equipped laboratories for analysis of natural radioactivity using different techniques,
including in situ measurements. The mechanical workshop for the production of wires for wire
chambers is fully equipped and available.
• The Sheffield group will contribute experienced local academic staff and technical effort (Table
1.3d) supported by infrastructure built from past and current local and national grants. The group
has 5 offices, 5 laboratories in the department of Physics and Astronomy and access to the central
physics laboratory machinery and technicians. The laboratories include, vacuum, cryogenic and
scintillator facilities with dedicated spectrophotometer, electronics, PMT robustness apparatus,
liquid gas handling equipment all available to the project. The group can contribute also dedicated
chemistry and optics laboratories equipped with liquid scintillator chemical apparatus, analysis
and evaporators and reflection apparatus. The group also owns a dedicated ground floor
fabrication building of 200 m2 equipped with crane and construction facilities, faraday room, UHV
apparatus, cryogenic facilities and a dedicated neutron beam cell with control room. The group's

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responsibility at Boulby provides direct access to the full existing underground laboratory facilities
there (1500 m2 of space) including specifically a dedicated low background facility with Ge detector
and radon detector systems.
Finally, one can expect specific local or global sources of funding, to be synergistically employed with the
EU funds. In addition, some of the underground sites included in this DS already have substantial
infrastructures that can be exploited for this DS. The hosts (mine, tunnel) will also provide their
infrastructures like access to existing and planned laboratory sites, typically at true-cost basis, and they will
be involved in and informed on relevant steps of this DS. Most of the numerical computation involved in
the civil and mechanical engineering will rely on the available infrastructure at the technical participants’
home base.
It is also to be expected that several scientists from universities or institutes other than those listed as
beneficiaries, will directly or indirectly complement the EC contribution by giving their time to work on the
topics pertaining to this DS. In particular, we expect the physics work package (WP6) to foster an
environment for general discussions within the scientific community, in dedicated seminar, workshops or
international conferences.
Last but not least, specific entities, like for example the University of Helsinki, will also contribute to the DS
although there are not direct beneficiaries. Helsinki Institute of Physics is considering a major proposal to
establish a neutrino physics group to study neutrino phenomenology related to LAGUNA and neutrino

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3. Impact
3.1. Expected impacts listed in the work programme
3.1.1. Direct impact of this DS on scientific performance of Europe
The Conceptual Design Report resulting from this DS will be delivered to the appropriate funding agencies
and policy makers (ApPEC, ASPERA, national agencies) for their evaluation. After appropriate reviews and
consultancy, the respective organisations are expected to make decisions to realise the considered
infrastructures. This Design Report should contain all necessary technical information required for the
decisions, to be combined with the scientific priorities of the decision time.
The physics studies related to or motivated by this Design Study may widen our understanding of the
universe and the properties of elementary particles. Particularly these studies may have major impact on
many other experiments using similar kind of infrastructures, techniques or equipment.
3.1.2. Direct impact of the planned experiments on particle and astroparticle physics
Astroparticle physics has evolved as a new interdisciplinary field at the intersection of particle physics,
astronomy and cosmology. It combines the experimental techniques and theoretical methods from both
astronomy and particle physics. Particle physics is devoted to the intimate structure of matter and the laws
that govern it. Cosmology addresses the large-scale structure of the Universe and its evolution since the Big
Bang. Astrophysics studies the physical processes at work in celestial objects. Most discoveries in particle
physics have immediate consequences on the understanding of the Universe and, vice versa, discoveries in
cosmology have fundamental impact on theories of the infinitely small.
In 2005 the CERN Council initiated a Strategy Group to produce a Draft Strategy Document (DSD)
addressing the main lines of Particle Physics in Europe, including R&D for novel accelerator and detector
technologies. The DSD 18 was delivered to Council in July 2006 and unanimously approved. This document
formed the basis of Particle Physics input to the European Roadmap on future, large-scale research
infrastructures produced by European Strategy Forum on Research Infrastructures.
In this document, Council recognised that “A range of very important non-accelerator experiments take
place at the overlap between particle and astroparticle physics exploring otherwise inaccessible
phenomena; Council will seek to work with ApPEC to develop a coordinated strategy in these areas of
mutual interest.”
This DS will explore different detector technologies and different underground laboratory sites in order to
identify the best strategy for future large-scale instruments in the domain of low energy neutrino
astronomy as well as direct investigation of Grand Unification of the known elementary forces. Such
detectors are needed for experiments where a small counting rate or weak interaction cross sections play a
key role, notably the search for proton decay and for numerous applications in the area of neutrino physics
and neutrino astronomy.
One major objective of such detectors is the search for proton decay, a fundamental process that has eluded
detection, yet is a natural consequence of virtually all unified particle-physics theories. They are strongly
supported by indirect evidence besides their compelling theoretical appeal. The detection of proton decay
and the identification of the decay channels would be a major discovery, providing us with new and deep
insights into the structure of matter at extremely small scales.
The second major motivation obtains from the unique capabilities of the proposed large-scale detectors in
the area of neutrino physics. These detectors allow for unprecedented measurements of fundamental
neutrino properties, providing crucial input for the understanding of the elementary structure of matter. In
addition, one can probe the properties of the neutrino sources, notably the Sun, core-collapse supernovae,
and the Earth itself.
The solar neutrino flux would be measured with unprecedented accuracy, allowing for real-time
observations of the Sun in the ``light of neutrinos.'' Such precision observations would both improve our
understanding of the Sun as a typical main-sequence star and lead to a much improved measurement of the
neutrino mixing parameters that are responsible for solar neutrino oscillations.
Atmospheric neutrinos will be observed with high statistics and superior angular resolution, allowing for
improved measurements of atmospheric neutrino oscillation parameters. Turning the argument around,
this would also lead to a better understanding of the primaries and the neutrino production in the

The CERN Council, in a special meeting held the 14th of July 2006 in Lisbon, agreed on the European strategy for
particle physics. The strategy is defined by the 17 statements approved by Council, and contained in the Strategy
Statement (available at

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The large-scale detectors that we study would have outstanding capabilities to observe in detail the spectral
and temporal features of the “neutrino light curve” from a core-collapse supernova in our galaxy. Such an
observation would provide crucial tests of the core-collapse paradigm and the delayed explosion
mechanism. In combination with electromagnetic and perhaps gravitational-wave observations, a true
multi-messenger understanding of this spectacular phenomenon would be obtained. Moreover, the
neutrino signal carries information about neutrino mixing parameters that conceivably can be extracted
with a large-scale detector.
Galactic supernovae are rare, perhaps a few per century. Still, one can detect the cosmic diffuse supernova
neutrino background (DSNB) that originates from all past core-collapse events in the universe. Observing
this flux would push the frontiers of neutrino astronomy to the edge of the visible universe, providing
information, for example, about the cosmic star formation history.
Recently the Earth itself has been added to the list of measured natural neutrino sources. Studying these
``geo neutrinos,'' i.e. anti-neutrinos from the decays of natural radioactive elements in the Earth's mantle
and crust, may eventually lead to serious geological investigations with neutrinos. The large detectors
studied here could play a pioneering role in this field.
Reactor anti-neutrinos are a background for many of the delicate measurements envisaged with the large-
scale detectors so that locations far away from nuclear reactors are desirable. On the other hand, reactor
anti-neutrinos allow for very interesting measurements so that we will study scenarios where a reactor
would be visible only for some time because of a movable or switch-on situation.
In combination with a neutrino beam, large-scale detectors allow for very precise measurements of
oscillation parameters. These measurements aim - amongst others - at determining leptonic CP violation,
which likely is connected to the creation of the matter-antimatter asymmetry of the Universe.
The origin and evolution of earth's geomagnetic dynamo is tied to its energy sources, and this in turn
depends on the composition of the core. Does earth’s core contain a natural “geo-reactor”? By observing the
number of neutrinos emanating from the core large underground detectors will measure radioactive decays
in the earth's core to determine whether a geo-reactor sustains the earth's magnetic field.
The physics behind some of these observable effects has also interesting consequences for up-coming
experiments at the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) and in Lepton Flavour Violation experiments (LFV). The
LHC, for example, will test if the Minimal Supersymmetric Standard Model or some other new physics is
realized in the TeV energy range. This will be a direct test of the extension of the particle spectrum, which is
required for the unification of the known couplings of the electromagnetic, weak and strong forces. The
type of extension has a sizable effect on the scale where proton decay is mediated, significantly affecting the
expected proton lifetime. In addition the expectations for the dominant proton decay modes depend on the
physics results to be found by the LHC.

3.1.3. Impact to technological development capacity in Europe

In addition to a boost to all the physics and engineering technologies associated with the tank and detector
aspects of the project, we highlight here the anticipated major impact on the technological expertise of
Europe in all aspects of underground engineering, safety and environmental fields across a range of
disciplines. There is an ever-increasing demand for underground space worldwide and Europe holds
leading positions in the field. However, there remain major engineering challenges so solve. An
underground laboratory would provide both the academic and industrial communities with low-cost, long-
term access to underground research sites to address these issues. For instance, progressive and sustained
underground research is needed to develop new technologies for accurate prediction of rock behaviour, to
understand the stability of deep underground constructions, the consequences of engineering activity there,
the strength dependencies and mechanical properties of rock and the wider environmental impacts.
A deep massive volume underground laboratory as proposed provides a unique opportunity to address
these challenges by making available a dedicated volume of rock directly accessible for long-term scientific
and engineering research. A wide collection of rock engineering studies can then address fundamental
questions in rock geophysics, expanding our technological capacity in areas such as fluid flow in rocks,
excavation stability vs. rock fracture, and the relationship between high rock stress and increases in
hazardous ground behaviours. A large, dedicated facility would also allow trials of new underground
equipment to take place under controlled conditions free from constraints imposed by mining or tunnel
All these aspects are core impacts available from the LAGUNA DS, which requires an engineering program
to include rock characterization, design and construction, rock engineering, underground technology and
safety. The engineering research envisaged will stimulate advances in underground construction
techniques, improving cost-effectiveness and reducing risk. It will benefit European capacity and
efficiency in the field by uniting expertise from different sub-fields, notably mining engineering with road
tunnel engineering, and uniting activities across many countries. This process can build also on the

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demonstrated success of the FP6 ILIAS underground laboratory programme, which has, for instance,
developed new approaches to the technology of safety underground.
A particular aspect anticipated will be technological impact on the development of better sensing
techniques to characterise rock at depth - the development of emerging remote imaging technologies. This
would be a core component of the underground engineering program providing an excellent opportunity
for geoscientists and engineers to cooperate on new technologies. Studies of rock variables include
hydrodynamics, plastic flow, gases, impact strength and fracture mechanisms. The ability to recognize and
characterize rock complexity is important for design and construction of large underground caverns.
Meanwhile, the combination of depth and large span plus the need for stability for over 50 years stretches
current knowledge. The construction period itself provides a unique opportunity for development of
excavation technologies and designs.
Of the highest importance, for what will be a civil facility possibly in a working mine or transport tunnel, is
safety and environmental impact. These must be fully integrated throughout the planning, design and
construction stages. The design study and subsequent laboratory thus provide an ideal route for
developing advances in safety systems and technology. Particular attention would go to advances in areas
such as underground communication, fire prevention, ventilation, access, emergency egress and refuge
design. Advances in environmental science and engineering are also possible. For instance, rock
temperatures increase typically at 1-3 ºC per 100 m of depth. This provides a means to undertake
mechanical-systems research into environmental life support such as air conditioning and filtration at
3.1.4. Impact on society
Environmental pressures, global warming, increasing population densities, increasing energy requirements,
water shortages and protection of water supplies, growing transport systems, waste storage and disposal
issues, increasing demand for scarce minerals and raw materials and concern for Earthquakes are all
contributing to an accelerating demand worldwide for underground activity and the technology to support
it. The LAGUNA programme, can provide clear impact on this demand from society.
For instance, new and deep underground laboratory space can provide vital access for research into
geothermal energy and water flow behaviour in relation to fissures and rock mechanics. The latter can
provide input to reservoir design and development to allow improved protection of drinking supplies.
Bioengineering has a role to play here in understanding water purity aspects but also the possibility of
improving waste disposal underground and carbon sequestration as a route to reduction of CO2 in the
Radon emanation and fluid flow underground is now known to be related to rock seismic activity at depth.
This opens the possibility of a route to prediction of Earthquakes. New underground laboratory space
would offer the opportunity to measure directly the relationships and confirm the seismic properties of
rock in this respect. In particular, this would allow researchers to understand the time-development of fault
processes and hence produce improved computer simulations to allow predictions to be made of possible
future earthquake activity that could have severe impact on local populations.
Life is now known to exist underground, in fact accounting for around 50% of the Earth’s biomass. It is
even possible that life originated deep underground. A new discipline in biology, geomicrobiology, has
emerged to study this deep subsurface microbe population (“dark life”). The studies could have extreme
implications for society, including progress towards an understanding of the origins of life, the impact of
the biomass on the environment and evolution of the Earth. Development of pristine underground areas is
now vital to the research and would stimulate further merger of fields as diverse as geochemistry, geology
and hydrology with biology and genetics. The interaction of this life with the environment past and
present is not understood and there are likely new practical applications that will emerge. The future large
underground facility will offer an exceptional opportunity to carry out the studies needed.
3.2. Dissemination and/or exploitation of project results, and management of intellectual property
This DS has a clear “user chain” flow for dissemination and exploitation, as illustrated in Figure 15. As was
mentioned in the ApPEC/ASPERA roadmap, this DS emerges from a need of the scientific community.
During the DS, the many reports to be compiled (see deliverables list) will serve as database of open
documents. Any publication will be opened to the public and be disseminated in various ways:
• The intermediate results and the status of the project will be reported to the scientific community
by regular presentations in conferences, workshops and seminars.
• A web page showing the goals, results and status of the project will be set up and maintained by
the LAGUNA executive board and secretariat.
• Technical reports resulting from this DS will be made available for all interested parties by
electronic distribution.

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• Scientific results will be published according to good scientific traditions in journals, reports and
• The final technical report (CDR) will be announced on month 36 and distributed to the community,
to the funding agencies, and where appropriate to the press.
• The “deep science” document will be printed and distributed to funding agencies, universities and
schools worldwide.
• The LAGUNA web site will remain active even after month 36, although updates will be less likely
to occur.

Figure 15 User chain flow.

The results of the studies will be published in a series a document, culminating with the final CDR
document. The CDR will contain the objective and scientific information needed to reach the funding and
construction phase. Assuming a positive feed-back from the funding agencies, the final CDR technical
report will be a starting point for a subsequent detailed design work. This would lead to final plans for
construction and approval of the new research infrastructure. The experimental results to be obtained in the
research infrastructure will provide top-class, forefront scientific results, which will feedback to the
scientific community. Of course, citizens will be part of the process and will acquire knowledge from the
scientific community. Similarly, direct spin-offs and applications will feed into the industrial component,
which itself via products and services will provide improved quality of life to the citizens.
No serious issues related to intellectual properties management are expected, as the design study will
produce information to the public, except otherwise governed by specific intellectual property rights or a
confidentiality agreement, like e.g. in a few explicit internal items related to the exploitation of particular
sites. In particular, some information about the mines will not be made public.

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4. Ethical Issues
No ethical issues are expected to arise during the course of the Design Study.


Informed Consent
• Does the proposal involve children?
• Does the proposal involve patients or persons not able to
give consent?
• Does the proposal involve adult healthy volunteers?
• Does the proposal involve Human Genetic Material?
• Does the proposal involve Human biological samples?
• Does the proposal involve Human data collection?
Research on Human embryo/foetus
• Does the proposal involve Human Embryos?
• Does the proposal involve Human Foetal Tissue / Cells?
• Does the proposal involve Human Embryonic Stem Cells?
• Does the proposal involve processing of genetic information
or personal data (eg. health, sexual lifestyle, ethnicity,
political opinion, religious or philosophical conviction)
• Does the proposal involve tracking the location or
observation of people?
Research on Animals
• Does the proposal involve research on animals?
• Are those animals transgenic small laboratory animals?
• Are those animals transgenic farm animals?
• Are those animals cloning farm animals?
• Are those animals non-human primates?
Research Involving Developing Countries
• Use of local resources (genetic, animal, plant etc)
• Benefit to local community (capacity building ie access to
healthcare, education etc)
Dual Use
• Research having potential military / terrorist application



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5. Consideration of gender aspects

Both genders are naturally represented in the DS. Out of the 24 participants, women lead the following
four: Prof. Caren Hagner (U-Hamburg), Prof. Agnieszka Zalewska (IFJ PAN), Prof. Ewa Rondio (IPJ), Prof.
Silvia Pascoli (U-Durham).
During the duration of the DS, all efforts will be made to promote gender equality in an appropriate way,
and to treat minorities on an equal basis.

6. Glossary on Initiatives and Committees in the field of astroparticle physics and related

ApPEC stands for Astroparticle Physics European Coordination. This is a group of national funding
agencies which came into being in 2001 when six European scientific agencies (later growing to thirteen)
took the initiative to coordinate and encourage Astroparticle Physics in Europe. ApPEC’s amin activities
- developing long-term strategies,
- expressing the view of European Astroparticle Physics in international forums,
- assessing astroparticle physics projects with the help of a Peer Review Committee,
- preparing a roadmap for astroparticle physics in Europe (the present document) which will serve
as stage I of a process to be continued under the coordination of ASPERA.
ApPEC’s work rests on two bodies: the Steering Committee (SC) and the Peer Review Committee (PRC, at
present functioning as “Roadmap Committee”).

ASPERA is a network proposed by ApPEC. It has been established as a four-year ERA-NET project under
the European Commission’s Sixth Framework Programme (FP6), by funding agencies and ministries from
17 national agencies in Europe responsible for funding astroparticle physics. Its also comprises two
transnational agencies: CERN as full participant and ESA as associated partner.
ASPERA has the following main goals:
- study funding and evaluation of astroparticle physics in Europe and identify formal and legal
barriers to international coordination,
- define a roadmap on infrastructures and R&D (the phases II and III of the present roadmap),
- test the implementation of new European-wide procedures of common funding of large
infrastructures and the corresponding R&D,
- explore the further linking of existing astroparticle physics infrastructures,
- install a common information system (a database and a website).

CERN Strategy Group on European Particle Physics

This panel was established in June 2005 by the president of the CERN Council in order to produce a draft
European roadmap for particle physics. A one-year procedure included several meetings of the Strategy
Group as well as open meetings. It resulted in a three-volume Briefing Book and eventually in a two page
strategy paper (CERN Courier, Sept 2006) which was adopted by the Council in July 2006. Representatives
from ApPEC (both Steering Committeee and Physics Review Committee) have been participating in the
meeting of the strategy group. The two-page strategy document focuses to accelerator physics activities but
also highlights astroparticle physics by summarizing “A range of very important non- accelerator experiments
take place at the overlap between particle physics exploring otherwise inaccessible phenomena; Council will seek to
work with ApPEC to develop a coordinated strategy in these areas of mutual interest”.

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