Use the GRANT statement to give privileges to a specific user or role, or to all users, to perform
actions on database objects. You can also use the GRANT statement to grant a role to a user,
to PUBLIC, or to another role.
You can grant privileges on an object if you are the owner of the object or the database owner.
See the CREATE statement for the database object that you want to grant privileges on for
more information.
The syntax that you use for the GRANT statement depends on whether you are granting
privileges to a schema object or granting a role.
For more information on using the GRANT statement, see "Using SQL standard authorization"
in the Java DB Developer's Guide.
In order to use a sequence generator, you must have the USAGE privilege on it. This privilege
can be granted to users and to roles. See CREATE SEQUENCE statement for more
In order to use a user-defined type, you must have the USAGE privilege on it. This privilege
can be granted to users and to roles. See CREATE TYPE statement for more information.
Syntax for user-defined aggregates
In order to use a user-defined aggregate, you must have the USAGE privilege on it. This
privilege can be granted to users and to roles. See CREATE DERBY AGGREGATE
statement for more information.
Before you can grant a role to a user or to another role, you must create the role using
the CREATE ROLE statement. Only the database owner can grant a role.
{ ALL PRIVILEGES | privilegeList }
tablePrivilege [ , tablePrivilege ]*
REFERENCES [ columnList ] |
SELECT [ columnList ] |
UPDATE [ columnList ]
( columnIdentifier [ , columnIdentifier ]* )
Use the ALL PRIVILEGES privilege type to grant all of the privileges to the user or role for
the specified table. You can also grant one or more table privileges by specifying
a privilegeList.
Use the DELETE privilege type to grant permission to delete rows from the specified table.
Use the INSERT privilege type to grant permission to insert rows into the specified table.
Use the REFERENCES privilege type to grant permission to create a foreign key reference to
the specified table. If a columnList is specified with the REFERENCES privilege, the
permission is valid on only the foreign key reference to the specified columns.
Use the TRIGGER privilege type to grant permission to create a trigger on the specified table.
Use the UPDATE privilege type to grant permission to use the UPDATE statement on the
specified table. If a column list is specified, the permission applies only to the specified
columns. To update a row using a statement that includes a WHERE clause, you must have the
SELECT privilege on the columns in the row that you want to update.
{ authorizationIdentifier | roleName | PUBLIC }
[ , { authorizationIdentifier | roleName | PUBLIC } ]*
You can grant privileges or roles to specific users or roles or to all users. Use the keyword
PUBLIC to specify all users. When PUBLIC is specified, the privileges or roles affect all
current and future users. The privileges granted to PUBLIC and to individual users or roles are
independent privileges. For example, a SELECT privilege on table t is granted to both
PUBLIC and to the authorization ID harry. The SELECT privilege is later revoked from the
authorization ID harry, but Harry can access the table t through the PUBLIC privilege.
Either the object owner or the database owner can grant privileges to a user or to a role. Only
the database owner can grant a role to a user or to another role.
To grant the SELECT privilege on table t to the authorization IDs maria and harry, use the
following syntax:
To grant the UPDATE and TRIGGER privileges on table t to the authorization
IDs anita and zhi, use the following syntax:
To grant the SELECT privilege on table s.v to all users, use the following syntax:
To grant the EXECUTE privilege on procedure p to the authorization ID george, use the
following syntax:
To grant the SELECT privilege on table t to the role purchases_reader_role, use the
following syntax:
To grant the USAGE privilege on the user-defined type price to the role finance_role,
use the following syntax:
REVOKE statement
Use the REVOKE statement to remove privileges from a specific user or role, or from all users,
to perform actions on database objects. You can also use the REVOKE statement to revoke a
role from a user, from PUBLIC, or from another role.
The derby.database.sqlAuthorization property must be set to true before you can use the
GRANT statement or the REVOKE statement. The derby.database.sqlAuthorization property
enables SQL Authorization mode.
You can revoke privileges for an object if you are the owner of the object or the database owner.
The syntax that you use for the REVOKE statement depends on whether you are revoking
privileges to a schema object or revoking a role.
For more information on using the REVOKE statement, see "Using SQL standard
authorization" in the Java DB Developer's Guide.
Revoking a privilege without specifying a column list revokes the privilege for all of the
columns in the table.
Syntax for routines
You must use the RESTRICT clause on REVOKE statements for routines. The RESTRICT
clause specifies that the EXECUTE privilege cannot be revoked if the specified routine is used
in a view, trigger, or constraint, and the privilege is being revoked from the owner of the view,
trigger, or constraint.
In order to use a sequence generator, you must have the USAGE privilege on it. This privilege
can be revoked from users and roles. Only RESTRICTed revokes are allowed. This means that
the REVOKE statement cannot make a view, trigger, or constraint unusable by its owner. The
USAGE privilege cannot be revoked from the schema owner. See CREATE SEQUENCE
statement for more information.
In order to use a user-defined type, you must have the USAGE privilege on it. This privilege
can be revoked from users and roles. Only RESTRICTed revokes are allowed. This means that
the REVOKE statement cannot make a view, trigger, or constraint unusable by its owner. The
USAGE privilege cannot be revoked from the schema owner. See CREATE TYPE
statement for more information.
In order to use a user-defined aggregate, you must have the USAGE privilege on it. This
privilege can be revoked from users and roles. Only RESTRICTed revokes are allowed. This
means that the REVOKE statement cannot make a view or trigger unusable by its owner. The
USAGE privilege cannot be revoked from the schema owner. See CREATE DERBY
AGGREGATE statement for more information.
ALL PRIVILEGES | privilegeList
tablePrivilege [ , tablePrivilege ]*
REFERENCES [ columnList ] |
SELECT [ columnList ] |
UPDATE [ columnList ]
( columnIdentifier [ , columnIdentifier ]* )
Use the ALL PRIVILEGES privilege type to revoke all of the privileges from the user or role
for the specified table. You can also revoke one or more table privileges by specifying
a privilegeList.
Use the DELETE privilege type to revoke permission to delete rows from the specified table.
Use the INSERT privilege type to revoke permission to insert rows into the specified table.
Use the REFERENCES privilege type to revoke permission to create a foreign key reference
to the specified table. If a column list is specified with the REFERENCES privilege, the
permission is revoked on only the foreign key reference to the specified columns.
Use the SELECT privilege type to revoke permission to perform SELECT statements on a
table or view. If a column list is specified with the SELECT privilege, the permission is revoked
on only those columns. If no column list is specified, then the privilege is valid on all of the
columns in the table.
Use the TRIGGER privilege type to revoke permission to create a trigger on the specified table.
Use the UPDATE privilege type to revoke permission to use the UPDATE statement on the
specified table. If a column list is specified, the privilege is revoked only on the specified
{ authorizationIdentifier | roleName | PUBLIC }
[ , { authorizationIdentifier | roleName | PUBLIC } ]*
You can revoke the privileges from specific users or roles or from all users. Use the keyword
PUBLIC to specify all users. The privileges revoked from PUBLIC and from individual users
or roles are independent privileges. For example, a SELECT privilege on table t is revokeed
to both PUBLIC and to the authorization ID harry. The SELECT privilege is later revoked
from the authorization ID harry, but the authorization ID harry can access the
table t through the PUBLIC privilege.
You can revoke a role from a role, from a user, or from PUBLIC.
The following limitations apply to the REVOKE statement:
Table-level privileges
All of the table-level privilege types for a specified revokeee and table ID are stored in
one row in the SYSTABLEPERMS system table. For example, when user2 is
revokeed the SELECT and DELETE privileges on table user1.t1, a row is added to
the SYSTABLEPERMS table. The GRANTEE field contains user2 and the
TABLEID contains user1.t1. The SELECTPRIV and DELETEPRIV fields are set
to Y. The remaining privilege type fields are set to N.
When a revokeee creates an object that relies on one of the privilege types,
the Derby engine tracks the dependency of the object on the specific row in the
SYSTABLEPERMS table. For example, user2 creates the view v1 by using the
statement SELECT * FROM user1.t1, the dependency manager tracks the
dependency of view v1 on the row in SYSTABLEPERMS for GRANTEE(user2),
TABLEID(user1.t1). The dependency manager knows only that the view is
dependent on a privilege type in that specific row, but does not track exactly which
privilege type the view is dependent on.
When a REVOKE statement for a table-level privilege is issued for a revokeee and table
ID, all of the objects that are dependent on the revokeee and table ID are dropped. For
example, if user1 revokes the DELETE privilege on table t1 from user2, the row
in SYSTABLEPERMS for GRANTEE(user2), TABLEID(user1.t1) is modified
by the REVOKE statement. The dependency manager sends a revoke invalidation
message to the view user2.v1 and the view is dropped even though the view is not
dependent on the DELETE privilege for GRANTEE(user2),
Column-level privileges
Only one type of privilege for a specified revokeee and table ID are stored in one row
in the SYSCOLPERMS system table. For example, when user2 is revokeed the
SELECT privilege on table user1.t1 for columns c12 and c13, a row is added to the
SYSCOLPERMS. The GRANTEE field contains user2, the TABLEID
contains user1.t1, the TYPE field contains S, and the COLUMNS field
contains c12, c13.
When a revokeee creates an object that relies on the privilege type and the subset of
columns in a table ID, the Derby engine tracks the dependency of the object on the
specific row in the SYSCOLPERMS table. For example, user2 creates the
view v1 by using the statement SELECT c11 FROM user1.t1, the dependency
manager tracks the dependency of view v1 on the row in SYSCOLPERMS for
GRANTEE(user2), TABLEID(user1.t1), TYPE(S). The dependency manager
knows that the view is dependent on the SELECT privilege type, but does not track
exactly which columns the view is dependent on.
When a REVOKE statement for a column-level privilege is issued for a revokeee, table
ID, and type, all of the objects that are dependent on the revokeee, table ID, and type
are dropped. For example, if user1 revokes the SELECT privilege on column c12 on
table user1.t1 from user2, the row in SYSCOLPERMS for GRANTEE(user2),
TABLEID(user1.t1), TYPE(S) is modified by the REVOKE statement. The
dependency manager sends a revoke invalidation message to the view user2.v1 and
the view is dropped even though the view is not dependent on the column c12 for
GRANTEE(user2), TABLEID(user1.t1), TYPE(S).
Derby tracks any dependencies on the definer's current role for views, constraints, and
triggers. If privileges were obtainable only via the current role when the object in
question was defined, that object depends on the current role. The object will be
dropped if the role is revoked from the defining user or from PUBLIC, as the case may
be. Also, if a contained role of the current role in such cases is revoked, dependent
objects will be dropped. Note that dropping may be too pessimistic. This is
because Derby does not currently make an attempt to recheck if the necessary privileges
are still available in such cases.
Revoke examples
To revoke the SELECT privilege on table t from the authorization IDs maria and harry,
use the following syntax:
To revoke the UPDATE and TRIGGER privileges on table t from the authorization
IDs anita and zhi, use the following syntax:
To revoke the SELECT privilege on table s.v from all users, use the following syntax:
To revoke the UPDATE privilege on columns c1 and c2 of table s.v from all users, use the
following syntax:
To revoke the EXECUTE privilege on procedure p from the authorization ID george, use
the following syntax:
To revoke the SELECT privilege on table t from the role purchases_reader_role, use
the following syntax:
To revoke the USAGE privilege on the sequence generator order_id from the
role sales_role, use the following syntax:
To revoke the USAGE privilege on the user-defined type price from the
role finance_role, use the following syntax:
To revoke the USAGE privilege on the user-defined aggregate types.maxPrice from the
role sales_role, use the following syntax: