Microbial Fertilizers
Microbial Fertilizers
Microbial Fertilizers
Plant growth promoting microorganisms (PGPM) are an important group of microbial
inoculants, which exist in rhizosphere and have the ability to inhabit the root of the plants and
improve their development. Their positive influence is achieved through solubilization of
phosphorus, nitrogen fixation, production of plant nutrients and phytohormones, protection
from pathogens and recovery from stressful environmental conditions. This is the main
reason for the increasing usage of many PGPMs which formulations are commonly known as
microbial fertilizers. Microbial fertilizers represent an attractive replacement for chemical
fertilizers that are polluting the environment. They are used to increase the crop yield in an
eco-friendly way while relying on sustainable agriculture principles. The biggest problem
nowadays is the very poor quality of such products, which results in the lack of confidence
and makes commercialization much more difficult. In order to increase production and hence
the commercialization of microbial fertilizers, desired quality and stability should be
achieved. For this reason, many researches are done in this particular field. In order to
develop an optimal product, it is important to know and understand the process, including the
physiology of bacteria and plants, mass multiplication technological processes as well as the
existing formulation and the specific effect on the desired plant. For this purpose, the aim of
this review is to indicate the significance of microbial fertilizers and their beneficial effects
on the plants, as well as to give a brief survey of the different aspects of production processes
with a special emphasis on mass multiplication.
In recent years, there has been undoubtedly a significant increase in agricultural production
due to increasing population growth and, therefore, the need for food. So far, the misuse of
chemical fertilizers and pesticides has proven unsustainable and has contributed to the
disturbance of ecological balance and pollution of the natural environment. Thus, the need to
reduce their use is evident. There are many alternatives to the use of chemical fertilizers that
can be adopted with the aim of reaching sustainable agriculture and environmental protection.
Farmers can use crop rotations, integrated pest management or conservation tillage practices
combined with applied management skills to increase the productivity and enhance the
profitability. One of the possibilities with a great potential is to use microbial fertilizers. They
have multiple roles: to fertilize the plant and to stimulate and control its growth in an
ecologically sustainable way, which made them the main focus of research all over the world
in the last years.
In order to take an advantage of the benefits PGPMs provide, it is necessary to formulate the
appropriate inoculum, that is, microbial fertilizer (bio-fertilizer) which will contain living
organisms capable of colonizing the rhizosphere and increasing plant growth. The
development of a successful inoculant includes multiple steps: (i) picking a suitable culture
and isolation of effective microorganism; (ii) the characterization of the chosen
microorganisms on an optimum medium with the appropriate growth conditions; (iii)
microbial mass multiplication; (iv) choice of carrier; (v) formulation of the inoculum; and
(vi) field studies; (vii) large scale studies and production at the industrial level; (viii)
constructing a quality control and storage system. Each of these steps requires equal attention
so that the process results in a microbial fertilizer of the desired quality. This paper offers an
overview of the current research and existing technologies for the production of microbial
fertilizers and the bio-fertilization of soil, with a special focus on each individual step within
the process.
The medium for microbial growth and multiplication needs to be cheap, easily available and
should contain the necessary nutrients. In most cases, fermentation is initiated on a liquid
surface, while solid-state fermentation is usually used for producing fungi (Shaikh & Sayyed,
2015). The medium used for fermentation should be sterile. High temperatures during the
process of sterilization could affect some of the thermo-degradable compounds, which could
change the content of the medium and the outcome of the fermentation (Doran, 2013). To
prevent this from happening continuous monitoring is required during the whole process in
order to ensure the desired quality (Glick, 2015). Some of the most commonly used substrates
are glucose and sucrose (as a source of carbon) and ammonium sulfate (as a source of
nitrogen). Besides that, most of the bacteria require the presence of some trace elements and
vitamins. For example, in the case of B. subtilis thiamine is required to start the sporulation,
while addition of calcium enhances the sporulation process (Monteiro et al., 2014). When it
comes to cell viability, addition of different compounds (e.g.: polyvinylpyrrolidone – PVP or
carboxymethyl cellulose – CMC) have also proven very efficient. Namely, it has been found
that in many cases lysis of cells and reduction of the number of cells in the fermentation broth
occurs, which is regulated by the addition of the mentioned substances (Leo Daniel et al.,
2013). That is why many researchers prefer to use a chemically defined medium (Table 3)
which allows them to adjust the ratio of specific substances and achieve the best result with
the desired microorganism (Zhang & Greasham, 1999). Besides that, in recent years different
agriculture waste materials have been applied into systems based on solid-state fermentations.
It has been suggested that this method provides best quality spores at a low price and it is
expected that people will soon take advantage of its potential.
Irrespective of the type of fermentation, oxygen is added to the bioreactor (usually in the
form of sterile air), anti-foaming agents, as well as acids and bases for the regulation of pH
values (Glick, 2015). Oxygen concentration should be on a specific level during the whole
fermentation process and it is necessary to permanently provide a sufficient amount of
oxygen for the growth of aerobic bacteria. Still, importation of oxygen into the bioreactor can
create bubbles which can affect the cellular growth and lower the volumetric mass transfer
coefficient (Garcia-Ochoa & Gomez, 2009). Since gas content is highly affected by agitation
and type of gas distributor, this problem can be solved using an appropriate stirring speed
(Kiełbus-Rąpała & Karcz, 2011). An effective sporulation and higher biomass concentration
are achieved when there is an excess of oxygen. In environment limited in oxygen
concentration, supplied with essential nutrients, B. subtilis has the ability to produce
bioactive compounds which are highly active against phytopathogenic bacteria. In anaerobic
conditions, this microorganism does not show growth, except in the case of the addition of
pyruvate, when it comes to growth through fermentation and anaerobic respiration.
Mixing is very important in every fermentation process for a variety of aspects of
fermentation. Effective mixing will fasten the process, enhance mass transfer and reduce the
hydraulic retention time (Kiełbus-Rąpała & Karcz, 2011). Mixing is also necessary to prevent
thermal stratification, maintain the desired pH values, to increase contact between the
substrate and microbial culture, prevent foaming and to provide uniform distribution of the
substrate and microorganisms (Liu, 2012). Besides that, good mixing can prevent the
accumulation of toxic metabolites in the areas of the bioreactor which are characterized by
weaker mixing (Glick, 2015). Successful mixing is easily accomplished in bioreactors of a
smaller size, but it represents the main problem when the extent of the fermentation rises.
Large-scale operations require additional researches, since the results can vary depending on
the volume of bioreactor (AL-Mashhadani et al., 2015). Adequate mixing is also providing
the effective control of the oxygen concentration in the reactor
The commercial application of microbial fertilizers depends on the development of
formulations with sustainable carriers which can enable the longer viability of the applied
microorganism. “Primitive” inoculants, bacterial cultures without supplemental carriers, are
rarely used commercially and they can only be seen during starting experiments, since they
are easy to use (Bashan et al., 2014). Considering the fact that the formulations represent the
final form of the product which will be sold on the market, their function is to stabilize the
microorganism, help its release onto the desired plant, protect the microorganism and
increase its functionality (Shaikh & Sayyed, 2015). The choice of carrier depends on desired
viability of microorganism as well as on the type of application (liquid, powder or seed
coating) (Nakkeeran et al., 2005). Bacteria can also be subjected to lyophilization and stored
without carriers, albeit with the application of cryoprotectants such as mannitol or
microcrystalline cellulose. The addition of a carbon source or cellular protectant can increase
the life span and effectiveness of the fertilizer. Glucose, sucrose, maltose, trehalose, molasses
and glycerol are some of the cellular protectors that are often used (Garcia-Fraile et al.,
2015). An ideal carrier should be resistant to the external environment, biodegradable,
economic and easily available. It should extend the lifespan of the formulation and have a
good buffer capacity.
In general, carriers can be divided into organic and inorganic, based on the nature of their
composition. Based on their state, formulations can be liquid or solid (Nakkeeran et al.,
2005). Microorganisms can be formulated in the form of concentrated dry or wet dust,
granules and briquettes which are easy to store, transport and apply. Dry powder and dry
granules are the best choices for spore forming microorganisms, while wet dust and granules
contain metabolically active microorganisms (Ramadan et al., 2013; Mishra & Arora, 2016).
On the other hand, liquid formulations contain different compounds apart from
microorganisms. Those compounds protect the cell and support prolonged cellular life and
resistance to environmental conditions (Herrmann & Lesueur, 2013). Liquid formulations are
typically water-based, oil-based on polymer products. Polysaccharides such as resin, CMC
and polyvinyl alcohol derivatives are often used to change the characteristics of the fluid in
liquid formulations (Shaikh & Sayyed, 2015). When it comes to organic carriers, peat and
compost are used the most. When peat and microorganisms are mixed, microorganisms
maintain their metabolic activity and in some cases continue to multiply during storage
(Bashan et al., 2014; Figueiredo et al., 2016). Similar shortcomings can be cited for plant
waste material which is generally not used for commercial purposes. On the other hand,
sawdust and other waste material from the wood-woodworking industry have found wide
application in other forms of biotechnological processes which include the use of
microorganisms, such as bioremediation, where they function as carriers, but also as an
alternative source of carbon and energy (Ramadan et al., 2013). Furthermore, compost can be
considered as a possible carrier, especially for the production processes that include specific
cells. For example, the addition of diazotrophs or phosphatesolubilizing bacteria in the
compost increases the amount and availability of the nitrogen and phosphorus in the final
product (Malusá et al., 2012). Polymers are new materials among carriers for microbial
fertilizers which encapsulate or “immobilize” microorganisms and release them gradually in
the process of degradation (Herrmann & Lesueur, 2013). Even though they offer numerous
advantages, the viability of the inoculant is still an issue. This is why the addition of nutrients
into inoculant is being studied and tested to enable the prolonged life span of the
microorganism (Díaz-Barrera et al., 2011). Among them, hetero copolymers excite great
interest. They are the result of grafting natural products such as microbial produced levan and
polystyrene, which combine the best features of both types of material, and where the final
product has better features than the initial components with an increased biodegradability.
Microbial fertilizers have been in a focus of researches for quite a long time. They are
considered to be ecologically acceptable alternative to chemical fertilizers and agrochemicals,
which are overused and harmful to the environment. Although this idea is not brand new and
has been subject of plenty of scientific papers for years now, many questions still remain
unanswered and there is a lot of place for improvement. The production of microbial
fertilizers does not depend solely on the detailed knowledge of the physiology of plants and
microorganisms, but also on the large number of technological challenges such as the
fermentation process, type of formulations, the population of microorganisms and their
system of release. Thus, the development of a stable bioformulation is possible through
combining knowledge from microbial and technical aspects. Additional research is necessary
in order to enhance the production process and, what’s most important, to improve the
products reliability and practical usage. One thing is certain: since they are ecologically
acceptable, biofertilizers will have a very significant function in modern agriculture