1st Qe Computer 2
1st Qe Computer 2
1st Qe Computer 2
15. In doing __________, point to an item then press and release the right mouse button once.
a. point b. click c. right click
16. To double click, point to an item, then quickly press and release the left mouse button __________.
a. once b. twice c. thrice
17. The ___________move the mouse pointer over the object or icon to be selected.
a. point b.click c. drag
18. The __________ stores programs and data.
a. Keyboard b. Memory Unit c. Printer
19.The __________ is a device used to type letters, numbers and symbols into the computer.
a. Keyboard b. Monitor c. Mouse
20.The __________ is a device used to point at and move things displayed on the monitor screen.
b. Keyboard b. Monitor c. Mouse
21.It is like a television that displays images from the computer.
a. Keyboard b. Monitor c. Mouse