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Trends in Food Science & Technology 118 (2021) 688–710

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Trends in Food Science & Technology

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Use of encapsulation technology to enrich and fortify bakery, pasta, and

cereal-based products
Leila Kamali Rousta a, Samad Bodbodak b, Mohammad Nejatian c, d,
Amir Pouya Ghandehari Yazdi a, Zahra Rafiee e, Jianbo Xiao f, Seid Mahdi Jafari e, *
Department of Food Research and Development, Zar Research and Industrial Development Group, Alborz, Iran
Department of Food Science and Technology, Ahar Faculty of Agriculture and Natural Resources, University of Tabriz, Tabriz, Iran
Department of Nutrition Science and Food Hygiene, Faculty of Health, Baqiyatallah University of Medical Sciences, Tehran, Iran
Health Research Center, Life Style Institute, Baqiyatallah University of Medical Sciences, Tehran, Iran
Department of Food Materials and Process Design Engineering, Gorgan University of Agricultural Science and Natural Resources, Gorgan, Iran
Nutrition and Bromatology Group, Department of Analytical Chemistry and Food Science, Faculty of Food Science and Technology, University of Vigo, Ourense Campus,
E-32004, Ourense, Spain


Keywords: Background: Cereals and cereal-based products as an important part of the daily diet provide a considerable
Bioactives percent of macronutrients such as carbohydrate, protein and fiber and a range of micronutrients including vi­
Cereal products tamins (E and some of the B vitamins) and minerals (Mg and Zn). However, thermal (boiling or baking) and
mechanical (milling) processes applied for conversion of cereals into consumable products and also improvement
Food ingredients
Functional products
of the digestibility and palatability of cereal products lead to the reduction or even removal of some bioactive
compounds, consequently loss of their nutritional and health values.
Scope and approach: The fortification process is a suitable means for the addition of the lost components to the
formulation of cereals; although, direct usage of bioactive compounds and additives in bakery products has some
limitations such as sensitivity to undesirable environmental and processing conditions, adverse effects on sensory
attributes of products and interaction with other food ingredients. Encapsulation not only can solve these
problems, but also improves the overall quality and shelf life of bakery products by release controlling, protecting
and uniform distribution of these components.
Key findings and conclusions: Most studies in the literature show that the use of bioactive substances instead of free
compounds can be used effectively to enrich or fortify cereal-based products, without having a significant
negative impact on their physicochemical and textural properties. Spray drying was the most commonly used
technique for encapsulation of bioactive compounds, which can be explained by its advantages such as flexibility
and low cost. This review will provide valuable information that may be useful for identifying trends in the
production of new functional cereal-based products through nano/microencapsulation technology. However, it is
necessary to pay attention to the commercialization and also the safety of nanoformulations used in cereal

1. Introduction an important source of macronutrients such as carbohydrates, proteins,

fibers and a range of micronutrients including vitamins (E and some of
Cereals and cereal-based products represent an important part of the the B vitamins) and minerals (Mg and Zn) (McKevith, 2004). They also
daily diet for millions of people worldwide (Patel, Watson, & Preedy, make a significant contribution to the global food security, with an
2011). They are staple foods, and provide a considerable percent of total annual production of about 2600 million tons (FAO, 2017).
calories in both developed (20–30%) and developing (50–70%) coun­ Most cereals are milled to make flour or meal, which are used to
tries (Bruinsma, 2003; Laskowski, Górska-Warsewicz, Rejman, Czec­ formulate dough for baking bread, cakes, pastries, etc. Therefore, during
zotko, & Zwolińska, 2019). Additionally, cereals and their products are the conversion of cereals into consumable products, they usually

* Corresponding author.
E-mail address: smjafari@gau.ac.ir (S.M. Jafari).

Received 16 June 2021; Received in revised form 27 September 2021; Accepted 29 October 2021
Available online 1 November 2021
0924-2244/© 2021 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
L. Kamali Rousta et al. Trends in Food Science & Technology 118 (2021) 688–710

undergo some forms of thermal (boiling or baking) and mechanical 2.1.1. Spray drying
(milling) processes (Alldrick, 2017). Although such processes are SD is a dehydration process through a hot drying medium by which a
essential for the digestibility and also palatability of cereal products, fluid transforms from a liquid form into powder particles. When water
they do lead to the reduction or even removal of some bioactive com­ evaporates from the particles, the ingredient (core) is trapped inside the
pounds, consequently loss of their nutritional and health values. The shell (Navarro-Flores, Ventura-Canseco, Meza-Gordillo, Ayora-Talavera,
fortification process is a suitable means for the addition of the lost & Abud-Archila, 2020). After selecting the appropriate carrier material
components to the formulation (Patel et al., 2011). Furthermore, some and preparing its dispersion, the core solution is added to the dispersion
cereal products, such as pasta, are popular in all age groups, because and the mixture is stirred under high shear. Afterward, the mixture is
they have desirable sensory characteristics and are considered easy and atomized or sprayed into heated air within a drying chamber; the water
quick to prepare (Zen et al., 2020). Therefore, such products provide an (or any organic solvent) evaporates and is carried away by air while the
excellent opportunity to enrich them with bioactive compounds that will powder product separated from the air in a cyclone separator (Anand­
improve health and reduce diseases per se. Accordingly, there is an haramakrishnan & Padma Ishwarya, 2015; Arpagaus, John, Collenberg,
increasing demand from the bakery industry to adopt encapsulation & Rütti, 2017; Shahidi & Han, 1993), as shown in Fig. 1a.
technologies in order to meet both purposes of fortification and Materials used as wall (encapsulant) in SD should be well soluble in
enrichment. water and form low viscosity dispersions at high solid content. There­
Encapsulation may also influence technical aspects regarding the fore, the encapsulants such as gum Arabic (GA), maltodextrin (MD),
quality of cereal products. Formulation of such products usually consists modified starches and their mixtures are widely used in this method
of basic (flour, fat, eggs, and sugar) and minor (leavening agents, anti­ (Šaponjac et al., 2016). In addition, the use of food-grade surfactant may
microbials, sweeteners, and enzymes) ingredients. Release controlling, be needed to stabilize hydrophilic core materials (Arpagaus et al., 2017).
protecting and uniform distribution of bioactive components can have a Encapsulation by SD has significant advantages. It is 30–50 times
great impact on the overall quality and shelf life of bakery products cheaper than other drying methods such as FD (Desobry, Netto, &
(Jamileh M. Lakkis, 2016). A related example is the use of acidic com­ Labuza, 2006). In this method, due to the rapid evaporation of the sol­
ponents (like tartaric acid) in the formulation. These ingredients can vent, the core materials are exposed to heat for a limited time and
contribute to the improvement of the dough volume, taste and shelf life therefore it is appropriate for the encapsulation of heat-sensitive com­
of some products. However, their direct interaction with other in­ pounds (Arpagaus et al., 2017).
gredients of the formulation can negatively affect the final quality of the
product (Al-Widyan & Small, 2005). Such problems can be potentially 2.1.2. Freeze drying
decreased through the encapsulation of the ingredients. Generally FD or lyophilization is another dehydration method extensively
speaking, enhancement in the textural quality, organoleptic properties applied for encapsulating heat-sensitive compounds. The principle of
and nutritional value of cereal products may occur via the incorporation this process involves the freezing of a dispersion containing the encap­
of certain additives and bioactives into their formulation. sulated compound below its eutectic temperature (conversion of most of
The encapsulation is a process to encase different ingredients within the mixture moisture to ice) and then the sublimation of ice in a high
a carrier (wall) which can be released under particular conditions with a vacuum (Singh & Heldman, 2014). Similar to SD, encapsulation effi­
controlled rate (Shahidi & Han, 1993). The wall materials applied ciency during FD is highly dependent on encapsulant composition and
generally comprise lipids or biopolymers such as proteins and poly­ structure (Heidebach, Först, & Kulozik, 2012). The retention of core
saccharides. The common techniques for encapsulation of ingredients substances is improved as the molecular weight of encapsulant is
include spray drying (SD), freeze drying (FD), extrusion, spray cool­ decreased and the total soluble solids are increased up to ~20% (Shahidi
ing/chilling, coacervation, liposomes and emulsification. It should be & Han, 1993). However, one of the drawbacks of this method is that the
noted that two types of the encapsulation are performed in research and resulted particles have a porous structure which results in high suscep­
likely industrial works: microencapsulation and nanoencapsulation. tibility of encapsulated compound to oxidation (Kolanowski, Jaworska,
Microencapsulation is the encasing of various ingredients within the Weiβbrodt, & Kunz, 2007). It also requires expensive equipment that
wall at size of microscale (above 1 μm). Nanoencapsulation is similar to increases production investment costs (C. Silva, Ribeiro, Ferreia, &
microencapsulation aside from it involving smaller particles (nanoscale; Veiga, 2003).
< 1 μm, usually <100 nm) and having been done for a shorter period of
time than microencapsulation. Additionally, the preparation of nano­ 2.1.3. Extrusion
capsules requires a more intense process. In this review, encapsulation Although the extrusion process is used for texturizing and cooking of
techniques with more emphasis on microencapsulation as well as their cereal-based products, the process for encapsulation purpose is
classification, different bioactive and technical additives regarding different. Here, the ingredient dispersed in a molten biopolymer is
cereal products are explained. The application of the encapsulated in­ passed through a die or nozzle resulting in droplets that are subsequently
gredients in different cereal-based products is further discussed. Finally, poured into dehydrating liquid (such as calcium chloride and isopropyl
future trends, opportunities and challenges are reviewed. alcohol) to complete encapsulation with hardening the coating mate­
rials. The extruded strands are separated from the solidification bath,
2. Common encapsulation techniques for the bioactive broken into small pieces and finally dried (Whelehan & Marison, 2011),
ingredients as depicted in (Fig. 1b).
Like other techniques, the success of encapsulation depends on the
Encapsulation technologies can be divided into two main categories: properties of the wall material. The most common encapsulant in­
physical and physicochemical processes. In what follows, the ap­ gredients are calcium alginate, whey protein and a variety of gums. The
proaches most applied in studies related to the encapsulation of bio­ extrusion does not require extreme temperatures and is therefore suit­
actives in cereal products are described. able for encapsulating heat-sensitive materials, especially living cells
such as probiotics. However, low capacity for the industrial scale pro­
2.1. Physical techniques duction and the irregularity of the produced microcapsules are disad­
vantages of this technique (Fangmeier, Lehn, Maciel, & de Souza, 2019).
Physical methods are based on the use of equipment to enclose/ Recently, a new type of extrusion, combined with vibration technology,
encapsulate the ingredients into particles of a certain size. has been developed to generate capsules with higher shape uniformity
and less porosity (M. P. Silva et al., 2018).

L. Kamali Rousta et al. Trends in Food Science & Technology 118 (2021) 688–710

Fig. 1. Schematic diagram of some common encapsulation techniques for bakery ingredients: Spray drying (a), Extrusion (b), Coacervation (c), and Liposomal
entrapment (d).

2.1.4. Spray cooling/chilling distinct phases: an upper phase, which is poor in biopolymers and rich in
These methods are very similar to the SD technique in which the core solvent, as well as the lower phase, which is complex coacervates. If a
material is initially dispersed in the encapsulant solution and then water-insoluble core ingredient such as a lipophilic micronutrient is
sprayed into the chamber through nozzles. However, there are two added in the system, each droplet or particle is coated with a thin layer
major differences between them. Spray cooling/chilling use cold air of coacervate (Fig. 1c) (do Amaral, Andrade, & de Conto, 2019). Uni­
(with ambient or refrigerated temperature) instead of heated air, so no form distribution of wall material over the surface of the core drop (or
evaporation occurs on the coating material. In addition, the coating particle) requires careful optimization of the formulation and encapsu­
materials in these encapsulation processes are made of lipids such as lation process conditions. The formed microcapsules are usually
vegetable oils and other lipid derivatives. The encapsulation process is collected by filtration or centrifugation. They may be dried or incorpo­
complete when the coating temperature reaches below the solidification rated into certain food products in the same wet form. However, the
point inside the spray chamber (Alvim, Souza, Koury, Jurt, & Dantas, coating of dry capsules is susceptible to be plasticized with reaching to
2013; Oxley, 2012). The distinguishing property of spray cool­ atmospheric moisture content of 70% or higher (Thies, 2003).
ing/chilling is the melting point of the coating material used for
encapsulation; 42–122 ◦ C for the former and 32–42 ◦ C for the later. 2.2.2. Liposomes
Because the encapsulants used are hydrophobic, the capsules formed by Liposome is a bilayer membrane structure that is formed when
these techniques are insoluble in water. In addition, due to less inter­ phospholipids such as lecithin are vigorously mixed in an aqueous media
action with the wall material, water-soluble ingredients (such as min­ (Hurst, Finley, & deMan, 2018). According to Fig. 1d, such aggregated
erals, water-soluble vitamins, enzymes, acidulants, and some flavors) structure consists of an aqueous core enclosed in one or more phos­
are better protected by these methods (Risch, 1995). pholipid layers so that the polar head groups of phospholipid are con­
tacted to the inner aqueous phases and outer media and the hydrophobic
hydrocarbon tails forming the bilayer (Rafiee, Nejatian, Daeihamed, &
2.2. Physicochemical techniques Jafari, 2019). Therefore, liposomes have both aqueous interiors and
exteriors valuable for the encapsulation of either water or lipid soluble
Physicochemical techniques utilize the interaction between bio­ ingredients. The selection of lecithin concentration and the appropriate
polymers and creating colloidal structures to form carriers. mixing process play important roles in determining the encapsulation
efficiency and liposomal stability. Additionally, different emerging
2.2.1. Coacervation mechanical processes such as sonication and high-pressure homogeni­
It consists of the aggregation of biopolymeric encapsulant as deposits zation are usually applied to prepare the liposomes with a more uniform
around the core material through changing environmental conditions and smaller size (Sarabandi, Rafiee, Khodaei, & Jafari, 2019). The
especially pH and ionic strength (Bosnea, Moschakis, & Biliaderis, remarkable advantage of liposomes is the co-encapsulating of lipophilic
2014). When two or more oppositely charged biopolymers are mixed in (in the lipid bilayers) and hydrophilic ingredients (in the inner aqueous
aqueous media, the interaction between them may lead to the formation compartments). This feature allows the creation of synergistic effects
of soluble complexes or insoluble complexes namely coacervation, due to the addition of pragmatic components or different natures in food
depending on pH, ionic strength, biopolymer ratio and total biopolymer formulations (Rafiee et al., 2019). However, it is not possible to
concentration (Nejatian, Abbasi, & Azarikia, 2020). Under suitable encapsulate any core ingredients that are soluble in both aqueous and
conditions for forming coacervates, the dispersion is separated into two

L. Kamali Rousta et al. Trends in Food Science & Technology 118 (2021) 688–710

lipid phases with this method (Risch, 1995). immiscible liquids (oil and water) with the help of mechanical energy
and the emulsifiers. Depending on the type of droplets (dispersed or
2.2.3. Emulsification discontinuous phase) dispersed in the other liquid (continuous phase),
Emulsification is a lipid-based technique for the encapsulation of two classes of oil-in-water (O/W) and water-in-oil (W/O) emulsions are
food ingredients. The principle of this method is to merge two produced. The former is used to encapsulate oil-soluble components and

Table 1
Application of encapsulated food ingredients in pasta.
Pasta- Core material Wall Material Encapsulation Results References
based method

Spaghetti Long chain omega-3 fatty Particles dispersed in a cornstarch- Not reported - Drying conditions and diameters of Iafelice et al. (2008)
acids coated matrix of fish gelatine and samples did not affect the degradation of
sucrose microcapsules.
- The 1.2% concentration of integrator was
selected as the optimum concentration.
Pasta Garcinia cowa extract Whey protein isolate Spray drying - Out let temperature and core: wall ratio Pillai, Prabhasankar, Jena,
influenced the antioxidant activity and and Anandharamakrishnan
recovery of hydroxycitric acid (HCA). (2012)
- The recovery of HCA and antioxidant
activity were about 94.49% and 22.5%,
- Enriched pasta indicated better sensory
and antioxidant properties compared to
the control sample.
Noodle Lycopene Mixture of gum Arabic and sucrose Spray drying - Encapsulation improved the stability of Sahoo (2014)
lycopene during process.
- The sensory properties of the enriched
samples were better than control.
Noodle Lactobacillus plantarum Fructo oligosaccharide (FOS), Freeze drying - Mixture FOS and DWPI was selected as the Rajam et al. (2015)
(MTCC 5422) Denatured whey protein isolate best wall materials.
(DWPI), Whey protein isolate - Drying temperature influenced the
(WPI), Mixture of FOS and WPI, survival of probiotics.
Mixture of FOS and DWPI - The physicochemical properties of
probiotic noodles were acceptable.
Noodle L-5- Modified starch Spray drying - Encapsulation enhanced the stability of L- Liu et al. (2015)
methyltetrahydrofolate 5-methyltetrahydrofolate during the
making and cooking process.
- The amount of L-5 methyl tetrahydrofolate
in free and encapsulated forms in cooked
noodles was about 162 and 345 μg/100 g,
Noodle Fish oil Sodium alginate, Carrageenan Spray drying - The efficiency of encapsulation and the Jeyakumari et al. (2017)
along with gelatin and size of microcapsules were in the range of
maltodextrin 84.22–87.86% and 1.76–19.7 μm,
- Sodium alginate was selected as the wall
Spaghetti Pumpkin oil α-cyclodextrin Freeze drying - The nutritional and functional properties Durante et al. (2019)
of spaghetti were improved.
- Encapsulation improved the stability of
some functional compounds such as
carotenoids during preparation.
- The texture properties of the samples
enriched with microcapsules were better
than the samples enriched with free oil.
- The sensory properties of the
supplemented product were acceptable.
Pasta Spirulina Alginate Spray drying - Encapsulation efficiency was 87.6%. Zen et al. (2020)
- The encapsulation preserved the
antioxidant properties.
- The overall liking of the enriched samples
was acceptable.
Turkish Bacillus clausii Alginate Extrusion - The number of B. clausii was sufficient to Kalkan et al. (2020)
noodle create the functional properties in noodle.
- Sensory evaluation indicated that the
probiotic noodles were more desirable
than control samples.
Pasta Chia seed oil Soy protein isolate Freeze drying - Incorporation of microcapsules had no González et al. (2021)
significant effect on the properties of pasta,
such as optimal cooking time, cooking loss,
and texture of cooked pasta.
- Water absorption, swelling index and
breaking force (uncooked pasta) decreased
with the addition of microcapsules.
- Encapsulation displayed a protective effect
against oxidation.

L. Kamali Rousta et al. Trends in Food Science & Technology 118 (2021) 688–710

the latter to coat hydrophilic ingredients (McClements, 2015). Indeed, Organoleptic behavior of some bioactive ingredients used in the
any core material must be mixed in its homologous phase before pasta fortification adversely affects the overall acceptance of final
emulsification. Large-scale production and capability to form small product by consumers. Accordingly, consumers will prefer the non-
capsules (100 nm–100 μm) are the most important advantage of this functional counterpart of a similar product because it has a better
encapsulation method (Fangmeier et al., 2019). taste, smell, and appearance. For example, the use of fish oil as an
Generally, emulsions can be prepared by two different approaches: excellent source of omega-3 fatty acids in pasta is limited due to its
homogenization devices (such as high shear mixers, colloid mills, high- unfavorable taste and high sensitivity to oxidation. These drawbacks can
pressure valve homogenizers, microfluidization, ultrasonic homoge­ be defeated by encapsulation. In this regard, Jeyakumari, Zynudheen,
nizers, etc.) and low-energy methods. Homogenization equipment apply Murthy, and Parvathy (2017) microencapsulated fish oil in sodium
intense disruptive forces causing the breakup of oil (or water) droplets alginate or carrageenan along with gelatin and MD (core: wall: 1: 4) by
and disperse them into the water (or oil) phase. Low-energy methods SD and incorporated capsules into noodles. Based on their results, the
rely on the internal chemical energy of emulsion formulation and only microcapsules prepared with sodium alginate were more stable than
simple stirring (McClements, 2015; Nejatian & Abbasi, 2019). The those made of carrageenan. Sensory analysis revealed that incorporation
processing parameters (energy intensity), and the compositional factors of fish oil microcapsules up to 2% had no obvious influence on taste of
(the nature of the oil and water phase and emulsifier as well as their noodles (Jeyakumari et al., 2017).
concentration) play a determinative role in the formation and final The encapsulation has also been used to enhance the retention of
properties of microcapsules and also emulsion stability (Rafiee et al., fortified food ingredients during pasta cooking. This effect is the result of
2019). It is possible to dry emulsions using the SD or FD methods and decreasing leaching extent, and improving recovery of encapsulated
finally producing the powder product. ingredients compared to the free form. Additionally, encapsulation
techniques protect the core material from the surrounding medium,
3. Application of encapsulated ingredients in different cereal- which in turn increases their thermal stability. In one study, significantly
based products higher total carotenoids was found in cooked pasta supplemented with
pumpkin oil/cyclodextrin inclusion complexes compared with that
3.1. Pasta containing the free form of the oil (Durante et al., 2019). However, it is a
crucial point for the food industry that developing a functional pasta by
Several studies have been done on pasta fortification using encap­ encapsulation technology should not adversely affect its texture and
sulated bioactive compounds, as summarized in Table 1. cooking properties as much as possible. To this end, appropriate
As can be seen from Table 1, various encapsulated bioactive in­ amounts of encapsulated ingredients and effective wall materials are
gredients have been so far incorporated into the pasta formulation, such required.
as essential fatty acids and oils, vitamins, and lycopene. For this purpose, For example, the possibility of producing functional pasta was
the powdered encapsulated materials, as a raw ingredient, were usually studied by microencapsulating chia oil with the aid of soy protein isolate
added to the product formulations. Two properties of encapsulated (SPI) and a laboratory scale FD (González et al., 2021). Investigation of
materials contribute to obtaining a uniform concentration of ingredients cooking characteristics showed that texture (cooked pasta), cooking
in the formulation; (1) fine and free flowing powder of encapsulated loss, and optimal cooking of all samples were similar and did not affect
compounds is better dispersed throughout the flour, (2) the wall mate­ by microcapsules or free oil integration. The swelling index, water ab­
rial also served as a bulking agent that allowed the components to mix sorption and breaking force of enriched samples with microcapsules or
easily, providing much better mix and even dispersion to achieve tar­ free oil were lower than control. It was proposed that the lower water
geted levels (Liu, Green, & Kitts, 2015). absorption could be attributed to the effect of SPI on the water distri­
Many bioactive ingredients are prone to degradation under pasta bution and decreasing its accessibility for starch gelatinization. It has
manufacturing and cooking processes leading consequently to their low also been shown that the interaction of oil and amylose is effective in
bioavailability. Pasta-making procedure includes several operation units reducing water absorption. Also, the reduction in swelling index could
such as mixing or kneading, extruding and drying during which the be a consequence of the protein network shaped that restricts starch
pasta matrix is continuously exposed to heat, air and water which lead to swelling (González et al., 2021).
some degradation of bioactive compounds from thermal hydrolysis and In addition to the bioactive ingredients, pasta-base products have
oxidation. However, encapsulation technology largely protects the in­ been used as carriers for probiotic microorganisms. Considering the
gredients from deterioration. For example, encapsulation into modified health benefits of probiotics, the possibility of using them in noodles was
starch by SD provided higher retention of L-methyltetrahydrofolate investigated by Rajam, Kumar, Prabhasankar, and Anandhar­
compared to its free form after the kneading process (80% against 70%) amakrishnan (2015). In this study, based on the protection of probiotics
(Liu et al., 2015). Also, Sahoo (2014) microencapsulated lycopene from throughout the storage period (60 days at 4 ◦ C) and in simulated
tomato waste through SD using sucrose and GA as wall materials and the gastrointestinal conditions, the mixture of fructooligosaccharides and
microcapsules were added into the noodles. The results showed that denatured WPI was selected as the best wall materials for encapsulation
encapsulation significantly increased the stability of lycopene during the of Lactobacillus plantarum (MTCC 5422) by FD. The cooking properties,
producing process so that its degradation rate in the free and encapsu­ texture, color, and other sensory characteristics of noodles containing
lated forms was 38.8 and 1.66%, respectively (Sahoo, 2014). Very probiotics were also acceptable. The bacterial survival of fresh noodles
recently, González et al. (2021) compared the stability of chia seed oil (a was higher than dried samples. After cooking, bacterial viability in fresh
rich source of omega-3 fatty acids) as the encapsulated or naked form noodles was 62.42%, while no probiotic was observed in the dried
against oxidation by loading into the pasta formulation. After pasta samples. The authors proposed that the moisture content in fresh noo­
production, the encapsulation exhibited a perfect protective effect (hy­ dles could protect probiotic microcapsules against thermal decomposi­
droperoxide value 0.48 vs. 1.14 meq O2 kg− 1 oil) on the control oil (with tion during the cooking (Rajam et al., 2015).
hydroperoxide value of 0.37 meq O2 kg− 1 oil). However, Verardo et al. In another study, Piyadasa and Perera (2019) recommended that the
(2009) reported that the loading the encapsulated omega-3 fatty acids in survival of probiotics depends on the production process, cooking
spaghetti formulation did not prevent its oxidative degradation over one method, cooking time, temperature, and product matrix. They found
year storage. The authors proposed that a photoselective packaging that during cooking, some bacteria were released into the water and
strategy may be useful in preventing oxidation, because this biochemical their viability reduced. In this regard, Bacillus clausii was micro­
interaction may occur mostly on the product surface (Verardo et al., encapsulated in alginate via extrusion and then embedded into Turkish
2009). noodle (Erişte) (Kalkan, Mustafa, Köksal, & Bozkurt, 2020). The number

L. Kamali Rousta et al. Trends in Food Science & Technology 118 (2021) 688–710

of B. clausii in the dough, after shaping and after cooking was in the cakes (Gonçalves et al., 2017; Kringel et al., 2020). For example, the
range of 9.99–11.06, 9.35–10.11, and 5.02–5.10 log CFU/g, respec­ potential of using nanocapsules containing butcher broom extract as a
tively. Overall, the number of B. clausii was sufficient to create the natural antifungal agent in cakes showed that MD + GA could preserve
functional properties in this product. Sensory evaluation also indicated the bioactive compounds of extract and increased the shelf life of cake
that the probiotic noodles were more desirable than conventional sam­ due to its wall resistance at baking temperature (Mahmoudi, Tava­
ples (Kalkan et al., 2020). koilpour, Roozbeh-Nasiraie, & Kalbasi-Ashtari, 2020). In another study,
Kringel et al. (2020) reported that microencapsulated orange essential
3.2. Cakes oil retarded the microbial spoilage of cakes for 120 days. On the con­
trary, Kringel, Lang, Dias, Gandra, & da Rosa Zavareze, 2021 reported
Several encapsulated compounds have been used in the formulation that the addition of encapsulated orange essential oil could not inhibit
of cakes (Table 2). the growth of Aspergillus flavus in cakes. These results could be related to
As an example, the emulsions of fish oil-in-milk were prepared by the maintenance of the essential oil into the β-cyclodextrin cavity or a
ultrasonication, dried by SD using sodium caseinate, MD, and soy pro­ small amount of essential oil that is not adequate to prevent the growth
tein as wall materials and incorporated into cake formulation. Based on of A. flavus. However, improving the crumb texture of cakes and
the results, microcapsules made of sodium caseinate caused more reducing the digestibility of starch were expressed as the benefits of
oxidative stability than others which was attributed to their smaller using orange essential oil microcapsules in cakes (Kringel, Lang, Dias,
particle size (5 μm) (Santhanam, Lekshmi, Chouksey, Tripathi, & Gandra, & da Rosa Zavareze, 2021).
Gudipati, 2015). In fact, reducing the particle size enhances the stability Considering the literature, the use of encapsulated bioactive com­
of emulsions, preserves the oil in the dried powder and enhances the pounds instead of free molecules improves the nutritional value as well
encapsulation efficiency, increasing oxidative stability (Hogan, McNa­ as antimicrobial and antioxidant activities of enriched cakes with the
mee, O’Riordan, & O’Sullivan, 2001). lowest adverse impact on their sensory and physicochemical attributes.
The use of encapsulated bioactive compounds from extracts or by- According to Table 2, it can be concluded that the best methods for
products to enrich cakes has also been investigated in several studies. encapsulation of bioactive compounds and their application in cake
For instance, blueberry juice and its extract rich in flavonoids were formulations are SD and FD, respectively. Also, MD and GA are more
microencapsulated in MD and GA by SD and FD and then added to cake common wall materials used.
(Turan, Cengiz, & Kahyaoglu, 2015). According to obtained results,
using the ultrasonic nozzle improved stability of microencapsulated 3.3. Biscuits
blueberry’s bioactive compounds compared to conventional nozzle.
Furthermore, sensory evaluation showed that there were no significant As shown in Table 3, encapsulated bioactive compounds have been
differences between the control and enriched samples in terms of taste, used to promote the shelf life and functional properties of biscuit.
hardness and overall liking score (Turan et al., 2015). Similar results Biscuit was employed as a carrier for enrichment with enclosed
have been reported by Luca, Cilek, Hasirci, Sahin, and Sumnu (2014) ascorbic acid and the highest protection was observed by microcapsules
who micro/nanoencapsulated phenolic compounds from sour cherry obtained from SD (Alvim, Stein, Koury, Dantas, & Cruz, 2016).
pomace extract using GA + MD as wall materials and then incorporated Furthermore, encapsulation prevented the formation of dingy stains on
them into cakes. They demonstrated that encapsulation was effective in the products as a consequence of thermal degradation or oxidation of
masking the undesirable taste of phenolic compounds. In another study, ascorbic acid. In contrast, Shrestha, Arcot, Dhital, and Crennan (2012)
Elsebaie and Essa (2018) demonstrated that the incorporation of red reported that the encapsulation of L-methyltetrahydrofolate by a
onion peel extract microcapsules into the cake improved antioxidant mixture of pectin and alginate (ratio 80: 20) using SD had a slight pro­
activity, content of phenolic compounds and also qualitative charac­ tective effect on this compound during the baking of biscuits.
teristics of product because of protective impact of encapsulation on The role of encapsulation in protection of probiotics in biscuits has
bioactive compounds and their performance during baking. been already reported. In this regard, Muzzafar and Sharma (2018) re­
Due to the various health benefits of probiotics, their use in cake ported that as a result of encapsulation, the bacterial viability in biscuits
formulations has also been studied. As an example, Arslan-Tontul, Erbas, reached to > 8 Log CFU/g after 8 weeks (Muzzafar & Sharma, 2018)
and Gorgulu (2019) applied encapsulation in order to promote the which is enough to create functional characteristics in the product
survival of Lactobacillus acidophilus, Saccharomyces boulardii, and Bifi­ (Zomorodi, Asl, Rohani, & Miraghaei, 2011). Also, higher survival rate
dobacterium bifidum and demonstrated that capsules obtained by SD of microencapsulated Lactobacillus rhamnosus in comparison with its free
(inner layer, with a mixture of GA and β-cyclodextrin) and spray chilling cells has been reported during the production and storage of biscuits at
(outer layer, with hydrogenated palm oil), improved the viability of 23 C for 14 days (Reid, Champagne, Gardner, Fustier, & Vuillemard,
S. boulardii and L. acidophilus during the baking of cakes. The results of 2007).
this study suggested that L. acidophilus, and S. boulardii can be employed Addition of encapsulated bioactive compounds of natural by-
for production of probiotic cakes (Arslan-Tontul et al., 2019). Similarly, products into biscuit formulation can delay the oxidation of lipids,
protection of probiotic bacteria against high temperatures was reported enhance nutritional value and prolong the shelf life of biscuits. As an
by Dong, Luan, and Thuy (2020a). Moreover, encapsulation had good example, Dordoni et al. (2019) revealed that it is feasible to incorporate
capability to protect lactobacillus plantarum ATCC8014 during baking encapsulated grape skin extract produced by SD and MD as a wall ma­
(200 ◦ C, 10 min) and storage (4 ◦ C, 10 min) of cupcakes. In another terial into biscuit and with the addition of microcapsules at the highest
research, these authors showed that encapsulation enhanced the concentration (3.5% of dough weight), the total phenolic content and
viability rate of probiotics during baking, storage, and when exposed to antioxidant activity of biscuits increased up to 133 and 244%, respec­
gastric digestion conditions (in vitro). During simulated gastric fluid, tively (Dordoni et al., 2019). In another study, Papillo et al. (2019)
carrageenan particles coated by skim milk were also more effective than fabricated microcapsules bearing phenolic compounds from cocoa hull
their mixed form in preserving L. plantarum (Dong, Luan, & Thuy, extract using MD and/or GA as wall materials by SD and embedded them
2020b). into biscuit, as an efficient approach to protect phenolic compounds
A major problem in the bakery industry is the spoilage of products. during the processing and storage of biscuit (V. A. Papillo et al., 2019).
One way for extending the shelf life of the bakery products is use of Similar results have been reported by Papillo et al. (2018) who fortified
preservatives. Because of the adverse effects of chemical preservatives biscuits with microencapsulated black rice (Oryza sativa L., var. Arte­
on human health and bakery products, researchers attempt to substitute mide) extract in order to improve the dietary intake of bioactive com­
these components with natural ones such as extracts and essential oils in pounds such as anthocyanins. Based on their results, simultaneous use of

L. Kamali Rousta et al. Trends in Food Science & Technology 118 (2021) 688–710

Table 2
Application of encapsulated food ingredients in different cakes.
Core material Wall material Encapsulation method Results References

Lycopene Modified starch Spray drying - Encapsulation efficiency ranged from 21 to 29%. Rocha, Fávaro-Trindade,
- Storage temperature had significant effect on the and Grosso (2012)
lycopene retention.
- Encapsulation enhanced stability of lycopene.
Sour cherry pomace Mixture of Arabic gum and Freeze dying - Encapsulation enhanced the stability of phenolic Luca et al. (2014)
maltodextrin compounds during baking and storage and also had
a progressive influence on the in vitro digestibility
and hygroscopicity.
- Addition of capsules had no significant effect on
sensory/physical properties of the cakes.
- The reduction rates of phenolic compounds in micro
and nanoencapsulated forms were 10 and 15%,
respectively (during storage, relative
- The stability of micro/nanocapsules during baking
was similar.
Fish oil Sodium caseinate, Maltodextrin, Spray drying - The highest encapsulation efficiency was 77.28%. Santhanam et al. (2015)
Soy protein - Cake fortified with fish oil microcapsules prepared
with sodium caseinate had the highest oxidative
stability, sensory score and content of EPA and
β-carotene Arabic gum, Almond gum Freeze dying - Compared to gum Arabic, almond gum provided Mahfoudhi and Hamdi
more protection for β-carotene. (2015)
- Relative humidity had a significant effect on the
degradation of β-carotene.
- Resembling distribution of the color was obtained
by using β-carotene capsules.
Gac oil Mixture of Arabic gum and whey Spray drying - With increasing storage period and storage Tuyen, Nguyen, Roach,
protein temperatures, the rate of degradation of β-carotene, and Stathopoulos (2015)
color, and lycopene, as well as peroxide value
- The color properties of the enriched cakes were
stable for up to 4 months.
Blueberry juice and its Maltodextrin, Mixture of Spray dying with - Microcapsules obtained by ultrasonic nozzle were Turan et al. (2015)
extract maltodextrin and Arabic gum conventional/or more similar in terms of size and form.
ultrasonic nozzle, Freeze - The amount of phenolic compounds and
drying antioxidant properties of blueberry extract
microcapsules obtained by freeze drying and
ultrasonic nozzle was higher than conventional
Orange and lemon peels Maltodextrin, Arabic gum, Freeze dying - Nanoencapsulation improved the thermal stability Mahmoud et al. (2016)
extract Mixture of them of orange peels extract (from 73.6 to 231.8 ◦ C).
- The highest encapsulation efficiency (97.62%) was
achieved by a mixture of maltodextrin (8%) and
Arabic gum (2%).
- Samples containing nanocapsules of orange peel
extract showed the highest antioxidant properties
during storage (60 days, 4 ◦ C).
- The sensory scores of the enriched samples were
Thyme essential oil Mixture of gelatin and Arabic Coacervation - Encapsulation efficiency was about 85%. Gonçalves et al. (2017)
gum - Minimal inhibitory concentration for the free oil
was higher than that of encapsulated oil.
- The minimum shelf life of cakes containing thyme
extract was 30 days.
Red onion peel Maltodextrin, Soybean protein Freeze drying - The highest encapsulation efficiency (94.30%) was Elsebaie and Essa (2018)
isolate, Mixture of boath obtained by using a mixture of maltodextrin and soy
protein isolate.
- Encapsulation improved the stability of phenolic
- Cakes containing soybean protein isolate
microcapsules showed better physicochemical and
sensory characteristics.
Curcumin Phospholipid Coating of micronised - The supplemented cornstarch with 10% curcumin- Ferreira, Chaves, Dacanal,
carriers loaded lyophilized liposomes was prepared by a and Pinho (2018)
high shear technique using maltodextrin as a
- The granules formed by wet agglomeration were
spongy and orbicular with high flowability.
- Maltodextrin and liposomes had no significant
effect on bulk structure of cornstarch.
- Curcumin encapsulated in liposomes could be used
as a functional ingredientd in the production of cake
(continued on next page)

L. Kamali Rousta et al. Trends in Food Science & Technology 118 (2021) 688–710

Table 2 (continued )
Core material Wall material Encapsulation method Results References

Orange peel essential oils Sodium alginate Emulsion extrusion - Enriching the cake with essential oil (free and Hussein et al. (2019)
(micro), homogenization micro/nanoencapsulated forms) had no effect on
(nano) the chemical composition of the product except
- The volume and weight of the cakes increased with
- Compared to the control, the hardness of the
fortified cakes was lower while their springiness
and gumminess were higher.
- Using different forms of essential oil in cakes can be
useful to increase storage stability and retard
- During storage, encapsulation improved the
stability of antioxidants.
Saccharomyces boulardii, Mixture of Arabic gum and Spray drying and spray - Combination of spray chilling and spray drying Arslan-Tontul et al. (2019)
Lac acidophilus, and β-cyclodextrin, Hydrogenated chilling (double-layered) methods could be considered as a good technique
Bifidobacterium bifidum palm oil for increasing the bacterial viability.
- Spray chilling was more effective than spray drying
in protection of probiotics during storage in cream-
filled and marmalade-filled cakes.
Sodium bicarbonate Not reported Not reported - Encapsulation of bicarbonate affected the release of Diez-Sánchez, Llorca,
carbon dioxide. Tárrega, Fiszman, and
- This approach and its combination with the Hernando (2020)
leavening agents had an effect on the size of the
bubbles and the quality of the cake.
- Pyrophosphate neutralizes adverse effects of high-
fiber ingredients in cake texture.
Orange essential oil Zein and β-cyclodextrin Anti-solvent precipitation - Orange essential oil (OEO) showed high Kringel et al. (2020)
inclusion complex and electrospraying antimicrobial properties against all the Aspergillus
species examined.
- Encapsulation efficiency of zein: β-cyclodextrin/
OEO and β-cyclodextrin/OEO complex was similar
- The shelf life of cakes increased from 30 to 150.
Butcher broom extract Mixture of Arabic gum and Freeze drying - The particle sizes and encapsulation efficiency were Mahmoudi et al. (2020)
maltodextrin 95.17 nm and 80.48%, respectively.
- During storage (45 days, 20 ◦ C), antioxidant and
antimicrobial activities of samples enriched with
butcher broom extract nanocapsules were higher
than control samples and samples containing free
Lactobacillus plantarum Alginate, Mixture of Pectin and Emulsion - Encapsulation protected L. plantarum during baking Dong et al. (2020a)
ATCC8014 alginate, Alginate and and its concentration in cupcakes was higher than 5
maltodextrin, Alginate, pectin log CFU/g.
and maltodextrin - The probiotic acted as a biopreservative in the
cupcake and at the end of the storage time (10 days,
4 ◦ C), the amount of L. plantarum was higher than 6
log CFU/g.
- Encapsulation protected bacteria in simulated
gastrointestinal fluids.
- Enrichment with encapsulated probiotics had no
undesirable effect on sensory properties of
Lactobacillus plantarum κ-carrageenan combined with Emulsion - The size of microcapsules prepared with a mixture Dong et al. (2020b)
ATCC 8014 skim milk, Carrageenan coated of carrageenan and skim milk (MCS) was larger
by skim milk than the particles prepared with carrageenan
coated by skim milk (CCS).
- The encapsulation efficiency of the samples
prepared with CCS and MCS was approximately
89.25 and 93.50%, respectively.
- Bacterial viability decreased at baking temperature
while storage temperature (14 days, 4 ◦ C) had no
effect on their survival.
- Enrichment with encapsulated Lactobacillus
plantarum (up to 5%( had no significant effect on the
sensory properties of cupcakes.
- Encapsulation enhanced the stability of L. plantarum
during baking, storage, and when exposed in gastric
digestion (in vitro); better protection was achieved
by carrageenan coated with skim milk.
Cinnamon oil Zein Anti-solvent precipitation - Butter was partially replaced by Pickering Feng et al. (2020)
+ Homogenizer emulsions enriched with cinnamon essential oil
(CEO) in the production of pound cakes.
- Pickering emulsion was stabilized by CEO zein
nanoparticle (ZN).
(continued on next page)

L. Kamali Rousta et al. Trends in Food Science & Technology 118 (2021) 688–710

Table 2 (continued )
Core material Wall material Encapsulation method Results References

- The color and texture of the samples containing 20 g

of ZNS, 15 g of vegetable oil (VO), and 5 g of CEO
were similar to the control sample.
- CEO significantly reduced the growth of molds and
- Substituting 20% of butter with 20 g of ZNS, 15 g of
VO, and 5 g of CEO Pickering emulsion improved
the shelf life of the cake (4 day) without changing
its color and texture.
β-carotene Maltodextrin, Mixture of Freeze drying - Sodium caseinate-stabilized emulsion encompass­ No, Shin, and Mun (2020)
maltodextrin and Arabic gum ing β–carotene was obtained.
- Maltodextrin and Arabic gum had no significant
effect on the particle diameter of the emulsion.
- The composition of the wall and the ratio of the core
to wall had a great impact on the encapsulation
efficiency and water dispersibility.
- The highest encapsulation efficiency of the
emulsion powder was obtained from maltodextrin
at a core/maltodextrin ratio of 1:2.
- The encapsulated β-carotene was stable during the
preparation of the rice cake.
Hazelnut oil Skim milk Spray Drying - The amount of microcapsules had a great impact on (Emlek et al., 2021)
the physicochemical properties of fortified cake,
such as moisture content, color, and texture.
- By increasing the amount of microencapsulated
hazelnut oil, the values of L* and b* decreased
- The maximum hardness of product was achieved by
a complete replacement of hazelnut oil (free form)
with their microcapsules.
Orange essential oil β-cyclodextrin Co-precipitation - Encapsulation efficiency was 97.4%. Kringel, Lang, Dias,
- Unlike orange essential oil microcapsules, free Gandra, & da Rosa
essential oil showed antifungal activity. Zavareze, 2021
- Hardness and starch digestibility were lower in
cakes containing encapsulated essential oil
compared to samples with free one and control
- 60% of panelists preferred samples enriched with
free essential oil compared to samples containing its
encapsulated form.

GA and MD (50:50 w/w) as wall materials could preserve phenolic attributes.

compounds against decomposition during storage (at − 20 ◦ C for 30 In addition to fortification, some additives such as flavors and fats
days) and baking, better than MD or GA alone. Cooking had a significant have been employed in encapsulated form to improve the technological
effect on reducing the amount of phenolic compounds, anthocyanins, properties of biscuits (Fadel, Hassan, Ibraheim, Abd El Mageed, & Saad,
and antioxidant characteristics (Papillo et al., 2018). These findings are 2019; O’Brien, Chapman, Neville, Keogh, & Arendt, 2003). In this re­
in agreement with recent results obtained by Mendes et al. (2021) who gard, Fadel et al. (2019) revealed protective effect of encapsulation on
fortified cassava starch biscuits with jabuticaba seed extracts micro­ cinnamon oil as a natural flavor and endogenous volatiles during baking
capsules. Opposite results were obtained by Gomez-Mascaraque (2017), and storage.
who assessed the effect of encapsulation on the stability of bioactive O’Brien et al. (2003) reported the significant effect of encapsulation
compounds of green tea after baking the enriched biscuits. They found of vegetable fat via SD using WPI and WPC on the biscuits characteristics
that during a thermal process (180 ◦ C, 720 s), encapsulation retained and suggested produced microcapsules as a suitable substitute for fat or
about 85–90% of the primary amount of catechins, while in the real oil in the commercial production of biscuits (O’Brien et al., 2003).
conditions of biscuit production, encapsulation had no significant pro­ Similar results have been reported in a study on the effect of margarine
tective impact on catechins. This was attributed to the incomplete or butter replacement by loaded high-fat on the characteristics of dough
extraction of catechins from biscuits containing microcapsules and the and final product (Wehrle, Gallagher, Neville, Keogh, & Arendt, 1999).
interactions between biscuit ingredients and wall materials To control the spreading, the researchers recommended that these mi­
(Gómez-Mascaraque et al., 2017). crocapsules should be used in combination with other additives such as
Recently, encapsulation has been successfully applied for increasing emulsifiers in biscuits (Wehrle et al., 1999).
the stability of polyunsaturated fatty acids when applied as a food ad­ In conclusion, encapsulated bioactive compounds such as phenolic
ditive in biscuits (Takeungwongtrakul & Benjakul, 2017; Umesha, compounds, probiotics and polyunsaturated fatty acids are valuable
Manohar, Indiramma, Akshitha, & Naidu, 2015). For instance, Umesha choices for designing functional biscuits. The findings of previous
et al. (2014) displayed that encapsulation significantly improved the studies can be applied to choose an appropriate ingredient for
stability of the α-linolenic acid of Garden cress (Lepidium sativum) seed manufacturing functional biscuits. According to the results, different
oil during baking and storage of biscuit. In another study, Take­ factors such as special product properties, condition of process, any in­
ungwongtrakul and Benjakul (2017) reported that the thickness of bis­ teractions between wall materials, bioactive compounds and other in­
cuits decreased at higher levels of encapsulated shrimp oils but their gredients, and storage conditions should be considered for the
hardness, redness, yellowness, and spread ratio increased. Overall, the encapsulation of bioactive compounds and their application in biscuits.
fortification was possible up to 6% for achieving acceptable sensory As shown in Table 3, spray drying was the most commonly used

L. Kamali Rousta et al. Trends in Food Science & Technology 118 (2021) 688–710

Table 3
Application of encapsulated food ingredients in different biscuits.
Core material Wall material Encapsulation Results References

Fat Sodium caseinate, Whey Spray draying - The thickness and brightness of samples containing Wehrle et al. (1999)
protein concentrate microcapsules was less than the control.
- By increasing the amount of protein in powder, the
sheeting conduct of the dough improved.
- The microcapsules had a positive effect on shelf life
of biscuits by reducing water activity.
- High-fat encapsulated fats can be considered as a
substitute for oil and fish oil.
- Encapsulated high-fat powders can be considered as
a substitute for fat/oils.
Vegetable fat Whey protein isolate, Spray drying - The thickness and brightness of samples containing O’Brien et al. (2003)
Whey protein concentrate microcapsules was < the control.
- The microcapsules obtained from low
homogenization pressure and whey protein
concentrate as the wall material and included 5%
protein had similar characteristics to the
hydrogenated vegetable fat.
- Encapsulated high fat powders can be applied as a
substitute for fat/oil.
Lactobacillus rhamnosus Whey protein isolate Freeze drying - Encapsulation improved the stability of probiotic Reid et al. (2007)
bacteria during storage.
Ferrous sulphate and potassium Hydrogenated palm oil Spray cooling - The particle size of the capsules was approximately Biebinger et al. (2009)
iodate 40 μm.
- Consumption of fortified biscuits had health benefits
such as increased levels of the body iron stores,
serum ferritin, and median urinary iodine
concentration in consumers.
5-Methyltetrahydrofolic acid (5- Mixture of pectin and Spray drying - The highest encapsulation efficiency (68.6%) was Shrestha et al. (2012)
CH3THF) alginate obtained from microcapsules prepared with pectin
and alginate ratio of 80:20.
- Temperature and time of baking had a significant
impact on the reducing the amount of 5-CH3THF.
- Encapsulation had no effect on increasing the
stability of 5-CH3THF at 200 and 220 ◦ C.
Garden cress seed oil Whey protein concentrate Spray drying - Encapsulation efficiency and particle size of powder Umesha et al. (2015)
were 64.8% and 15.4 μm, respectively.
- Retention of α-linolenic acid improved by
- The overall acceptability of the samples was
Ascorbic acid Arabic gum, Mixture of Spray drying, - The loading efficiency for both methods was higher Alvim et al. (2016)
hydrogenated vegetable spray chilling than 97%.
fats and stearic acid - Microcapsules obtained by spray drying were more
stable than spray chilling ones.
Green tea extract Zein, Gelatin Electrospraying - The encapsulation efficiency was about 90%. Gómez-Mascaraque et al. (2017)
- Encapsulation had no significant effect on the
protection of catechins during processing of biscuit
- Incorporation of the encapsulated green tea extract
had no significant effect on the overall liking of the
Shrimp oil Mixture of glucose syrup, Spray drying - The highest hardness was observed in the samples Takeungwongtrakul and
fish gelatin, and sodium containing 9–12% of shrimp oil microcapsules. Benjakul (2017)
caseinate - By adding microcapsules, redness and yellowness
increased on the surface of product.
- The best enrichment level was 6% and the fortified
product should be kept in the dark
Lactobacillus acidophilus, Guar gum, Xanthan gum Freeze drying - The mixture of guar gum, inulin, dextrose, Muzzafar and Sharma (2018)
Lactobacillus rhamnosus, and sunflower oil, and tween 80 (T1) had a greater effect
Bifdobacterium bifdum on bacterial survival compared to mixture of
xanthan gum, maltodextrin, sucrose, sunflower oil
and tween 80 (T2).
- The overall liking of biscuits fortified with
probiotics encapsulated in T1 were greater than
samples encapsulated in T2.
Italian black rice Maltodextrin, Arabic gum, Spray drying - The mixture of maltodextrin and Arabic gum (50:50 Papillo et al. (2018)
Combination of both w/w) was better in protection phenolic compounds
than applying them alone during the storage at
− 20 ◦ C for at least 30 days.
- Baking had a significant effect on the reducing
content of phenolic compounds, anthocyanins and
antioxidant activities.
Red beetroot pomace extract Soy protein isolate Freeze drying - Enrichment with microcapsules enhanced the
amount of beating, isobetanin, and phenolic
(continued on next page)

L. Kamali Rousta et al. Trends in Food Science & Technology 118 (2021) 688–710

Table 3 (continued )
Core material Wall material Encapsulation Results References

compounds, as well as antioxidant activity of water Hidalgo, Brandolini,

biscuits. Čanadanović-Brunet, Ćetković,
- Encapsulation showed a protective effect on and Šaponjac (2018)
bioactive compounds during processing.
Grape skin extract Maltodextrin Spray drying - Total phenolic content and antioxidant activity were Dordoni et al. (2019)
improved with the incorporation of microcapsules
into biscuits.
- During cooking, 16% of the phenolic compounds
were reduced
- Enrichment had a significant effect on the sensory
properties and the preference of the panelists was
Cinnamon oil Maltodextrin Spray drying - Encapsulation maintained cinnamon oil better than Fadel et al. (2019)
propylene glycol.
- The treatment containing microcapsules had a
higher sensory score compared to the sample with
cinnamon oil dissolved in propylene glycol.
Ginger oil Gum acacia Spray drying - Encapsulation efficiency and the size of particles Kadam, Jaju, Bhosle, and
were 95% and 42.1 μm. Aralkar (2019)
- To maintain this compounds in the biscuit, the
optimum temperature and baking time were 180 C
and 12–15 min, respectively
Cocoa hull extract Arabic gum, maltodextrin, Spray drying - Encapsulation enhanced the stability of phenolic (V. A. Papillo et al., 2019)
and their combination compounds and antioxidant properties.
- Maltodextrin was chosen as the best wall material
and its ratio to core was 80 to 20.
Chlorella vulgaris and Spirulina Maltodextrin Freeze drying - The protein content of Spirulina (78.02% DW) was Mayasari, Raya, Dwyana,
platensis higher than Chlorella (47.45% DW). Anshar, and Arif (2019)
- Core/maltodextrin ratios of 1:1.75 and 1:2 w/w
were selected as the optimum ratio for
encapsulation of Chlorella and Spirulina,
- Compared to regular biscuits and biscuits containing
Chlorella, the highest rate of growth was observed in
mice fed with Spirulina biscuits.
Jabuticaba extracts Sodium alginate Extrusion - The highest amount of phenolic compounds in Mendes et al. (2021)
microcapsules was about 16.02 mg gallic acid
equivalent per gram of extract and after the thermal
process, the minimum reduction of these
compounds was about 20%.
- Based on the amount of phenolic compounds and
encapsulation efficiency, 3.41 mL of core and 1.25%
of wall were selected as the optimum conditions for
- During thermal process (180 ◦ C), encapsulation
improved the stability of the antioxidants.
Spirulina maxima biomass Octenyl succinic Spray drying - 20% of the prepared microcapsules could be da Silva, do Valle, and Perrone
anhydride sturch incorporated into vegan biscuits without loss of its (2021)
sensory properties.
- Enrichment with microcapsules (20%) improved the
protein content of biscuit by about 40% compared to
the control.
- Fortified product was introduced a source of iron.

technique for the encapsulation of bioactive compounds, which can be stability of SP microcapsules was higher than WP ones during baking
explained by its advantages such as flexibility and low cost. Also, MD, which could be explained by high protein content of SP. Additionally,
GA, and whey protein were common wall materials that have been the sensory properties of the enriched products were favorable. Simi­
applied in encapsulation systems to improve the stability of functional larly, the high overall acceptability of cookies fortified with sour cherry
ingredients. microcapsules has been reported by Petrović et al. (2016).
In another work, Petrović et al. (2019) investigated the effect of flour
replacement with microcapsules composed of SP and WP on the physical
3.4. Cookies
properties of cookie dough and indicated that SP microcapsules
remarkably influenced the rheological and textural features of dough in
Cookies have been fortified with encapsulated form of different
contrast to WP ones. Generally, the type of wall materials and substi­
bioactives and nutrients to solve problems related to direct use of their
tution level of flour had a significant effect on the physical properties of
free counterparts (Table 4). As an example, fortification of cookies with
the dough (Petrović et al., 2019). In a study by Kaewmaanee and Jen­
sour cherry pomace extract microcapsules, rich in anthocyanins, has
nifer (2020), the highest total phenolic content and antioxidant activity
been studied by various researchers (Petrović et al., 2019; Petrović,
were observed in cookies fortified by SPI microcapsules containing
Lončarević, Šaponjac, Pajin, & Zarić, 2016; Šaponjac et al., 2016).
Moringa oleifera leaf extract. The authors suggested that phenolic com­
Šaponjac et al. (2016) encapsulated sour cherry pomace extract by FD
pounds of fortified cookies were probably absorbed in the intestinal
using whey proteins (WP) or soy proteins (SP) as wall materials and
system because they were more released in the intestinal tract
incorporated them into cookies. The results showed that the thermal

L. Kamali Rousta et al. Trends in Food Science & Technology 118 (2021) 688–710

Table 4
Application of encapsulated food ingredients in cookies.
Core material Wall material Encapsulation method Results References

Grape seed extract Mixture of mesquite gum and Spray drying - Enrichment improved the antioxidant properties of cookies. Davidov-Pardo et al. (2012)
zein, Mixture of maltodextrin - The thermal stability of extract increased by encapsulation.
and zein - The color of the extracts was partially covered by
encapsulation while the flavor and aroma were not covered
Sour cherry Whey protein, Soy protein Freeze drying - After baking the retention of phenolic compounds and Šaponjac et al. (2016)
pomace extract anthocyanins in soy proteins was higher than whey.
- Encapsulation improved the storage stability of bioactive
- The sensory properties of enriched samples were acceptable.
Sour cherry Whey protein, Soy protein Freeze drying - With the addition of microcapsules, the hardness, and redness Petrović et al. (2016)
pomace extract increased but the diameter of samples decreased.
- The overall liking of the enriched sample was acceptable.
Fish oil Fish gelatin, Maltodextrin Spray drying - The efficiency of encapsulation with fish gelatin was lower Jeyakumari, Janarthanan,
than maltodextrin. Chouksey, and
- Encapsulation preserved the fish oil against oxidation in the Venkateshwarlu (2016)
- The overall acceptability of samples containing microcapsules
prepared with maltodextrin was higher than samples
containing microcapsules obtained with fish gelatin and
- Enriched samples were softer than control.
Chia oil Carnauba wax Hot homogenization - The encapsulation protected the chia oil from oxidation. de Almeida et al. (2018)
+ Freeze drying - Samples enriched with microcapsules had the lowest puncture
Sour cherry Whey protein, |Soy protein Freeze drying - Whey and soy proteins had opposite impact on the textural and Petrović et al. (2019)
pomace extract rheological properties of the dough.
- Incorporation of soy protein encapsulate into dough increased
the resistance to extension, hardness, viscosity, storage
modulus and loss modulus.
- Addition of microcapsules had no significant effect on the total
phenolic content but the increased content of anthocyanins.
Chia oil Carnauba wax Hot homogenization - By increasing the amount of microcapsules, α-Linolenic acid Venturini et al. (2019)
+ Freeze drying content increased up to 110.41% compared to control.
- During storage, the color stability of sample containing 30% of
microcapsules was the highest (30 days).
- Sensory properties of cookies with 15% microcapsules were
similar to the control.
- Partial replacement of margarine with microcapsules had a
significant effect on the texture characteristics of cookie
dough, while the puncture test results in the final product were
not significantly different.
Black caraway Mixture of glycerol Emulsion - Encapsulation provided good protection for extract against (Soltaninejad &
extract monostearate and canola oil oxidation. Sekhavatizadeh, 2019)
- The brightness of the sample enriched with microcapsules was
lower than other samples.
- The sensory properties of the enriched treatment with
microcapsules were better than other samples.
- After 21 days of storage, the hardness of the control sample
was higher than the sample enriched with microcapsules
Moringa oleifera Soy protein isolate, Pea Spray drying - By increasing the level of microcapsules the total phenolic Kaewmaanee and Jennifer
leaves extract protein isolate content and antioxidant activity increased. (2020)
- Sample enriched with 10% of microcapsules prepared by soy
protein isolate had the highest amount of phenolic compounds
and antioxidant properties.
- Encapsulation improved the stability of phenolic compounds.
- The highest rate of release of phenolic compounds was in the
intestinal tract.
Pomegranate peel Orange wastes powder Spray drying - Large amounts of phenolic compounds were lost during baking Kaderides, Mourtzinos, and
extract (encapsulated form: 65%, free form: 76%). Goula (2020)
- High antioxidant activity was observed in enriched cookies.
Saffron and sea Sodium alginate Spray drying - The encapsulation efficiencies for saffron and sea buckthorn Gani et al. (2021)
buckthorn were 60.30% and 64.66%, respectively.
- Sensory characteristics of enriched cookies were desirable.
- The digestibility of fortified cookies reduced.
- Cookies were produced with a low glycemic index.
- The antioxidant activity of the enriched sample was higher
than the control sample.
Blackcurrant Sodium caseinate Spray drying, freeze - By increasing the level of blackcurrant encapsulates, the total Wu, Hui, Wang, et al. (2021)
concentrate drying phenolic content and antioxidant activity and protein content
- The hardness of the enriched samples was higher than the
control sample.
- Enriched samples were darker than control samples.
(continued on next page)

L. Kamali Rousta et al. Trends in Food Science & Technology 118 (2021) 688–710

Table 4 (continued )
Core material Wall material Encapsulation method Results References

- Particles produced by spray drying were better than those

produced by freeze drying to enrich cookies.
- The starch digestion of fortified cookies reduced.
Blackcurrant Whey protein Spray drying, freeze - Antioxidant properties, anti- hyperglycaemic activity, amount Wu, Hui, Stipkovits, et al.
concentrate drying of phenolic compounds, protein content, and textural features (2021)
were improved by enrichment.
- Particles obtained by freeze drying were better than ones
produced by spray drying to enrich cookies.
- More hypoglycaemic properties were observed in cookies
enriched with particles produced by freeze drying.
Beetroot juice Pumpkin seed oil cake Freeze drying - The technological and sensory properties of fortified cookies Čakarević et al. (2021)
protein were desirable.
- Enrichment improved concentration of phenolic compounds
and betalain in cookies.
- After gastrointestinal digestion, the functional properties of the
enriched samples were improved by the production of new
- The maximum inhibition of α-glucosidase activity was
belonged to the sample containing 20% of the encapsulated
- In contrast to the control sample, fortified cookies had
inhibitory activity on angiotensin-I-converting enzyme (ACE).
Squalene Mixture of whey protein and Emulsion + Spray - Enrichment of cookies with squalene microcapsules improved Kumar et al. (2021)
maltodextrin drying their texture properties and reduced baking loss of product.
- Stronger structural properties were found in samples enriched
with microcapsules.
- Microbiological properties and oxidative stability of the
product were improved with the addition of microcapsules.
- Incorporation of microcapsules increased the browning index
of crust region.

(Kaewmaanee & Jennifer, 2020). acids in the formulation of cookies to improve the health of consumers.
Very recently, Gani et al. (2021) encapsulated bioactive compounds Based on the results of de Almeida et al. (2018), carnauba wax as wall
of saffron (SE) and sea buckthorn extracts (BE) using sodium alginate by material provided good protection against oxidation during baking. The
SD and showed that the antioxidant properties of microcapsules were textural investigation showed that the chia oil acted as a coating on the
lower than their free form. These results could be associated with the flour particles and the puncture strength of enriched samples was lower
entrapment of bioactive compounds into matrix of wall leading to than control.
inaccurate measurement of antioxidant activities (Gani et al., 2021). According to Table 4, there are diverse carriers prepared by proteins,
Similar results have been reported by Ghandehari Yazdi, Barzegar, lipids, and carbohydrates which lead to their utilization in formulation
Sahari, and Ahmadi Gavlighi (2021) who showed that encapsulation of of cookies without impressive undesirable sensory effects. Considering
pistachio green hull extract reduced its antioxidant properties which the literature, the addition of bioactive compounds to cookies not only
could be attributed to the interaction of bioactive compounds with the enhances their functional properties, but also improves their texture and
wall (MD) (Ghandehari Yazdi et al., 2021). Enriching the cookies with physicochemical properties and has a potentially progressive outcome
bioactive compounds of SE and BE reduced their digestion due to the on intestinal absorption. However, there are few studies on the
formation of phenolic compounds-starch complex and decrease of bioavailability and delivery of encapsulated bioactive ingredients and
enzyme accessibility (Gani et al., 2021). These results are in agreement therefore future research should be done on the destination of encap­
with those obtained by Wu, Hui, Stipkovits, et al. (2021) who indicated sulated bioactive ingredients incorporated into formulation of bakery
that blackcurrant encapsulated in sodium caseinate using by SD and FD products such as cookies in the human bodies using in vitro and in vivo
reduced starch digestion of cookies because of the interaction of diges­ studies.
tive enzymes with phenolic compounds. The authors concluded that, SD
is more appropriate for encapsulating blackcurrant concentrate 3.5. Bread
compared to FD due to production of cookies with better functional and
physical attributes (Wu, Hui, Wang, et al., 2021). In contrast to these Many studies have focused on developing fortified bread with
results, Wu, Hui, Stipkovits, et al. (2021) found better results by encapsulated bioactive compounds, probiotics, enzymes and other food
encapsulating blackcurrant concentrate in whey protein using FD (BFD) ingredients. Furthermore, some recent works have specially investigated
when compared with SD (BSD). The enriched cookies with BFD showed the incorporation of encapsulated omega 3- fatty acids in functional
a higher content of phenolic compounds, antioxidant activities, and breads, as summarized in Table 5.
hypoglycaemic properties than cookies with BSD. Also, Čakarević et al. As an example, Beikzadeh et al. (2020) found that addition of flax­
(2021) evaluated cookies fortified with beetroot juice encapsulated by seed oil entrapped in β-glucan and yeast cells into wheat bread formu­
FD using pumpkin oil cake protein. Based on their observations during lation increased G′ and G′′ . However, β-glucan caused a further increase
digestion, fortified cookies had inhibitory activities against α-glucosi­ in these parameters which was attributed to its high water binding ca­
dase and angiotensin-I-converting enzyme (ACE). The gastrointestinal pacity. Also, high viscosity of the dough containing β-glucan led to
digestion created new peptides which enhanced functional attributes of trapping air bubbles within dough, increase of density and lower of
enriched cookies through synergistic action with bioactive compounds volume of bread. Moreover, fortified samples with both forms of oil (free
of beetroot juice. Thus, this product was suggested as a functional food, and encapsulated) exhibited lower lightness in comparison with control
due to its antidiabetic, antihypertension, and antioxidant properties sample. Using yeast cells for enclosing flaxseed oil resulted in higher
(Čakarević et al., 2021). oxidative stability as compared to other samples due to protective effect
Several studies have been conducted on the use of omega-3 fatty of phospholipid membrane of yeast on oil oxidation. Samples fortified

L. Kamali Rousta et al. Trends in Food Science & Technology 118 (2021) 688–710

Table 5
Application of encapsulated omega-3 fatty acids in bread.
Core material Wall material Encapsulation method Results References

Tuna oil Commercial source Not reported Increase of omega-3 long chain- Yep, Li, Mann, Bode, and
polyunsaturated fatty acid (PUFA) amounts in Sinclair (2002)
the plasma
Algae oil (in three forms of free, Commercial source Not reported - Reduction in mixing time and water Serna-Saldivar, Zorrilla, De
microencapsulated, and emulsified), Free absorption rate after microencapsulation La Parra, Stagnitti, and
fish oil, Free flax oil, Oil extracted from - Significant effect of microencapsulation on Abril (2006)
the Microorganism Cryptoticodenium density, volume and color of pan bread
connii (free and microencapsulated) - The highest softness related to breads
supplemented with loaded algae oil as
compared to others over two weeks of
Fish oil Methyl cellulose, Soy Spray drying. - No positive effect of microcapsules Davidov-Pardo, Roccia,
protein isolates, composed of methyl cellulose and soybean Salgado, León, &
Calcium-gelatin casein, protein isolates on sensory properties of Pedroza-Islas (2008)
Whey protein enriched bread
concentrate - Presentation of spray drying as better
encapsulation method for enclosing fish oil
n-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids Commercial source Not reported - High EPA (Eicosapentaenoic acid) and DHA Henna Lu and Norziah
(Docosahexaenoic acid) levels and good (2011)
oxidative stability of whole wheat breads
containing microencapsulated n-3 PUFAs
used instead of shortening in the
Flax seed oil High amylose corn Spray drying - Improved stability of fatty acids against Gökmen et al. (2011)
starch thermoxidation during baking via
- Decreasing generation of hydroxyl methyl
furfural and acrylamide in bread after
adding nanoparticles to dough
- Desirable effect of nanoencapsulation on
sensory attributes of supplemented bread
Omega-3 fatty acids, rosemary extract Commercial source Not reported - Decrease of lightness, softness and specific de Conto, Oliveira, Martin,
volume of white pan bread with increasing Chang, and Steel (2012)
microencapsulated omega-3 fatty acids
- A loss in lightness of bread with increment
of loaded extract concentration without any
significant effect on its technological
Flax seed oil, silymarin High amylose corn Emulsion (high- - No undesirable changes on sensorial Mogol, Gokmen, and
starch (70% amylose and pressure characteristics after adding 2.5% of Shimoni (2013)
28% amylopectin) homogenized)+ Spray nanoencapsulated compounds to bread
drying - Enhanced thermal resistance of silymarin
and omega-3 fatty acids during bread baking
upon encapsulation
Linseed oil Arabic gum, Spray drying - The highest encapsulation efficiency, Gallardo et al. (2013)
Maltodextrin Methyl storage stability and protective effect
cellulose, Whey protein against oxidation related to microcapsules
isolate composed of Arabic gum alone or combined
with whey protein isolate and maltodextrin.
- Decrease of α-linolenic acid content in bread
fortified with linseed oil-loaded microcap­
sules made of Arabic gum without any sig­
nificant change in appearance of product
Shrimp oil Whey protein Emulsion + Spray - Slight effect of 3% concentration of Takeungwongtrakul,
concentrate, Sodium drying incorporated shrimp oil on sensory Benjakul, and Aran (2015)
caseinate, Glucose syrup attributes and oxidative stability of bread
along with promotion its nutritional
Fish oil Soybean phospholipids Liposome - Development of undesirable flavor in bread Rasti, Erfanian, and
samples supplemented with free and Selamat (2017)
microencapsulated omega 3- PUFAs in
contrast to those containing fatty acids-
loaded nanoliposomes
- More retention of omega-3 fatty acids and
higher stability against oxidation after
incorporating loaded nanoliposomes into
bread during storage for 7 days compared to
formulations with free and micro­
encapsulated ones
Chia oil Soy protein isolate Freeze drying - Maintenance of sensory characteristics in González, Martínez, León,
traditional breads fortified with and Ribotta (2018)
incorporated chia oil
(continued on next page)

L. Kamali Rousta et al. Trends in Food Science & Technology 118 (2021) 688–710

Table 5 (continued )
Core material Wall material Encapsulation method Results References

- Considerable increase in lipid oxidation of

bread containing free chia oil
- Good stability of samples with encapsulates
against oxidation during baking and storage
Polyunsaturated fatty acid concentrate The phospholipid Liposome - Enhancement of omega-3 fatty acids content Kozlova, Syngeeva,
obtained from seal blubber samples extracted from in bread through encapsulation Zhamsaranova, and
the liver of the Baikal - Prolonged the shelf life, improved sensory Lamazhapova (2018)
seal attributes, and increase in volume of bread
containing loaded omega-3 fatty acids
Fish oil Sunflower oil, Lecithin Liposome - Higher protection of entrapped fish oil Ojagh and Hasani (2018)
against oxidation than free form
- Increase in volume of fortified bread
without any notable change in sensory
attributes via nanoliposomes
Fish oil The combination of Freeze drying - The greatest change in color and texture Hasani, Ojagh, Hasani, and
chitosan and modified related to bread supplemented with 5% fish Ghorbani (2019)
starch oil microcapsules
- Similar sensory scores of bread containing
1% fish oil and control sample
Flaxseed oil Yeast cells or β-glucan Freeze drying - Increase of G′ and G′′ values, density and Beikzadeh et al. (2019)
firmness upon encapsulation
- Lower lightness of fortified samples with
both forms of free and encapsulated oil
- Higher oxidative stability and α-linolenic
acid content of bread by using yeast cells for
enclosing flaxseed oil than those comprising
unsaturated fatty acids-encapsulated
β-glucan and free form of oil
- Lower loading capacity of β-glucan
compared to yeast cells
Fish oil, Garlic oil Soybean lecithin, Whey Emulsion - Better flavor and higher overall Sridhar, Sharma,
protein concentrate acceptability of breads with garlic oil + fish Choudhary, Dikkala, and
oil hybrid microcapsules than those Narsaiah (2021)
containing fish oil hybrid microcapsules
- Significant increase in TBARS amounts and
hardness of bread samples fortified with
hybrid microcapsules during storage time
Garlic oil, Flaxseed oil Soybean lecithin, Whey Emulsion - Higher ability of hybrid microcapsules Kairam, Kandi, and Sharma
protein concentrate comprising garlic oil to minimize amounts (2021)
of secondary oxidation products than
enclosed flaxseed oil alone or in
combination with garlic oil
- More color change of bread samples fortified
with flaxseed oil hybrid microcapsules
compared to samples containing garlic oil
hybrid microcapsules and garlic oil
combined with flaxseed oil
- Acceptable sensory scores of all fortified

with free oil received the lowest sensory scores because of their oily There were no significant differences between microencapsulated forms
nature and unfavorable flavor resulted from oxidation. In contrast, of iron (ferrous lactate and ferrous sulphate) in terms of measured pa­
encapsulated flaxseed oil created no adverse effects on sensory proper­ rameters (Bryszewska et al., 2019).
ties of bread (Beikzadeh et al., 2019). Encapsulation has also been applied to improve thermal stability of
Characteristics of bread containing encapsulated omega 3- fatty some vitamins during bread baking. As an example, L-5-methylte­
acids are dependent on wall material type and encapsulation method. In trahydrofolic acid (L-5-MTHF) remained highly stable (>80%) in white
this regard, Davidov-Pardo et al. (2008) revealed that using methyl bread after baking via SD and skim milk powder as encapsulation
cellulose and SPI as wall material could mask fish taste in bread con­ method and coating agent, respectively. Whey proteins of skim milk
taining loaded fish oil in contrast to WPC and calcium-gelatin casein. powder act as folate-binders and show good ability to sequester tetra­
Also, they introduced SD as a better encapsulation method for enclosing hydrofolates, increasing stability of folic acid. Using sodium ascorbate
fish oil than enzyme cross-linking treatment due to its higher encapsu­ together with skim milk powder had positive effect on the stability of
lation efficiency and easier and faster production of microcapsules. folic acid. Furthermore, loaded folic acid not only exhibited higher
Studies on application of different encapsulated food ingredients in stability at ambient temperature than its free counterpart, but also they
bread are illustrated in Table 6. For instance, encapsulation could displayed uniform distribution within bread dry premix (Tomiuk, Liu,
enhance the bioaccessibility and absorption of iron in bread by pre­ Green, King, Finglas, & Kitts, 2012). Similarly, Liu, Green, Wong, and
venting interaction between dough components and iron and thus Kitts (2013) reported a notable improvement in stability of L-5-MTHF
reduction of bioavailability inhibitors activity, eliminating or reducing during bread making process upon microencapsulation by SD with the
iron deficiency. The highest bioaccessibility (99.31%) and iron transport aid of modified starch as wall material. Dual encapsulation of L-5-MTHF
efficiency (13.78%) were found in bread samples obtained from con­ and ascorbate promoted storage stability of bread and recovery of
ventional (yeast) fermentation containing loaded ferrous lactate and L-5-MTHF after bread baking as compared to free L-5-MTHF. Inconsis­
loaded ferrous sulphate in combination with ascorbic acid, respectively. tent results were reported by Neves et al. (2019) who revealed greater

L. Kamali Rousta et al. Trends in Food Science & Technology 118 (2021) 688–710

Table 6
Application of encapsulated food ingredients in bread.
Core material Wall material Encapsulation Results Reference

Slaughter blood haem Lecithin Liposome - Increment of fat amount in flours after Albaldawi, Brennan, Alobaidy,
encapsulation Alammar, and Aljumaily (2005)
- Improvement of rheological properties of the
dough, stability, volume yield and texture
characteristics of breads fortified with haem-iron
l-5-methyltetrahydrofolic Skim milk powder Spray drying - Preserved folic acid in white bread after baking (Tomiuk et al., 2012)
acid (L-5-MTHF) - Positive effect of sodium ascorbate together with
skim milk powder on the stability of folic acid
- More stability of loaded folic acid at ambient
temperature than its free counterpart
Lactobacillus acidophilus Whey protein isolate, Inulin, Spray drying - Good thermal and storage stability of Altamirano-Fortoul,
pectin, Fresh agave sap, microcapsules coated with starch Moreno-Terrazas,
Carboxymethyl cellulose - Acceptable sensory scores of bread samples treated Quezada-Gallo, and Rosell
with coated microcapsules (2012)
- Considerable impact of starch coating of
microcapsules on bacterial survival, water activity
and textural characteristics of bread
Curcumin Gelatin, Porous starch Spray drying - More solubility and higher thermal stability of Wang et al. (2012)
loaded curcumin than its free one
- Higher inhibitory activity against growth of mold
spores in bread by microencapsulation
Curcumin Cellulose derivative, Spray drying Enhancement of the curcumin bioavailability upon Vitaglione et al. (2012)
Hydrogenated vegetable oil encapsulation
L-5-methyltetrahydrofolic Modified starch Spray drying - Improved stability of L-5-MTHF during the bread Liu et al. (2013)
acid making process upon microencapsulation
- Higher storage stability of bread via dual
encapsulation of L-5-MTHF and ascorbate
Hydroxycitric acid Whey protein isolate, Spray drying - Good retention of hydroxycitric acid (HCA) from Ezhilarasi, Indrani, Jena, and
Maltodextrin, Combination of Garcinia cowa fruit extract and improvement of Anandharamakrishnan (2014)
them bread quality by encapsulation
- Better sensory and texture characteristics, lower
moisture content, larger loaf volume and more
HCA concentration in breads containing
microcapsules prepared from maltodextrin
compared with samples with encapsulates made of
other wall materials
Green tea polyphenols Maltodextrin, β-cyclodextrin, Freeze drying, Spray - Production of particles with lower encapsulation Pasrija, Ezhilarasi, Indrani, and
Combination of them drying efficiency and antioxidant activity by spray drying Anandharamakrishnan (2015)
compared to freeze drying
- Higher encapsulation efficiency and antioxidant
effect in particles made of maltodextrin than other
- Good maintenance of phenolic compounds in
bread samples enriched with loaded green tea
extract without any evident change in its texture
and volume
Chlorogenic acids β-cyclodextrin Inclusion complexes - Higher content of aroma volatiles in the headspace Budryn, Zaczyńska, and Oracz
of bread containing free chlorogenic acids from (2016)
green coffee compared to samples treated with
nanoencapsulated phenolic compounds
- Increase in headspace aroma volatiles content by
using free form of chlorogenic acids in
combination with protein hydrolysates
Lactobacillus acidophilus and Calcium alginate, Hi-maize Emulsion - Higher survival of probiotics in hamburger bun Seyedain-Ardabili, Sharifan,
L. casei resistant starch than white pan bread and Ghiassi Tarzi (2016)
- Greater thermal stability of L. casei compared to
L. acidophilus
- Considerable increase in bacterial viability via
coating encapsulated probiotics by chitosan
- Good stability of incorporated bacteria after 4 days
of storage
- No significant effect of encapsulated probiotics on
texture and flavor of bread
Pea starch Alginate – - Sustained and programmed release of Lu, Donner, and Liu (2018)
carbohydrate from microbeads and enrichment of
resistant starch and slowly digestible starch
fractions in pea bread via encapsulation
Lactobacillus plantarum Reconstituted skim milk, Freeze drying - Remarkable dependence of survival of loaded Zhang et al. (2018)
Arabic gum, Maltodextrin, bacteria on processing conditions including
Inulin moisture content and heat plus properties of wall
(continued on next page)

L. Kamali Rousta et al. Trends in Food Science & Technology 118 (2021) 688–710

Table 6 (continued )
Core material Wall material Encapsulation Results Reference

- The highest stability of probiotic bacteria in bread

related to baking at 100 ◦ C for 15 min after their
distribution in powder form on the dough surface
α-amylase Beeswax Emulsion-congealing - A loss in catalytic activity of α-amylase after Haghighat-Kharazi et al. (2018)
technique encapsulation
- Higher heat and storage stability of loaded enzyme
compared to its free counterpart.
- Superiority of gluten-free breads treated with
loaded enzyme to those containing free one
regarding softness and sensory properties when
stored for 5 days
- Tolerating acidic condition of gluten-free bread by
encapsulated α-amylase
Folic acid Commercial source Not reported - Greater thermal degradation rate of loaded folic Neves et al. (2019)
acid in French-type bread than its free counterpart
because of high surface area of capsules and
locating folic acid on the surface of particles
Ferrous lactate and ferrous Modified starch Spray drying - Enhanced bioaccessibility and iron absorption via Bryszewska et al. (2019)
sulphate encapsulation
- Lower transport efficiency and bioaccessibility in
bread samples containing loaded ferrous lactate
and ferrous sulphate made of sourdough
- No significant effect of iron source type on
measured parameters
Maltogenic amylase Maltodextrin with two dextrose Freeze drying - Improvement of gluten-free bread textural char­ Haghighat-Kharazi et al. (2019)
equivalent: acteristics by preparation of loaded maltogenic
(4–7 and 16.5–19.5) amylase using low amounts of maltodextrin with
4–7 dextrose equivalents (DE) better than unloa­
ded one and those made from large quantities of
maltodextrin DE 16.5–19.5
- No evident effect of DE of maltodextrin on
moisture content and hardness of bread and softer
texture of gluten-free bread treated with both of
them in comparison with those including free
enzyme and control sample
Garlic extract Phosphatidylcholine, Oleic Liposome - Good antimicrobial potential of both free and Pinilla et al. (2019)
acid, Mixture of them loaded extracts toward different fungi species
(Aspergillus niger, Penicillium expansum, Penicillium
herquei, Aspergillus flavus and Fusarium
- Preventing mold growth in bread by garlic acid (in
two forms of free and encapsulated) during storage
for 5 days
- No improvement in antifungal activity of extract
after nanoencapsulation
Maltogenic amylase Maltodextrin, beeswax Solid lipid - Positive effect of microencapsulation on texture Haghighat-Kharazi et al. (2020)
nanoparticles properties, color, volume yield, weight loss and
overall appreciation of gluten-free bread
Kombucha tea sourdough Arabic gum Spray drying Prolonged shelf life at ambient temperature, increase Mohd Roby et al. (2020)
starter of volume yield, decrease of crumb firmness and
improved sensory characteristics of breads produced
by entrapped kombucha sourdough starter in
comparison with yeast bread
Essential oils of Origanum Zein Nanoprecipitation - Good stability of zein nanocapsules bearing da Rosa et al. (2020)
vulgare and Thymus method essential oils in terms of surface charge,
vulgaris polydispersity index, encapsulation entrapment
and antioxidant efficiency when stored for 3
months at 4 ◦ C and 20 ◦ C
- Higher inhibitory activity of loaded essential oils
toward gram-positive compared to gram-negative
- Increase of stability of essential oils against
elevated temperatures applied during bread
baking by nanoencapsulation
Saskatoon berry fruit Maltodextrin, Inulin Freeze drying - Increase of phenolic compounds content and Lachowicz, Świeca, and Pejcz
antioxidant activity of rye bread using saskatoon (2020)
berry fruit powder
- The highest phenolic compounds content and
antioxidant activity related to breads fortified with
3% microcapsules composed of maltodextrin
- Stronger inhibitory effect on lipoxygenase,
α-amylase and α-glucosidase after bread
fortification with 3% free fruit powder compared
to its loaded counterpart
(continued on next page)

L. Kamali Rousta et al. Trends in Food Science & Technology 118 (2021) 688–710

Table 6 (continued )
Core material Wall material Encapsulation Results Reference

- Higher inhibitory ability of 3% microcapsules

consisted of inulin and maltodextrin against
cyclooxigenase-2, acetylcholinesterase and
pancreatic lipase than free form of fruit
- Regardless of fruit powder form (free and
encapsulated), achievement of the highest
sensorial scores by adding 3% concentration of
- Improvement in bioaccessibility of antioxidants of
fruit upon microencapsulation
Saskatoon berry fruit Maltodextrin, Inulin Freeze drying - Improvement of phenolic compounds content and Lachowicz et al. (2021)
consequently antioxidant activity of bread samples
by using both free and incorporated forms of berry
- The highest antioxidant activity related to samples
with 6% microcapsules composed of maltodextrin
- Higher bioaccessibility of antioxidants in breads
fortified with microcapsules than control (without
use of berry) and samples with free form of fruit
- Promotion of thermal stability of bioactive
compounds of fruit during baking through
- Higher inhibitory effect on enzymes including
cyclooxygenase 1, cyclooxygenase 2,
lipooxygenase, α-glucosidase, pancreatic lipase
and α-amylase in breads containing fruit powder
(free or encapsulated forms) compared to control
- The highest inhibitory activity against
cyclooxygenase 1, cyclooxygenase 2 and
acetylocholinoesterase related to breads with 3%
inulin microcapsules
- The best performance against lipooxygenase in
breads with 3% maltodextrin microcapsules
- More inhibitory efficiency toward α-amylase and
α-glucosidase associated with samples containing
free form of fruit than those with encapsulated
- A loss in digestibility of starch and proteins after
addition of fruit powders
- Increase of antidiabetic and inflammatory
activities in breads by applying saskatoon berry as
compared to control sample
Carvacrol Soluble potato starch Electrospinning - A loss in antimicrobial capability of carvacrol upon Fonseca et al. (2021)
- Similar inhibitory effect of 30% loaded carvacrol
on Penicillium sp and Aspergillus flavus
- A reduction in antimicrobial activity by increasing
the nanofibers concentration to 40%
- Fungicidal activity only in concentration of 30%
loaded carvacrol toward Penicillium sp (MFC =
19.6 mg/ml)
- No fungicidal activity of loaded carvacrol against
Aspergillus flavus in contrast to free one
- Better control of microbial growth in comparison
with control by direct addition of nanofibers into
bread dough
- Good potential of bioactive packages with 30%
carvacrol in retarding bread spoilage
Mexican oregano essential Soy lecithin, Corn oil Emulsion - Significant influence of stabilizer type (Arabic gum Salgado-Nava et al. (2020)
oil and high methoxyl pectin) on characteristics of
Mexican oregano essential oil – loaded emulsions
- Lower storage stability of emulsions with pectin
compared to Arabic gum
- No significant change in physicochemical
properties of fortified bagels
- Extension of shelf life of bagels made from wheat
flour and Arabic gum due to good antimicrobial
activity of loaded essential oil
- Acceptable sensorial attributes of beards fortified
with 15% w/w loaded essential oil after baking
and notable reduction of their quality during
storage for 6 days
Olive leaves extract Inulin Spray drying - Lower oil absorption and crispness of vacuum fried Urzúa et al. (2017)
samples than those processed by atmospheric
frying method
(continued on next page)

L. Kamali Rousta et al. Trends in Food Science & Technology 118 (2021) 688–710

Table 6 (continued )
Core material Wall material Encapsulation Results Reference

- Similar phenolic content of all vacuum fried

samples (with free and loaded extract)
- Evident increase of stability of phenolic
compounds in atmospheric fried matrices upon
microencapsulation as compared to those with free
- Superiority of dough matrices with enclosed
extract to samples fortified with their free
counterpart in terms of antioxidant activity
- No significant effect of frying method on
antioxidant activity of samples

thermal degradation rate of loaded folic acid in French-type bread than and control sample which was attributed to their higher moisture con­
its free counterpart because of high surface area of capsules and locating tent, extending shelf life of bread. Moreover, using low amounts of MD
folic acid on the surface of particles. (wall material) with 4–7 dextrose equivalents (DE) resulted in improved
A recent study has proposed nanoencapsulation as a suitable method quality of gluten-free bread as compared to unloaded maltogenic
to increase the stability of essential oils from Thymus vulgaris and Orig­ amylase and those made from large quantities of MD with DE =
anum vulgare (da Rosa et al., 2020). Zein nanocapsules loaded with 16.5–19.5. In terms of color, b* value (yellowness) of crust in breads
essential oils were highly stable in terms of surface charge, poly­ containing MD with high DE was greater than other samples because of
dispersity index, encapsulation entrapment and antioxidant efficiency their higher content of reducing sugars as well as susceptibility to
when stored for 3 months at 4 ◦ C and 20 ◦ C. Moreover, loaded essential Maillard reaction (Haghighat-Kharazi, Milani, Kasaai, & Khajeh, 2019).
oils displayed higher inhibitory activity toward Gram-positive compared Additionally, in a recent work of these researchers, positive effect of
to Gram-negative species due to the presence of a lipopolysaccharide microencapsulation of maltogenic amylase using MD in combination
layer in the membrane of Gram-negative bacteria, decreasing penetra­ with beeswax was approved on textural properties, color, volume yield,
tion of antimicrobial compounds into them. They showed good stability weight loss and overall appreciation of gluten-free bread (Haghighat-­
against high temperatures of baking and prevented decomposition of Kharazi, Kasaai, Milani, & Khajeh, 2020).
essential oils by heat even at 200 ◦ C. No trace of mold and yeast was Some studies have focused on antioxidant and antimicrobial activ­
found in bread fortified with loaded essential oils after three weeks of ities of fruits and plant extracts upon their encapsulation and incorpo­
storage and thus shelf life of these samples remarkably prolonged (da ration into breads. As an example, in the study conducted by Urzúa et al.
Rosa et al., 2020). (2017), protective impact of microencapsulation on stability of phenolic
Similarly, Salgado-Nava, Hernández-Nava, López-Malo, and compounds and antioxidant activity of olive leaf extract applied in at­
Jiménez-Munguía (2020) indicated that shelf life of bagels made from mospheric fried dough matrices based on wheat gluten and starch was
wheat flour and GA extended due to good antimicrobial activity of confirmed (Urzúa et al., 2017).
Mexican oregano essential oil– loaded emulsions without affecting their In a recent study, Lachowicz, Świeca, and Pejcz (2021) also indicated
physicochemical properties. Furthermore, they found that stabilizer that the content of phenolic compounds and consequently antioxidant
type (GA or high methoxyl pectin) significantly influenced characteris­ activity were the highest in bread samples with 6% saskatoon berry
tics of the emulsions such as size, size distribution and viscosity. microcapsules composed of MD as compared to others. Furthermore,
Emulsions with pectin had lower stability during storage compared to bioaccessibility of fruit bioactive compounds (anthocyanins,
ones bearing GA because of their high levels of creaminess. All samples flavan-3-ols and phenolic acids) was higher in breads fortified with
fortified with 15% w/w essential oil obtained acceptable sensorial at­ microcapsules than control and samples with free form of fruit which
tributes after bread baking (zero time), but breads quality reduced was related to preservation of phenolic compounds during bread baking
during storage for 6 days (Salgado-Nava et al., 2020). and inhibition of their unwanted interactions with bread ingredients by
Encapsulation has also been applied to enrich breads with probiotics. encapsulation. Interestingly, encapsulation promoted the thermal sta­
In this regard, Zhang, Chen, Boom, and Schutyser (2018) confirmed bility of bioactives during baking and also fortification level of breads
positive effect of encapsulation on viability of L. plantarum P8 during with fruit powder. The highest inhibitory activity against cyclo­
baking of bread. Generally, survival of loaded bacteria was dependent oxygenase 2 was achieved by microcapsules, indicating their higher
on processing conditions including moisture content and heat plus anti-inflammatory potential compared to unloaded extract (Lachowicz
properties of encapsulation matrix. Regarding bacterial survival, GA was et al., 2021). Pinilla, Thys, and Brandelli (2019) demonstrated that
superior to other protectants (inulin, MD, and reconstituted skim milk) garlic extract-loaded nanoliposomes enabled prolonged shelf life of
owing to its high Tg and low mobility of the molecules in the GA matrix. wheat bread by preserving garlic bioactive compounds and their anti­
Also, the highest stability of probiotic bacteria in bread was observed fungal activity against the high temperature used during bread baking
when exposed to 100 ◦ C for 15 min during baking after its distribution in (Pinilla et al., 2019).
powder form on the dough surface (Zhang et al., 2018). Based on the available literature, omega-3 fatty acids and SD were
Effect of encapsulated enzymes on bread quality has also been the most common bioactive compounds and encapsulation methods
investigated. For instance, Haghighat-Kharazi, Milani, Kasaai, and used for fortification of bread, respectively. Depending on encapsulation
Khajeh (2018) confirmed that gluten-free breads treated with loaded technique, several wall materials have been employed for encapsulation
α-amylase were superior to those containing free one regarding softness, of different compounds and their incorporation into bread formulation;
chewiness and sensory properties when stored for 5 days, showing MD and inulin were the most widely used ones. In general, fortification
protective impact of encapsulation on enzyme during baking. Encap­ of bread with different encapsulated compounds can improve their
sulated α-amylase could also tolerate acidic conditions of gluten-free bioactivity, thermal and oxidative stability as well as shelf life of bread
bread well (Haghighat-Kharazi et al., 2018). In another similar study, as compared to their free counterpart. Encapsulation often influences
these researchers reported softer texture of breads containing loaded physiochemical, rheological and textural properties plus color parame­
maltogenic amylase in comparison with those including free enzyme ters of bread; but appropriate level of fortification with loaded

L. Kamali Rousta et al. Trends in Food Science & Technology 118 (2021) 688–710

compounds prevents undesirable effects on its sensorial characteristics. 4. Conclusion and future trends
Overall, by proper selection of encapsulation method, wall material and
fortification level with loaded compounds not only can defeat draw­ Cereal-based foods are one of the most extensively consumed prod­
backs related to direct addition of free compounds into bread, but also ucts; hence, considered a desirable vehicle for micronutrient fortifica­
make it possible to use various compounds at baking temperatures tion including minerals, omega-3 fatty acids, phenolic compounds, plant
without any notable effects on their stability and performance and extracts, essential oils, flavoring agents, probiotics, enzymes, anthocy­
produce functional bread. anins, carotenoids, etc. However, incorporation of the free form of
bioactive compounds into such food products presents a challenge
because of their loss due to degradation during processing and storage
3.6. Other cereal-based products and their effects on the cooking properties, texture and sensory char­
acteristics of final products. In this paper, we attempted to provide an
In addition to mentioned products, encapsulation can be considered overview of recent developments in using encapsulation methods to
as an efficient approach to overcome limitations of adding sensitive produce functional cereal-based products. Considering the literature,
compounds into cereal-based formulations processed by extrusion. In encapsulation of bioactive compounds is an efficient method to over­
this regard, Wan, Bechtel, and Sathivel (2011) revealed that the highest come the mentioned limitations. Among the encapsulation techniques,
level of omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids as well as L* (lightness) was spray drying was the most commonly used technique for encapsulation
observed in baby foods fortified with loaded menhaden oil as compared of bioactive compounds, which can be explained by its advantages such
to those with free oil and control. Nevertheless, encapsulation caused a as flexibility and low cost.
loss in DHA (Docosahexaenoic acid) content of samples. Besides, sam­ To conclude, encapsulation technology can make a significant rev­
ples containing entrapped oil-emulsions were superior to those with free olution in the bakery sector. However, there are a number of challenges
ones in terms of amount of free fatty acids which was associated with for the commercialization of such products. Although many encapsu­
encapsulation of menhaden oil by ultrasonication (Wan et al., 2011). lated bioactives have successfully been incorporated into bakery prod­
According to Favaro-Trindade et al. (2020), encapsulation preserved ucts on lab scale, they may not be suitable for scale-up to industrial
bioactive compounds of cinnamon extract during extrusion and samples production facilities. For example, special equipment, as well as mate­
containing loaded form of extract had higher bioactive compounds rials used to encapsulate components will definitely increase production
compared to those with its free counterpart. A notable loss in storage costs, in which case the cheap advantage of most cereal products may be
stability of microcapsules was found when exposed to oxygen and at lost. So, economical scalable methods must be identified for the pro­
ambient temperature. Overall, the optimum conditions of extruding duction of carriers and their incorporation into the product. In addition,
fortified cornmeal along with maintenance of bioactive compounds of in academic studies, the toxic aspects of materials used in the encap­
extract during storage were as follow: temperature of 130 ◦ C, residence sulation of components may not be considered. Therefore, prior to being
time of 0.128 s and 0.256 s and shear rate of 500/s and 1000/s able to use these carriers in commercial bakery products, food scientists
(Favaro-Trindade et al., 2020). Similarly, snacks containing loaded need to address chemical safety and legal hurdles associated with their
resveratrol had higher phenolic compounds as well as bioactivity incorporation. With overcoming these concerns, there is no doubt that
(antidiabetic, anti-obesity and antioxidant activities) after extrusion the cereal and bakery industry will play a significant role in the
than those fortified with free ones which approved positive effect of formulation of new functional foods through nano/microencapsulation
nanoencapsulation on thermal stability of resveratrol and production of technology.
nutraceutical snacks (M. Ahmad & Gani, 2021). Beside bioactive com­
pounds, notable improvement in stability of aroma compounds was Role of authors
observed after microencapsulation of 2-Acetyl-1-pyrroline (2AP) zinc
chloride when exposed to various RH values at room temperature. Leila Kamali Rousta Data curation, Investigation, Writing - original
Moreover, using loaded microcapsules as flavoring agent for instant rice draft, Methodology.
were more advantageous in comparison with unprotected ones due to Samad Bobodak Data curation, Investigation, Writing - original
the enhancement of thermal stability and complete retention of 2AP draft, Methodology.
after cooking, gradual and sustained release, high resistance to unde­ Mohammad Nejatian Data curation, Investigation, Writing - orig­
sirable environmental conditions and easy handling (Yin & Cadwal­ inal draft, Methodology.
lader, 2019)., The viability of encapsulated probiotics in extrudates has Amir Pouya Ghandehari Yazdi Data curation, Investigation,
also been investigated. As an example, Moumita et al. (2017) demon­ Writing - original draft, Methodology.
strated the enhancement of gastrointestinal resistance and survival of Zahra Rafiee Data curation, Investigation, Formal analysis, Writing -
loaded probiotics. Probiotics displayed high survival rate in the syn­ review & editing.
biotic microcapsules (composed of bacterial culture and mushroom Jianbo Xiao Validation, Visualization, Writing - review & editing.
extract) embedded in cereal health mix as a dry food and it was the Seid Mahdi Jafari Conceptualization, Project administration, Re­
highest for L. plantarum and L. bulgaricus (Moumita et al., 2017). This sources, Supervision, Validation, Visualization, Writing - review &
finding is in agreement with the results of Ashwar, Gani, Gani, Ahmad, editing.
and Shah (2021) who confirmed survival of Lactobacillus casei entrapped
using resistant starch type 4 (RS4; chemically modified starch) under
Declaration of competing interest
extrusion process. According to their results, microcapsules caused no
adverse effect on sensory properties of rice flour fortified with RS4.
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