Peace Ed 1
Peace Ed 1
Peace Ed 1
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Submitted By: Sharmaine Grace L. Dimara
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III. Activity: Evaluating the Kalinga concept of Peace
The activity will increase your knowledge about the Kalinga concept of peace. Make a paper
regarding the Kalinga peace concept as embedded in its CORE values of Paniyaw, Ngilin and
Bain/fain. You may confer with your co-teachers, friends or interview elder relatives in your
community to enrich your discussion.
Kalinga Concept of Peace
“When our community is in a state of peace it can share that peace with neighboring
communities”. To achieve freedom from fear of crimes or violence between individuals or group,
a peace pact system was instituted to ensure harmonious relationship among the sub tribes of the
province and outside it.
Bódong is the traditional peace agreement in Kalinga. The bodong is a treaty of two tribes that
have agreed to formulate rules (laws) that will negotiate their relationship with each other.
Through this bodong, the safety of the people is ensured, when they travel and the existence of
justice when a member of the tribe does something bad to a member of the other tribe.
Drafting is a long process because the Pangat (elders) of the two sub tribes will talk and argue for
several days. The Pagta (written laws) contains the provisions of the agreement, the boundaries
of the tribe or ili covered by it, and the persons responsible for implementing and upholding the
agreements. In the past, the memorials were memorized and passed down to each new
Kalinga people believe that life is sacred and should be protected. This cultural values of the
Kalinga people are very important because it can dictate the people’s way of life. This core
values are paniyaw, ngilin and bain.
Paniyaw refers to the core belief which is centered on the concept of a supreme being called
kabunyan. Ngilin refers to relationship of man with his fellow men. Bain refers to proper attitude
towards other people. These cultural values are like Kalinga version of the commandments of
God. It is a timeless practice of keeping the peace among the Kalinga people.
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IV. Assessment: Briefly answer the following:
1. According to Johan Galtung peace is both negative and positive. Discuss and briefly
explain why.
As they say nobody and nothing is perfect, even peace is not an exemption. Let’s take life as an
example, life is not perfect as you expected there are and there will always be imperfect
moments that will come. But if everything was perfect, we would never learn and we would
never grow.
Peace is positive when there are understanding, kindness and love and it is Negative when there
are oppression and conflicts; Positive and negative they are both at the same time.
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