Kinetics of Hydroxymethylfurfural, Lactulose and Furosine Formation in Milk With Different Fat Content
Kinetics of Hydroxymethylfurfural, Lactulose and Furosine Formation in Milk With Different Fat Content
Kinetics of Hydroxymethylfurfural, Lactulose and Furosine Formation in Milk With Different Fat Content
Thermal processing of milk not only guarantees a micro- the reduction of a product quality parameter without any
biologically safe and shelf-stable product, but can also knowledge of the actual time-temperature profile of the
cause substantial changes in the nutritional, organoleptic heating process. As the definition implies, identification of
and/or technological properties, of which, many have been TTIs requires an extensive study of their kinetics (Taoukis
extensively reviewed in literature (Burton, 1988; Schaafsma, & Labuza, 1989 ; Hendrickx et al. 1994; Van Loey, 1996).
1989). To evaluate the adequacy of the wide range of heat In this context we analysed formation kinetics of
processes used in the dairy industry, knowledge of the hydroxymethylfurfural (HMF), lactulose and furosine in
process impact (in terms of food safety and quality) on milk detail (Claeys et al. 2001). Kinetics could be described by
is required. Moreover, knowledge of the impact could also a pseudo-zero order model, i.e. concentration increased
provide a reliable basis for any legislative proposal on milk linearly as a function of time (up until a certain time). A first
quality and for controlling milk authenticity in terms of assessment of kinetic parameters was made by isothermal
processing. experiments. Next, estimated parameters were evaluated
Due to limitations of in situ methods, it is current practice under dynamic temperature conditions since industrial
to quantify the effect of a heat treatment on food products thermal processes are generally characterized by a non-
by use of physical mathematical methods or by use of time- isothermal heating up and cooling down phase. However, if
temperature integrators (TTIs) (Van Loey et al. 1996). The TTIs are to be used as general markers for heat processed
latter are heat sensitive components extrinsic or intrinsic milk, kinetics need to be evaluated for variability associated
to the food product, which show a time- and temperature- with the raw material as well.
dependent, easily measurable and irreversible change that Among factors that influence thermally induced chemi-
can be correlated to the changes of a target attribute of a cal changes in milk are: (i) protein and sugar concentration,
food (a safety or quality parameter) undergoing the same e.g. formation of furosine is, in contrast to lactulose, highly
temperature exposure. One of the major advantages of TTIs dependent on protein concentration, and is therefore ex-
is that they allow calculation of the process lethality or pressed as mg/100 g protein (Montilla & Olano, 1997;
Rattray et al. 1997) ; (ii) salt concentration and pH. Citrate
*For correspondence; e-mail: and phosphate were found to catalyse the formation of
86 WL Claeys and others
Table 1. Kinetic parameters kref (reaction rate constant at reference temperature, Tref ) and Ea (activation energy) for the formation of
hydroxymethylfurfural, lactulose and furosine in heated whole, semi-skimmed and skimmed milk. (See Data Analysis section for
Values for kref and Ea ± standard error for n = 28
of HMF and lactulose was studied at 90 8C and 120 8C, correlated. In Fig. 1a, 90 % joint confidence regions clearly
formation of furosine at 90 8C and 130 8C. At each tem- overlap indicating similar formation kinetics for HMF in
perature, sampling proceeded at two end points of the three types of milk. Seemingly, milk fat content has no
observation domain and was repeated seven times. To influence on HMF formation.
exclude an initial phase of non-isothermal heating as a This can also be illustrated by a practical-oriented
consequence of warming up of the milk in the vials, the first example. Morales et al. (2000) measuring average HMF
sampling point was taken at 3 min when temperature in amounts in on-line heat-treated milk samples, observed
the vials had reached a constant value (as verified exper- a mean HMF value of 2.5 mmol/l in pasteurized milk, 5.6
imentally). The mean of the concentrations measured in the and 8.7 mmol/l in directly and indirectly UHT-heated milk
corresponding milk samples was used as reference (C0 in respectively, and 22 mmol/l in sterilized milk. Considering
eqn (1)). the latter amount, corresponding time temperature combi-
Kinetic parameters kref and Ea were computed by one nations are presented by the TTT-diagram in Fig. 2a. From
step non-linear regression and are summarized in Table 1. this diagram it is clear that when the same processing tem-
Differences in kinetics between whole, semi-skimmed and peratures are applied to whole, semi-skimmed and skim-
skimmed milk were evaluated by means of 90% joint med milk, similar processing times are needed to attain the
confidence regions (Fig. 1). These are a more accurate rep- same level of HMF formation.
resentation of the statistical confidence associated with the Similar conclusions were drawn by Berg (1993), who
model parameters than the commonly applied individual examined HMF formation in UHT-milk with 0.1, 1.5, 3.0,
confidence intervals, because they take the possible cor- 4.2 and 4.6 % fat. In contrast however, are the observations
relation between the simultaneously estimated parameters of Morales & Jiménez-Pérez (1999). Studying HMF forma-
into account. When correlation between parameters is high, tion in lactose/caseinate model systems and in milk with
a parameter pair may be well within the rectangular domain different fat contents, they observed a negative effect of
defined by the separate 95 % confidence intervals, but may milk fat content on total HMF formation in both systems,
be very unlikely to occur since it is very far outside of after pasteurization as well as after direct UHT and ster-
the 90 % joint confidence ellipse. Individual confidence ilization. A different behaviour was found for formation of
intervals are suitable only for describing the limits of a free HMF, which was enhanced at higher fat concentra-
single parameter without regard of the other parameter tions. Total and free HMF are produced through different
(Haralampu et al. 1985; Van Loey, 1996). Next, tempera- pathways. While free HMF is formed only through
ture time tolerance (TTT-) diagrams were constructed, in decomposition of lactulosyllysine in the Maillard reaction,
which curves connect those time temperature conditions total HMF can also be formed by degradation of lactose.
leading to the same level of HMF, lactulose or furosine Formation of free HMF is small compared to formation
formation (Fig. 2). of total HMF, and probably not a reliable measure for
Based on a 95 % individual confidence level, no sig- the occurrence of the Maillard reaction. In spite of the
nificant differences were observed for HMF formation kin- protective effect of fat on total HMF formation observed
etics in whole, semi-skimmed and skimmed milk (Table 1). by Morales & Jiménez-Pérez (1999), Ea values of total HMF
However, 90 % joint confidence regions are better tools formation did not differ for varying fat contents, which is in
of comparison since kinetic parameter values were highly line with our observations.
88 WL Claeys and others
In(t) (min)
kref ( mol/l, min)
+1 2·5
85 95 105 115 125
0·65 T (°C)
102000 112 000 122 000
Ea (J/mol) 5 (b)
In(t) (min)
kref (g/l, min)
0·030 2
0·025 80 90 100 110 120 130
T (°C)
102000 107 000 112 000 117 000 2
Ea (J/mol)
10·5 1
In(t) (min)
kref (mg/100g protein, min)
10·0 0
9·5 –1
9·0 +2 –2
+3 85 95 105 115 125 135
8·5 T (°C)
Results reported in literature on the effect of milk fat skimmed milk. In case of lactulose formation, it is mainly
content on lactulose formation are rather contradictory and the salt system that is responsible for most of the lactulose
contain no explicit kinetic data. In agreement with our formed during thermal processing of milk and not so much
results are those of Berg (1993), Andrews (1984) and Geier the protein fraction (Montilla & Olano, 1997).
& Klostermeyer (1983), who observed no effect of milk Although significant differences were observed between
fat content on the formation of lactulose during heating. kinetic parameter values for furosine formation in whole,
Contrary are the observations made by de Koning et al. semi-skimmed and skimmed milk, in practice they seem to
(1990), who reported substantially higher lactulose forma- be negligibly small as can be illustrated by the TTT-diagram
tion (40–50 %) in milk with 3 % fat compared to milk with in Fig. 2c. Furosine concentrations found in samples of
1.5 % fat subjected to the same UHT treatment. Pellegrino Belgian consumption milk ranged from 4 to 7 mg/100 g
(1994) on the other hand, observed a protective effect of fat protein for pasteurized milk, from 35 to 109 mg/100 g
against heat-induced formation of lactulose. The difference protein for direct UHT-heated milk, from 168 to 180 mg/
between lactulose formed in whole and in skimmed milk 100 g protein for indirect UHT-heated milk, and from 220
was more apparent after a direct UHT process (19–31 %) to 372 mg/100 g protein for sterilized milk (Van Renter-
than after an indirect UHT process (3–5%), making the ghem & De Block, 1996). Although differences in process-
author suggest that – next to the major role of the type of ing conditions are clearly reflected by the furosine content,
process – the effect of fat will be more effective against low an overlap in furosine content is observed between the
heat damage. different heat classes, except for pasteurized and UHT-
With regard to furosine formation, based on a 95 % heated milk. The TTT-diagram in Fig. 2c represents those
individual confidence kinetic parameter values differed temperature time combinations leading to a furosine con-
significantly in whole, semi-skimmed and skimmed milk tent of 8 mg/100 g protein, a level that has been discussed
(Table 1). As depicted in Fig. 1c, 90% joint confidence by the European Union as a limit for peroxidase-positively
regions of simultaneously estimated parameters kref and Ea pasteurized milk (Clawin-Rädecker & Schlimme, 1995).
are separated. Since correlation between kref and Ea was From this diagram it is clear that the influence of fat on
low, 90 % joint confidence ellipses coincide approximately furosine formation is fairly insignificant ; at an equal pro-
with the rectangular domain formed by the individual 95 % cessing time processing temperatures differ less than 1.5–2
confidence intervals associated with each parameter. Fur- deg C for formation of the same amount furosine in whole,
osine formation seemed to proceed faster (higher k110 8C semi-skimmed and skimmed milk, which is an acceptable
value) and to be less temperature sensitive (lower Ea) in milk deviation in the context of process impact quantification.
with a higher fat content. Since Ea values differ, Arrhenius Pellegrino (1994) however, observed a similar protective
curves will intersect at a point where the effect of milk effect of milk fat on furosine formation as she did for lac-
fat on furosine formation is inverted. In the temperature tulose formation. The protective effect was explained by a
region studied, there appears to be a positive correlation difference in heat load between whole and skimmed milk.
between fat content and furosine formation, while above Fat content would affect viscosity of milk and so hinder
that region ( > 130 8C) an opposite trend is expected the transfer of heat. This explanation does not agree with
(assuming extrapolation is justified). our observations, since fat content did not have any affect
A possible explanation for the fact that an effect of fat whatever on HMF or lactulose formation kinetics, which
was observed on furosine and not on HMF or lactulose have a higher temperature sensitivity than furosine.
formation kinetics is the difference in the pathway involved. The main objective of this study was to evaluate to what
In heated milk lactulose is mainly formed by lactose iso- extent milk fat content jeopardizes the applicability of
merization (Lobry de Bruyn – Alberda van Ekenstein or LA HMF, lactulose and furosine as intrinsic TTIs. To diminish
transformation), while furosine is formed during acid as much as possible other factors next to fat content, a single
hydrolysis of lactulosyllysine, an Amadori product of the batch of milk was used. Based on data from literature no
Maillard reaction. HMF is a result of both the Maillard unambiguous conclusion could be drawn ; milk fat content
reaction and the isomerization reaction. Although, in milk has been reported to have a synergetic as well as antag-
the route of HMF formation is mostly the LA transformation onistic effect, or no effect at all on the formation of the
(Berg, 1993; Morales et al. 1997). The early Maillard chemical compounds studied in this paper. From our results
reaction and lactose isomerization are affected differently milk fat content appeared to have no effect on HMF or
by milk composition and heating conditions (Berg, 1993 ; lactulose formation. Although a significant difference was
van Boekel, 1998). During heating, denatured serum pro- observed for furosine formation kinetics in whole, semi-
teins initiate binding to micellar k-casein via disulphide skimmed and skimmed milk, the difference was too small to
bonds. Native fat-globule proteins contain cysteine and be relevant. HMF, lactulose and furosine thus seem gen-
can therefore interact with denatured serum protein. When erally applicable as intrinsic TTIs for the evaluation of
milk is heated, the amount of proteins associated with the consumption milk.
fat globules increases (Morales et al. 1995). This kind of However, given that milk composition is subjected to
interaction could explain the somewhat lower temperature seasonal variation and that fat content is not the only vari-
sensitivity of furosine formation in whole compared with able, variations observed in this study need to be evaluated
90 WL Claeys and others
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