Ge11 Reviewer
Ge11 Reviewer
Ge11 Reviewer
of warriors to maintain safety way of
History of Opportunity. As living. People exploit this opportunity
discussed in the previous section, the as Kings award warriors who bring
term entrepreneurship was invented victory with land and slaves.
last 17th century. However, many
archaeological evidence can prove The Craftsman’s Age: As war
that business activity exists since the become a common event in society,
prehistoric times and it experiences some people (peasants who are too
continuous evolution. As this happens, smart but not aggressive to become
opportunity tend to evolve also warriors) realized that Kings and
depending on the changes occurred warriors will not plunder or kill them.
on human activity and behavior. Thus, Thus, these people exploit this
it can be implied that in terms of opportunity by offering their ability to
evolution entrepreneurship and create decorative crafts and make
opportunity have positive correlation. things beautiful and attractive.