Pre Lecture Activity
Pre Lecture Activity
Pre Lecture Activity
Statement Number Visual Learning Preference Auditory Learning Preference Physical/Kinesthetic Learning
1 5
2 5
3 5
4 2
5 5
6 3
7 1
8 5
9 5
10 2
11 2
12 5
13 3
14 5
15 5
16 4
17 2
18 5
19 5
20 1
21 2
22 3
23 2
24 4
TOTAL 30 31 25
Instructions: Reflect and answer the following guide questions and submit to the
assigned folder in Google class together with the accomplished 2 forms on The Unique
Fruit In Me and Learning Style Inventory.
2. What did you learn about your learning characteristics and personality traits in The
Unique Fruit In Me? What learning preferences did you discover in Learning Style
Inventory? Having my own personal preferences highlighted and being able to
glimpse some of the traits that other people possess can serve as an eye-opener for
me. It can help me to understand my preferences and the preferences of other
people, and how or why these might be different. And I believe that knowing my
personality type can change my life in so many ways. If I can do that, I will be able
to know where I belong and what I need to do to be successful, whether in
academics or in life. I also need to understand my strengths and weaknesses and
learn how I can leverage them to achieve what I want in life. Fortunately, taking a
personality test can help me unravel my strengths and weaknesses. Apart from this, I
got to know that I am an auditory learner, which I think is somehow accurate. I
found myself learning more by listening and hearing. I understand and remember
things I have heard rather than seen. I store information by the way it sounds, and I
have an easier time understanding spoken instructions than written ones. As an
auditory learner, I probably hum or talk to myself or others if I become bored. And
people sometimes think I am not paying attention, even though I may be hearing
and understanding everything being said. It is said that this will help us kids enhance
our critical listening, thinking, and comprehension skills. Thus, auditory learning helps
brainstorm better, improve focus, pay better attention, and have better