SIP Design Template 2023 2025
SIP Design Template 2023 2025
SIP Design Template 2023 2025
School ID
School Address
School Year 2023-2025
The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog. The quick brown fox
jumps over the lazy dog. The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog. The
quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog. The quick brown fox jumps over
the lazy dog. The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog. The quick brown
fox jumps over the lazy dog. The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog.
The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog. The quick brown fox jumps
over the lazy dog. The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog. The quick
brown fox jumps over the lazy dog. The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy
dog. The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog.
Table 1. x x x x x x x x x Page x
Table 2. x x x x x x x x x Page x
Table 3. x x x x x x x x x Page x
Table 4. x x x x x x x x x Page x
Illustration 1. x x x x x x x x x Page x
Illustration 2. x x x x x x x x x Page x
Illustration 3. x x x x x x x x x Page x
Illustration 4. x x x x x x x x x Page x
Content Check:
Documentation of the Vision Sharing activity, their aspirations for the school
and learners and their insights on DepEd VMV and Core Values
List of roles and responsibilities of all SPT members
SPT Timetable
Suggested number of pages: 1 to 2
Additional references: ESIP Guidebook (pages 4-10) and SIP
Instructional Video 1 (Preparatory Phase)
The Vision Sharing is a reflective activity where the SPT internalizes the DepEd VMV and Core Values.
The School Head or other SPT member facilitates the activity to draw out the aspirations of all
members that will contribute to the attainment of school goals and objectives.
This chapter presents a brief discussion on the school and community data
that were gathered, organized, and assessed using the templates provided in
the ESIP Guidebook. The school must ensure that these data are accurate
and updated to be able to capture the school’s current needs. In the
discussion, emphasize the connection of these data with the school’s current
It has five (5) sections, namely: school external context, school’s current
situation, priority improvement areas, general objectives, targets, and root
This covers the internal factors covering the four pillars and enabling
mechanisms. The qualitative/narrative discussions (based on SWOT) shall
consider the indicated data and the school initiatives in addressing identified
challenges on KPIs. Tables and graphs may be part of the annexes.
A. Four Pillars
All school-age children, out of school youth, and adults accessed
relevant basic learning opportunities
1. All five-year old children attend school
Net Enrolment Rate
Gross Enrolment Rate
2. All learners stay in school and finish key stages
3. All out-of-school children and youth participate and
complete formal or non-formal basic education learning
Transition Rate
Retention Rate
School Leaver Rate
Cohort Survival Rate
ALS Completion Rate
Disadvantaged school-age children and youth, and adults
benefited from appropriate equity initiatives
Learners complete K to 12 basic education, having successfully
attained all learning standards that equip them with the necessary
skills and attributes to pursue their chosen paths
1. Learners attain Stage 1 (K to 3) learning standards of
fundamental reading and numeracy skills
% of learners attaining at least the minimum level of
proficiency (nearly proficient – 50%) in Reading and
Listening comprehension increased
% of learners achieving at least the minimum level of
proficiency in:
- English
- Filipino
- Mother Tongue (except Tagalog)
- Numeracy
2. Learners attain Stage 2 (Grades 4 to 6) learning standards
in required literacy and numeracy skills and apply 21st
century skills to various real-life situations
% of learners attaining at least the minimum level of
proficiency in Stage 2 literacy and numeracy
3. Learners attain Stage 3 (Grades 7 to 10) learning standards
in required literacy and numeracy skills and apply 21st
century skills to various real-life situations
% of G10 learners attaining at least the minimum
level of proficiency in Stage 3 literacy and numeracy
4. Learners attain Stage 4 (Grades 11 to 12) learning with
knowledge and 21st century skills developed in chosen core,
applied and specialized SHS tracks
% of G12 learners attaining at least the minimum
level of proficiency in Stage 4 SHS core areas
5. Learners in the ALS attain certification as Elementary or
JHS completers
Completion Rate
Graduation Rate (G6 completers/G6 enrolment)
% of ALS A&E Passers
B. Enabling Mechanism
In the Planning Worksheet (Annex 5), align the PIAs in column 3with the
appropriate learning stages and intermediate outcomes in column 2,
e.g. PIA is “low English literacy” (column 3) must be aligned with IO5
“learners attain learning standards” (column 2).
General Objectives
There are processes involved prior to the conduct of the actual Root Cause
Analysis (RCA), like the conduct of FGDs and interviews with learners and
other stakeholders, and analysis of specific school process involved in the
assigned PIA to identify storm clouds and area of focus. These are not
required to be included in this Section, but shall be part of the Annexes of
the SIP.
A focused problem/area can have several root causes, write in this Section
the results of the Prioritization of Root Causes using the checklist
provided in Annex 8 (ESIP Guidebook, page 98). Write in column 5 of the
Planning Worksheet the identified root causes for the PIAs.
In the Planning Worksheet, write the target(s) for each objective statement,
and identify if this will happen in Year 1, Year 2, or Year 3 of the SIP cycle
(columns 6th to 8th).
Planning Worksheet
To enlighten the readers who were not involved in the SIP preparation, write
three to four sentences describing the contents of the fully accomplished
Planning Worksheet.
Suggested number of pages: 3-5
Additional references: ESIP Guidebook (pages 11-21) and SIP
Instructional Video 2 (Assess Phase)
The duration of projects vary depending on the timelines set for the
identified PIAs. It is important to make these projects manageable to
provide the team with immediate results that the school can celebrate (if
these are successful) or improve (if these do not meet the target). Thus, in
cases where there are major projects that would need a long time to
implement, the Project Team should subdivide this into smaller, more
manageable projects.
Content Check:
List of Solutions
Project Work Plan and Budget Matrix (Annex)
Annual Implementation Plan Year 1 (Annex)
Additional references: ESIP Guidebook (pages 22-26) and SIP
Instructional Video 3 (Plan Phase)
Key Data
Purpose of Timeline (Year
M&E and Person/s
M&E and
Initiatives Information Involved
Initiatives Quarter/Month)
1. Baselining
and Data
2. Assessment
& Provision
of TA to
and non-
3. Evaluation
of PPAs cum
(please add
rows if
Additional references: ESIP Guidebook (pages 27-30) and SIP
Instructional Video 4 (Act Phase)
1. Access
2. Equity
3. Quality
4. Resiliency & Well-being
5. Enabling Mechanisms
Physical Target
(Historical Data)
2017- 2018- 2019- 2022- 2023- 2024-
2018 2019 2020 2023 2024 2025
B. Implementation Plan
1. Implementation Milestones
Phase 1. Formation of the Plan
Phase 2. Plan Execution
Curriculum Implementation
School Operations and Management
Phase 3. Revisit, Review and Refine
Phase 4. Sustaining Performance
2. Communication Plan
This ComPlan outlines communication activities, engagement
tools, and strategies in details to assist the School Planning Team
to effectively communicate and disseminate the PPA’s report,
deliverables, technical assessments, and key messages derived
from the ongoing and future activities.
Key Player/
Objectives Activity Strategy/ Timetable
3. Risk Management
This section identifies and manage the pre-identified risks for the
whole phases of program planning and implementation.
Submitted by:
School Head
_________________________ _________________________
PSDS Parent Supervisor