Mohitverma MBM Testengineer CV
Mohitverma MBM Testengineer CV
Mohitverma MBM Testengineer CV
2019–2023 M.B.M Engineering College,
Information Technology, Bachelors of Engineering, Aggregate – 8.81 CGPA.
2017–2018 Kendriya Vidyalaya No.5 Jaipur,
Senior Secondary School Examination, Aggregate – 86.4 %.
2015–2016 Kendriya Vidyalaya No.5 Jaipur,
Secondary School Examination, Aggregate – 10 CGPA.
May Crypto Currency Tracker | JavaScript, Node.Js, Express.Js, .
2022–Ongoing { Aim was to build an one-stop platform for investors/traders to do technical research.
{ This project can track live prices, percentage change market-capital, volume etc.
{ Integrated Rss (CoinTelegraph) feed to show news circulating in the market.
{ Implemented technical indicators, used CoinGecko API’s for raw data.
{ Used TradingView widgets in the application.
{ Accomplished Authentication using Passport,Express-session.
{ Ui design and Development using HTML/CSS/Bootstrap and NodeJs,MongoDB.
Aug 2021 Library Management | NetBeans, Java, Mysql, .
{ Built desktop application to manage library members, publishers, books.
{ Registering members,issue and return of books.
{ Summarized history reports for books and members.
Languages C++, Java, NodeJS
Frameworks ExpressJS, Bootstrap, Spring, Spring Boot, Spring Mvc/Web
Scripting HTML/CSS, JavaScript
Databases MySql, MongoDB
Tools VsCode, Eclipse, IntelliJ-Idea, NetBeans