Reign of Winter-6
Reign of Winter-6
Reign of Winter-6
— 47,500 95,000
A.K.A. 15–17
Player Name Character Name Pathfinder Society # Faction
Has Received This Chronicle.
Items Found During This Scenario EXPERIENCE
Boon of Baba Yaga: Choose one of the following boons and cross the others off your Chronicle sheet.
Dancing Hut: You requested a dancing hut, which takes the form of a permanent version of the witch’s hut grand hex
(Pathfinder RPG Ultimate Magic 83). A PC may use create demiplane (Ultimate Magic 213-214) to expand the hut’s interior. Starting XP
Rider: You asked to become one of Baba Yaga’s Three Riders, and you must leave Golarion for a time to serve your GM’s
new mistress before returning. You cannot play this character or apply credit to him until two years after the date on
this Chronicle sheet. When the character returns, he is one of Baba Yaga’s Riders and can cast phantom steed at will XP Gained (GM ONLY)
(CL 13th). Furthermore, treat this boon as if it were two Mantle of the Black Rider boons for the prupose of calculating
other Mantle of the Black Rider boons’ bonuses, even allowing those boons to exceed the +6 maximum bonus.
Rulership: You requested political power, and Baba Yaga established you as one of the elite of Irrisen. You gain
Final XP Total
a +5 competence bonus on Intimidate checks, cold resistance 5, and an estate in Whitethrone that grants the
benefits of the Coastal Island vanity (Pathfinder Campaign Setting: Pathfinder Society Field Guide 62). Maintaining
your position in the cutthroat capitol is difficult, and you must spend 1 Prestige Point for every experience point
that you earn of lose all benefits of this boon as your rivals overthrow you.
Self less: You requested a boon that benefits others instead of endeavoring to benefit yourself. You gain 1 Prestige
Point and Fame (maximum 5) for every other Chronicle sheet you have that grants a Mantle of the Black Rider boon. Initial Fame Initial Prestige
Prestige Gained (GM ONLY)
Aura strong evocation and transmutation; CL 19th
Slot none; Price 228,000 gp; Weight 5 lbs. –
Prestige Spent
This staff is made of a single icicle and functions as a +3 icy burst quarterstaff, even if all of its charges are drained. It
allows the use of the following spells and abilities: frostbiteUM (1 charge), ice storm (1 charge), freezing sphere (2 charges),
icy prisonUM (2 charges), wall of ice (2 charges), cone of cold (3 charges), icy bodyUM (3 charges). Final Current
Fame Prestige
Like a frost brand, Winter’s Reach extinguishes all nonmagical fires in a 20-foot radius. As a standard action,
it can also dispel lasting fire spells, but not instantaneous effects. The bearer must succeed at a dispel check GOLD
(1d20+19) against each spell to dispel it. The DC to dispel such spells is 11 + the caster level of the fire spell. By
expending 1 charge, the staff can be used to counterspell any spell with the fire descriptor as if with dispel magic.
Requirements Craft Staff, cone of cold, freezing sphere, frostbiteUM, ice bodyUM, icy prisonUM, wall of ice; Cost 114,000 gp GM’s
+3 cold iron heartseeker dagger (34,304 gp, Pathfinder RPG potion of protection from electricity (CL 10th; 1,500 gp)
Ultimate Equipment 143) ring of freedom of movement (40,000 gp) GP Gained (GM ONLY)
amulet of natural armor +5 (50,000 gp) ring of protection +5 (50,000 gp) GM’s
bracers of armor +8 (64,000 gp) ring of shooting stars (50,000 gp) +
cauldron of seeing with telepathy (70,000 gp) rod of thunder and lightning (33,000 gp) Day Job (GM ONLY)
helm of brilliance (125,000 gp) wand of cure serious wounds (39 charges; 8,775 gp, limit 1)
labrys of the stone idol (98,320 gp, Adventure Path 72 63) wand of inf lict serious wounds (17 charges; 3,825 gp, limit 1) +
orange prism ioun stone (30,000 gp) wings of f lying (54,000 gp)
Items Sold
Items Sold / Conditions Gained Items Bought / Conditions Cleared
Items Bought
Add 1/2 this value to the “Items Sold” Box Total
For GM Only