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Materials Science and Engineering B 164 (2009) 165–171

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Materials Science and Engineering B

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Impedance spectroscopy study of LaMnO3 modified BaTiO3 ceramics

Prasanta Dhak a,b , Debasis Dhak c,d,∗ , Manasmita Das a , Kausikisankar Pramanik b ,
Panchanan Pramanik a,∗
Department of Chemistry, Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur, Kharagpur 721302, India
Department of Chemistry, Jadavpur University, Kolkata 700032, India
Department of Chemistry, Serampore College, Serampore 712201, Hoogly, India
Materials Engineering Department, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, BC V6T 1Z4, Canada

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: Ba0.97 Ti0.97 La0.02 Mn0.04 O3 nanocrystalline powder was prepared by chemical route with the help of soluble
Received 16 April 2009 tartarate complex of Ti4+ ion. Preliminary X-ray diffraction analysis of crystal structure showed that a
Received in revised form 15 August 2009 single-phase compound was formed exhibiting tetragonal system. Average crystallite size and particle
Accepted 5 September 2009
size were observed to be between 27 and 33 nm, which were analyzed through XRD and transmission
electron microscope respectively. Wide range impedance spectroscopy study from 200 to 600 ◦ C showed
the presence of both bulk and grain boundary effects up to 500 ◦ C. The bulk conductivity indicated an
Chemical route
Arrhenius-type thermally activated process and oxygen vacancies are the possible ionic charge carriers at
Impedance spectroscopy
higher temperatures. The variation of ac conductivity as a function of frequency indicated the possibility
ac and dc conductivities of hopping mechanism for electrical process in the system with a non-exponential type of conductivity
Oxygen vacancies relaxation.
© 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction ferromagnetic as well as ferroelectric properties simultaneously

which is an interesting subject, not only for possible applications
Complex impedance spectroscopy (CIS) is a nondestructive in electronic devices, but also for the fundamental understanding
method [1] to study the microstructural and electrical properties of solid state physics [6,7]. Kim et al. have studied the magnetodi-
of polycrystalline oxides. This can correlate the structural and elec- electric effect of BaTiO3 –LaMnO3 composites [7] where the study
trical characteristics of polycrystalline oxides in a wide range of focused on the ferromagnetic behavior of the materials. A binary
frequencies and temperatures. CIS also describes the electrical pro- system of BiFeO3 –BaTiO3 doped with Mn has been reported by Liu
cesses occurring in a system by applying an ac signal as input et al. [8] who have shown the increased resistivity at a certain level
perturbation, which helps to separate the contribution of electroac- of Mn doping with an improved ferroelectric properties.
tive regions (such as grain boundary and bulk effects). The output La doped on BaTiO3 ferreoectric materials also plays a signif-
response, when plotted in a complex plane plot, appears in the icant role on the electrical properties [9,10]. Gulwade et al. [11]
form of succession of semicircles representing electrical phenom- have shown the decrease in Curie temperature as well as a signifi-
ena due to the bulk material, grain boundary effect and interfacial cant enhancement in the dielectric constant on introduction of La
polarization [2]. and Ga doped at A and B sites of BaTiO3 solid solutions respectively.
The studies involving barium titanate ceramics with aliovalent The behavior is due to the introduction of vacancies at A site ion of
cation dopants have been undertaken to improve electric proper- the perovskite structure, with consequent disturbance of the fer-
ties [3,4]. La and Mn doped BaTiO3 produces defects in structure roelectric order [5,10]. Lj Zivkovic et al. have reported the effect
arising oxygen vacancies that play a significant role in electrical of secondary abnormal grain growth on the dielectric properties
properties [5]. of La/Mn co-doped BaTiO3 ceramics [12]. Chen et al. have studied
Barium titanate and modified barium titanate compounds the influence of manganese on the room-temperature resistivity of
belong to the general formula ABO3 , where A = mono- or divalent lanthanum-doped BaTiO3 [13]; the room-temperature resistivity
ions and B = tri- to hexavalent ions. BaTiO3 –LaMnO3 composite has of La-doped BaTiO3 increases with the increase in Mn content.
In all ferroelectrics, in general, the study of electrical conductiv-
ity is very important since the associated physical properties such
∗ Corresponding authors. Tel.: +91 3222 283322; fax: +91 3222 255303. as piezoelectricity, pyroelectricity, and also strategy for poling are
E-mail addresses: pdhak chem@yahoo.com (P. Dhak), debasisdhak@yahoo.co.in
dependent on the order and nature of conductivity in these mate-
(D. Dhak), panchanan 123@yahoo.com (P. Pramanik). rials [14]. Complex impedance spectroscopy (CIS) has been found

0921-5107/$ – see front matter © 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
166 P. Dhak et al. / Materials Science and Engineering B 164 (2009) 165–171

Fig. 2. Simultaneously recorded DTA/TG graph of BTLM precursor powder.

also aided in the formation of the fluffy, voluminous, mesoporous

carbon rich precursor materials by heating at ∼200 ◦ C. The mate-
rials provided heat by combustion during pyrolysis and facilitated
Fig. 1. Flow-chart diagram for the preparation of Ba0.97 Ti0.97 La0.02 Mn0.04 O3 (BTLM)
the reduction of the external temperatures required for the desired
ceramics powder.
phase formation. Thermal analysis [differential thermal analysis
(DTA) and thermogravimetric analysis (TGA) (Model DT-40, Shi-
to be a very useful technique in correlating the structural and elec- madzu Co, Japan)] of the voluminous mass was completed in order
trical characteristics in polycrystalline oxides in a wide range of to optimize the calcination temperature in static air at a heating
frequencies [15]. This has been applied to analyze the electrical rate of 10 ◦ C/min up to 1000 ◦ C using alumina crucible. The volu-
properties of a few ferroelectric materials recently [16–18]. minous fluffy black carbonaceous mass, which was ground to fine
All these attempts have been made to modify the A site and powder and was calcined at 600 ◦ C for 2 h to get the nanosized BTLM
(or) B site ion to improve the electrical properties as well as mag- powder and thus the formation of single-phase compound was
netic properties where applicable. An extensive literature survey confirmed by X-ray diffraction (XRD) (Philips, model: PW 1710)
suggested that no attempt, to our knowledge, has been made to using Cu K␣ target ( = 1.5418 Å) in a wide range of Bragg angles
study Ba0.97 Ti0.97 La0.02 Mn0.04 O3 . The present work is an attempt 2 (20◦ ≤ 2 ≤ 70◦ ) at a scanning rate of 2◦ (2)/min. The XRD spec-
to synthesize the material by chemical route and study the role of trum of Si crystal was used as a standard to calibrate the scanning
grain and grain boundaries on Ba0.97 Ti0.97 La0.02 Mn0.04 O3 (abbrevi- angles. Transmission electron microscope (TEM) micrograph of the
ated hereafter as BTLM) and their dependence on temperature and calcined powder was taken by Hitachi H-600 in order to observe the
frequency, using complex impedance spectroscopy technique. ac shape and size of the particles. The powder sample was dispersed
conductivity analysis has also been made. in acetone through sonication and then placed on a carbon-coated
copper grid with a mesh size of 200.
2. Experimental work The calcined fine powder was used to make cylindrical pellets
of diameter 10 mm and thickness 2 mm using a hydraulic press at
Powders of Ba0.97 Ti0.97 La0.02 Mn0.04 O3 (BTLM) was prepared by a pressure of 190 MPa/cm2 . Polyvinyl alcohol (PVA) was used as a
a metal-ion ligand complex based precursor solution evaporation binder to prepare the pellets. The pellets were sintered at 900 ◦ C
technique [2,17,19,20] using stock solutions of the high purity for 4 h in static air atmosphere. The flat clean surfaces of the sin-
raw materials: Ba(NO3 )2 (MERCK, Germany, GR grade) (99%), TiO2 tered pellets were thermally etched and then gold coated (thickness
(Aldrich, 99.99%), La(NO3 )3 (MERCK, Germany, GR grade), Mn- 40 Å) by sputtering technique to check the surface morphology by
acetate (Loba Chemie, Bombay, India (99%)), tartaric acid (Quest a scanning electron microscope (JEOLJSM5800) at 20 kV at room
Chemicals, Kolkata, India (99%)), TEA (triethanolamine) (SRL, Mum- temperature. In order to study the electrical properties, both the
bai, India (97%)), HNO3 (65%) (MERCK, Mumbai, India, GR grade), flat surfaces of the sample were polished and electroded with high
and NH4 OH (25%) (MERCK, Mumbai, India, GR grade). Initially pow- purity silver paint. The silver painted sample was dried at 300 ◦ C
der produced by this process was nanosized. A flow-chart of steps for 2 h to remove the moisture, if any. The electrical properties of
involved is provided in Fig. 1. the sample pellet were observed by the dielectric measurement
The detailed preparation procedure of titanium-tartarate solu- using a computer-controlled HIOKI 3532-50 LCR HiTESTER at an ac
tion which is commercially unavailable, is discussed elsewhere signal of 1.0 V up to a temperature of 600 ◦ C starting from room
[21–23]. For the preparation of BTLM ceramic powder, appropri- temperature.
ate volume of Ba(NO3 )2 , La(NO3 )3 , Mn-acetate and Ti-tartarate was
taken from their respective stock solutions, in accordance with 3. Results and discussion
the desired stoichiometries, followed by mixing together. The pre-
cursor solution was subsequently obtained by adding excess TEA 3.1. DTA and TGA analysis
(3 mol ratio with respect to per mol of the total metal ions) to
avoid any chance of precipitation of the metal ions from the precur- Thermal characterization technique was used to find the
sor solution. The polydented complexing/chelating agent TEA used, optimum formation temperature for the compound. The thermo-
played a dual role by helping in the distribution of cations in the gravimetric (TG) data and the corresponding differential thermal
precursor solution throughout the TEA network so that the selec- analysis (DTA) curve for a representative precursor samples is
tive precipitation is prevented during the evaporation process and shown from 25 to 1000 ◦ C at the heating rate of 10 ◦ C/min in Fig. 2.
P. Dhak et al. / Materials Science and Engineering B 164 (2009) 165–171 167

range of 20–70◦ . The single-phase formation of the compound was

confirmed by the careful analyses of the X-ray data shown in Fig. 3.
The XRD pattern as observed from Fig. 3 is sharp and quite differ-
ent from those of the oxides which confirm the formation of a new
and single-phase compound. All peaks were indexed and the lattice
parameters were determined in various crystal systems and config-
uration using a JCPDS data file. On the basis of the best agreement
between observed and calculated d, i.e., dobs − dcal = minimum,
a tetragonal system was selected with JCPDS data file No. 83-1880.
Fig. 3 (inset) shows the EDX (energy dispersive X-ray) spectrum
of the synthesized BTLM compound at room temperature. An ele-
mental analysis of the compound using EDX spectrum confirmed
the formation of the desired compound in which Ba or Ti: 19.4%, La:
0.4%, Mn: 0.8% and O: ∼60% were observed. The crystallite size was
calculated using Scherrer’s equation, D = 0.9/ˇ1/2 cos  [24] where,
ˇ1/2 = half-peak width. In the calculation of the crystallite size, some
errors arise due to strain effect and instrumental error. The instru-
mental errors have been minimized by making the correction in the
half-peak width (ˇ) term [ˇ2 = ˇ2 (material) − ˇ2 (standard sam-
Fig. 3. Room temperature XRD and EDX (inset) of BTLM ceramics precursor powder
ple)]. The corrected average crystallite size calculated from the XRD
heat treated at 600 ◦ C, for 2 h in static air.
peak of BTLM compound was 27 nm.
A representative bright field TEM for BTLM was taken after calci-
BTLM precursors showed a slow rate of water loss up to about nation of the precursor powder at the phase formation temperature
380 ◦ C. The first exothermic process occurring near 380 ◦ C may of 600 ◦ C. The bright field TEM micrograph represented the basic
be associated to the departure of water molecules during ther- powder morphology in the sample, where the smallest visible iso-
mal decomposition of the precursor (tartarate complex). In the lated spot can be identified with particle/crystallite agglomerates
range between 400 and 550 ◦ C, a large exothermic peak appeared at as shown in Fig. 4(a). From the TEM study of the BTLM powder,
510 ◦ C in DTA graph due to the thermal effect for precursor decom- it was observed that the particles have an almost-spherical mor-
position and the maximum mass loss (m/m) occurred at this stage. phology with broad particle-size distribution [Fig. 4(b)] between
So, this temperature (510 ◦ C) is expected to be the crystallization 15 and 45 nm with a mean average particle size 33 ± 1 nm, which
temperature (Tc ) of the material. The exothermic peak at 500 ◦ C is in close agreement with the crystallite size obtained from XRD
could be assigned to the oxidation of carbonaceous remains from after corrections.
the decomposed metal-complexes and TEA. For this reason this Fig. 5 shows the typical SEM micrograph of the sintered pel-
stage showed the major decomposition of the precursor materi- let. The sintering was done at 900 ◦ C for 4 h. The grain growth
als in the TG curves shown in Fig. 2. The sample got free from all takes place for both porous and crystalline solids during sinter-
type of organic contaminants at ∼580 ◦ C. The entire thermal effect ing at higher temperature. Usually the grain growth is inhibited in
was accompanied by the evolution of various gases (such as CO, nanomaterials due to open porosity, grain growth inhibitors, and
CO2 , NH3 , water vapor, etc.), which was manifested by a single step grain boundary segregation. Thus during sintering the size of the
weight loss, shown in the TG curves. Above 580 ◦ C, there were no particle does not increase much [25]. But in this case well defined
significant thermal effect observed in DTA curves and the corre- grains with visible grain boundaries are observed (Fig. 5) which is
sponding TG curves showed no weight loss, implying the complete in agreement with the impedance analysis.
volatilization of carbon compounds.
3.3. Complex impedance analysis
3.2. Structure and microstructure
In general, for the electrode/ceramic/electrode, the values of
Room temperature XRD studies have been carried out to confirm resistance R and capacitance C can be analyzed by an equivalent
the formation and phase formation of the BTLM compound in the 2 circuit of one parallel resistance–capacitance (RC) element. The

Fig. 4. (a) Bright field (BF) TEM and (b) particle-size distribution pattern of BTLM compound.
168 P. Dhak et al. / Materials Science and Engineering B 164 (2009) 165–171

Table 1
(a) Variation of electrical parameters (bulk) as a function of temperature. (b) Varia-
tion of electrical parameters (grain boundary) as a function of temperature.

(a) Temperature (◦ C) fmax (kHz) Rb (k) Cb (pF)

350 45 34.3 103

400 95 18.3 91
450 250 9.2 68
500 400 5.4 73
550 700 3.3 68
600 950 1.9 87

(b) Temperature (◦ C) fmax (Hz) Rgb (k) Cgb (pF)

350 700 7.7 29

400 800 2.0 98
450 950 0.4 377
500 1000 0.2 714

Fig. 5. SEM micrograph of BTLM compound. combination of bulk resistance and bulk capacitance [26]. Appear-
ance of another semicircle arc at 350 ◦ C clearly indicates the
beginning of the intergranular activities (grain boundary effect)
complex impedance spectrum (Nyquist plot) i.e., the variation of within the sample with definite contributions from both bulk (grain
real and imaginary part of impedance, measured at different tem- interior) and grain boundary effects [Fig. 6(b)–(d)]. The values of
peratures, is shown in Fig. 6(a)–(d). The impedance spectroscopy circuit elements obviously depend on the volume fraction of the
is characterized by the appearance of the semicircular arcs, whose individual components (i.e., grain and grain boundary effect), which
pattern of evolution changes with rise in temperature. The tem- is related to the microstructure of the compound. In order to estab-
perature effect on impedance behavior is more important because lish a connection between the microstructure and the electrical
with increase in temperature, the semicircular nature of the arcs properties, several microstructural models [27] are discussed in the
increases and the arcs shift to the center of the arc towards the literature, which usually fall into two types: the layer models and
origin of the complex plain plot. In Fig. 6(a) and (d), the entire the effective medium models. In ceramics, which are used because
plots show single arc, which indicates that the electrical pro- of their high dielectric permittivities, grain boundaries are often
cess contribution is from bulk materials (grain interior), which electronically active due to depletion effects and act as barriers to
can be modeled as an equivalent circuit comprising of a parallel the cross transport of charge carriers. The electrical phenomena can

Fig. 6. Variation of real and imaginary parts of impedance at different temperatures for BTLM compound.
P. Dhak et al. / Materials Science and Engineering B 164 (2009) 165–171 169

be expressed in terms of a bricklayer model [28], where the con- a spread of relaxation time [31]. The relaxation phenomenon in the
duction through the grain and grain boundaries dominates, with material may be due to the presence of immobile species/electron
electrical circuit having different values of capacitance and resis- at low temperature and defects/vacancies at higher temperature.
tance as shown in Table 1 in the temperature range from 350 to For the dielectric materials, the localized relaxation (i.e., defect
500 ◦ C. The resistance value was evaluated from the impedance relaxation) dominates [32] because of the low dielectric ratio r
spectrum using the equivalent circuit (EQUIVCRT) software pro- (r = εs /ε˛ , εs and ε˛ are the dielectric constants at low and high
gram [29], whereas the capacitance can be calculated using the frequencies respectively). As shown in Fig. 7(b), there was a clear
following relation: dispersion of the resultant curves in the low frequency region at
different temperatures and appears to be merging at higher fre-
(2f )(Rb Cb ) = 1, (1)
quency irrespective of temperature. This behavior may be because
1 of the presence of the space charge polarization effect at lower
Cb = , (2)
2fRb frequencies, which is eliminated at higher frequencies [33].
The impedance data were used to evaluate the relaxation time
where Rb and Cb refer to bulk resistance and capacitance; f is the
( ) of the electrical phenomena using the relation ω = 1, where
relaxation frequency. This relation is also valid for grain boundary
ω = 2f is the angular frequency. The nature of the variation of
with 103 T−1 of the compound as shown in Fig. 7(b) (inset), follows
The absence of third semicircle suggests that the contribution
the Arrhenius relation [34]. The activation energy evaluated from
of the electrode–materials interface to impedance is negligible.
the slope of log ( ) against 103 T−1 curve of BTLM compound is
The analysis of the curves shows that the semicircle exhibits some
0.98 eV.
depression degree instead of a semicircle centered on the abscissa
axis. This decentralization reflects the non-Debye-type relaxation. 3.4. Electrical conductivity study

3.3.1. Variation of the real part of the impedance with frequency 3.4.1. dc conductivity
Fig. 7(a) shows the variation of real part of impedance (Z ) with Electrical conduction in dielectric material is a thermally acti-
frequency at different temperatures of the BTLM compound. On vation process and is due to the ordered motion of weakly bound
increasing temperature the Z value decreased which indicates the charged particles under the influence of an electric field. It depends
increase in ac conductivity as shown in Fig. 9. At higher frequency, on the nature of the charge carriers that dominate the conduc-
the Z value merges for all the temperatures, which clearly indi- tion process like electrons/holes or cations/anions and follow the
cates the presence of space charge polarization [30]. The higher Arrhenius low. The bulk conductivity ( rb ) of the compound can be
impedance value at lower frequency is also an indication of the evaluated from the impedance data using the relation, dc = t/Rb A
space charge polarization of the materials. where Rb is the bulk resistance, t is the thickness, and A is the area
of the electrode deposited on the sample. Rb is obtained from the
3.3.2. Variation of the imaginary part of the impedance with value of low frequency intercept of the semicircle on the real axis
frequency (Z ) in the complex impedance plot.
Fig. 7(b) shows the variation of imaginary part of impedance Fig. 8 shows the variation of bulk conductivity ( rb ) and grain
(i.e., loss spectrum) with frequency at different temperatures. The boundary conductivity ( gb ) as a function of temperature of the
loss spectrum (Z ) increased with increase in frequency in all BTLM compound. Using this Arrhenius plot of dc conductivity, the
the temperature ranges studied here and exhibited a maximum corresponding activation energy for both bulk and grain boundary
before starts decreasing rapidly. The existence of a temperature were calculated from the slope of the linear portion of the plot and
dependent electrical relaxation phenomenon is suggested by this were found to be 0.96 and 0.94 eV. The activation energy calculated
maximum shifts to higher frequency with an increase in temper- from rb vs 103 T−1 plot (Fig. 8) is almost similar with that of the
ature. The Z peak shifts to higher frequencies with increasing activation energy estimated from the relaxation time plot (Fig. 7(b)
temperature [as shown by the arrow, Fig. 7(b)], which indicates (inset)). The close resemblance of the two values indicates that the
the presence of temperature dependent electrical relaxation phe- relaxation and the conduction processes may be attributed to the
nomenon in the system. The asymmetric broadening of the peaks same type of charge carriers. The value of conductivity at 500 ◦ C is
suggested the presence of electrical processes in the material with 4.02 × 10−4 S/cm.

Fig. 7. Variation of real part (a) and imaginary part (b) of impedance with frequency at different temperatures and relaxation time with inverse of temperature (b) (inset)
for BTLM compound.
170 P. Dhak et al. / Materials Science and Engineering B 164 (2009) 165–171

Fig. 8. Variation of bulk and grain boundary conductivity with inverse of tempera- Fig. 9. Variation of ac conductivity with frequency of BTLM compound.
ture of BTLM compound.

the behavior of ac conductivity using the following universal power

The variation of grain boundary conductivity with tempera- law [41]:
ture exhibits Arrhenius behavior, which is an indication of the
thermally activated nature of grain boundary conduction. The (ω) = (0) + A ωn . (3)
activation energies for grain and grain boundary conductivities
where (0) is the “dc” or frequency independent part, which is
reported here showed good correlation with the earlier reported
related to dc conductivity and the second term is of constant phase
activation energy values observed in perovskite as well as bilayered
element (CPE) type; n is a frequency exponent in the range of
ferroelectric ceramics [35–38]. By comparing the grain boundary
0 ≤ n ≤ 1.
conductivity with that of the grain of the corresponding sample,
The ac conductivity is calculated using the relation
the former is slightly higher than that of the later.
ac = ωεε0 tan ı. The curve in Fig. 9 shows the dispersion, which
The value of the activation energy for conduction clearly sug-
shifts to the higher frequency side with a rise in temperature. The
gested a possibility that the conduction in the higher temperature
increasing trend of ac conductivity may be due to the presence of
range for ionic charge carriers may be oxygen vacancies. In per-
disordered cations between the neighboring sites and the presence
ovskite ferroelectric materials, oxygen vacancies are considered as
of space charges that vanish at higher temperature and frequency
one of the mobile charge carriers [39] and mostly in titanates, ion-
[33]. The change in slope takes place at a particular frequency
ization of oxygen vacancies creates conduction electrons, a process
known as the “hopping frequency ωp ” which obeys the relation
which is defined by the Kroger–Vink notation as [40].
Ox0 → 1
2 2
(g) + Vx0   n
(ω) = kωp 1 + , (4)
Vx0 → V∗ + e
Fig. 9 shows the frequency dependent conductivity from
V∗0 ↔ V∗∗
0 +e

≥350 ◦ C; the hopping frequencies are estimated to be 3, 7, 20, 30,
44.5 and 90 kHz at 350, 400, 450, 500, 550 and 600 ◦ C respectively.
Thus excess electrons and oxygen vacancies are formed in the
At higher frequency the conductivity becomes more or less tem-
reduction reaction
perature dependent as shown in Fig. 9. The increasing trend of
Ox0 → 1
2 2
(g) + V∗∗
0 + 2e
in the low frequency range up to 50 kHz as shown in Fig. 9 may
be due to the disordering of cations between the neighboring sites
And they may bond to Ti4+ and Mn3+ in the form and the presence of space charge that vanish at higher temperature
Ti4+ + e ↔ Ti3+ and frequency. The ac activation energy was estimated to be 1.01 eV
which is greater than that of dc activation energy as ac conductivity
is both temperature and frequency dependent [43].
Mn3+ + e ↔ Mn2+

These electrons trapped by Ti4+ or Mn3+ ions or oxygen vacan- 4. Conclusion

cies can be thermally activated, thus enhancing the conduction
process. Doubly charged oxygen vacancies are considered to be The present work reports the results of our investigation on the
the most mobile charges in perovskite ferroelectrics and play an electrical properties of BTLM compound prepared by a chemical
important role in conduction [16]. route using CIS technique. The electrical properties indicated that
the material exhibit (a) bulk conduction up to a temperature of
3.4.2. ac conductivity 300 ◦ C, (b) grain boundary conduction at higher temperature up
According to Jonscher, the origin of the frequency dependence to 500 ◦ C, and temperature dependent relaxation phenomena. The
of conductivity was due to the relaxation of ionic atmosphere after activation energies calculated from the conductivity pattern and
the movement of the particle. The variation of ac conductivity as the relaxation time pattern are almost the same, 0.96 and 0.98 eV
a function of frequency (conductivity spectrum) at different tem- respectively. The value ac activation energy, 1.01 eV was greater
peratures is shown in Fig. 9. Jonscher made an attempt to explain than the dc activation energy, 0.96 eV as ac conductivity is both
P. Dhak et al. / Materials Science and Engineering B 164 (2009) 165–171 171

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