Drama 1 Syllabus
Drama 1 Syllabus
Drama 1 Syllabus
org 307-885-7847 Course Description Grade Level: 9, 10, 11, 12 Prerequisite: none Course materials: 3 ringed binder, dividers, filler paper Students will learn fundamentals of theatrical performance, the study of drama, and the origins of theatre while collaborating with others in a theatrical setting. Content Standards and Benchmarks Standard 1. Students create, perform, exhibit, or participate in Drama. 1. Students perform in a theatrical setting using a variety of dramatic styles. 2. Students refine theatrical skills and self-discipline through rehearsal, practice, memorization and revision. 3. Students apply collaborative skills to create and critique theatrical works. 4. Students research characters, themes, and historical events to support the creation of theatrical productions. 5. Students write a simple script in an accepted play format. Standard 2. Students respond to, analyze, and make informed judgments about the Drama. 1. Students view and critique a live performance, including responses to the intellectual and emotional effects of the performance. 2. Students observe and evaluate how technical, organizational and theatrical elements contribute to the ideas, aesthetic quality, and impact of the theatrical forms. 3. Students interpret and analyze the intentions and artistic choices of dramatic artists through themes, subjects and symbols through use of theatrical terminology. Students question and explore the implications of the dramatic artists' various purposes. 4. Students read, analyze and evaluate scripts. Standard 3. Students demonstrate an understanding of Drama in relation to history, cultures, and contemporary society. 1. Students analyze dramatic works and distinguishing features from a variety of cultures and historical periods.
2. Students examine the role and development of the theatre arts in a variety of cultures and historical periods. 3. Students evaluate how a work of theatre impacts and is influenced by authorial, social, cultural and historical contexts. Standard 4. Students connect and relate Drama to other disciplines, careers, and everyday life. 1. Students demonstrate appropriate behavior in a variety of theatrical settings. 2. Students model and practice safe and responsible behavior in theatrical spaces. 3. Students connect the creative and analytical processes and techniques of theatre with other disciplines, and understand how theatre influences and enhances other disciplines. 4. Students identify theatrical skills and determine how they apply to a variety of careers and recreational opportunities. 5. Students analyze the contributions that theatre and its artists make to their local community and contemporary society.
Concepts of Drama
1, 2, 3, 4
1.1, 1.2, 1.3, 1.4, 1.5 2.1, 2.2, 2.3, 2.4 3.1, 3.2, 3.3 4.1, 4.2, 4.3, 4.4, 4.5
Drama Performance
1, 2, 3, 4
1.1, 1.2, 1.3, 1.4, 1.5 2.1, 2.2, 2.3, 2.4 3.1, 3.2, 3.3 4.1, 4.2, 4.3, 4.4, 4.5
Drama I
Star Valley High School Venice Lancaster Objective: To give a basic introduction to the various arts of the theater with an emphasis on acting. Materials: one 1 three-ringed binder containing at least 5 dividers, binder paper, and pen/pencil. Deadlines are written on the board in advance. Dividers will be organized as follows: (1) Terms, Handouts & Notes (2) History (3) Performance Critiques (4) Assignments and Projects (5) Scripts. Keep all materials from class in your binder. Grading Policy: Grades/Evidence will be collected in two categories: (1) Daily Work, Quizzes, Participation & Final - 60%, (2) Common Assessments - 40%. Participation includes attending class, participation in class, a positive attitude, respect for teacher and students, appropriate behavior and language, being a respectful audience member and following class procedures. The standard grading scale will be used: 93-100 A 73-76 90-92 A70-72 87-89 B+ 67-69 83-86 B 63-66 80-82 B60-62 77-79 C+ 0-59
Absences, Late Work, and Make Up Work: Each student is responsible for any class work or assignments missed due to absences. Each student will be given one class day to make up work and quizzes for each day absent. After that, all work will receive a 10% cut for each day late. All completed work is to be placed in the given tray. After being graded, it will be handed back to you. Please keep all materials handed back to you in your binder. Participation points can be made up. Classroom Procedures: -When the bell rings, I will immediately take roll. You are expected to be in your seats, be completely quiet and give me your attention. -When I am talking, you are listening. -When students are performing, you are watching and listening. -To get your attention, I will simply raise my hand. You are expected to give me your attention immediately. -After 2 tardies, I will speak to you personally about tardiness. After 3 tardies, I will contact your parent/guardian.
-No one leaves class until the bell rings. If this happens, it is considered an unexcused absence. -If you are absent, you are to find out what you have missed from me before or after school, or between classes. Please do not ask me what you have missed after class has started. You will be given one class period for each day absent to make up work. After that, all work will receive a 10% cut for each day late. Keep all returned work in your binder. Participation points can be made up. -Always bring to class your binder, a pencil or pen, and any other required materials. -If you borrow a script from my classroom, it must be checked out. There is a $6.00 fine for unreturned scripts. -Once the bell rings, do not ask to go to the bathroom, get a drink, make a phone call, or get something from your locker. -Your are expected to respect other class members and the teacher. Absolutely no put downs. -Respect school property. No gum, food, or drinks in my classroom or in the auditorium. -No hats -No cell phones in class. -No ipods, etc. unless you have my permission. -Abide by our school discipline and dress codes. -When responding to a fire drill, we will exit the building near the library (go right after leaving classroom.) -If we are in the auditorium during a fire drill, we will exit the building nearest the band room doors. -During a Shelter In Place drill, we will lock the door, turn off the lights, place black paper over the window next to the door, and continue with our class routine.
Student and Parent/Guardian Signatures: I have reviewed and understand the expectations of this class:
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*School District Number Two agrees to ensure equitable access and equitable participation in all District courses/classes. All District schools will effectively manage and creatively utilize resources necessary to support student learning. The Districts Board of Trustees is committed to a policy of nondiscrimination in relation to race, gender, age, national origin, color or disability in admission to, or access to, or treatment in its educational programs or activities.