Audio Frequency Generator & Response Analyzer: Block Diagram
Audio Frequency Generator & Response Analyzer: Block Diagram
Audio Frequency Generator & Response Analyzer: Block Diagram
Audio amplifiers have been widely used nowadays to amplify the power
output in audio playback devices. A good amplifier will amplify the
original sound to a certain greater level and still maintain the quality of
the sound that comes out of the speaker. However, a not so good
amplifier would interfere with the quality of the sound and thus the
output of the speaker will be distorted. The aim of this project is to test
the Audio Amplifiers in the audible range of frequencies and test its
output response through a Matlab interface which also plots its
Amplitude vs Frequency graph (Bode plot). Depending upon the visual
analysis of the graph then the user can decide if the amplifier is good to
use or not.
Block Diagram :
Hardware Specifications
ATmega328P AVR MC
Frequency generator
Amplifier & Speaker
LCD’s –
Crystal Oscillator –
Resistors –
Capacitors –
Transistors –
Cables & Connectors
Diodes –
Push Button
Software Specifications
Arduino Compiler
MC Programming Language: C
Software Specifications :
Arduino Compiler
MC Programming Language: C