Advanced Knowledge Assessment in Adult Critical Care
Advanced Knowledge Assessment in Adult Critical Care
Advanced Knowledge Assessment in Adult Critical Care
• Correct Answer: C
• Rationale
Therapy for hypertrophic cardiomyopathy is directed at the
dynamic left ventricular outflow tract obstruction. The
obstruction causes an increase in left ventricular systolic
pressure, which leads to a complex interplay of
abnormalities that decrease cardiac output. In the intensive
care setting, this condition often deteriorates with volume
depletion, and with the institution of inotropic agents. In
that circumstance, the infusion of fluids and the
discontinuation of inotropic agents is the initial therapy. A
beta-blocker should also be added; however, if hypotension
is present, a vasoconstrictor such as phenylephrine should
be administered first. Acute onset of atrial fibrillation may
result in severe hemodynamic compromise due to the loss
of atrial contractions. Prompt cardioversion should occur in
this circumstance.
• The first-line approach to the relief of symptoms
is to block the effects of catecholamines that
exacerbate the outflow tract obstruction, and to
slow that heart rate to enhance diastolic feeling.
Beta-blockers are generally the initial choice to
accomplish these goals. Verapamil, the calcium
channel blocker, can also be used. Sudden death
has been reported in patients with severe
pulmonary hypertension and severe outflow
obstruction who are given verapamil. This drug
should be given with caution in patients with this
combination of findings. Nitroglycerin would
decrease cardiac filling and is problematic.
• Question 2:
• A 5-day-old infant presents to the emergency
department with RR of 84/min, oxygen saturation of
88%, HR of 170/min, and BP of 55/20 mm Hg. Physical
examination findings are notable for severe retractions;
cool, mottled extremities with weak peripheral pulses;
and lethargy. After intubation, establishment of
peripheral IV access, and an initial bolus of 20 mL/kg of
normal saline, the patient has not improved. Laboratory
values are as follows: sodium, 144 mEq/L; potassium,
5.0 mEq/L; chloride, 105 mEq/L; carbon dioxide, 13
mEq/L; blood urea nitrogen, 35 mg/dL; creatinine, 1.2
mg/dL; glucose, 105 mg/dL; ionized calcium, 4.7 mg/dL;
lactate, 7 mmol/L.
In addition to providing broad-spectrum antibiotics
and fluid, the most appropriate next step in
resuscitation is:
B)Prostaglandin infusion
E)Cardiology consultation
• Correct Answer: B
• Rationale
Neonatal shock has a broad differential diagnosis. Infection,
congenital heart disease, arrhythmia, and inborn errors of
metabolism can all present with shock. Much as with pediatric
and adult shock patients, the initial minutes of the resuscitation
are spent establishing means to stabilize the patient and
supporting intravascular volume. For the neonate with evidence
of poor cardiac output, ductal dependent congenital heart
disease must be considered. Current recommendations include
the initiation of prostaglandin infusion to maintain ductal patency
until the diagnosis of congenital heart disease can be excluded. If
the patient does not improve with fluids and prostaglandins, a
dopamine infusion is the next step. While neonates are more
dependent on extracellular calcium for myocardial contractility
than adults, this child has a normal ionized calcium level and
would not benefit from higher levels. Pulmonary hypertension is
frequently seen in septic neonates and can be treated with
inhaled nitric oxide, but this is not the next appropriate step for
this patient.
• Question 3:
• Which of the following measures would result in an
immediate increase in right ventricular stroke volume?
A)Catheter-directed thrombolysis
B)Operative venous thrombectomy
C)Right leg above-knee amputation
D)Broad-spectrum antimicrobials
E)IV heparin-based anticoagulation
• Correct Answer: A
• Rationale
This patient has phlegmasia cerulea dolens, an infrequent
but severe manifestation of venous thrombosis. This
condition can result in venous gangrene, arterial
compromise, loss of limb, and even death. The most
appropriate intervention to treat the underlying condition is
catheter-directed thrombolysis to rapidly remove the
thrombus and restore venous drainage. There are no well-
designed studies evaluating this approach, and it should be
reserved for limb salvage after an assessment of the risk-
benefit ratio, as compared with routine anticoagulation.
Operative thrombectomy is an alternative intervention, but
because of its high mortality rate, it is usually used after the
failure of anticoagulation and thrombolytic therapy.
Although anticoagulation is indicated, heparin will not
alleviate the venous obstruction rapidly enough. While
amputation may be needed when other interventions fail, it
is reasonable to utilize other interventions to salvage the
limb prior to considering amputation. Although this patient
has an elevated white blood cell count and hypothermia,
these manifestations are most likely secondary to the tissue
ischemia and subsequent inflammatory response, rather
than an established infection. It is reasonable to obtain
culture data and consider antibiotic therapy, but these
interventions would not address the underlying cause. In
some case reports, phlegmasia cerulea dolens has been
associated with prior placement of inferior vena cava filters.
It may occur in lower as well as upper extremities.
With mild manifestations and subocclusive thrombosis,
systemic anticoagulation may be sufficient. With occlusive
thrombosis and vascular compromise, catheter-directed
thrombolysis would be the treatment of choice. In some
cases, catheter access to the thrombosis may be impossible
and a thrombectomy would be indicated. Fasciotomy may be
required after reestablishment of the flow and stabilization
of the patient to relieve the elevated compartment
• Question 5:
• A 36-year-old, gravida 1, para 1 woman is admitted to the
ICU for the diagnosis of severe preeclampsia with a
persistent BP of 165/112 mm Hg, 4+ proteinuria, and
decreased urinary output (< 30 mL/h). Which of the
following is the best initial agent for controlling her
• Correct Answer: E
• Rationale
Labetalol is the currently recommended drug of choice for
hypertension in the pregnant patient. All antihypertensive
agents can cross the placenta. Angiotensin receptor
blockers such as valsartan and angiotensin-converting
enzyme inhibitors such as enalapril are known to be
harmful to the fetus and should not be used whenever
possible. Nitroprusside has the potential to develop toxic
metabolites over time and with high doses and should not
be the initial agent selected absent a life-threatening
malignant hypertensive crisis. Furosemide can be used for
management of hypertension and is thought to be safe for
the fetus.
The risk in using a diuretic in a pregnant patient is
volume depletion; for this reason, furosemide
should be used with caution. Labetalol can be
used in the pregnant patient and, since it has
both alpha-adrenergic and beta-adrenergic
blocking properties, it may preserve placental
blood flow better than other beta-blockers.
While not listed as a choice, calcium channel
blockers such as nifedipine have also been used
to manage hypertension in pregnancy, as has
magnesium sulfate.
• Question 6:
• The morning after an open cholecystectomy, a 49-
year-old woman develops nausea and vomiting. On
examination, her abdomen is tympanitic and
distended. She has diffuse mild pain with palpation.
Radiograph of the abdomen shows a normal gas
pattern in the small bowel and distended right and
transverse colon. Rectal enemas result in a slight
decrease in abdominal distension. However, the
patie t’s ausea a d o iti g pe sists. Afte se e al
doses of a a tie eti , the patie t’s h th st ip
shows QT prolongation and then torsade de pointes.
She is successfully resuscitated with magnesium
• Which of the following medications was most likely
used to treat her nausea and vomiting?
• Correct Answer: C
• Rationale
A number of drugs can lead to QT prolongation and torsade de
pointes. Droperidol, a butyrophenone derivative, is an
antiemetic that has the potential of prolonging the QT interval.
Fortunately, it rarely produces this phenomenon at
recommended doses. Antiemetics such as ondansetron
(serotonin antagonists), metoclopramide (antidopaminergic
and antiserotonergic), and dronabinol (cannabinoid derivative),
are not known to cause QT prolongation. Phenothiazines used
for nausea and vomiting may also cause QT prolongation but
are not among the answer choices. Targeted drug therapy for
nausea and vomiting can improve the success of relieving
symptoms. In addition, being aware of associated adverse drug
reactions can help decrease the drug-related complications
from the drug itself or through drug-drug interactions.
Postoperative nausea and vomiting are often
multifactorial in origin. Drugs, physical stimuli, or
emotional stress can cause the release of
neurotransmitters that stimulate serotonergic (5-HT3),
dopaminergic (D2), histaminergic (H1), and muscarinic (M1)
receptors. The receptor stimulation in the chemoreceptor
trigger zone, gastrointestinal tract, vestibular apparatus,
pharynx, or cerebral cortex triggers neurogenic signals to
be sent to the vomiting center in the brainstem. The
vomiting center, rather than a discrete area, is more of a
neural network comprising the chemoreceptor trigger
zone, area postrema, and nucleus tractus solitarius.
Vagal afferent signals through the nodose ganglion
and the nucleus tractus solitarius mediate nausea
that arises from gastric irritants; gastric, small
intestinal, colonic, or bile duct distension; and
inflammation or ischemia of bowel, liver, pancreas,
and peritoneum.
Phenothiazines and butyrophenones act on D2, H1,
and M1 receptors. Benzamides, such as
metoclopramide and domperidone, affect 5-HT3 and
5-HT4 receptors; scopolamine is an M1-receptor
antagonist; and diphenhydramine and cyclizine are
H1 antagonists. Specific 5-HT3-receptor antagonists,
such as ondansetron and granisetron, are the most
recently developed class of antiemetics.
• Question 7:
E)Lorazepam, 2 mg IV push
• Correct Answer: A
• Rationale
The sudden occurrence of unexplained
cardiopulmonary dysfunction with neurologic
findings during or soon after an
obstetric/gynecologic surgical procedure should
suggest the possibility of venous air embolism
leading to paradoxic arterial embolism. Whenever a
surgical wound disrupts veins, creating a blood-air
interface that lies above the level of the right atrium,
there is a potential for negative intravascular
pressure to create venous air emboli. Venous air
embolism may occur during or after a cesarean
section, orogenital sex, normal labor with placenta
previa, or illegal abortion.
• The primary pathophysiologic event in venous
embolism is intense vasoconstriction of the
pulmonary circulation, which results in
ventilation/perfusion mismatch leading to hypoxia,
interstitial pulmonary edema, and systemic
hypotension leading to reduced cardiac output as
pulmonary vascular resistance increases. Paradoxic
arterial air embolization may further complicate the
course of a patient who has a patent foramen ovale.
As venous emboli increase right atrial pressure, a
patent foramen ovale may open, thereby creating a
right-to-left shunt by which air reaches the arterial
circulation. The precordial ill heel u u is
characteristic of venous air embolism.
The appropriate management is to place the patient in the
left lateral decubitus head-down position to decrease the
venous air leaving the pulmonary outflow tract. Oxygen
(100%) should be administered to allow reabsorption of
nitrogen. If a central venous catheter is in place, aspiration
of air can be attempted. Other supportive measures, such
as mechanical ventilation, are utilized as indicated.
Volume replacement is unlikely to correct the
hemodynamics in this patient and may increase right-
sided pressure and lead to further paradoxic arterial
emboli. Atropine will also have no benefit in this patient.
Head CT would delay appropriate management, and
systemic heparinization is not indicated because the
clinical situation does not suggest pulmonary embolism.
Use of hyperbaric oxygenation is controversial.
• Question 10:
• A 6-month-old with complex congenital heart disease is 4 hours
postbypass when she develops pulmonary hypertension.
Despite adjustments in ventilator, fluids, and acid-base status,
the pulmonary hypertension persists and the baby is started on
inhaled nitric oxide. Which of the following is the mechanism of
action of inhaled nitric oxide in the therapy of pulmonary
hypertension in this child?
• Correct Answer: C
• Rationale
This patient is in anaphylactic shock, most likely as a reaction
to the contrast material used in the CT. An anaphylactic shock
is the most severe presentation of an anaphylaxis. Anaphylaxis
can be triggered by immunologic or nonimmunologic
mechanisms. Agents associated with anaphylactoid reactions
include radiocontrast dye, opiates, aspirin, and other
nonsteroidal antiinflammatory drugs. Therapy for an
anaphylactic shock includes prompt administration of IV fluids
and epinephrine. Epinephrine can be administered
subcutaneously, intramuscularly, or intravenously. In patients
with clear signs of hypoperfusion and shock, subcutaneous
administration is not recommended. For treatment of
anaphylactic shock, epinephrine should be administered
intramuscularly or intravenously. IV administration is reserved
for cases of severe hemodynamic collapse; extreme caution is
necessary in patients at risk for myocardial ischemia.
Corticosteroids have a role in the later treatment of
anaphylaxis, mostly to prevent late-phase reactions such as
intermediate airway edema and bronchoconstriction. However,
corticosteroids have no immediate effect on hemodynamic
abnormalities in anaphylactic shock. Dobutamine is an
inotrope a d ill ot help i p o e the patie t’s lood p essu e
since anaphylactic shock is a vasodilatory shock process.
• Question 12:
• A supine patient on positive end-expiratory pressure (PEEP) of
5 cm H2O has the following hemodynamics measured at end-
expiration: right atrial pressure, 7 mm Hg; pulmonary artery
occlusion pressure, 12 mm Hg; arterial pressure, 110/70 mm
Hg. One hour later you are informed of the following changes:
right atrial pressure, 16 mm Hg; pulmonary artery occlusion
pressure, 21 mm Hg; arterial pressure, 120/80 mm Hg. Which
of the following most likely explains the observed changes?
• Correct Answer: A
• Rationale
The patient has sepsis and is at risk for relative
adrenal insufficiency that could be worsened or
precipitated by a medication that affects the adrenal
axis. Etomidate can inhibit adrenal steroidogenesis
and would be the most likely agent in this scenario
to precipitate or worsen adrenal dysfunction. When
intubating a patient with severe sepsis or septic
shock, it would be prudent to either (a) select an
alternate sedative agent for induction, or (b) have a
heightened awareness of the need to test the
adrenal axis (or administer steroid replacement
therapy) in the event that the patient develops
refractory hypotension. The other options are not
known to affect the adrenal axis.
• Question 15:
• A patient is brought to the emergency department in
cardiac arrest with an unknown down time; ventilation
is occurring by bag-valve mask. You perform
endotracheal intubation and use colorimetric end-tidal
carbon dioxide testing to help confirm endotracheal
tube placement. The color change is not as intense as
usual but is persistent. Breath sounds can be heard with
bagging, and no rush of air is heard over the stomach
with ventilation; chest compressions continue. You bag
ventilate the patient through the endotracheal tube 10
times, and the color change persists but remains weak.
Which of the following most likely explains the low-level
color variation?
• Correct Answer: A
• Rationale
Adenosine is the preferred pharmacotherapy for
restoration of sinus rhythm in children with
supraventricular tachycardia (SVT). Since its site of action
is the atrioventricular (AV) node, this agent is preferable to
use in a patient with AV node reentry SVT. Amiodarone
may be considered in refractory SVT. Most of the
experience using amiodarone in children is in the
treatment of postoperative junctional tachycardia. The use
of digoxin in this patient is not preferred. Wolff-Parkinson-
White s d o e is a possi ilit ased o the patie t’s
congenital heart anomaly; digoxin is contraindicated
because it may enhance the conduction over the
accessory pathway, leading to atrial flutter or fibrillation.
Verapamil is contraindicated in this age group.
• Question 17:
• A patient with severe acute pancreatitis develops
symptomatic hypotension and is treated with 2 L of
crystalloid rapidly infused via peripheral IV lines. After
the initial crystalloid resuscitation, arterial pressure rises
to 88/40 mm Hg but the patient remains oliguric; a
e t al e ous li e is pla ed. The patie t’s hest
radiograph after central venous pressure (CVP) catheter
insertion prior to your planned intubation is read as
pulmonary edema. Central venous pressure before
intubation is 10 mm Hg.
• Which of the following is the most appropriate initial course
of action to take?
D)Electrical cardioversion
E)Administer a diuretic.
• Correct Answer: B
• Rationale
The echocardiogram indicates elevated pulmonary
vascular resistance based on the tricuspid valve jet and
right ventricular dysfunction. Inhaled nitric oxide is a
specific pulmonary vasodilator that may be useful in
augmenting cardiac output.
• Question 26:
• A 45-year-old man collapses at the airport terminal and
bystander CPR is initiated. An automated defibrillator
present onsite detects ventricular fibrillation. After 2
shocks and CPR, spontaneous circulation returns. He is
intubated by emergency medical services and brought to
the emergency department. He has a pulse rate of 92/min
in sinus rhythm, and BP of 112/70 mm Hg. Spontaneous
movements are minimal. His ventilator settings are assist-
control mode (volume), set RR of 8/min, and tidal volume
of 700 mL (9 mL/kg ideal body weight). His electrolytes are
in the normal range, with serum lactate level of 1.4
mmol/L. Arterial blood gas studies show pH of 7.30,
PaCO2 of 52 mm Hg, and PaO2 of 175 mm Hg on 50% FIO2.
Chest radiography shows endotracheal tube in good
position, with no infiltrates.
• Bedside echocardiography shows an ejection fraction of 55%.
Which of the following measures is most likely to result in
improved outcome?
C)Sodium nitrite/sodium thiosulfate
D)Hyperbaric oxygen
Correct Answer: B
• Rationale
Poisoning with nerve gases such as sarin (O-isopropyl
methylphosphonofluoridate) results in a cholinergic
syndrome suggested by the clinical findings. A cholinergic
syndrome can also result from organophosphate or
carbamate poisoning. The toxicity is caused by inhibition
of cholinesterase, with no degradation of acetylcholine at
the postsynaptic receptor. Muscarinic effects include
bronchorrhea, bradycardia, and a hypersecretory
syndrome (salivation, lacrimation, urination, defecation,
emesis). Nicotinic effects result in muscle fasciculations
and weakness, and central nervous system effects lead to
headache, confusion, and central respiratory depression.
Pupils are typically miotic. The primary concern in such
patients is hypoxic respiratory failure from bronchorrhea,
bronchospasm, and respiratory depression.
IV atropine should be administered in doses of 2-4 mg
repeated every 5 minutes until tracheobronchial
secretions are controlled. The most common cause of
death in cholinergic poisonings is asphyxiation. Continued
administration of large doses of atropine may be required
as bolus or continuous infusion. Because sarin irreversibly
binds to cholinesterase, the patient is likely to require
continuous atropine infusion in an ICU setting until the
agent is completely metabolized.
Atropine does not reverse nicotinic effects and
pralidoxime is used to reverse muscle weakness by
regeneration of acetylcholinesterase. It is administered as
a loading dose (1 to 2 g in 500 mL normal saline solution
over 30 minutes) and then as a continuous infusion at 500
Pyridostigmine, an anticholinesterase medication, may
precipitate a cholinergic crisis and is used for treatment of
myasthenia gravis.
Hyperbaric oxygen may be considered for patients with
severe carbon monoxide poisoning, but patients would
not typically have evidence of a hypersecretory syndrome.
Patients with carbon monoxide poisoning will often
present comatose with an anion gap metabolic acidosis,
cardiovascular instability, and increased levels of
Sodium nitrite and sodium thiosulfate are used in
antidotal treatment of cyanide poisoning. Cyanide
poisoning usually presents with more life-threatening
manifestations, such as sudden cardiovascular collapse,
seizures, hypotension, arrhythmias, and severe metabolic
• Question 29:
• A 75-year-old woman with diabetes mellitus and hypertension
was found by her family to be confused and brought to the
emergency department. They noted that she had been
recently diagnosed with cellulitis of her right leg after several
days of high spiking fevers. She had improved significantly after
only 3 days of dicloxacillin. Two days prior, she was eating
without difficulty. Her medications included enalapril,
dicloxacillin, and fludrocortisone.
On examination, the patient is delirious and ill-appearing, with
evidence of dehydration. Her temperature is 37.1°C (98.8°F),
BP is 150/70 mm Hg, HR is 110/min, RR is 14/min, and pulse
oximetry is 95% on room air. Her oral mucosa is dry and the
remainder of her physical examination findings are normal. Her
laboratory findings include the following: sodium, 155 mg/dL;
chloride, 120 mEq/L; potassium, 4.0 mEq/L; bicarbonate, 23
mEq/L; blood urea nitrogen, 30 mg/dL; creatinine, 1.0 mg/dL;
glucose, 200 mg/dL; urine osmolality, 800 mEq/L; urine
sodium, 20 mg/dL.
The ost likel ause of the patie t’s hypernatremia is:
E)Primary hypodipsia
• Correct Answer: E
• Rationale
Primary hypodipsia of the elderly is the only diagnosis
listed that is consistent with the laboratory values given.
The condition probably developed because of inadequate
thirst mechanism in the setting of excessive water loss
associated with her recent febrile illness. Fludrocortisone,
a mineralocorticoid, increases sodium reabsorption but
should not affect sodium concentration since
hypernatremia can only result from abnormalities in water
balance, including disorders of the thirst center,
hypothalamus (release of antidiuretic hormone), and
kidneys (responsiveness to antidiuretic hormone).
Although not maximally concentrated, the urine
osmolarity excludes diabetes insipidus of either variety as
well as an osmotic diuresis.
• Question 30:
• A patient sustains a severe traumatic brain injury in a
motor vehicle crash. There is evidence of intracranial
hypertension with an intracranial pressure of 24 mm Hg;
a mean arterial pressure of 78 mm Hg is maintained
using pressors. Serum sodium level is 155 mEq/L. Given
cerebral edema on CT, fluids consist only of 3% normal
saline and tube feeds at 50 mL/h; glucose levels are
maintained below 150 mg/dL using an insulin infusion.
On postinjury day 3, urine output increases above 300
mL/h, and diabetes insipidus is suspected.
• Correct Answer: B
• Rationale
Diabetes insipidus is a common clinical condition
encountered in ICUs, particularly in neurological or
neurotrauma ICUs. It causes severe polyuria and can be
life-threatening because of electrolyte and water loss.
Basic quick bedside testing can be lifesaving as it
prompts intervention. A urine specific gravity of 1.005
or less is considered diagnostic in the presence of severe
polyuria that does not have an alternate explanation
such as inadvertent diuretic administration, severe
hyperglycemia, etc. An alternative and more precise
laboratory test for diabetes insipidus is a urine
osmolality that is inappropriately less than 200
mOsm/kg. The concomitant serum osmolality is
generally increased in the setting of dilute urine.
• Question 31:
• A 30-year-old woman has been undergoing fertility
treatments. She has received an ovulation induction
regimen with human chorionic gonadotropin. She is
admitted to the hospital with abdominal pain and
distension, tachycardia, and respiratory difficulty. BP is
110/60 mm Hg in the supine position and 90/52 mm Hg
when she is standing. HR is 118/min while supine and
130/min while standing, RR is 24/min, and temperature
is 36.9°C (98.4°F). Physical examination reveals diffuse
abdominal tenderness, with a moderate amount of
tense ascites. Laboratory tests are remarkable for a
hematocrit of 45%, leukocyte count of 18,000/µL, and
mild elevation of liver transaminase levels. Pulse
oximetry reads at 96% while receiving room air.
• Which of the following is the most likely diagnosis for
this patient?
A)Ectopic pregnancy
B)Substituted judgment
D)Power of attorney
E)Legal moralism
• Correct Answer: B
• Rationale
The situation described articulates end-of-life care issues.
Clea l , gi e the patie t’s iti al ill ess o u i g i the
setting of preexisting disability from comorbid diseases, this
patient has a grim prognosis. The daughter has identified a
goal that she believes her father would set for himself if he was
able to interact with the care team and understood what the
daughte u de sta ds ega di g he fathe ’s p og osis. This
principle is termed substituted judgment and describes the
judg e t of o e that is supplied i the pla e of a othe ’s.
Implicit in this principle is the concept of beneficence—that
the judg e t is ei g ade i the patie t’s est i te est. It
also embraces the concept of nonmaleficence—that the action
or decision will not create harm. Fairness is also encompassed
in that the decision derived from substituted judgment is a fair
decision for the patient and therefore also embraces truth.
Truth is expected from the care team and the individual
rendering the substituted judgment.
Paternalism is a philosophic approach to medical decision-
making that relies on physician control instead of patient
Legal moralism is an ethical principle that applies legal
principles and rules as a guide for morality-based decision
making. Legal moralism is the view that the law can
legitimately be used to prohibit behaviors that conflict
ith so iet ’s olle ti e o al judg e ts e e he
those behaviors do not result in physical or psychological
ha to othe s. A o di g to this ie , a pe so ’s f eedo
can legitimately be restricted simply because it conflicts
ith so iet ’s olle ti e o alit ; thus, legal moralism
implies that it is permissible for the state (or other rule-
based agency) to use its coercive power to enforce
so iet ’s olle ti e o alit . Po e of atto e des i es
the legal odifi atio of o e i di idual’s autho it to
render a decision for another.
• Question 35:
• A 58-year-old man is doing yard work on a very hot and
humid day. He feels light-headed and nauseated and
subsequently has multiple episodes of emesis. He feels
better and lies down. He then notes chest discomfort
that continues to worsen over the next 8 hours. He
presents to the emergency department with mild
hypertension, tachycardia, tachypnea, and a
temperature of 38.3°C (100.9°F). His white blood cell
count is elevated, and his ECG is normal except for
tachycardia. Chest radiograph shows a previously
undiagnosed left-sided pleural effusion. A thoracentesis
is performed.
• Which of the following abnormal fluid analyses is most
likely to be present?
B)Cholesterol crystals
A)IV vancomycin
A)25 kcal/kg body weight (bw) total calories and 0.8 g/kg bw
B)A formula providing a nonprotein calorie to nitrogen ratio of
C)30 kcal/kg bw total calories and 1.5 g/kg bw protein
D)35 kcal/kg bw total calories and 1.5 g/kg bw protein
E)30 kcal/kg bw total calories and 2.0 g/kg bw protein
• Correct Answer: E
• Rationale
This patient has suffered traumatic brain injury (TBI), a
condition known to increase metabolic rate and augment the
need for both nonprotein and protein calorie supplementation.
The TBI is further complicated by long bone fractures and solid
o ga i ju , fu the i easi g the patie t’s eed fo
nutritional support. Option A provides the baseline needs for
nutritional support of an uninjured and healthy individual.
Similarly, option B provides a nonprotein calorie to nitrogen
ratio that is between uninjured and healthy (150:1) and
seriously injured (approximately 100:1). Options C and D both
provide too little protein, although C provides the correct
amount of nonprotein calories to avoid excessive carbohydrate
and fat administration. Therefore, only answer E provides the
correct amount of both nonprotein and protein calories to a
patient with the detailed conditions.
• Question 38:
• A 27-year-old man is admitted to the ICU after an
exploratory laparotomy and a distal small bowel resection
following a gunshot wound to the abdomen. He remains
intubated. A nasojejunal feeding tube was placed at the
time of surgery. Which of the following nutritional
strategies is most appropriate in this case?
C)Polycythemia vera
E)Dabigatran overdose
• Correct Answer: B
• Rationale
Fresh frozen plasma (FFP) includes all coagulation factors,
including antithrombin. For patients with an antithrombin
deficiency who experience bleeding or require surgery,
FFP may be used to effectively replace antithrombin.
Fu the o e, patie ts ho appea to ha e hepa i
esista e a e antithrombin III deficient and are
seemingly paradoxically corrected by FFP infusion.
Additional indications for transfusion of FFP include (a)
coagulopathy due to a documented deficiency of
coagulation factors with active bleeding or planned
invasive procedures, (b) massive blood transfusion with
evidence of a coagulation deficiency, (c) reversal of
warfarin effect, and (d) plasma exchange for thrombotic
thrombocytopenic purpura or hemolytic uremic
Rapid infusion is needed to achieve appropriate factor
levels for hemostasis. The speed of infusion does not
increase adverse reactions. Continuous infusion of FFP is
inappropriate since it does not usually result in
adequate factor levels. FFP may need to be
administered every 6 to 8 hours, since the half-life of
factor VII is approximately 6 hours. Smaller doses of FFP
may be needed if platelets are also transfused. The
processing of platelets results in the presence of plasma,
and for every 5 to 6 U of random donor platelets, the
patient may receive the equivalent of 1 bag of random
donor FFP. FFP is not an efficient source of fibrinogen.
For fibrinogen levels less than 100 mg/dL,
cryoprecipitate is the best source of fibrinogen. FFP
does not reverse dabigatran.
• uestion 45:
• A female patient with a history of heparin-induced
thrombocytopenia and lower extremity deep venous
thrombosis is receiving argatroban for treatment. She
has a history of hepatitis C and moderate hepatic
insufficiency, but normal renal function.
Which of the following best characterizes
recommended laboratory testing to best monitor
a gat o a ’s anticoagulant activity?
B)Subcutaneous terbutaline
E)IV labetalol
• Correct Answer: C
• Rationale
Thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura (TTP) is a life-
threatening emergency with a mortality of greater than
90% if not treated. The treatment of choice is plasma
exchange. In many cases of idiopathic TTP, the
thrombocytopenia and microangiopathic hemolytic
anemia are the result of circulating large von
Willebrand factor (vWF) multimers. These multimers are
usually degraded by a specific vWF cleaving protease—
ADAMTS13, but patients with TTP are often found to
have low levels of ADAMTS13 activity, or an antibody
directed against ADAMTS13. Plasma exchange removes
both the circulating vWF multimers and any inhibitors,
and provides the missing protease.
While the classic pentad of TTP includes
thrombocytopenia, microangiopathic hemolytic
anemia, acute renal insufficiency, neurologic
abnormalities (usually fluctuating), and fever, the
diagnosis of TTP requires only thrombocytopenia and
microangiopathic hemolytic anemia, in the absence of
an alternative clinically apparent etiology. This presents
challenges in the pregnant patient since both
thrombocytopenia and microangiopathic hemolytic
anemia can also be present in severe preeclampsia and
HELLP (Hemolysis, Elevated Liver enzymes, Low
Platelets) syndrome. Headache is a relatively common
symptom in both preeclampsia and HELLP, but mental
status changes are rare.
The definitive treatment for preeclampsia and HELLP
syndrome is delivery. While delivery does not generally
cause resolution of TTP, in the pregnant patient with
suspected TTP, in addition to plasma exchange, delivery
should be considered if the disease is severe and the
fetus is viable, since this will resolve the preeclampsia
and HELLP syndrome, which may be difficult to
distinguish from TTP. Subcutaneous terbutaline is used
to inhibit preterm labor and is not indicated in this
• Question 51:
• An 80-year-old, 60-kg (132-lb), woman admitted to the
ICU is receiving therapeutic dalteparin for a recently
diagnosed venous thromboembolism. She has a history of
hepatitis C and moderate hepatic insufficiency, but normal
renal function. Which of the following best characterizes
recommended laboratory testing to monitor daltepa i ’s
anticoagulant activity?
B)Administer IV vancomycin.
C)Administer IV fluconazole.
E)Discontinue piperacillin/tazobactam.
• Correct Answer: A
• Rationale
The mostly likely diagnosis in this patient who has been
on multiple antibiotics is Clostridium difficile infection.
Infection can also manifest several days after
discontinuation of antibiotics. The treatment of choice is
the administration of oral metronidazole, 500 mg 3
times daily or 250 mg 4 times daily.
A)Staphylococcus aureus
B)Clostridium species
C)Bacteroides fragilis
D)Fusobacterium species
E)Klebsiella pneumoniae
• Correct Answer: D
• Rationale
This presentation of a normal host with oropharyngeal
infection complicated by septic thrombophlebitis of the
jugular vein and septic emboli is classic for Lemierre
syndrome. This is caused by the anaerobic
Although Staphylococcus and Clostridium may cause soft
tissue infection, they and the other pathogens listed do
not typically cause pharyngitis or the other manifestions
of this syndrome.
• Question 59: Which of the following statements would be
the best guide in prevention and treatment
ofCandida infections?
A)Cryptococcus neoformans
B)Streptococcus pneumoniae
C)Histoplasma capsulatum
D)Pneumocystis jiroveci
E)Mycobacterium tuberculosis
• Correct Answer: B
• Rationale
Optio A is i o e t e ause the deg ee of the patie t’s
immunosuppression should not predispose him to this
B)Clindamycin monotherapy
C)Levofloxacin monotherapy
E)Amphotericin B monotherapy
• Correct Answer: A
• Rationale
The patient in this question presents with clinical
features suggestive of Ludwig angina, a rapidly
progressive cellulitis of the floor of the mouth involving
the sublingual, submandibular, and submental spaces.
Clinically, it is characterized by a brawny discoloration of
the floor of the mouth, with an elevation of the tongue;
it is very frequently associated with airway compromise.
The infection is usually caused by decayed teeth and is
often seen in patients with a history of alcoholism,
diabetes mellitus, and immunodeficiency disorders.
Management is directed toward securing an airway,
administering systemic antibiotic therapy, and
instituting source control, with early surgical
decompression when needed. The most common
causative pathogens are a mixed flora of aerobic and
anaerobic bacteria, including streptococcal
species, Staphylococcus aureus, Borrelia
vincentii, Fusobacterium, Bacteroides species,
and Eikenella corrodens.
A)Pseudomonas aeruginosa
C)Streptococcus pneumoniae
D)Pneumocystis jiroveci
E)Haemophilus influenzae
• Correct Answer: C
• Rationale
HIV-infected patients often present atypical clinical
features of community-acquired pneumonia (CAP). As in
immunocompetent adults, the most common agent
causing CAP in HIV-infected patients is S
pneumoniae followed by gram-negative bacteria
(including Haemophilus influenzae, Pseudomonas
aeruginosa, and Legionella pneumophila) and is frequently
associated with bacteremic disease even in low-risk
patients according to pneumonia severity index. CD4 cell
count should be carefully considered in HIV patients with
CAP. In consideration of their high mortality risk, patients
with a CD4 cell count of less than 200/mL should be
hospitalized, whereas those with a CD4 cell count of at
least 200/mL could be managed according to the
pneumonia severity index score.
Empiric antibiotic therapy should include a combination
of a beta-lactam and a macrolide or a fluoroquinolone
with a high alveolar partition coefficient alone. Finally,
prevention strategies should include lifestyle
modification, highly active antiretroviral therapy access
and adherence programs, and the implementation of
pneumococcal vaccination. AIDS-associated
opportunistic infections such as Pneumocystis
jiroveci and blastomycosis tend to occur later in the
course of HIV infection when there is substantial
depletion in CD4 cells.
• Question 65:
• Insertion site skin preparation with which of the
following results in the lowest incidence of catheter-
related bloodstream infections
B)Antibiotic ointment
C)Isopropyl alcohol
D)Chlorhexidine gluconate
E)Polyhexanide gel
• Correct Answer: D
• Rationale
Povidone-iodine has been the most widely used
antiseptic for cleansing the skin prior to insertion of
arterial or central venous catheters. However, a
prospective randomized study demonstrated that the
preparation of central venous and arterial sites with a
2% chlorhexidine gluconate solution decreased
catheter-related bloodstream infections when
compared with site preparation with 10% povidone-
iodine or 70% alcohol.
A)Acute cardiomyopathy
C)Tocolytic agent
E)Aspiration pneumonia
• Correct Answer: C
• Rationale
Pulmonary edema in pregnancy is associated with an
increased risk of maternal and fetal morbidity and
mortality. In this patient, the most likely cause of the
pulmonary edema is the use of a tocolytic agent,
terbutaline. A recent study identified the combination of
magnesium sulfate and subcutaneous terbutaline as the
most common cause of tocolytic-associated pulmonary
edema. The exact pathophysiology is controversial, and
potential mechanisms include fluid overload from salt and
water retention, increased cardiac output and hydrostatic
pressure, and increased capillary permeability. Possible
risk factors for tocolytic-associated pulmonary edema
include multiple gestations, preeclampsia, and sepsis.
Therapy includes discontinuation of the agents,
supplemental oxygen, and possible diuretic
Although peripartum cardiomyopathy may present
in the last month of pregnancy, the absence of
jugular venous distension or cardiac gallop, as well
as the acuteness of onset, make this diagnosis less
likely. Fluid overload has also been identified as a
cause of pulmonary edema in pregnancy, but the
amount of fluid administered in this patient would
have only been 600 mL prior to the development of
symptoms. Most fluid overload associated with
pulmonary edema has occurred in the postpartum
period. Other causes of pulmonary edema in a
pregnant patient include preeclampsia, severe
infection, and cardiac disease, such as valvular
disorders and hypertrophic subaortic stenosis.
• Question 67:
• An adult patient with no significant past medical history
or prior hospitalizations comes to the emergency
department because of a soft tissue infection of the leg
with purulent drainage. She is admitted to the hospital
for antibiotic therapy because of the extent of her
cellulitis. She travelled to England, Ireland, and Wales 2
months ago. She was treated for otitis media and
externa 5 weeks ago after a scuba diving vacation in
Belize; she was successfully treated with 10 days of oral
ciprofloxacin. She has gluten enteropathy and takes
regular probiotic supplements including fructo-
oligosaccharides. She has a Maine Coon cat as a pet.
• Which of the following elements would impact empiric
antibiotic selection for this patient?
D)Fructo-oligosaccharide consumption
A)Amphotericin B
• Correct Answer: C
• Rationale
The most common cause of invasive fungal disease in
the ICU is infection with Candida species.
Although Candida albicans is the most commonly
identified spcies, the incidence of infection with non-
albicans Candida species (such as C glabrata, C
parapsilosis, C tropicalis, C krusei) is increasing. Risk
factors for developing non-albicans Candida infection
include systemic antifungal therapy, central venous
catheter placement, and prior gastrointestinal surgery,
especially upper gastrointestinal surgery in those with
gastric achlorhydria or on acid-suppressive therapy.
The answer for this question would be option C,
micafungin. The Infectious Diseases Society of
America 2009 guidelines recommend use of an
echinocandin in unstable patients, and the 2011
American Thoracic Society statement on treatment
of fungal infections recommends echinocandins,
amphotericin B, voriconazole, or high-dose
fluconazole in clinically unstable patients with
unknown species of candidemia.
This patient has documented candidemia with a
non-albicans species, C glabrata. Treatment of
choice for invasive candidiasis in known candidemia
in a hemodynamically unstable patient involves the
use of either echinocandins such as caspofungin,
micafungin, or anidulafungin, or a liposomal form of
amphotericin B.
Liposomal amphotericin B can be considered but would
not be the first choice for this patient given its association
ith e al a d li e side effe ts a d this patie t’s sig s of
renal dysfunction with oliguria in the setting of his
hypotension and likely sepsis. Fluconazole therapy (option
D) should be avoided if infection with C glabrata and C
krusei is common in the institution, since these species
can account for about 15% of Candida. Fluconazole should
also be avoided if infection is associated with a history of
exposure to azole therapy within the past 30 days or if the
patient has had persistent Candida infection for more than
5 days. Also, if fluconazole is to be used, it would be high-
dose fluconazole at 800 mg/day. Treatment in general is
continued for 2 weeks after the last positive blood
cultures, provided that clinical signs of infection have
• Question 70:
• In critically ill surgical patients, which of the following is
associated with the lowest risk of developing a systemic
fungal infection?
E)Acute hemodialysis
• Correct Answer: C
• Rationale
Risks for developing an invasive, systemic fungal
infection in the ICU are numerous, and include
presence of a central venous catheter, lack of enteral
nutrition, utilization of total parenteral nutrition,
utilization of broad-spectrum antibiotics (with an
especially heightened risk with utilization of
anaerobic coverage), acute hemodialysis, upper
gastrointestinal surgery, and any degree of
immunosuppression. In addition, colonization
with Candida species is a major risk factor for
developing a fungal infection. Both the duration and
the number of sites colonized with Candidaspecies
have been identified as important risk factors for
developing invasive, systemic fungal infection.
The abdominal compartment syndrome is associated
with injury (including burns), emergency general
surgery, pneumonia, and aggressive resuscitation. There
is no data that having the abdominal compartment
syndrome increases the risk of invasive fungal infection
in the critically ill, and fungal prophylaxis is not indicated
for those managed with an open peritoneal
• Question 71: Which of the following courses of action is most
appropriate in the critical care of an HIV-infected patient
receiving highly active antiretroviral therapy (HAART)?
A)Broad-spectrum antibiotics
B)Systemic corticosteroids
C)IV infliximab
D)IV immunoglobulin
E)Topical antimicrobials
• Correct Answer: E
• Rationale
The clinical situation and the description of the
mucocutaneous lesions make a diagnosis of Stevens-
Johnson syndrome/toxic epidermal necrolysis (TEN)
most likely in this patient. In addition, HIV-infected
patients are predisposed to this condition, probably
because of an increased exposure to drugs. The majority
of cases (>80%) are attributed to drugs, with antibiotics
(sulfonamides, quinolones, etc) and anticonvulsants
(phenytoin, carbamazepine, etc) being common.
Infection with viruses or Mycoplasma is much less
Stevens-Johnson and TEN are thought to be due to an
immune response to antigenic complexes formed
between drug metabolites and host tissue. Both are part
of the same disease spectrum with TEN defined as
having greater than 30% epidermal loss. Immediate
withdrawal of the suspected drug and supportive care
are the primary interventions. Patients with significant
skin involvement should be cared for in a burn or wound
care unit or ICU. Care is needed to maintain fluid and
electrolyte balance, normothermia, nutrition, and pain
relief, as well as monitoring for evidence of infection.
Ophthalmologic evaluation should also be obtained.
Routine use of systemic antibiotics is not recommended
in the absence of suspected infection. Infection
withStaphylococcus aureus and Pseudomonas
aeruginosa is the most common cause of death.
A)Transesophageal echocardiography
A)IV furosemide
B)IV enalaprilat
E)IV mannitol
• Correct Answer: C
• Rationale
This patient is most likely suffering from severe
preeclampsia, which can occur up to 1 week after delivery;
due to the postdelivery time frame, preeclampsia may be
less frequently considered in the differential diagnosis of
these symptoms than in the predelivery time frame. The
treatment of choice for elevated blood pressure is the
administration of magnesium sulfate to prevent
progression to eclampsia. The recommended dose is a 2-g
IV bolus, followed by a 1- to 2-g/h continuous IV infusion.
Further blood pressure control may be required if the
diastolic pressure remains above 100 mm Hg. Because
patients with preeclampsia/eclampsia are intravascularly
volume depleted, diuretics such as furosemide and
mannitol are not indicated. Although a fluid challenge may
be appropriate in this patient, continued observation
without intervention with magnesium is inappropriate.
Blood pressure control with an angiotensin-converting
enzyme inhibitor is not indicated.
• Question 81:
• A 20-year-old o a at eeks’ gestatio al age
presents to your emergency department with malaise
a d heada he of o e da ’s du atio . BP is /
Hg and pulse rate is 92/min; she is admitted to your
intermediate care unit for monitoring and care. Fetal
heart monitoring is reassuring and maternal urinalysis
reveals 3+ proteinuria. She suddenly develops a tonic-
clonic seizure and you are called for emergency
• The most appropriate therapy at this time is to:
A)Administer diazepam, 10 mg IV
B)Administer lorazepam, 5 mg IV
E)Administer hydralazine, 10 mg IV
• Correct Answer: C
• Rationale
Eclampsia is the occurrence of seizures in a patient in the
setting of preeclampsia and in the absence of other
attributable causes. Clinical manifestations may appear
anytime from the second trimester to the puerperium.
The exact cause of eclamptic seizures is not known. Two
proposed hypotheses include (1) cerebral overregulation
in response to high systemic blood pressure resulting in
vasospasm of cerebral arteries and (2) loss of
autoregulation of cerebral blood flow in response to high
systemic pressure.
It is universally accepted that women with eclampsia
require anticonvulsant therapy to prevent further seizures
and the potential complications of repeated seizure
activity including but not limited to neuronal death,
rhabdomyolysis, metabolic acidosis, aspiration
pneumonia, neurogenic pulmonary edema, and acute
respiratory failure.
Magnesium therapy is a more effective treatment than
phenytoin or benzodiazepines for eclamptic seizures. The
Eclamptic Trial Collaborative Group, which conducted 2
prospective studies, demonstrated that magnesium sulfate
for prevention of recurrent seizures in women with
eclampsia can reduce the rate of recurrent seizures by
one-half to two-thirds and can reduce the rate of maternal
death by one-third. A series of systematic reviews
reported magnesium sulfate was safer and more effective
than phenytoin, diazepam, or the so- alled lytic o ktail
(ie, chlorpromazine, promethazine, and pethidine) for
prevention of repeat seizures in eclamptic women.
Additional advantages of magnesium sulfate therapy
include reduced cost, ease of administration (IV or
intramuscular), and less sedation than either diazepam or
phenytoin. Magnesium also appears to selectively increase
cerebral blood flow and oxygen consumption in women
with preeclampsia; these observations are not true for
Antihypertensive therapy is not routinely administered
to women in the preeclamptic nor in the eclamptic
period as this has not been shown to alter the course of
the disease, nor to diminish perinatal morbidity or
mortality. Therapy is reserved for women in whom
blood pressure is elevated to a degree concerning for
intracranial hemorrhage.
B)Life-threatening preeclampsia
C)Ferritin level
E)Liver biopsy
• Correct Answer: A
• Rationale
During pregnancy, women may develop acute fatty liver,
HELLP syndrome, or eclampsia, and they may very well
have overlapping of these conditions. The differential
diagnosis between acute fatty liver and other conditions is
important to make because subcapsular hematoma and
rupture are common and can quickly progress to
fulminant liver failure. Moreover, acute fatty liver can
affect the fetus with significant muscle dysfunction and is
said to be associated with sudden infant death
syndrome. Extreme vigilance is very important. Since usual
onset is around 36 weeks of gestation, the treatment is
delivery of the fetus.
Increased ammonia level is highly suspicious for acute
fatty liver when accompanied by clinical progression.
Disseminated intravascular coagulation, anemia, and
hyperbilirubinemia are universally common in eclampsia,
HELLP syndrome, and acute fatty liver, so options B, C, and
D are incorrect .
• Question 90:
• Twenty-four hours after a laparoscopic removal of an
ectopic pregnancy, a 28-year-old woman with chronic
alcohol abuse is admitted to the ICU for early alcohol
withdrawal syndrome. She has been treated with
increasing doses of lorazepam that were ineffective, and
a clonidine patch and scheduled haloperidol are added.
Two hours later she develops fever to 39°C (102.1°F)
and is increasingly agitated. Laboratory studies indicate
a WBC count of 18,000/µL. A diagnosis of neuroleptic
malignant syndrome is entertained.
Which of the following best describes this diagnosis?
A)Administration of flumazenil
B)Administration of naloxone
B)Empiric antibiotics
D)Single-donor platelets
• Correct Answer: C
• Rationale
This patient is presenting with hyperacute liver failure,
defined as the development of jaundice to
encephalopathy within 7 days. This tempo of illness is
most commonly seen with viral hepatitides and
acetaminophen toxicity. Patients who present in a
hyperacute fashion have the highest likelihood of survival,
but also have the highest chance of developing cerebral
edema. Despite advances in ICU care, one-third of patients
with acute liver failure die, and the 3 most common
causes of death are cerebral edema, sepsis, and
multiorgan dysfunction syndrome.
As the synthetic function of the liver declines, significant
coagulopathy is often observed. Prophylactic reversal via
administration of blood products, however, is unwarranted
as this puts the patient at risk of transfusion-associated
circulatory overload (TACO). As many patients have
concurrent kidney dysfunction, volume management is
particularly crucial. Thus, option A is incorrect.
Furthermore, normalization of coagulation parameters
precludes trending the prothrombin time, which is a
powerful prognostic tool. Finally, no study has shown
that aggressive administration of blood products
significantly alters the risk of bleeding, even with
platelet counts down to 10,000/µL; lower platelet
counts are associated with spontaneous hemorrhage
and should be treated with platelet transfusion. This
observation may be underpinned in part by the
reduction in procoagulants as well as anticoagulants as
the liver sustains significant injury. Studies have shown
that subclinical vitamin K deficiency can occur in up to
25% of patients, so consensus guidelines recommend
empiric administration of vitamin K.
Sepsis is the leading cause of death in acute liver failure.
Thus, aggressive surveillance with periodic cultures and
vigilance for signs of infection are important. Although
most recommend a low threshold for antibiotic initiation
(for example, in cases of unexplained, refractory shock),
there are no definitive data to support the use of
prophylactic antibiotics. Therefore, option B is incorrect.
Common sites of infection include the bloodstream, urine,
and lungs. Catheter-related infections make up a
percentage of these infections, and therefore, routine
insertions of central venous catheters are ill advised until a
need for such specialized catheters arises. Therefore,
option D is incorrect. Most procedures (including
intracranial monitoring devices), can be safely inserted
with the use of blood products, which may include a
combination of fresh frozen plasma, cryoprecipitate (if
fibrinogen level is lower than 100 mg/dL), and
recombinant factor VII—if needed.
Although the acetaminophen level in this patient was
undetectable, N-acetylcysteine should be promptly started
for this patient. She has a history of acetaminophen use,
and it is important to remember that up to 50% of
acetaminophen-related acute liver injury arises from
therapeutic misadventures due to repeated dosing. As the
patient has already been ill for several days,
acetaminophen levels may no longer be detectable, as
they rapidly decline. In research settings, acetaminophen
protein adducts, which have a longer half-life, have been
tested. In up to 20% of patients classified as presenting
with "indeterminate" cause, positive protein adduct levels
were noted, suggesting unrecognized acetaminophen
overdose. Therefore, consensus guidelines recommend
administration ofN-acetylcysteine regardless of dose
ingested, levels, or timing.
This should be continued until there is consistent
evidence of clinical recovery. In general, IV N-
acetylcysteine is preferred among critically ill patients
(particularly those with signs of encephalopathy), as it
eliminates the risk of aspiration. Finally, the use of IV N-
acteylcysteine for non–acetaminophen related acute
liver failure was investigated by the US Acute Liver
Failure study group. In their multicenter, randomized
trial, the group demonstrated a significant improvement
in transplant-free survival among patients with early
encephalopathy (grade 1 or 2)—52% among the
intervention group versus 30% in the placebo group.
• Question 98:
• A 73-year-old woman had a left upper lobectomy 1 day
ago. She has been receiving continuous epidural
analgesia with 0.1% bupivacaine with fentanyl, 10
µg/mL at 5 mL/h. In the morning, she is somnolent but
awakens with stimulation. The morning arterial blood
gas study shows pH of 7.28, PaCO2 of 54 mm Hg, and
PaO2 of 100 mm Hg on oxygen, 2 L/min via nasal
cannula. Her BP is 136/84 mm Hg, HR is 62/min, and RR
is 8/min.
Which of the following represents the most appropriate
C)Crush injury
D)Myasthenia gravis
E)Facial lacerations
• Correct Answer: C
• Rationale
Succinylcholine, a depolarizing neuromuscular blocker,
has many advantages, including its rapid onset of action
and its ultrashort duration of neuromuscular blocking
activity. However, this drug is associated with several
negative effects. In normal patients, succinylcholine
administration results in a serum potassium increase of
0.5-1.0 mEq/L. The administration of succinylcholine to
patients with burns, prolonged immobility, crush
injuries, and muscular dystrophies produces life-
threatening hyperkalemia secondary to the up-
regulation of extrajunctional receptors for acetylcholine
of the skeletal muscle membrane.
Patients with renal insufficiency often have elevated
potassium levels, but the extrajunctional receptors do
not proliferate. Although succinylcholine will increase
intraocular pressure, further damage to the eye with its
use during rapid-sequence inductions of general
anesthesia has not been borne out. Patients with
myasthenia gravis are resistant to succinylcholine.
• Question 100:
• Which of the following best characterizes
B)Succinylcholine-induced hypokalemia
B)Myasthenia gravis
C)Myotonic dystrophy
C)Community-acquired pneumonia
D)Therapeutically anticoagulate
A)Flow-time trace
B)Pressure-time trace
C)Volume-time loop
D)Pressure-volume loop
E)Area-under-the-flow trace
• Correct Answer: D
• Rationale
Alveolar overdistension may be most readily detected
using the pressure-volume loop (also known as the
hysteresis curve). An increase in pressure that does not
result in a corresponding change in volume creates the
i d’s eak phe o e o alo g the e t e e ight a d
portion of the inspiratory limb of the tracing. The flow-
time trace is best used to assess for auto–positive end-
expiratory pressure. The pressure-time trace is best to
assess mean airway pressure and the area under the curve
that corresponds with mean airway pressure. The volume-
time loop may be best used to look for leaks within the
system in those being mechanically ventilated. The area-
under-the-flow-time trace is generally not routinely
calculated in clinical settings.
• Question 114:
• Which of the following best characterizes the correct
method to determine plateau pressure in a patient
spontaneously breathing on volume-controlled
mechanical ventilation?
A)Peak pressure minus positive end-expiratory pressure
B)Weight loss
C)Arterial catheters
D)Antidepressant agents
• Correct Answer: A
• Rationale
The important risk factors for venous thrombosis, and
thus pulmonary embolism (PE), are central venous
catheter presence, especially in younger children, and
certain medical conditions. These underlying medical
diagnoses include congenital heart disease, protein-
losing states like nephrotic syndrome or inflammatory
bowel disease, morbid obesity, or prolonged
immobilization with a surgical procedure in the
preceding 2 weeks. Nephrotic syndrome is a commonly
unrecognized predisposing factor to the development of
Nephrotic syndrome is a high-risk factor because of loss of
antithrombin III and the impaired red blood cell
deformability. Decreased profibrinolysin; increased levels
of factors V, VII, VIII, von Willebrand factor, and lipoprotein
a; increasing platelet counts and aggregation; and
attachment and release of platelet alpha-granules with the
use of diuretics and steroids may be the other reasons.
Reported incidence of thrombi developing in these
patients is 5% to 10% while on steroids and diuretics. A
low threshold to order investigations for PE should be
maintained in this subset of patients. PE is not associated
with weight loss or arterial catheters. PE associated with
the use of oral contraceptives is thought to occur as a
result of the resistance of the third generation birth
control norgestimate to endogenous anticoagulant-
activated protein C.
• Question 117:
• A 24-year-old man, who is 178 cm (5 feet 10 inches)
tall and weighs 98 kg (218 lbs) is admitted to the ICU
after a motor vehicle collision in which he sustains
multiple rib fractures and a pelvic fracture. He is
hypotensive on admission and undergoes
angioembolization of his pudendal arteries. He is
resuscitated with packed red blood cells, 6 U; fresh
frozen plasma, 6 U; platelets, 5 U; and lactated
Ringer solution, 4,500 mL. On postinjury day 1 he
remains intubated and mechanically ventilated;
however, his arterial blood gas results are pH of
7.47; PaCO2 of 32 mm Hg, and PaO2 of 68 mm Hg.
His ventilator settings are assist-control at 14/min,
tidal volume of 700 mL, FIO2 of 0.6, positive end-
expiratory pressure (PEEP) of 8 cm H2O, and plateau
pressure is 35 cm H2O.
Which of the following steps is most important in
implementing protective lung ventilation?
• Correct Answer: C
• Rationale
The Acute Dialysis Quality Initiative (ADQI) Group
published a consensus definition for acute kidney injury
(AKI) and acute renal failure that is known as the RIFLE
criteria (Risk, Injury, Failure, Loss of kidney function, and
End-stage kidney disease). It has become a standard in
terms of defining decrements in renal function,
particularly in the ICU or hospital setting. Subsequent
studies have shown its utilization in predicting hospital
mortality, where mortality correlates with the maximum
RIFLE classification reached during the ICU stay. The
Acute Kidney Injury Network (AKIN) has further clarified
AKI into 3 stages based on changes in urine flow and
serum creatinine.
• Question 121:
• A previously healthy, 54-year-old, 84-kg (187-lb) man
undergoes a laparoscopic converted to open distal
pancreatectomy and splenectomy for a pancreatic tail
mass. He does well intraoperatively, has an uneventful
stay in the postanesthesia care unit, and is transferred to
the floor. On postoperative day 2 he develops fever and
undergoes a workup. He is tachycardic to 104/min, has a
normal BP of 126/84 mm Hg, RR of 26/min (nonlabored),
and room-air SaO2 of 93%. His wound has a 1-cm zone of
surrounding erythema and no drainage. His WBCs have
increased from 9,200 to 15,600/µL, blood urea nitrogen
level has increased from 12 to 26 mg/dL, and creatinine
has increased from 1.2 to 1.6 mg/dL with an associated
urine output over the past two 12-hour shifts of 510 mL
and then 186 mL. Fo the hou s of toda ’s shift, he has
made 42 mL of urine.
• Which of the following best describes his acute kidney
B)AKIN stage 3
This patient has a rise in Scr that is more than 0.3 mg/dL
(stage 1), but his increase in Scr is not greater than
200% but less than 300% of his baseline (ie, not stage
2). However, he has oliguria (urine output <0.5 mL/kg/h)
present for more than 12 hours (stage 2). Using the
worst criterion—the urine output—he fits into AKIN
stage 2. He does not meet the Scr nor urine output nor
receipt of renal replacement therapy criteria for AKIN
stage 3.
Septic acute kidney injury identifies the proximate
cause of the AKI, and it is not clear that this patient has
this diagnosis since he is not febrile, his wound has no
drainage, and he has a normal blood pressure. Similarly,
the patient does not meet the urine output, Scr, nor GFR
ite ia fo RIFLE F lassifi atio . The e is o KDIGO
Class 2a designation. However, since the KDIGO and
AKIN urine output criteria are similar, this patient would
satisfy the KDIGO class 2 criteria.
• Question 122:
• After a 70% body surface area burn, your patient has
persistent acute renal failure and is judged to be
appropriate for continuous renal replacement therapy.
Continuous renal replacement therapy is selected as the
patient also has ventilator-associated pneumonia,
relative adrenal insufficiency, and requires
norepinephrine at 0.08 µg/kg/min and vasopressin at
0.04 U/h. He is being treated for methicillin-
resistant Staphylococcus aureus with IV vancomycin and
for Pseudomonas aeruginosa with
The antibiotics should be dosed for renal failure being
managed with continuous renal replacement therapy
based on:
B)Posthypercapnia syndrome
E)Prothrombotic state
• Correct Answer: C
• Rationale
The dissolved oxygen content of blood increases during
cooling. This a result of the increased solubility of
oxygen into the aqueous portion of blood as the
temperature decreases. Analysis of a blood sample
drawn from a hypothermic patient that is then analyzed
at 37°C (98.6°F) will have a higher amount of dissolved
oxygen than one obtained with the same inspired
oxygen content in the normothermic state.
The potassium concentration decreases due to
increased intracellular shift. Hyperglycemia occurs due
to decreased insulin production and decreased insulin
receptor binding and activity.
A)Neurogenic shock
B)Hypovolemic shock
C)Cardiogenic shock
D)Septic shock
E)Carotid dissection
• Correct Answer: B
• Rationale
Hypovolemic shock is one of the leading causes of
preventable death after traumatic injury. Pelvic
fractures, particularly in the elderly, who have limited
tissue turgor, can result in loss of more than 1 liter of
blood. In this patient the combination of tachycardia,
hypotension, base deficit, and decreased hematocrit
suggest that the patient has sustained significant blood
loss due to trauma. The shock index, defined as the
heart rate divided by systolic blood pressure, has been
shown to be a better indicator of early shock after injury
than traditional vital signs, particularly in the elderly.
While the patient may have crashed as a result of an
undisclosed source of sepsis, the pelvic hematoma and
a contrast blush suggest active hemorrhage. The
tachycardia should be interpreted as a rate-responsive
cardiac output sign due to hypovolemia rather than
evidence of cardiogenic shock despite the bent steering
wheel, as those who have a severe blunt cardiac injury
generally present with profound shock rather than
developing it later in their hospital course. Blunt carotid
injury leading to dissection generally occurs in those
with a seat belt sign and is uncommon in those who are
neurologically intact.
• Question 134:
• Which of the following is the most common cause of
sepsis in the United States?
A)Gram-negative organisms
B)Gram-positive organisms
C)Opportunistic fungi
D)Virus-based infection
C)Pulmonary abscess
• Correct Answer: B
• Rationale
Pancuronium, vecuronium, and pipecuronium are
steroidal neuromuscular blockers that are metabolized
in the liver into compounds that also have significant
neuromuscular blocking activity and are cleared by the
kidney. In patients with renal insufficiency, paralysis may
persist well after the neuromuscular blocker has been
Mivacurium is a short-acting neuromuscular blocker. Its
action is stopped by plasma pseudocholinesterase and is
not prolonged in hepatic and renal failure. In the ICU it
is used mostly for neuromuscular blockade to facilitate
brief procedures such as bronchoscopy and central line
placement. Mivacurium is not currently available in the
United States. The action of cisatracurium, an
intermediate neuromuscular blocker, is terminated at
physiologic pH and temperature by Hofmann
degradation to inactive products.
A)285 mL/h
B)585 mL/h
C)785 mL/h
D)1,085 mL/h
E)1,385 mL/h
• Correct Answer: C
• Rationale
The patient has suffered second and third degree burns on
45% of his body surface area (BSA). The percent of the BSA
that is i ol ed i the u a e esti ated the ule
of i es see Figu e elo . This patie t has
circumferential (both anterior and posterior) burns to one
arm and one leg, plus his entire back. Therefore, the
percent BSA equals 9% + 18% + 18% = 45%. he Parkland
formula for calculating the volume of crystalloid
resuscitation required over the first 24 hours is as follows:
Crystalloid Volume = %BSA × 4 × Weight (kg). This formula
indicates that 12,600 mL of fluid will be required over the
first 24 hours. Half of this fluid should be administered
over the first 8 hours. This translates to 6.3 L of crystalloid
over the first 8 hours, or 785 mL/h.
A o e is ette app oa h to esus itatio is ot
necessarily prudent. Although patients with severe
burns may require massive intravascular volume
resuscitation, administering fluids in excess of what the
patient actually requires may lead to complications. The
most notable complications of over-resuscitating a burn
patient would be compartment syndromes, either
abdominal compartment syndrome, or perhaps in this
case an extremity compartment syndrome. Given the
circumferential burns that this patient has in his
extremities, administering fluids in excess of what the
patient needs will contribute to edema and could
increase his risk of developing an extremity
compartment syndrome.
• Question 145:
• A 25-year-old man weighing 75 kg (167 lbs) sustains a
flame burn to 60% of his total body surface area in a
house fire. Resuscitation with lactated Ringer solution is
started, 1,125 mL/h, and titrated to maintain urine output
of 0.5 mL/kg/h. The next morning, temperature is 38.3°C
(100.9°F), HR is 120/min, BP is 130/70 mm Hg, and RR is
25/min. Starch-based colloids are administered to
minimize crystalloid fluids. His urine is clear yellow, with a
urine output of 40 mL/h. Laboratory results 24 hours after
admission demonstrate the following: WBCs, 18,000/µL;
hemoglobin, 12 g/dL; hematocrit, 35%; platelets,
65,000/µL; blood urea nitrogen, 10 mg/dL; creatinine, 1.2
mg/dL; sodium, 140 mEq/L; chloride, 100 mEq/L; and
potassium, 4.2 mEq/L. Arterial blood gas demonstrates a
pH of 7.42, PaCO2of 38 mm Hg, and PaO2 of 100 mm Hg
on an FIO2 of 30%.
Which of the following is the most likely cause of his
A)Wound sepsis
E)Missed injury
• Correct Answer: D
• Rationale
Severe burn injury results in the massive release of
catecholamines, which doubles the metabolic rate in
burns covering more than 40% total body surface area.
The hypermetabolic state is associated with an elevated
temperature, tachycardia, tachypnea, and profound
weight loss despite appropriate enteral nutrition. The
white blood cell count is elevated for several days after
injury and subsequently drops precipitously and is not an
indicator of infection. The hypermetabolic state persists
for 2 years after injury. Wound sepsis does not occur
within 24 hours of injury. The patient has appropriate
urine output, vital signs, and laboratory results, making
hypovolemia or hypervolemia unlikely. While missed
injuries do occur, they do so at a low rate of about 4%—a
rate that is much less common than the well-characterized
hypermetabolism of thermal injury.
• Question 146:
• A 73-year-old woman is admitted to the ICU after a
motor vehicle collision in which she sustained fractures
of her femur and hip. She has a history of angina and
documented 2-vessel coronary artery disease managed
medically. She has no underlying pulmonary disease.
Three days later she undergoes surgery for her
fractures, and after returning from the operating room
is noted to be hypotensive (78/50 mm Hg), cyanotic
(SaO2 of 80% on room air), and tachycardic (112/min). A
pulmonary artery catheter is inserted revealing the
pulmonary artery/pulmonary artery occlusion pressure
tracing shown in the Figure.
Cardiac output is 2.4 L/min, cardiac index is 1.5
L/min/m2, right atrial pressure is 21 mm Hg,
pulmonary artery pressure is 38/26/29 mm Hg, and
pulmonary artery occlusion pressure is 14 mm Hg.
Based on the clinical and hemodynamic data, which
of the following best explains the hypotension and
A)Acute pulmonary or fat embolism
B)Postoperative hemorrhage
C)Right ventricular infarction
D)Abdominal compartment syndrome
E)Thoracic compartment syndrome
• Correct Answer: A
• Rationale
The patient is hypotensive and has a very low cardiac
output. The key findings are a very high right atrial
pressure that is greater than the pulmonary artery
occlusion pressure (PAOP) and a large pulmonary artery
end-diastolic pressure–PAOP gradient, indicating high
pulmonary vascular resistance. This picture indicates acute
right heart failure due to increased pulmonary vascular
resistance. (The fact that there is only a modest increase in
the pulmonary artery pressure may be explained by the
very low cardiac output). Acute pulmonary
thromboembolism or fat embolism could produce this
picture. A right ventricle infarction can result in a low
cardiac output, with the right atrial pressure higher than
the PAOP, and severe hypoxemia due to a patent foramen
ovale and low SvO2. However, with a right ventricular
infarct, this marked increase in pulmonary vascular
resistance would not be expected.
Abdominal compartment syndrome may produce
hypotension, low cardiac output and index but a low
right atrial pressure from impeded venous return.
Thoracic compartment syndrome generally produces
similar findings with impeded venous return but has
equalized right atrial, pulmonary artery, and pulmonary
artery occlusion pressures due to the uniformly
distributed increase in intrathoracic pressure.
• Question 147:
• A patient is brought to the ICU after ingesting cocaine by
the nasal route. He is agitated, with BP of 190/110 mm Hg,
HR of 120/min, RR of 20/min, and temperature of 39°C
(102.1°F). Which of the following interventions would be
most appropriate for this patient?
B)IV lorazepam
D)Intramuscular haloperidol