OZ Character Sheets V1.0
OZ Character Sheets V1.0
OZ Character Sheets V1.0
17 32
The other turtles in the pond always teased you.
You grew so much faster that the other kids, and
even your parents weren’t sure how to help. What’s
A Fantasy Role-Playing Setting
Natural Armor HD 3D12 a turtle to do when their child is the size of a
+1 30ft
and sharing with each other will help with the
frustration and the loneliness.
Player Name
You generally don’t say much but will freely
Giant Turtle, Barbarian (Berserker), 3 speak openly and confidently when a topic you’re
Ancestry, Class (Subclass), Level passionate about comes up.
ALIGNMENT Lawful Neutral
SIZE Medium
Hermit 950
Fairness: everyone wins if everything is equal.
Background Experience ACTION
- Two-Handed Greataxe melee, +5 to hit,
1D12+3 BOND
PROFICIENCY You love the environment and will do anything to
STR - Turtle Claws melee, +5 to hit, 1D4+3
BONUS protect its natural beauty.
- Lasts 1 minute (10 rounds), or until
+0 Intelligence unconscious, haven’t attacked, or been
+1 Wisdom hit in a round
13 -1 Charisma - Advantage on STR checks & saves
*prof. bonus added - +2 bonus on STR-based melee attacks
- Resistance (half damage) from
Skills bludgeoning, piercing, slashing damage
- Reckless Attack first attack on your turn
+1 Acrobatics
rolls with advantage, attacks against you
+1 Animal Handling roll with advantage until next turn
+0 Arcana - Danger Sense advantage on DEX saves
15 +3 Athletics against traps
-1 Deception - Frenzy attack as bonus action while
+0 History raging, one level of exhaustion after rage
+1 Insight
+1 Intimidation* - Hold Breath up to 1 hour
+0 Investigation - Shell Defense
10 +3 Medicine* - Armor +4
+2 Nature* - Advantage on STR & CON saves
+1 Perception - Speed 0 and prone
WIS -1 Performance - No Reactions
+1 12
-1 Persuasion
+2 Religion*
+1 Sleight of Hand
- Disadvantage on DEX saves
- Discovery
- Carrying greataxe, two handaxes,
+1 Stealth five javelins, explorer’s pack (includes
+3 Survival* PROFICIENCIES backpack, bedroll, mess kit, tinderbox,
- Armor light, medium, shields 10 torches, 10 day’s rations, waterskin,
CHA *prof. bonus added 50 feet of rope), herbalism kit (includes
- Weapons simple, martial clippers, mortar and pestle, pouches of
PASSIVE - Tools none herbs), winter blanket
WISDOM - Coins & Gems 7 gold pieces (GP), 4
8 gems (each worth 10 GP)
J BRUCE (Order #37156864)
16 24
You don’t remember much of your time as a
training dummy. It wasn’t until a good right
hook knocked some sense into you that your
A Fantasy Role-Playing Setting
None HD 3D8 mind began spinning. You retained all of the
programming that the boxing coach configured,
but now you want more.
Character Name INITIATIVE SPEED All you have to go on is the faded label that reads
+3 40ft
“–ton, Win–, Oz.”
+1 12
Saving Throws
- Flurry of Blows see Class Feature
Your memory components are on the fritz and it’s
- Ki Energy 3 ki points to use, recharges very hard to remember names.
+3 Strength* after short or long rest
+5 Dexterity* - Flurry of Blows 1 ki for 2 extra Punches
DEX +2 Constitution after first Punch attack (3 punches total)
plus add one effect on target
+0 Intelligence
- DEX save or knocked prone
+2 Wisdom
- STR save or pushed 15´ away
16 -1 Charisma
- Can’t take reactions until end of your
*prof. bonus added next turn
- Patient Defense 1 ki for Dodge as
CON Skills bonus action
+5 Acrobatics* - Step of the Wind 1 ki for Disengage
+2 Animal Handling or Dash as bonus action, jump distance
+0 Arcana doubled
15 +3 Athletics* - Deflect Missiles Use reaction to reduce
ranged weapon damage by 1D10+3
-1 Deception
INT - Constructd Resilience
+2 Insight
+0 10
-1 Intimidation
+0 Investigation
+2 Medicine
- Advantage on saves against poison
- Resistance to poison
- Immune to disease
- No need to eat or sleep
+0 Nature
- Sentry’s Rest
+2 Perception
WIS - Semiconscious 6 hours/day instead of
+1 Performance* 8 hours of sleep
+2 14
-1 Persuasion
+2 Religion
+3 Sleight of Hand
- Not immune to magical sleep
- By Popular Demand
+5 Stealth*
CHA *prof. bonus added - Armor none EQUIPMENT
- Weapons simple, shortswords - Carrying 10 darts, belt pouch,
PASSIVE - Tools Calligrapher’s supplies, gaming set ornamental belt, letter from a fan
WISDOM (dice set), musical instrument (lute) - Coins & Gems 2 gold pieces (GP), 2
12 gems (each worth 10 GP)
14 25
The life of a coal miner’s canary is one of constant
awareness. For years you kept your miners safe
from poison and underground dragons, until
A Fantasy Role-Playing Setting
Leather Armor HD 3D10 they hit a pocket of magical gas. No one survived,
except you. Not only that, but you grew larger
and stronger and adept at living in the dark.
Character Name INITIATIVE SPEED You blame the Dragons for what happened (it was
+5 30ft
their tunnels that lead straight to the gas, after all)
and now you think you may have found them.
Player Name
You respect anyone who does physical labor to
Oversized Canary, Ranger (Gloom Stalker), 3 make a living.
Ancestry, Class (Subclass), Level
ALIGNMENT Chaotic Good
SIZE Small
Preparedness: everyone is safer when everyone
Outlander 950
follows the plan.
Background Experience ACTION
- Shortsword melee +5 to hit, 1D6+3 and
(optional) Quarterstaff melee +5 to hit, BOND
PROFICIENCY 1D6+3 The miners who raised you are as close to a family
STR BONUS as you’ve ever had.
- Hand Crossbow ranged, +5 to hit,
+1 12
Saving Throws
- Cast Spell See Magic
You lose all composure at the mention of
MAGIC Dragons.
+3 Strength* - Spell Attack Modifier +4
+5 Dexterity* - Spell Save DC12
DEX +1 Constitution
+3 17
+0 Intelligence
+2 Wisdom
-1 Charisma
- Animal Friendship
- Detect Magic
*prof. bonus added - Disguise Self
- Ensnaring Strike
CON Skills
+3 Acrobatics
- Favored Enemy Dragons
+4 Animal Handling*
- Advantage on Survival checks to track
+0 Arcana and History checks to recall lore
13 +3 Athletics - Favored Terrain Underground
+1 Deception* - Proficiency bonus doubled making ANCESTRY FEATURE
+0 History INT & WIS checks relating to the - Expert Forgery Advantage to make
INT terrain forgeries and duplicate items
+4 Insight*
+0 10
-1 Intimidation
+0 Investigation
+2 Medicine
- Can’t become lost unless by magic
- Find twice as much food when
- Mimicry Mimic sounds you’ve heard.
Target knows an imitation if their Insight
check beats your Deception check
- Learn exact numbers, size, and how
+2 Nature long since creatures were present BACKGROUND FEATURE
+4 Perception* when tracking - Wanderer
WIS -1 Performance - Primeval Awareness Use 1 spell slot.
Sense creatures in 1 mile or 6 miles in
-1 Persuasion Favored Terrain - Armor light, medium, shields
+0 Religion - Dread Ambusher First turn in combat - Weapons simple, martial
15 +3 Sleight of Hand - +10´ to speed - Tools musical instrument (flute)
+5 Stealth* - Extra 1D8 to attack damage
+4 Survival* - Umbral Sight - Carrying leather armor, shortsword,
CHA *prof. bonus added - Darkvision up to 60´ quarterstaff, hand crossbow and 20 bolts,
-1 - Invisible in darkness to creatures that belt pouch, traveler’s cloak, hunting trap,
PASSIVE rely on Darkvision pouch full of coal and iron
WISDOM - Coins & Gems 18 gold pieces (GP), 3
8 gems (each worth 10 GP)
J BRUCE (Order #37156864)
15 24
Your dedication knows no bounds. Whether it’s
for your work as a blacksmith or for your fellow
Guild members, there’s nothing you wouldn’t do.
A Fantasy Role-Playing Setting
Mail + Shield HD 3D8
When your Guildmaster asked you to learn from
the smiths in a place called Oz, you couldn’t
say “yes” any faster. Going to a new place and
Character Name INITIATIVE SPEED learning from new people is a dream come true.
-1 30ft
Now all you have to do is find the Guildmaster in
Quadling District. Somewhere in Little Utensia.
Player Name
You’re eager to learn and it shows in your work.
Human, Cleric (Domain of the Forge), 3 You’re the first to try something new and very
Ancestry, Class (Subclass), Level rarely get upset if it doesn’t go well the first time.
ALIGNMENT Chaotic Good
SIZE Medium
Guild Artisan 950
Kindness: there’s never a reason to start an
Background Experience ACTION
interaction with anything but compassion.
- Hammer melee +4 to hit, 1D6+2
PROFICIENCY - Light Crossbow ranged, +4 to hit, BOND
STR 1D8-1
BONUS Your Guildmaster is like a parent to you.
- Light
+0 Intelligence
- Resistance
+5 Wisdom*
- Spare the Dying
9 +3 Charisma*
*prof. bonus added - Bane
- Bless
CON Skills
- Command
-1 Acrobatics - Cure Wounds
+3 Animal Handling - Identify
+0 Arcana - Searing Smite
15 +2 Athletics - 2ND LEVEL (2 SLOTS)
+1 Deception - Lesser Restoration
+2 History* - Heat Metal
+5 Insight* - Hold Person
+0 11
+1 Intimidation
+0 Investigation
+3 Medicine
- Magic Weapon
- Channel Divinity (1/day) Call upon
+0 Nature your diety PROFICIENCIES
+3 Perception - Turn Undead WIS save by all undead - Armor light, medium, heavy, shields
WIS +1 Performance
in 30´, flee if fail for 1 minute or until - Weapons simple
+3 Persuasion* - Tools mason’s, smith’s
- Artisan’s Blessing 1 hour to make
+2 Religion* non-magic item (weapon, tools, etc.) EQUIPMENT
16 -1 Sleight of Hand - Blessing of the Forge +1 bonus to a - Carrying scale mail, shield, hammer,
-1 Stealth (Disadv.) single weapon or piece of armor between light crossbow and 20 bolts, mason’s
+3 Survival long rests tools (trowel, small hammers, chisels,
etc.), smith’s tools (small anvil, hammers,
CHA *prof. bonus added BACKGROUND FEATURE tongs, etc.), belt pouch, common
12 20
Life as a sorcerer’s apprentice was going well, until
that fateful day. You’re still not sure if it was an
accident or an experiment, but you know your
A Fantasy Role-Playing Setting
None HD 3D6 teacher was responsible. They’re the reason you’re
trapped in the fragile bones of a teaching skeleton.
At least you can still practice your magic.
Character Name INITIATIVE SPEED You’re not sure if Oz will have the information
+2 30ft
you need, but it’s as good a lead as anywhere else.
+0 10
Saving Throws
- Spell Attack Modifier +2
- Spell Save DC10
You don’t like when others get into your personal
space (particularly hugging).
+0 Strength - SPELLS
+2 Dexterity - CANTRIPS
DEX +2 Constitution - Friends NOTES
+2 15
+2 Intelligence*
+3 Wisdom*
-3 Charisma
- Light
- Shocking Grasp
- Mage Armor
*prof. bonus added
- Magic Missile
Skills - Witch Bolt
+2 Acrobatics
- Melf ’s Acid Arrow
+1 Animal Handling
14 +2 Athletics* - Arcane Recovery (1/day) Regain spell
slots totaling 2 levels after short rest
-3 Deception
+2 History* - Evocation Savant Copy evocation spells
INT in half the time and half resources
+3 Insight*
+0 11
-3 Intimidation
+2 Investigation*
+3 Medicine*
- Sculpt Spells Exclude 1 plus spell’s level
targets from effect of evocation spell
+0 Nature - Darkvision See in dark up to 60´
+1 Perception - Skeletal Nature
WIS - Immune to poison and exhaustion PROFICIENCIES
-3 Performance
- Doesn’t require air, food, water, or - Armor none
-3 Persuasion
sleep - Weapons dagger, dart, light crossbow,
+0 Religion - Can replace lost limbs with bones quarterstaff, sling
12 +2 Sleight of Hand - Vulnerable to bludgeoning weapons - Tools none
+2 Stealth (double damage)
+1 Survival - Can hiss one word sentences EQUIPMENT
- Carrying two daggers, quarterstaff, belt
CHA *prof. bonus added pouch, wizard’s robe and hat, bottle of
-3 4
- Researcher black ink, quill, small knife, personal
- Coins & Gems 12 gold pieces (GP), 3
13 24
Circus life isn’t for everyone, but you love it
like a clown loves makeup. Growing up around
strongmen and trapeze artists will do that to a kid.
A Fantasy Role-Playing Setting
Leather Armor HD 3D8 After years of work, you finally made it big.
+3 30ft
some of his stolen books on magic. No one knows
those books unlocked something inside you.
Player Name Magic beyond your wildest dreams. And you want
more. If only you could find Oscar again.
+0 11
Saving Throws
- Spell Attack Modifier +5
Your fellow performers mean the world to you.
- Spell Save DC13 You believe others are inherently born gullible.
+0 Strength
+4 Dexterity*
+2 Constitution - Blade Ward
+2 15
+1 Intelligence
-1 Wisdom
+5 Charisma*
- Vicious Mockery
- Charm Person
*prof. bonus added - Cure Wounds
- Faerie Fire
CON Skills - Healing Word
+4 Acrobatics* - 2ND LEVEL (2 SLOTS)
+0 Animal Handling - Enhance Ability
+3 Arcana* - Suggestion
14 +1 Athletics
+5 Deception* - Bardic Inspiration (1/day) choose
+2 History creature as bonus action and they add
INT 1D6 to roll in next 10 minutes
+0 Insight
+1 13
+4 Intimidation
+2 Investigation
+0 Medicine
- Song of Rest add 1D6 HP to allies
spending Hit Dice during a short rest
- Enthralling Performance After 1
minute (or more) performance, up
+2 Nature to CHA modifier worth of audience
+0 Perception members make WIS save or be charmed
WIS for 1 hour
+7 Performance**
- Mantle of Inspiration use Bardic
+4 Persuasion Inspiration to add 5 temp. HP to allies
+3 Religion*
9 - By Popular Demand
+5 Stealth** - Carrying leather armor, rapier, dagger,
+0 Survival PROFICIENCIES entertainer’s pack (backpack, bedroll,
2 costumes, 5 candles, 5 day’s rations,
CHA *prof. bonus added - Armor light waterskin, disguise kit), belt pouch,
+3 13
- Weapons simple, hand crossbow,
longsword, rapier, shortsword
- Tools disguise kit, musical instrument
common clothes, formal clothes, violin,
circus tickets
- Coins & Gems 7 gold pieces (GP), 3