Spec 2 - Activity 08
Spec 2 - Activity 08
Spec 2 - Activity 08
Effective Date: 7-DEC-2016
Recall that a crisis management team is structured to deal with unexpected incidents
or series of events, accidents or crises that can have unique or wide-ranging implications.
There is in some situations little that a crisis management team can do to avert a catastrophe
like a natural disaster. Nevertheless, since there are no two planes for crisis management alike,
team leaders should be mindful of the most common flaws found in other plans.
Although with experience, practice and exposure certain vulnerabilities can be
minimized or removed, others can be detected only after a crisis has been dealt with and
individuals can look back and assess which elements of the crisis plan worked and which did
not. However, understanding the fundamental reasons why a crisis management plan can fail
or impede a successful resolution of the situation can help crisis management team members
avoid those situations wherever possible.
Try this!
List down common weaknesses of a crisis you encountered before. List down at least
three weaknesses.
There are obvious weak points when a certain organization handle a crisis. The three
common weaknesses that I encountered before are list down below which are;
Slow respond - what I noticed when facing a crisis a person who has somewhat
authority will dig up more information to the situation and not just resolve it immediately
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Effective Date: 7-DEC-2016
or call a help. For example in our school there is this incident where a person got injured
but instead of calling a immediate aid to clinic they would mostly try to question the
victim about what happen rather than where or what is the injured part. This type of
respond will most likely slow down the respond which I think one of the weakness of a
Flow of command failure - Sometimes organization fail to distribute information to
the right person and it leads to failure in providing information to the other staff.
Minimizing the confusion - When there is a crisis happening there are a lot of people
will be confuse and worried about the crisis. Sometimes people that are involve panic
from it and sometimes like teacher panic more from the crisis which elevate panic more.
People who are in charge cannot eradicate confusion well and this is also an obvious
weaknesses in a crisis.
Think ahead!
Reflective Feedback: What do you think are the biggest mistake managers do which often
leads them to a crisis?
I think the biggest mistakes managers do which lead them to a crisis is not making a
advance plan when a certain situation occur. For instance, a manager fail to make a
contingency plan when someone died or just a sudden absent and that person is task with a
important job. Making a plan about it would make everything more smooth than worrying
about what things they will do in that sudden crisis situation.
Good Job!
Common Weaknesses
Although finding any potential vulnerability of a crisis plan would be difficult, some
vulnerabilities may be more apparent. Some of the most popular ones include:
Failure to adequately collect information or data and to plan around it. This
aspect of crisis management planning involves the identification of possible hazards
or crisis situations, their examination, and the preparation or development of a
variety of responses. Information may be required including company operating
procedures, organizational records, and regulatory rules and laws imposed by state
or federal mandates.
Preventing Confusion
Although the weaknesses mentioned above in the crisis management plan definitely
are not all the weaknesses found in other plans, they are the most common. Members of the
crisis management team need to work frequently and discuss potential action strategies, as
well as possible scenarios or consequences if things don't go well.
Not all of this is doom and gloom. Proper planning will help save not just human life
but millions of dollars in profits and corporate reputations that survive on the Boy Scout
slogan, "Be prepared."
Due to the value of coordination and information when planning emergency plans,
members of the crisis management team will practice frequently or come up with ideas for
coping with emergencies.
With the common weaknesses you listed above, give these weaknesses solutions based from
the paragraphs you read above.