Uhrig Lesson Plans

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Lesson Plan EDUC 378

Date: 10/12/22 Teacher’s Name: Amanda Uhrig

Subject: Algebra I Grade Level: 9th-grade

Learning Segment Title: Solving System of Equations
Length of Each Lesson: 40 minutes

Central Focus:
Students will know how to solve systems of linear equations in two variables. They will be able
to use their prior knowledge of algebra such as solving for y and graphing linear equations to
develop their understanding of this topic. Students will learn how to solve systems of linear
equations graphically, through substitution, and through elimination. They will be able to use
practice standards 2, 4, and 7. Through practice, standard 2 students will be able to reason
abstractly and quantitatively. They will demonstrate this when solving linear equations for one or
more variables. Through practice, standard 4 students will be able to model with mathematics.
They will be able to demonstrate their understanding of this standard when graphing linear
equations in slope-intercept form. They will also be able to demonstrate their understanding of
practice standard 7, looking for and making use of structure, when deciding what method to use
when solving a system of equations. They’ll be able to use this content when considering the
relationship between two equations. This can apply to many other content areas when exploring
the relationships between two mathematical statements. Students will need this information in
future lessons when performing word problems and applying this knowledge when solving
systems of inequalities.

Essential Question(s):
How do you solve a linear system of equations?
How can you represent mathematical relationships as a picture?

Learning Standards:
A I-A.REI.6.a Solve systems of linear equations in two variables both algebraically and
NYS Practice Standard 2: Reason abstractly and quantitatively
NYS Practice Standard 4: Model with mathematics.
NYS Practice Standard 7: Look for and make use of structure.
Academic Language
Language Students will list the slope and y-intercepts and graph the solutions to
Function systems of equations. Students will label the parts of the equation and
Vocabulary Students will have to know vocabulary words such as terms, coefficients,
like terms, variables, equations, addition property of equality, subtraction
property of equality, multiplication property of equality, division property
of equality, distributive property, a system of equations, slope, y-intercept,
and coordinate.
Syntax Students will show their work out while solving problems and graph
equations and systems of equations.
Discourse Students will engage in different levels of discussions (pairs, groups,
whole class). They will share with the class and explain their findings.

Special Needs of Students N/A
Pre-assessment & Day 1:
Student Readiness Summative/Pre-Assessment (1): Moving on to the next lesson (for
Day 2)
In groups, students will make posters to put around the room with
the definitions and properties with examples of each. What will be
assessed is their accuracy of the definitions/properties but more
importantly the examples they make for each. If they are accurate
students can move on to the next lesson. If not, students will move
on to the next lesson with more scaffolding. The scaffolding will be
to have to identify the definitions/properties for each of the worked

Day 2:
Summative Assessment/Pre-Assessment: Exit-Ticket
Students will individually complete an exit ticket with an example
of solving a linear equation and then they’ll graph it. The teacher
will go through the exit tickets after class and assess whether or not
the class needs more scaffolding.
Content Differentiation Students determined to have missing prerequisite knowledge or
skills through the pre-assessment will first be provided
supplemental instruction in the missing knowledge and/or skills to
ensure readiness.
Process Differentiation Process differentiation will include instructional adaptations such as
talking in small groups and material adaptations such as having
larger graphs & additional graphing paper. The small group
discussion will help them collaborate with classmates and become
more confident in the material. The larger graphs will help students
with motor difficulties work through the problem with more ease.
Product Differentiation Students determined not proficient will have their individual work
split into guided practice with added scaffolding and will complete
the second half on their own. Additional scaffolding will be added
along with instructions if needed.

Outcomes Assessments
Students will be able to:
Day 1: Day 1:
- Label the parts of an equation Students will identify the parts of an equation with groups
- Combine like terms correctly at their tables (Slide 3).
using definitions Students will complete examples of the properties
- Solve equations for one variable throughout each of the slides individually (Slide 6-9).
using properties of algebra
Day 2: Day 2:
- Solve equations for one variable Students will solve the equations for both y and x
- Represent equations using the individually and check with the partners at their tables
slope-intercept form (Slide 3).
- Graph equations on a coordinate Students will solve the equations for y and put it in
plane slope-intercept form individually (Slide 6).
Students will put equations into slope-intercept form and
label the slope and the intercept to then draw a sketch of
the graph individually (Slide 7).
Pre-Assessment (for Day 2): Individually, students will
solve the equation for y and put it in slope-intercept form.
Then sketch a graph on the coordinate plane. Students will
hand in the graph as the exit ticket. (Slide 8).
Day 3: Day 3:
- Represent linear equations on a Students will graph the following equations individually
coordinate plane and check with the partners at their tables (Slide 3).
- Solve systems of equations Students will find the systems of equations individually
graphically and check with the partners at their tables (Slides 5).
- Identify points that satisfy a Students will complete a worksheet on graphing systems
system of equations of equations

Day 4: Day 4:
- Represent linear equations on a Students will complete a practice worksheet on the
coordinate plane methods they learned in class in groups at their table.
- Solve a system of equations
through substitution
- Solve a system of equations
through elimination

Day 5: Day 5:
- Solve systems of equations Students will work through examples solving systems of
multiple ways equations using all three methods (Slides 3-5).
- Choose the best method to solve Students will complete a maze by solving systems of
a system of equations equations

Day 1: Review the Properties and Operations of Algebra

Introduction: Activating Prior Knowledge Do Now

Teacher Action:

● The teacher will have students read the learning objectives (Slide 2)
● The teacher will ask students to identify the parts of an equation in groups at their tables
(Slide 3)

Student Activity:

● Students will read the learning objectives (Slide 2)

● Students will talk in groups to identify the parts of an equation
Form of Assessment:

● Formative Assessment: The teacher will ask students to share out and assess whether or
not they have the prior knowledge to move on to the lesson

Answer Key on slide 4

Initial Phase
Direct Instruction

Teacher Action:

● The teacher will formally define the parts of an equation

● The teacher will go over the properties of algebraic expressions (slides 5,6,7,8, and 9) and
define them

Student Activity:

● The students will take notes and define parts of the equation and operations of algebra

Form of Assessment:

● Formative Assessment: The formative assessment for this phase will come in the middle
phase (guided practice). The teacher will give the students definitions of each of the
operations and they will complete the “Try on your own!” section of slides 5,6,7,8, and 9)
individually. Students will share their answers and the teacher will reinforce where

Middle Phase

Guided Practice

Teacher Action:

● The teacher will present definitions of operations (Slides 6,7,8,9)

● The teacher will provide scaffolding if needed with more examples

Student Activity:
● The students will complete the “Try on your own!” section of slides 5,6,7,8,9 individually
and can check their answers with the students beside them.
● Students will talk with a partner after completing each of the “Try on your own!”
problems and if they don’t have the same answer they will correct each other's work.

Form of Assessment:

● Formative Assessment: Stated above in the initial phase

Independent Practice

Teacher Action:

● The teacher will instruct students to make posters on definitions and operations of algebra
● The teacher will make sure that they are including examples

Student Activity:

● The students will use the google slides and their notes to make a poster with examples of
what they learned in class (slide 10)

Form of Assessment:

● Formative Assessment: The teacher will walk around while students are working
independently to make sure that their worked-out examples are on the right track
● Summative/Pre-Assessment (1): Moving on to the next lesson (for Day 2)

In groups, students will make posters to put around the room with the definitions and
properties with examples of each. What will be assessed is their accuracy of the
definitions/properties but more importantly the examples they make for each. If they are
accurate students can move on to the next lesson. If not, students will move on to the next
lesson with more scaffolding. The scaffolding will be to have to identify the
definitions/properties for each of the worked examples.

● Evaluative Criteria: Students will be evaluated as a group unless the work is not fairly
✓+ ✓ ✓- N/A

Above Proficiency Proficient Below Proficiency No attempt made

Students have Students have Students have
correctly defined all correctly defined correctly defined less
of the most of the than half of the
parts/operations of an parts/operations of an parts/operations of an
equation. equation. equation.
Additionally, all of Additionally, most of Additionally, less
their examples make their examples make than half of their
mathematical sense mathematical sense examples make
and correctly show an and correctly show an mathematical sense
understanding of the understanding of the and correctly show an
operation. operation. Small understanding of the
mistakes in operation. Mistakes
calculations. in fundamental

Concluding Phase

1. Closure/Summary

Teacher Action:

● The teacher will send out a copy of the Google Slides presentation as well as the class’
definition sheet

Student Activity:

● Students will review as needed on their own if no serious reinforcement is needed

Form of Assessment: N/A

Supplemental video if needed: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LaSR4fsl66s
Poster paper, notebook paper, pencil, calculator

Slides Presentation by Amanda Uhrig: DAY 1/5 EDUC 378
Day 2: Solving Equations in Slope-Intercept Form
Introduction: Activating Prior Knowledge Do Now
Teacher Action:
● The teacher will have students read the learning objectives (Slide 2)
● The teacher will have students individually solve the equations for both y and x. They’ll
have students show their work and label the operations that they used for each step.
Afterward, check they’ll have students check answers with a partner. (Slide 3)

Student Activity:
● Students will individually solve the following equations for both y and x. They will show
their work and label the operations that they used for each step. Afterward, they'll check
answers with a partner. (Slide 3)

Form of Assessment:
● Formative Assessment: The teacher will ask students to share out and assess based on
participation and mathematical accuracy.

Initial Phase
Direct Instruction

Teacher Action:

● The teacher will define what slope-intercept form is and how it connects to the previous
lesson (Slide 4).
● The teacher will show the class an instructional video on how to graph an equation in the
slope-intercept form on the coordinate plane (Slide 5).

Student Activity:

● Students will take notes in their notebooks on the slope-intercept form.

● Students will follow along with the video and actively listen.

Form of Assessment:

● N/A
Middle Phase

Guided Practice

Teacher Action:
● The teacher will model how to solve the following equation for y and put it in
slope-intercept form. Then how to sketch a graph on the coordinate plane. (Slide 6)
● The teacher will call students up to share and complete the steps of the problem
(preferably more guidance on graphing/slope-intercept form and less on solving for y)

Student Activity:
● Students write the problem (Slide 6) and actively take notes in their notebooks.
● Students will participate and explain the steps of the process.

Form of Assessment:
● Formative Assessment: The teacher will evaluate understanding based on the
participation of the students. More scaffolding will be given if no one participates.

Independent Practice

Teacher Action:
● The teacher will present practice problems on putting equations in slope-intercept and
graphing them (Slide 7)
● The teacher will walk around the classroom and assess how students are doing
● The teacher will answer questions and provide more scaffolding.

Student Activity:
● Students will write the equations back into slope-intercept form and graph them in their
notebooks or on graph paper.
Form of Assessment:
● Formative Assessment/Pre-assessment: The teacher will walk around and check if
students are understanding the topic. This assessment can also be used as a
pre-assessment for the following lesson.

Concluding Phase

Teacher Action:
● The teacher will give students an exit ticket to finish before they leave class
Student Activity:
● Students will complete the exit ticket to solidify their understanding
Form of Assessment:
● Summative Assessment/Pre-Assessment: Exit-Ticket
Students will individually complete an exit ticket with an example of solving a linear equation
and then they’ll graph it. The teacher will go through the exit tickets after class and assess
whether or not the class needs more scaffolding.
Evaluative Criteria: Students will be evaluated individually
✓+ ✓ ✓- N/A

Above Proficiency Proficient Below Proficiency No attempt made

Students have Students have Students have solved
correctly solved the correctly solved the the equation in
equation in equation in slope-intercept form
slope-intercept form slope-intercept form and have identified a
and have correctly and have correctly slope and y-intercept.
identified the slope identified the slope They have graphed
and y-intercept. They and y-intercept. They the line. Mistakes in
have correctly labeled have correctly labeled two or fewer aspects
the graph and the graph and of this process.
graphed the line graphed the line Students have not
correctly. Students correctly. Small labeled the graph.
can explain an computational
alternate way to mistakes.
complete the

● If students don’t finish the independent practice they can finish for homework to be gone
over tomorrow
notebook paper, pencil, calculator, graph paper

Google Slides made by Amanda Uhrig DAY 2/5 EDUC 378
Day 3: Solving a System of Equations Graphically
Teacher Action:
● The teacher will have students read the learning objectives (Slide 2).
● The teacher will put first the solutions from yesterday’s homework on the board.
● The teacher will go over commonly missed problems.
● The teacher will have students graph linear equations individually (Slide 3).
● The teacher will pose the question to the students to discuss with a partner: What is a
solution to both of these equations?

Student Activity:
● Students will read the learning objectives
● Students will ask the teacher questions they had on the homework from feedback.
● Students will graph linear equations individually on graph paper or in their notebooks.
● Students will discuss in pairs the answer to the question: What is a solution to both of
these equations?

Form of Assessment:
● Formative Assessment: Homework Check
The teacher will put the solutions up from the homework from the previous day’s lesson.
Students will have a minute to grade themselves in red pen. This will allow students to assess
themselves and while the students complete the do now the teacher will go over the results and
provide feedback. Commonly missed questions will be gone over as a class. Then, students will
correct as they go on a separate piece of paper and hand their work to the teacher.

Evaluative Criteria: Students will be evaluated individually.

✓+ ✓ ✓- N/A

Above Proficiency Proficient Below Proficiency No attempt made

Students completed Students completed Students completed
all of the problems most of the problems less than half of the
correctly and had no correctly prior to problems correctly
red pen on their paper class and have prior to class and
from corrections. correctly fixed the have correctly fixed
incorrect ones. some of the incorrect
Initial Phase
Direct Instruction
Teacher Action:
● The teacher will present the slides on what a system of equations is and the the first
method is to solve one (graphically) (Slide 5)

Student Activity:
● Students will actively listen to the lecture and ask questions

Form of Assessment:
● N/A

Middle Phase
Guided Practice
Teacher Action:
● The teacher will go through an example problem on how to solve a system of equations
graphically (Slide 5)
Student Activity:
● The students take notes in their notebooks or on graph paper and follow along with the
teacher's lecture.
Form of Assessment:
● N/A

Independent Practice

Teacher Action:

● The teacher will share the criteria of success for solving a system of equations graphically
(Slide 6)
● The teacher will hand out a worksheet on how to solve a system of linear equations
graphically for students to work on individually or with a partner.
● The teacher will walk around the room and provide feedback/scaffolding if needed.

Student Activity:

● Students will work individually or with a partner to solve a system of linear equations

Form of Assessment:
● Formative Assessment: The teacher will walk around monitoring the assignment and
monitor. If additional scaffolding is needed the teacher will bring it back to the whole
class and do more guided practice.

Concluding Phase

Teacher Action:

● The teacher will ask students to submit their sheets and if their final picture isn’t correct
they will send them back.
● The teacher will match students who are correct and students who are not correct to
lead/be led by one another.

Student Activity:

● Students will check their answers with the teacher and try the problems again if they
aren’t correct.
● Students will lead/be led by other students depending on whether or not they are correct
or not.

Form of Assessment:

● Summative Assessment: Checking for understanding

In pairs, students will find the system of equations for multiple problems and using those
solutions, uncover a picture. The teacher will assess as students submit their sheets. If the
teacher sees that the image is incorrect they’ll send the worksheet back to the student and
ask a student who has finished correctly to help out.

Evaluative Criteria: Students will be evaluated individually.

✓+ ✓ ✓- N/A

Above Proficiency Proficient Below Proficiency No attempt made

Students completed Students who have Students who have
all of the problems completed most of completed most of
correctly and drew the problems the problems
the picture correctly correctly have drawn incorrectly have
on their first try. the picture correctly drawn the picture
on their second try. correctly with help
from their fellow

notebook paper, pencil, calculator, graph paper

Google Slides made by Amanda Uhrig DAY 3/5 EDUC 378
Worksheets made by Amanda Uhrig

Day 4: Solving a System of Equations through Substitution and Elimination

Teacher Action:
● The teacher will have students read the learning objectives (Slide 2).
● The teacher will ask students if anyone would like to go over the assignment from
Student Activity:
● Students will read the learning objectives.
● Students will ask questions regarding yesterday’s assignment and write correct solutions
in their notebooks.

Initial Phase
Direct Instruction
Teacher Action:
● The teacher will go through the Google Slides presentation introducing the other two
types of solving a system of equations
● The teacher will have students read through the criteria of success for each of the
methods (Slides 3 & 9).
Student Activity:
● Students will actively take notes in their notebooks and listen throughout the lesson
● Students will read and write in their notebooks their criteria for success.

Form of Assessment:
● Pre-assessment: The teacher will evaluate understanding using the participation of the
class and will slowly release scaffolding

Middle Phase

Guided Practice

Teacher Action:

● The teacher will go through worked examples and present problems to do with the class
for each of the methods. (Slides 4-8 & 10-14)

Student Activity:

● Students will actively engage with the lesson by writing notes in their notebook
participating and following the criteria of success

Form of Assessment:
● N/A

Independent Practice

Teacher Action:
● The teacher will give students a worksheet on solving a system of equations graphically
● The teacher will let students choose partners and assign one of them as even problems
and one of them as odds
● The teacher will check final answers before students share with their partner's.
● The teacher will provide scaffolding if needed.

Student Activity:
● Students will work first individually to complete their problems.
● Students will check their answers with the teacher and if they are correct they will share
them with their partner. If they are not they will keep trying and receive scaffolding.
Form of Assessment: Formative Assessment: Checking for understanding
In pairs, students will either complete the even or odd numbers of a worksheet in class. The other
pair in their table groups will complete the opposite numbers. The teacher will check their
answers and if they are not correct, send them back to work adding scaffolding each time they
come back. Then once they are correct, students will give the other group only their final answers
so that when they finish homework they can check themselves.

Evaluative Criteria: Students will be evaluated individually and how well they worked in pairs
✓+ ✓ ✓- N/A

Above Proficiency Proficient Below Proficiency No attempt made

Students completed Students completed Students completed
all of the problems most of the problems less than half of the
correctly and correctly and problems correctly
explained their explained their and explained their
solutions to their solutions to their solutions to their
partners well. partners well. partners poorly.

Concluding Phase


Teacher Action:
● Same as Independent Practice
Student Activity:
● Same as Independent Practice
Form of Assessment:
● Summative Assessment/Pre-assessment: This worksheet will be collected and used to
evaluate understanding (same assessment and evaluative criteria as above)

Students will finish the problems they were not assigned in class and check the answers with
their partner's correct answers.

notebook paper, pencil, calculator
Google Slides made by Amanda Uhrig DAY 4/5 EDUC 378
Solving Systems of Equations Worksheets

Day 5: Solving Systems of Equations

Teacher Actions:
● The teacher will go over commonly missed problems from the previous assignment
● The teacher will ask students who got them correct to work through these problems
Student Activity:
● Students will ask questions and correct their homework in their notebooks
Form of Assessment:
● Pre Assessment: HW from last class is used as the pre assessment for this part of the
lesson. If students are determined to have understood the homework problems they can
move on, if not they will receive extra scaffolding when going over it.

Initial Phase
Direct Instruction
Teacher Actions:

● The teacher will ask students to read the learning objectives (Slide 2)
● The teacher will ask students to complete each of the systems of equations with their
respective methods individually in their notebooks. (Slides 3-5)
● The teacher will post the criteria for success for each method while students complete the
problem (Slides 3-5)

Student Activity:
● Students will complete the problems individually in their notebooks
● Students will come up to the board and explain their processes.
Form of Assessment:
● Summative Assessment: Checking for understanding
Individually, students will come up to the board and work out a problem given on slides 3,4, and
5 for each of the methods of solving a system of equations. If students are above proficiency in a
challenging problem, they can solve the same system of equations but using a different method.
If students aren’t proficient, the heterogeneous grouping will be used for the next assignment.
Middle Phase
Guided Practice: SAME AS ABOVE

Independent Practice

Teacher Actions:
● The teacher will ask students to work in pairs to complete the maze assignment
Student Activity:
● Students will complete the maze assignment in pairs by finding the correct path to the
first checkpoint by solving system of equations

Form of Assessment:
● Summative Assessment: The beginning of this maze worksheet will evaluate the
understanding of the past three lessons if they correctly make it to the checkpoint they
may move on to the finish line.

Concluding Phase
Teacher Actions:
● The teacher will show the students the correct path if they didn’t find it and go over
commonly missed problems.
Student Activity:
● Students will ask questions and work through problems from the worksheet.

Form of Assessment:
● Summative Assessment: Checking for understanding
In groups of two, students will complete half of a maze and reach a checkpoint in the
worksheet. Once they hit the checkpoint, the teacher will let them know if they are on the
right path to the finish line. If not, they will receive more scaffolding and if so they can
move on and complete the finish line (HW) in class.
Evaluative Criteria: Students will be graded individually and how well they worked with a
✓+ ✓ ✓- N/A

Above Proficiency Proficient Below Proficiency No attempt made

Students completed Students completed Students completed
the finish line the finish line the finish line
correctly on their first correctly on their correctly on their
try while showing all second try while third try while
work. showing most of their showing barely any
work. Small of their work. Errors
computational errors. in fundamentals.

HW: Students should finish the maze sheet if they can’t in class and correct based on the
teacher’s review before that night
notebook paper, pencil, calculator
Google Slides by Amanda Uhrig DAY 5/5 EDUC 378

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