01.structural Analysis Question (Qwah)

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1. Shape of moment in simple supported beam:

a) Concentrated load triangular
b) Distributed load Parabolic.
c) Distributed load rectangular
d) Concentrated load rectangular
Select from following:
1) “a”
2) Both “a” and “b”
3) Both “c” and “d”
4) None of these

2. What is the reaction in ceiling fan:

a) Bending moment
b) Shear
c) Tension
d) Compression

3. 2-way slab sides lifting caused by?

a) High punching shear
b) Torsion
c) Unbalanced moment
d) Resulting moment
e) Resulting shear

4. What is the maximum live load had to be concerned in the design stage:
a) Residential building
b) Commercial building
c) High raise building
d) None of the above

5. The steel reinforcement in the concrete is very important in:

a) Maximum positive bending moment
b) Zero value of bending moment
c) Maximum tension stress
d) Max compression stress
e) 1 & 3 of the above

6. Reinforced Concrete is used in Concrete structure for its:

a) Light weight
b) High compressive strength
c) High tensile strength
d) High flexibility

7. What is the minimum thickness in blinding concrete in sub-structure concrete?

a) 100 mm
b) 50 mm
c) 75 mm
d) 125 mm

8. What is the maximum allowable tensile stress in the wooden building?

a) 100 MPa
b) 40 MPa
c) 25 N/mm
d) 60 N/mm

9. The maximum size of reinforcement bar that can be used in slab:

a) 12 mm
b) 10 mm
c) 8mm
d) None of these

10. Spliced Beam

a) Typically resist large bending moments & shear forces
b) Resist medium bending moments & shear forces
c) Cannot resist moments & shear forces
d) None of these

11. Why a concrete beam is designed as doubly reinforced beam?

a) High bending moment
b) Limitation of beam depth
c) Medium bending moment
d) For safety factor

12. Loads to be designed in construction

a) Dead load , wind load , earthquake load & live load
b) Dead load, wind load , earthquake load & live load during construction
c) Dead load , wind load , seismic load & live load
d) Dead load , wind load , seismic load & live load during construction

13. Shear span is defined as the zone where:

a) Bending moment is zero
b) Shear force is zero
c) Shear force is constant
d) Bending moment is constant

14. Consider the following statements:

a) Shape factor
b) Length of the beam
c) Type of loading
d) Yield strength
Which of these affect the influence length of plastic hinge in a beam:
a) 1 only
b) 1 & 3
c) 1 & 2
d) 3 & 4

15. While lifting a precast slab, where the highest shear may happen:
a) At center
b) At middle third
c) At edges (slab ends)
d) None of these

16. What effects on suspension system in hungers:

a) Compression
b) Both compression and tension
c) Tension
d) Torsion

17. Influence line follows:

a) 0.5 ton load
b) 0.75 ton load
c) 1 ton unit load
d) None of these

18. For simply supported beam, shear will be equal to zero at:
a) End supports
b) Middle of span and on neutral axis
c) Middle of span and above neutral axis
d) Middle of span and above neutral axis
e) End of supports and below neutral axis

19. Failure of Columns occurs due to:

a) Lateral compression
b) Moment of inertia
c) Buckling
d) Impact force

20. Moment distribution method is delivered by:

a) Abraham Macmillan
b) Hardy Cross
c) Regard Scott
e) None of these

21. A construction joint is provided where:

a) Bending moment is small
b) Shear force is small
c) The member is supported by other member
d) All of the above

22. Allowable shear strength of concrete depends upon:

a) Shear strength
b) Tensile strength
c) Compressive strength
d) None of these

23. Expansion Joints are provided when the length of concrete structures exceeds:
a) 10 m
b) 15 m
c) 20 m
d) 35 m
e) 45 m

24. The maximum bending moment due to a moving load on a simply supported beam
a) At the mid span
b) At the support
c) Under the load
d) Anywhere on the beam
e) None of these

25. The range within a load can be applied on a rectangular column to avoid any tensile
stress is:
a) One half of the base
b) One fifth of the base
c) One fourth of the base
d) One sixth of the base on either side of centroid

26. The bending moment is maximum on a section where shearing force:

a) Is maximum
b) Is minimum
c) Is equal
d) Changes sign

27. Stress in a beam due to simple bending is:

a) Directly proportional
b) Inversely proportional
c) Curved related
e) None of these

28. A simply supported beam of span “L” carries a uniformly distributed load “W”, the
maximum bending moment “M” is:
a) WL4 / 2
b) WL3 / 4
c) WL2 / 8
d) WL2 / 12
e) WL 2/ 16

29. The _____________ beam theory provides a means of calculating the load –
carrying and deflection characteristics of beams.
a) Ferris -Witmer
b) Galileo – Jacob
c) Leonhard – Galilei
d) Euler - Bernoulli

30. Consider two beams with equal cross-sections, made of the same material, having the
same support conditions, and each loaded with equal uniform load per length. One
beam is twice as long as the other. The maximum bending stress in the longer beam is
larger by a factor of:
a) 1.25
b) 1.50
c) 2.00
d) 4.00

31. In a two way slab the lifting of the edges of the slab occurs due:
a) Resultant shear force at the ends
b) Torsional moments on the slab
c) Unbalanced moments on the slab
d) Heavy shear load

32. A doubly reinforced beam is used when:

a) Extra safety is needed
b) Beam experience tension in top only
c) Large moment is experienced by the beam
d) Depth and width of the beams have to be restricted in size

33. Law of elasticity states that the extension of a spring is in direct proportion with the
load applied to it.
a) Young’s
b) Robert’s
c) Hooke’s
d) Poisson’s

34. The moment diagram for a simply-supported with a load at the mid-point is
a) Triangle
b) Parabola
c) Trapezoid
d) Rectangle
e) Semicircle

35. What is not true about moment frame buildings?

a) Need less steel compared to braced frame structure
b) More labor intensive than braced frame structure
c) Larger deflections can be expected compared to braced frame structure
d) Easy to design doorways and windows

36. The slab is designed as one way if the ratio of long span to short span is:
a) Less than 1
b) Between 1 and 1.5
c) Between 1.5 and 1.2
d) Greater Than 2

37. Calculate the moments MB.

a) 2.5 ft.kips
b) 35 ft.kips
c) 5ft.kips
d) Zero

39. For the beam loaded as shown in the figure below, the bending moment at x = 5ft.
from the left support is most nearly:

a) 160 kip ft
b) 190 kip ft
c) 236 kip ft
d) 270 kip ft

40. A beam is loaded as shown. A distributed load of 60 lbs/ft is applied and a

concentrated load of 570 lbs applied at 5 ft from point A. Find the maximum bending

a) 2440 lbs.ft
b) 2954 lps.ft
c) 2760 lps.ft
d) 3800 lbs.ft

41. A beam is loaded as shown. Find the maximum shear force of the beam shown.

a) 390 lbs
b) 450 lbs
c) 780 lbs
d) 810 lbs

42. Find the deflection at the end of the hollow rectangular section shown. Outside
dimensions of the section is 12 × 12 inches and the thickness is 0.25 inches. The
young ‘s modulus of steel is 29 × 106psl.
Y1 = Wl4/8El , Y2=PL3/3EI, I=207.125 in4

a) 0.149 in
b) 1.23 in
c) 0.453 in
d) 1.67 in

43. For the Beam shown below, use the Muller-Breslau principle for the influence lines
to answer the following

The dotted lines shown on the beam above, describe the influence line for:
a) The shear at d
b) The moment at b
c) The moment at d
d) Vertical reaction at support

44. For the Beam shown below, use the Muller-Breslau principle for the influence lines
to answer the following

The Solid lines shown on the beam above, describe the influence line for:
a) The shear at b
b) The moment at b
c) The Shear at d
d) Vertical reaction at support

45. A 112-in- diameter, 7 wire prestressing strand is to be stressed in the pretensioning

bed shown with a jacking force of 14 tons. The length from the dead-end anchorage
to the back of the live-end hydraulic jack is 310ft. For the strand properties indicated,
the expected strand elongation (in.) is most nearly:

a) 3.5
b) 12.3
c) 19.3
d) 24.7

46. Calculate themaximummoment (Values aregiven forloads&dimensions)

a) Max. BM WL2/2 + PL/2
b) Max. BM WL4/2 + PL/4
c) Max. BM WL6/2 + PL/3
d) Max. BM WL4/2 + PL/2

47. Calculate themaximummoment (Values aregiven forloads&dimensions)

a) Max. BM WL4/2 + PL2

b) Max. BM WL2/2 + PL
c) Max. BM WL6/2 + PL3
d) Max. BM WL4/2 + PL4

48. Calculate Stress on Surface?

a) Weight divide by area
b) Weight multiple by area
c) Weight add by area
d) Wight deduct by area

49. ACantileverbeamwitharectangularcross-sectionissubjectedtoaconcentrated
loadatitsfreeend.Ifthe widthofthebeamis doubled,thedeflectionofthefree end willbe
changed in the ratio of :
a) 8
b) 1/8
c) 1/2
d) 2

50. Thebendingmoment is maximum on a section whereshearingforceis:

a) Maximum
b) Minimum
c) ChangingSign
d) Noneof theabove

51. What is the commonyield strength of reinforcement steel?

a) 100 MPa
b) 200 MPa
c) 275 MPa
d) 460 MPa

52. What is the maximum allowable moment redistribution in RCC beams?

a) 10 %
b) 20 %
c) 30 %
d) 40 %
53. Generally, weight of reinforcement concrete in Kg/m3is:
a) 1500
b) 1600
c) 2000
d) 2400

54. Whysteel is used as reinforcement in reinforced concrete:

a) Easilyavailable
b) Good bond to concrete
c) Coefficient of thermal expansion is thesame forsteel &concrete
d) All the above

55. Stress means:

a) Theinternalforcesdevelopedinamaterialduetoexternalforces=(force/Area)
b) Abilityto resist external forces
c) Deformation in amaterial due to external forces
d) Forces applied perpendicularto thelongitudinal axis of amember

56. Forasimplysupportedbeam,theshearandflexuralstresseswillbeequaltozero at:

a) End supports
b) Middle ofspan&aboveneutral axis
c) Middle ofspan and on theneutral axis
d) End supports and belowneutral axis

57. Nominal moment of resistance, Mn forarectangular section isgiven by:

a) Mn = fcab(d - )
b) Mn=As Fy(d- )
c) Mn =As Fy(d- ) +fc ab (d - )
d) Mn =ρb d2Fy( 1 -0.59ρFy/Fc )

58. The concrete stress block at a rectangular cross section is given below, the
nominalmoment capacity of this section is:

a) Mn = As fs (d-a)
b) Mn = As fs (d-c/2)
c) Mn = 0.85 fc’ ba (d-a/2)
d) Mn = As fs (d-a/2) + 0.85 fc ba (d-a/2)
e) Mn = As fs (d-a/2) + 0.85 fc’ ba (d-a/2)

59. When a T- Beam spans over several supports continuously then the beam at the
supports should be designed as
a) Rectangularsection
b) Simply Supported
c) Flanged Section
d) Prestressed Beam

60. When a T- Beam spans over several supports continuously then the beam at the midspan
should be designed as
a) Rectangularsection
b) Simply Supported
c) Flanged Section
d) Prestressed Beam

61. What is the shear span?

a) Moment is zero
b) Shear is zero
c) Moment is maximum
d) None of these

62. Forthe beam below, thedeflection @ point Bis:

a) WL4
b) 5WL4
c) None of the above

63. Forthe beam below, theslope at themiddle ofthebeam is:

a) zero
b) WL3
c) 5WL4

64. Forthe beam below, findthe deflection @ point B:

a) PL
b) PL3
c) PL2

65. Find themoment @ themiddle ofthe beam

a) 100 KN.m
b) 50 KN.m
c) 64 KN.m
d) 0 KN.m

66. The slope C (Mid Span of the Beam) for the beam shown below is

a) Zero
b) 2916.66/EI
c) 16666.67/EI
d) 3333.33/EI

67. The vertical deflection of C is given as:

a) 8072.92/EI
b) 366936/EI
c) 51840/EI
d) 10677.08/EI

68. The slope B (at free end of the Beam) for the beam shown below is: point load 10
KN and length 5m

a) PL2/16EI
b) PL2/2EI
c) ML2/2EI
d) 3ML/16EI

69. The rangewithin which aload can beapplied on arectangular column, to avoid
anytensilestress is:
a) Onehalf ofthebase
b) One fifth of thebase
c) On fourth ofthe base
d) Onesixth of the base

70. Themaximum bendingmoment due to amoving load on asimplysupported beams

a) At the mid span
b) At the supports
c) Under theload
d) Anywhereon the beam
e) Noneof these

71. When equal and oppositeforcesapplied to a body,tend toelongateit, the stress

produced is called:
a) Shear stress
b) Compressivestress
c) Tensilestress
d) Transversestress

72. Stress in abeam due to simplebendingis:

a) Directlyproportional
b) Inverselyproportional
c) Curvilinear related
d) Noneof these

73. Minor limitdesign method for rectangularsection willprovide:

a) Minimum steel area,minimum section dimension
b) Minimum steel area, maximum section dimension
c) Maximum steel area, maximum section dimension
d) Maximum steel area, minimum section dimension

74. Modulus of elasticityofamassof rockcomparedto rock substance:

a) Higher
b) Lower
c) Equivalent
d) Non correlated

75. What is theunit ofStrain

a) Dimensionless
b) centimeter
c) mm
d) None of above

76. What does the ratio of stress over strain

a) Bulk Modulus
b) Poisson's ratio
c) Viscosity ratio
d) Modulus of Elasicity

77. Which oneof the followingis correct in respect ofthe influencelineforthebending

moment at one-fourths ofthe span from left support ofaprismaticbeam simply
supported at ends?
a) It is composed of straightlines only
b) It is composed of curvedlines only
c) It is composed of straightand curved line
d) It is parabolic

78. In asimply supported wooden beam under uniformlydistributed load, ahole has to be
made in the breadthwise direction at mid-spantoprovide apipeline.Fromstructural
strength point of view, itwould be advisableto havethehole madeat
a) the bottom
b) the top
c) mid-depth
d) 1/4 depth either from thetop or thebottom

79. A point load applied at shear center induces:

a) Zero shear force
b) Zero bending
c) Puretwisting
d) Purebending

80. Theslenderness ratio of lacingbars should not exceed :

a) 100
b) 200
c) 145
d) 180

81. Considerthe followingstatements:

In the beam shown in thegiven figure, for allpositions of
1. Bending moment is maximum at B
2. Bending moment is maximum under load
3. Deflection is zero at A
4. deflection is zero at B
Of thesestatements :
a) 1and 3 are correct
b) 2and 4 are correct
c) 3 and 4 are correct
d) 1, 3 and 4 are correct

82. Using concordant cables in pre-stressed concrete for beams :

a) Initial support formember
b) No initial support formember
c) Cracks of beam
d) Deflection of beam

83. The steel reinforcement in the concrete is very important in:

a) Maximum positive bending moment
b) Zero value of bending moment
c) Maximum tension stress
d) Max compression stress
e) 1 &3 oftheabove
84. The absolute maximum BendingMoment in asimplysupported beam ofspan20 m
dueto movingudlof4 t/m spanningover 5 m is
a) 87.5 t-m at the support
b) 87.5 t-m near themidpoint
c) 3.5 t-m at the midpoint
d) 87.5 t-m at the midpoint

85. A cylindrical shell made of mild steel plate of 100 cm diameter is to be subjected to an
internal pressure of 10 kg/cm2. If the material yields at 2000 kg/cm2, assuming factor of
safety as four and using maximum principal stress theory, thickness of the plate will be
a) 5 mm
b) 10 mm
c) 15 mm
d) 20 mm

86. The main reinforcement of a reinforced concrete slab consists of 10mm bars at
100mm spacing. If its is required to replace the 10mm bars by 12mm bars, then the
spacing of the 12mm bars should be
a) 120mm
b) 140mm
c) 154mm
d) 160mm

87. When design RC section,whether the concrete attension side will be neglected or
considered? (In reinforced Concrete Design)
a) Concrete in tension side has major effect
b) Concrete is resist the tension stresses
c) Concrete in the tension side is neglected
d) Concrete cannot resist the compressive stress

88. If the load acting on a commonly conventional sized RC column increases contiously
from zero to higher magnitudes, the magnitudes of the uniaxial ultimate moment that
can be allowed on the column

a) Increase
b) Decrease
c) Increase and Decrease
d) Remains constant

89. If three non parallel forces holds a rigid body in equilibrium they must
a) Be equal in magnitude
b) Be Concurrent
c) Be non concurrent
d) Form an equilateral triangle
e) Be collinear

90. A structure is shown in the figure. For a stress check of column A1, which if the
following statement is true?

a) Buckling in the north south direction will control the column capacity
b) Buckling in the east west direction will control the column capacity
c) Buckling in either direction will control the column capacity
d) Buckling will not control since both directions are stable


91. In the cantilever truss shown, thehorizontal component of the reaction @A is:
a) 30 tonnes
b) 60 tonnes
c) 90 tonnes
d) 120 tonnes

92. What are the magnitudes of the horizontal & vertical reactions, respectively at
support A of the frame shown below:
a) 16 KN, 18 KN
b) 16 KN, 6 KN
c) 6 KN, 16 K
d) 8 KN, 6 KN

93. A pin-jointed truss is loaded as shown in the given figure.Theforce induced in

member DFis:
a) 1.5KN (tension)
b) 4.5KN (tension)
c) 1.5KN (compression)
d) 4.5KN (compression)

94. The truss shown below is loaded by a concentrated force P at Joint A as shown. The
vertical deflection at Joint A is (EA = Constant)
a) 9.75P/EA
b) 21P/EA
c) 42P/EA
d) 32P/EA

95. In the truss shown. If the temperature of member B-C changed by 100 F0.
The displacement of point E is equal to:
a) 3.52 mm
b) 9.83 mm
c) 8.3 mm
d) None of above

96. Referring to the loaded truss shown in the figure, the force (kips) in member AB

a) 100Kips Compression
b) 125Kips Compression
c) 167Kips Tension
d) 167 Kips Compression

97. For the truss shown below, the member force (kips) in member CD is most nearly.

a) 96.5kips Compression
b) 96.6Kips Tension
c) 102.5kips Compression
d) 102.5Kips Tension

98. Steel bridge are set in place on their bearings when the ambient temperature is
65°F if the temperature of the steel is expected to reach the extremes of 15°F and
95°F, what is most nearly the expansion gap that must be provided at the
The coefficient of thermal expansion for steel: a= 7.3×10-6 /°F

a) 1/8 in
b) ¼ in
c) ½ in
d) ¾ in

99. The frame shown below is constrained by a rigid support at A and a frictionless
hinge support at D. Moment releases exist at joints B and C. The resultant
reaction at support D is most nearly:

a) 20 kips
b) 32 kips
c) 37 kips
d) 35 kips

100. In the following truss, when the building is subjected to earth quake and joint A is
subjected to two forces one is (+10 KN) and the other is (-5 KN) ,so what will be the
force in member AB

a) Always tension
b) Always compression
c) Sometime tension & sometime compression
d) Zero member

101. A truss member:

a) Is a two force body
b) Is a three force body
c) Resists forces in compression only
d) May results three concurrent forces

102. For the truss shown below, use the virtual work method to find the following:
(Take E=250Gpa {250 × 106kN/m2} and A=350 mm2 for all members)

The horizontal displacement of joint due to external loadings is

a) 311,100/EA mm
b) Zero
c) 200,000/EA mm
d) 100,000/EA mm

103. For the truss shown below, use the virtual work method to find the following:
(Take E=250Gpa {250 × 106kN/m2} and A=350 mm2 for all members)

If no loads act on the truss, and member AB is 3 mm short. Then the horizontal
displacement of joint
a) + 3.0mm
b) – 3.0mm
c) +6.0mm
d) -6.0mm

104. For the truss shown below, use the virtual work method to find the following:
(Take E=250Gpa {250 × 106kN/m2} and A=350 mm2 for all members)

If no loads act on the truss and member AB is 3mm short. Then the vertical
displacement of joint

a) Zero
b) –3.0mm
c) +4.0mm
d) +5.0mm

105. Calculate thevalue of deflection@ B:

a) 100 P/EA
b) 210 P/EA
c) 310 P/EA
d) Zero

106. Calculate the rotation atmember AB:

(Take E=250Gpa {250 × 106kN/m2} and A=350 mm2 for all members)
a) 0.0378 deg
b) 0.02601 rad
c) 0.00046 rad
d) Zero

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