Easter Vigil

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April 7th, 2007 St. Gregory of Nyssa Episcopal Church San Francisco, California

Easter Vigil

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Cast List
Assigned Roles
Deacon A (lead) presiders deacon.......................................................... Sara Deacon B readings Book; traveling readings party ........................ Cheryl P Deacon C Deacons Candle; traveling readings party .......................... Lizzie Deacon D traveling readings party ........................................................... Rob Thurifers (Deacons E, F, G, H) ..................................................... Mark, Quinton Stealth Deacon........................................................................................... Daniel Youth Wrangler ......................................................................................... John T Youth Deacon 1 (icon) .......................................................................................... Youth Deacon 2 (cross)........................................................................................ Youth Helper ......................................................................................................... Presider ......................................................................................................... Rick Cantor ...................................................................................................... Sanford Assistant Cantor .....................................................................................Caroline Clergy Marshal .......................................................................................Margaret Asst. Clergy Marshal ...............................................................................Heather Asst to Deacon A (see Deacon set-up notes).....................................................

Recruited Roles
Tsarina: supply a list of all recruits to Deacons before liturgy.
___Ushers ___Readers 1 Christ is Risen language coach (Rick Fabian) 2 Lighting persons Umbrellas

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Advance Set Up
! Three Stepladders in front of Community Bulletin Board (WOLF), with Sistrum on one. ! Altar raised up on platform ! Passion tree cross on round side of table (stand stays next to altar table throughout liturgy)

! Dustpans, brooms sand, baking soda, for spilt charcoal (Head Usher in charge) ! Thurible stand and thuribles (with TILES beneath it on Kitchen deck)

Chinese scroll
! Shinto Shrine Aumbry left of Chinese Rubbing ! Paschal Candle Stand right of Chinese Rubbing, near chapel door. ! Icon Stand right of Chinese Rubbing ! Processional Crosses in cross stands. ! Umbrellas for Gospel procession

! bottled water for clergy and visitors

Seating Area:
! Presidents Chair moved forward. ! Cross stand by Presiders chair for Presiders cross. ! Great lamp about 6 feet in front of Presidents chair, filled with tapers ! Pedestal for deacons candle ! Folding Chairs for Choir in Apse. ! Raised performance space for the enacted reading ! Extra Fire Extinguishers see D. Margolis plan

Signage Production:
! for Chapel Door: Staging Area. Please Do Not Enter. ! Reserved signs for Cantor, Choir, Visiting Clergy, Deacons, Readers, Ushers & Actors (see Seating Map, next page.)

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Deacons Set Up
! vest Altar Table ! place on Table: Threefoil Candle Cross, one Sistrum ! place Gourd rattle underneath Altar Table ! post Staging Area sign on Chapel door

! Hand candles and bobeches on table by Entry ! Flashlights for Ushers

! 2 Flagons (containing 2.5 bottles of wine total) ! 12 loaves of Bread on Ethiopian Paten covered with Indian Veil ! One Chalice, filled and covered with Indian Veil ! 15 Additional Chalices ! 8 Patens ! extra wine and bread if we run out ! Missal with Easter Anaphora ! Dyed Eggs in basket in refrigerator ! Deacons Candle ! 5-Branch Candelabra ! Charcoal Box, brazier with two unlit coals in it, tongs; all on counter near stove ! Matches ! Hand Candles for those in Exsultet Procession ! Incense Boat (full) ! Icon of the Resurrection ! Offering Plates ! Candle Baskets (on Kitchen counter near South Door) ! pens in baskets for check-writing

! Drums ! Readings Book ! Presiders Processional Cross ! Anaphora copies and instructions for Visiting Clergy
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Seating Area
! Bells by Cantors chair (at buildings waist) ! Small handbells on cantors chair (not presiders) ! Necklight on Presiders Chair ! Folding chairs behind presidents chair for choir. ! Neck lights and batteries for choir Check to make sure there are enough. ! Reserved Seating signs posted for Cantor, Choir, Visiting Clergy, Deacons, Readers, Ushers & Actors

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! Indoors, lights on dim: Just bright enough for people to get to their seats ! All outdoor light on, including sparkling lights in Parking Lot and Church Front, ! Light Burning Bush Mosaic.

! Thurible stand set up near columbarium door

Parking Lot
! Close Gate at end of Set-up but keep it unlocked

! Deacon A: recruit 2 people to help light candles at Exultet on FONT side of church and 2 people to light usher and Rotunda candles (see script) ! 8 Paten-bearers ! 16 chalice bearers

Last-minute checks
! find out who is teaching which troparion/dance to fill in script blanks

Ushers Set Up
(This needs to be filled in for 08)

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6:00 PM Deacons and Ushers arrive; vest; set up Visiting Clergy arrive and vest Ushers unlock back gate 6:30 7:00 Rector explains to ushers the procedure for opening the door at the Hippolytus Reading (request of the Ushers) Clergy Marshals adjust list of blessers to match Clergy attending, and instructs in blessing Deacon A makes sure someone carries out the task of assigning the greetings in various languages on page 4 informs Rector which languages will not be used. Thurifers clarify from script what sectors of church they will cense during Exultet. Rector rehearses Visiting Clergy in Eucharistic Prayer Ushers carry flashlights, welcome people at Booklet Table, distribute Candles, and invite them to go to seats. Readers sit by reserved reading places Choir sit in Apse, wearing neck lights. 7:40 Vested party gather in the Vestry, prays Aaron Prayer, passes Peace Cantor exits to lead choir 7:45 Choir sings Prelude Clergy Marshal give Visiting Clergy unlit tapers to carry in

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Opening Rites
Entry and Welcome
NOTE: Lights are on very low neck lights may be needed by Presider and Deacons Choir begins singing There are Angels Hovring Round at second verse:


Vested Party enters informally from Vestry

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Presider goes to Presiders chair Deacon A (script), Deacon B (readings Book), Deacon C go to solea, in front of oil lamp, to make announcements Deacons D, E, F take reserved seats Visiting & Assisting Clergy take reserved seats on street side flanked by Clergy Marshals, SGN clergy from the Presiders chair:

Presider Deacon A

Welcome to St. Gregorys Easter celebration! Passover is a night-time feast for Jews and Christians alike. We start out in the ancient manner bringing in lamps and singing a blessing. And from our Paschal candles people take light, so that light spreads throughout the church and the whole world.

Deacon B Next is the vigil of readings; the procession to the Eucharist, and the party. The whole service will last until about tenoclock. Its always moving to become more and more festive so stay with us, or youll miss the best part! Deacon C Two responses youre going to know by heart after tonight: One is a verse well sing to tunes from many different countries: its called the Easter Troparion. The other is a response for shouting: Christ is risen!
He is risen indeed!

Lets rehearse that now: Christ is risen!

All HE IS RISEN INDEED! Deacons move off solea and sit down Language Coach (Rick) moves to solea immediately:

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This year you might even hear that greeting in a language from Christians in another part of the world, and you could respond with them in their language all pronunciations are correct tonight. Look now on the insert in your booklet.
Coach will call out the language, and assigned people in the congregation will lead each refrain

In Arabic (Rick): In Armenian (Rita) In Chinese (Philip): In Dutch (Edgar): In French: In Geez (Rick): In German In Greek: In Hawaiian In Hebrew In Italian In Japanese: In Latin: In Polish : In Russian: In Spanish

Al-Massikh Qam Kristos harootyoon arrav Jidu yijing fuhuo Christus is Verrezen Christ est Ressuscit Kristos Tens'-a Christ ist Erstanden Christos Anesti Ua ala hou o Cristo Ha Moshiach Kam Cristo e Risorto Kirisuto wa yomigaetta Surrexit Christus Chrystus jest podnoszony Christos Voskrese Cristo ha resucitado



moves back to seat

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Paschal Lamplighting
Deacon C Turn now to Number ONE: Heavens Angels. First the choir will sing an anthem. Then, when you hear the choir sing the Heavens Angels refrain, join in singing it over and over as we bring out the light of Christ, and pass the light to each other so that we may carry it through the world. At the bottom of the page is music well sing as we bless the light. [Hold your candles upright so they wont drip!] Please stand and turn to Number ONE.
Choir sings When You Descended

Lights off Ushers dim lights from rheostats.

Stay in place:
Cantor / Assistant Cantor Clergy Marshals and visiting clergy

Goes to kitchen (with): and gets:

Presider (with cross) gets lit taper Deacon A (with script) gets lit taper Deacon B (with Book) gets lit taper Deacon C lights Deacons candle Deacon D gets lit five-branch candelabrum Deacon E, F, G, H get charged thuribles from kitchen deck AND lit tapers Youth Deacon 1 gets Icon and lit taper Youth Deacon 2 gets processional (Presiders) cross

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Usher(s) joins paschal light party in kitchen to help light candles and load Thuribles. Usher carries flashlight. Usher with incense boat stands outside by the light switches for refills

#0 When You Descended (CHOIR ONLY)


WAIT in kitchen, door closed, until third repetition of Heavens Angels

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Entrance of Paschal Light


at third repetition of Heavens Angels: 2 Ushers Dim lights in nave and altar to OFF using rheostats in both lofts NOT switches


at fourth repetition of Heavens Angels: Paschal light party returns to Solea from kitchen: Note: Ushers walk in a tight cluster, hold candles HIGH and close to one another! lower candelabras as soon as Paschal Light Party passes. WAIT to light candelabras until Exsultet singing begins and deacons bring light to the candelabras.

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Exultet Party Placement:

Presider returns to Presiders chair Exultet singers stand between oil lamp and Presiders chair Deacon A lights oil lamp (recruits help) Deacon D stands on the Font side, between oil lamp and Presider, lighting Exultet singer(s) Deacon C stands on the street side, between oil lamp and Presider, lighting Exultet singers. Deacon B stands in front of Exultet singers with Book (or off to the side if the singers decide to hold their own book) Youth carrying Resurrection icon stands at a 45 degree angle to the font side in front of Exultet singers

Thurifers and other Vested Ministers stand in front of the lectern facing Exultet singers and icon Clergy marshals and visiting clergy stand at seats with unlighted candles.

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EXULTET and congregational candle-lighting

Exultet singers start singing Marshal, Visiting Clergy & SGN Clergy take light from any available tapers and, ON STREET SIDE, light one persons candle at the end of every row, skipping every other row. Look for other dark corners in room; bring light. Return to seats. Deacon A and several recruits take light from any available tapers and, ON FONT SIDE, light one persons candle at the end of every row, skipping every other row. Look for other dark corners in room; bring light. Return to seats. 2 Recruits (Deacon A) light ushers tapers at candelabras, and then light one candle at the end of every other row in Rotunda Ushers light hanging candelabras

Thurifers: Deacons E, F, G, H wait in front of lectern until candles are lit (cue below) to start censing. Deacon A watch the room to make sure light is being brought to all corners, and that other candles, etc are being lit.


Thurifers begin censing at it is truly right and good TWO Thurifers cense icon, and the Exultet singers, then cense the seating area, one each side (mirror one another) second set of Two Thurifers wait in place until first set of thurifers cense singers, then go back to cense the Rotunda, one each side, (mirror one another) All thurifers: hand thuribles to ushers waiting at kitchen door Ushers: take thuribles outside to kitchen deck


Icon-bearer returns icon at for He is the true Paschal Lamb Icon bearer carries icon to stand by Presider and sits in reserved seating with Deacon A Assistant

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Exultet singers finish singing and then take their seats

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Liturgy of the Word

Note on the Readings: One or more of the readings may be enacted. This will require the Deacons improvisation around the following outline. Check at the Dress Rehearsal for any adjustments that need to be hand-written into the script.

Readings Party:
Deacon B with Book Deacon C with Deacons candle Deacon D with 5 branch candelabrum,

Reading 1: Exodus 14:1015:1

Readings Party: Immediately as Exultet is ending, go to flat side of Altar Table, picking up Reader 1 along the way.

Deacon B

[when nearing the altar]:

Take your seats! take your seats! And listen to a reading from the book of Exodus.
Reader 1 faces the seated area from the flat side of the altar and reads reading at end of reading, Cantor rings pot bell,

Presider observes

1 minute silence, then rings hand-bells.

Reading party stays in place until the hymn.

Commentary on reading by Presider

Presider rings hand-bells

Deacon C

Please turn to number THREE in your books, and sing Through the Red Sea Brought at Last. Please STAND to sing number THREE.

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Reading Party thanks reader and brings Reader 2 to CENTER PLATFORM facing altar area


Reading 2: Song of Songs Deacon B Please take your seats, and listen to a reading from the book, the Song of Songs.
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At end of reading, Cantor rings pot bell, Presider observes ONE minute silence, then rings hand-bells. Reading party stays in place until the hymn.

Commentary on reading by Presider

Presider rings hand-bells When music starts, Reading party thanks reader and brings Reader 4 to FONT SIDE THERMOSTAT Chanter begins chanting in place, We bow down to your sufferings (Arabic) When Chanter is finished singing:

Reading 3: I Corinthians 5: 6b-8 Deacon D Listen to a reading from St Pauls letter to the Corinthians.
At end of reading, Cantor rings pot bell, Presider observes 1 minute silence, then rings hand-bells. Reading party stays in place until the hymn.

Commentary on reading by presider

Presider rings hand-bells

Deacon C

Turn to number FIVE in your books, and sing "I am resurrection and I am life." Please STAND Number FIVE.
When music starts, Reading party thanks reader and brings Reader 5 to the front of the GREAT LAMP

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Reading 4 Genesis 1:1-2:2 Deacon B Please take your seats, and listen to a reading from the book of Genesis.
At end of reading, Cantor rings pot bell, Presider allow 1 minute animal noises, then rings hand-bells.


Reading party stays in place until the handbells, then returns to seats. Deacon B keeps Readings Book Deacon C carries deacons candle to the bare-wood space on the left side of the Presiders chair and sets it carefully there Deacon D carries 5 branch candelabrum to kitchen; returns to seat

Commentary on reading by Presider

Presider rings hand-bells

Lords Prayer Deacon B The Lords Prayer is at number SEVEN in your service books. In the middle of the prayer, there will be a chance for you to add your own prayers and petitions. Please speak loudly, and pay attention to the Deacons leading the prayers if you find yourself speaking at the same time as someone else, the deacon will gesture first to one of you, and then to the other. In this way, we can hear all the prayers. Please STAND and sing the Lords Prayer at number SEVEN.
Deacon B goes to Altar Platform with maniple, facing C. Deacon C goes to mid solea with maniple, facing B.
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light coals in all thuribles at columbarium stand


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At deliver us from evil,

Deacon B

That our risen Savior will fill us with the joy of his holy and life-giving resurrection let us pray to the Lord That isolated and persecuted churches may find strength in the Easter good news, let us pray to the Lord That those who lack food, work, or shelter may have what they need, let us pray to the Lord That wars and famine may cease through all the earth, let us pray to the Lord That God will comfort and strengthen the sick, the weak and the dying with her presence, let us pray to the Lord That God will send the fire of the Holy Spirit upon her people, so that we may bear faithful witness to Christs resurrection, let us pray to the Lord For Marc, our Bishop, Katherine our presiding Bishop, Rowan, Archbishop of Canterbury, and Guang-Shun, Peter, Thomas, Louis, Paul and David, bishops of China, Let us pray to the Lord. For this holy house of God, for all who give to maintain it, and for all who worship and study and serve here, let us pray to the Lord For this City and Bay of Saint Francis, and for the welfare of all who live or work or visit here, let us pray to the Lord
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Deacon C

Deacon B

Deacon C Deacon B

Deacon C

Deacon B

Deacon C

Deacon B

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Deacon C

For peace in the whole world, for peace in ___________ and for which other countries shall we pray? [pause] and for peace everywhere, let us pray to the Lord.
Pause for free petitions Deacon B raises maniple from solea to direct those who pray in turn (Note: be directive! claim and hold the space) Deacon C mirror maniple gestures of Deacon B (lead), for the benefit of the people in the rotunda

Presider Deacon B Deacon C Deacon B

For the Resurrection in Christ of all who have died, let us pray to the Lord That we may rise with Christ out of the death of sin, let us pray to the Lord That God will fill our lives with the joy of the resurrection, let us pray to the Lord That Christ will bring us to share in his wedding feast, where with Gregory of Nyssa, with Mary, Christs mother, and all his saints, we may enjoy Gods love without end, let us pray to the Lord

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! God of unchangeable power and eternal light: Look favorably on your whole Church, that wonderful and sacred mystery; by the effectual working of your providence, carry out in tranquility the plan of salvation; let the whole world see and know that things which were cast down are being raised up, and things which had grown old are being made new, and that all things are being brought to their perfection by him through whom all things were made, your Son Jesus Christ our Lord

Easter Tsarina from solea, covers following points, colored inserts in music booklet: take these home with you upcoming events flyer/directions to Easter picnic bring food to share to picnic put flyers away in pocket/purse now

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Procession to Font Doors for Gospel Deacon A Soon we are all going to process to the Baptismal Font for the Easter Gospel, and then outside around the Church. We invite people who were baptized or who joined the church since last Easter to take a processional cross there. Everyone bring your candle, your music, and dont leave your purses behind. Leave your coats-- well be outside only a short while, and it will get good and warm at the feast! While we sing number four in your books, will the people in folding chairs hand your chairs to the ushers. STAND and sing number FOUR, "Now the Green Blade Riseth," at number FOUR.
Ushers stack chairs from FONT side in chair closet

Deacon B and C return to places, get Candle and Book, and be ready to step up to solea. Deacon A get ready to step to solea Youth Deacon 1 get icon and be ready to step to solea Youth Deacon 2 get Presiders cross and be ready to step to solea

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Getting into place:


begins explaining music Presider (cross) Deacon B (Book) Deacon C (Deacons Candle) Icon Bearer (Icon)
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Procession Party begins assembling on solea:

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Clergy Marshals and Visiting Clergy: stay in place Drummers get Drums from Vestry; stand near closed Font doors Ushers add incense to TWO thuribles and be ready to give to thurifers to cense Gospel make sure incense boat has enough for refills in procession.


Well move singing the "Athens Easter Troparion" at number NINE, a verse from Jerusalem that has been set to music of every countrywell sing several settings tonight, including the original Greek one. This FIRST one only, we sing in Greek you can hum a drone, as the Greeks do, or you can sing along in Greek. We sing it several times; then turn the page for the Gospel music, and after the Gospel well sing straight through to the next pageanother Troparion set in English. Well sing one complete verse in place, and then begin moving at the second verse.
Cantor begins music


Procession Party moves at end of second line of first verse Procession Party lead people to Gospel lectern in Rotunda under WOLF Deacon C stands near lectern with Deacons Candle Deacon B hands Readings Book up to Gospellers Clergy Marshals lead Visiting Clergy to stand by Font Doors, facing Altar in a row and helping block the doors for now Gospelers go to Gospel lectern and climb into place Youth Deacon 1 carries icon and stands right next to Gospel lectern. Ushers hand out Processional Crosses and Umbrellas to NEW MEMBERS and then throughout crowd.
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set of TWO Thurifers get charged thuribles from columbarium stand and stand just inside doors. Deacon D gets incense boat from columbarium stand and stays near thurifers. adding incense when it gets thin Deacon A marshals the whole Gospel gathering, making sure everyone is getting into place



adds extra repetitions as needed to cover gathering of People. when all are in place,

Gospeler shakes sistrum loudly, Gospelers chant Resurrection Gospel

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Deacon C Please turn to number ELEVEN in your books and sing the "Znamenny Easter Troparion" THREE times.
Deacon E censes Gospel as Gospelers step off ladders Deacon A prepares the Gospel procession, lining up: Deacon C (Deacons Candle) Presider (Gospel Book) Deacon A (presiders cross) Icon bearer (icon) Cantor NOTE: remains on step ladder.

All STAND IN PLACE for the Znamenny Troparion.


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Gospel Procession Cantor The Alleluia is at number SIX in your service book, Number SIX. As we sing, well carry the Gospel Book around for you to greet with a touch, a kiss, or a bow. If you cant reach the Book, please put your hand on the shoulder of someone who can. Reach forward eagerly, because the book will be moving fast, just like the gospel throughout the world!
Cantor begins Alleluia

Procession Route: TWO clockwise loops: FIRST loop passes midway between altar and edge of wooden floor. (Deacon C: use the candle, held high, to part the crowd) SECOND loop edge of wooden floor and concrete. stop the procession at the font doors do NOT exit yet!

during the procession: Ushers: 1. open all FOUR font doors to 90 ONLY and prop with rubber stoppers. 2. Usher carrying Passion Tree Cross: join procession during second loop: as it passes round side of altar carrying Passion-Tree Cross to FONT doors. 3. fill thuribles at thurible stand. Give incense boat to one of the marshals to recharge thuribles during procession. 4. double-check to see that the back gate is open Marshals and Visiting Clergy stay in front of font doors to keep people or procession from moving outside yet

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Litany of Saints
At the end of the Alleluias


Well start singing the Litany here, and after a few verses well process outside and all around the Church, returning through the street doors for the feast, with lots of singing and dancing. When we get to the front of the church, stand close on the steps so theres room for everybody. Our litany invites all Gods people of every time and place to rejoice with us: lets practice the refrain: COME REJOICE WITH US!
on stepladder:

Cantor and Choir begin litany in place Ushers hand out thuribles to deacons/clergy

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begin moving at All you holy apostles

Procession notes:
Cantor Ushers bring gourd rattle in procession to get crowds attention at Hippolytus reading herd crowd out of doors, then prepare for re-entry

Drum leader uses claves to keep drummers in time stay strategically located between font and gate and gate and front door of church. Drummers keep procession together with percussion. Leaders Choir go SLOWLY space out evenly through Procession; singers in back remain well towards back of procession

Remaining Deacons intersperse themselves among the crowd as crowd departs building. When last Litanists leave: Lighting people lights electric lighting for whole building Ushers 1. close Font Doors, 2. place two stepladders on front steps, and close Red Street Doors. DO NOT OPEN AGAIN! 3. move processional cross stand from presiders chair to cross area under dancing Christ 4. light Altar candelabra above Table, and Trefoil Candle on Table 5. light four coals for thuribles re-entry into church 6. lay out Altar Table: Altar book, 8 patens with bread, 16 chalices with wine 7. leave Passion Cross stand at Altar Table 8. move thurible stand from columbarium to kitchen deck 9. prepare baskets to receive handcandles, 10.open Glass doors and wait in Vestibule

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USHERS: DO NOT OPEN THE FRONT DOORS!!! if you need to see what is happening on the street use the kitchen back door

Choir sings Litany of Saints here drop in inserts as needed.

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Easter Sermon: Hippolytus

Deacons help pack people forward close up to street doors Readers Cantor climb on stepladders cues crowd and readers by shaking gourd rattle


Are you Gods friend and lover? Rejoice in this glorious feast of feasts Are you Gods servant, knowing Gods wishes? Be glad with your Master; share his rejoicing! Are you worn down with the labor of fasting? Now is your payday! Have you been working since early morning? You will be paid fair and square. Have you been here since the third hour? You can be thankful, you will be pleased. If you came at the sixth hour, Come up without fear, you will lose nothing. Did you linger til the ninth hour? Come forward without hesitation. Even if you came at the eleventh hour? Have no fear, it is not too late. God is a generous employer, Treating the last to come as he treats the first arrival. God gives to the one and gives to the other: honors the deed and praises the intention. Join, then, all of you, join in our Masters rejoicing. You who were the first to come, you who came after, Come now and collect your wages.
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Rich and poor, sing and dance together. You that are hard on yourselves, you that are easy, celebrate this day. You that have fasted and you that have not, Make merry today. The meal is ready: come and enjoy it. The calf is a fat one: you will not go away hungry. Theres hospitality for all, and to spare. No more apologizing for your poverty: The kingdom belongs to us all. No more bewailing your failings: Forgiveness has come from the grave. No more fears of your dying: The death of our Savior has freed us from fear. Death played the master: but He has mastered death. Isaiah knew this would happen, and he cried: Death was angered when it met you in the pit. It was angered, for it was defeated, It was angered, for it was mocked. It was angered, for it was abolished. It was angered, for it was overthrown. It was angered, for it was bound in chains. Death swallowed a body, and met God face to face. It took earth and encountered heaven. It took what is seen and fell upon the unseen. O Death, where is thy sting? O grave, where is thy victory? note in next lines, no pause after risen Christ is risen and you are overthrown
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Christ is risen and evil has fallen. Christ is risen and the angels rejoice. Christ is risen and life reigns. Christ is risen and life reigns. Christ is risen and not one dead remains in the tomb. Christ is risen indeed from the dead, The first of all who have fallen asleep. Glory and power to him for ever and ever! V/Christ is risen! R/HE IS RISEN INDEED! V/Christ is risen! R/HE IS RISEN INDEED! V/Christ is risen! R/HE IS RISEN INDEED!

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After Hippolytus reading,

Deacon A

Were going to march into the church singing the "Kievan Troparion" at Number TWELVE. Put your hand on someones shoulder now, and follow close behind as the crowd begins to move in a big circle together. We want to get everyone into church as fast as possibleif Satan tries to slow you down, trample him underfoot!
mounts third stepladder and says loudly

Inside, Church people will come with baskets to collect your candles: drop them in the basket and continue marching around the altar. And now, Listen as the rectors sing the Troparion slowly. The rectors will then knock on the door, and then when the church doors open, then YOU all join in singing the troparion FAST, over and over and come in!
Deacons help readers fold up step-ladders and move out of the way Rectors sing Troparion once, slowly.

Presider knocks on Doors three times loudly 4 Ushers open all four doors at the same time synchronize this, so that the doors open majestically Usher Ushers rings Tower Bell get two thuribles ready for thurifers

Choir and Congregation pick up Troparion, quicker and quicker. Choir members sustain energy and tempo for people outside. Procession Party leads the people into church, moving counterclockwise around Altar Table. Ushers help people use all FOUR doors to enter, getting the congregation in quickly

Ushers with baskets collect hand-candles as people enter vestibule. Deacon B takes Gospel Book to Altar table. Deacon C takes Deacons Candle to Kitchen or Vestry
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Youth Deacon 1 returns Icon to Shinto shrine Youth Deacon 2 places Presiders cross by the altar ALL Vested Persons move close to the center, tight around the altar table. Ushers 1. Take umbrellas and crosses from people and return to stands. 2. Cross-carrier returns Passion Cross to Altar Table stand 3. take extra thuribles at vestibule, and into Kitchen (NOTE: through Kitchen door, not through vestibule door, which will block the traffic), being sure that Clergy marshals each have a thurible and that one has an incense boat.



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when all are Inside Church Deacon A Drummers Gong ringer Bell ringer shakes rattle gourd, which signals: to begin a Drum Roll, which signals: to sound gong, which signals: to stop ringing bell Stealth Deacon alerts drummers to begin drum roll:

Presider takes trefoil candle from Altar Table.


! Blessed be God, Father, Son and Holy Spirit.

And blessed be Gods kingdom, now and forever, Amen. Presider returns trefoil candle to Altar Table, takes thurible from Clergy Marshal.

Deacon C

Well sing the "Vermont Troparion," NUMBER THIRTEEN.


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formula for blessings:

Clergy Marshals 1. 2. 3. 4. bring three Blessers at a time to the floor facing table, about 3 feet away. Give the Blessers thuribles. announce the language of the blessing In Spanish! etc. Blesser will cense people on the right and on the left and not cense the table. each Blesser will shout out twice Christ is risen!(response: He is risen indeed) while censing people to the right and left (but not the altar) Blesser then offers an improvised blessing (all answer Amen!) take thuribles from Blessers and help them away from table.

5. 6.

All Deacons assist marshals where needed, helping to move people into place.

Each blessing includes THREE separate blessings

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He is risen indeed!


He is risen indeed! Improvised blessing by Presider


Amen! Clergy marshals give the thurible to the next 2 Blessers. After the third blessing:

Deacon B

Well sing "This Joyful Eastertide," found at number FOURTEEN in your books. Were going to dance to this hymn, and ____________will teach us the step. Number FOURTEEN.
Teacher teaches dance step.

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Blessing 2
Clergy marshals conduct next set of three blessings. Then:

Deacon D Well sing the Easter Troparion in Arabic, at number FIFTEEN. Well sing it first in English, and then in Arabic. Number FIFTEEN

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Blessing 3
Clergy marshals conduct next set of three blessings. Then:

Deacon C Well sing The Day of Resurrection, at number SIXTEEN. Were going to dance to this hymn; ___________ will teach us the step. Number SIXTEEN
Teacher teaches dance step.

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Blessing 4
Clergy marshals conduct next set of three blessings. Then:

Deacon B

Well sing Number SEVENTEEN: the Skoroye Easter Troparion. Skoroye means VERY FAST! Number SEVENTEEN



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Blessing 5
Clergy marshals conduct next set of three blessings. Then:

Deacon D Well sing "Jesus Christ is Risen Today," at number EIGHTEEN. Were going to dance to this hymn; ___________ will teach us the step. Number EIGHTEEN.
Teacher teaches dance step.

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Blessing 6

Clergy marshals conduct next set of three blessings. Then:

Deacon C

Well sing the "Rose Easter Troparion," at number NINETEEN. Number NINETEEN.



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Peace Presider

The Peace of the Lord be always with you!

And also with you! Clergy marshals hand off thuribles and incense boat to Ushers. after Peace: Deacon shakes gourd to get attention


Make room for the choir by these doors over here [gesture to font doors]. Please make room for the choir! Everybody, please turn to number TWENTY in your books, well sing the "Serbian Easter Troparion" at number TWENTY, and then just follow along, singing from number TWENTY-ONE through TWENTY-FIVE.



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Deacons DRAW NEAR! DRAW NEAR! Assigned Deacon [based on loud singing voice] Parents take your children in hand, let us love one another that we may offer the holy sacrifice in peace!

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It is right and a good and joyful thing, always and everywhere To give thanks to you, God our Creator and Lover. You make all things and call them good. You love us into being, You form us in your image and breathe into us the breath of life. When we turn away, and our love fails, Your love remains steadfast. You deliver us from captivity, And bring us to a land flowing with milk and honey. You set before us the way of life. And so, with your people on earth and all the company of heaven We praise your name as we join their unending hymn:

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Holy are you, and blessed is your Son Jesus Christ. By his baptism of suffering and death You give your church birth into a living hope. Raising Jesus from the dead, You make a new covenant with us, by water and the Spirit, and deliver us into freedom. We who were no people are now your people, Declaring your wonderful deeds in Christ, Who calls us out of darkness into his marvelous light.

Keep visiting Presbyters scripts off altar. Assisting Presbyters join in on chord

On the night when he gave himself up for us, He took bread, gave thanks to you, broke the bread, Gave it to his disciples, and said,
One note:

Take, eat: this is my Body which is given for you. Do this for the remembrance of me.

When the supper was over he took the cup, Gave thanks to you, gave it to his disciples, and said,
One note:

Drink this, all of you; this is my blood of the new Covenant, which is shed for you and for all for the forgiveness of sins. Whenever you drink it, do this for the remembrance of me.
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On the third day you raised him from the dead And revealed him to the women who came to the tomb to care for his body. On that day he was recognized by his disciples In the breaking of bread. Presider And so, remembering these your mighty acts in Jesus Christ, We offer ourselves as a holy and living sacrifice, and we praise you and we bless you.


Pour out your Holy Spirit on us gathered here, And on these gifts of bread and wine. Make them be for us the body and blood of Christ That we may be for the world The body of Christ, redeemed by his blood. By your spirit make us one with Christ, One with each other, and one in loving service to all the world, Until all feast at your heavenly banquet. Through your Son Jesus Christ, With the Holy Spirit in your holy Church, All honor and glory are yours, Almighty Father Now and for ever.


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Well sing Thou Hallowed Chosen Morn of Praise at number TWENTY-FOUR.

All Communion Ministers within reach of table take a chalice or paten and elevate it, turning while singing along,


!Holy Gifts for Holy People


Deacon A

Jesus welcomes everyone to his Table, and so we welcome everyone to share the bread and wine, which are his body and blood. We offer Communion to everyone by name. Help us by saying your name when we come to you. _____________, the Body of Christ. (offers Bread) _____________, the Blood of Christ (offers Wine)
Presider communicates bread and wine to Cantor, Deacon A, and then all other Vested persons.

Distribution of Communion: Quadrants

Distribution is divided into Quadrants, as on Sunday, but two teams are working in each quadrant, dividing it in half Both teams in a quadrant stand side-by-side at the altar (bread in front, chalices behind) and divide the quadrant, working from front to back, mirroring one another Patens: work carefully and logically through your slice of the pie, so the chalices can follow you logically! Deacons A,B,C, Presider you are assigned to the usual quadrants: make sure you understand this Easter distribution pattern at the rehearsal, know who is the second team in your quadrant and keep an eye on them to make sure theyre starting out correctly, and mirroring you in your quadrant; you are the most knowledgeable distributors at this point. Choir the choir will be standing in front of the font doors, and served communion last
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Scroll Street

Deacon B + chalice recruit Clergy recruit + chalice recruit Deacon C + chalice recruit Clergy recruit + chalice recruit

Wolf/Bear Deacon A + chalice recruit Clergy recruit + chalice recruit Seated a. Presider + chalice recruit Clergy recruit + chalice recruit NOTE Do NOT use visiting clergy here; recruit SGN clergy, OR SGN non-vested deacons people who know the pattern well

REFILLS: Deacon marshals refills as needed extra wine in kitchen

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(Choir sings anthem followed by #26. Cantor announces) 26 I AM RISEN AND BEHOLD, I AM WITH YOU

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after Choir stops singing:

Deacon B

We will sing Mary, Dont You Weep, at number TWENTY-SEVEN. Were going to dance to this hymn. Please pay attention to _________, who will teach us the step, Number TWENTYSEVEN
After all people have received communion, 3 Patens give bread to choir and available chalice bearers follow quickly. Presider stays at table. Cantor sings extra verses of Oh Mary

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If we need more music to cover communion, announce the Serbian Troparion, #28



Deacon A

Tonights service is our largest service of the year, and represents gifts of time and money from the whole community. Please give generously in thanksgiving to support the feast of Easter, and the ongoing work of the church. Put your gifts of money in the baskets as they come around.
8 Ushers collect money in baskets and take to Vestry Choir sings during collection:

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Deacon C

Well sing the "Rozhnov Troparion" at number TWENTYNINE in your books!



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Deacon D Well sing the hymn Come Ye Faithful at number THIRTY in your books. Were going to dance to this hymn; _______, who will teach us the step. Number THIRTY.
Teacher teaches dance step

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Immediately after hymn:


shakes systrum:

Food and drink are coming out, please feast!

There is no service here tomorrow, but we will have a picnic at Tilden Park tomorrow at NOON. Directions are on the flyers by the front doors. Come and bring picnic food to share. We will clean up the church together on Monday night, from 5:30 PM until were DONE! Now please join the feasting!
Cantor immediately begins singing Vermont Troparion without announcement.


All Vested persons join in foot stomping

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The final blessing is the Rector only no visiting clergy Rectors take threefoil candle and repeat the blessing 3x.


He is risen indeed! Ushers: Bring water and Martinellis first to quench thirst, then Champagne after 5 minutes. attend Information Tower.

2 Stewards

Party for about one hour, then follow Easter Tsarinas judgment about cleaning up.


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