Metatron 1
Metatron 1
Metatron 1
Although he may have a name that seems more like it belongs to a Transformer than an angel—
"Metatron"—some believe he is the most potent angel in heaven.
In various Christian, Islamic, and occult faiths, Metatron is seen as a powerful angel or creature. He is
viewed by some as an angel who was once human and is now appointed as God's scribe and a
middleman between God and Israel.
Apocryphal books of Enoch, the Babylonian Talmud, and mystical Kabbalistic writings all make reference
to Metatron.
A key text in Judaism, the Talmud, contains discussions and commentary on Jewish law, history, and
customs. The Talmud was transmitted orally for a very long time before it was collected and written
down in a book called the Mishnah in the second century AD. The Gemara, the second section of the
Talmud, was then composed as commentary on the Mishnah. The aforementioned Babylonian Talmud
was finished in the fifth century AD.