Introduction To Handball: Teacher Name Date Subject Area Grade Topic Time
Introduction To Handball: Teacher Name Date Subject Area Grade Topic Time
Introduction To Handball: Teacher Name Date Subject Area Grade Topic Time
Teacher Name Taylor D-H & Zakary H Date Nov 30, 2022
Subject Area Physed Grade 5
Topic Handball Time 45 minutes 10:20-11:05
General Outcome:
Students analyze and apply strategies and tactics that support improved
decision making in physical activities.
Specific Outcomes:
General and Specific (Knowledge) Strategies and tactics include:
Learning ● reducing open spaces by working with others
Expectations ● creating space for teammates
How will you know your ● Observation of participation and following instruction
students have learned?
1. Shooting drills
2. Games (ultimate handball)
-cones positioned to indicate where students will stand for the passing and
running parts
Passers’ cone :
Shooters’ cone :
Have students gather around one station and have Zak at the passing cone
and Taylor at the shooter's cone. Have demo students in the lines with us
to show how the drill would continue after throwing and moving.
-explain that there will be about 5 students at each cone within the gym
-the students who are at the cone where Mr. Hart is will have balls and the
students at the other cones will not have a ball.
-the student at the front of the shooters cone will shout “here!” and begin
running toward the net
-as the shooter approaches the passer’s cone, the passer will pass the ball
to the shooter
-once caught the shooter can take three steps and then must shoot toward
the hockey net
-the shooter must throw the ball before crossing the solid three point
basketball line.
Send students to each station by giving each student the number 1 through
8 (corresponding to each set of cones).
While rules are explained, setup one hoola-hoop on each side with three
hand balls (maybe four)
Tell them that those with balls are to place them nicely into the ball bag.
Two people grab a hoola-hoop.
Clean up: Line students up along the black baseline in their corresponding classes.
Time: 11:05
Have all the other students go stand nicely in their class line.
Remind them that they will not be dismissed for a nutrition break until the
whole class stands nice and quiet.