The document outlines the curriculum and schedule for an architecture review program in preparation for the January 2023 ALE Board Exam. It includes the dates, times, topics, and lecturers for various online and blended review sessions covering areas like building materials and construction, utilities systems, structural conceptualization, history and theory of architecture, professional practice, tropical design, and architectural design from August 2022 to January 2023, culminating in the board exam on January 21-23, 2023.
The document outlines the curriculum and schedule for an architecture review program in preparation for the January 2023 ALE Board Exam. It includes the dates, times, topics, and lecturers for various online and blended review sessions covering areas like building materials and construction, utilities systems, structural conceptualization, history and theory of architecture, professional practice, tropical design, and architectural design from August 2022 to January 2023, culminating in the board exam on January 21-23, 2023.
The document outlines the curriculum and schedule for an architecture review program in preparation for the January 2023 ALE Board Exam. It includes the dates, times, topics, and lecturers for various online and blended review sessions covering areas like building materials and construction, utilities systems, structural conceptualization, history and theory of architecture, professional practice, tropical design, and architectural design from August 2022 to January 2023, culminating in the board exam on January 21-23, 2023.
The document outlines the curriculum and schedule for an architecture review program in preparation for the January 2023 ALE Board Exam. It includes the dates, times, topics, and lecturers for various online and blended review sessions covering areas like building materials and construction, utilities systems, structural conceptualization, history and theory of architecture, professional practice, tropical design, and architectural design from August 2022 to January 2023, culminating in the board exam on January 21-23, 2023.
2-Aug-22 4PM - 7PM Building Materials and Construction A 4-Aug-22 4PM - 7PM Building Materials and Construction B 5-Aug-22 4PM - 7PM Building Materials and Construction C 9-Aug-22 4PM - 7PM Building Materials and Construction D 11-Aug-22 4PM - 7PM Building Materials and Construction E 12-Aug-22 4PM - 7PM Building Materials and Construction F 16-Aug-22 4PM - 7PM Building Materials and Construction G 18-Aug-22 4PM - 7PM Building Materials and Construction H 19-Aug-22 4PM - 7PM Building Materials and Construction I 23-Aug-22 4PM - 6PM Evaluation Exam 25-Aug-22 4PM - 7PM Utilities System A - Plumbing System 26-Aug-22 4PM - 7PM Utilities System B - Fire Protection System 30-Aug-22 4PM - 7PM Utilities System C - Electrical 1-Sep-22 4PM - 7PM Utilities System D - Electrical 2-Sep-22 4PM - 7PM Utilities System E - Mechanical 6-Sep-22 4PM - 7PM Utilities System F - Mechanical 8-Sep-22 4PM - 7PM Utilities System G - Electronics 9-Sep-22 10AM - 4PM Utilities System H - Lighting & Acoustics 11-Sep-22 10AM - 4PM Architectural Design Rule 7-8 13-Sep-22 4PM -6PM Evaluation Exam 15-Sep-22 4PM - 7PM Structural Conceptualization A 16-Sep-22 4PM - 7PM Structural Conceptualization B 17-Sep-22 10AM - 4PM Architectural Design Rule 7-8 20-Sep-22 4PM - 7PM Structural Conceptualization C 22-Sep-22 4PM - 7PM Structural Conceptualization D 23-Sep-22 4PM - 7PM History and Theory of Architecture A 24-Sep-22 10AM - 4PM Architectural Design Rule 7-8 27-Sep-22 4PM - 6PM Evaluation Exam 30-Sep-22 1PM - 6PM Mock Exam Area 2 1-Oct-22 10AM - 4PM Architectural Design Rule 7-8 4-Oct-22 4PM - 5PM History and Theory of Architecture B 6-Oct-22 4PM - 7PM History and Theory of Architecture C 7-Oct-22 4PM - 7PM History and Theory of Architecture D 8-Oct-22 10AM - 4PM .Architectural Design Rule 7-8 11-Oct-22 4PM - 7PM History and Theory of Architecture E 13-Oct-22 4PM - 7PM History and Theory of Architecture F 14-Oct-22 4PM - 5PM History and Theory of Architecture G 15-Oct-22 10AM - 4PM Architectural Design Rule 7-8 18-Oct-22 4PM - 6PM Evaluation Exam 20-Oct-22 4PM - 7PM Professional Practice A 21-Oct-22 10AM - 4PM Professional Practice B 23-Oct-22 10AM - 4PM Architectural Design Rule 7-8 25-Oct-22 4PM - 5PM Professional Practice C 27-Oct-22 4PM - 7PM Professional Practice D 28-Oct-22 4PM - 7PM Tropical Design A 30-Oct-22 10AM - 4PM Architectural Design & Site Planning I 8-Nov-22 4PM - 6PM Evaluation Exam 10-Nov-22 4PM - 7PM Tropical Design A 11-Nov-22 4PM - 7PM Tropical Design B 13-Nov-22 10AM - 4PM Architectural Design & Site Planning I 15-Nov-22 10AM - 4PM Principles of Planning A 17-Nov-22 4PM - 5PM Principles of Planning B 18-Nov-22 10AM - 4PM Principles of Planning C 20-Nov-22 10AM - 4PM Architectural Design & Site Planning I 22-Nov-22 4PM - 6PM Evaluation Exam 25-Nov-22 8AM - 1PM Mock Exam Area 1 27-Nov-23 10AM - 4PM Architectural Design & Site Planning I 4-Dec-22 8AM - 5PM Architectural Design & Site Planning I 11-Dec-22 8AM - 5PM Architectural Design & Site Planning I 15-Dec-22 8AM - 5PM Mock Exam Area 3 19-Dec-22 8AM - 5PM Pre-Board 1 20-Dec-22 8AM - 5PM Pre-Board 1 21-Dec-22 8AM - 5PM Break 3-Jan-23 8AM - 5PM Refreshers A 4-Jan-23 8AM - 5PM Refreshers B 5-Jan-23 8AM - 5PM Refreshers C 6-Jan-23 8AM - 5PM Refreshers D 7-Jan-23 8AM - 5PM Refreshers E 8-Jan-23 8AM - 5PM Refreshers F 11-Jan-23 8AM - 7PM Pre-Board 2 12-Jan-23 8AM - 6PM Pre-Board 2 14-Jan-23 9AM - 12NN Discussion of Pre-Board 2 16-Jan-23 1PM - 4PM Final Coaching January 21-23, 2023 Architecture Board Exam Lecturer