Continental Drift Theory
Continental Drift Theory
Continental Drift Theory
1 Introduction
Less than 420 years ago, many scientists thought the continents always had been in the same place. It
was difficult to accept that the continents and oceans are moving across the surface of the Earth although the
idea about united continent was not new. A few scholars used to wonder that South America and Africa appear
to fit together. For example Abraham Ortelius in 1596, Sir Francis Bacon in 1620 and Antonio Snider
Pellegrini in 1858 in his book ‘Creation and Its Mysteries Unveiled’ (La créationet ses mystéres dévoilés),
noted that the eastern coastline of South America and the western coastline of Africa looked as if they could fit
together (fig. 1). Alexander von Humboldt one of the founder of modern Geography during his scientific
expedition (1799-1804) across the Atlantic further grasped that this similarity is more than the apparent “fit”.
The mountains of Brazil in South America were the same as those of the Congo in Africa. Therefore similarity
between eastern coastline of South America and the western coastline of Africa is not accidental.
Figure 1: In 1858 Antonio Snider-Pellegrini made this map showing how the American and African
continents may once have fit together during Carboniferous time. (Based on Antonio Snider-Pellegrini’ s
However it was Alfred Lothar Wegener 1912 – a 32 year old lecturer in meteorology and astronomy in
Germany who propounded the Continental Drift theory with sound evidence (fig. 2). He delivered a lecture on
“The Formation of the major Features of the Earth’s Crust (Continents and Oceans)” at Frankfurt in an eminent
Geological Association. In his lecture he suggested that continents had once been combined in the form of
original single sialic land-mass and had afterward broken apart and drifted to their present positions. Later in
1915 he circulated exposition of his theory of continental drift titling The Origin of Continents and Oceans (Die
Entstehung der Kontinente und Ozeane). He revised the book extensively three times. The revised editions with
further elaborations appeared in 1920, 1922, and 1929. His theory attracted little notice by the scientific
community of his day and publication had a small circulation. Later plate tectonic theory revived and revised
interest in his theory.
Alfred Lothar Wegener (1880-1930), the Propounder of the theory of continental drift.
The continents drifted away from the contemporary poles. Wegener described this phenomenon as Polflucht or
flight from the poles. By the end of the Cretaceous period, the continents were separating into land masses that
resembled the shape of our present-day continents. Wegener assumed that land masses horizontally moved on
viscous sea floor. The modern-day position of continents is the outcome of this horizontal drifting. Wherever
the drifting continent faced resistance in the way of movement it resulted in huge fold mountains. Therefore, his
book provided a new reasoning for the construction of mountain chains. It is interesting to note that “Wegener’s
term for this motion, the German word verschiebung, would be most accurately translated as displacement. The
theory nevertheless became known in English as continental drift” (Yount, 2009).
Figure 4: Gondwana Land during Paleozoic times.
The continents in the present time are attaining their maximum distances. Their continued motion in the
future must bring them closer together again. In future 200 million years from now the South America,
Antarctica, and Australia likely to join together in the southern hemisphere (Fig. 6). Similarly, Africa, Europe,
and Asia are likely to unite in future (Meadows, 2007).
3. Mechanism of Drifting
Wegener knew that his drifting hypothesis must also explain mechanism of Drifting or what moved
them. Wegener thought that the oceans are composed of a heavier material than the continents. He thus deduced
that the less dense continents are floating on the heavier subsurface. It doesn’t mean that he was advocating for
isostatic balance between the different crustal segments of the upper portion of earth, rather he was interested in
the logic of horizontal drifting. It was clear to him that drifting would require enormous amount of energy.
Therefore he attempted to attribute the drifting process to “Eotvos” or pole-fleeing and external tidal force.
The spinning of Earth on its own axis creates a centrifugal force i.e. force oriented away from the axis of
rotation towards the equator. Wegener believed the centrifugal force of the planet caused the super continent to
break apart and pushed continents away from the Poles toward the equator. Therefore, He called this drifting
mechanism as the "pole-fleeing or centrifugal force".
Tidal force.
Wegener tried to attribute the westward drift of the Americas to lunar-solar drag i.e. by invoking tidal force that
is the gravitational forces of the sun and the moon (Fig. 8). He also admitted that “it is probable” that pole-
fleeing or centrifugal force and tidal force are responsible for the journey of continents. He left many
questions unanswered in context to mechanism of drifting.
Figure 8: The tidal force responsible for westward journey of continents.
Do you know?
Wegener’s suggestion to relate the drifting process to centrifugal force and external tidal force was the
weakest point of his theory. It was also an idea of “impossible hypotheses for geophysicist Harold Jeffery. In his
book The Earth, Its Origin, History and Physical Constitution Jeffery asserted that crust of the earth is too
strong to be affected by these forces.
Science requires the use of methods that are systematic, logical, and empirical. To support his theory Wegener
gathered empirical evidences from variety of scientific methods. He knew that truth of drift can only be
achieved by combining all possible evidences. These scientific evidences are as follows:
In a letter to Else the daughter of climatology expert Wladimir Köppen Wegener raised a question i.e.
“Doesn’t the east coast of South America fit exactly against the west coast of Africa, as if they had once been
joined?” (Yount, 2009). Later Wegener also married to Else. Wegener’s idea was not new since his great-
granduncle’s friend Alexander von Humboldt was already aware about this jigsaw puzzle (fig. 6).
Figure 10: Jigsaw fit of East coast of South America and West coast of Africa.
Snider-Pellegrini recorded that fossil plants from the Carboniferous period (354–290 million years ago)
in Africa and the Americas are largely identical. Later Paleontologists were satisfied to accept that present-day
continents were connected by land bridges and later theses land bridges sank beneath the sea. The land bridges
in the past would have been helpful for the animals to cross since it was not possible to cover the distance via
Atlantic Ocean. Another possibility for migration of specifies across the Atlantic was ruled out by the balancing
act of isostasy. Wegener’s theory became controversial because it presented alternate reason for fossils
similarity. He said continents were joined together in the form of single landmass. Therefore there was no
barrier in the form of present day Atlantic Ocean. This means that they evolved together on a single large
landmass Gondwanaland. He reasoned that it was physically impossible for most of these organisms to have
traveled or have been transported across the vast oceanic barrier.
Figure 11: More or less identical fossils of certain plants and animals.
For instance, Lemurs found in India, Madagascar and Africa validates that India was connected with
Africa via Madagascar in the past (Fig.12).
Figure 13: The remains of Cynognathus a Triassic land reptile and Mesosaurus a type of Freshwater
Similarly remains Lystrosaurus (A Triassic land reptile) are excavated in Africa, India and Antarctica.
The Glossopteris (Gondwana plant fossil) can be found in widely separated present day continents. Therefore
more or less the identical fossils of plants and animals found in different part of Gondwanaland validates his
argument for “all land’ i.e. PANGAEA.
Figure 14: The Glossopteris (Gondwana plant fossil) can be found in widely separated present day
The identical fossils of Plants and Animals in Europe and northeastern North America were not very
apparent, but Wegener noticed that earthworms are found in Europe and the northeastern areas of North
America. The Earthworms cannot swim across Atlantic Oceans. It suggests that Atlantic Ocean did not exist in
the past.
The comparative stratigraphy is the study of similar sequence of rocks at numerous Locations (Fig. 15).
Layers of same rocks can be recorded many kilometers apart. By sequencing and mapping them geologists can
figure out how they extend underground or split apart because of continental drift.
In this regard Wegener’s most compelling support came from the eminent South African field geologist
Alexander Du Toit. After spending five months in Brazil, Uruguay and Argentina he wrote in his book ‘A
Geological Comparison of South America with South Africa (1927)’ that ‘The Brazilian strata [layers of
sedimentary rock] correspond perfectly in every detail to the strata series of the southern African shield.” Du
Toit further wrote that he had “great difficulty in realizing that this was another continent” i.e. South America.
The mixed sequence of glacial and marine deposits in both South Africa and South America also confirmed two
landmasses had once been joined. Alexander Du Toit produced a considerably more detailed body of evidence
than Wegener himself had.
The Caledonian mountains of North America reappear in Scotland, Northern Ireland and matches in
terms of age and structure with the Appalachian Mountains of North America (Fig. 16). Similarly the
radiometric dating method together with stratigraphic principles also reveals that broad belts of rocks in Africa
and South America are the same type.
Wegener was also expert in the field of paleoclimatology. He had written a book on paleoclimatology under the
guidance of his father-in-law, Wladimir Köppen. Wegener was aware that a continental ice sheet covered parts
of South America, southern Africa, India, and southern Australia about 270 million years ago during late
Paleozoic times (fig. 17). Glacial striations on rocks show that glaciers radiated outward from glacial centre
over the South Pole in Africa toward the Atlantic Ocean and from the Atlantic Ocean onto South America.
Therefore, the continents must have been joined so that the ice moved across a single landmass Pangaea. The
presence of glacier evidence in turn supported the idea of polar wandering.
Figure 17: The region of Paleozoic glaciations in Gondwanaland indicates South Pole was located where
South America and Antarctica reassemble.
The presence of tillite that is, sedimentary rock form out of deposits of glaciers in India, Madagascar,
Africa, Antarctica and Australia further revealed that these landmasses had amazingly parallel pasts. Wegener
also raised an interesting question, Why there is a huge stock of coal across present day cool middle latitude
parts of earth? The Coal can be found in North America, Europe, Asia Minor, China and even under the
Antarctic ice cap. This huge stock of coal can only form in equatorial climatic conditions. It would have been if
the poles were in the location Wegener described. Similarly, the remains of Coral reef which requires warm
water to survive can be found in the cold North Polar Region. Therefore It also supported drifting hypothesis.
(Fig. 18)
Figure 18: Other evidence
In the shadow of continental drift British geologist Arthur Holmes (1890–1965) proposed the concept
of convection currents mechanism to explain drifting of the continents. To understand the convection current
mechanism, take a pan of boiling water and put a piece of cork in it. You will observe that cork on the surface
of the boiling water will be pushed sideways (figure 19).
Figure: 20: Convection Currents and sea Floor Spreading
In his well-known textbook The Principles of Physical Geology, Holmes suggested that in the similar
manner, the convection currents in the upper part of the mantle may perhaps cause movement of the continents.
Later in 1962 professor Harry H. Hess in his seminal paper on the concept of seafloor spreading agreed with
Arthur Holmes idea of convection current mechanism (Fig. 20). Recently the Palaeomagnetic (fossil
magnetism) evidence from the rocks found along the Mid Oceanic Ridge system revived interest in original
single sialic land-mass i.e., PANGAEA .
The anticlockwise journey of India from Southern Hemisphere reveals that it rammed into Asia about 40
to 50 million years ago. The northward advance of India caused rise of the earth’s tallest mountain i.e. The
Himalayas. In just 50 million years of Earth’s reconstructed history, peaks such as Mt. Everest have risen to
heights of more than 8 kilometers.