Workbook Unit 5
Workbook Unit 5
Workbook Unit 5
Unit 5
Business Strategies
a. How does the ABC Finance Bank try to attract new customers? Read the benefits
below and decide which of them the bank mentions in its ad.
b. The ad opens by asking three questions to attract the listener’s attention. Write down
three more questions the bank could have used in an ad to attract attention.
1. Are you looking for a secure bank who protect your investments ?
2. Do you ever need help controlling your financial records ?
3. Do you want to trust that your investments are keeping safe ?
1. care about a. your investments
1. b 2. d 3. a 4. e 5. f 6. c
d. Match the idioms from the ad with the most appropriate picture of their literal meaning.
1 2
Idioms Picture 4
a. checks bounce 2
c. keep an eye on 3
d. keep track of 4
e. take it from me 1
Now write a sentence illustrating the figurative meaning of each of the idioms from activity d.
1. Try to verify if the checks are real or you we will have a check bounce.
2. If we make our investments in an unknown bank in the long run will be consequences.
3. You have to keep an eye on the new employee, if she doing her work correctly.
4. My uncle keep track of my cousin's new boyfriend, because he doesn't trust him.
5. I bring you a gift, take it from me, is from your girlfriend
Banking Today
Doing your banking today is not the same as it used to be. Do you remember the Iong
Iines as you waited for a teIIer? Now you can (1) avoid the Iines by sending an
e-maiI to an lnternet teIIer for routine banking. There is aIso a new (2) service
for account hoIders who are seeking advice on which (3) investment to make;
for exampIe, shouId they (4) invest in stocks and shares or in reaI estate? ln
summary, we can say that the priority for (5) management at aII modern banks is
to guarantee customer (6) satisfacction .
f. Complete the following dialogue with the correct form of the phrasal verbs below.
cares about
to give attention to someone’s needs and requirements
check out
to Iearn more about something or someone in order to decide what to do
invest in
to put money into a pIace which you hope wiII give you a profit in the Iong run (future)
keep an eye on
to pay carefuI attention to something or someone
keep track of
to pay attention to how something or someone changes over time
take it from me
to beIieve something somebody teIIs you
g. The satisfied customer’s final words in the ad were: “As long as my money is at ABC
Finance Bank, my savings are secure.” Note that the present tense is used in the second
clause. This is true of conditions (if) and time expressions (as soon as, when, as long as).
Fill in the correct form of the verb in the sentences below.
1. She’II get high-quaIity service if she as long open (to open) an account
at ABC Finance.
2. Errors, which couId cost customers a Iot of money, are avoided at the ABC Finance
Bank as Iong as the bank double checks (to doubIe-check) everything.
3. You’II Iearn more about the bank if you as long check (to check) us out.
4. The bank wiII keep track of my investments as Iong as l pay
h. You want to know more about the ABC Finance Bank. Write a formal letter with today’s
date to:
Mr. Ian Formation
Manager - Customer Inquiries ABC Finance Bank
22 Seaside Boulevard
United Kingdom
Tell the bank manager that you have a lot of money to invest and ask him about the
services the bank provides, what the fees are, and what happens if an account is over
drawn. Also ask for a meeting early next week to discuss the issues.
a. Do you remember the letter in the computer lesson? Read the following statements and
decide whether they are true ( ) or false ( ) .
1. Kara Moore and Mr. MorgenthaI have never met.
2. By February, Ms. Moore wiII become the manager of marketing. ✔
b. Mr. Morgenthal and Ms. Moore had a phone conversation the following day. Who do you
think might have said the following things, Ms. Moore or Mr. Morgenthal?
5. “Thank you, l’m very gratefuI for your support and advice
when we Iast met”.
c. Match the sentences in column B to the sentences with a similar meaning in column A.
1. lt has been some time since we were in a. The company appreciated my yearIy report on
contact. pubIications.
b. lt wiII be quite easy to get more young peopIe
2. l hope that aII is weII with you. interested in the environment because the
topic is often in the news.
1. e 2. h 3. a 4. f 5. c 6. d 7. b 8. g
d. Match the words in column B to the appropriate words in column A in order to complete
the collocations.
1. to appeaI to a. a project
2. to create b. an office
3. to manage c. a product
4. to reach out to d. a magazine
5. to seII e. youth
6. to support f. university students
1. f 2. d 3. a 4. e 5. c 6. d
e. Do you remember how Ms. Moore tries to convince Mr. Morgenthal to agree to advertise
in the new publication? Circle the correct answer.
a. a business proposaI.
b. a description of her pIans.
c. a friendIy note, her Iatest news and a thank you.
d. a satisfied customer’s opinion.
a. makes an offer.
b. describes the quaIity of the magazine.
c. offers to give money to Mr. MorgenthaI.
d. offers to buy some shoes.
a. a joke.
b. a thank you.
c. a request.
d. a finaI warning.
a. very formaI.
b. very informaI.
c. friendIy but formaI.
d. formaI but unfriendIy.
1. When we make a proposaI we often use expressions such as, I thought that you might
be interested, this could be a good way, this might solve your problems. What tense are
these expressions in?
Modal verbs in the present perfect tense.
2. ln EngIish, peopIe usuaIIy do not want to use Ianguage that is boastfuI. Ms. Moore writes
that her presentation seems to have been weII received. What expression indicates that she
is modest?
when she said that it seems to have been well received.
3. When making a proposaI, it is aIways a good idea to give the buyer or investor a good
reason and expIanation to invest his or her money. What words does Ms. Moore use:
to give a reason? "I would like the magazine to be known for its quality, rather than its environmental subject matter."
to give an expIanation? "I have included an outline of the first proposed issue for your consideration".
4. Another way to achieve a positive response to an offer is not to put pressure on the
investor. How does Ms. Moore do that? She said to Mr. Morgental to take time to think about the idea she i
Mr. R. E. Luctant,
Chief Executive of Polar Ice Cream
1 Frozen Avenue
When you last met Mr. Luctant, he gave you some advice on how to sell ice cream. Now
you want him to advertise in your new publication, “A Sweet Tooth”. Use the letter from
the computer lesson as a model. There should be three main paragraphs.
Marketing Strategy
a. Which of the following statements ask for feedback and which give feedback? Mark the
correct column
b. Do you remember the conversation in the computer lesson between two people who
work in marketing? They both know about the four marketing key words which all begin
with the letter “P”. These words are given in the box below. Match each one with an
appropriate definition.
3. Place : often caIIed distribution or how the products get to the market
c. Which of the Four P’s does the conversation in the computer lesson involve?
Additional Reading
Global Reading
1. Look at the titIe of the additional reading text. Who do you think the articIe is written for?
For the companies who work in the marketing area, to help them find their target market.
2. Read the first paragraph. What do you think the purpose of this paragraph is?
Is to inform readers including the ones who have a marketing business.
3. Read the first sentence of the second paragraph. What advice does the writer give?
The advice is that the goal of people who work in the marketing business has to acquire as much information.
4. Read the first sentence of the third paragraph. How many categories does the writer focus on?
in four categories: Geo-graphics, demographics, psychographics and behavior.
5. Read the first sentence of the fourth paragraph. What specific issue does the writer focus on?
That one of marketing fundamentals is to focus on benefits.
Close Reading
1. The writer uses the word but in the first sentence to show contrast. What does the writer contrast?
He contrasts that everyone talks about target markets but not everybody does a target market or identify it.
2. The word when (Iine 3) is used to describe a necessary condition. What condition needs to be
met for a marketing budget to be effective? they have to look at the big picture to an efficiency
3. The abbreviation i.e. signaIs that the writer wiII give an exampIe. What does the writer give an
exampIe of? the valuable resources target market uses like time and money.
4. ln Iine 9, the writer expIains a connection between two eIements using the expression The
more… the better... What two things does the writer compare? costumers and decisions.
5. ln Iines 13-14, the writer uses the word if twice in order to describe two conditions. What are
the two conditions? If you do not have an existing customer base, or if you are targeting a completely.
What advice does the writer give? speculate on who they might be, based on their needs and the benefits.
6. Read the four categories. ln which one wouId you cIassify:
a. the number of peopIe in a certain area Geographics
Comprehension Questions
1. According to the text, when is a marketing budget most effective? when it reaches the selected
target market.
2. What is the most important goaI in marketing? is to acquire as much information as you can about
your exiting or prospective customers.
3. What is the best way to identify a target market? to look at your existing customer base. .
4. What does the writer suggest to companies that do not have an existing customer base?
speculate on who the customers might be, based on their needs and the benefits they will receive. .
The B.E.Tter Advertising Agency (1) seems to have recovered from its poor
performance last year and (2) appears to have won several top
advertising tenders for contracts with soft-drink manufacturers.