HOPE 1 Module 1 (Exercise For Fitness)

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Hope 1
Learning Competencies:
1. Self-assesses health-related fitness (HRF).Status, barriers to physical activity assessment
participation and one’s diet.
2. Sets Frequency Intensity Time Type (FITT) goals based on training principles to achieve
and/or maintain health- related fitness (HRF).
3. Engages in moderate to vigorous physical activities (MVPAs) for at least 60 minutes most
days of the week in a variety of settings in- and out- of school.

SY: 2021 – 2022

First Semester
Zamboanga City,




CHAPTER 1- Exercise for Fitness

MY Fitness Story

My dad suffered a heart attack two years ago. He was fortunate to have survived the event. It made us
realize the importance of adopting a healthy lifestyle. My father has to make

difficult choices regarding his diet and physical activity. He was used to eating fat-rich food
and he did not engage in any sports. The entire family adopted healthy choices to support our dad.
Our goal is to keep these changes for the rest of our lives.


Everyone wants to be fit and healthy. There are over a hundred researches that show how to achieve
fitness and wellness-the clear solution is to move more and eat well. The solution might be simple but
choosing which fitness program to follow or what food to eat is overwhelming. The fitness industry is
flooded with various tools and programs that promise to help you get fit fast with less work. This book
will help you weed out the jungle of choices and provide quick answers to common fitness concerns.
What is the recommended level or amount of physical activity to maintain good health?

The general idea of health promotion strategies is to encourage Filipinos to move more. It is
recommended that teenagers engage in physical activity for at least 60 minutes every day. In 2008, the
food and Nutrition Research Institute (FNRI) reported that 86% of Filipino high school students in
Manila fail to achieve the recommended physical activity level. The WHO reported similar results after
the Global School-based Student Heath Survey was conducted in 2007. Moreover, the global study
indicated that Filipino teenagers are one of the most sedentary in the world because they only engage in
physical activity for at least 60 minutes on an average of one day per week.

Physical activity involves any bodily movement caused by muscular contractions that result in
the expenditure of energy. It is usually classified according to its purpose such as occupational,
transportrelated, household, and recreation. Many people believe that one should engage in sports and
exercise to be active, which is a misconception. In fact, sports and exercise are just part of the activities
that can be classifies under recreational physical activity. Exercise is a planned program of physical
activities usually designed to improve physical fitness with the purpose of increasing physical fitness
level. While physical activity is different from exercise, research shows that both physical activity and
exercise can improve one’s well-being. It should be noted that the protection conferred by being fit is
higher than being physically active.
What are the benefits of becoming active and being physically fit?

Physical fitness is a condition that allows the body to effectively cope with the demands of
daily activities and still has the energy to enjoy other leisure activities Physical Fitness is a broad
term and has many components. In relation to health and wellness, experts have identified
several components that an individual should maintain at an adequate level to remain healthy
and reduce the risk of premature death, disease, and injury. Health-Related Components of
Physical Fitness
❖ Cardiovascular-respiratory Fitness – it is the ability of the heart, lungs and blood
vessels to supply oxygen and nutrients to the working muscles efficiently in order to sustain
prolonged rhythmical exercises. The ability to deliver and utilize oxygen is an indicator of a
healthy heart. Research shows that individuals who can use large amounts of oxygen during
maximal exercise have strong hearts, normal blood pressures, and decreased risk for heart
disease and diabetes.
Activity test or example activity: Running
❖ Muscular Strength – It is the ability of the muscle to generate the greatest force. One
repetitions maximum is the heaviest load that can be lifted in one repetition. A good strength
level protects an individual from severe injuries when he/she slips or falls. Activity test or
example activity: weightlifting
❖ Muscular Endurance- It is the ability of the muscle to resist fatigue when performing
multiple repetitions of a submaximal load. It can also refer to the period of time in which a
muscle is able to hold a contraction. Muscular endurance is needed to deter injuries that
commonly occur when the individual is tired. Activity test or example activities: Abdominal
curl-up and push-ups ❖ Flexibility – It is the ability to move a joint without pain over its entire
range of motion. It is affected by the structure of the joint and the muscles surrounding the
joint. An adequate degree of flexibility is important to prevent injury and to maintain body
mobility. It can be greatly improved by stretching. Activity test or example activities: sit and
reach and trunk forward flexion ❖ Body Composition – It refers to total make-up of the body
using the concept of two components model the lean body mass and the body fat. It is often
reported as the ratio of fat mass with the overall body mass. Many non-communicable diseases
are associated with obesity or having too much fat especially around the abdominal area. Activity
test or example activity: wait circumference


• Improves bone, joint, and muscle strength

• Develops motor control and coordination
• Helps maintain a healthy body composition
• Improves the psychological functioning of an individual
• Increases the efficiency of the lungs and the heart
• Increases muscle strength and endurance
• Protects from musculoskeletal problems such as “low” back pain
• Possibly delays the aging process
 Reduces the risk of cardiovascular diseases such as coronary artery diseases and stroke
• Promotes healthy cholesterol level
• Helps regulate blood pressure
• Decreases risk of type 2 diabetes
• Reduces risk of breast cancer and colon cancer
 Improves control over anxiety and depression; and 
Builds self-esteem and social interaction
Basic Concepts and Definitions: Physical Activity and Exercise
Physical Activity and Exercise are often used synonymously. They are, however, not
synonymous. Hence, it will be helpful to have a full understanding of both terms before
proceeding further.

Physical Activity is defined as bodily movements produced by the skeletal muscles

that lead to energy expenditure. It includes various activities such as doing household chores
and walking. In addition, physical activities can be classified into four domains:
occupational, domestic, transportation, and leisure time.

❖ Occupational- These are work-related activities such as climbing the stairs or lifting
❖ Domestic- These are activities done at home such as household chores.
❖ Transportation- These are activities for traveling or for commuting.
❖ Leisure Time- These are activities for recreation.

Exercise- is a type or subcategory of physical activity. It is a planned, structured,

repetitive bodily movements that someone engages in for the purpose of improving or
maintaining physical fitness or health. (Buckworth and Dishman) Therefore, it is incorrect
to use physical activity interchangeably with exercise because not all physical activity may
be classified as exercise.

What type of exercises can be performed to derive these health benefits?

At the beginning of the lesson, you met Arnold who wants to improve his cardiovascular
or endurance capacity to meet the demand of running to school with less effort exerted. What
kind of physical activity will you recommend to him to help him attain his goal? To help you
identify a physical activity you must first be familiar with the different kinds of exercises
and sample activities for each kind. There are three main types of physical activity:

❖ Aerobic activities- is also known as cardio or endurance activity. Aerobic physical

activities improve the efficiency of aerobic energy production and cardiorespiratory endurance.
When you engage in these types of exercise, the large muscles of your body, in your arms and legs,
for instance move in rhythmic manner for a sustained period of time. You will also notice an
increase in your breathing and heart rate.
Example activities: active recreation such as hiking, skateboarding, brisk walking, running, and
biking, and sports such as swimming, basketball, and tennis.
❖ Muscle-strengthening activities- are collectively called resistance training. Muscle
strengthening activities are primarily used to improve muscular strength and
muscular power. Such activities make the muscles of the body work against an applied
force or weight; hence, the muscles do more work than usual.
Example activities: weight training, resistance band training

❖ Bone-strengthening activities- is also referred to as weight-bearing or weight-

loading activity. It produces force on the bones that promotes bone growth and strength.
Bonestrengthening activities can also be aerobic and muscle- strengthening in nature
as they often involve a person’s feet impacting the ground. The impact against the ground
produces a force that pushes the feet, legs, and even arms to support one’s body weight.
Example activities: jumping jacks, hopping, skipping, running, brisk walking, and

How do we solve the common barriers to adopting an active lifestyle?

The common barriers to change usually occur when a person is between the Preparation and
Action stages. Individuals in the Pre-contemplation and Contemplation stage can be motivated
to adopt a new behavior by showing the benefits and providing encouragement that change is
possible. Each individual has a unique set of circumstances and will probably have a unique set
of barriers. There are no hard and fast rules for each barriers and they should be dealt on a case-
tocase basis. However, there are guidelines that can be used to deal with these barriers.

The barriers in the preparation stage are common to people who are adopting a healthy behavior
for the first time. Many people who have not tried an active pursuit are anxious, have low
selfesteem, and do not believe that they have the ability to change. It is important for them to
realize that their barriers are perceptions of the situation. Their attitude towards physical activity
lets they perceive the situation as difficult and full of obstacles. The sooner he/she realizes that
these perceptions are not gospel truths, the quicker the individual can initiate the health the

I do not have time Prioritize activities and cut back some time from the non-essential
activities to be able to exercise

I am always tired Make a physical activity diary and analyze which part of the day you have
more energy and schedule you work-out around that period

I do not know how Read journals and articles on the best practices as well as ask people who
have been successful at adopting the healthy behavior

I do not have enough There are numerous exercise regimens that are not expensive such as
money running and swimming

I do not fell support Inform family and friends about the new behavior or join a activity club
that has the same interest

I am not motivated Create a list of pros and cons of the positive behavior that will serve as a
reminder; Focus on changing the behavior instead of the outcome and
written a SMART goal

I lack will power Identify what triggers the backslide and be conscious when it happens:
implement a reward system

I easily get discourage Avoid negative self-talk and replace them with encouraging words

The barriers in the Action stage reflect the ability of the individual to sustain the new behavior. It
is expected that the individual will consistently face these barriers from time to time, backslide,
and fell unable to continue with the positive behavior. It would greatly help the individual if
he/she has someone or a group that would provide support and encouragement. These are
studies that point to friends and family as strong predictors of engaging in an active lifestyle.
 Physical fitness is a condition that allows the body to effectively cope with the demands of
daily activities and still has the energy to enjoy other leisure activities Physical Fitness is a
broad term and has many components.
 Cardiovascular-respiratory Fitness – it is the ability of the heart, lungs and blood vessels
to supply oxygen and nutrients to the working muscles efficiently in order to sustain
prolonged rhythmical exercises. The ability to deliver and utilize oxygen is an indicator of a
healthy heart.
 Muscular Strength – It is the ability of the muscle to generate the greatest force. One
repetition maximum is the heaviest load that can be lifted in one repetition.
 Muscular Endurance - It is the ability of the muscle to resist fatigue when performing
multiple repetitions of a submaximal load. It can also refer to the period of time in which a
muscle is able to hold a contraction.
 Flexibility – It is the ability to move a joint without pain over its entire range of motion. It
is affected by the structure of the joint and the muscles surrounding the joint. An
adequate degree of flexibility is important to prevent injury and to maintain body mobility.
 Body Composition – It refers to total make-up of the body using the concept of two
components model the lean body mass and the body fat. It is often reported as the ratio of
fat mass with the overall body mass. Many noncommunicable diseases are associated with
obesity or having too much fat especially around the abdominal area.
 Physical Activity - is defined as bodily movements produced by the skeletal muscles that
lead to energy expenditure. It includes various activities such as doing household
chores and walking.
 Physical activities can be classified into four domains: Occupational, Domestic,
Transportation and Leisure Time.
 Occupational- These are work-related activities such as climbing the stairs or lifting
 Domestic- These are activities done at home such as household chores.
 Transportation- These are activities for traveling or for commuting.
 Leisure Time- These are activities for recreation.
 Exercise- is a type or subcategory of physical activity. It is a planned, structured,
repetitive bodily movements that someone engages in for the purpose of improving or
maintaining physical fitness or health.
 It is incorrect to use physical activity interchangeably with exercise because not all physical
activity may be classified as exercise.
 Aerobic activities- is also known as cardio or endurance activity. Aerobic physical
activities improve the efficiency of aerobic energy production and cardiorespiratory
endurance. When you engage in these types of exercise, the large muscles of your body, in
your arms and legs, for instance move in rhythmic manner for a sustained period of time.
 Muscle-strengthening activities- are collectively called resistance training. Muscle
strengthening activities are primarily used to improve muscular strength and
muscular power. Such activities make the muscles of the body work against an
applied force or weight; hence, the muscles do more work than usual.
 Bone-strengthening activities- is also referred to as weight-bearing or weight-loading
activity. It produces force on the bones that promotes bone growth and strength.
Bone-strengthening activities can also be aerobic and muscle-strengthening in nature
as they often involve a person’s feet impacting the ground. The impact against the ground
produces a force that pushes the feet, legs, and even arms to support one’s body weight.
ZAMBOANG San Jose Road, Baliwasan 7000 Zamboanga City,




NAME: Jaslim T. karil GRADE & SECTION:12-D

Activity 1

Directions. Answer the following questions. Have fun and enjoy!

1. Differentiate aerobic, muscle strengthening and bone strengthening activities?

ANS: Aerobic exercise stresses the cardiorespiratory (heart and lungs) system, whereas strength
training places emphasis on the musculoskeletal (muscles, bones, joints) system. Each should be
performed as part of a comprehensive fitness program.
2.How do these activities contribute to your overall health? Cite at least 5 benefits.
ANS: Being physically active can improve your brain health, help manage weight, reduce the risk of disease,
strengthen bones and muscles, and improve your ability to do everyday activities.

2. Would you count yourself as Physical active or inactive why?

ANS: physical active because I always do

3. Among the various adaptation to aerobic exercise, resistance exercise, and stretching
exercise, which one is the most important for you? Why?

4. How can Physical Activity give you opportunities to have fun or be with friend and family?
ZAMBOANG San Jose Road, Baliwasan 7000 Zamboanga City,





Direction: Do the warm-up first, the work-out proper, then the cool-down. Then perform the following
Exercises. (Video)
Activity Time
 Light Jog 30 sec.
 Back Pedal 30 sec.
 Kick down 30 sec.
 Modified Push-up 30 sec.
 Modified Plunk 30 sec.
 Froggers 30 sec.
 Side Lunge 20 sec.
 Recover/Reset 15 sec.
 2 feet forward/backwards hops in place 30 sec.
 Squat 30
 Abdominal curls 30 sec.
 Recover/Reset 15 sec.
 Opposite arm/Leg extension 30 sec.
 2 feet lateral hops in place 30 sec.
 Alternating step back lunges 30 sec.
 Recover/Reset 15 sec.
 Jumping Jacks 15 sec.
 Modified push-ups 30
 Recover 15 sec.
 Modified Plank 30 sec.
ZAMBOANG San Jose Road, Baliwasan 7000 Zamboanga City,

 Burpees 30 sec.
 Squat hold 15 sec.
 Shoulder press 30 sec.
 Cobra stretching 15 sec.
 Pretzel stretch 15 sec.
 Lower back stretch 15 sec.
 Standing Hamstring Stretch 15 sec.

Guide Question: After the exercise routine, answer the following question.

1. Categorized aerobic, muscle strengthening, and bone strengthening activities from the sets of
exercises you performed.





What are your top 3 Barriers? Write specific ways on how you can
overcome these barriers.
ZAMBOANG San Jose Road, Baliwasan 7000 Zamboanga City,
a City


Hope 1
DIWA Senior High School Series: Physical Education and Health 1 (Second Edition) e-module pp.
REX Physical Education and Health Volume 1 pp.4-13 DISCLAMER
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learning resources available for the learners in reference to the learning continuity plan for this division in this
time of pandemic. This LR is produced and distributed locally without profit and will be used for educational
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