كتاب مشروع تخرج لمستشفى

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‫لتحميل المزيد من الكتب والمراجع باللغة العربية‬

‫تابعونا على‬

‫جـروب التليجـرام‬
‫مكتبة الكهرباء وااللكترونيات‬
‫جـروب الفـيس بـوك‬
‫عالم الهندسة الكهربية‬
The Faculty of Engineering
Electrical power and machine Department

Design of Electrical Power

System for Departmental Building

Under Supervision of:

Ass.Prof. Maged Abo-Adma

Ass.Prof. Said El-Masry
Abd el-Rahman Sayed Tawfiq Omar Fathi Saif

Mahmoud Saad hossen Mahmoud Abd el-Azeem Abd el-


Mostafa Baseem Yasin Abo bakr Ibrahim Abo bakr

Khalid Mohamed Abd el-Qader Hesham Badawy Mohamed

Ahmed Handal Hossin Abd Allah Hendawy Ahmed

Mohamed Shaaban Ahmed

‫ن ال َر ِح ِ‬ ‫س ِِم َِ‬
‫ّللاِ ال َر ْح َم ِِ‬ ‫بِ ْ‬

‫ك أَ ْن َِ‬
‫ت ا ْل َعلِي ُمِ‬ ‫ك ال ِع ْل َِم لَنَا إِ َ ِال َما َعلَ ْمتَنَا إِنَ َِ‬
‫س ْب َحانَ َِ‬
‫ا ْل َح ِكي ُِم‬
‫البقرة‪ :‬من اآليت‪23‬‬

‫من سلك طريقا ً يلتمس فيه علما ً سهّل هللا‬
‫له به طريقا ً إلى الجنة )) [ مسلم ]‬

The project Team wishes to express his gratitude and

sincere thanks to

Ass.Prof. Maged Abo-Adma

Ass.Prof. Said El-Masry



for their supervision, encouragement and creative

guidance during the Work at the project.
Index of Contents

Chapter 1…………………….. Introduction

Chapter 2…………………….. Lighting

Chapter 3…………………….. Sockets

Chapter 4…………………….. Air Condition

Chapter 5……………….……. Lifts

Chapter 6……………………. Cables

Chapter 7…………………….. Distribution boards

Chapter 8………….…….….. Emergency & stand by system

Chapter 9…………….…….. Transformers

Chapter 11……………………. Power factor improvement

Chapter 11…………….….….. Short circuit Calculation

Chapter 12…………………… Catalogues

Chapter 13…………………… Panels

Distribution system is one of the greatest industrial systems in the world. With
the progress of human civilization, there has been a rapid increase in the
production and use of electrical energy

The scope of the project

The objective of this project is to present the different schemes adopted in the
process of distribution of special buildings.

What is required
Our project is designing of electrical power distribution system for Elzamly
hospital & its specifications will be introduced in the next chapters, our
target consists of:

1- The lower Basement floor

2- The upper Basement floor
3- The ground floor
4- The 1st floor
5- The 2nd floor
6- The 3th floor
7- The 4th floor
8- The Roof floor
Steps of distribution
1. Estimation
2. lighting
3. Sockets
4. Distribution & panel board
5. Cables
6. Switch gears & protection
7. short circuit calculations
8. power factor improvement
9. Emergency & standby system
11. Riser
11. Distribution transformer
12. air conditioner
13. elevators

Data given
 A folder containing AUTO – CAD I/P for each floor
 A CD containing the AUTO-CAD plans
Project Documentation
 A report containing theoretical background, technical data and
tables of calculations.
 A folder containing AUTO – CAD O/P for each floor
 A CD containing the report , technical data & AUTO-CAD

Benefits acquired from the project

 How to design an electrical power distribution

system according to international Standards and
 How to use catalogues for design.
 How to use some of software programs for design.
 A good idea about using AutoCAD program for
electrical engineers.
 A general idea about documentation and technical
reports preparing.
 Some managemental skills.
 Making Perspective Load Estimation.
 Power Systems design (include: sockets, Lighting
system, Elevators loads serving, ... etc)
 Distribution boards, cables, C.B's design
 Transformers, emergency generator, and sub-
station design.

( 021 ) VA/m^2
1. Lower Basement = 5445m^2 – 1365m^2 =
2. Upper Basement = 4515 m^2
3. Ground floor = 2696 m^2
4. First flooor =2326m^2
5. Second floor = 2355m^2
6. Third floor = 2355m^2
7. Fourth floor = 2355 m^2
4. TOTAL = 21562 m^2

- Estimation:
1. Lower Basement = 4375*125 = 537255 VA
2. Upper Basement = 4455*125 = 543445 VA
3. Ground floor = 2546*125 = 323525 VA
4. First flooor = 2216*125 = 279125 VA
5. Second floor = 2235*125 = 242555 VA
6. Third floor = 2235*125 = 242555 VA
7. Fourth floor = 2235*125 = 242555 VA
4. TOTAL = 28529645 MVA

١ .General discussion:


Light is the prime factor in the human life as all activities of human depend
upon the light. Where there is no natural light, a source of artificial light was
needed. Light may be produced by passing electric currents through filaments as
in the incandescent lamps, through arcs between carbon or metal rods, or
through suitable gases as in neon and other gas tubes. In some forms of lamps
the light is due to fluorescence excited by radiation arising from the passage of
electricity through mercury vapor.

۱.۲ -Nature of Light:

Various forms of incandescent bodies are the sources of light and the light
emitted by such bodies depend upon its temperature. Energy is radiated into the
medium by a body which is hotter than the medium surrounding it, in the form of
electromagnetic waves of various wavelengths. The velocity of propagation of
radiant energy is approximately ۳ *۱۰ ۸ m/sec. The properties and Behavior of the
radiant energy depends on the wavelength.

In this chapter
We will plan the distribution system in a big building (Health care training
center). And the various types of loads in the building like lighting, normal sockets
(N.S), power sockets (P.S) are estimated according to the standard forms.

۱.۳-Definitions of terms used in illumination:

Energy conversion device that converts electrical energy into light.

It is defined as the radiant energy from a hot body, which produces the visual
sensation upon the human eye.

Luminous flux:(lumen):
It is the energy in the form of light wave radiated per second from a luminous
body. Its symbol is (F) and is measured in lumeError! Bookmark not defined.ns.

It is the luminous flux per unit solid angle from a source of candlepower

Lumen = candle power * solid angle

When the light falls on any surface, the phenomenon is called is called the
illumination. It is defined as the number of lumens, falling on the surface
per Unit area. It is represented by symbol E and its unit in (Lux).

It is defined as the illumination of the inside of a sphere of radius ۱ m at
the center of which there is a source of (۱ ) candlepower.

Luminous intensity (candela):

It is the luminous flux emitted by the source of light per solid angle
measured in the direction, which the intensity is required.

Luminous Efficacy(η):
It is defined as the ratio of the luminous flux to the power. It is expressed
in lumen per watt.

Inverse square law:

Formula stating that illumination at a point on a surface varies directly with
the intensity of a point source, and inversely as the square of the distance
between the source and the point; it illustrates how the same quantity of
light flux is distributed over a greater area as the distance from the source
to the surface is increased.

Mounting height(h):
Distance from the bottom of the fixture to either the floor or work plane,
depending on usage.

h H
۱.٤-Factors affecting the illumination and
wattage of a certain lamp:

• Utilization factor. (U.F): (۰.۲  ۰.٦ ):

It is the ratio of the lumen actually received to the total Lumens emitted by
the source, it depends on:
 Room dimensions.
 Color of the walls.
 Type of lighting scheme.

• Maintenance factor (M.F).:

It is the ratio between illuminations under normal working conditions to
the illumination when every thing is clean. It depends on the rate of

M.F. = ۰.۸ for houses.

= ۰.۳ for streets.

= ۰.٦ ۰.۷ for schools and shopping centers.

۱.٥-Designing the lighting system:

First, the engineer must fully understand the demands of the application
and conditions in the space that will affect the operation of the lighting

• Tasks to be performed in the space.

• Desired light levels based on the tasks performed in the space.
• Room size and dimensions.
• Layout of furniture and obstructions such as partitions.
• Special concerns such as safety and security.
• Room and object surface colors and reflectance.
• Hours of operation.
• Cleanliness of the area during operation availability of daylight.

۱.٦-Types of lamps:

۱.٦.۱ -Arc lamps.

- Carbon arc lamps.

- Flame arc lamps.

- Magnetic lamps.

۱.٦.۲ -Incandescent lamps.

-Vacuum lamps

-Gas filled lamps

۱.٦.۳ -Discharge lamps.

- Sodium vapor lamp.

- High-pressure mercury vapor lamp.

-Low-pressure mercury vapor lamp.

۱.٦.٤ -Fluorescent Lamps.

(Low pressure mercury lamps), it is called also fluorescent tubes.

• Incandescent or filament lamps

Light when an electric current is passed through a fine metallic wire, heat is
produced and the temperature of wire increases due to heating, as well as light
energy. The higher the temperature of the wire is, the higher is the amount of light
energy radiated. The incandescent or filament type lamp consists of glass globe
completely evacuated and a fine wire known as filament within it. The glass globe
is evacuated to prevent oxidization of the filament and also to prevent the
temperature being lowered by radiation.

• Fluorescent Lamps

Fluorescent Incandescent filament

Lamp Lamp
These lamps rely on the gaseous discharge method.

• Low surface brightness compared to point sources.

Fig (a) Fig (b) Fig (c) Fig (d)

• More efficacious compared to incandescent.

• Ambient temperatures and convection currents can affect light output and
 Initial cost per lamp is more  Initial cost per lamp is quite low
 Luminous efficiency per watt  Luminous efficiency per watt
increases with increase in tube increases with increase in voltage
length of lamp
 Less bright  More bright
 Normal life of the tube is  Normal life time ۱۰۰۰ working
about ٤۰۰۰ working hours hours
 Principle utilization :Office,  Principle utilization shops, Stairs,
Store, Toilet, Kitchen Terrace, Reception

 Surface mounted luminaries (٤ fluorescent lamp) fig a

 Water proof (fluorescent lamp) fig b
 Surface mounted luminaries (۲ fluorescent lamp) covered opal fig c
 Surface mounted luminaries (۲ fluorescent lamp) fig d

۱.۷-Comparison of major lamp types:

Lamp Type Life (hours) Wattage

۹,۰۰۰ - ٤ -۲۱٥ ٤۳ -۱۰٤

۲٤,۰۰۰ +

High-Pressure ۱۰,۰۰۰ - ۳٥ - ٦۰ -۱٤۰

Sodium ۲٤,۰۰۰ + ۱,۰۰۰
۳,۰۰۰ -۳۰,۰۰۰ ۳۲ - ۷۰ -۱۲٥
Metal Halide

۱۰,۰۰۰ - ٤۰ - ۲۹ -٦۳
Mercury Vapor
۲٤,۰۰۰ + ۱,۰۰۰

Low-Pressure ۱٦,۰۰۰ - ۱۸ -۱۸۰ ۱۰۰ -۱۸۳

Sodium ۱۸,۰۰۰

Incandescent ۷٥۰ -۳,٥۰۰ ۳ -۱,٥۰۰ ۱٥ -۲۲

۲,۰۰۰ -۳,۰۰۰ ٤٥ - ۱٦ -۲۲


-The following table presents the different illumination levels required in

Various Parts in our project:

Type of area luminance (Lux)

Store ۱٥۰

Operation room ٦٥۰

Multi function room ٥۰۰

Main entrance ۳٥۰

Management room ٥۰۰

Operation preparing ٥۰۰

cafeteria ۳٥۰

Sterilization room ٥۰۰

Toilet ۲۰۰

Corridors ۲۰۰

Lectures hall ٥۰۰

Computer Lab ٥۰۰

Electricity room ۳٥۰

Stairs ۲۰۰

Rest room ۲۰۰

Secretary ٥۰۰

Kitchen ۲٥۰

Library ٥۰۰

Skills training hall ٥۰۰

Studying hall ٥۰۰

training hall ٥۰۰

۹-Lighting Calculations Of any Compartment

(Steps of design):

Step no. (۱):

Determine the room dimensions a & b & H

Where: a = length of room (m).

b = width of room (m).

H = height of room (m).

 Assume the Mounting Height (h) to be ۳.۷ m for>> ٤ m Height
And ۷.۱ m for >>۷.٥ m Height
And ۲.۷ m for>> ۳ m Height
 Calculate the Area (A) of any Compartment will be:
Area (A) = length (a) * width (b) (m۲)

Step no. (۲):

 Specify the amount of luminance (E) Lux required, according to the space purpose
(from pervious table)
 Specify the lamp type according to purpose of the place from (philips) catalogues.

 Determine the Utilization factor (U.F) of the room this number reveals how
much of the flux emitted by the lamp reach the working plane; this is
obtained from the tables, ceiling and wall reflectances are of the factors
affecting the (U.F).
 Choose the appropriate Maintenance factor (M.F).
Selected based on where the luminaries (fixture) are to be used;

• ۰.۸ For the indoor regular luminaries cleaning applications.

• ۰.۷٥ For the indoor irregular luminaries cleaning applications.

Step no. (۳):

 Calculate the No. of the lamps (N) required to give the calculated amount
of lumen:

Lux (E) * Area (A)

N =
M.F * U.F * Φ


E : average horizontal intensity of illumination in lux (lx)

A : Area to be illuminated in square meter

Φ : luminous flux per lamp (lm)

U.F : utilization factor

M.F : Maintenance factor

• Calculate Actual Power (watt) in the compartment:

• Actual Power = Lamp Wattage * No. of Lamps (watt)

• Choose appropriate No. of lamps /Luminary.

• Calculate the No. of the Luminaries (n):

Total No. of Lamps (N)

No. of Luminaries (n) =

No. of Lamps/Luminary

 In our PROJECT we use Emergency Lighting to provide a light in case of

electricity interruption or Failure to prevent complete darkness inside the
A unit of emergency light is located in the important places inside the building
 It will provide light in case of normal interruption of light to the people to find
their ways and helps in finding the reason of electricity interruption of calling
the responsible substation to return electricity to the building.
 Also it will provide light in case of fire to the occupants and students to find their
way to the stair case and then to the main exit.
 These lamps are always connected to the supply in normal case and In case of
electricity failure it will operate.
 The used lamps are of a time rating (٥ hours) according to our Diesel
The calculation of lighting in Alzamly
Types of luminaire
Type A

Technical Data
Description Recessed mounting Luminaire.

Luminaire housing White sheet steel with white painted solid

in-fill plates.

Reflector High-gloss aluminium optic with ۳-

dimentional lamellae.

Control Gear Electronic ballast.

Lamps Fluorescent lamps TL-٥(٤*۱٤).

Degree of protection IP۲۰.

Examination room , Set up Room , X-Ray room , Health and
• Quantity
۱. Lower basement floor : zero
۲. Upper basement floor : ۲۷۹
۳. Ground floor : ۲٤۱
٤. First floor : ۱٥۳
٥. Second floor : ۲۳۲
٦. Third floor : ۲۳۲
۷. Fourth floor : ۱۱۸
۸. TOTAL : ۱۲٥٥
• Total power : ۱۲٥٥*٤*۱٤= ۷۰.۲۸۰ KW

Type B
Ceiling Recessed
Lampe Compact fluorescent pl-c lamps

IP ٤٤
Cover P

Name FBS۱۲۰ ۲xPL-C/٤P۱۸W/۸٤۰ HF ۲۳۰/۲٤۰V P W۲

‫اﻻﺳﺗﺧدام‬ ‫اﻻﺳﺘﻘﺒﺎل – ﻣﺤﻄﺔ اﻟﺘﻤﺮﯾﺾ‬-‫اﻟﻤﻤﺮات –اﻻﻧﺘﻈﺎر –اﻟﻤﺪﺧﻞ‬

Code ٦٦۲۰۷۷۰۰
• Quantity
۹. Lower basement floor : zero
۱۰. Upper
basement floor : ٤۱
۱۱. Ground floor : ۱۸۰
۱۲. First floor : ۳٥۳
۱۳. Second floor : ٤۳۰
۱٤. Third floor : ٤۳۰
۱٥. Fourth floor : ۳۲۸
۱٦. TOTAL : ۱۷٦۲
• Total power : ۱۷٦۲*۲*۱۸= ٦۳.٤۳۲ KW

Type C

Waterproof luminaires

ceiling surface mounted luminaire

Lamp ۲ x ۱۸ W TL٥ fluorescent lamps

ballast Electronic with p.f=.۹٥

Prismatic - opal


• Quantity
۱۷. Lower basement floor : ۳٦٥
۱۸. Upper basement floor : ٥
۱۹. Ground floor : ۱۷
Usage • / ‫ ﻏرف اﻻﻓﺎﻗﮫ‬/ ‫ﻏرف اﻟﻌﻣﻠﯾﺎت‬
‫ ﻏرف اﻟﻌﻧﺎﯾﮫ‬/ ‫ﻏرف اﻟﺗﺧدﯾر‬
Ceiling Recessed
Lamp T٥ ٤ *۱٤ W
Ballat Electronic
Cover Opal
IP ٦٥
۲۰. First floor : ۷
۲۱. Second floor : ۷
۲۲. Third floor : ۷
۲۳. Fourth floor : ٦
۲٤. TOTAL : ٤۱٤
• Total power : ٤۱٤*۲*۲۸ = ۲۳.۱۸٤ KW
Type D

• Quantity
۲٥. Lower basement floor : zero
۲٦. Upper basement floor : zero
۲۷. Ground floor : zero
۲۸. First floor : zero
۲۹. Second floor : zero
۳۰. Third floor : zero
۳۱. Fourth floor : ۹٤
۳۲. TOTAL : ۹٤
• Total power : ۹٤*٤*۱٤ = ٥.۲٦٤ KW

Type E
• Quantity
۳۳. Lower basement floor : ۷۸
۳٤. Upper basement floor : ۷۸
۳٥. Ground floor : ۱۲
۳٦. First floor : ۱۲
۳۷. Second floor : ۱۲
۳۸. Third floor : ۱۲
۳۹. Fourth floor : ۱۲
٤۰. TOTAL : ۲۱٦

Technical Data
Ceiling type surface

Cover grey polycarbonate (opal cover)

Reflector .no reflector

Control Gear Electronic ballast

Lamp type ۲ x ۱۸ W PL-L compact fluorescent

Degree of protection IP٦٥.

Usage baths

• Total power : ۲۱٦*۲*۱۸ = ۷.۷۷٦ KW

Type F
“ Bed head unit “
• Quantity
٤۱. Lower basement floor : zero
٤۲. Upper basement floor : zero

Technical Data
Lamps ۱۸ & ۳٦ watt T۸/T۲٦ Fluorescent for Normal Start “NS”, Electronic
“DEOS” or Electronic High Frequency “HF” Ballast “EB”.
۲۰ & ٤۰ watt T۱۲/T۳۸ Fluorescent for Rapid Start “RS”.
۱۷ & ۳۲ watt T۸ Fluorescent for Electronic High Frequency “HF”

Cable Entry ۱x۲۲ mm Ø hole on back-side.

“Extra knock-out holes upon request”
Control Gear High Power Factor “HPF” ( ≥ ۹۰٪ ) Conventional Control Gear
High Power Factor “HPF” ( ≥ ۹۰٪ ) Pre-Heat Rapid Start “RS”.
High Frequency Electronic Control Gear “ECG”.

Mounting . Surface wall-mounted

Light Controller . Opal or prismatic metacrylate diffuser

Housing Made of high quality extruded aluminum, painted in stove enamelled

white baked epoxy polyester mix-powder.
Applications Suitable to be used in: patient’s rooms and wards, clinics,
emergency rooms, ICU.
٤۳. Ground floor : zero
٤٤. First floor : ۳۰
٤٥. Second floor : ۳۰
٤٦. Third floor : ۳۰
٤۷. Fourth floor : ۱۳
٤۸. TOTAL : ۱۰۳
• Total power : ۱۰۳*۲*۲۸ = ٥.۷٦۸ KW

TOTAL Lighting power :

P = ۷۰.۲۸ + ٦۳.٤۳۲ + ۲۳.۱۸٤ + ٥.۲٦٤ + ۷.۷۷٦ + ٥.۷٦۸ =
S = ۱۷٥.۷۰٤ /۰.۹٥ = ۱۸٤ KVA


Sockets are the electrical outlets, which supply the electrical equipments &
instruments by its needed power (current & voltage).
Distribution of different types of sockets in a building depends mainly on the type and
use of that building.

۲-Types of Sockets:

۱.۱.۱-Normal sockets.

۱.۱.۲-Power sockets.

⇒ Normal Sockets:

 They are used mainly for light loads only.

 The rating of each normal socket is ۱۸۰ VA.
 Cable C.S.A. is ۲ mm۲.
 Number of sockets in a certain room depends on the usage and the area of the
 Generally we put one socket every ۳ meters and there are ٥: ۷ sockets on the
 M.C.B. rating for normal socket = ۱۰ A
⇒ Power Sockets:

 They are used mainly for heavy loads such as heaters, dishwasher, microwave,
freezer, exhaust fans, oven, and cleaners.
 The rating of each power socket between ۱۰۰۰ W
 Each power socket is a single circuit directly connected to the panel board.
 These sockets are called power sockets and they require higher current rating and
taking into consideration the starting period which increases the delivered current
higher than rated current at running operation.

۳-Methods of Layout
There are two methods for sockets layout:

۱.۲.۱-Wall Mounted

۱.۲.۲-Floor Sockets

⇒ Wall Mounted
Sockets are mounted on wall at different locations.

⇒ Floor Sockets
For under floor trunking system is required enables a quick and neat installation
of all the new buildings as well as for the refitting of modern facilities, airports
and office areas, an cables and equipment for power, communications and data
processing, yet permitting the clean combination of a number of different cable
layouts within the same trunking.

Supply install ۲۲۰V, ۱۰A normal socket outlet in side the wall (MAJIC type)
complete with all the necessary accessories. The outside cover is in a suitable
color. The contacts are manufactured from thick copper.

Locations of normal socket are shown in drawings.


Normal >>>>> ۱۲۹٥ units

Double >>>>> ٥٤٦ units

۱. Lower Basment floor = ۸

۲. Upper basement = ٦۷+٤ = ۷۱
۳. ۱ st floor = ۲۷۷+۱۲۰ = ۳۹۷
٤. ۲ nd floor = ۳۳۳+۱٥۱ = ٤۸٤
٥. ۳ rd floor =۳۳۳+۱۲۸ = ٤٦۱
٦. ٤ th floor = ۲۷۷+۱۲۰ = ۳۹۷
۷. TOTAL = ۱۸۱۸ unit
Supply install ۲۲۰V, ۲۰-۳۰A Power socket outlet in side the wall (MAJIC type)
complete with all the necessary accessories.

Take ۱.۲ Kva , water proof

Used In kitchen , Offices and Any equipment contain motor.

Locations of power socket are shown in drawings.


۱. Basment floor = zero

۲. Upper floor = zero
۳. ۱ st floor = ۷٥
٤. ۲ nd floor = ۷۱
٥. ۳ rd floor =۷٥
٦. ٤ th floor = ۷۱
۷. TOTAL = ۲۹۲ unit
Supply install ۲۲۰V, ۱۳A UPS socket outlet in side the wall (MAJIC
type) complete with all the necessary accessories. The outside cover
is in a suitable color. The contacts are manufactured from thick

Locations of UPS socket are shown in drawings.


۱. Basment floor = zero

۲. Upper floor = zero
۳. ۱ st floor = zero
٤. ۲ nd floor = zero
٥. ۳ rd floor = zero
٦. ٤ th floor = ۷۳
۷. TOTAL = ۷۳ unit

۱. Introduction:

Today, except in areas where temperature is very mild, air conditioning is

considered necessary. Most large commercial buildings using air conditioning
have sealed windows and natural ventilation is not possible. Homes,firms and
other apartments keep their windows closed if an air conditioning system is
available this tends to remain drapes, furnishings, and other items cleaner with
better appearance and to provide theses items longer life.

۲. Air Condition Purposes:

The purpose of an air -conditioning installation is to increase comfort by:

۲.۱. Supplying fresh air and extracting used air.

۲.۲. Cooling or heating a certain place.

۲.۳. Maintaining the required relative humidity.

۳. Principle of operation for Air conditioner:

Air conditioning works by removing heat from the inside air and releasing it to the outside air.
The key components are refrigerant, tubing, coils, and a compressor/pump. The compressor
performs two functions: it moves the refrigerant through the refrigerant lines and it compresses
it. Cold, compressed liquid refrigerant is slowly passed through coils inside the house. The
warm air inside the house is passed over the coils and the heat is transferred to the refrigerant
causing it to warm up and expand into a gas. It evaporates; therefore, this coil is called the
evaporator coil. The refrigerant moves through the lines to coils outside the house where a fan
and the compressor force the heat out of the refrigerant into the outside air. As the refrigerant
cools, it condenses into a liquid; therefore, this coil is called the condenser coil or just the
condenser, the cooling of the air inside the house also results in the lowering of its humidity. As
warm, humid air is cooled, its ability to retain moisture decreases and the water condenses.
٤. Installation of Air conditioning system:

Although the estimation for air conditioning loads is held by the mechanical
engineer, in our project we try to make quick calculations to help us in
estimation for the electric power needed by the components of the system
(fan cool units, air handling units& chillers).

٥. Load estimation:

٥.۱. External Load.

The components that performed the external load are:

• The sunrays entering windows.

• The sunrays striking the walls and roof.
• The air temperature which surround the building.
• The air vapor pressure and solar radiation.

٥.۲. Internal Load.

٥.۲.۱. Lighting.
Lights generate sensible heat by the conversion of the electric power
input into light and heat. The heat is dissipated by radiation to the
surrounding surfaces, by conduction into the adjacent materials and by
convection to the surrounding air.

٥.۲.۲. People.
The amount of heat generated and released depends on surrounding
temperature and on the activity level of the persons. The heat is carried
to surface of the body surface by the bloodstream and is dissipated by:
• Radiation from the body surface to the surrounding surfaces.
• Convection from the body surface and the respiratory tract to the
surrounding air.
Evaporation of moisture from the body surface and in the respiratory tract to the surrounding

٦. Types of Air Conditioner:

٦.۱. Room Air Conditioners

Room air conditioners cool rooms rather than the entire home. If they
provide cooling only where they're needed, room air conditioners are less
expensive to operate than central units, even though their efficiency is
generally lower than that of central air conditioners. They either be window
type or split type.

٦.۲. Central Air Conditioners

Central air conditioners circulate cool air through a system of supply and return
ducts. Supply ducts and registers (i.e., openings in the walls, floors, or ceilings
covered by grills) carry cooled air
From the air conditioner to the home. This cooled air becomes warmer as it
circulates through the home; then it flows back to the central air conditioner
through return ducts and registers. A central air conditioner is either a split-
system unit or a packaged unit.
In a split-system central air conditioner, an outdoor metal cabinet contains the
condenser and compressor, and an indoor cabinet contains the evaporator. In
many split-system air conditioners, this indoor cabinet also contains a furnace or
the indoor part of a heat pump. The air conditioner's evaporator coil is installed
in the cabinet or main supply duct of this furnace or heat pump.
In a packaged central air conditioner, the evaporator, condenser, and
compressor are all located in one cabinet, which usually is placed on a roof or on
a concrete slab next to the house's foundation. This type of air conditioner also
is used in small commercial buildings...
۷. Description for air condition in our

Since our project is Health care training center, so we will use central air
conditioner units.

The chillers are installed on the roof of the building; the pumps used in
circulating the water are beside it.

To achieve our purpose we will use Air Handling Unit (AHU) to supply the
whole floors, rooms and suits by cooled air, and in each shop we will use fan
cool unit (FCU) to distribute the cooled air.

 These are some pictures of the air conditioner components:


۱. Introduction:

Elevators are now one of the important features that can save human energy. They are used to
transport people or cargo or both together from lower floor to higher floor or reverse.

۲. Elevators types:
Transport people or cargo or both together from lower floor to higher floor or

Elevators types:

۲.۱. Passenger elevators.

This type used for transportation of people in building which higher
than five floors.

۲.۲. Goods elevators.

This type used for transportation of people and cargo

In many building it is necessary to install one or more goods elevator.

۲.۳. Service elevator.

This type used for transportation of cargo only, so the factor of
human safety doesn't take largely into consideration when we
designed it.
. Design of elevators:

To design the elevator car and its suitable motor we must study the
TRAFFIC ANALYSIS of the building which we will install this elevator
in it.

۳.۱. How we study the traffic analysis of the building???

This study is depending on many factors:

 Type of building (Residential, commercial,

administration, utility, hotel …..Etc.)
 Utility building is the most populous building,
due to very large number of people use
elevator service at short time.
 Highest of building.
 Number of people enters building.
 Mode of people movement/circulation.
 Type of transportation systems.
 Human behaviors and factors
 Circulation efficiency (location, arrangement & coordination).
 Fire & safety regulations.
 Quantity and quality of service.
 Building functions and lifts functions.
 Types and density of occupancy.
 Traffic patterns.

۳.۲. Basics take in consideration.

 Average weight of person is ۷٥ kg.
 Average area needed for person is ۰.۱۷۷ m۲.
 The area needed for liftman is ۰.۲٦٦m۲.
 Car height not less than ۱۸٥ cm.
۳.۳. Resultant of traffic analysis.
 Average time of the travel (which determine the speed of
elevator depending on height of building).
 Area of each car.
 Number of elevators which will be installed.
 Mechanical horse power needed to handle the car and the
people and corresponding electrical power needed from
If we have certain building has population of ٥۰۰ person which
will ۳۰۰ of them will leave the building during ۳۰ min. , while the
building consists of ۳۰ floor each has ۳ m height .

Total height of building = ۳۰ * ۳ = ۹۰ m .

Speed of elevator is ۱.٦ m/s .

Average time of travel = ۹۰ / ۱.٦ = ٥٦.۲٥ sec.

Total number of travels = ۳۰ * ٦۰ / ٥٦.۲٥ = ۳۲

Number of person at each travel = ۳۰۰ / ۳۲ = ۱۰

We need elevator it's speed ۱.٦ m/s , can

Transport ۱۰ people at each travel

٤. Safety in elevators:

There is many method of safety must be done in elevator design such that
to ensure the safe operation of the elevator such that :

 Automatic interlock door.

 Suspension wiring must be never loaded higher than ۱٥ % of it's rated
and periodically checked by specialist person.
 Never permit loading the elevators with person more than its rated
 Guide rails.
 Safety gear & over speed governor.
 Emergency brake.
 Buffers (energy accumulation, energy dissipation).
 Door operation controller.
 Circuit beakers and protective devices for electricity.
 Alarm and intercom (for emergency).

٥. Motors:

Load Capacity ٦۳۰ Kg ۸۰۰ Kg ۱۰۰۰ Kg ۱۰۰۰ Kg

Passenger Capacity ۸ ۱۰ ۱۳ ۱۳
Car dimensions (width ۱۱۰۰ x ۱۳٥۰ x ۱۱۰۰ x ۱٦۰۰ x
x depth) ۱٤۰۰ ۱٤۰۰ ۲۱۰۰ ۱٤۰۰
Maximum rise ٤۰ meters (۱.۰ m/s) ۷٥ meters (۱.٦ m/s)
Speed ۱.۰ m/s and ۱.٦ m/s
Machine gearless synchronous PM motor
Drive OVF with Vector Control
Control system MCS۲۲۰ modular control system
Cars in a group Up to ۳
Door system variable speed control
Door arrangement telescopic or center opening
Car entrances ۱ or ۲ (opposite)
Maximum number of
Power - ۳ phases +
٤۰۰ Volts (+/- ۱۰٪)
Frequency ٥۰ or ٦۰ Hz
Architectural products Otis ۲۰۰۰

We determine the car speed of elevator according to the type of building

such that :

 Hospital === low speed

 Utility === normal speed
 Administration === high speed
 Etc.
Calculation of required power and breakers for
lifts of Alzamly hospital :
• ۹ of the same area of (۲ *۱.۲)
۱. Weight :

Area = ۲ *۱.۲ = ۲.٤ m^۲

No of persons / lift = ٤* area = ۱۰

Weight / lift = ( No of persons / lift ) * ۸۰ = ۸۰۰ Kg

۲. Speed :
Height = ۲۸ m

Speed = ۱.٥ m/s

۳. Power : (for each left )

Power output = ۱۲.٥ kw

Power input = ۱۲.٥/(۰.۸*۰.۸) = ۱۹.٥ KVA

Icb = ۱.٥*۲.٥*۱۹.٥ = ۷۳ A Icb = ۸۰ A

• And one of them of area(۳.٤٤*۲.٤)
۱. Weight :

Area = ۲.٤ *۳.٤٤= ۸.۲٥٦ m^۲

No of persons / lift = ٤* area = ۳۳

Weight / lift = ( No of persons / lift ) * ۸۰ = ۲٦٤۲ Kg

۲. Speed :
Height = ۲۸ m

Speed = ۱.٥ m/s

۳. Power : (for each left )

Power output = ۲٤ kw

Power input = ۱۲.٥/(۰.۸*۰.۸) = ٤٦.۹ KVA

Icb = ۱.٥*۲.٥*٤٦.۹ = ۱۷٥ A Icb = ۲۰۰


We use this cables from (SEWEDY S.A.E. or equivalent).

Multicore Cables, with Stranded Copper Conductors PVC Insulated and PVC

• Supply-install Cables, with multicore cables of stranded Copper conductors are

insulated with PVC compound, assembled together, covered with overall jacket of
PVC compound.
• Cables are produced according to IEC ٦۰٥۰۲ of BS ٦۳٤٦.

This is used in lighting, sockets and primary emergency distributions panel cables.


This is used in power sockets cables.


This is used in power sockets, input feeder of primary running distributions panel and
input feeder of primary emergency distributions panel cables.


This is used in input feeder of emergency distributions panel cables.

Multicore Cables, with Stranded Aluminum Conductors PVC Insulated, Steel
Wire Armoured and PVC Sheathed.

• Supply-install Cables, multicore cables of stranded Aluminum conductors are

insulated with PVC compound, assembled together, armoured with steel wires
and covered with overall jacket of PVC compound.
• Cables are produced according to IEC ٦۰٥۰۲ of BS ٦۳٤٦.


This is used in input feeder of primary running distributions panel,

input feeder of sub-main emergency distributions panel and sub-main running
distributions panel cables.


This is used in input feeder of sub-main running distribution panel

• Cables

For low voltage distribution in thickly populated area, cables are most useful. The
cables have also been designed for high voltage transmission lines, but their use is
limited due to their cost.

Cables are compared to over head lines have the following advantages:

(۱) The cable transmission are not subject to supply interruption caused by lighting or
birds and other severe weather conditions.

(۲) They reduces accidents caused by the breaking of the conductors

(۳) Their use does not spoil the beauty of cities Thus cables can be well be used, for
transmission and distribution purposes.

٦.۱.Cable Function.

The primary function of cable is to carry energy reliably between source and utilization

In carrying this energy, there are heat losses generated in the cable that must be

The ability to dissipate these losses depends on how the cables have been installed

٦.۲.Cable Requirements

The following are the necessary requirements of the cables:

۱. The copper or aluminum conductor used should be of such size that the
cable should carry the specified load without over heating and should
cause a voltage drop within limits
۲. The cable must have the proper thickness of the insulation so as to give
higher degree of safety and reliability at the voltage for which it is
۳. All the materials used in the cables manufacture should be such that there
should be complete chemical and physical stability throughout.
٤. The cable must be provided with mechanical protection so as to withstand
the rough use in laying it.

٦.۳.Cable construction
Cable consists essentially of conductors to carry electric currents and insulation to
prevent leakage of current from the conductor. They may also be provided with some
form of overall covering having metallic and non metallic components to provide
mechanical and possible corrosion protection to ensure that the insulation may
continue to operate satisfactorily throughout the life of the cable once the cable has
been installed.

٦.٤.Cable conductors
The selection of …conductor size requires consideration of the load current to be
carried, The loading cycle, fault-clearing time, interrupting capacity of the cable, voltage
drop and ambient temperature for the particular installation. The two conductor
materials in common use are copper and aluminum. Representation of strands of the

٦.٥.Cable insulation

Most cable insulation operate on low voltage, that is about ٤٤۰ v, but for very large
installation, practically where the site is extensive and large loads are carried over long
distances, main cables operating at higher voltage are used. In such cases the high
voltage source might be provided from the public electricity supply or from a private
generating station on the site.
Cables are Usually classified according to the type of insulation ,used Insulation must
have following properties:

۱- It should have a high specific resistance.

۲- It should have high dielectric strength.

۳- It should be tough and flexible. .

٤- It should not absorb moisture from air or surroundings

٥-It should be capable of withstanding high temperatures

٦- It should be non-inflammable.

۷- It should not be attacked by acids or afkalizes.

۸- It should be capable of withstanding high rupturing voltages.

For practical life. It is not possible to have all the above mentioned qualities in
one particular type of insulation but the selection of a particular type of insulation to be
used dependent upon the purpose for which the cable is required. The main function of
cable insulation is to confine the electricity to the conductor thus the insulation must
have a very high resistance, for normal work the insulation is arranged^ to surround the
conductor throughout its length but for some over head wires it is normally sufficient to
provide insulation at the point of suspension of the wire, the remainder of it is insulated
by the air surrounding it. Many tests are carried out on cable insulation periodically,
such as voltage tests.

Usually this test level is well be low the DC strength of the cable. The following
are the chief types of insulation groups which can be used:

۱. Rubber
۲. Polyethylene
۳. Poly Venyle Chloride (PVC)
٥. Fibrous material such as paper
٦. Silk, cotton enamel.
۷. Vulcanized bitumen.
۸. Paper (fibrous material) is the most common in use. Further more, paper is
impregnated with mineral oil greatly improves its dielectric strength, therefore the
value of breakdown stress is improved from ٦۰kv peak/cm to ۷۰ kv peak/cm.

٦.٦.Cable metallic sheath:-

A metallic sheath is provided over the insulation so as. To prevent the entry of
moisture into the insulation material. So it must be in contact with the external layer of
insulation. The material sheath is usually of lead or alloy and in case of cables having
copper as conductor sometimes aluminum is used for providing metallic sheath.

٦.۷.Lead and lead alloys:-

Lead and alloys are the mostly used materials as they facilitate the manufacturing of
cables. Also lead is generally immune to corrosion except under special conditions
such as organic acids or electrolytic action.

٦.۸.Aluminum sheath:-
In recent years aluminum has also been used as sheath Because of its advantage
over lead sheath which are the following:

۱) It decreases the weight of the cables (lead is about four times heavier than
aluminum) which facilitates handling of cable in it installation.

۲) Its conductivity is about seven times of that of lead.

۳) Its improves the mechanical properties of the cable and reduces the need of heavy

٤) It increases the tensile strength.

٦.۹. Protective covering over lead of cable:-

It's also called as bedding. It is necessary due to the reason that electrolytic action and
organic materials frequently found in soil attack lead thus corroding it. Close-meshed,
cotton type, essian tape and paper tape can be the used for bedding.
Before using they must be dried and impregnated with water proof insulating material.

٦.۱۰. The water proof insulating material used must have the following

۱) It should not crack with vibrations

۲) It should not deteriorate with increase in temperature.

۳) Material used must be capable of adhering property to sheath and armoring.

٤) It should not have any chemical action with the sheath and armoring.

٦.۱۱. Mechanical protection:-

As the insulating materials used in the cable manufacture are mechanically weak, so
they must be protected against mechanical damage. The mechanical protection can be
cither in the form of mild steel tape or galvanized steel wires.

٦.۱۲. Steel-Tape Armoring:-

A steel tape is provided over the bedding. The second layer of steel should be applied to
over lap the tape edges of the previous layer and during of the cable there should be no
displacement between the two layers. Before using the steel tapes, they are
compounded with water proof compounds.

٦.۱۳. Disadvantage of the steel tape armoring:-

۱) A short layer of the steel tape makes the cable unsuitable for tensile stress

۲) They are not very flexible.

٦.۱٤. Wire armoring:-

When tensile strength of the cable is required wire armoring is used and it has been
found that a single layer' of wire armoring provides better mechanical protection as
against two layers of steel tape. In order to reduce the sheath loss, the wires used for
armoring may be of high resistance material such as COPPER-SILICON-MANGANESE-
ALLOY. Such cables have been best used for crossing rivers and for vertical run.

٦.۱٥. Protection against fire:-

The bedding materials used over the health make the cable inflammable to avoid fire
hazard, the wire armoring is used directly over the sheath sometimes fire resisting paint
is provided over the armoring which perfectly makes it fire proof. Cables are usually
classified into five categories according to the voltage for which they are manufactured

٦.۱٦. L.T. Cables (Low Tension Cables):-

The low voltage cables up to ٦,٦۰۰ have no special construction because the
electrostatic stresses are small and the thermal conductivity is also of not much

A single core cable of round cross -sectional area, the Conductor insulated with
paper insulation with paper insulation over which is provided a lead sheath above

lead sheath is provided, a layer of compounded fibrous material, the cable is then
wire - armored and Cowered again with a layer of compounded fibrous material,
the cable is then wire armored and cored again with a layer of fibrous compounded'

Material. For cables up to ۳۰۰۰ V having impregnated paper Insulation and a lead
or aluminum sheath T max is Equal ۸۰ C for cables having impregnated paper
Insulation tae max is equal ۷۰ o C.

٦.۱۷. Cable Selection:-

The following points may be taken into consideration while selecting a certain cable
size and type :
۱. Load
۲. Voltage Drop.
۳. Installation Condition.
٤. Short-circuit current.
٥. Cable length.
٦. Running cost (losses) against initial cost.
۷. Mechanical hazard.

٦.۱۸. Cable short circuit capacity :-

Tables ۱۲-۱٤ (ARAB CABLES CO. ELSEWEDY) give the short circuit current for
conductor and screen based on the following conditions:
۱. Short circuit starts from the maximum operating conductor temperature.
۲. Maximum temperature during short circuit:
XLPE = ۲٥۰°C
۳. Maximum short circuit current duration is ٥ seconds. If the short circuit current is
required at duration not mentioned in the catalogue, it is obtained by dividing the
short circuit current for ۱ second by the square root of the required duration as
Where, Is.c.t: Short circuit current for t second KA

a) Main Panel Board

b) Distribution Panel Board

a) Main Panel Board:

Panel board Definition:

A single panel or group of panel units designed for assembly in the form
of a single panel placed after the incoming feeders from transformer including
buses, automatic over current devices, and equipped with or without switches
for the control of light, heat, or power circuits; designed to be placed in a
cabinet or cutout box placed in or against a wall or partition and accessible only
from the front .

panel boards are:

• Used to control light, heat, or power circuits

• Placed in a cabinet or cutout box

• Mounted in or against a wall

• Accessible only from the front

the component in panel board:

The main use of panel board is to provide protection for overall system
connected and make control by using many components

Used component inside panel board:

۱) Fuse ۲) circuit breaker

۱) fuse:

A fuse is a one-shot device. The heat produced by overcurrent causes

the current carrying element to melt open, disconnecting the load from the
source voltage.
main fuse types:
a)Nontime-Delay Fuses b)Time-Delay Fuses

a) Nontime-Delay Fuses:

Nontime-delay fuses provide excellent short circuit protection.

When an overcurrent occurs, heat builds up rapidly in the

Fuse. Nontime-delay fuses usually hold ٥۰۰٪ of their rating

for approximately one-fourth second, after which the current carrying

element melts. This means that these fuses cannot be

Used in motor circuits which often have inrush currents greater

than ٥۰۰٪.
b)Time-Delay Fuses:

Time-delay fuses provide overload and short circuit protection.

Time-delay fuses usually allow five times the rated current for

up to ten seconds to allow motors to start.

B)Distribution board:
Distribution boards is a panel used to distribution inside the floors which is divided to
two main types

۱) floor main panel :

It’s the panel beside the risers and contains main circuit breaker and many
circuit breakers it’s number depend on the number of sub panel in one floor and the
input of main panel is ۳Ø cables from riser tap off to moulded case circuit breaker as
a main breaker and the main breaker feed smaller moulded case circuit breaker
depends on the number of subpanel.
main panel provid protection against over current fault and short circuit fault
which can be controlled by the rating selection of breakers and short circuit level
which it’s depend on the load rating and board distance from supply.

۲) subpanels
The subpanel is panels which it’s distributed inside the floor and it’s number
depend on the floor geometry and floor loads ( sockets, lighting ,appliance ).

The subpanel is nearly look like the main floor panel in construction it’s consist of
main breaker ۳ Ø and sub breakers ۱Ø which feeds directly to the loads through
wires to the loads.
although the main panel provides good protection but the subpanel is
improve overall system reliability because it’s avoiding trip all floor in case of fault
in any space inside the floor and trip only for local fault in it’s area.

main and subpanel selection in Elzamly hospital

A) main panels
the selected item for main panel is Busbar rating options for ٦۳۰A , ۸۰۰A , ۱۰۰۰A & ۲٥۰۰A .
. Incoming ACBs from ٦۳۰A to ۲٥۰۰A. Outgoing ways from ٤۰ to ۱۰A for ۳ pole. .
High quality steel-plate enclosure to IP٤۰.
. Fully shrouded busbars.

the selected panel is given with rangs to be adaptable for every floor rating condition and number of
subpanel in every floor that is determined by floor geometry and number of lines .

A) subpanel

this table show the availability for selection the subpanel due to the number
of lines in every floor and it’s rating and the single line diagram is show the
contents of every panels in the project.
The design of distribution boards of the ground floor of Elzamly

• The main distribution boards :

• The sub distribution boards :

Fixing the panel is may be embedded inside wall or may be outside wall that may be selected by
decoration design of building but our selection is adaptable for both case.

• Lighting and Appliance Branch-Circuit Panelboard.

A lighting and appliance branch-circuit panelboard is one having more than ۱۰ percent of its
overcurrent devices protecting lighting and appliance branch circuits.
• Power Panelboard.
A power panelboard is one having ۱۰ percent or fewer of its overcurrent devices protecting lighting
and appliance branch circuits.

Number of Overcurrent Devices on One Panelboard.
Not more than ٤۲ overcurrent devices.

An arrangement of three individual lighting and appliance branch-circuit panelboards with main overcurrent
protection remote from the panelboards.

• Minimum Spacing:- between metal part.

The distance between bare metal parts, busbars, and so forth shall not be less than specified in Table
Width of Working Space

The width of the working space in front of the electric equipment shall be the width of the
equipment or ۷٥۰ mm (۳۰ in.), whichever is greater. In all cases, the work space shall permit at least a
۹۰ degree opening of equipment doors or hinged panels.

Right and safe design for electric systems must concentrate on emergency
intervals, which arise due to partial or total disconnection of main supply and
the network disturbances as sever voltage drop, frequency drop, etc.

Optional stand by systems are intended to protect private business or

property from power interruption because they are designed to supply
selected loads, either automatically or manually in case of main supply failure
so safe and right design of electrical networks in various constructions require.

Taking into consideration emergency periods while result due to total or

partial cut off in main supply due to drop in voltage or frequency, etc.

Once the design of the system is well documented and understood, it is

important to identify critical loads that will require emergency power in the
event of a power outage.

Typically, emergency generation can not be provided for all of the facility’s
loads, so some decisions need to be made as to what equipment is absolutely
essential during the outage. Once identified, these loads should be clearly
marked on the one-line diagrams as being "emergency loads."
۱. Classification Of Loads :
۱.۱. Non-essential loads.
Non-essential loads include the loads, which withstand to supply
Interruption for any period of time with out causing series
۱.۱.۱. Lighting.
۱.۱.۲. Small power sockets
۱.۱.۳. Air conditioning.

۱.۲. Emergency loads (essential & critical loads)

Essential loads include the loads, which should have a reliable Supply
and are secure from power failure

۱.۲.۱. Fire - Alarm system

۱.۲.۲. Cinemas
۱.۲.۳. Elevators
۱.۲.٤. Percentage of lighting.
۱.۲.٥. Percentage of small power.
۱.۲.٦. Ventilation system.
۱.۲.۷. Stair lighting.
۱.۲.۸. Pumps.
۱.۲.۹. Security system.
۱.۲.۱۰. PABX (telephone) system.
۱.۲.۱۱. Computer system (critical loads).
۱.۲.۱۲. Run-way lighting.
۱.۲.۱۳. Intensive care units in hospitals.
۱.۲.۱٤.Broadcasting factories.
۱.۲.۱٥. Military services.

For essential loads we use standby generator set to handle these loads
which located in separate board.
For critical loads in another board we use a combination of un-interruptible
power supply (UPS) and standby generator set.

Emergency loads are the loads, which need local feeding in case of main
network disconnection. Here’s a menu of the most famous emergency loads:

۱. Lighting loads:
The magnitude, quantity, quality of emergency loads should be determined,
in addition to determining the instant and maximum interval of operation.
This type of loads is classified to the following:

۱.۱. Safety lighting:

It is the lighting required to help persons to exit in case of electricity
disconnection to avoid disasters as touching electrified body or falling on a
rotating machine and so on. Safety lighting contains exit lighting, caution
signals and ladders. Features and locations of rotating machines must be
seen in the exit way. It works for ۹۰ minutes.

۱.۲. Security lighting:

Lighting must be inserted around the circumference of working location to
avoid accidents danger and machines damage.

This lighting isn’t illuminated directly as the previous type; it works after
certain minutes from the instant of disconnection. It should continue for
more than ۱۲ hours; so using batteries and UPS is not suitable. We always
depend on the local generator in this type.

۱.۳. Repair and maintenance lighting:

Lighting level must be sufficient in repair process; also the time must be
sufficient (for hours).Distribution board locations and rooms need this type
of lighting.

۱.٤. Production locations lighting:

Sometimes, a partial disconnection occurs because one of the transformers
is out of service.
In some cases, production process may continue using some alternatives
lighting circuits, which allow continuity of production without dangers,
illumination level required, number of required alternative circuits and way
of feeding and operation.

۱.٥. Production machines lighting:

Sudden dark may irritate the machine worker for some seconds; so
instantaneous lighting for the machines must be provided to prevent

۲. Production loads:

There are several fields in industry, which require alternative supply so

that it is sufficient to operate the total production processor a part of it.
You should determine this according to the nature of the production
system. We will state the following two examples:

۳. Transport loads:

Transport loads are that ones used to transport people and goods using
electric energy as:


Good design to emergency system implies using a different supply (than

the production machines supply) for the lifts. As the number of lifts and

Floors increase the need for a separate supply increases. In some situations
all the lifts must be fed for ۱٥ seconds after fault, and then only

Half the number of lifts works if this suits the number of population. In
other situations it is preferable to transport the alternative power
Using automatic transfer switch provided that the position of the switch is
under sight.

۳.۲. Movable Ladders and belt conveyers:

Movable ladders may need alternative source, especially, for high

population density. Also, belt conveyers may need the same requirement,
especially, if the transported materials long wait as live animals and food

٤-Mechanical devices:
Mechanical devices depend greatly on electric energy. For instant,
compressed air, cooling water, water pumps, hydraulic systems, and
natural gas systems.

Fire fighter systems and vapor systems, here examples of some devices,
which don't need complete alternative power:

۱-Alternative feeding only sufficient to keep pressure and temperature

of resin materials until the finish of final present final production

۲-Alternative supply to maintain the hydraulic pressure until the finish

of present production or the gradual decrement of pressure without

۳-Alternative energy to operate pumps, which absorb and draw any

liquids or oils, which may cause accidents

٤-Alternative energy for purification systems in dangerous sites in

which hot gases and flammable or able to be exploded sand
Battery rooms are example for these sites

٥- Alternative energy for gas compressor to end critical or important


In contradiction to this type of devices, some devices need continuous

supply as boilers control devices some computers and some motors relays
and starts.

These loads need uninterruptible power supply (UPS).

٥-Heating loads:
Examples of these loads are:

۱-Vapor production: production of vapor in boilers needs air for

combustion, air of actuators, a source of feeding water and fuel and
continuous source for monitoring flame.

It is worth to be noted that the maximum allowable time without energy is

that time, which the moment of inertia of fans and compression devices
can sustain the pressure higher than the minimum allowable pressure.
Also. It is not allowable absolutely to stop feeding the flame monitoring
system and the control devices (need an UPS to ensure continuity).

۲-Operation temperature: is the thermal energy needed to sustain the

manufactured material temperature at certain limit during manufacture
process. According to the nature of industrial process and how much it can
endure the absence of thermal energy the emergency system is designed.

٦- Fire fighter load:

The most important point in designing and building fire fighting systems is being
sure that there is reserve supply capable of operating all fire fighting machines
and devices for along time (hours). This importance arises because in many cases
the fire arises due to the main supply disconnection or the reverse occurs (i.e.
supply disconnect arises Due to firs). So we can't depend absolutely on the main
supply to operate the fire fighter system.

۷-Communication loads:
As telephones, fax, radio and TV. These loads read reverse source
consisting of batteries or batteries with rectifiers. Also, we can use small
generator (۱-٥KW), which uses benzene or kerosene.

۸- Computer loads and data operation:

Computer loads and data processing systems can be divided into:

۱- off line system:

This is the system, which executes a sequence of programs, which are

arranged previously whatever the potion of the production process. It may
take hours to terminate one program under the supervisory of the
program operator.

It is a convection to divide programs into parts, so that electricity

disconnection does not affect on the executed parts. We conclude from
this paragraph that off line systems can endure supply disconnection
without great damage, so the reverse generator is used to operate the
۲-On line systems:
It is that system which receives its data through the line itself. These
systems are known as real-time systems. They used in many industrial
processes for their great precision, sensitivity and speed.

Examples for this type of systems are protection and control device in
electric power systems, temperature and pressure control devices in
addition to airport monitoring devices. These systems can't Withstand supply
disconnection; so it needs uninterruptible power supply with the required

• Importance Priority:
You can't supply all the loads in emergency intervals due to high costs and the
needed complex design. So, you must make a priority for the loads according
to their importance. You can follow the following procedure, which takes into
consideration importance of loads (Not their endurance to supply

۱-Dangerous loads which may lead to disasters if its supply is disconnected

For example, protection systems and devices, flame and the pressure inside
boiler control circuit (as large and sudden change in the boiler pressure may
explode the boiler).

۲-Loads connected with population safety as outdoors lighting,

dangerous locations lighting, fire fighting and ventilation in gases, vapors and
dangerous sands locations.
۳-Communication and alarm loads as Production loads, which are
sensitive to supply disconnection as medicine industries, petrochemicals and
photography. The remaining loads according to their importance.

We deduce from the previous paragraph that requirements for

emergency system is:
۱. Feeding quality and reliability.

۲. Priority of loads according to their importance and relation with person’s

safety and control and production operation.

۳. Complete analysis to the network to determine voltages, frequency,

currents and other variables in normal operation.

٤. Complete study for emergency states, which comprises short circuit,

voltage dip and strange operating conditions as unsymmetrical loading
harmonics, resonance, reactive power and so on. In addition, you must study
the interference between the previous variables and their effect on each

۲. Design of emergency systems :

The main principles of emergency systems design of various constructions
are as follows.

۲.۱. Supply through two different sources.

Main supply through two different sources if possible these two sources
may be from the same network but from two different distribution points or
from two different network in certain circumstances which require so which is
better from the point of view of supply continuity feeding is achieved through
two main distribution busbars each is fed by a separate transformer connected
to the main network and the two busbars are interconnected by a common
circuit breaker which is either normally closed (N.C) or normally open (N.O)
during normal operation condition according this requires a precise study and
importance of supply continuity required.

This requires a precise study and exact design during adjustment of

protection equipment specially when using (N.C) breakers where both
transformers operate In parallel which requires taking into consideration
certain conditions for such operation as using identical transformers (i.e. same
impedance) to prevent circulating current between them which represents an
overload on one of the transformer.


۲.۲. Un-interruptible power supply (UPS).

UPS System is used for very important places which require the continuity of
the power supply without any interruption.So in case of failure of the main
power supply for small duration about ۱۰ minutes until the emergency diesel
unit start up and supplies the load the UPS unit will feed the load.
Generally speaking a UPS serves as son an interface between the main power supply
and a load, supplying the load with reliable power.

UPS is therefore used to supply installations or parts of installations compressing

device that are sensitive or critical for reasons of safety or security.

Ups shall be ensuring the continuity of the electrical power to the load within
the specified tolerance without interruption upon failure, to provide high
performance and reliability in the attractive unit.

Ups system designed to facilitate any serving that may be required:

 designed
 installation
 operation
 maintenance
Back up time: this is the duration of the back up power provided by the battery
alone without supply

 Main Application of UPS Systems :

UPS systems are used in a wide number of application where a reliable
supply of high quality power, unaffected by mains disturbances

۱. MEDIUM power application (۲۰ to ۱۲۰ KVA)

۲. High power application (۸۰ to ٤۸۰۰ KVA)
۳. Single phase application (۲۰ to ۱٥۰ KVA)

A few examples application of UPS

Medium power application High power application

(۲۰ to۱۲۰ KVA) (۸۰ to ٤۸۰۰ KVA)

Single phase application
( ۲۰ to ۱٥۰ KVA ) .

• UPS principle.
The UPS is installed externally between the main Power and the critical load
such as computers.

UPS converts AC (alternating current) voltage to DC (direct current) voltage

which is used to charge the battery during power failure. This stored energy is
converted back to AC again.
• Types of ups.
۱. Static or rotary ups.
There are two main types of ups which basically differ in the way of the ups
inverter function are implemented:

Static type: this ups only use the electronic component to perform the inverter
function, a static inverter function is obtained.

Rotary type: the ups use a rotating machine to perform the inverter function,
the rotary inverter function is obtained.

۲. Off line & on line ups.

There are two types of ups according to the position of the inverter relative to
the main power supply:

Off line ups: the inverter is connected in parallel with mains supply in an
emergency stand by configuration during normal operation, the power to the
load is not supplied through the inverter, the load is supplied by the mains via a
filter which eliminates some types of disturbance and provides a certain degree
of voltage regulation.

In the event of mains failure or the mains voltage going outside tolerance, the
load is transferred from the mains to the inverter after a very short transfer time
less than ۱۰msec.

On line ups: the inverter is inserted in series between the mains and the
applications; all the power supplied to the load therefore passes through the
inverter which thus supplies continuous electrical power within strict voltage and
frequency tolerances

۳. Line interactive ups .

٤. Line interactive correction ups with power factor
 Components description
۱. Mains incoming lines:
 The mains ۱&۲ are independent on each other
 Main ۱: its line which normally supplies the rectifier/ charger.
 Main ۲: supplies the by-pass lines.

۲. Rectifier charger۱:
Convert the mains supply AC voltage into a dc voltage to supply the inverter and
charge the battery.

۳. Battery unit ۲:
 Provides backup power to supply the inverter in the event of:
 Mains outage.
 Supply outside specified tolerance

٤. Inverters:
Convert the dc voltage from the rectifier/charger or battery into a three ac

٥. Static by-pass:
٦. Transfers the ups loads from the inverter to the main ۲ line without
interrupting the supply to the load, this transfer take place when the inverter
shuts down.

۷. Manual by-pass:
Manual switch used to supply the load via the main to the line during
maintenance work, this switch is essential when the mains frequencies upstream
and downstream of the ups are the same.
۸. Input filter
An input filter shall be included to limit input current harmonics distoraionto less
than ۱۰ %

۹. Micro processor control logic

The microprocessor also controls the static switch and the main Machine
interactive dialogue (display and comments)

 Modes of operation
۱. Normal:
The inverter shall continuously supply power to the critical load. The
rectifier/battery charger shall derive power from the utility AC source and
supply DC power to the inverter while simultaneously floats charging the

۲. Emergency
Upon failure of the utility AC power source, the critical load shall be supplied by
the inverter, which, without any switching, shall obtain its power from the
۳. Recharge
Upon restoration of the utility AC power source (prior to complete battery
discharge), the rectifier/battery shall power the inverter and simultaneously
recharge the battery.

٤. Bypass Mode
The static bypass transfer switch shall be used to transfer the load to the bypass
without interruption to the critical power load. This shall be accomplished by
turning the inverter off. Automatic re-transfer or forward transfer of the load
shall be accomplished by turning the inverter on.

٥. Maintenance Bypass/Test Mode

A manual make before break maintenance bypass switch shall be provided to
isolate the UPS inverter output and static bypass transfer switch for
maintenance. This shall allow the UPS to be tested or repaired without affecting
load operation.

Performance of UPS

۱. Energy efficiency
A major factor in selecting a high-power UPS is its efficiency

 highest efficiency available on today' market, up to ۹٥٪ depending on the

Load power rating
 efficiency remains virtually constant from ۲٥ to ۱۰۰٪ of rated power,

۲. Quality power for varying loads

۳. Quality power for non-linear loads
 System description
• UPS Design Requirements
۱. Output Power Continuous Rating: The continuous output power rating
of the UPS shall be [ ] kVA at a ۰.۸ lagging power factor.
۲. Field Power Upgrade: The following power ratings may be upgraded in
the field to provide up to ٥۰٪ (fifty percent) more output power with no
increase in footprint:
۱۰ kVA/۸ kW UPS modules shall upgrade to ۱٥ kVA/۱۲ kW
۲۰ kVA/۱٦ kW UPS modules shall upgrade to ۳۰ kVA/۲٤ kW
۳. Input Voltage: [ ] VAC – ۲٥٪ / +۱٥٪, ۳ phase, ٤ wire plus ground.
٤. Output voltage: [ ] VAC ۳ phase, ٤ wire plus ground.
٥. Battery Autonomy: The UPS shall be capable of operating at full load for
[ ] minutes at ۰.۸ PF output at a temperature of ۲٥°C on battery power.
٦. Battery Type: Valve regulated sealed lead acid (VRLA).

• AC Input Characteristics
۷. Input Frequency: ٦۰ Hz (- ۲٥٪ to + ۱٥٪ )
۸. Maximum Input Current at Low Line Voltage: [ ]A
۹. Input Power Factor: > .۹۸ lagging
۱۰. Harmonic Distortion of Input Current Wave Form: less than ۳٪ at
full load.
۱۱. Power walk-in: ۰ to ۱۰۰٪ over at ۱۰-second period.
۱۲. Magnetizing Inrush Current: Less than nominal input current for less
than one cycle.
۱۳. Input Surge Protection: The UPS is equipped with input MOVs to
withstand surges per IEEE ٥۸۷-۱۹۸۰/ANSI C٦۲.٤۱

• AC Output Characteristics
۱٤. Voltage Regulation: + ۱.۰٪ for balanced load; + ۱.۷٥ for ٥۰٪
unbalanced load; + ۲.٥٪ for ۱۰۰٪ unbalanced load
۱٥. Frequency: ٦۰ Hz +۱٪ (or selectable up to ٤٪ ). ٦۰ Hz + ۰.۱٪ when free
۱٦. Voltage Distortion: Maximum ۲٪ total (THD) and ۱٪ any single
harmonic on ۱۰۰٪ linear loads.
۱۷. Voltage Transient (Step Load) Response:
 + ۳٪ for ٥۰٪ step load change
 + ٥٪ for ۱۰۰٪ step load change
 + ۱٪ for loss or return of AC input power or manual transfer at full load.
۱۸. Voltage Recovery Time: Return to within ۱٪ of nominal value within
۱٦.٦۷ milliseconds (one cycle).
۱۹. Phase Angle Displacement: ۱۲۰° + ۱° degrees for balanced
load; ۱۲۰° + ۳° degrees for ۱۰۰٪ unbalanced load
 Non-Linear Load Capability: Output voltage total harmonic distortion
shall be less than ۳٪ when connected to a ۱۰۰٪ non-linear load with a crest
factor not to exceed ۳٪.
 Slew Rate: ۱ Hz/second maximum (or selectable up to ۲.۰ Hz/sec).
۷. Power Factor: ۰.۸ at the rated volt-amperes (VA)
۸. Inverter Overload Capability:
 ۱۲۰٪ of rated load for ۱ minute
 ۱٤٥٪ of rated load for ۳۰ seconds
۹. Bypass Overload Capability: > ۲۱۲٪ for one cycle; > ۱٥۰٪ for ۳۰ seconds

• DC Bus
 DC Bus Voltage: ۱۹۸ VDC minimum before cutout; ۲٤۰ VDC nominal, ۲۷۷
VDC maximum maintenance charge voltage; ۳۰۰ VDC equalization voltage
 Maximum DC Current: Maximum DC current at cutoff voltage will be
[ ] A.
Rating for UPS :
From ۲۰۰ VA to ٥۰۰ KVA & as the ratings of ups is increased the price is

Emergency generators :
Depending on the tolerance of the emergency loads to being without power for
a given period of time, you may consider installing a permanent emergency
generator dedicated to that equipment, rather than rely on portable generators that
need to be hooked-up after the power has gone out. It is imperative that the
running load of each emergency circuit (measured in amperes) be known so that
you know what size generator(s) will be required. The kilowatt and voltage
ratings of each generator needed should be well known.

۱. Selection Of The generator set sizing.

For the selection of the correct size generator set some factors
must be considered:
۱.۱. The load (Kw) requirements are the most important factor.
۱.۲. The generator set must have sufficient capacity to supply
maximum load conditions after the load factor has been considered.
۱.۳. It should have a reserve capacity to allow for motor starting and for some
future expansion in load. The generator set has ۲۰-۲٥٪ more capacity
than required

۲. Problems Of Selection Of Generator Set.

۲.۱. Single-phase load may be unbalanced on phases of three-phase
generator set and to overcome this problem a larger capacity generator may be
required to handle extra KVA load on the phases carrying single-phase circuit
in addition to the normal three phase load.

۲.۲. Power factor (P.F.) of the load is below the value at which the
generator set Kw output is rated so, a larger capacity generator may
required to supply the additional KVA line current of load which is less
than line current of the generator.
۳. Basic Components Of Standby Generator Set .
 Alternator
 Engine
 Control panels
 A.T.S

۳.۱. Alternator.
AC brushless type, three-phase, with self regulated (with electronic voltage
Engine and alternator are direct connected by means of housing and flexible
coupling. Generates standard voltage ۳۸۰/۲۲۰ volt, ٤ wires and insulation of
class (H).
Sustained short circuit is ۳ full load current and motor starting capacity is ۳ full
The voltage regu۱atlon is + ۲٪ of rated voltage (from no load to full load) and
voltage drop < ۱۳٪ of rated volt. Recovery to rated voltage shall occur in ۲ sec.

۳.۲. Engine.
It is coupled to the prime mover of alternator and a governor will control the
speed of the engine to maintain alternator frequency.
Engine electric system should include ۱۲ volt DC charging system, voltage
regulator and safety shutdown devices to assure engine stopping as soon as
sensing to high water temperature, low oil pressure and over-speed.
۳.۳. Control panels.

۳.۳.۱. Generator control panel .

It consists of :
• A.C ammeter (one per phase)
• A.C voltmeter (with selector switch)
• Voltage regulator with voltage adjustment.
• Running hour-meter
• Frequency meter
• One automatic C.B. with thermal / magnetic trip.

۳.۳.۲. Engine control panel.

• Manual start bottom
• Ignition switch
• D.C charging ammeter
• Oil pressure gauge

٣.٤. Automatic transfer switch.

The automatic transfer switch (ATS) is a critical system component of
the emergency power system, allowing smooth and immediate transfer of
electrical current between multiple sources
• Operation .
- An A.T.S. transfers electrical loads from a normal source to an emergency
source (generator set) .
- A.T.S. includes voltage sensing relays to trip the switch when the voltage of
the incoming main source falls below a specified value normally ۷۰٪ of
rated voltage

Factors affecting the selection of the generator set sizing:

 The load (Kw) requirements are the most important factor.
 The generator set must have sufficient capacity to supply maximum load
conditions after the load factor have been considered.
 It should have a reserve capacity to allow for motor starting and for some
future expansion in load. the generator set has ۲۰-۲٥٪ more capacity than
required power.

 Design consideration :
Most generators follow design criteria described by national electrical
manufactures association (NEMA). as apart of this criteria, temperature
limitations of various wire insulation’s are described.

Manufactures in the other countries commonly refer to international

electromechanical commission (IEC) standards.

♦ NEMA considerations :
 Temperature rise :
 over loads :
Synchronous generators shall be capable of carrying one- minute overload of
٥۰٪ normal rated current with the field set for normal rated load excitation.
Usually the set may be over loaded by ۱۰٪for a period of one hour in working

intervals of ٦ hours.
Generator A B F H

Continuos ٦۰ ۸۰ ۱۰٥ ۱۲٥


Standby ۸٥ ۱۰٥ ۱۳۰ ۱٥۰


 Short circuit requirements

A synchronous generator shall be capable of with standing w/o injury, a۳۰-
seconds, ۳-ph short circuit at its terminals when operating at rated KVA & P.F

Usually sustained short circuit= ۳ full load current

 Over speed
Synchronous generators shall be constructed that in an emergency they will
with stand an over speed of ۲٥٪ w/o mechanical injury

Diesel generator
• Constructional feature:
The machine consists of:

۱- Field windings, which carry dc field current (dc).

۲- Armature windings, which carry armature current (ac).
۳- Air gap between stator and rotor (about ۲۰ cm).

• Starting of diesel generator:

۱- By using dc batteries each have ٤۸ Vdc.
۲- In case of batteries failed we use cylinders of compressed air for each
generator to rotate the crank, as shown in fig below.

• Cooling of generators:
The capacity of generation depends on the temperature rise of machine,
where the first thing to be destroyed is the insulation.
So we need to limit the increasing of machine temperature.

• Types of cooling:
*Natural air cooling.

*forced air cooling.

*forced hydrogen cooling.

Type of prime
mover Speed

Very high power

Steam turbine Very high speed (۱٥۰۰-۳۰۰۰)

High power
Gas turbine Very high speed (۱٥۰۰-۳۰۰۰)

Medium power
Diesel engine High speed (۷٥۰ –۱٥۰۰)

Hydraulic turbine Low speed (۱۰۰-۱۲٥) High power

(٦۰۰ MVA/unit)

٦. Cooling methods for generator room:

۱- By using fans these fans are used to cool water in pipe lines which flow
through a cooling cycle to the generator then out of it through pipe lines
with the heated water and the cycle is repeated.

۲- By using fans behind generator, when generator work these fans pull the
air strongly from ducts found on the opposite wall of the room to let the air
pass over the transformers first then the generators and go outside through
the shaft behind these fans till it reach the outer atmosphere. Also the
exhausts of generators will be collected and vented outside through
chimneys fixed on the top of generator.
۱-Generators sizing
Rate of generator =۱*KVA(Static)+۲*KVA(Dynamic)

a) Generator of clinics
A/C loads = mcc۲ + mcc۳ + mcc۱۳ + mcc۱٤ + mcc۱٥
= ۳۸ + ۷٥ + ۳۸ KVA
Pumps loads = ۱۲.٥ KVA
Lifts loads = ۱۰٦ KVA
EMDB-LIGHTING load = ۱۸ + ۲٤

Select : ٥٥۰ KVA

b) Generator of hospital
A/C loads = mcc۲۲ + mcc۲۳ + mcc۲٤ + mcc۲٥ +
mcc۲ = ٤۷ KVA
Pumps loads = ۱۲.٥ KVA
Lifts loads = ۳٦ KVA
UPS loads = ٤۰ KVA

Select : ۳۰۰ KVA

c) Generator of firing fighting

MCC ۱ = ۱۲٥ KVA
MCC ۱۸ = ۱۲.٥ KVA

Select : ۳۰۰ KVA

۲-UPS sizing

a) Operation room loads ( UPS )

loads = ٤٦۰ + ٥۰۰ + ۳۰۰ + ۳۲۰ + ٤٦۰ + ۲٥۰ + ۳۰ + ٦۰
+ ٥۰۰ + ٤۲۰ + ۲۰۰ + ۸٥ + ۷۰ + ۲٥۰ + ۲۳۰ = ٤.۱۳٥ KW
S = ٤.۱۳٥/.۸ + ۱.۲*۱(ligting)= ٥.۲ + ۱.۲ = ٦.٤ KVA

Select : ٥ KVA off line type , ۱٥ minute

b) Intensive care unit & Resuscitate ( UPS )

Loads of intensive care = ۲٥۰ + ۳۰۰ + ۱۰۰ + ۲۰۰ + ۲٥۰
+ ۳۰۰ + ۲۳۰ = ۱.٦۳ KW
S = ۱.٦۳ /.۸ = ۲ KVA
Resuscitate = ۲۰۰ + ۲٥۰ + ۳۰ + ۱۰۰ + ۲۳۰ + ۲٥۰ + ۳۰۰
= ۱.٤ KW
S = ۱.٦۳ /.۸ = ۲ KVA
TOTAL CONNECTED LOAD = ۲( intensive care ) *۲ + ۱۱
( resuscitate ) * ۱.۷٥ = ۲۳.۲٥ KVA

Select : ۲۰ KVA On line type , ۱٥ minute

Short Circuit Study
Knowledge of ۳-phase symmetrical short-circuits current values (Isc)
at strategic points of an installation is necessary in order to dimension
switchgear (fault current rating); cables (thermal withstand rating);
protective devices (discriminative trip settings) and so on...

In the following chapter a ۳-phase short-circuit for a distributed

electrical system fed through a typical HV/LV distribution transformer
will be examined.

Except in very unusual circumstances, this type of fault is the most

severe, and is certainly the simplest to calculate.

The simplified calculations and practical rules which follow give

conservative results of sufficient accuracy, in the large majority of cases,
for installation design purposes.

۲-(۳-phase) short-circuit current (Isc) at any point within a LV

In a ۳-phase installation Isc at any point is given by:


U۲۰ = phase-to-phase voltage of the open circuited secondary

windings of the power supply transformer(s).

ZT = total impedance per phase of the installation upstream of the

fault location (in Ω)
۳-Method of calculating ZT:
Each component of an installation (HV network, transformer,
cable, circuit breaker, busbar, and so on...) is characterized by its
impedance Z, comprising an element of resistance (R) and an inductive
reactance (X). It may be noted that capacitive reactances are not
important in short-circuit current calculations.

A-Determination of the impedance of the HV network

Network upstream of the HV/LV transformer (see following table )

The ۳-phase short-circuits fault level in kA or in MVA is given by the

power supply authority concerned, from which equivalent impedance
can be deduced.

S.C.KVA Us(volt) Rsc (m.ohm) Xsc (m.ohm)

۲٥۰ , ۰۰۰ ۲۳۰ ۰.۰۹٥ ۰.٦۳۳

٥۰۰ , ۰۰۰ ۲۳۰ ۰.۰٤۷ ۰.۳۱٦

A formula which makes this deduction and at the same time converts
the impedance to an equivalent value at LV is given, as follows:


Zs = impedance of the HV voltage network, expressed in milli-ohms

Uo = phase-to-phase no-load LV voltage, expressed in volts

Psc = HV ۳-phase short-circuit fault level, expressed in kVA

B-Transformers impedance :
The impedance Ztr of a transformer, viewed from the LV terminals, is
given by the formula:

U۲۰ = open-circuit secondary phase-to phase voltage expressed in volts

Pn = rating of the transformer (in kVA)

Usc = the short-circuit impedance voltage of the transformer expressed

in %

Transformer Oil-immersed transformer Cast-resin transformer

KVA Usc Rtr Xtr Ztr Usc Rtr Xtr Ztr

% mΩ mΩ % mΩ mΩ mΩ

٥۰ ٤ ۷۰.۳ ۱۰۷ ۱۲۸

۱۰۰ ٤ ۲۸ ٥۷.٥ ٦٤ ٦ ۳۳.٥ ۱۰۰.٤ ۱۰٥.۸

۱٦۰ ٤ ۱٤.۷ ۳۷.٥ ٤۰ ٦ ۱۸.٦ ٦۳.٥ ٦٦.۲

۲٥۰ ٤ ۸.۳ ۲٤.۲ ۲٥.٦ ٦ ۱۰.۷ ٤۱ ٤۲.٤

۳۱٥ ٤ ٦.۲۸ ۱۹.۳ ۲۰.۳ ٦ ۸.۲ ۳۲.٦ ۳۳.٦

٤۰۰ ٤ ٤.٦ ۱٥.۳ ۱٦ ٦ ٦.۱ ۲٥.۸ ۲٦.٥

٥۰۰ ٤ ۳.٥۲ ۱۲.۳ ۱۲.۸ ٦ ٤.٦ ۲۰.۷ ۲۱.۲

٦۳۰ ٤ ۲.٦۲ ۹.۸۲ ۱۰.۱٦ ٦ ۳.٥ ۱٦.٤ ۱٦.۸

۸۰۰ ٤.٥ ۲.٥٥ ۸.٦۳ ۹ ٦ ۲.٦ ۱۳ ۱۳.۳

۱۰۰۰ ٥ ۱.۹٤ ۷.۷٦ ۸ ٦ ۱.۹ ۱۰.٤ ۱۰.٦

۱۲٥۰ ٥ ۱.٥۱ ٦.۷۸ ۷.۰٤ ٦ ۱.٥ ۸.۳ ۸.٤

۱٦۰۰ ٦ ۱.۱۳ ٥.۸۹ ٦ ٦ ۱.۱ ٦.٥ ٦.٦

۲۰۰۰ ٦ ۰.۹ ٥.٥۳ ٥.٦ ٦ ۰.۸ ٥.۲ ٥.۳

۲٥۰۰ ٦ ۰.۹ ٤.۱ ٤.۲ ٦ ۰.٦ ٤.۲ ٤.۲

Relation between Rating of Transformer and S.CLevel

Short circuit curent(ka) S rated of transformer (kva)

۳.٦ ۱۰۰
٤.٥ ۱۲٥
٥.۸ ۱٦۰
۷.۲ ۲۰۰
۹ ۲٥۰
۱۱.٤ ۳۱٥
۱٤.٤ ٤۰۰
۱۸ ٥۰۰
۲۲.۷ ٦۳۰
۲۳.۱ ۸۰۰
۲۸.۹ ۱۰۰۰
۳٦.۱ ۱۲٥۰
۳۷ ۱٦۰۰
٤٦.۲ ۲۰۰۰
٥۷.۷ ۲٥۰۰

C-Circuit breakers
In LV circuits, the impedance of circuit breakers upstream of the fault
location must be taken into account. The reactance value conventionally
assumed is ۰.۱٥ mΩ per CB, while the resistance is neglected.

The resistance of busbars is generally negligible, so that the
impedance is practically all reactive, and amounts to approximately ۰.۱٥
mΩ/meter length for LV busbars (doubling the spacing between the bars
increases the reactance by about ۱۰٪ only).

E-Circuit conductors:
The resistance of a conductor is given by the formula:


ρ = the resistivity constant of the conductor material at the normal

operating temperature being:

• ۲۲.٥ mΩ.mm۲/m for copper

• ۳٦ mΩ.mm۲/m for aluminum
L = length of the conductor in m

S = C.S.A. of conductor in mm۲

Short Circuit calculation of one Riser of Elzamly hospital

Normal- Riser-H۱

#NMDB۱-H-FI #B.B=٤۰۰A,
A=٦.۳٥*٤۱, L=۱٦m R=۳.۹۰٤, X=۱۲.۷۸٦
Cable=(٦), L=۱۰m
R=۳۷.٥, X=۱.٥ Rtot=٤۲.۷۸۷


#NMDB۲-H-SE #B.B=٤۰۰A,

A=٦.۳٥*٤۱, L=۱٦m R=۱.۷۲۸, X=۳

Cable=(۲٥), L=۱۰m

R=۹, X=۱.٥ Rtot=۱٤.٦۳۲, Xtot=۱۷.٥

#NMDB۱-H-TH #B.B=٤۰۰A,
A=٦.۳٥*٤۱, L=۱٦m R=۳.۹۰٤, X=۱۲.۷۸٦
Cable=(٦), L=۱۰m

R=۳۷.٥, X=۱.٥ Rtot=٤۳.٤۷۸ ,



#NMDB۲-H-FO #B.B=٤۰۰A,
A=٦.۳٥*٤۱, L=۱٦m R=۲, X=۱.۹۲
Cable=(۲٥), L=۱۰m

R=۹, X=۱.٥, Rtot=۱٤.۹۷۸,



#NMDB۱-H-G #B.B=۲۰۰A,
A=٦.۳٥*٤۱, L=۱۲m R=۱.۰۳۷, X=۱۲.۷۸٦
Cable=(٥*۱۰), L=۱۰m

R=۲۲.٥, X=۱.٥, Rtot=۲۷.٤٤۱


#NMDB۱-H-SE #B.B=۲۰۰A,
A=٦.۳٥*٤۱, L=۲۰m R=۱.۷۲۸, X=۳
Cable=(٤x٦+٦), L=۱۰m

R=۳۷.٥, X=۱.٥ Rtot=٤۳.۱۳۲,



#NMDB۲-H-TH #B.B=۲۰۰A,
A=٦.۳٥*٤۱, L=۲۰m R=۱.۷۲۸, X=۱.٦,
Cable=(٤x٦+٦), L=۱۰m

R=۹, X=۱.٥, Rtot=۱٤.٦۳۲,



#NMDB۲-H-FO #B.B=۲۰۰A,
A, L=۲۸m R=۲.٤۲, X=۲.۲٤,
Cable=(٤x٦+٦), L=٦.۳٥*٤۱۱۰m
R=۳۷.٥, X=۱.٥ Rtot=۱٤.٦۳۲, Xtot=۱٥.۲

power factor correction

۱. Introduction

۱.power factor
Power factor is the ratio between the KW (Kilo-Watts) and the
KVA (Kilo-Volt Amperes) drawn by an electrical load where the KW is
the actual load power and the KVA is the apparent load power
P.F =

` It is a measure of how effectively the current is being converted

into useful work output and more particularly is a good indicator of the
effect of the load current on the efficiency of the supply system.

All current flow will cause losses in the supply and distribution
system. A load with a power factor of ۱.۰ result in the most efficient
loading of the supply and a load with a power factor of ۰.٥ will result in
much higher losses in the supply system.

A low power factor can be the result of either a significant phase

difference between the voltage and current at the load terminals, or it can
be due to a high harmonic content or distorted/discontinuous current

Poor load current phase angle is generally the result of an inductive

load such as an induction motor, power transformer, lighting, welder or
induction furnace.

A distorted current waveform can be the result of a rectifier,

variable speed drive, switched mode power supply, discharge lighting or
other electronic load.

A low power factor due to an inductive load can be improved by

the addition of power factor correction, but, a poor power factor due to a
distorted current waveform requires an change in equipment design or
expensive harmonic filters.
۲. Why Improve Low Power Factor?

Low power factor means low electrical efficiency. When low

power factor is not corrected, the utility must provide the non-working
reactive power IN ADDITION to the working active power. This results
in the use of larger generators, transformers, bus bars, cables, and other
distribution system devices, that otherwise would not be necessary.
As the utility’s capital and operating costs are going to be higher,
they are going to pass these higher expenses down the line to industrial
users in the form of power factor penalties.

۳. Benefits of Power Factor Correction:

i. Power Consumption Reduced

ii. Electricity Bills Reduced

iii. Electrical energy efficiency improved

iv. Extra kVA availability from the existing supply

v. Transformer and distribution equipment losses reduced

vi. Voltage drop reductions in long cables

٤. Measurement of power factor:

Under normal conditions, the current in a circuit can be Split into a
power component (Ip), and a reactive component (Ir). Because of the
way these are related, the total current is calculated as follows:

Use the following formula to calculate power factor:

VIp is the real power, measured in watts, while VIr is The reactive
power, measured in vars (volt-amps reactive). BC Hydro uses rotary
meters called watt-hour meters or var-hour meters to measure these
quantities. The dials read kilowatt-hours (kWh) or kilovar-hours
(kVarh).At the end of the measuring period, the average

Some equipment draws current that is heavily distorted from the

ideal sine wave. This generates harmonics, which increase the current by
another component, the harmonic current Ih. These Harmonic currents
reduce the power factor to: Power factor is calculated as follows:
Rotary meters do not measure harmonic currents properly.
Electronic power meters now available can accurately measure power,
current and voltage, even with distorted currents, providing a true
power factor measure.

٦. Power factor improvement :

Power factor is defined as the ratio of active power (W) to the

apparent power (VA)

Where active power = VI COSǾ

Apparent power = VI

Power factor = COSǾ

Apparent power (S), which is measured in kilovolt-amperes (kVA),

is the total power required to operate the equipment, and includes
both the magnetizing and active components. Power factor (PF) is the
ratio of active power (P), measured in kilowatts (kW), to apparent

Reactive power (Q) is expressed in kilovars (KVAR). Power factor

ranges from ۰ to ۱, with a higher value representing a better power
factor. Since active power is the true measure of the electrical power
converted to other useful forms of energy, improvement in power
factor reduces the apparent power.

Typically, both utilities and consumers have incentives for power

factor improvement. For a utility, power factor improvement reduces
system losses and increases the portion of generation capacity
available for productive uses. In addition, it can help maintain voltage
at desired levels. Consequently, utilities often encourage consumers
to maintain a high power factor by applying tariff clauses which
penalize consumers for low power factor.

In Egypt, utilities impose a penalty in the form of higher charges

for customers with contracted loads greater than ٥۰۰ kW whose
power factors are less than ۰.۹. From the customer’s point of view,
this penalty should be sufficient to motivate the installation of power
factor correction equipment. Aside from decreasing the electric bill
(or actually resulting in a bonus), other advantages of power factor
correction include increasing internal electrical distribution system
capacity,۱ reducing distribution system losses, and enhancing voltage

The main our aim is how to improve the power factor to avoid the
bad effect of the existence of the reactive power component.

٦.۱. Firstly we discuss the causes of low power factor:

Low values of COSǾ are caused by large consuming of reactive power

٦.۱.۱ Lighting.

٦.۱.۱.i. Fluorescent lighting None compensated (۰.٦).

٦.۱.۱.ii. Discharge lighting Mercury vapor- metallic halogen-

sodium vapor none compensated (۰.٥).

٦.۱.۲. Transformers CosǾ depends on the power, the load and

the type of transformer.

٦.۱.۳. Motors CosǾ depends on the power, on the type of

motor and especially on the load. For ordinary non compensated
motors cosǾ vary between (۰.۳٥-۰.۸٥).
٦.۲. Secondly how can the power factor be improved?
• Power factor improvements must involve, in addition to measure
such as the elimination of no-load or low-load operation of motors
the installation of a means of compensation .The most effective
means of compensation is the installation of one or several capacitor
• Capacitors are perfectly adapted to the production of reactive power
Up to their location, they decrease the reactive power that must be
generated and transmitted, and reduce transmission losses and
voltage drops
• The connection of capacitors near power receivers is consequently
highly cost effective in most cases. Especially in low voltage
Capacitors of power factor improvement are placed in most
cases at low voltage distribution.

- Capacitor banks are placed far way electric equipment.

- Capacitor banks can be placed at main low voltage
switchboard or at the distribution points of load groups or
at single loads.

How to get the values of capacitor reactive power?

To correct the power factor from ۰.۷٥ to ۰.۹۳ for ٥۰۰KW
loads Obtain the correction factor from the table "۱" (at the
old power factor and the new power factor) Then multiply it
in the value of the load active power (٥۰۰KW).The result will
be the value of the needed reactive power (۲٤٤KVAR)

Corrected power factor

Original ۰.۸ ۰.۸٥ ۰.۹ ۰.۹۳ ۰.۹٥
۰.٥ ۰.۹۸۲ ۱.۱۱ ۱.۲۰۸ ۱.۳٤ ۱.٤
۰.٦ ۰.٥۸۳ ۰.۷۱۳ ۰.۸۱۹ ۰.۹۳۸ ۱.۰۰٤
۰.۷ ۰.۷۷۰ ۰.٤۰۰ ۰.٥۳٦ ۰.٦۲٥ ۰.٦۹۱
۰.۷٥ ۰.۱۳۲ ۰.۲٦۲ ۰.۳۹۹ ۰.٤۸۷ ۰.٥٥۰
۰.۸ ۰.۰۰۰ ۰.۱۳۰ ۰.۲٦٥ ۰.٤۸۷ ۰.٤۲۱
۰.۸٥ ۰.۱۳٥ ۰.۲۲٥ ۰.۲۹۱
Power Factor Correction of
Elzamly hospital

۱. NMDB ۲ - A/C - C – ROOF

(MCC-۹ MCC-۱۱ MCC-۱۲)
٦۹۰.٤ x ۰.٤۲ = ۲۹۰ KVAR
Take step ٥۰ KVAR

So we take ٦x٥۰ KVAR

۲. MLVDB -٤
۱)EMDB - AC - C – R (MCC۱۳ MCC۱٤ MCC۱٥
S= ۳۸ KVA
S= ۱۰٦ KVA
۳)DB – PUMPS – C
S=۱۲.٥ KVA
S=۳۸ KVA
S=۷٥ KVA

Stot = ۲٦۹.٥KVA
Ptot =۲۱٥.٦KW
Qc=۲۱٥.٦x۰.٤۲= ۹۰.٥٥۲KVAR

Take ٥۰+۱x٥۰ KAVR

۳. MLVDB – ۳
Take Qc = ٥۰ KAVR Fixed
٤. MLVDB – ۱
Take Qc= ٥۰KAVR Fixed
٥. MLVDB – ۲
S=۷٦ KVA
b) NMDB۲ –A/C-H- R (MCC۲۷ MCC۲۸
c) NMDB۳ –A/C – H- R (MCC۲۰ MCC۲۱)
S=۱۳۲ KVA
d) LIFTS – H
S= ۳٦ KVA
e) PUMPS – H
S=۱۲.٥ KVA
f) UPS
S=٤۰ KVA
g) EMDB – A/C – H- R(MCC۲۲ MCC۲۳ MCC۲٤
MCC۲٥ MCC۲٦)
S=٤۷ KVA

Stot=۳٥۰.٥ KVA
Ptot= ۲۸۰.٤KW
Qc= ۲۸۰.٤*۰.٤۲=۱۱۷.۸ KVAR

Take ٥۰+۲*٥۰KVAR
٦. MCC – ۱۹
Qc=۳٦۰ *۰.٤۲ = ۱٥۱.۲KVAR

Take ۳*٥۰ KVAR

(MCC۸ MCC۱۰ MCC۱٦ MCC۱۷)
Qc=۹۳٦ *۰.٤۲ = ۳۹۳KVAR

Take ۸*٥۰ KVAR


Transformer is a vital link in a power system which has made possible

the power generated at low voltages (٦٦۰۰ to ۲۲۰۰۰ volts) to be
stepped up to extra high voltages for transmission over long distances
and then transformed to low voltages for utilization at proper load

With this tool in hands it has become possible to harness the energy
resources at far off places from the load centers and connect the same
through long extra high voltage transmission lines working on high
efficiencies. At that, it may be said to be the simplest equipment with no
motive parts. Nevertheless it has its own problems associated with
insulation, dimensions and weights because of demands for ever rising
voltages and capacities.

۱۲.۱.Theory of Operation

In its simplest form a Transformer consists of a

laminated iron core about which are wound two or more sets
of windings. Voltage is applied to one set of windings, called
the primary, which builds up a magnetic flux through the iron.
This flux induces a counter electromotive force in the primary
winding thereby limiting the current drawn from the supply.
This is called the no load current and consists of two
components- one in phase with the voltage which accounts for
the iron losses due to eddy currents and hysteresis, and the
other ۹۰° behind the voltage which magnetizes the core.
This flux induces an electro-motive force in the secondary
winding too. When load is connected across this winding,
current flows in the secondary circuit. This produces a
demagnetizing effect, to counter balance this the primary
winding draws more current from the supply so that

I P .N P = I S .N S

Where Ip and Np are the current and number of turns in the

primary while I S and N S are the current and number of turns in the
secondary respectively. The ratio of turns in the primary and secondary
windings depends on the ratio of voltages on the Primary and secondary
sides. The magnetic core is built up of laminations of high grade silicon
or other sheet steel which are insulated from each other by varnish or
through a coating of iron oxide. The core can be constructed in different
ways relative to the windings

٦.۲. What is a transformer?

A transformer is a device that transfers energy from one AC system
to another. A transformer can accept energy at one voltage and deliver
it at another voltage. This permits electrical energy to be generated at
relatively low voltages and transmitted at high voltages and low
currents, thus reducing line losses, and to be used at safe voltages.

٦.۳. Three-phase transformer

Three-phase power may be transformed by using either two or
three single-phase transformers, or by a single three-phase transformer.

When a set of single-phase transformers is employed to transform three

phases, it is called a three-phase bank of transformers.

Symmetrical three-phase transformer


۱ – Transformer Core
Construction in which the iron circuit is surrounded by windings and
forms a low reluctance path for the magnetic flux set up by the voltage
impressed on the primary.) Shows the core type

۳ Phase Transformer Core type

The core of shell type is as shown in which the winding is surrounded by
the iron Circuit Consisting of two or more paths through which the flux
divides. This arrangement affords somewhat Better protection to coils
under short circuit conditions.

۳ Phase Transformer Shell type

In actual construction there are Variations from This simple

construction but these can be designed with such proportions as to give
similar electrical characteristics.

Three-phase Transformers usually employ three-leg core. Where

Transformers to be transported by rail are large capacity, five-leg core is
used to curtail them to within the height limitation for transport.

Even among thermal/nuclear power station Transformers, which

are usually transported by ship and freed from restrictions on in-land
transport, gigantic Transformers of the ۱۰۰۰ MVA class employ five-leg
core to prevent leakage flux, minimize vibration, increase tank strength,
and effectively use space inside the tank.

Regarding single-phase Transformers, two-leg core is well known.

Practically, however, three leg cores is used, four-leg core and five-leg
core are used in large capacity Transformers. The sectional areas of the
yoke and side leg are ٥۰ % of that of the main leg; thus, the core height
can be reduced to a large extent compared with the two leg core.
Single Phase Transformers

۲ – Winding
Various windings are used as shown below. According to the purpose
of use, the optimum winding is selected so as to utilize their individual

A - Helical Disk Winding (Interleaved disk winding)

In Helical disk winding, electrically isolated turns are brought in
contact with each other Thus, this type of winding is also termed
"interleaved disk winding."

Since the conductors have a shape of wound capacitor, it is known that

these conductors have very large capacitance.

This capacitance acts as series capacitance of the winding to highly

improve the voltage distribution for surge. Unlike cylindrical windings,
helical disk winding requires no shield on the winding outermost side,
resulting in smaller coil outside diameter and thus reducing Transformer
dimension. Comparatively small in winding width and large in space
between windings, the construction of this type of winding is
appropriate for the winding, which faces to an inner winding of relatively
high voltage. Thus, general EHV or UHV substation Transformers employ
helical disk winding to utilize its features mentioned above.

B - Continuous Disk Winding

This is the most general type applicable to windings of a wide range of
voltage and current. This type is applied to windings ranging from BI L of
۳٥۰kV to BI L of ۱٥٥۰kV. Rectangular wire is used where current is
relatively small, while transposed cable is applied to large current.

When voltage is relatively low, a Transformer of ۱۰۰MVA or more

capacity handles a large current exceeding ۱۰۰۰A. In this case, the
advantage of transposed cable may be fully utilized.

Further, since the number of turns is reduced, even conventional

continuous disk construction is satisfactory in voltage distribution,
thereby ensuring adequate dielectric characteristics. Also, whenever
necessary, potential distribution is improved by inserting a shield
between turns.

C- Helical windings
For windings of low voltage (۲۰kV or below) and large current, a
helical coil is used which consists of a large number of parallel
conductors piled in the radial direction and wound. Adequate
transposition is necessary to equalize the share of current among these
parallel conductors.

Each conductor is transposed at intervals of a fixed number of

turns in the order shown in the figure, and as a result the location of
each conductor opposed to the high voltage winding is equalized from
the view point of magnetic field between the start and the end of
winding turn.
۳ - Tank
The tank is manufactured by forming and welding steel plate to be
used as a container for holding the core and coil assembly together with
insulating oil.over which a cover is sometimes bolted. These parts are
manufactured in steel plates assembled together via weld beads.

The tank is provided internally with devices usually made of wood

for fixing the magnetic circuit and the windings.

In addition, the tank is designed to withstand a total vacuum

during the treatment process. Sealing between the base and shroud is
provided by weld beads. The other openings are sealed with oil-resistant
synthetic rubber joints, whose compression is limited by steel stops.

Schematic Diagram for the Construction of Power Transformer

Three-phase transformer connections

٦.٥. TheConnection of Power Transformers in the Electrical


As shown in the figure below the power transformer is located in

the substation and used to step down the voltage from the higher value
transmitted through the transmission line from the source to lower
voltage value to be transmitted either to another substation or to the
distribution transformers then to the load.
٦.٦. Problems in Power Transformer

Exciting current
The exciting current I e, is considered as having two components, the
core-loss current I fe and the magnetizing current I m. The core-loss
current is a real-power component and is due to the core losses. The
magnetizing current is, in effect, the component of current that
furnishes the mmf to overcome the magnetic reluctance of the core.
The waveform of the exciting current is not sinusoidal. However, it is
symmetrical; the exciting current can therefore be represented by a
series of odd harmonics.

Inrush Current of a transformer

Frequently upon energizing a power transformer, there is an
inrush of exciting current which may initially be as high as eight times
the rated current of the excited winding even with all other windings
open. The inrush is most severe when the transformer is energized at
the instant the voltage goes through zero immediately following which
the polarity of the voltage is such that the flux increases in the direction
of the residual flux.

Figure. Inrush current for a transformer energized at zero instantaneous voltage

٦.۷. Voltage Regulation

The voltage regulation is an important measure of transformer

performance and is expressed by the formula:

The percent regulation is of ۱۰۰ times the per-unit regulation. In

the above expression, V ۲ Io is the secondary voltage under load, and V
۲ nI is the secondary no-load voltage (I ۲ = ۰), with primary voltage held
constant at the value it had under load. The quantities used in the
formula are magnitudes, not phasors.

٦.۸.Losses and efficiency

The losses in a transformer are the core losses, which for a given
voltage and frequency are practically independent of the load; the
copper losses due to the resistance of the windings; and the stray losses,
largely due to eddy currents induced by the leakage fluxes in the tank
and other parts of the structure. The sum of copper losses and the stray
losses is called the load losses. The efficiency of a transformer at rated
load is quite high. A value of ۹۰ percent is not uncommon for
transformers as small as ۱ kVA, with greater values of efficiency as the
rating increase. The efficiency is expressed by
٦.۹.Transformer Phase Shifts
Of significance in modeling is the phase shift of voltages and
currents between

transformer primary and secondary terminals. The most common phase

shift is ۳۰۰ as a consequence of delta-wye transformations (Figure ۸).
The shift can be positive or negative, depending upon the internal
connections of the delta winding.

Using a delta-wye transformation and rotating the secondary ۳-

phase connections clockwise or anti-clockwise produce ۹۰۰ phase shifts
(Figure ۹).

A wye-wye, delta-delta or open delta-open delta connection has ۰۰

phase shift between primary and secondary. The phase shifts produced
by transformers whose secondaries can be paralleled must be consistent
to avoid unintended phase discrepancies between supplies
٦.۱۰.NEC Standard for Transformer

Transformer article٤٥۰ (٦۰۰ volt & less)

According to Table, transformers with currents of ۹ amperes or more must be protected by

either of two methods. Method ۱ requires primary protection only and is set at not more
than ۱۲٥ percent of the primary side rating. Method ۱ does not require secondary side

over current protection. Method ۲ requires secondary side over current protection to be
set atnot more than ۱۲٥ percent, provided the primary side over current
protection is set at not more than ۲٥۰ percent of the primary side

• Marking.

Each transformer shall be provided with a nameplate giving the name of

the manufacturer, rated kilovolt-amperes, frequency, primary and
secondary voltage, impedance of transformers ۲٥ kVA and larger,
required clearances for transformers with ventilating openings, and the
amount and kind of insulating liquid where used. In addition, the
nameplate of each dry-type transformer shall include the temperature
class for the insulation system.

• Transformer Vaults Location.

Vaults shall be located where they can be ventilated to the outside air
without using flues or ducts wherever such an arrangement is
• Walls, Roofs, and Floors.

The walls and roofs of vaults shall be constructed of materials that have
adequate structural strength for the conditions with a minimum fire
resistance of ۳ hours. The floors of vaults in contact with the earth shall
be of concrete that is not less than ۱۰۰ mm (٤ in.) thick
Distribution Transformers

Distribution Transformers are used in order to reduce the voltage

from that of the primary distribution systems (usually ۱۱ kv or
۱۳.۸ kv, nowadays ۲۰ kv is also used) to the service voltage level
of the secondary distribution network.

Transformers are rated from ٥KVA up to ۱۰۰۰KVA and there are

ratings up to ۲٥۰۰KVA and more.

Construction Specifications:


Is formed of cold rolled silicon sheets or. Grain oriented steel.


High tension turns are built up of electrolytic copper wires of either

Circular cross sections varnish isolated or rectangular cross section
isolated by high quality sililose paper.

Low tension turns are built up of either non insulated copper foils
with insulating paper in between or of rectangular wires insulated
by cylindrical paper sheets.


The transformer tank is made of corrugated steel. The corrugated

tank Surface is itself the cooling surface, sometimes the cooling
surface is Provided by radiators welded to the tank
sides.Transformers with nitrogen air bag are equipped with tanks
without oil Conservators and with welded cover plate.


H.V. and L.V. terminals are brought out through porcelain bushes
according to the rated voltage. The insulators are fixed to the tank
cover in such a way to ensure Replacement with dismantling the
transformer cover.Cables and boxes on either H.T. or L.T. side or
both can be made.

٥/۰ff load tap-changing switch:

Tap change arc installed externally for allowing voltage regulation

With ±٥٪ of the rated value in ٥ equal steps of ±۲.٥٪ each. The
Tap changer is manually operated while the current is off.

٦/Insulator and coolant:

Insulation could be dry (i.e. by air) ^Mineral oil or silicon liquid the
Method of cooling could be forced air cooled or self cooled.

Specification of distribution transformers:

In selecting and committing a new transformer, the following

terms must be specified:-

۱/No of phases.

۲/Rating in KVA at a given temperature this must be equal to

maximum load besides tracing in Consideration any further extensions.

۳ /Rated voltages on both sides of the transformer with
٥٪ allowance of the network voltage.

Protection of transformer

The following information is necessary while selecting the

protection of transformer:-

(۱) Particulars of transformer.

a. KVA.
b. Voltage ratio.
c. Connection of windings.
d. Percentage reactance.
e. Neutral point earthling resistance.
f. Value of system earthling resistance.
g. Whether indoor or outdoor, dry or oil filled.
h. With or without conservator.
(۲) Fault level at power transformer terminals.

(۳) Network diagram-showing position of


The faults in transformer can be caused by failure of Insulating

materials due to dust; voids weakening of Winding due to external

The lighting arresters provided at the bus-bars or at transformer

terminals spark-over at about ۸۰٪ of rated insulation-level of the
transformer and protect the transformer against over voltage.
Select short circuit current of transformer (Table)

Short circuit current(ka) S rated of transformer

۳.٦ ۱۰۰
٤.٥ ۱۲٥
٥.۸ ۱٦۰
۷.۲ ۲۰۰
۹ ۲٥۰
۱۱.٤ ۳۱٥
۱٤.٤ ٤۰۰
۱۸ ٥۰۰
۲۲.۷ ٦۳۰
۲۳.۱ ۸۰۰
۲۸.۹ ۱۰۰۰
۳٦.۱ ۱۲٥۰
۳۷ ۱٦۰۰
٤٦.۲ ۲۰۰۰
٥۷.۷ ۲٥۰۰
Transformer calculation of ELzamly hospital

Transformer calculation of Hospital

Stot = ۱۰۹۲.٥ KVA

Lighting load = ٥۰ KVA
Socket load =۱٦٥ KVA
Lifts load = ۳٦ KVA
UPS load = ٤۰ KVA
Pumps = ۱۲.٥ KVA
A/C Load = ۷٥۰ KVA
Total load =۱۰٦۳.٥ KVA
Diversity factor = .۹
KVA/ TR =۹٥۷.۱٥ KVA

Take TR ۱MVA
Transformer calculation of Clinics

Stot = ۳۰۱٦.۲٦٤ KVA

Lighting load = ۱۲۰ KVA
Socket load =۲۷۳.۲٦٤ KVA
Lifts load = ۱۰٦ KVA
Pumps = ۱۲.٥ KVA
Supermarket = ۲۰۰ KVA
A/C Load = ۲۳۱٥.٥ KVA
Total load = ۳۰۲۷ KVA
Diversity factor = .۹
KVA/ TR = ۲۷۲٥ KVA

Take TR ۲.٥MVA
Normal- Riser-H۱

#NMDB۱-H-FI #B.B=٤۰۰A, A=٦.۳٥*٤۱, L=۱٦m

R=۳.۹۰٤, X=۱۲.۷۸٦
Cable=(٦), L=۱۰m

R=۳۷.٥, X=۱.٥ Rtot=٤۲.۷۸۷ Xtot=۱٤.۸٦۸


#NMDB۲-H-SE #B.B=٤۰۰A, A=٦.۳٥*٤۱, L=۱٦m

R=۱.۷۲۸, X=۳
Cable=(۲٥), L=۱۰m

R=۹, X=۱.٥ Rtot=۱٤.٦۳۲, Xtot=۱۷.٥


#NMDB۱-H-TH #B.B=٤۰۰A, A=٦.۳٥*٤۱, L=۱٦m

R=۳.۹۰٤, X=۱۲.۷۸٦
Cable=(٦), L=۱۰m

R=۳۷.٥, X=۱.٥ Rtot=٤۳.٤۷۸ , Xtot=۱٥.٥


#NMDB۲-H-FO #B.B=٤۰۰A, A=٦.۳٥*٤۱, L=۱٦m

R=۲, X=۱.۹۲
Cable=(۲٥), L=۱۰m

R=۹, X=۱.٥ Rtot=۱٤.۹۷۸, Xtot=۱٥.٥

#NMDB۱-H-G #B.B=۲۰۰A, A=٦.۳٥*٤۱, L=۱۲m
R=۱.۰۳۷, X=۱۲.۷۸٦
Cable=(٥*۱۰), L=۱۰m

R=۲۲.٥, X=۱.٥ Rtot=۲۷.٤٤۱ Xtot=۱٤.٥۸٤


#NMDB۱-H-SE #B.B=۲۰۰A, A=٦.۳٥*٤۱, L=۲۰m

R=۱.۷۲۸, X=۳
Cable=(٤x٦+٦), L=۱۰m

R=۳۷.٥, X=۱.٥ Rtot=٤۳.۱۳۲, Xtot=۱٥.۱۸۸


#NMDB۲-H-TH #B.B=۲۰۰A, A=٦.۳٥*٤۱, L=۲۰m

R=۱.۷۲۸, X=۱.٦, Cable=(٤x٦+٦), L=۱۰m

R=۹, X=۱.٥ Rtot=۱٤.٦۳۲, Xtot=۱٥.۲


#NMDB۲-H-FO #B.B=۲۰۰A, A=٦.۳٥*٤۱, L=۲۸m

R=۲.٤۲, X=۲.۲٤, Cable=(٤x٦+٦), L=۱۰m

R=۳۷.٥, X=۱.٥ Rtot=۱٤.٦۳۲, Xtot=۱٥.۲


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