Ms. Neha Kerkar received a payslip for January 2021 working as an Executive Assistant at Weavings Manpower Solutions Pvt. Ltd in Mumbai. Her payslip showed earnings of Rs. 58,633 including a basic salary of Rs. 21,000, HRA of Rs. 10,500, and other allowances of Rs. 25,384. Deductions totaled Rs. 3,580 including Rs. 1,800 to the provident fund. Her net pay for the month was Rs. 55,053.
Ms. Neha Kerkar received a payslip for January 2021 working as an Executive Assistant at Weavings Manpower Solutions Pvt. Ltd in Mumbai. Her payslip showed earnings of Rs. 58,633 including a basic salary of Rs. 21,000, HRA of Rs. 10,500, and other allowances of Rs. 25,384. Deductions totaled Rs. 3,580 including Rs. 1,800 to the provident fund. Her net pay for the month was Rs. 55,053.
Ms. Neha Kerkar received a payslip for January 2021 working as an Executive Assistant at Weavings Manpower Solutions Pvt. Ltd in Mumbai. Her payslip showed earnings of Rs. 58,633 including a basic salary of Rs. 21,000, HRA of Rs. 10,500, and other allowances of Rs. 25,384. Deductions totaled Rs. 3,580 including Rs. 1,800 to the provident fund. Her net pay for the month was Rs. 55,053.
Ms. Neha Kerkar received a payslip for January 2021 working as an Executive Assistant at Weavings Manpower Solutions Pvt. Ltd in Mumbai. Her payslip showed earnings of Rs. 58,633 including a basic salary of Rs. 21,000, HRA of Rs. 10,500, and other allowances of Rs. 25,384. Deductions totaled Rs. 3,580 including Rs. 1,800 to the provident fund. Her net pay for the month was Rs. 55,053.