Bianchi Et Al. 2022 Biomedicines
Bianchi Et Al. 2022 Biomedicines
Bianchi Et Al. 2022 Biomedicines
1 Department of Life, Health and Environmental Sciences, University of L’Aquila, 67100 L’Aquila, Italy; (S.B.); (D.T.)
2 Department of Innovative Technologies in Medicine & Dentistry, University of Chieti—Pescara ‘Gabriele
d’Annunzio’, Via dei Vestini 11, 66100 Chieti, Italy; (F.R.); (M.P.); (G.V.)
3 Center of Microscopy, University of L’Aquila, 67100 L’Aquila, Italy
* Correspondence:
Abstract: Platelets are a cellular subgroup of elements circulating in the bloodstream, responsible
for the innate immunity and repairing processes. The diseases affecting this cellular population,
depending on the degree, can vary from mild to severe conditions, which have to be taken into
Citation: Bianchi, S.; Torge, D.;
consideration in cases of minor dental procedures. Their secretion of growth factors made them
Rinaldi, F.; Piattelli, M.; Bernardi, S.; useful in the regenerative intervention. The aim of this review is to examine the platelets from bio-
Varvara, G. Platelets’ Role in logical, examining the biogenesis of the platelets and the biological role in the inflammatory and
Dentistry: From Oral Pathology to reparative processes and clinical point of view, through the platelets’ pathology and their use as
Regenerative Potential. platelets concentrates in dental regenerative surgery.
Biomedicines 2022, 10, 218. Keywords: platelets; PRF; PRP; bleeding disorder
Figure 1. From the bone marrow (A) through the bloodstream, the megakaryoblast (B) evolves into
megakaryocyte (C,D) to finally acquire the platelet form (E). Platelets are activated during the in-
jures (F) by means of the coagulation cascade to block the blood loss and to start the very first steps
of healing.
vessel. Dense granules are 250 nm in size, visible on electron microscopy as dense bodies,
with an electron-dense core. In this context, dense granules are helpful to collect addi-
tional platelets in the site of vascular damage, and they also contain active hemostatic
molecules, such as catecholamines, serotonin, calcium, ADP, and ATP [1].
Platelets show a small number of mitochondria, valid for energy production. They
also present lysosomes, which contain hydrolytic enzymes, including acid phosphatase,
arylsulfatase, and peroxisomes, dispersed in their cytoplasm [6].
Daily platelets production starts from bone marrow megakaryocytes, rare myeloid
cells, which represent less than 0.1% of the cellular population of the bone marrow.
Megakaryocytes originate from pluripotent hematopoietic stem cells, which create burst
and colony-forming precursors and are subjected to maturation. Thrombopoietin (TPO),
Interleukin-3 (IL-3), stem cell factor (SCF), Interleukin-6 (IL-6), and Interleukin-11 (IL-11)
are the main regulating factors of megakaryocytes’ differentiation process [8].
During the maturation process, megakaryocytes are subjected to endomitosis, a chro-
mosomal duplication without cell division, which generates a unique polylobulated nu-
cleus without completing the M phase. Ploidy is essential for megakaryocytes’ cytoplas-
mic volume, as it is determinant in lipid and protein synthesis, considered propaedeutic
events for platelets’ production. Lipid and protein synthesis contributes to increasing
megakaryocyte’s size (approximately to a diameter of 100 µm), supporting the production
of platelet-specific organelles, granules, cytoskeletal proteins, and the invaginated mem-
brane system, an extensive internal membrane reservoir, essential for platelet synthesis
[6]. Regarding the maturation dynamics, during this process, megakaryocytes move from
the osteoblastic to the vascular niche, a dynamic scaffold, which regulates megakaryocyte
maturation and, consequently, platelets synthesis.
Another significant stage, which contributes to the complex nature of platelet syn-
thesis, is proplatelet elongation. This process starts with the erosion of megakaryocytes,
which leads to the genesis of pseudopod-like structures that elongate tubular projections.
A complex network of protein filaments regulates proplatelet elongation: the continuous
polymerization of tubulin bundles determines the elongation process at their free plus
end, and simultaneously, during this window of time, there is also the sliding of overlap-
ping microtubules induced by dynein.
As regards the actin contributing to proplatelet production, limited evidence con-
firms its pivotal role in this process [1]. In addition, another significant regulator of plate-
lets’ synthesis is the hematopoietic β–1 tubulin isoform, expressed by mature megakaryo-
cytes that elicits an essential role not only in platelets’ production but also in the definition
of their structure and function.
Due to the migration process from the osteoblastic to the vascular niche, which in-
volves several megakaryocytes, bone marrow stroma plays a fundamental role in
megakaryocyte maturation is reserved for [6]. The bone marrow influences proplatelet
synthesis by expressing specific matrix-receptor signals: type I collagen, for example, an
extracellular protein widely diffused in the osteoblastic niche. Simultaneously, bone mar-
row prevents proplatelet synthesis and enhances megakaryocyte spreading. These dy-
namics are governed by the interaction between type collagen I and integrin α2β1, acti-
vating the small GTPase Rho and Rho-kinase ROCK. In addition, Rho-kinase ROCK is
involved in the phosphorylation of the regulatory light chain of myosin IIA to reduce my-
osin ATPase activity and overpower proplatelet production. Moreover, among the most
significant extracellular matrix proteins with a regulating potential on platelet production
are type IV collagen, fibrinogen, and vitronectin [6].
In conclusion, proplatelet production results from a complex balance between mo-
lecular and protein factors, which influence the cellular environment of platelets and de-
termine their varied biological function.
Biomedicines 2022, 10, 218 4 of 14
At the same time, a stimulatory platelet signaling enhances the production of several
intracellular messenger molecules: among them, Ca2+, products of the phospholipase C
(PLC) phosphoinositol hydrolysis, diacylglycerol, inositol-1, 4, 5-triphosphate (IP3), and
thromboxane (TxA2). ADP and TxA2 interconnect with seven transmembrane receptors
associated with GTP-binding heterotrimeric G proteins to activate different signaling
pathways. PLC activation is due to receptors coupled to the Gq family of G proteins, and
this activation induces PIP2 hydrolysis, with mobilization of Ca 2+ from the dense tubular
system [1,7]. The increase in intracellular Ca2+ enhances the phosphorylation of the myosin
light chain as an essential event for morphology change. Granule secretion is another sig-
nificant response to Ca2+ mobilization, which determines the release of ADP from dense
bodies: after this release, ADP links to P2Y12, supporting platelet activation. Regarding
the TxA2 activation pathway, it is confirmed that TxA2 binds to Gq-coupled TP receptors
to enhance the stimulatory process [1,7].
In the absence of a wound, prostaglandin I2 and nitric oxide (NO), released by the
endothelial cells, represent platelet inhibitors. They promote an increase in cAMP through
adenylate cyclase and guanylate cyclase, respectively, and promote a decrease in IP3 and
Ca2+ levels, with a consequential decrease in platelet activation [7].
both conditions is the widespread formation of hyaline thrombi within the microcircula-
tion, which causes platelet consumption (thrombocytopenia) and microangiopathic he-
molytic anemia due to the clash of red blood cells with these thrombi [19]. However, the
pathogenetic mechanism responsible for thrombus formation is different. In TTP, there is
a deficiency of an enzyme known as ADAMTS 13 or “von Willebrand factor metallopro-
teinase”, which degrades von Willebrand factor multimers, representing the form in
which it circulates in the blood. In the absence of this enzyme, von Willebrand factor mul-
timers accumulate in the plasma and promote the formation of platelet microaggregates
in the microcirculation, causing TTP. In HUS, the cause is gastroenteritis caused by E. coli,
which produces a toxin that binds to endothelial cells in the renal glomerulus and other
organs, damaging them and initiating platelets activation and aggregation [19]. HUS can
also affect adults, following pathologies that cause endothelial damage (drugs, radiother-
apy). TTP and HUS are differentially diagnosed with disseminated intravascular coagu-
lation (DIC) since they are all characterized by microvascular occlusion and microangio-
pathic hemolytic anemia [19], but in the former, activation of the coagulation cascade does
not play a primary role; therefore, coagulation tests such as PT and PTT usually show
typical values.
The two most common platelet concentrates are platelet-rich plasma (PRP) and plate-
let-rich fibrin (PRF), which represent the first and second generation (Table 1), respec-
tively [33].
The PRP is obtained from the heparinization, which makes it incoagulable of the
blood taken from the patient and can be stored for a few days at −19 °C, or it can be pre-
pared immediately after the blood collection [35]. In any case, before centrifuging the
blood (the protocol includes two centrifugations) to remove the red blood cells, anticoag-
ulant factors such as bovine thrombin or CaCl2 must be added to trigger the coagulation
and fibrin formation cascade [35]. This process leads to a tumultuous fibrin network for-
mation process, resulting in somewhat irregular fibrin [35]. PRP should also be used
within 4 h of isolation, as growth factors are secreted within 10 min of preparation and
reach 95% after 1 h [35].
This type of platelet concentrate presents disadvantages [36]:
• The presence of anticoagulants such as bovine thrombin could cause allergic reac-
tions and coagulopathies due to the action of antibodies against factors V, XI, and
consequent thrombus formation [36];
• Final preparation without rigidity requires the further addition of bone grafts to
maintain a stable volume [36].
The PRF belongs to a new generation of hemo-concentrates obtained by the sole cen-
trifugation, which do not require additives such as heparin or thrombin, allowing a slow
release of growth factors [37]. Therefore, the blood is not manipulated in any way, and the
obtained PRF must be used at the same time as its production since it is not storable [37].
The fibrin formation process is much more regular, and the cytokines and the growth fac-
tors remain trapped in its structure, making it stronger and more elastic and considerably
increasing regenerative capacity [37,38].
PRF has the following bioactive properties:
• Stimulation, through the growth factors contained within it, of the proliferation,
differentiation, chemotaxis, and adhesion of stem cells, promoting angiogenesis and
immune processes [34];
• Increased expression of alkaline phosphatase (ALP) in stem cells, leading to faster
mineralization of the newly formed tissue [34];
• Induction of mineralization of the defect, thanks to the growth factors it contains
(TGF-β1 and PDGF) [39];
• The creation of an epithelial barrier by the PRF membrane [40].
Biomedicines 2022, 10, 218 10 of 14
The capacity for clot formation and organization is increased, thanks to the formation
of a regular fibrin network, which provides an osteoconductive scaffold suitable for neo-
angiogenesis and cell migration, which is essential for the bone apposition process
This increases the speed of healing and the quality of the newly formed tissues.
The different types of PRF preparation found in the literature are based on different
relative centrifugation forces (RCF).
Choukroun’s L-PRF or leukocyte-PRF (solid PRF) protocol includes [37]:
• A blood sample (10 to 100 cc of blood) taken and placed in a 10 mL glass tube (not
plastic as the latter activates fewer coagulation factors);
• Centrifugation at 3000 rpm for 10 min.
This centrifugation produces a total concentration with a high percentage of growth
factors, immune cells, and platelets that release important cytokines.
At the end of centrifugation, the patient’s blood is separated into three phases:
• Superficial layer: cellular plasma;
• Middle layer: fibrin + platelets + leucocytes (PRF);
• Deep layer: blood cells.
The intermediate layer takes the form of a gelatinous substance, which can be used
either as a membrane or as an adjunctive biomaterial [37]. The L-PRF does not have rigid-
ity and always requires the support of a filler (even crushed PRF). In addition, it does not
need to be cut or sutured: its consistency allows it to adapt perfectly to the bone. In clinical
practices, the L-PRF is placed between two surfaces (even between two glass plates used
to mix the cement, wrapped in sterile gauze) and exerts pressure with their weight for a
certain period, transforming it into a resorbable membrane. Due to its rapid resorption
time, the L-PRF represents a “reservoir” of growth factors [39].
The Ghaanatis PRF (also known as advanced PRF or A-PRF) is a solid PRF more mal-
leable than the L-PRF. It is obtained using a reduced centrifugal force, 208 G on plastic
tubes (whereas in the previous PRF, it is 708 G on glass tubes) [41].
The main advantages include a high concentration of leukocytes (due to slow centrif-
ugation), a high concentration of platelets and neutrophil granulocytes, and a good release
of different growth factors [41]. The matrix is more porous, allowing a better angiogenesis
and blood vessel penetration; the soft consistency allows different use of the material such
• Pellets for bone grafting;
• Membrane.
The I-PRF is a platelet concentrate in the liquid form obtained using centrifugal force
60 G (at higher speed for less time), so no coagulation takes place [42].
Due to the lower centrifugation speed and time, it contains a high concentration of
leukocytes and blood plasma proteins, and it can be used in different ways, such as injec-
tion into the deep tissue space or mixed with other graft materials [42].
The main advantages represented by the platelet concentrations are the contained
growth factors [43]. The growth factors are released by platelets, macrophages, and leu-
kocytes, which play a role in inflammation and wound healing by stimulating or inhibit-
ing the mechanisms of migration, adhesion, proliferation, and differentiation [43]. They
can exist in two forms: active and inactive and have short biological half-lives.
Growth factors are linked to the different types of cells that secrete or stimulate the
release of these factors [44]. Depending on the centrifugation, therefore, a different per-
centage of growth factors can be obtained in different types of platelet concentrate [44].
Among the various growth factors, mention must be made of the following [43]:
• Endothelial growth factor (EGF): it stimulates endothelial cell chemotaxis, mesen-
chymal cell mitosis, epithelialization and increases tissue tensile strength [43].
Biomedicines 2022, 10, 218 11 of 14
keratinized tissue width, gain in gingival thickness, patient perception of pain and dis-
comfort with the use of L-PRF compared to CAF alone, but not in relation to the addition
of connective graft in single and multiple CAF. The latter, however, showed statistically
significant results only in relation to the patient’s perception of pain and discomfort. In
recent years, PRP has also gained interest in regenerative endodontics, particularly in
pulpotomy and apical surgery, being considered an ideal scaffold in this field. Indeed,
autologous PRP acts as an ideal natural three-dimensional scaffold, supporting cell
growth and differentiation and releasing various growth factors that influence tissue re-
generation. The study by Sequeira et al. [48] evaluated the potential of using human apical
papilla stem cells (SCAP) embedded in a PRP scaffold for endodontic regenerative proce-
dures, in combination with ProRoot MTA or Biodentine. The results of this study pro-
vided evidence of de novo pulp and dentin-like tissue formation when SCAP and PRP
were applied in the empty root canal space of root portions filled with cultured cells after
they were isolated from apical papillae and implanted in the subcutaneous space of im-
munodeficient rats [48]. The results derived from the study are probably due to the bio-
physical properties of the existing dentin interacting with SCAP-derived odontoblasts or
the increased concentration of bioactive molecules on the root dentin wall [48]. In addition
to the presence of pulp tissue, blood vessels, and nerve fibers, a typical layer of odonto-
blast-like cells could also be observed in this study’s pulpal part of the new dentin tissue
Finally, although no specific clinical studies have been conducted to date, there is
substantial preclinical evidence of the antimicrobial effect of autologous platelet concen-
trates against certain species commonly found in the oral cavity, suggesting that they may
be a valuable tool for controlling the onset of post-surgical infection [54,55].
5. Conclusions
From the bone marrow to the wound through the vascular supply, platelets have a
crucial role in hemostasis, immune modulation, and repair mechanisms.
The described diseases affecting platelets production and quality, with also severe
consequences on the survival and patients’ quality of life, prove the unicity and the indis-
pensability of these small elements and the necessity of an accurate medical history also
in cases of dental surgery procedures.
In addition, the secretive property of growth factors and of fibrin network, whose
physical characteristics can vary and be artificially controlled, made them an important
source in regenerative medicine.
The fibrin network and the growth factors give to the platelets concentrates inductive
and conductive properties and, therefore, a potential aid in regenerative bone procedures.
Author Contributions: Conceptualization, S.B. (Sara Bernardi); validation, S.B. (Serena Bianchi),
G.V., and M.P.; investigation, F.R. and D.T.; writing—original draft preparation, S.B. (Sara Ber-
nardi); writing—review and editing, G.V., supervision, S.B. (Serena Bianchi), G.V., and M.P. All
authors have read and agreed to the published version of the manuscript.
Funding: This research received no external funding.
Institutional Review Board Statement: Not applicable.
Informed Consent Statement: Not applicable.
Data Availability Statement: Not applicable.
Conflicts of Interest: The authors declare no conflict of interest.
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