Can11 Gem5
Can11 Gem5
Can11 Gem5
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16 authors, including:
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Derek R. Hower5 , Tushar Krishna7 , Somayeh Sardashti5 , Rathijit Sen5 , Korey Sewell8 ,
Muhammad Shoaib5 , Nilay Vaish5 , Mark D. Hill5 , and David A. Wood5
6 User Resources
[1] Agarwal, N., Krishna, T., Peh, L.-S., and
All gem5 simulator documentation and information is Jha, N. K. GARNET: A detailed on-chip network
available at the website The web- model inside a full-system simulator. In Proceedings
site includes instructions on how to check out, build, and of IEEE International Symposium on Performance
run the gem5 simulator, as well as how to download sup- Analysis of Systems and Software (ISPASS) (Apr.
plemental support files like OS binaries and disk images. 2009), pp. 33–42.
The gem5 user community is active and communicates
through three mailing lists: (1) the announce mailing list [2] Barnes, B., and Slice, J. SimNow: A fast and
is used to announce significant modifications or achieve- functionally accurate AMD X86-64 system simula-
ments; (2) the user mailing list is used for general discus- tor. Tutorial at the IEEE International Workload
sions about gem5 and for questions about how to use it; Characterization Symposium, 2005.
and (3) the dev mailing list is for discussions regarding
[3] Bellard, F. QEMU, a fast and portable dynamic
mainline gem5 development.
translator. In Proceedings of the USENIX Annual
Developers will find support resources in the form of
Technical Conference (2005), pp. 41–46.
systems for revision control, bug tracking, code reviews,
and code browsing. All of these can be accessed through [4] Binkert, N. L., Dreslinski, R. G., Hsu, L. R.,
the main website. Lim, K. T., Saidi, A. G., and Reinhardt, S. K.
We encourage you to visit the web site, subscribe to The M5 Simulator: Modeling Networked Systems.
the mailing lists, and help us make gem5 a valuable com- IEEE Micro 26, 4 (Jul/Aug 2006), 52–60.
munity resource.
[5] Black, G., Binkert, N., Reinhardt, S. K.,
and Saidi, A. Processor and System-on-Chip Sim-
Acknowledgements ulation. Springer, 2010, ch. 5, “Modular ISA-
Independent Full-System Simulation”.
The authors of this paper are only a small subset of peo-
ple that have contributed to gem5 over the years. We [6] Kahng, A. B., Li, B., Peh, L.-S., and Samadi,
would like to specially thank all those prior contributors K. ORION 2.0: a fast and accurate NoC power
to GEMS and M5, especially Dan Gibson who played a and area model for early-stage design space explo-
key role in the initial integration effort. Without their ration. In Proceedings of the Conference on Design,
work, the unification of GEMS and M5 would not have Automation and Test in Europe (2009), pp. 423–428.
been possible. [7] Keltcher, C. N., McGrath, K. J., Ahmed, A.,
1 and Conway, P. The AMD Opteron Processor for
Multiprocessor Servers. IEEE Micro 23, 2 (Mar/Apr
2003), 66–76.
[8] Li, S., Ahn, J. H., Strong, R. D., Brockman,
J. B., Tullsen, D. M., and Jouppi, N. P. Mc-
PAT: an integrated power, area, and timing modeling
framework for multicore and manycore architectures.
In Proceedings of the 42nd Annual IEEE/ACM In-
ternational Symposium on Microarchitecture (2009),
pp. 469–480.
[9] Martin, M. M. K., Sorin, D. J., Beckmann,
B. M., Marty, M. R., Xu, M., Alameldeen,
A. R., Moore, K. E., Hill, M. D., and Wood,
D. A. Multifacet’s general execution-driven mul-
tiprocessor simulator (GEMS) toolset. SIGARCH
Comput. Archit. News 33, 4 (2005), 92–99.
[10] Marty, M. R., Bingham, J. D., Hill, M. D.,
Hu, A. J., Martin, M. M. K., and Wood, D. A.
Improving multiple-CMP systems using token coher-
ence. In Proceedings of the 11th Annual International
Symposium on High-Performance Computer Archi-
tecture (HPCA) (2005), pp. 328–339.
[11] Reinhardt, S. K., Hill, M. D., Larus, J. R.,
Lebeck, A. R., Lewis, J. C., and Wood, D. A.
The Wisconsin Wind Tunnel: Virtual prototyping
of parallel computers. In Proceedings of the 1993
ACM SIGMETRICS Conference on Measurement
and Modeling of Computer Systems (1993), pp. 48–